Sweet shortbread dough, semi-finished catering product (TK1383). Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products Chamomile cookies technological map

You probably won’t meet a person who doesn’t like to enjoy delicious cookies with a cup of aromatic tea or invigorating coffee. Cookies are one of the oldest delicacies. Even in the times of ancient Persia, it was served to the table, and the recipe was kept in the strictest confidence. Europeans tried it in the 14th century and since then began to improve its recipe and add all kinds of fillers. Today, every housewife has a couple of signature recipes in her arsenal, but if suddenly guests are taken by surprise, she will always help out universal recipe Cookies Minute!

It is also possible to bake these cookies with fruit filling. For the dough you will need 100–150 g more flour than in the recipe presented above shortbread cookies. Knead the stiff dough, and then take thick jam or berries from jam and let’s get creative! You can cut out diamond shapes and wrap them in the shape of bagels, you can bake baskets, you can spread them with jam and sprinkle with small pieces of dough. Ready-made cookies can be decorated with sugar, butter). It all depends only on your creativity and free time!

Bon appetit!

Development of technological standards (TC, TTK) for the range of products. Calculation of nutritional and energy value.

Technical technological map

Honey cake

Scope of application

This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the signature dish Honey Cake.

Requirements for raw materials

Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the Honey Cake dish must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.)

All products used must be processed in strict accordance with established sanitary standards and rules.

The flour temperature must be at least 12°C and humidity 14.5%. The flour is sifted, and in addition to the fact that sifting removes lumps and foreign objects, the flour is enriched with air oxygen, which makes kneading the dough easier and improves its quality.

Processing of raw eggs used for cooking is carried out in a specially designated place in the following sequence: warm 1-2% solution of soda ash, 0.5% solution of chloramine or other detergents and disinfectants approved for these purposes, then rinsed with cold running water. Clean raw egg placed in clean, labeled containers and transferred to the kitchen for further use.

Storing unprocessed eggs in cassettes or boxes in production workshops is not permitted.


Name of raw materials and products

Bookmark norm per 1 kg


Wheat flour

Chicken egg

Baking soda

Creamy margarine

Sour cream 20%

Powdered sugar

Walnuts, shelled

Exit ready-made dish, G


Heat the margarine in a water bath, add sugar, eggs, honey and beat until smooth; add soda, mix and leave in the bath until the volume doubles, add part of the flour (~1/5), mix until thickened. The resulting mass is removed from the water bath, the remaining flour is added and the dough is kneaded. Ready dough Divide into 5 parts and roll into cakes, which are baked at a temperature of 170–180 °C. Weight of finished cakes is 400 g. Ready-made cakes align, cutting off the edges, cool, grease with cream, stack on top of each other, sprinkle with crushed nuts and crumbs made from scraps of cakes.

For the cream, add part (1/2) of powdered sugar to the sour cream, beat, add the prepared swollen gelatin, the remaining powdered sugar and beat until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Requirements for registration, sale and storage

The cake is prepared as needed. Ready cake cut into pieces of 100 g and sold in portioned containers immediately after preparation.

Quality and safety indicators

The organoleptic characteristics of the Honey Cake dish must meet the following requirements:

The microbiological parameters of the Honey Cake dish must comply with the requirements of SanPiN

Nutritional value

The nutritional value of the Honey Cake dish per 100 g of product and the yield of 1000 g are:

Rationale for calculation nutritional value dish "Honey Cake" nutrients in 100 g of each product included in the dish

2. Calculate the nutrient content in the raw ingredients of the dish

3. We calculate the remaining nutrients taking into account their preservation during heat treatment


Processing type


Wheat flour


Chicken egg

No processing

No processing

Baking soda

No processing

Creamy margarine

No processing

Sour cream 20%

No processing

No processing

Powdered sugar

No processing

Walnuts, shelled

No processing


Processing type


Wheat flour


Chicken egg

No processing

No processing

Baking soda

No processing

Creamy margarine

No processing

Sour cream 20%

No processing

No processing

Powdered sugar

No processing

Walnuts, shelled

No processing

Based on the calculations carried out, we calculate the nutritional and energy value of the “Honey Cake” dish using the formula:

The nutritional value of the “Honey Cake” dish per 100 g of product and the yield of 1000 g are:

Technical and technological map Apple strudel

Scope of application

This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the signature dish Apple Strudel.

Requirements for raw materials

Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the Apple Strudel dish must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.)

Processing of all products used...


Processing type


Wheat flour


No processing

Chicken egg

No processing


No processing

Cocoa powder

No processing

4. We calculate the remaining nutrients taking into account the weight loss of products during heat treatment


Processing type


Wheat flour


No processing

Chicken egg

No processing


No processing

Cocoa powder

No processing

Based on the calculations carried out, we calculate the nutritional and energy value of the dish “Biscuit Prague (prepared)” using the formula:

Calories = Protein*4 + Fat*9 + Carbohydrates*4+ Alcohol content*7

The nutritional value of the dish “Prague biscuit (prepared)” per 100 g of product and the yield is 1000 g.


