How long should you fry chicken fillet? How to fry chicken fillet in a frying pan. Chicken fillet fried in a frying pan or how to fry a chicken breast until tender, nuances

Cooking chicken fillet in a frying pan is quite simple and quick, which is why this dish is very popular among many novice cooks. Today you can find a lot of ways to cook fillet online, but cooking by frying chicken meat in the frying pan can be safely separated into a whole section. Personally, I cook chicken fillet in this way in cases where I have little time or am too tired after work to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. It is at such moments that I use my selection of main courses on a quick fix, among which today’s recipe takes an honorable first place.

Depending on the specific recipe taken, for preparation chicken fillet in a frying pan, in addition to the main ingredient, we will need products in which we will bread it. Flour, eggs, semolina, and breadcrumbs are best suited for these purposes. To enhance the flavor effect, it is best to pre-marinate chicken fillet in soy sauce, seasonings, spices or herbs. Also for these purposes, you can use a sauce based on kefir, sour cream or mayonnaise with the addition of pepper, garlic or onions.

Of course, you can fry pre-pounded chicken fillet in a frying pan with regular chicken pieces, but this is exactly the case when there is no point in simplifying an already simple dish. As a result, after a short culinary manipulation, you will have an appetizing second course on your table, which will be distinguished not only by its stunning aroma, but also by its equally exquisite taste.

How long to fry chicken fillet in a frying pan

The main rule that must be followed when frying chicken fillet in a frying pan is to never dry out the meat. Since chicken meat is fried quite quickly, you should pay especially close attention to this stage of cooking.

If we are talking about frying chicken fillet that has been beaten or cut into pieces, then the frying time should not exceed 15 minutes. Uncut chicken fillet that you will fry large piece, will be ready after 25-30 minutes. In cases where you simmer the fillet under a tightly closed pan lid, the cooking time will be half an hour.

How to fry chicken fillet in a frying pan

Of all the popular ways of preparing chicken fillet, the one that takes the lead is the recipe for cooking by frying the meat in a frying pan. Depending on the recipe, the entire cooking process may differ slightly, but the main steps are very similar.

First of all, the chicken fillet must be washed under running water and any possible blood clots and films must be cut off. After this, the meat must be blotted with a paper towel or napkins in order to remove any remaining water from it. Cut clean chicken fillet lengthwise into strips, like into meatballs or cubes. If desired, marinate the fillet in spices, seasonings, herbs, mayonnaise or garlic.

After the meat is prepared, you can dip it in batter or, bypassing this point, immediately place it on the surface of the frying pan greased with vegetable oil. The more vegetable oil you pour, the fattier, but at the same time golden, the chicken you will end up with. While frying the chicken fillet, do not forget to add salt or seasonings to taste. Next, I invite readers to familiarize themselves with my selection of the most popular recipes for cooking chicken fillet in a frying pan.

Chicken fillet fried in a frying pan in soy sauce

Chicken fillet fried in soy sauce has a special piquant taste. Add salt carefully during cooking, making allowance for what is on its own soy sauce It will also add enough salt to the dish.


For the base:

  • 500 g chicken fillet
For the batter:
  • 2 squirrels
  • 3 tbsp. potato starch
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ½ tsp. red chili pepper
For the sauce:
  • 1 tbsp. potato starch
  • 3 tbsp. soy sauce
  • Some water
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 tsp fresh ginger

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the batter. Egg whites beat into foam.
  2. Add starch, salt, red pepper to the resulting mass and stir all ingredients until smooth.
  3. Wash the chicken fillet and cut into cubes.
  4. Place the chopped fillet in the batter.
  5. Fry the chicken fillet in sunflower oil until golden brown.
  6. Next, prepare the sauce for serving. Add soy sauce to the starch.
  7. Then, pour in water, add brown sugar and garlic passed through a press.
  8. Grate the ginger root and add to the sauce.
  9. Pour the sauce into the frying pan in which the fillet was fried. Stir the sauce over low heat until it becomes thick.
  10. Add the fried chicken fillet to the soy sauce and keep it on the fire for just a couple of minutes.

Chicken fillet with cheese crust in a frying pan

The combination of chicken meat and hard cheese is a win-win, so it would be a crime on my part to my readers if I didn’t share with them the recipe for such a delicious dish.


  • 1 chicken fillet
  • 60 g hard cheese
  • 1 egg
  • Black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the chicken fillet and cut off all the films from it.
  2. Cut the fillet lengthwise into three equal parts.
  3. Lightly beat the fillet with a mallet or reverse side knife Season and add pepper to taste.
  4. Beat the egg with a whisk into a homogeneous mass, and grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  5. Dip the beaten chicken fillet into the egg and then into the cheese.
  6. Transfer the fillet pieces to a frying pan greased with vegetable oil and fry until cooked on both sides.

