Technological map for making shortbread cookies. Shortbread dough preparation technology. Preparation of shortbread dough and products made from it: sliced ​​cookies, curd cookies, butter cookies, shortbread cone with jam). Processes that occur during

For cooking shortcrust pastry flour is taken with a small gluten content, since in the presence of a large amount of “strong” gluten, the dough when kneading turns out to be rubbery, non-plastic (“tightened”) The presence of a large amount of butter, sugar and the absence of water in the dough contributes to the production of crumbly products, which is where the name of the dough comes from - sand. Prepare the dough in a room with a temperature no higher than 20 degrees. At a higher temperature, the dough crumbles when rolled out, since the butter in it is in a softened state. Products made from such dough are tough.

Shortbread dough is mainly prepared using machines, but small quantities can also be prepared by hand.

The butter and sugar are ground in a beater until smooth, eggs are added, in which ammonium, soda, and essence are dissolved. It is recommended to use vanilla essence. Beat until fluffy, transfer to the bowl of a dough mixing machine and, while stirring, constantly add flour, but leave 7% for dusting, i.e. for further work with the dough. Kneading must be done quickly, until the consistency is uniform. Increasing the kneading time may result in a stretched dough.

When making shortcrust pastry by hand, pour a mound of flour onto the table, make a funnel in it, put butter, previously ground with sugar, add eggs, in which soda, ammonium, salt, essence are dissolved, and knead the dough until smooth. Defects may occur during dough production.

Technological map

Cookies "Round"


Name of raw materials


Powdered sugar

Vanilla powder



Melange for lubrication



Cooking technology

Ready dough Roll out into a layer 5 mm thick, brush with egg and sprinkle with chilled crumbs. After 20 minutes, cut out round cakes using a round recess with a diameter of 40 mm and bake on dry pastry sheets at a temperature of 230°C.

For making crumbs "/ 10 cool part of the dough, add I Take a little flour and rub through a fine sieve.

Quality requirements

The cookies are round in shape, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 6%. In 1 kg. At least 85 pcs.

Technological map

Cookies "Leaves"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Powdered sugar

Vanilla powder



Melange for lubrication

Ammonium carbonate



Cooking technology

Grind butter until white with sugar, add p O sedately, without ceasing to stir, melange (eggs), vanilla bean d ru, after which - flour with ammonium and knead the dough. The dough is formed into oval pointed cakes, onto which the contours of the leaf veins are applied with the end of a knife, placed on a dry sheet, brushed with egg and baked at 230-240°C.

Quality requirements

The cookies are leaf-shaped, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 6%. In 1 kg. at least 60-70 pcs.

Technological map

"Star Cookies"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Powdered sugar

Vanilla powder




Candied fruits or fruits

Drinking soda



Cooking technology

Stripped butter grind thoroughly, mix with sugar and vanilla powder, soda, beat for 6-8 minutes. This

milk mixed with melange is gradually added to the mixture and whisked And simmer for another 5-8 minutes, then mix with flour. If instead of powdered sugar you use granulated sugar, then mix it with milk, heating until the sugar dissolves, cooling A eat and, whisking, add to the mass, after what is mixed with flour.

The finished dough is placed in a pastry bag with a notched pipe. h coy (hole diameter 1.5 cm). Small star-shaped cookies are placed on a dry baking sheet at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Place a piece of ducat or raisin in the middle of the cookie. Products are baked at 230-240°C.

Quality requirements

The cookies are leaf-shaped, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 8%. In 1 kg. at least 140 pcs.

Technological map

Cookies "Glagolik"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Powdered sugar

Vanilla powder




Invert syrup

Drinking soda



Cooking technology

The dough is prepared as for Zvezdochka cookies, but V lie invert syrup and place small cookies in the shape of the letter “g” onto a baking sheet using a pastry bag with a toothed tube (hole diameter 6-7 mm). Bake poi tempera and the temperature is 230-240°C.

Quality requirements

Cookies are shaped like the letter “g”, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 7%. 1 kg. 122 pcs.

Technological map

Lemon cookies

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar

Ammonium carbonate




Lemon essence


Whole milk



Cooking technology

Grind butter until white with sugar, add l And mono essence, ammonium, honey and, continuing whisking, add little by little melange mixed with milk. Flour mixed with soda is added to the fluffy whipped mass. Roll out the finished dough A The cakes are cut out in a layer 5 mm thick and a round recess with a diameter of 40 mm, which are placed on dry sheets and baked at a temperature of 240°C.

