Tomatoes, useful tips. Different ways to peel a tomato - quick blanching How to peel tomatoes

Blanching tomatoes or how to peel tomatoes is a useful article in which I describe how to quickly peel tomatoes. I have repeated this so many times in recipes describing this. simple way that I decided to capture it once and for all on a separate page.

Blanching tomatoes- one of the most necessary skills in cooking, which is constantly used, because peeled tomatoes are the key to the success of tomato sauces and dishes. Now I’ll tell you in detail and show you how to quickly peel tomatoes or, in other words, simply sand them.
The first thing to do with a tomato or tomato is to wash it and make a cross-shaped shallow cut on its skin.
Place the cut tomato in a deep container and bring a large amount of water to boil.
We take another, also deep, container and pour clean, filtered, cold water into it.
As soon as the water in the kettle boils, pour it into the tomato. The water should cover the vegetable completely.
We wait 45 seconds and transfer the tomato from hot water to cold.
We wait half a minute for it to cool down and begin blanching. We remove the skin with a knife or simply with our hands, starting with the cuts made in advance.
We peel the peel completely and see such a beautiful result:
We could stop here, but some recipes require continuation: peeling the tomatoes. When you need to use only the pulp, cut the tomato into 4 parts and get beautiful slices.
We take a small but sharp knife and carefully cut out the middle, running the knife blade along the tomato slice.

Maria Savenkova

Photo by Maria Savenkova

Many recipes call for skinning tomatoes. As a rule, these are dishes that include a heat treatment process. For most salads, for example, it is enough to chop the tomatoes without removing the skin. But for sauces, first and second courses, it is highly advisable to remove this skin. During the cooking or stewing process, the skin can separate from the tomato slices, curl into hard spirals and ruin the dish. It is almost impossible to eliminate or correct such a nuisance, but it can be prevented by learning how to quickly and carefully deal with tomato skins.

There is one peculiarity - the skin separates better from ground seasonal tomatoes, ripe August tomatoes, for example. The skin of such tomatoes may begin to curl on its own in hot water. The skin of greenhouse and unripe fruits is thinner and more difficult to separate, but it is possible.

We will need:

  • kettle
  • bowl


  • tomato

Step-by-step instructions on how to peel a tomato:

You need to prepare a kettle with clean water (about 1 liter), a bowl, a sharp knife and a tomato.

On the side opposite to the stalk, make a cross-shaped cut with a knife. There is no need to go deep, just cut the skin.

Place the tomato cut side down and cover with water brought to a boil. Leave for several minutes (from 1-2 to 5-6 depending on the variety and degree of ripeness of the tomato).

Kira Stoletova

Sometimes when cooking culinary dishes You need to remove the skin from the tomato. This can be done using several methods.

Boiling water treatment

When looking for an answer to the question: “How to remove the skin from a tomato?” You can turn to the most popular method - blanching. This method of pre-heat treatment involves immersing the tomato in boiling water for a short time and then in ice water. Processing is divided into several stages:

  • pour water into the container and bring it to a boil;
  • While the water is boiling, peel the tomatoes, removing the remaining stems;
  • On the side opposite to the cutting, cuts are made on the skin of the tomato, preferably in the form of a cross, which facilitates the process of removing the skin;
  • a large bowl is filled with water at a minimum cold temperature, the temperature is also lowered by adding ice to the water, a container with ice water is placed not far from the oven;
  • vegetables are immersed in boiling water for 30 seconds, it is preferable not to exceed this time so that the tomatoes in boiling water do not cook or soften;
  • vegetables are immediately transferred from boiling water to a bowl with ice and kept in cold water for 30 seconds.

Tomatoes, after preliminary heat treatment in boiling water, can be easily and quickly peeled, while peeling the skin begins from the place of the cross cut. Hard areas are cut off with a knife.

A wide-diameter saucepan or deep frying pan is suitable for blanching tomatoes.

Blanching tomatoes is an effective method when you need to quickly peel a large amount of vegetables.

Processing by baking

Pre-baking allows you to easily remove the peel from a tomato, for which you use a microwave oven or oven, where the product is previously placed. Initially, a cross-shaped cut is made on the tomato. The heating mode is set to maximum power, the timer is set to 30 s.

Removing the tomato skin and pre-baking the vegetable allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients it contains and the quality of the product.

The wrinkled skin allows you to determine the readiness of a tomato.

Fire treatment

Peeling tomatoes is easy if you preheat them on open fire gas burner. The procedure includes the following:

  • the remains of the cuttings are removed;
  • a cross-shaped incision is made on the opposite side;
  • the gas burner is turned on at the maximum possible power;
  • Using metal tongs, hold the product over the fire at a distance of 3 cm, slowly turning it for up to 30 s until the skin darkens.

The heated tomato is cooled, for which it is also permissible to use ice water. The cooled product is peeled, starting from the cross-shaped cut.

  1. Tomato peel is poorly absorbed by the body (it is especially important to remember this when preparing dishes for children and the elderly).
  2. During heat treatment, the skin is separated from the tomato and rolled into a tube. IN ready dish it doesn't look very appetizing and spoils its appearance.

Wash the tomatoes and dry them. In the place where the stalk was, prick it with a fork. On the other side, use a sharp knife to make an incision with a cross. Place the tomato in boiling water for 10-20 seconds, then plunge into ice water. All that remains is to pick up the curled skin and remove the skin from the tomato.

If you need to remove the skin from several tomatoes, dip the cut tomatoes in boiling water for half a minute, then transfer them to cold water with a slotted spoon. Wrinkled skins will come off easily, just help yourself with a fork.

There is an easier way to remove the skin from a tomato. To do this, you need to cut the tomatoes in half, place the cut side on a flat plate and place in the microwave for about 5 minutes, the skin will wrinkle and it will be quite easy to remove.