Chicken fillet chops fried in a pan

The easiest way to cook juicy chicken fillet in a frying pan in minutes. True chicken lovers will be delighted with this lunch or dinner.


  • 2 chicken fillets
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp. flour
  • Black pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into two parts. Beat each piece of meat, add salt and pepper.
  2. Pour wheat flour into a deep plate and roll chicken pieces in it.
  3. Beat the eggs until smooth and dip the fillet balls into the resulting mass.
  4. Pour into the frying pan vegetable oil and heat it on fire.
  5. Place chicken fillet pieces into a heated frying pan. Fry them on both sides until golden brown.

Chicken fillet breaded with almonds

One of the most best options for breading chicken fillet - these are nuts, in this case almond flakes. The optimal way to cook fillet if you want to diversify your daily menu.


  • 1 chicken fillet
  • 3 tbsp. flour
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g almond flakes
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the chicken fillet and cut it into strips.
  2. Sprinkle the top of the meat with pepper and salt.
  3. Beat the eggs until smooth, pour the almonds into a deep plate.
  4. Dip the fillet strips in flour, then in the egg and finally in the nuts.
  5. Next, as in similar recipes, fry the chicken fillet in vegetable oil until tender.

The benefits of chicken

Of all types of meat, chicken is considered the most dietary product. From thematic reference books you can find out that 100 grams of chicken fillet contains 110 kcal. Protein content - 23 g, fat - 1 g. It is also worth considering that calorie content may vary depending on the cooking method you choose. For example, fried fillet, which we prepared today, contains 170 kcal. Chicken meat contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, sulfur, and iron. It is also rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3.

Fillet is definitely the healthiest part of chicken, as it contains the least amount of cholesterol. Chicken fillet is rich in protein when compared to other types of poultry and meat, and it is also very well and quickly digested.

Chicken fillet selection

It is best to use homemade chicken fillet for cooking. If you buy fillet at the market or in a store, then pay special attention to the expiration date and ask the seller about the freshness of the product.

The smell of chicken fillet should be neutral, and the color should be pinkish and uniform. If, when pressed, it does not return to its previous shape, it means that the fillet has been re-frozen and is not suitable for you.

What to serve with fried chicken

Chicken fillet is best served with fresh or stewed vegetables. Any salad will be an excellent addition to such a dish, as well as a side dish. As a side dish with chicken fillet, it would be appropriate to serve rice, buckwheat, pasta or mashed potatoes.

If we talk about spices, it is best to choose the following options: garlic, curry, oregano, coriander, wig, rosemary, etc.

Cooking chicken fillet in a frying pan is easy, as you could personally verify after reading today’s selection article. To prepare such a tasty and appetizing second course, you do not need to have any special skills; it will be enough to simply follow all the tips and recommendations that are outlined on this page. Finally, as always, I want to give a few tips so that the chicken fillet you cook in a frying pan turns out delicious, to the delight of all tasters:
  • Carefully and responsibly approach the choice of chicken fillet when purchasing it. The meat should be fresh, pleasant scarlet in color and free of foreign odors;
  • Before frying, it is best to marinate chicken fillet in a mixture of salt, pepper, seasonings and spices;
  • If you like battered chicken, dip it in one of these ingredients before adding it to the pan: egg, flour, breadcrumbs, semolina, etc.;
  • If you have the opportunity, it is best to fry chicken fillet in a cast iron frying pan.

When it comes to cooking chicken fillet in a frying pan, it usually means either fried without anything so that the meat becomes soft and juicy. Or stewed in a sauce, usually sour cream or cream, generally white. You can also use a regular or grill pan.

The five most commonly used ingredients in skillet chicken recipes are:

You can also cook chicken fillet in a frying pan with mayonnaise, in batter, with cheese, vegetables, and mushrooms. If we are talking about healthy nutrition, then it is advisable to fry without oil or with a minimum amount of it. And then dip the finished fillet with paper towels to remove excess fat. To make the chicken juicy, it is better to place it in a hot frying pan so that a light crust immediately forms on the surface of the meat. It will prevent meat juices from leaking out. And when processed at high temperatures, they will not only bring the product to readiness faster, but will also make it soft and rich. This is most relevant for dry chicken fillets.

For sprinkling, batter or lezon, you can use a variety of ingredients, starting with the usual cereal, water or milk with flour and ending with complex sauces with fillings in the form of chopped vegetables, sausages, cheeses, herbs.

