How long and how to cook pig ears? How to cook pig ears

Pig ears consist of cartilage between layers of skin, which after cooking becomes jelly and very tasty. The boiled product can be eaten plain, fried or pickled. Preparing dishes is easy, and the price of the ears is affordable. Calorie content − 211 kcal per 100 gr.

How to prepare the product for use

In Asian countries, they like to eat pig ears as a snack for beer or main courses. Pig ears in Korean, in Chinese - delicious dish with a spicy aroma and interesting taste. You can cook them in a frying pan or in the oven at home. It is enough to have 3-4 hours of free time and the desire to taste delicious meat. Ears can not only be fried and boiled, but also smoked.

What can you cook with the product?

After cooking, the taste of pork ears becomes delicate, with a soft, enveloping, gelatinous jelly taste and a slight crunch of pork cartilage. You need to cook the meat until 1-1,5 hours.

Our step by step recipes cooking pork ears on the website with photos contains tips on how to cook:

  • Pressed meat in spicy sauce.
  • Ear rolls.
  • Salads and julienne with crispy ears.
  • Soups and cereals with gravy.

Serve the ears as they do in the East - with hot seasoning or chili sauce. The combination of 2 spices will be an interesting highlight of this unusual treat.

Whatever dish I prepare from pig ears, I always boil them first. In order not to repeat myself in each recipe, I will describe here how to cook pig ears. And I will link from other recipes.

  • pig ears - 2-4 pieces;
  • small onion - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • allspice - 5-10 peas;
  • black pepper - 5-10 peas;
  • cloves - 3 inflorescences;
  • bay leaf - 1 piece;
  • stems of dill and parsley;
  • water;

and you can also add:

  • sour apples (Antonovka) - 2 pieces;
  • soy sauce - 3-5 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste.


I always come across smooth, already singed pig ears for sale. If the ears have hair, then they should first be singed, shaved, scraped (underline as necessary).

You also need to cut out the small ear with a knife; there is a lot of fat and ear dirt there.

Place the pig ears in a saucepan. Fill with water, completely hiding the ears under it. Place on fire and bring to a boil. Skim off any foam that has formed.

Add all the products and spices for cooking, including washed and peeled whole carrots, whole peeled onions, whole apples (if available). Instead of peeling the garlic cloves, cut them in half or crush them with the flat side of a knife.

We never throw away the stems from dill and parsley, but add them to various broths for flavor.

Soy sauce is added just to give it a nice tan color. If the dish you are preparing requires this shade, then add it.

You need to add salt so that the broth is tasty and pleasant to the saltiness. Pig ears absorb salt well. If you oversalt, you won't be able to eat.

Cook the pig ears in the spicy broth for about two hours until they are tender. I usually cook for an hour and a half and then keep the ears in the cooling broth for another half hour or an hour.

What haven’t they tried in the modern world? And in which products did they not find beneficial properties?

Just one of these products is pork ears, the use of which will improve your physical health, namely, increase the strength of bones and joints.

Preliminary preparations

In order to start preparing any dish from such an unusual product, this very product must first be washed and cleaned. Sometimes you can get ears that are already singed, clean and smooth, but if not, you will have to work a little. The hair on the ears should be singed, shaved or pulled out. Then you need to get rid of the small ear, since it is where most of the dirt and fat is contained.

As a rule, dishes made from pork ears require preliminary cooking of these same ears. To do this, they must be placed in a pan filled with water so much that the ears are completely immersed in liquid, brought to a boil and cooked for 2 - 3 hours, regularly skimming off the resulting foam. About half an hour before the end of cooking, the ears should be salted and seasonings added to taste, for example, a few bay leaves, a little cloves and peppercorns, which will highlight the taste of the dish. Ready pork ears should be soft and flavorful.

Tastes of the peoples of the world

Further preparation of the ears depends only on your taste. For example, Korean people prefer pickled ears. To prepare them, boiled, cooled and cut ears are marinated for a day in sauce in glass jars, tightly closed with a lid. To make the sauce, chop bay leaves and garlic, add Korean carrot seasoning, apple and wine vinegar, and dilute everything with vegetable oil.

The French prefer to use Bechamel sauce to prepare delicious abalone: ​​about 40-50 g butter melt, mix with the same amount of flour and pour a glass of milk into the resulting mixture. The resulting sauce is poured over pre-cooked ears, laid out on a baking sheet, and generously sprinkled with cheese on top.

