Chicken soup with red dry beans. Bean soup with chicken Chicken soup with beans recipe

Step 1: Prepare the beans.

First, heat a full kettle of purified water and cool it to room temperature. Then we put the beans on the countertop, sort them out, at the same time getting rid of any kind of litter, put them in a colander, rinse them and pour them into a deep saucepan. Filling the kernels a large number cooled water, so that it not only covers them, but is also at least 10–13 centimeters higher. Leave the beans as is room temperature on 7–8, or preferably 12 hours, that is, all night. During this time, the beans will swell and get rid of excess sugar, as well as most of the other substances that cause fermentation in the body.

Step 2: cook the beans.

After the required number of hours or the next day, place the beans in a colander again and rinse again. Then we transfer it to the same pan, fill it with new purified cold water and put it on high heat. After boiling, reduce its level to medium and cook the legumes, uncovered, for 40–50 minutes or 1 hour until soft stirring occasionally with a wooden kitchen spatula.

Step 3: Prepare the chicken.

Without wasting a minute, we begin to prepare the chicken, wash it thoroughly, dry it with paper kitchen towels, place it on a cutting board and use a sharp knife to remove cartilage, excess fat, and film.

Step 4: Cook chicken broth.

Then we transfer the meat into a new deep pan, fill it with 1.5 liters of purified water, put it on medium heat and after boiling, reduce it to a level between the smallest and medium. Cook the broth covered with a lid for 25–30 minutes, periodically removing the gray-white film from its surface with a slotted spoon - coagulated protein.

Step 5: Prepare the vegetables.

While the chicken is cooking, using another knife, peel the vegetables indicated in the recipe and wash them along with fresh herbs. Then we dry everything with paper kitchen towels, place it one by one on a clean board and continue preparing. Cut the potatoes into slices 2 to 2.5 centimeters in size, place them in a bowl of cold water and leave them there until used to prevent them from darkening.

Chop the onions into 1-centimeter cubes, and chop the carrots in the same way or into three on a medium or coarse grater. Finely chop fresh dill or parsley, distribute the cuts into separate bowls, place the remaining ingredients that will be needed for preparing the dish on the countertop, and move on.

Step 6: prepare the boiled meat.

The broth will cook faster, so when it’s ready, just move it to the side, remove the meat from the pan, move the chicken into a clean bowl and cool to room temperature. Then we either cut it into small portions, or use two table forks to separate it into fibers.

Step 7: Prepare the boiled beans.

Once the beans have reached the desired consistency, place them in a colander, rinse them under running cold running water and leave them in the sink to drain off excess liquid until ready to use.

Step 8: Bring the chicken and bean soup until fully cooked.

Then put the broth back on medium heat, bring to a boil, add chopped potatoes, onions and carrots. Cook vegetables for 20 minutes almost until fully cooked with slight bubbling. Then add beans, chopped chicken meat, salt to taste, ground black pepper, bay leaf, dried dill, parsley and gently mix everything until smooth.
After this, cover the dish with a lid and keep it on the stove for another 5–7 minutes and turn off the fire. Let the food steep for at least a little longer 10–12 minutes, then using a ladle, pour it in portions onto plates, season with finely chopped fresh dill or parsley if desired, and go taste it!

Step 9: Serve chicken and bean soup.

Chicken and bean soup is served hot as the first main course for lunch. Serve it in deep plates, optionally garnished with fresh dill or parsley. As a complement to this simple but at the same time satisfying dish, you can offer cream, sour cream, tomato sauce, pickles, marinades, salads and, of course, bread, croutons or crackers. Cook with pleasure and enjoy home-cooked food!
Bon appetit!

Very often, raw beans are replaced with canned ones; they should be placed in the prepared broth along with chopped boiled meat;

If desired, onions and carrots can be fried in butter or vegetable oil until soft and added to the soup along with the prepared beans chicken meat, as well as spices. Then boil for 5-7 minutes, leave and serve;

If the liquid boils away very quickly while cooking beans, it is better to periodically add a little more water so that it always covers the kernels;

To prepare the soup, you can use any part of the bird: drumsticks, thighs, wings or soup set. Regardless of the choice of poultry parts, do not forget that they are cooked for different times, ranging from 20–25 minutes to 1.5 hours, especially if the chicken is domestic and not broiler.