You can cut the chicken for this dish in different ways: cubes, strips, thin plates. Or leave the fillet whole. It all depends on the desired end result. For dishes with sauce, the cuts are finer. For frying - large. It turns out interesting when flat pieces are wrapped into rolls and filled with filling inside.

Five of the lowest calorie chicken fillet recipes in a frying pan:

Chicken, whether fried or stewed, goes well with seasonings such as marjoram, turmeric, thyme, paprika, curry, rosemary, oregano, garlic, coriander. For greater juiciness, it is better to cut the chicken not along, but across the grain. It is also good to marinate it first.

It is important to remember that it is better not to overcook chicken meat in a hot frying pan. It cooks quickly, especially if you make it in gravy. And if you overdo it, you risk getting dry, hard fibers.

Tender, juicy, tasty and very light meat!

Chicken fillet fried in a frying pan for some sounds like a dry and lean piece of chicken, which is difficult to swallow! And in general, only women who are comfortable with their figure can eat this.

I officially tell you: “This is not so! You haven't eaten the most tender chicken breast fried in a pan? You just haven’t come across this recipe yet!”

And so, dedicated to all fighters with excess calories and squirrel hunters!

Chicken fillet fried in a frying pan or how to fry a chicken breast until tender, nuances:

  1. Ideally, the fillet should be cut lengthwise into layers so that they are of the same thickness. But I admit that I never aim so perfectly. And then at the bottom of the fillet there are always such thin pieces that will always be thinner and smaller. In this regard, the cooking process is regulated by the fact that they are removed from the pan first. You don’t even need to keep them covered, they cook so quickly.
  2. Sour cream can be replaced with kefir, but I somehow like sour cream more. Of course, two hours is enough for marinating, but it’s better to marinate in the morning if you plan to fry in the evening.
  3. Steaming under a lid can be replaced with an oven. Place the breasts in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, after frying in a frying pan, for 7 minutes. If you plan to use the oven, then the breasts do not need to be cut into thinner layers before marinating.
  4. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO OVEREXTEND! If you overdo it in the pan, all your efforts will go to waste. Get dry white meat.
  5. I eat salt, and moreover, I don’t like it when food is under-salted. But after marinating in sour cream, there is no need to salt the breast!

I admit that breast prepared in this way using the oven is very good for making chicken Caesar! Try it!

Preparation Time:2 minutes

Cooking Time:10 minutes

Total Time: 12 minutes

Dish: Main courses (poultry)

Cuisine: Russian

Servings: 8 servings

Calorie content: 132 kcal | Carbohydrates: 0.1 g | Proteins: 23 g | Fat: 4 g


  • 800 grams chicken breast
  • 250 grams sour cream 15%
  • 2 tbsp. sunflower oil


    Cut the fillet into thinner pieces.

    Coat well with sour cream. And put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Poultry is the main product of any dietary diet, as well as one of the leading types of meat in oriental cuisine.

There are so many amazing dishes you can prepare from it, but to make the meal really tasty, you should know how to fry chicken fillet in a frying pan correctly. We have prepared for you best recipes with poultry, which you can easily repeat at home, but first, a little about the intricacies of cooking white meat.

How and how much to fry chicken fillet

Surely many people know that chicken meat is quite dry, and therefore requires a special approach to cooking, and, even more so, to frying.

Here it is important not only to choose the right cooking temperature, but also to be able to determine how long it takes to fry the chicken fillet in a frying pan until cooked, and at the same time not to dry it out.

  • First, you should fry the chicken at two temperature levels. First, we send the fillet cut into pieces into a very heated frying pan, treated with oil, fry on both sides literally until the first crust, and only then reduce the flame and bring the meat to readiness. Golden crust will allow the juice to be retained inside the meat, and so ready dish It won't seem dry.
  • Secondly, you should note the roasting time. Allow 15 minutes for the fillet cut into small pieces to be ready. Chop breast It takes no longer to prepare - in just 10-15 minutes (5-7 minutes are spent on each side when frying over a slightly less intense fire). Well, to fry a whole fillet treated with spices, it will take half an hour, at an average or slightly less than average temperature.

  • If you plan to fry meat with onions or mushrooms, then you can add a vegetable (mushroom slices) chopped into rings, half rings, strips or cubes into the frying pan 10 minutes after the start of frying the meat and continue heat treatment for another 5-10 minutes.
  • Sauces will help make the dish more juicy. When the meat is almost ready, add sour cream, cream or broth with flour to the container and simmer everything together under a lid over low heat for about 10 minutes, then the chicken slices will turn out deliciously tender.

