What to cook with chicken fillet for buckwheat. Buckwheat stewed with chicken. Stewed buckwheat with chicken

This wonderful dish, when prepared, is somewhat reminiscent of pilaf - meat, vegetables, cereals, and it tastes just as good. I admit that I don’t really like buckwheat and cook it quite rarely, despite this it is very healthy and should be included in every person’s diet. Thanks to this recipe, you will have only pleasant impressions of this cereal.

Wash the chicken fillet (I made it from breasts) and cut into small cubes. Season with ground black pepper and basil, stir.

Heat in a frying pan vegetable oil. Place the meat and fry it over high heat for about 7-10 minutes.

While the chicken is frying, cut the onion into thin half rings.

Peel the carrots, grate them, and finely chop the dill.

Add vegetables to meat, stir and continue frying for about 5 minutes.

Dilute tomato paste in water, add salt. Mix properly.

Take a little more than half a bowl of buckwheat. Rinse.

Pour tomato over meat and vegetables and add buckwheat. Squeeze out a clove of garlic. Mix all ingredients in a frying pan, cover and cook over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes until all the water has evaporated. If buckwheat is not suitable, you can add a little more water.

Our merchant-style buckwheat is ready to serve.

This dish goes best with fresh vegetables, so I prepared it according to the classic recipe.

Buckwheat in a merchant's way is, in fact, crumbly porridge, cooked with meat and vegetables. You can use any meat - pork, beef, poultry, minced meat - and it always turns out delicious. Today we are preparing merchant-style buckwheat with chicken.

When I first saw this recipe, I caught myself thinking that I cook it almost the same way, and now at home we call this dish not “merchant-style buckwheat,” but buckwheat pilaf.)))
I must say that this pilaf is prepared very simply, quickly, from available products and is liked by almost everyone, even those who don’t really like buckwheat.

Ingredients:(for 4 servings)

  • 1 cup buckwheat
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 350-400 g chicken fillet
  • 1 large onion (130-150 g)
  • 1 large carrot (150 g)
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. tomato paste or ketchup
  • 25-30 g butter
  • dry seasonings as desired
  • olive or sunflower oil for frying

Instead of tomato paste or ketchup, you can take one large tomato, grated without skin on a coarse grater, also turns out delicious.
The capacity of the glass does not matter, it is only important to take cereal and water in a 1:2 ratio.


To prepare merchant-style buckwheat, you can use any part of the chicken; I prefer to cook with breast fillet.
So, cut the breast fillet into small pieces.

Pour olive or regular vegetable oil into a cauldron, deep frying pan or pan with a thick bottom, heat it up and lay out the chicken pieces. Salt, pepper and fry until light golden brown.

Chicken can be fried not only in vegetable oil. I always advise not to throw away the fat trimmed from chicken pieces, but to freeze it. It can be added to any minced meat, or can be used when preparing chicken dishes. Just cut it, melt it, then remove the cracklings and add vegetable oil if there is not enough rendered chicken fat. This will further enrich the taste of the finished dish.

But let's get back to the recipe. While the chicken is frying, at the same time, in another frying pan, fry the onion, cut into quarters of rings, until transparent.

Then add the carrots, cut into strips or cubes, and continue to fry over low heat for another three minutes.

Of course, onions and carrots can be fried in the same bowl along with the chicken, but I always fry the vegetables separately, this way they fry more evenly and ready dish it turns out incomparably tastier.
Place prepared onions and carrots in a cauldron with fried chicken. Add garlic, passed through a press.

We sort out the buckwheat, rinse it, pour it into a cauldron with the chicken and vegetables. No need to stir. Then we dilute the tomato mass or ketchup in two glasses of hot water from the kettle and also pour it into the cauldron. So that the merchant-style buckwheat with chicken has more best taste, at this stage you can add a pinch of any dried seasonings, for example, basil, or my favorite nutmeg, or chicken seasoning, or herbs de Provence. I repeat, there is no need to mix the layers.

When the water boils, skim off the foam a little, but don’t overdo it. Taste for salt and add more salt if necessary. Let the buckwheat boil in an open cauldron; do not close the lid yet.
When the water boils to the level of buckwheat, add 25-30 g of butter.

