The best vodka in the world - brand rating. What is the best vodka in Russia? The latest Roskachestvo rating for price and quality Something that anyone can afford

Vodka has become practically a national treasure for Russia. Not a single event in the life of Russians is complete without this elixir. That's why rating is so important the best brands Russian vodka. The main criterion for awarding the appropriate place to a particular product was its quality.

10. "Morosha"

Manufacturer: Russian North LLC, Volgograd. Made from flaxseed tincture with the addition of honey in Alpha series alcohol. Bottled in an original glass bottle, not dosed, closed with a polymer stopper. Soft in taste, pleasant in smell, has an affordable price and good quality.

9. "Beluga"

Produced at JSC Mariinsky Distillery, Mariinsk. Insists on oatmeal with an admixture of thistle and the addition of honey, vanilla, and luxury alcohol. Placed in a gray glass bottle, closed with a polymer-aluminum stopper. Easily absorbed, rich in interesting, unusual taste and softened, almost imperceptible odor.

8. "Baikal"

Produced at Gross Alcohol Plants LLC, Ulyanovsk. Contains water from Lake Baikal, alcohol base of the Lux series, tincture of cedar nuts and pine buds with honey. Bottled in a souvenir sample bottle. It has a pleasant aroma and a nutty aftertaste.

7. "Little White"

Production: Traditions of Quality LLC, Krasnoznamensk. Vodka is made from luxury alcohol with honey. It is corked in a standard bottle of an interesting shape. It drinks well and causes pleasant fatigue and relaxation from the first sips.

6. "Firewood"

Cleaned with birch charcoal." Agat Distillery LLC is the manufacturer of this vodka. City of Gorodishche. The main ingredients included in the composition are: Lux ethyl alcohol, birch sap and honey product. Contained in a bottle shaped like firewood, coated in white gloss with a polymer-wooden stopper. It has a barely noticeable, not heavy odor and a sweet aftertaste.

5. "Five Lakes"

Produced at Omskvinprom LLC, Omsk. The ingredients are: Siberian water base, food alcohol "Lux", sugar syrup, wheat tincture, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid. Bottle with cork - ordinary, standard. Vodka drinks well and has a pleasant alcoholic aroma.

4. "Husky"

Manufacturer: Omskvinprom LLC, Omsk. Contains alcohol tincture of wheat, soda, succinic acid. It is poured into a large oblong bottle, with a screw-shaped metal twist, and has a dosing device. Vodka has a natural, pleasant aroma, soft, with a sweetish taste.

3. "Talka"

Production facilities belong to CJSC Sibirsky Distillery, r.p. Koltsovo. The components of vodka are presented: sugar-honey syrup, luxury alcoholized infusion of wheat on melt water, filtered with silver. Bottled in a white bottle with an interesting shape. The closure is screw-type, with an opening alarm, and there is a dispenser. There is a persistent aroma, a characteristic, sweet taste. Easy to drink, but lacks softness.

2. "Count Ledoff"

Produced at the branch of OJSC Tatspirtprom, Kazan Distillery, Kazan. Contains Alpha class ethyl alcohol, food additives and plant extracts. Bottled in a whitened glass bottle with a rotating cap made of plastic material. It has an imperceptible, very light odor, neutral taste, and is easy and clean to drink.

1. "Stolichnaya"

Leader, produced by OJSC Moscow Plant Kristall, Moscow. It contains absolutely nothing unnecessary: ​​ethyl alcohol of the Luke type, drinking water and sugar. The bottle is standard, with a regular twist. It has the purest aroma and mildest taste. Contains a minimum of additives and leaves some pleasure after drinking.

Based on the above, we can add that the main criterion in choosing alcoholic beverages should be their quality. Since vodka poisoning still occupies a leading place in terms of mortality and intoxication of the body.

Choosing the best vodka from 1000 global brands produced in more than 50 countries around the world is not an easy task.