2.2. Drawing up a technological map and technical and technological map (Calculation of nutritional and energy value)

Technological map No. 1

Product name: Sacher cake.

Preparation technology: Beat butter with powdered sugar and vanilla. Gradually add the yolks, whisking constantly. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and stir into the mixture. Beat the whites until stiff, gradually add sugar, and then mix gently. Bake at 170°C, 50-60 minutes. Pour the dough into molds and bake; after baking, let cool and cut into two layers. Heat the apricot jam, rub through a sieve, grease the cakes and sides and let them dry completely on a wire rack. Prepare the glaze: boil syrup from water and sugar. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and gradually add hot sugar syrup. Pour the finished glaze all at once onto the cake, smooth it out and let it harden.

Quality requirements - Shape - must be correct, without kinks or dents, the cut product must have an even edge. The top and side surfaces should be evenly covered with chocolate, without cracks.

Shelf life - 36 hours.

Technological map No. 2

Product name: Ango cake

Preparation technology: Beat the egg and sugar until it increases 2.5-3 times, 25-30 minutes, add flour for 15 seconds, t 19-22°C, pour into molds, bake at t 200-220°C, kneading time 46-60 minutes. cooling the biscuit, t-pa = 20-19ºC ready-made biscuit. Beating butter with powdered sugar for 10 minutes, continuing to beat with condensed milk (condensed milk is brought to a boil, filter and cool) stir for 15 minutes until it turns white and becomes fluffy. Switch the machine to high speed at 240-300 rpm, add vanilla powder and cognac at the end of whipping. Cut the biscuit into two layers, soaked in syrup, glued and coated with apricot marmalade. On the surface of the sponge cake along the edges of the cake layer, 5 halves of pitted apricots are symmetrically laid out with the convex side towards the top. The round convex cake is covered with a cream mesh and surrounded by a border in the form of cream tables. Immediately after creaming the jelly, the side surface of the cake is sprinkled with biscuit crumbs up to half the height.

Quality requirements: Shape - must be correct, without kinks or dents. The top and sides should be evenly covered with cream, without cracks. The coating should be uniform, the edges of the product should be clearly defined. Shelf life - 36 hours.

Technical and technological map No. 1

Cake "Ango"

(Full name, date)

1.Scope of application

1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the ANGO Cake, produced manually using confectionery equipment

2.List of raw materials

2.2 The raw materials used to prepare the ANGO cake must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1 Product recipe:

4.Technological process

4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of the ANGO cake product is carried out in accordance with the specified standards"

5.1 ANGO cake is placed in an artistically decorated box


Appearance. Formaround, psurfacedecorated according to the technological map.

Consistency - Biscuitforbaked, without traces of tampering.

Taste -

Smell -

7.Nutritional value

Responsible developer Okrushko Anatoly Dmitrievich

Technical and technological map No. 2

Sacher cake

“I approve”___________________________

Head of the enterprise_____________________

(Full name, date)

1.Scope of application

1.1 This technical and technological map applies to Sacher Torte produced manually using confectionery equipment

2.List of raw materials

2.1 The following raw materials are used for preparation:

or products of foreign companies that have certificates and quality certificates of the Russian Federation.

2.2 The raw materials used to prepare the Sacher cake must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1 Product recipe:

4.Technological process

4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of Sacher cake products is carried out in accordance with the specified standards"

5. Registration, filing, storage

5.1 The Sacher Torte is placed in an artistically decorated box

5.2 Shelf life 36 no more than hours from the end of the technological process.

SanPiN Technology of confectionery products.

6. Quality and safety indicators

6.1. Organoleptic quality indicators:


Consistency -

Taste - corresponds to the ingredients contained in the product, without any foreign taste.

Smell - corresponds to the products included in the composition, without any foreign odor.

6.2. Organoleptic characteristics:

In terms of organoleptic indicators, the cake must meet the requirements specified in OST 10 - 060 - 95. Physico-chemical indicators of cakes are determined only in semi-finished products, they must comply with the above OST.

The following deviations in the net weight of cakes are allowed (%, no more): with a weight over 250 to 500 g. inclusive - 2.54; with a weight over 500 to 1000 g. inclusive - 1.5; with a weight over 1000 g. - 1.

7.Nutritional value

7.1Food and energy value products for 100 gr.

Responsible developer Okrushko Anatoly Dmitrievich

Technical and technological map No. 3

Cake "Moscow"

“I approve”___________________________

Head of the enterprise_____________________

(Full name, date)

1.Scope of application

1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the Moscow Cake, produced manually using confectionery equipment

2.List of raw materials

2.1 The following raw materials are used for preparation:

or products of foreign companies that have certificates and quality certificates of the Russian Federation.