Quality requirements

The cookies are round, crumbly, golden in color, with the smell of lemon and honey; in 1 kg. at least 125 pcs.

Technological map

Sand strip with jam

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams



Granulated sugar

Vanilla essence






Ammonium carbonate


100 pieces, 50 gr.

Cooking technology

Ready shortbread dough roll out with a rolling pin into a layer 10-15 mm thick, place on a baking sheet and lay a rope along the edges, cut out e made from the same dough in the form of a side. On the layer uniformly O I put jam on it. Roll out the rest of the dough into thin ropes (strips) and place them in the form of a lattice on the pie, securing the ends to the side. Before baking, the surface of the pie is brushed with egg and baked at a temperature of 240-250°C until cooked.

Cut into rectangular products weighing 50 g.

Can be prepared as a pie with jam, minced meat b lok, with fruit filling.

Quality requirements

Cookies are rectangular in shape, crumbly, golden in color, with a fruity aroma; in 1 kg. at least 125 pcs.

Technological map

Butter cookies

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar






Cooking technology

Beat butter and sugar until fluffy and homogeneous. O add melange, dissolve the essence and beat. Quickly deputy e sew with flour. The finished dough is placed in a confectionery pan e shock with a jagged tube with a diameter of 0.7-0.8 cm. The stove is deposited e Nye round or oval shape onto dry sheets. Bake at a temperature of 240-250°C for 5-6 minutes.

Quality requirements

Cookies are round and oval in shape, crumbly, golden in color, with the smell of essence.

Technological map

Sliced ​​cookies

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar


Vanilla powder


Drinking soda

Ammonium carbonate

Invert syrup



Cooking technology

Beat margarine and sugar until smooth, add invert syrup in which salt, soda, ammonium are dissolved, A nil powder, and then quickly knead with flour until smooth. The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 4.5-5 mm thick and cookies are cut into rectangular or round shapes using notches. r We. Bake at a temperature of 220-240°C for 5-6 minutes.

Quality requirements

Cookie rectangular or round in shape, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed.

Technological map

Shortbread cone with poppy seeds

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams



Granulated sugar




Vanilla powder


Drinking soda

Ammonium carbonate


Poppy for finishing


100 pcs. 50 gr.

Cooking technology

The shortbread dough is prepared, divided into pieces weighing 56 g. Shaped into horseshoes (horns), sprinkled with poppy seeds (3 g) on ​​top and baked on greased sheets at a temperature of 260 ° C.

Quality requirements

The cookies are horseshoe-shaped, crumbly, golden in color, with a vanilla aroma.

Technological map

Shortbread cookies

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Powdered sugar




For finishing





Cooking technology

Beat butter with powdered sugar, add melange, O dissolve the salt in the rum and beat for another 10-15 minutes, then quickly mix with the flour until smooth. The dough is rolled out into a layer 0.5 cm thick, sprinkled with sugar and chopped nuts, and rolled on top with a rolling pin, or a grooved one. With the help of you e Use the mock to cut out cookies of different shapes (Fig. 13). Bake on dry sheets at a temperature of 240-250°C for 5-6 minutes.

Quality requirements

The cookies are round in shape, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 6%. In 1 kg. At least 60-70 pcs.

Technological map

Curd cookies

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar

Butter (margarine)


Drinking soda


Granulated sugar for sprinkling



Cooking technology

Knead the shortbread dough with the addition of grated cottage cheese. The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 5 mm thick, sprinkled with A Harom-sand. Cut out cookies of different shapes using e mok or knife. Bake for 5-8 minutes at a temperature of 220-230°C.

Quality requirements

Cookies of different shapes, not deformed, the edges are even, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed.

Technological map

Sandbox with raisins

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams



Granulated sugar



Drinking soda



Ammonium carbonate

Grease for lubricating sheets



100 pcs. 50 g each

Cooking technology

Prepare shortbread dough with raisins. Raisins are added along with flour.