Now close the cauldron tightly with a lid and reduce the heat to the minimum that your stove allows. Let the dish simmer for 15-20 minutes. Since not all of the water has boiled away yet, the buckwheat and chicken will never burn.

After the specified time, open the lid and mix the contents of the cauldron.

Merchant-style buckwheat with chicken turns out very tasty, aromatic, and, as you can see for yourself, it’s very easy to prepare.

I would also like to add that you can also cook buckwheat without chicken, and use it as an independent dish or as a delicious side dish.
What other delicious buckwheat-based dishes can you prepare? Look at the recipe or cooked in the oven.

That's all for today. I say goodbye to you until the next recipe and wish you all good luck, kindness and good mood!
Always have fun cooking!

Finally, I suggest watching a video about a performance by an extremely talented, amazing girl with the gift of ventriloquism.

Buckwheat is a very popular product in Russia, especially porridge made from it. Since ancient times, our ancestors knew about its benefits, and in our time new ones have been discovered beneficial properties buckwheat Stewed buckwheat with chicken will allow you to quickly, tasty, satisfyingly and healthy feed the whole family.


  1. buckwheat - 200-300 gr.
  2. chicken meat - 700 gr.
  3. onion - 1 pc.
  4. carrots - 2 pcs. (small)
  5. ground black pepper- 0.3 tsp.
  6. turmeric - 0.5 tsp.
  7. curry - 1 tsp.
  8. ginger - 0.5 tsp.
  9. salt - 1-2 tsp. (approximately to taste)
  10. greens to taste - 2+ tbsp. (cilantro, onion, parsley)
Here you can change the number of servings, the ingredients will automatically change.


Rinse the buckwheat well and add hot water.

Cut the chicken meat into convenient portions, rub with salt and sprinkle with pepper, leave for 10 minutes. In preheated with 2-3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the meat for about 15 minutes on all sides, until light brown.

While the chicken is fried, peel the onion and cut into thin slices, wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater.

Transfer the fried chicken pieces into a bowl and cover, and in the frying pan where the meat was fried, fry the onion for 2 minutes, add the carrots, fry for another 3 minutes.

Return the meat back, add buckwheat, a little water, stir, simmer for 10 minutes under a closed lid, sometimes check and add water, add spices and seasonings, salt, stir, after 5 minutes taste for salt, add salt if necessary, turn off the heat and leave for stove for 10 minutes. Add the greens: if dried, then immediately after turning off the stove, if fresh, before serving.

The time for frying the meat before adding the grain to the pan can be reduced by 5-7 minutes if you cut the chicken into small pieces, and by 10 if into small pieces.

After the buckwheat has infused, place it on plates and serve before it gets cold, bon appetit!

Buckwheat porridge is considered a healthy and tasty dish. Among all cereals, it is richer in microelements and therefore suitable for people of any age. If you combine it with chicken breast, you get the perfect tandem.

At its core, such meat turns out dry, so not everyone likes to eat it separately. Buckwheat with chicken, on the contrary, turns out incredibly tasty and juicy.

How to prepare for cooking?

Buckwheat is considered a universal product that can be consumed throughout the day. Thanks to the carbohydrate content, you can maintain the body's activity. For breakfast you can prepare milk porridge, and for dinner - porridge with chicken. The thighs and wings add excellent flavor to the dish. As you can see, the “field of activity” is quite extensive.

Cook delicious porridge Buckwheat will work if you follow simple rules:

  • use fresh and clean water;
  • choose high-quality cereals and pre-sort them;
  • maintain the proportions of cereals and water;
  • choose the right dishes.

The taste quality of the finished porridge depends on the variety and maturity of the cereal, cooking method. Despite the high quality of the cereal, it should still be sorted and washed. To reduce cooking time, it is better to fry buckwheat in a frying pan for about 7 minutes.

The cereal is poured only with fresh water, preferably filtered. It is necessary to boil the porridge before the liquid evaporates, and add salt after boiling. Butter is added to the finished porridge.

Buckwheat with chicken in cream

Delicious casserole It turns out to be a little high in calories, but, nevertheless, it is very tasty.


  • 0.5 kg buckwheat,
  • 200 ml 10% cream,
  • 100 g hard cheese,
  • 1 onion,
  • 200 g champignons,
  • 2 legs,
  • frying oil,
  • paprika and salt.