The quality of alcohol depends on many factors: selection of ingredients, adherence to technology, integrity of the manufacturer.

Good vodka should be free of impurities and not weaker than 40% by volume; it is easy to drink and, if consumed wisely, does not cause a hangover.

These criteria are sufficient for consumers, but many other indicators are taken into account when compiling ratings.

All vodka in the world is made from softened water. The quality of alcohol directly depends from raw materials, depth of purification and filtration. Alcohol must be filtered many times (not always), water is purified from salts and other impurities.

After this, both components are mixed in certain proportions. Recipes for special brands are supplemented with herbal tinctures, fruit or berry concentrates, nuts, honey, milk, etc.

Despite the abundance of names and brands, all vodka can be divided into two types:

  • Classical- transparent alcohol with a strength of 40% vol., consisting only of alcohol and water. Classic brands should have no color or taste other than alcohol. Examples: Stolichnaya, Arbatskaya, Gzhelka.
  • Special- has the taste and smell of additional ingredients. Strength - from 38% vol. Examples: Zubrovka, Lemon.

There is also a classification according to the type of alcohol:

  • Alpha - made from wheat and rye.
  • Lux - from grain and low-starch potatoes (the norm is up to 35% starch).
  • Extra - from grains and potatoes with high starchy content.
  • Basis - the content of potato starch in the mixture of grain and potatoes is approximately 60%, no more.
  • Highly refined (low quality alcohol) - potatoes, beets, black molasses, etc.

The price of the product directly depends on the category of alcohol. The most expensive premium and super-premium varieties are made from alcohols Alpha and Lux(Finlandia, Gray Goose, Russian Standard, Smirnoff, Absolut, Mamont, Nemiroff, etc.). The famous vodka “Khortytsya” is produced from Alfa alcohol (until 2017, “Lux” alcohol was used).

Standard class is made from alcohol Extra(Green brand, Zavalinka, Wheat, Russian size, Crystal Dzidrais). Cheap brands are based on highly purified alcohol (Bogorodskaya, Olimp, Salyut, Zlatoglavaya).

Defects that reduce the quality of the drink:

  • Methanol- a deadly substance.
  • Acetic aldehyde- in the digestive system it is converted into acetic acid, burning the mucous membranes of internal organs. Concentrated acetaldehyde vapors cause blindness and respiratory damage. This substance is present in technical alcohols.
  • Fusel oils- ether compounds remaining in alcohol due to insufficient purification. Because of them, severe hangovers and cirrhosis of the liver occur.
  • Toxins(lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury) - come into alcohol from low-quality grain and other raw materials.
  • Furfypol- a substance that causes irritation to mucous membranes and skin. A by-product of fermentation is removed by proper rectification.
  • Crotonaldehyde- a component of denatured alcohol, the content of which is excluded.

The presence of one or more of the listed substances excludes the presence of the brand in the rating.