Step 1: Prepare the beans.

The type of bean in this case does not really matter; you can take large, medium or small, yellow, white, brown or black, it all depends on your desire. First, lay it out on the countertop and sort through it, removing any kind of debris.

Then pour the beans into a colander, rinse, place in a deep bowl, fill with running water 10–12 centimeters higher and leave to soak for 12 o'clock at room temperature if it's winter outside, or in the refrigerator if it's summer.

Step 2: cook the beans.

After the required time, place the beans in a colander again, rinse again, place in a deep saucepan, fill with four glasses of purified water and place on medium heat. After boiling, cook the beans until fully cooked. about 1 hour, Although after a fairly long soak, it may only take 45–50 minutes, but it all depends on the type of bean.

Step 3: prepare the boiled beans.

When the beans are boiled, place them in a colander again and leave them in the sink for a while to drain off excess liquid. Then we separate 1/3 of the total mass, place them in separate bowls and grind the smaller portion to a puree in any convenient way, for example, rub through a fine mesh sieve, mash with a masher or grind with a blender.

Step 4: Prepare the chicken.

Then we start working on chicken, a rich broth is obtained from the whole carcass, the legs are less fatty, the wings, drumsticks or necks are leaner, and the most dietary one is chicken fillet, in our case this is the last option. First, we rinse the meat under running cold running water, dry it with paper kitchen towels, place it on a cutting board and use a sharp knife to remove the film, excess fat and cartilage from it.

Step 5: cook the broth.

Then we move the chicken into a new deep pan filled with two liters of purified water and put it on medium heat. As soon as the liquid begins to bubble, using a slotted spoon, remove the gray-white foam from its surface - the first coagulated protein. After this, reduce the heat level to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid so that there remains a small gap about 1 centimeter wide, and cook the broth until fully cooked, depending on the choice of meat, in this version 20–25 minutes.

Step 6: Prepare the remaining ingredients.

Without wasting a minute, we begin to deal with other important components of the soup. Using a new kitchen knife, peel all the vegetables specified in the recipe. Then we wash them, dry them, move them to a clean board and chop them one by one. Chop the onion into 1 centimeter cubes, and chop the carrots on a medium or coarse grater. Then we put the rest of the ingredients that we will need to make the soup on the countertop and move on.

Step 7: prepare the soup dressing.

Place a frying pan over medium heat and pour some vegetable oil. After a few minutes, dip the onions and carrots into the heated fat and simmer them together until light golden brown and completely soft for about 5–6 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden kitchen spatula. As soon as the vegetable dressing reaches the desired consistency, remove it from the stove and move it aside until ready to use.

Step 8: cook bean soup with chicken.

When the chicken is ready, transfer it to a plate, quickly cool near the slightly open window and, using two dinner forks, separate it into fibers or use a kitchen knife to divide it into portioned pieces of the desired size. Increase the heat under the pan to medium level, add bean puree to the broth and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Then we send whole beans, chicken meat, as well as onion and carrot dressing there. Bring everything to a boil, add dry vegetable seasoning, bay leaf, salt and ground black pepper to taste to the almost finished soup.

Mix everything again, cover with a lid and keep on the stove 4–5 minutes with medium boiling. Then turn off the heat and let the aromatic dish brew 20 minutes. Then everything is simple, helping yourself with a ladle, pour the soup in portions into plates and serve it to the table.

Step 9: serve bean soup with chicken.

Bean soup with chicken is served hot in portions in deep plates as the first main course for lunch. If desired, before serving, you can sprinkle it with fresh finely chopped dill, parsley, cilantro, basil or green onions, and an excellent addition to this dish can be sour cream, cream, salads, marinades, pickles and, of course, bread, pita bread, croutons or croutons. Cook with pleasure and enjoy!
Bon appetit!

Sometimes this soup is prepared without vegetable dressing, just add raw carrots with onions into the prepared broth, cook for about 4–5 minutes and then add the rest of the products to them in the order indicated in the recipe;

When choosing other parts of the bird, do not forget that they are cooked for different times, ranging from 20–25 minutes to 1.5 hours, especially for domestic rather than broiler chicken;

The spices indicated in the recipe are not important; if desired, use any others that are used to season the first hot dishes;

An alternative to vegetable oil is butter.