  1. They set the buckwheat to boil. Meanwhile, wash and cut medium-thick mushrooms into slices and fry them with onions. Buckwheat is mixed with mushrooms and transferred to a cooking dish.
  2. Washed and dried legs are rubbed with paprika and salt and completely immersed in buckwheat. All this is poured with cream and sprinkled with grated cheese.
  3. The oven is preheated to 200C, the mold is placed there and cooked until a golden brown crust appears.

Buckwheat with chicken and “secret” sauce


  • a glass of buckwheat,
  • 200 g chicken breasts,
  • 2 spoons of yogurt,
  • 2 spoons of soy sauce,
  • 100 ml skim milk,
  • 1 onion,
  • salt, spices and herbs.


  1. Boil buckwheat. The fillet is cut and fried in a frying pan. After it is prepared, onion rings are sent to it and, after mixing, they are fried with meat.
  2. After that we move on to the sauce. In a small saucepan, mix milk with yogurt and soy sauce. The mixture is kept on fire, stirring constantly for 3 minutes.
  3. Add sauce and ½ cup of water to a frying pan with meat and onions. The mixture is simmered for 15 minutes, and then spices are added to it. Then add buckwheat.

Stewed buckwheat with chicken in the oven

Quite simple, but very hearty dish- buckwheat with chicken in the oven. If you cook according to this recipe porridge, it will turn out crumbly and aromatic.


  • 2 cups buckwheat,
  • 500 g chicken,
  • 50 g butter,
  • 4 glasses of water,
  • garlic to taste,
  • salt and pepper,
  • parsley.


  1. The chicken meat is salted and peppered in advance and left to marinate for ten minutes. Buckwheat is poured with boiling water, chopped herbs, salt and garlic are added to it and left to steam under the lid for 10 minutes.
  2. Then chicken and butter are placed on top of the porridge. After closing the lid, the dishes are sent to the oven.
  3. You need to cook the dish until the meat is golden brown and the buckwheat is boiled. The approximate cooking time is 40 - 60 minutes, only then open the lid.

Buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker


  • 300 g buckwheat,
  • 4 glasses of water,
  • 450 g chicken meat,
  • 50 g butter,
  • 1 onion and carrot each,
  • 50 g butter,
  • pepper.


  1. The chicken and vegetables are washed, the grains are sorted, but not washed! Vegetables and chicken meat are chopped, and carrots are grated. The size of the pieces of meat should be medium so that it cooks properly (not overcooked or left raw).
  2. Meat and vegetables are stewed in a slow cooker. First, oil is poured, meat is placed, and then vegetables are sent to them. Then you can add salt and pepper to the dish. Next, pour 1/3 cup of water, close the lid and set the frying mode for 15 minutes. After the process is completed, the cereal is sent there and filled with water. You should add a little salt to the porridge and set the “Grain” mode for 30 - 40 minutes.
  3. After opening the lid at the end, butter is added to the porridge. The dish is mixed.

Buckwheat with chicken is delicious!

Bon appetit!

Buckwheat - amazing useful product. It was revered and loved in Rus'; it was cooked with pleasure with meat and mushrooms in a traditional Russian oven. Times change, but the love for this cereal continues to live almost at the genetic level. There are many recipes with this grain, and yet the most popular and delicious is merchant buckwheat with chicken.

Nuances of product preparation

To make the dish nutritious and flavorful, you need to choose the right ingredients. The main ones, of course, will be chicken and buckwheat.

Buckwheat should be purchased whole, clean, without black inclusions. Before cooking, it must be thoroughly sorted and washed. The purity of the cereal will depend appearance and the taste of the dish.

The choice of meat is equally important. In chicken, preference should be given to the sirloin. White meat goes well with cereals, and with the addition of porcini mushrooms to the porridge it completely drives you crazy with the variety of flavors.

The chicken must be thoroughly washed and cut into pieces. It should not be frozen, otherwise a lot of moisture will come out of it during cooking. If you can’t use breast meat at all, you can cook buckwheat with chicken legs. The main thing is to do everything with soul.

Recipe for merchant-style buckwheat with chicken

This is a classic version of the dish that does not require much effort from the hostess.


  • buckwheat - 2 tbsp.;
  • 0.5 kg chicken meat;
  • 0.3 kg of hard cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • mayonnaise;
  • spices;
  • oil.