The best vodka in Russia

  1. Green stamp(JSC AVZ Topaz). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 270 rubles. The human factor is minimized in production. A traditional drink made from selected grains, after careful cleaning, it is filtered with silver. Tasters noted the clean aroma and aftertaste of the Green Brand.
  2. winter road(Distillery Kristall-Lefortovo). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 300 rubles. The alcohol is made according to a traditional recipe and technology, and has excellent taste due to the addition of malt. The drink is soft, without a pronounced aftertaste.
  3. Sovereign's order(LLC "Georgievsky"). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 255 rubles. At an average price, the product is not inferior in quality to expensive alcohol. The raw materials undergo complex purification, the alcohol is filtered with silver and frozen. After all technological processes The result is strong alcohol with an almost imperceptible smell of alcohol. The soft “Gosudarev Order” is easy to drink and surprises a little with its slightly noticeable sweetness.
  4. Five lakes(Ruzsky Blending Plant LLC). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 290 rubles. Classic product based on water from Siberian lakes and high quality alcohol. Silver-saturated water is filtered, but it retains its unique properties. The surface of the bottle with a wavy relief symbolizes the surface of the water, and the clean classic taste resembles a breath of air in the forests of Siberia.
  5. Russian Standard(Russian Standard Vodka LLC). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 370 rubles. Recipe compiled by the father of Russian vodka D.I. Mendeleev, has not changed since 1894. Thanks to modern technologies, production has been simplified, but Russian Standard still remains the standard of vodka and is successfully sold in Russia and 50 foreign countries. Glacier water and selected wheat are used in production. After multi-stage filtration with birch charcoal, the alcohol has crystal purity and the taste of warm bread.
  6. Beluga(JSC Mariinsky Distillery). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 775 rubles. One of the most famous Russian brands in Europe. Exclusive alcohol is produced in Siberia from natural and environmentally friendly ingredients. A special technology with repeated filtration and rest, combined with the proprietary secrets of the manufacturers, provided Beluga with a fresh aroma reminiscent of a breeze.
  7. Belebeyevskaya classical(JSC Bashspirt). Expert rating - 9.6. Average price - 230 rubles. Produced on the basis of Alpha class alcohol and mineral water from springs. The alcohol has a fresh and soft taste, a clean aroma and a light aftertaste.
  8. Belenkaya Lux(LLC "Georgievsky"). Expert rating - 9.5. Average price - 250 rubles. Before bottling, Belenkaya Lux is passed through a 13-meter carbon filter and quartz sand. Inexpensive and crystal clear alcohol made from environmentally friendly raw materials has a sweetish taste.
  9. Putinka(JSC Moscow Crystal Plant). Expert rating - 9.5. Average price - 240 rubles. The drink has been produced since 2003 and has already managed to win the love of Russians. Inexpensive product with noble taste and a clean aftertaste - an excellent option for alcoholic drinks for friendly gatherings.
  10. Homemade wheat pervak(Russian North LLC). Expert rating - 9.5. Average price - 310 rubles. Traditional Russian recipe and modern technology production made it possible to create original alcohol. A slight cloudiness does not spoil the “”, and the sharp aroma attracts lovers of tart taste.

The best vodka in the world

  1. Gray Goose(France). Produced in the province of Cognac. Alcohol made from selected grains and spring water from Gente is famous for its ideal qualities. French “Gray Goose” is purified with limestone; after five times distillation, the purity of alcohol becomes unattainable for competitors.
  2. Crystal(Russia). Kristall is better known abroad than at home. The manufacturing technology includes the Alcosoft carbohydrate module, created specifically for this brand. Impeccable cleaning allows Kristall to take prizes in competitions and reach the TOP of ratings.
  3. Krolevska(Poland). The Poles are sure that it was they who invented vodka and are trying in every possible way to win the palm. It will not be easy for them - in the minds of the world community, vodka and Russia are synonymous. “Royal” is simply very good alcohol from excellent raw materials.
  4. Youri Dolgoruki(Yuri Dolgoruky) (Russia). This brand is also not very well known in Russia; it is produced for export. A classic recipe, additives for softness and a clean taste - all without surprises, but very high quality.
  5. Finlandia(Finland). The “Finland” signs, beloved in Russia, are well known in the United States. Finnish vodka has already earned an ideal reputation and does not need advertising. Her taste in all variants is beyond praise.
  6. Jewel of Russia(Russia). Another Russian woman, almost unknown in her homeland. Jewel of Russia is made from dry wheat bread, lactose and fructose are added. The trick is microscopic pieces of gold leaf.
  7. Vincent ( Holland). In our country, Dutch vodka is almost unknown, and it is produced in small batches. Raw materials - wheat and barley. Double distillation ensures a smooth and pure taste.
  8. Rain(USA). It would be strange to see an American rating without American vodka. Corn alcohol is almost tasteless, which is good news. The alcohol is purified with diamond dust and charcoal.
  9. Ketel One(Holland). Good Dutch vodka, clean and light. Prepared according to traditional recipes and from the best raw materials.
  10. Three Olives Vodka(England). Three Olives is produced in the United Kingdom and imported to the United States. Produce Three Olives from English winter wheat. Craft vodka is produced in traditional form and with fruit flavors.