Bean soup with chicken is a healthy, tasty and protein-rich dish. You can make soup from dry white, yellow, red, black or other beans, green beans or canned beans. In the first option, the beans must be pre-soaked and this must be taken care of in advance. A dish of green and canned beans will require a minimum amount of time and effort to prepare.

Beans are dietary product, containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, micro and macroelements. Beans are second only to one product in protein content - meat.

Chicken meat is also a dietary, low-calorie product. Meat contains healthy animal protein, a large number of amino acids and microelements. Chicken broth is useful for various diseases, as well as for prevention.

Bean soup with chicken is prepared with a variety of ingredients: cabbage, potatoes, green peas, tomatoes, peas, lentils, cereals, corn, pasta and other ingredients. There are a huge number of options for preparing bean soup with chicken. All recipes are different, but they always have excellent taste, nutritional value and bring only health benefits.

Bean soup very useful for young and healthy people. The elderly and people should be careful as beans can cause bloating. Mint will help avoid these unpleasant symptoms: just add a sprig of mint when cooking beans.

How to cook bean soup with chicken - 15 varieties

A special aroma is given by a seasoning common in Mexico and India - oregano. To put it simply, this is the common oregano familiar to all of us, but not wild, but specially grown. It is this that gives the chicken broth a piquant and unusual taste.


  • chicken meat - 400 g
  • dry white beans - 200 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 300 g
  • soup spice set
  • vegetable oil
  • green
  • lemon
  • salt.


Soak the beans for 5 -6 hours. Rinse and cook until half cooked.

Boil chicken meat in salted water. Cut the finished meat into small pieces.

Cut the onion into half rings. Grate the carrots. First fry the onion, then add the carrots.

Cut the potatoes into cubes. Make tomato juice from tomatoes.

Place the cooked beans and potatoes into the prepared broth and cook for ten minutes.

Pour the frying mixture with onions and carrots. Add canned corn and pour in tomato juice.

Cook for a few minutes. Season the soup with vegetable seasoning and oregano. Leave on fire for 2 minutes.

When serving, sprinkle the soup with herbs and add a slice of lemon.

You can use basil instead of oregano. The learning experience is also very tasty.

Pasta is added to the soup for even greater satiety, and also for the sake of children who love soups with cool stars, horns and spirals.


  • chicken leg - 1 pc.
  • beans - 200 g
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • pasta - 100 g
  • pepper
  • green
  • salt.


Soak the beans for 5 - 6 hours.

Bring the chicken leg to a boil, remove the foam and add the beans. Cook until the beans are almost done. Add salt.

Cut the potatoes into pieces, grate the carrots and add the vegetables to the pan.

When the potatoes are cooked, you can take out half the potatoes, mash them into a puree and return them.

Add pasta to the soup and cook until done.

Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

A complex soup with many ingredients, including exotic delicacies and salsa, it turns out incredibly tasty. Believe me, your time will not be wasted just like that: as a reward you will receive delight and surprise from your guests and a reason to be proud of your culinary skills.


  • canned red beans - 2 cans
  • chicken meat - 400 g
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 8 cloves
  • canned chili - 1 tsp.
  • fresh cilantro - 2 bunches
  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • red chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • ground cumin - 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil
  • black pepper


Boil chicken meat in salted water. Remove from broth and cut into pieces.

Finely chop one onion and strip the red bell pepper. Chop the garlic.

Place the onions in a cast iron cauldron with heated oil. bell pepper. When the vegetables turn golden, add salt, 6 chopped garlic cloves, cumin and canned chili.

Grind one can of canned red beans with a glass of broth in a blender.

Send the crushed mass into the cauldron. Pour out the remaining broth, add the meat and the second can of beans.

Cook for no more than 10 minutes. Season with one bunch of chopped cilantro and pepper.

Cut the avocado into pieces.

Prepare the salsa: chop the tomatoes, onion, red chili pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, one bunch of cilantro.