Roll out the dough into a layer 1 cm thick, sprinkle with chopped s with nuts and cut into rectangular products weighing 61 g. Bake at a temperature of 240-250 ° C on greased sheets.

Quality requirements

The cookies are rectangular in shape, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 6%. In 1 kg. At least 85 pcs.

Technological map

Cookies "Chamomile"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Powdered sugar



Whole milk



Ammonium carbonate




Cooking technology

Beat melange (eggs) with half the norm of sugar at low A heating up to 40°C. Grind the remaining half of the sugar and beat And boil with butter, gradually adding essence and m O loko. Both masses are combined and mixed with flour and loosened And teles. The finished dough is placed in a pastry bag and a patterned shape in the shape of a chamomile is pressed. Part of the test A sew with burnt paste and darker dough from another pastry shopa bag with a smooth tube fills the middle of the chamomile. baked A Eat cookies on dry pastry sheets at a temperature of 240°C.

Quality requirements

The product is shaped like a chamomile, golden-yellow in color with a dark center, crumbly. In 1 kg. 150 pcs.

Technological map

Cupcake "Capital"(piece)

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams



Granulated sugar










Ammonium carbonate

Powdered sugar for finishing


100pcs, 75 gr.

Cooking technology

Beat the butter and granulated sugar until smooth, O melange is gradually added. First, salt, essence, and ammonium carbonate are dissolved in it. Beat the mixture for 10-15 minutes, e put in a bowl, add raisins, then flour and mix until smooth. For cakes, use truncated molds. n cone with corrugated surface or cylindrical. They are greased, and the cylindrical ones can be lined with paper. Place 82 g of dough into molds. Bake at a temperature of 205-215°C for 25-30 minutes, then cool the cupcakes and remove from the baking pan. r we sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Quality requirements

Technological map

Cupcake "Capital"(weight)

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar






Ammonium carbonate

Powdered sugar for finishing



Cooking technology

The dough is prepared in the same way as for a piece cake, but when baking h Rectangular shapes are not used. They are greased or lined with paper. The dough is laid out in molds, the surface is leveled and cut along the entire length with a spatula dipped in vegetable oil, as a result, after baking the surface is more beautiful. If this is not done, then the cracks will be located in different directions. Bake at temperature at re 160-180°C for about 1 hour. After cooling, remove from the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Quality requirements

The cake has the shape of a truncated cone or cylindrical with a convex surface, sprinkled with powdered sugar, when cut, the crumb is dense, yellow in color, with raisins evenly distributed.

Technological map

Cupcake "Tea"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar






Ammonium carbonate

Powdered sugar for finishing



Cooking technology

The dough is prepared in the same way as for the Stolichny cake, only with With then margarine is used for butter. Bake straight at bare pans, greased or lined with paper. To improve appearance Slide a spatula dipped in oil over the top of the cake. Bake, cool, remove from pan, O sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Quality requirements

The cake has the shape of a truncated cone or cylindrical with a convex surface, sprinkled with powdered sugar, when cut, the crumb is dense, yellow in color, with raisins evenly distributed.

Cashew kernels, raw

Vanilla essence

Ammonium carbonate

Powdered sugar for finishing



Cooking technology

Prepare the dough in the same way as for the Stolichny cake, only with With Then crushed nuts are added to the raisins. Lay out in preparation O molded square shapes. Bake at a temperature of 160-180°C for 1 hour. After cooling, remove from the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Quality requirements

The shape is square, the surface is sprinkled with powdered sugar, when cut, the crumb is dense, yellow, with evenly distributed nuts.

Technological map

Curd cupcake

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar



Cashew kernels, raw

Vanilla essence

Ammonium carbonate

Powdered sugar for finishing



Cooking technology

Beat butter and sugar, add grated cottage cheese, etc. O should be beaten, then add melange, in which the solution I Add baking soda and ammonium carbonate, continue beating until fluffy and quickly mix with flour.

The dough is placed in rectangular molds greased. Bake at a temperature of 160-180°C for about 60 minutes. Cool, remove from mold, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Quality requirements

The shape is rectangular, the surface is convex, sprinkled with powdered sugar, when cut, the crumb is dense, yellow, with raisins evenly distributed.

Technological map


Cooking technology

The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 5 mm thick, brushed with egg and sprinkled with chilled crumbs. After 20 minutes, cut out round cakes using a round recess with a diameter of 40 mm and bake on dry pastry sheets at a temperature of 230°C.