  • Place in the oven and cook for an hour. The temperature should not be lower than 180-200 degrees.
  • “Merchant” porridge from a multicooker

    The process of preparing porridge in a slow cooker is much simpler and does not require much time. In addition, there is no need to ensure that the cereal does not overflow its banks.


    • 0.4 kg chicken pulp;
    • 0.3 kg buckwheat;
    • 2 tbsp. boiled hot water;
    • 1 onion and carrot each;
    • oil;
    • salt;
    • pepper.


    1. Set the appliance to a mode suitable for baking.
    2. Place the butter in a bowl and melt it.
    3. Chop the onion and carrot into strips.
    4. Chop the chicken into pieces and place in oil. Fry until a crust forms.
    5. Add vegetables to the meat.
    6. Mix all ingredients and add buckwheat kernels.
    7. Select the mode for cooking buckwheat or stewing on the multicooker display.
    8. When the beep sounds and the device turns off, let the porridge brew for a few more minutes.
    9. Divide into portions and serve.

    Second course with meat and mushrooms

    Buckwheat porridge This recipe turns out amazingly delicious. It perfectly combines meat and mushrooms, and cereal unobtrusively complements this “ensemble.”


    • 1 chicken breast;
    • 1 tbsp. buckwheat kernels;
    • 1 onion and carrot each;
    • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
    • 0.4-0.5 kg of mushrooms;
    • green;
    • oil;
    • salt;
    • spices and spices to taste.


    1. Chop the chicken into cubes and rub thoroughly with spices.
    2. Drizzle the fillet with vegetable oil and leave it to marinate while you prepare other products.
    3. Finely chop the onion and carrot.
    4. Saute in a frying pan in vegetable oil until the vegetables acquire a pleasant golden hue.
    5. Finely chop the mushrooms and mix with tomato paste.
    6. Add the mixture to the vegetables and fry until the moisture leaves the mushrooms.
    7. Place the roast in a cooking vessel and cover it with buckwheat.
    8. Pour water over all ingredients and cook over low heat until the moisture has completely evaporated. You can place the dish in the oven for an hour.
    9. When the porridge is ready, cover it with a lid and let it brew for a few minutes: the porridge should steam well.
    10. Serve the dish hot.

    How to cook buckwheat with chicken and bacon?

    This luxurious recipe will fill the house with the aroma of spices and fresh ham, and chicken and buckwheat will complement the harmony.


    • 1 tbsp. buckwheat kernels;
    • 0.5 chicken meat;
    • 3-4 pcs. mushrooms;
    • 3 slices of bacon;
    • 1 onion and carrot each;
    • 2-3 tbsp. l. tomato juice or paste;
    • 3 tbsp. l. oils;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 tsp each sugar and salt;
    • a third of a tsp. ground nutmeg, black and red pepper, cumin;
    • 0.5 tsp each turmeric and paprika;
    • 1 tsp. dried parsley.


      1. Sort out the kernel, rinse and fry in a hot frying pan.
      2. Cut chicken meat into large cubes.
      3. Chop onions and carrots.
      4. Cut the bacon into thin slices.
      5. Fry vegetables and meat in a frying pan with hot oil.
      6. Add garlic passed through a press to them.
      7. Add mushrooms to the fried vegetables and continue sautéing until excess moisture has evaporated.
      8. Add bacon slices and continue frying.
      9. Prepare a seasoning from ground nutmeg, a mixture of peppers, cumin, turmeric and parsley and add it to the roasted meat.
      10. Send here tomato juice and continue to simmer for several minutes.
      11. Sprinkle buckwheat on top and pour 2-2.5 tbsp. water.
      12. Simmer the dish over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
      13. Add a bay leaf, cover with a lid and simmer for another quarter of an hour.
      14. When the porridge is ready, you can put a small piece of butter in it, cover it again and leave for a few minutes until the dish finishes cooking.
      15. Serve to the table, arranging into portions.

    Merchant-style buckwheat with chicken is an ideal dish not only for every day: it can be safely served on festive table. If you cook it in the oven, it will be much more tender and tastier dishes from a saucepan or frying pan. You can add other ingredients to taste - it all depends on the skill of the housewife and her imagination.