Fry tomatoes, chili and garlic in oil. Place all ingredients in a bowl and blend lightly with a blender. The sauce should not have a uniform consistency.

Serve the soup in portioned bowls with a slice of avocado and salsa.

Excellent in taste, rich, nutritious soup is distinguished by the special aroma and thickness that pearl barley gives to the dish.


  • chicken legs - 4 pcs.
  • pearl barley - 1 cup
  • canned tomatoes- 800 g
  • canned black beans - 1 can
  • canned corn - 1 can
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • ground cumin - 2 tsp.
  • chili powder - 1 tsp.
  • oregano - 1 tsp.
  • cheddar cheese
  • sour cream
  • green onions
  • salt.


Soak the pearl barley for 6 hours.

Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan with oil. At the end, sprinkle with cumin and chili.

Place the washed barley and chicken legs in a saucepan with onions, add water, bring to a boil and skim off the foam.

Chop the canned tomatoes along with oregano and add to the broth with barley. Cook for at least 40 minutes.

Remove the chicken meat, separate from the bones, cut the flesh into pieces and place back into the pan. Add beans and corn to the broth.

Boil for about five minutes.

Pour into bowls, sprinkle with green onions. Serve with sour cream and grated cheese.

Soup with beans, chicken and cauliflower is harmonious in taste and satisfying. It's quick and easy to prepare. Great choice for lunch.


  • dry white beans- 200 g
  • chicken meat - 400 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • cauliflower - 200 g
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil
  • celery stalks
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • sour cream
  • dill
  • parsley
  • peppercorns
  • salt.


Soak the beans for 6 hours. Rinse and cook until done.

Boil the chicken meat in salted water and cut into pieces. Add peppercorns.

Finely chop the onion and garlic, carrots into thin strips.

Also finely chop the celery stalks.

Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil, add tomato paste at the end.

Cut the potatoes into pieces and add to the broth.

Separate the cauliflower into florets.

Place the roast, boiled beans and cauliflower. Cook until potatoes and cabbage are ready.

Serve the soup hot. Season with chopped herbs and sour cream.

Fresh and light soup is suitable for lunch on a hot summer day. Minimum time - maximum taste.


  • canned red beans - 1 can
  • chicken broth
  • potatoes - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • cilantro - bunch
  • ground black pepper
  • salt.


Prepare ingredients: chop onion, garlic and cilantro. Grate carrots and tomatoes.

Cut the potatoes into pieces.

Fry onions and carrots with garlic. Pour in the mixture of pureed tomatoes and simmer a little.

Place the potatoes into the heated broth and cook until tender.

Add frying, red canned beans and cilantro. Boil for 5 minutes.

The soup can be prepared from pre-prepared broth or boiled chicken and added to the soup. In the latter version, the soup will be more nutritious. But it will also take more time to prepare.

Take care of healthy eating? Then this dietary, flavorful soup is for you! This delicious first course can be fed to adults and children. And another advantage of this soup is the speed of preparation.


  • minced chicken - 300 g
  • canned white beans - 2 cans
  • rice instant cooking- 200 g
  • fresh cilantro
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt.


Fry the minced meat in a cauldron in hot oil.

Add rice and beans to the minced meat, add water and cook for a quarter of an hour.

Chop the cilantro.

Pour the finished hot soup into portions and sprinkle with cilantro.

Any other greens can replace cilantro. Beans can be chosen in any color.

Traditional Spanish soup will please absolutely everyone. It seems to be saturated with summer, sun and freshness. At the same time, it is very easy to prepare.


  • chicken breast - 300 g
  • canned red beans - 1 can
  • canned corn - 1 can
  • fresh tomatoes - 400 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • vegetable oil
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • tomato paste- 2 tbsp. l.
  • ground coriander
  • hot pepper
  • dry garlic
  • oregano
  • salt.


Cook chicken breast.

The main component of the soup is Enchilada sauce. It's not difficult to prepare.

Heat oil in a frying pan, pour flour into it. Add spices: dried garlic, hot pepper, oregano and cumin. A minute later, tomato paste diluted with broth is sent there.

Place canned beans and a jar into the pan canned corn, ground coriander and ready-made Enchilada sauce.