What is the best quality vodka?

  • Alcohol compliance with GOST.
  • The softness and quality of water, the presence and absence of certain microelements.
  • Organoleptic properties: aroma, taste, aftertaste.
  • Strength and pouring.
  • The truthfulness of advertising and marketing moves.

Seven brands with the Quality Mark

  1. Morosha ( OOO "Pyccsky North"). Alpha alcohol, natural honey and flax tincture.
  2. Homemade wheat pervak(LLC "Pycsky North"). Lux alcohol on wheat breadcrumbs, linden tincture and sugar syrup.
  3. Perm Suite(AO Permalko). Alcohol on rye bread crumbs.
  4. Russian north traditional. Alcohol “Lux” with oat tincture, honey and glucose.
  5. Sunny village(OOO "Distillery Capanskiy"). With rye malt, apples and sugar syrup.
  6. Absolute Khortytsya(OOO "Podnik and K"). Absolute alcohol, with sugar syrup and wheat flakes.
  7. Tsar's original(OOO "Group "LADOGA"). Lux alcohol, linden blossom and linden honey.

List of premium vodkas

This alcohol exceeds GOCT requirements. Expert ratings on a scale with a maximum score of 9.6:

  • Belebeevskaya classic (OAO Bashspirt) - 9.6.
  • Belenkaya luxury (OOO Geopgievsky) - 9.5.
  • Bulbash is special.
  • State order (Geopgievsky LLC).
  • Good bear (OOO Geopgievsky).
  • Green brand (JSC Topaz Distillery) - 9.6.
  • Winter road (OOO Distillery Kristall-Lefortovo) - 9.6.
  • Myagkov SILVER (Geopgievsky LLC) - 9.5.
  • Lake Velikoe (OJSC "VladAlko").
  • Festive" (OOO "Distillery "Kristall-Lefortovo").
  • Putinka (JSC Moscow Plant Kristall) -9.5.
  • Five Lakes (Pyzsky Blending Plant LLC) - 9.6.
  • Russian Standard - 9.6.
  • Smirnov No. 21 (OOO "Distillery "Saransky".
  • Old Moscow (OOO “PC “Kristall-Lefortovo”).
  • Ice cold (JSC Moscow Plant Kristall).
  • Talka (JSC "Sibirsky Distillery").
  • Husky (Omskvinprom LLC) - 9.5.
  • BELUGA (JSC Mariinsky Distillery) - 9.6.
  • FINLANDIA (OOO BIG) - 9.5.
  • Gray Goose (France "Bacardi Pyc") - 9.5.
  • Sorмovskaya LUX (OOO "COPDIS").
  • Stolichnaya (JSC Moscow Plant Kristall) - 9.5.

High-quality vodka

Experts classify high-quality vodka as alcohol at prices ranging from 200 to 800 rubles per bottle. At an affordable price, consumer properties are quite often quite competitive. For example, it is believed that “Pervak” for 310 rubles. the taste is almost as good as the French Gray Goose for 1,554 rubles.

The vast majority of inexpensive Russian alcohol complies with GOST standards and, when consumed in moderation, cannot cause harm to health. Russian vodka is famous all over the world, and innovative technologies and modern equipment allow the mass production of a high-quality product.

As you know, vodka in the world is one of the most consumed alcoholic drinks in almost all countries. Until relatively recently, such drinks were not assessed internationally. Whether vodka is good or bad - everyone decided for themselves. But today you can see the official ratings of vodka, although you may not agree with some conclusions.

How is vodka judged in international competitions?