    Buckwheat merchant style

    I have always considered the combination of buckwheat with meat and vegetables to be the most successful. And who would have thought that the dish we had was a quick, tasty and satisfying option for a quick fix- There is traditional dish Russian cuisine with the noble name “buckwheat in a merchant’s style”. I decided to add a recipe with a photo because, despite the apparent simplicity of preparation, there are some nuances here too. A dish akin to pilaf is prepared: first, frying meat and vegetables is prepared, then cereals and water are added and all this is stewed until cooked. This cooking technology is probably already familiar to you and, in principle, can be used for almost any cereal. The main thing is to keep the proportions correctly, and then you will get not ordinary buckwheat porridge with meat, but simply luxurious, incredibly tasty, crumbly and aromatic buckwheat like a merchant!

    • buckwheat – 250 g,
    • chicken fillet – 250 g,
    • onion – 1 head,
    • carrots – 1 pc.,
    • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l.,
    • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.,
    • sugar – 1 tsp,
    • black pepper (ground), salt, herbs - to taste.

    How to cook buckwheat the merchant way

    I start cooking by preparing the chicken fillet. I rinse the meat, dry it and cut it into small cubes. It will be easier to handle the meat if it is slightly frozen. Immediately after cutting, I send the chicken to a saucepan for frying in vegetable oil.

    As soon as the saucepan is on the stove, I quickly peel the carrots and chop them using a coarse grater. I grate it and immediately put the carrots in a saucepan to fry. If desired, you can cut the carrots into strips or cubes.

    Now buckwheat. I go through it, wash it thoroughly and put it in for re-cooking when it is approximately half-ready (the carrots have already turned yellow, but have not yet become completely soft). Separately, I add a little salt to the buckwheat.

    And immediately add tomato paste and sugar. Don't worry, the buckwheat won't turn out sweet. Sugar will slightly dampen the sourness of the tomato paste, and also enrich and reveal the taste of the dish.

    Pour water over the buckwheat so that it covers the grain by about 2 cm, mix the contents of the saucepan and, covering it with a lid, bring to a boil.

    Then I turn down the heat on the stove to medium and simmer the buckwheat for about 20 minutes. During this time, the cereal should completely absorb the water and the dish is, in general, ready. But if possible, remove the buckwheat from the stove and let it stand for at least 10 minutes. It seems like a small thing, but this will make the dish even tastier and more aromatic.

    When serving, sprinkle the buckwheat with merchant-style chopped green onions.


    Buckwheat with chicken fillet

    Buckwheat with chicken fillet is a popular combination in our kitchen recipes, but, as a rule, few people know how to correctly combine both basic ingredients of the dish together to get aromatic, crumbly cereal and juicy meat. We will share interesting and simple recipes perfect buckwheat with chicken next.

    Merchant-style buckwheat with chicken fillet

    This buckwheat recipe is convenient because it is prepared in one bowl, and therefore during the cooking process all the ingredients exchange their flavors with each other.

    1. Separate the chicken from the skin and films.
    2. Chop and saute the prepared vegetables. Add the meat to the vegetable saute, and as soon as it sets, start preparing the buckwheat.
    3. Rinse the cereal and allow excess water to drain. Add buckwheat to the contents of the frying pan, add garlic paste and tomato, then fill everything with water.
    4. Leave the buckwheat with chicken fillet in the pan for about 20 minutes after boiling, leaving the porridge to cook under the lid.

    Chicken fillet with buckwheat – recipe

    1. After washing the cereal, let it dry.
    2. While excess water drains from the cereal, sauté the onion until the pieces are translucent. Add laurel to the onion.
    3. Mix the roast with buckwheat, add salt, add the chicken fillet disassembled into fibers, and then fill everything with twice the volume of liquid (this can be either water or broth). Leave the buckwheat to finish cooking after boiling.
    4. You can repeat the recipe for cooking buckwheat with chicken fillet in a slow cooker by setting the “Baking” mode during sauteing and switching to “Stewing” after adding water.

    Chicken fillet with buckwheat in the oven

    • onions – 140 g;
    • champignons – 230 g;
    • garlic – 2 cloves;
    • buckwheat – 1 tbsp.;
    • chicken fillet – 430 g;
    • sour cream – 35 g;
    • grated cheese – 115 g.
    1. Prepare onion-mushroom sauté and mix it with washed buckwheat and garlic.
    2. Transfer the mixture to a baking dish and add one and a half cups of water.
    3. Divide the chicken into chops, season and place on top of the buckwheat. Brush the chicken with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese.
    4. Leave the dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.