To prepare crumbs ‘/ 10th part of the dough is cooled, a little flour is added and rubbed through a fine sieve.

Quality requirements

The cookies are round in shape, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 6%. In 1 kg. At least 85 pcs.

Technological map


N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.

Cooking technology

Grind the butter until white with sugar, add gradually, without ceasing to stir, melange (eggs), vanilla powder, then add flour with ammonium and knead the dough. The dough is formed into oval pointed cakes, onto which the contours of the leaf veins are applied with the end of a knife, placed on a dry sheet, brushed with egg and baked at 230-240°C.

Quality requirements

The cookies are leaf-shaped, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 6%. In 1 kg. at least 60-70 pcs.

Technological map


N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.

Cooking technology

The refined butter is thoroughly ground, mixed with sugar and vanilla powder, soda, and beaten for 6-8 minutes. This

Add milk mixed with melange little by little and beat for another 5-8 minutes, then mix with flour. If granulated sugar is used instead of powdered sugar, then it is mixed with milk, heated until the sugar dissolves, cooled and, whisking, added to the mass, after which it is kneaded with flour.

The finished dough is placed in a pastry bag with a serrated tube (hole diameter 1.5 cm). Small star-shaped cookies are placed on a dry baking sheet at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Place a piece of ducat or raisin in the middle of the cookie. Products are baked at 230-240°C.

Quality requirements

The cookies are leaf-shaped, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 8%. In 1 kg. at least 140 pcs.

Technological map


N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.

Cooking technology

The dough is prepared as for “Star” cookies, but invert syrup is added and small cookies in the shape of the letter “g” are placed on a baking sheet using a pastry bag with a toothed tube (hole diameter 6-7 mm). Poi is baked at a temperature of 230-240°C.

Quality requirements

Cookies are shaped like the letter “g”, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 7%. 1 kg. 122 pcs.

Technological map

Cookie "lemon"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.

Name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams

Granulated sugar

Ammonium carbonate


Lemon essence

Technological map No.Sweet shortbread dough, semi-finished catering product(CP-recipe No. 154)

Publishing house Kyiv "A.S.K" 2005


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cookingtest shortbread sweet, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

Raw materials are prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for enterprises catering and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

  • Floursift through sieves with mesh sizes of no more than 2.5 mm.
  • Eggs,received at the enterprise are pre-treated (soaking, washing, disinfection, rinsing).
NameRaw material consumption per serving, g
Gross weight, g% when cold processed Net weight, g% during heat treatment Output, g
Butter289,0 3.00 (losses during mixing) 280,0 0,00 280,0
Wheat flour464,0 3.00 (losses during mixing) 450,0 0,00 450,0
Chicken egg1.4 pcs.3.00 (losses during mixing) 54,0 0,00 54,0
Vanilla sugar5,0 0,00 5,0 0,00 5,0
Dough ripper 12,0 0,00 12,0 0,00 12,0
Powdered sugar206,0 3.00 (losses during mixing) 200,0 0,00 200,0
Exit 1 kg
  1. Cooking technology

The presence of a large amount of butter, sugar and the absence of water in shortbread dough contributes to the production of crumbly products (hence the name of the dough - shortbread). To loosen the dough, the chemical leavening agents baking soda and ammonium carbonate are used.

The dough is prepared indoors at a temperature no higher than 20º C. At a higher temperature, the dough crumbles when rolled out, since the butter in it is in a softened state. Products made from such dough are tough.

In a mixer bowl, combine softened butter, powdered sugar, baking powder, and beat until fluffy. Gradually adding eggs and sifted wheat flour, knead the dough. The finished dough is transferred to a gastronorm container, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator t (2-5)º C

  1. Characteristic ready-made dish, semi-finished product

Appearance– shortcrust pastry is a plastic mass. Color – yellowish.

Taste– taste of raw shortcrust pastry. No foreign taste.

Smell– taste of raw shortcrust pastry. No foreign smell.

  1. Requirements for registration, sale and storage

Sweet shortbread doughPrepared on the day of baking. The finished dough is transferred to a gastronorm container, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator t (2-5)º C for 3 hours for the dough to mature.