It’s probably not worth saying that today in the world you can find a huge number of products of this type. There are so many names of vodka products that not a single rating agency can count them.

Some people think that names like “Royal” or “Royal Vodka” are already a guarantee of success and popularity. Alas, this is not true. Firstly, aqua regia in the usual sense is a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids in a ratio of 1:3. And secondly, the name can be as simple as you like, but the quality is the highest. On the other hand, today you can also find aqua regia, intended for drinking. It is a cocktail and is prepared on the basis of regular vodka, dessert vermouth, pepper and orange liqueur.

But now about assessment. As a rule, in all international tasting competitions, vodka brands are evaluated according to several criteria: aroma, taste, transparency, aftertaste, appearance bottles, etc. Our people, frankly speaking, cannot understand why a bottle is involved in the evaluation, because the main thing is not what is outside, but what is inside.

It is this point that raises great doubts, since today you can find expensive brands of vodka like “OVAL Swarovski Crystal” in a gold bottle trimmed with stones. It is clear that its cost is about 7 thousand dollars, and only because of the golden bottle.

What determines the quality of vodka and how to determine it

Vodka is a mixture of alcohol and water, and you can immediately note these two components that affect its quality. As a rule, rectified water and pure artesian water are used in production, although low-quality products can be found anywhere.

In addition, the content of fusel oils and other impurities is directly related to quality. Many unscrupulous manufacturers even add sulfuric acid to increase the strength of the drink!

At home, by the way, checking the quality of alcohol or vodka is quite simple. For this you can use ordinary potassium permanganate. The faster alcohol or vodka turns the color of potassium permanganate (much less than five minutes), the worse the product.

You can do it even simpler. Just shake the vodka bottle. If large bubbles form in it, then the product is of poor quality. If the bubbles are small (barely noticeable) and rise upward like a snake, then the vodka is good. Finally, the easiest option: put the vodka in the freezer for a couple of hours. If the appearance of ice is noticeable, then it’s not vodka, but guess what. The water freezes and low-quality alcohol remains. In addition, in modern production double distillation is often used, but with such technology such an effect should not be observed.

World ranking (TOP 15): top five

Good vodka is not always expensive. World ratings prove this. What is most interesting is that the positions of vodkas in the rankings of different countries can vary greatly.

For example, the Smirnoff brand is recognized as the best-selling vodka in the world, followed by Absolute and, surprisingly, Nemiroff.

Of the Russian varieties, Stolichnaya vodka is the leader in sales abroad. What's most interesting is that this is recognized by almost all the world's leading rating agencies in this field.

However, according to data from absolutely all sources on comprehensive assessment, the most best vodka today it is French brand"Grey Goose", which is made with fivefold distillation. According to analysts' forecasts, it has every chance of squeezing out its competitors in terms of sales.

The second place is occupied by the Russian vodka “Crystall”, followed almost closely by the Polish brand “Krolewska”. Another Russian brand, “Youri Dolgoruki” vodka, is firmly in fourth place, and the well-known Finnish vodka “Finlandia” rounds out the top five.

Interestingly, Kristall vodka uses not only high-quality alcohol and water, but also a special additive to soften the taste (regulate acidity) in the form of malic acid. A special carbohydrate module called Alcosoft is also used in its production. Stolichnaya vodka is produced using classical technology, which has been developed to a high degree, which has allowed this brand to become one of the most popular in the world.

World ranking (TOP 15): second five

The second five represents less popular and good vodka. By lowering the rating, the places here are distributed as follows: Russian vodka “Jewel of Russia”, Dutch “Vincent”, “Rain” (USA), “Ketel One” of Dutch production and the English brand “3 Olives”.

Note that even good vodka from Holland and England is represented here, although these countries do not particularly consume vodka products (except for whiskey in the UK), since here we are talking more about the consumption of beer and its varieties.