Among the Slavic peoples, it is customary to combine pig ears with sauerkraut, beer or vodka, hence the names of the dishes “Pig ears with beer” and the salad “With vodka”. Sauerkraut gives the ears an unusual sourness. To do this, the cabbage is washed with cold water, squeezed thoroughly, mixed with the ears cut into strips in a heated frying pan and lightly fried.

Crispy fried pork ears make a wonderful snack for beer. To do this, place the ears in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil, pepper, salt, season to taste, add garlic and fry until beautiful. golden brown crust. Place the cooled ears on a plate and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Excellent and original snack To go along with the vodka on your table will be a salad prepared with some Korean accent. To prepare it, marinated pork ears, beloved by Koreans and widely used in Slavic countries, are used. fresh cucumber And bell pepper, cut into small pieces. All ingredients are seasoned with mayonnaise, and this dish will give an unforgettable taste korean carrot combined with sesame and herbs.

It turns out that such an unusual product on our tables can pleasantly surprise gourmets and lovers of something new and special. Representatives of various peoples and nationalities have long declassified useful and amazing delicious features pig ears, now it’s the turn of our magician housewives. Experiment, invent and delight your loved ones with new discoveries in the field of cooking. Bon appetit!

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Only someone who has never tried skillfully prepared pork ears before can wrinkle their nose in disgust and claim that it is simply impossible to eat them. But in many countries they are considered a real delicacy; all kinds of snacks and salads are prepared on their basis; pig ear dishes are served in the best Asian restaurants. And in Europe they know a lot about them. Gourmets from Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Germany or France can prepare dozens of delicious dishes from pig ears.

Baked, smoked, fried, pressed, stuffed, marinated in honey or soy sauce - this is not a complete list of delicacies made from pork ears, which, among other things, are considered by many connoisseurs of one of the best snacks to beer.

We will now talk in more detail about the in a simple way their preparation is about how to cook ears.

Before you start preparing them, you will need to buy ears, which is not always so easy to do. Often, butchers sell whole pig heads, but you need to find a place that sells them as separate “spare parts.” Ideally, the ears should be well processed so that you do not have to shave the stubble on them at home and singe them over a gas stove. Once the ears are acquired, it’s time to prepare them.

How to cook pig ears

  • The first step is to prepare the ears for cooking. If necessary, they should be scorched, then scraped clean with a knife, washed and soaked overnight in cold water. If you have little time, then a few hours will be enough.
  • After soaking, we finally scrape out the ears and rinse them. They should become smooth and white-pink.
  • Place the ears in a saucepan, fill with water and place on the stove. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the ears at a barely noticeable boil.
  • After an hour, add some salt to the broth to taste; an hour before the end of cooking, you can add a few peppercorns, an onion and a carrot to it.
  • Experts have somewhat different opinions about how long to cook the ears. Some say that two and a half hours will be enough, while others argue that at least four. Our advice is to check the readiness with a fork, then cut off a piece and try, if it seems ready, then it is.

The pig is a unique domestic animal: almost all parts of its carcass are suitable for preparing some dishes. There are more popular pieces, some that are little used, and others that are not for everyone. The latter include pig ears. They have a unique taste, and not everyone likes the abundance of cartilage. However, we note that most nations where pork is not prohibited have invented their own recipe for how to cook pig ears. Moreover, often this is not a “poor man’s” dish, but quite an exquisite one, which is not neglected by both rich and noble people.

Korean recipe

In our country, the most popular method for preparing this part of the pork carcass is “developed” in Korea. Maybe because it is quite simple to make, or maybe because the result is soft (but not spreading!) and quite spicy. Probably all lovers of spicy foods know how to cook ears in Korean. And for those who are not yet in the know, we will now tell you everything. To be honest, even a completely inexperienced cook can handle this.

Before that, they must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. Still, these are not the cleanest organs. To make them edible, you first need to grease all the stubble, if it still remains on the ears. Then all the burning is cleaned off under a strong stream of water. Particular attention is paid to the ear canals.