Add the whole chicken breast to the pan. Pour out any remaining broth. Add salt and cook for 3 hours.

Remove the meat and separate it into fibers. Return to the pan. Boil for 10 minutes.

Summer and simple version of soup. Not harmful to the figure and healthy.


  • canned beans - 1 can
  • chicken meat - 300 g
  • cabbage - 0.5 heads
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
  • sweet paprika - 1 tsp.
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sunflower oil
  • salt.


Boil chicken meat in salted water and cut into small pieces.

Grate the onion and fry in oil.

Chop the cabbage and add to the hot broth. Add tomato paste.

Once the cabbage is cooked, add the beans. Bring to a boil, taste for salt.

Fry the flour and paprika in oil and add to the soup. Stir and bring to a boil.

Can be served.

You can use ready-made beans in jars, or you can cook beans of any color.

A very tasty and quite spicy Mexican dish with black beans. Lots of colorful vegetables make the dish surprisingly elegant. So be sure to make a holiday for yourself and your loved ones.


  • black beans - 500 g
  • sweet green, red and yellow pepper - 1 pc.
  • chicken meat - 400 g
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • chili - 1/2 tsp.
  • cumin - 1/2 tsp.
  • salt.


Soak the beans overnight. Boil for 2 minutes and leave for an hour with the lid closed.

Rinse, place in a saucepan, add broth and put on the stove.

Finely chop the onion and pepper into small cubes.

Place the vegetables in a saucepan and cook for two hours.

Add seasonings and simmer for another hour until the soup becomes thick.

Serve with sour cream. seasonings

The aroma, spiciness and piquancy of the soup with an unusual name is given by a large number of seasonings. Be sure to prepare!


  • minced chicken - 500 g
  • dry beans - 150 g
  • tomatoes - 800 g
  • fresh chili pepper - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • tabasco pepper
  • ground cumin
  • oregano
  • black pepper
  • coriander
  • fresh cilantro - 1 bunch
  • olive oil
  • salt.


Boil the beans.

Grind chicken meat through a meat grinder.

Cut the tomatoes into pieces.

Finely chop the onion, garlic, cilantro, chili pepper into strips.

Fry the onion in oil with garlic and minced chicken. Salt and add all spices.

Place the roast, beans, tomatoes, chili peppers in a pan with boiling water or broth. Simmer for at least an hour.

Sprinkle cilantro into bowls.

There is no such thing as a bad mushroom soup. And here there are also beans. Very nutritious and healthy.


  • chicken fillet - 500 g
  • champignons - 400 g
  • white beans - 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • pepper
  • salt.


Soak the beans overnight. Rinse and boil for 40 minutes.

Cut the fillet into cubes, the onion into half rings, and the champignons into pieces.

Add chicken fillet to the pan with beans. Cook for 15 - 20 minutes.

Add the onion and after 5 minutes the mushrooms. Cook for 10 - 15 minutes.

A tasty, nutritious soup with lots of vegetables is especially good in the summer when vegetables are available and cheap. Prepare and enjoy the taste.


  • chicken fillet - 400 g
  • green beans - 2 cups
  • dry brown spotted beans - 400 g
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • basil fresh ground black pepper
  • Parmesan
  • salt.


Soak dry beans for 6 hours and boil.

Cut green beans and tomatoes into pieces.

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces, chop the garlic and fry in oil.

Cut the zucchini into cubes.

Add zucchini fillet, boiled beans, asparagus, and tomatoes to the pan. Pour in broth or water.

Cook for 10 minutes. Salt, add pepper and basil.

The soup is served in beautiful bowls. Parmesan cheese is offered separately.

Eat this amazing soup for your health and don’t worry about your figure.


  • chicken fillet - 400 g
  • green beans - 400 g
  • canned white beans - 200 g
  • celery stalk - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • green
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper
  • salt.


Cut the chicken fillet into cubes and fry in a frying pan. Place on a plate.

cut green beans, onion and celery, grate carrots and fry. Add tomato paste.

Boil water or broth and place chicken fillet and roast into it. Add canned beans

Cook for 5 - 10 minutes. The soup is ready!