World ranking (TOP 15): third five

It is clear that one may not agree with such a rating, because good vodka that is not included in the “Top 15” can be found in any country in the world. However, based on these data, you can immediately see that Russian and Dutch manufacturers are leading in production and quality. True, it is worth noting that Russia is more focused on the domestic market, and Holland is more focused on the external market.

The best vodka

As is already clear, the French brand “Grey Goose” is recognized as the best vodka. But we should not forget that if such a rating were compiled, say, in Russia, Ukraine or Belarus, it could undergo significant changes.

Moreover, if you look at the price difference, many people simply cannot afford the French drink. But Russian and Ukrainian varieties are relatively inexpensive (price for the same volume). And one can also argue about the taste here, because our people prefer, so to speak, the classics, and they have absolutely no need for all these inventions with a softening of taste.

The most unusual and expensive vodka

Now let's focus on the most unusual varieties vodka. One thing from Swarovski has already been mentioned. Among the most expensive vodkas, it is worth mentioning the Belver Bears brand, which became the official attribute of the 2014 Cannes Film Festival. Its price is about 7 thousand 250 US dollars.

But perhaps the most unusual are drinks like “Russo-Baltique” with a cost of 740 thousand dollars and “DIVA”, which sells for 1 million dollars. In the first case, the price is determined by the fact that the bottle cap is made of yellow and white gold, and an SUV is included with the purchase. In the second case, the price increases due to the fact that precious and semi-precious stones are added to the vodka during bottling.

But all records will be broken by the more expensive version of Russo-Baltique vodka, the bottle of which is packed in 30-centimeter bulletproof glass, the cork, as expected, is made using white and yellow gold, and the purchase package includes an SUV with gold wheels. There is no word yet on the price of this product, but you can imagine how much such a drink will cost.

Bottom line

In general, the choice of vodka, of course, depends on the taste preferences of the buyer himself and his ability to pay. Nevertheless, many manufacturers in the post-Soviet space today offer fairly high quality products at a relatively low price. Naturally, you should not buy cheap artisanal vodka or a counterfeit of some global brand. It is unknown what the outcome of consuming such a product may be. In addition, there is an unofficial system in the world that clearly states that such and such vodka on the domestic or foreign market costs no less than so and so. That is why it is not worth buying even well-known vodka in a beautiful bottle at a obviously low price.

Until recently, no one compiled a ranking of the best vodkas in the world. Only in 2011, a company supplying vodka to the United States held a similar competition. Thanks to her efforts, we can name the best vodka in the world according to American consumers and experts. There are many Russian manufacturers on the list, but the French brand takes the lead.

The experts in this competition were representatives of the wine industry, professional tasters and ordinary consumers. Each brand was evaluated by 30-40 people. Points were awarded based on the following criteria: taste, aroma, clarity, mouthfeel and bottle appearance. The results of the competition will seem strange to many Russians, but do not forget that American experts and consumers were involved in compiling the rating, and their taste preferences differ in many ways from ours.

15 best vodkas in the world:

1. Gray Goose(France) – the winning vodka is made from selected grains from the French province of Cognac and water from the famous Gente spring. The drink undergoes a natural limestone purification process and distillation five times in small batches. Experts believe that due to its high quality, in a few years the Gray Goose brand will become the best-selling vodka in the world.

Gray Goose

(Russia) – a delicate vodka taste is achieved thanks to special additives. Only luxury alcohol and a specially developed Alcosoft carbohydrate module are used in production. Malic acid acts as an acidity regulator.

vodka crystal

(Poland) – the best grains and water in Poland allowed the Krolewska brand to take third place. This vodka impressed experts with the exquisite design of its bottle.

4.Youri Dolgoruki(Russia) – being prepared according to classic recipe making vodka. It contains only the best ingredients and special additives to improve and soften the taste.

vodka Yuri Dolgoruky

(Finland) is a high-quality Finnish vodka with a balanced taste that has long conquered the American market.

vodka Finland

6. Jewel of Russia(Russia) - made from the alcohol of wheat crackers, also containing microscopic pieces of gold foil, fructose and lactose. The non-traditional production technology was highly appreciated by experts.