    How to cook buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker

    Are you tired and tired of buckwheat porridge? It's not all bad!

    After all, you can make a lot of delicious things from buckwheat.

    If you haven’t cooked buckwheat porridge with chicken in a slow cooker yet, then you’ve lost a lot; this dish turns out simply excellent.

    Therefore, if you have buckwheat and chicken meat at home, then do not put these ingredients off for later, but start preparing something delicious from them for dinner or lunch.

    Traditional recipe with photo

    • Chicken meat (pulp) – 300-400 grams;
    • Onion – 1 piece;
    • Buckwheat – 300 grams;
    • One carrot;
    • 80 grams of tomato paste;
    • 600 ml water;
    • Vegetable oil;
    • A couple of pinches of table salt;
    • A pinch of ground black pepper.

    Cooking period: 60 minutes.

    Let's start cooking buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker:

    How to cook buckwheat with chicken and vegetables in a Redmond slow cooker

    What you will need for cooking:

    • Chicken breast 300-400 grams;
    • 400 grams of buckwheat;
    • 200 grams of champignons;
    • Sweet pepper – 1 piece;
    • One carrot;
    • Onion – 1 piece;
    • Water – half a liter;
    • Vegetable oil;
    • A little table salt;
    • Spices to your taste.

    The cooking period is one and a half hours.

    1. Rinse the chicken breast thoroughly in cold water, cut off the skin and remove the bones. Cut the pulp into small pieces;
    2. Add oil to the multicooker container and place pieces of chicken meat there. Add some salt and season them with spices;
    3. Select the “Frying” program and fry the meat for about 10 minutes;
    4. We wash the mushrooms, clean the caps and cut them into small thin slices;
    5. Place a frying pan on the stove, pour a little vegetable oil into it and add mushroom pieces. Fry until done, stirring constantly;
    6. Next, peel the onion and cut into small cubes;
    7. Peel the carrots, rinse them and cut them into small strips;
    8. We wash the sweet peppers, remove seeds and stems. We cut it into strips;
    9. Pour the chopped vegetables into the multicooker container, stir and fry for about 10-15 minutes;
    10. We rinse the buckwheat several times, select the black grains and husks;
    11. Next, put buckwheat porridge and fried mushrooms into the slow cooker, stir everything;
    12. Fill everything with water, it should cover all the ingredients to a height of two fingers;
    13. Select the “Rice-Grains” or “Buckwheat Porridge” mode and leave to cook for 50 minutes;
    14. Once everything is ready, mix and serve.

    Merchant style buckwheat with chicken

    What you need for cooking:

    • 500-600 grams of chicken meat;
    • 2 cups buckwheat;
    • Large onion - 1 piece;
    • One carrot;
    • ½ glass of tomato juice;
    • Vegetable oil;
    • Table salt - to your taste;
    • A small amount of ground black pepper;
    • Water – 1000 ml.

    How long does cooking take - 1 hour 15 minutes.

    Number of calories – 220.

    How to prepare such a dish in a slow cooker:

    1. Rinse the chicken thoroughly under cool water, remove the skin, bones, cartilage and all kinds of films;
    2. Cut the pulp into small pieces;
    3. Peel the skin from the onion, cut into small squares and place in a small plate;
    4. Thoroughly clean the carrots from skins and dirt, rinse them in cool water and rub them into coarse shavings. The vegetable can be cut into cubes, strips or halves of circles. We cut at our discretion;
    5. Next, we clean the buckwheat from black grains, husks and all kinds of debris. Place the buckwheat on a sieve and rinse with water;
    6. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker container, turn on the “Frying” program and heat the oil;
    7. Place chicken slices in hot oil, fry them for 15 minutes and stir constantly so that they do not burn;
    8. Next, add pieces of onion and carrots. Add some salt and season with black pepper, stir and leave to simmer for about 7-10 minutes;
    9. Then lay out the buckwheat, add tomato juice and fill everything with water;
    10. Select the “Stew” mode and leave to simmer for 50 minutes;
    11. During this period, buckwheat will swell and absorb the juice of meat and vegetables;

    After the multicooker beeps, stir the porridge and serve.