The next step will be boiling. The ears are placed in water, placed on the stove and cooked for about an hour. At the end of the allotted time, put an onion into the water (for 2 ears - one onion, whole, not chopped), a clove of garlic and spices: allspice, bay leaves, coriander, ground peppers (assorted) and salt - all according to your taste taste. With all the seasonings, the ears are cooked for another hour. During this time, you need to make a marinade of soy sauce, sunflower oil and vinegar (two tablespoons each), Korean seasoning for carrots (the whole package), a head of crushed garlic, a large spoon of coriander and a teaspoon each of salt and sugar. While the ears are cooked, the sugar and salt will have time to dissolve.

How to cook ears Korean recipe means to marinate them, the cooled ears are cut into strips and poured with marinade sauce. Before putting the pan in the refrigerator, its contents must be thoroughly mixed so that the straws do not stick together. After a day, the Korean dish is ready to eat.

Chinese recipe

It is in second place in popularity. Moreover, the ears here are not served as a snack, but as part of a salad. We have already told you how to prepare pig ears in advance so that they can be used in any dish, and we will not repeat ourselves; let’s turn to the recipe itself. To do this, you first need to marinate them raw in vinegar. It should be 6%; 3 tbsp is enough for two ears. spoons After an hour and a half, the vinegar is decanted, and the ears are boiled for 2 hours in lightly salted water. Then, when cooled, they are cut (again into strips), 1 cucumber and 1 carrot are grated, 3 cloves of garlic are finely chopped (it is better not to use a crush), everything is poured heated to a boil olive oil and sprayed soy sauce. Take 4 tablespoons of both. Ready! Serve and feel like a Chinese.

French recipe

Recognized culinary favorites did not ignore this part of the pork carcass. They have their own idea of ​​how to prepare ears correctly. Products are calculated for 6 ears. For them, take 2 onions, 90 g of flour, half a glass of milk, 50 g of butter, 100 g of cheese (necessarily hard) and the favorite seasonings of the French - root parsley and celery.

Cooking again begins with boiling. The ears are placed in cold water, and celery, parsley and onion immediately go there. After the water boils, the pan is kept on low heat for two hours. Then the ears are removed and, when cooled, cut into strips. The baking sheet is coated with oil, the resulting straws are laid out on it, and the remaining onion cut into rings is placed on top.

Oil is heated in a separate vessel, flour is sifted into it and fried until golden brown. Milk is poured in - gradually and with constant whisking. Warm sauce is poured over the ears with onions, cheese is grated on top - and the dish is baked at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes. And then - if you want, make a side dish for them, if you want - eat it like that.

Snack ears

Fans of the foamy drink have found their own approach to the question. The recipe is extremely simple: for the same two ears, you will need the husks removed from four onions, a head of garlic, pepper and salt - as you like with beer. The main ingredient is boiled for forty minutes with the husks, again cooled and cut - in this case, not necessarily into strips, you can also use squares (but strips are prettier). Then the ears are salted and peppered, poured with the broth in which they were cooked, and mixed with crushed garlic. Let it sit overnight in the refrigerator and the beer snack can be consumed the next morning.

Additional note: onion peel It stains the enamel quite strongly, so cook the ears in a container that you don’t mind.

A completely independent dish

There is a way to deliciously cook pig ears so that you can eat them as a second course. Before cooking, they should be soaked overnight in cold water. They are then boiled for two hours; Before finishing, add a little bay leaf, salt, peppercorns and a head of garlic cut in half to the water. Cooked and cooled ears are cut into strips. A medium carrot is coarsely grated, the onion is cut into rings, which are then chopped into quarters. Vegetables are allowed to vegetable oil; When the onion begins to translucent, add the ears and fry until soft. Squeeze the garlic into the pan, add pepper and salt.

The sauce is made: 150 g of fat sour cream is whipped with a tablespoon of flour, half a glass of water is poured in and whipped again. The sauce is poured into a frying pan over very low heat while stirring in the thinnest stream. Do not remove the dishes from the heat until the mass thickens. This dish goes perfectly with potatoes.

Smoked ears

They can be made at home too. Take a kilogram of ears, an onion, a carrot, peppercorns, two tablespoons of salt and - the apotheosis of taste - juniper berries. To get smoked ears, you first need to cook them in 3 liters of water, boiled with spices. Before putting the ears in it, you need to boil the onions and carrots in water for 10 minutes. The ears themselves then remain on the stove for 2 hours - it depends on their size. They will smoke for about half an hour on the grill, and just put it on the grill; a smokehouse is not necessary. They are cut before serving.

Happy experimenting!