2.2 The raw materials used to prepare the “Moscow” cake must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1 Product recipe:

4.Technological process

4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of the Moscow cake product is carried out in accordance with the specified standards"

5. Registration, filing, storage

5.1 The Moscow cake is placed in an artistically decorated box

5.2 Shelf life 36 no more than hours from the end of the technological process.

SanPiN Technology of confectionery products.

6. Quality and safety indicators

6.1. Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance. The shape is round, the surface is decorated according to the technological map.

Consistency - The sponge cake is baked, without traces of the process.

Taste - corresponds to the ingredients contained in the product, without any foreign taste.

Smell - corresponds to the products included in the composition, without any foreign odor.

6.2. Organoleptic characteristics:

In terms of organoleptic indicators, the cake must meet the requirements specified in OST 10 - 060 - 95. Physico-chemical indicators of cakes are determined only in semi-finished products, they must comply with the above OST.

The following deviations in the net weight of cakes are allowed (%, no more): with a weight over 250 to 500 g. inclusive - 2.54; with a weight over 500 to 1000 g. inclusive - 1.5; with a weight over 1000 g. - 1.

7.Nutritional value

7.1 Nutritional and energy value of the product per 100 g.

Responsible developer Okrushko Anatoly Dmitrievich

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Name of the dish



cooking time

supply temperature

what kind of container is it served in?

decoration elements

TTK Eclair with strawberries and lime-thyme cream

1. Presentation: you need to create an image

2. Presentation: it is necessary to emphasize the taste characteristics

3. Composition

4. Method of preparation

5. Pairs with drinks

6. Pairs with dishes

7. Questions and answers from Guests

Questions that a guest with a need for security, a need for aesthetics, or an interest in taste may ask

8. Gastronomic questions and answers

Questions about ingredients, cooking method

9. Legend

10. Photos of the cooking process

11. TTK

Name of raw materials

Brand name

Gross weight (kg)

Net weight (kg)

PF choux pastry(eclairs)

PF Lime cream with thyme

Fresh strawberries

Neutral gel

12. Description of the technological process

Cut the finished eclairs in half lengthwise so that both halves are the same height. In a workshop environment, they must be greased with melted cocoa butter to avoid dampness (both parts). Beat the chocolate cream with a mixer at low-medium speed, transfer to a pastry bag with a star nozzle, and place in the lower part of the eclair.

Drawing "inverted eights". Cover the top with an inverted lid.

Cut the strawberries into 4-6 pieces, add 1-2 sprigs of thyme leaves and lime zest, mix. In the workshop add 1 tbsp. l. neutral glaze for shine and connection of berries. Place in the lid, carefully, trying not to damage the eclair.

Garnish with thyme leaves and lime zest.

For the dish: “Biscuit cake”

1. Scope of application

1.1. This technical and technological map applies to the “Biscuit” cake.

2. Raw materials used

2.1. For the preparation of cakes, raw materials are used that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates of conformity or a declaration of conformity, veterinary certificates for livestock products, and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1. Recipe for “Biscuit” cakes

Name of raw materials

Mass fraction of dry substances, %

Raw material consumption per 10 kg of semi-finished product, g

Consumption of raw materials per 10 kg of finished products, g

In dry matter

In dry matter

Egg yolks

Egg whites


Citric acid

Test output:

Whole condensed milk with sugar


Powdered sugar

Cream yield:

4. Technological process

Melange with granulated sugar without heating or (to speed up whipping) with preheating to 40 0 ​​C is beaten in a beater, first at low, then at high speed for 30-40 minutes until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times. Before the end of beating, add flour and essence and mix for no more than 15 seconds. Flour should be introduced in 2-3 doses.

The dough is poured onto prepared pastry sheets and spread with a layer of 2-3 mm.

Baking duration is 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 0 C. The baked sponge cake is kept at a temperature of 15-20 0 C until use. After this, the paper is removed and the biscuit is cleaned.

5. Registration, submission, sale, storage

5.1 Served on a dessert plate.

6. Quality and safety

Appearance: sponge cake in the form of a thin layer 6-9 mm thick; the top crust is smooth.

Consistency: porous, elastic.

Color: crust – light brown; crumb - yellow.

Taste: characteristic of the products used.

Odor: characteristic of the products used.

7. Indicators nutritional composition and energy value

3.3 “Basket” cake

Technological diagram

Processing the recipe of a new or signature dish and cooking technology

Name of products and indicators

Net weight according to recipe, g

Processing data per portion, g

Average data, g

Accepted recipe, g

1st grade wheat flour

Granulated sugar


Sodium bicarbonate

Ammonium carbonate

Weight of product set

Product weight

Production losses, %

Weight of the finished dish



Heat loss