Jewel of Russia

(Holland) – this vodka is made only in small batches from wheat and barley. It goes through two stages of distillation, which softens the taste of the alcohol.

vodka Vincent

8. Rain(USA) - made from corn. Diamond dust and carbon are used for filtration. This vodka has virtually no taste.

Vodka Rain

9. Ketel One(Holland) – Dutch vodka traditional way preparations.

Ketel One

10. 3 Olives(England) – the top 10 best vodkas are closed by an English brand that showed good results.

3 Olives

11. Russian Standard(Russia) – selected grain and water from lakes allowed the Russian Standard brand to take a high place in the ranking.

vodka Russian Standard

12.Vox(Holland) – high-quality vodka based on the best alcohols.

Vodka Vox

13. Stolichnaya(Russia) - almost all of our compatriots know about this brand of vodka; it does not need a separate introduction.

Therefore, I propose to talk about vodka today. And not the one we choose for the most significant events, unless of course our salary is the average salary, and not the director’s salary.

Namely, about vodka, which is suitable for daily use, the most popular product in our alcoholic beverages market. Cheap option to have a good time.

Let's figure out what you can buy in our stores without heart attacks with the money left before your salary and not regret your choice.

1. Five lakes

Probably the most popular in our country. Everyone knows about its existence, and everyone has their own opinion about it. For some, this is a real poison, others choose only it from the counter.

As for me, it’s the most standard product in this segment; it’s not bad in the morning, but it can’t boast of a unique taste either. You can buy a bottle within 300 rubles, the main thing is not to fall for a fake, because due to demand it is often copied, pouring a consistency of unknown origin instead of the real product.

Perhaps it is this fact that provokes people to write bad reviews about the most ordinary vodka.

For its price segment, this one is quite tolerable, I especially want to note that it has practically no unpleasant odor. In other words, manufacturers have taken pains to purify their product. Many residents of our country take it for the holidays, and although it is a little more expensive than others, I think it’s worth paying the extra 50-100 rubles, at least for the fact that you will be confident in the quality and reliability of the product.

3. Linnet

Minsk from Alpha alcohols, according to Internet users, and me personally, has few disadvantages, or rather, none have been noticed. Well, naturally, if we take into account its price segment, we will not compare it with expensive premium swill. But the fact that it is clean, odorless and without a severe hangover in the morning speaks for itself. And it's easy to drink, not harsh.

This Siberian is not for everyone, as it has its own aftertaste. Some are blown away by this, while others spit, saying, what have you given us here? But in general, the product is very soft, odorless, easy to drink and does not bother you in the morning. It’s a solid bottle, so it wouldn’t be a shame to display it for a holiday. The only thing I would like to note is that many people claim that it makes you drunk faster. Personally, I did not notice such an effect.

5. Honest

Probably the only thing that is honest in our country is this one. It fully corresponds to its price category, even, probably not, it’s even better than you expect from a product for 200 rubles. We get a normal, high-quality product for practically pennies. Of course, he is a little harsh, but is this a hindrance to a normal man?

The variety of varieties of this vodka allows you to choose exactly what your soul wants right now. And birch, and honey, and pepper. In a word, everything is in stock. Sold in original

bottle, with a mild taste and pleasant aroma, so it’s not a shame to show it to guests for a holiday. The only drawback is the inconvenient lid. But this, gentlemen, seems to me to be trifles if we are talking about a truly high-quality product at a low price.

A little more expensive than its predecessors, this one has a mild taste and no vodka aroma. Although it has one peculiarity, I do not recommend it for those who want to get drunk quickly. You can drink it like water, wash it down or have a snack without any strong desire, so for feasts where it is desirable to keep a clear head longer, it is ideal, but if you need to drink a small amount to a large number of guests, it is not an option.