Arabic chicken fillet on a grill pan


  • — 2 pcs. (whole) + -
  • Cores walnuts - 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 8 tbsp. + -
  • — 4-6 cloves + -
  • - to taste + -
  • Pepper mixture - 1 tsp. + -
  • Seasoning for chicken- 2-3 tsp. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -

How to fry chicken fillet in a frying pan

Prepare quickly with your own hands original dish every housewife can do it before the guests arrive. The main thing is to arm yourself with this step by step recipe— how to quickly fry chicken fillet in large pieces in Arabic style.

The breathtaking aroma of spices and garlic, the taste of walnuts and the most tender fillet...believe me, it's very tasty.

  1. We wash the chicken breasts, dry them with napkins, cut them in the middle into 2 halves and separate the meat from the breast bone. After this, we divide each half of the breast into 2 more parts (flat). It separates itself well into plates, you don’t even have to cut it. And so we get 8 serving pieces.
  2. Now mix salt, pepper mixture and chicken seasoning in a small cup, rub the fillet on both sides with the resulting mixture.
  3. Now the meat should be wrapped in film and beaten thoroughly with a meat mallet.
  4. Heat the grill pan over high heat and grease it with oil using a silicone brush. Then place the chicken fillet on a well-heated surface, reduce the heat to medium, fry the chicken for 5-7 minutes on each side, until cooked and golden brown stripes form.
  5. While the chicken is frying, prepare the sauce. Grind the garlic cloves into a paste, add a pinch of extra salt and mix with mayonnaise.
  6. We also need to crush the walnut kernels into small crumbs.
  7. Arrange the fried chicken slices in layers. We coat each piece of fillet with sauce, sprinkle with nuts and place the next piece of fillet on top, also treated with sauce and nuts.

8. Let the chicken lie like this for 20 minutes, and then cut the entire stack of fillets into 2-3 pieces for ease of serving.

A chic side dish for this chicken would definitely be aromatic rice or steamed vegetables.

Chicken fillet in a frying pan with mushroom sauce

To make chicken fillet truly tender and literally melting in your mouth, we suggest you learn a simple recipe on how to fry chicken pieces in gravy with mushrooms step by step.


  • Chicken fillet – ½ kg;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Fresh champignons – 0.2 kg;
  • Cow's cream (fat) – 1 cup;
  • Hard cheese – 100 g;
  • Sunflower oil (not aromatic) – 50 ml;
  • Salt - to taste.
  1. Cut the chicken meat into small oblong slices along the grain and send it for frying in a very heated frying pan with vegetable oil poured into it.
  2. Add chicken on top and pepper to taste. This amount of meat will require approximately ½ tsp. salt (rock).
  3. Stirring, cook the fillet over moderate heat for 10 minutes without covering the container with a lid.
  4. While the chicken is frying, we cut the onion into small cubes, cut the champignons into slices and put all the cuttings into the frying pan.

5. We continue to fry everything together for another 15 minutes, and after the specified time, pour the cream into the frying pan, reduce the heat, mix everything and simmer the dish under the lid for 10 minutes.

When serving, each portion of such a treat must be sprinkled with finely grated cheese. If desired, you can also garnish the dish with finely chopped dill.

How to fry chicken fillet in a frying pan with onions

There is nothing easier and faster than frying chicken fillet in pieces in a frying pan. This delicacy will perfectly complement absolutely any side dish, be it classic potatoes or traditional italian pasta. And in itself, such a dish will be an excellent option for lunch or hearty snack in a hurry.


  • Boneless chicken breast – 0.5 kg;
  • Onions – 2 onions;
  • Low-fat sour cream – 0.2 kg;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Seasoning for chicken – 1 tsp.
  1. Cut the fillet into medium-sized cubes and place in a hot frying pan, greased with oil. Fry the meat slices quickly, stirring constantly, until the pieces turn white on all sides.
  2. Then add more oil and add the onion, cut into quarters of rings, into the container and reduce the flame under the frying pan. This amount of onion will make the meat more juicy, tender and aromatic.
  3. Continue frying the meat and onions until the vegetable turns brown. At this stage, we can add salt and spices to our dish.
  4. Next we also add sour cream to the pan. If it is too thick, then you can splash a little water and mix everything vigorously.
  5. Cover over low heat and cook until cooked for 5-10 minutes.

In principle, you don’t have to add sour cream to the dish at all, but serve the chicken to the table after the onions have browned.

If you are a supporter of quick cooking, then our recipes will not only teach you how to tasty, quickly, correctly and variedly fry chicken fillet in a frying pan, but will also become a real salvation in case unexpected guests arrive.