This dish is not only satisfying, rich and nutritious. It is also impressively served with a piece of fried bread at the bottom of the bowl. Surprise your loved ones and guests and give pleasure to the taste.


  • chicken - 1 pc.
  • dry white beans - 200 g
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • celery stalk - 2 pcs.
  • shallot bulbs - 3 pcs.
  • parsley
  • garlic
  • sage
  • hard cheese
  • olive oil
  • pepper
  • salt.


Soak the beans for 6 hours and boil with the addition of a clove of garlic and sage.

Boil the chicken with the addition of celery roots, onions and carrots. Add salt. Cook for three hours.

Bean soups are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Beans contain a large amount of vitamins, microelements and fiber. It is rich in protein, which is well absorbed by the body. Which original recipes does this dish exist? We have prepared 2 delicious recipes for you.


Chicken breast 400 grams White beans 1 stack Carrot 1 piece(s) Bulb 1 piece(s)

  • Number of servings: 6
  • Cooking time: 3 minutes

Beans go well with many vegetables and any meat. One of the simplest and at the same time delicious options is soup with beans and chicken. Making this soup is not at all difficult.

Bean and chicken soup

What products will you need per 2 liters of water?

  • chicken breast - 300-400 g;
  • 1.5 cups dry white beans;
  • 1 carrot;
  • small onion;
  • salt, spices to taste;
  • dill, parsley, onion.

Step by step instructions:

  1. The beans must be soaked in cold water several hours before preparing the soup.
  2. Boil well-soaked beans in this water until tender.
  3. Grind 1/3 of all beans in a blender.
  4. For the broth, rinse the chicken breast well, add cold water and place on the stove.
  5. You need to cook for 40-45 minutes until the meat is completely cooked, remembering to remove the foam.
  6. Chop the onion and carrots and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil, add a little salt.
  7. Add whole and chopped beans to the broth in a blender.
  8. Mix everything thoroughly, add salt and add fried vegetables.

The soup should simmer for another 10 minutes. Ready dish Serve with fresh herbs, add your favorite spices to taste.

Chicken and canned bean soup

For more simple option For soup with beans and chicken, canned beans are suitable. Preparing this type of first course will not take much time, and the result will please everyone.

For 2 liters of water you will need:

  • chicken breast or fillet;
  • 1 can of canned beans (white or red to taste);
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste;
  • salt, black pepper;
  • fresh parsley, dill or onion.

What stages does the cooking process include?

  1. Rinse the chicken meat and cover with cold water, cook for 40-45 minutes, constantly skimming off foam and excess fat.
  2. After the broth is ready, it is recommended to cut the fillet into small pieces and return it to the pan.
  3. Add chopped potatoes.
  4. Fry onions and carrots for olive oil to golden brown crust along with tomato paste.
  5. Add a little salt to the roast and add it to the broth when the potatoes are completely cooked.
  6. Add canned beans, after rinsing them.
  7. Let simmer for another 5-10 minutes and turn off the heat.

Serve the finished soup with sour cream and garnish with fresh herbs. This recipe for bean and chicken soup will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Ideally, it is advisable to soak dry beans overnight, then it significantly reduces the cooking time, but more often than not I rarely think about what I will cook tomorrow, almost always it’s impromptu. And this time is no exception, so I started cooking the beans in a separate pan at the same time as the chicken broth. In 2 hours, while the chicken broth was bubbling over moderate heat, I managed to cook the beans, and the soup turned out to be quite clear, just the way I like it.

To prepare you will need:

  • Beans -100 gr.
  • Chicken -1/2 pcs. (600 gr.)
  • Potatoes -4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil -2 tablespoons.
  • Salt, pepper and spices to taste.

As I said earlier, we wash the beans, add water and set to cook in a separate pan over low heat for 2 hours. If necessary, you can add water.

Cut the chicken into pieces
rinse under running water and set to simmer; as soon as foam forms, remove it using a slotted spoon. Reduce heat and simmer for a couple of hours to form a strong, rich broth.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into arbitrary cubes. Add to soup.

Three carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. Fry until golden brown.
Add everything to the soup. The last step is the beans, during which time they will be completely cooked and will be very soft, like boiled potatoes.
Add the beans to the soup, don’t forget to add salt and spices to taste.