Guinness beer: history, types, how to drink, interesting facts. How Guinness is deceiving us Guinness draft beer

Guinness beer is a true Irish legend in the world of brewing. Guinness has been producing beer since the 18th century, always delighting its fans with its quality. It is the tradition passed down from generation to generation that has made this drink world famous. It is produced using a special recipe using roasted barley, which gives it a characteristic burnt aroma. Year after year, more and more glasses of Guinness are purchased around the world, which has made it a kind of calling card of Ireland.


Arthur Guinness devoted almost his entire adult life to brewing beer. While still at school, he and his father prepared ale for the local archbishop. When the bishop died in peace in 1752, he left the family some inheritance - 200 pounds sterling.

After thinking about where best to invest his money, the enterprising Arthur Guinness rented a small brewery in Leixlip, where he opened the production of ale. Three years later, leaving the business to his brother, he moved to the capital of Ireland - Dublin.

Arthur Guinness

There he began looking for a place for a new production. Far on the outskirts of the city, he was lucky enough to come across an old abandoned brewery. The owner willingly signed a lease, transferring the building to Arthur for 9 thousand years for 45 pounds a year.

Calling the acquired production "St. James's Gate Brewery." Guinness began producing beer, which soon conquered the whole world. By the early 1770s, it began to be exported to England.

In the same 70s, Arthur began releasing a new product - dark English porter, which became the company's signature beer. Within just a few years, due to its growing popularity, it had completely replaced the ale produced by the company.

Arthur Guinness was not only a brilliant brewer and businessman, but also a very prolific family man. When he died in 1803, he left his large family £25,000. In total, Arthur had 10 living children, another 11 died at one age or another. Three sons continued their father's noble work, becoming the first of the famous Guinness dynasty: Arthur II, William and Benjamin.

Arthur Jr. was a true master of his craft and had a good entrepreneurial spirit. He worked with his father for many years and, having taken over the company, did everything for its development and prosperity. Each year of his 52-year management of the company, Arthur Jr. increased sales by 10%. Having an exceptional mind and flair for business, during his life he managed to head the Bank of Ireland and the Dublin Chamber of Commerce.

Benjamin Lee was the next to head the company. During his leadership, the company received its now world-famous logo - the harp. It became the second beer company logo registered with the London Registration Office. Benjamin even became mayor of Dublin and received the title of baronet.

Harp - symbol of Guinness beer

In the 1870s, the company faced some problems in expanding production. The question arose about a fast and efficient way to transport raw materials between the old plant and the new site near the River Liffey. For this purpose, in the period 1873-1877, a special narrow-gauge road was built, the transportation of raw materials along which was first carried out using tank-steam locomotives.

The fourth head of the Guinness dynasty, Edward Cecil, took the company public, leaving a controlling stake in the family. He died being the second richest person in England.

The decline of the Guinness dynasty occurred in the middle of the 20th century, when members of this glorious family brought the company to the world market and made it one of the largest beer producers on the planet. Representatives of the dynasty began to play only a symbolic role in the production process, but the quality and taste of Guinness did not suffer from this.


Guinness Original Stout

The taste of this variety is most consistent with the first porter, which was produced during the time of the company’s founder. Contains 4.2% alcohol, exported to many countries from the USA to Japan.

Guinness Foreign Extra Stout

The main sales regions are Asia, Africa, the Caribbean. The alcohol content varies depending on the country of production and ranges from 5 to 8 percent. In turn, it is divided into 2 types of beer: Extra Stout Nigeria (sorghum is used instead of barley) and Guinness Extra Smooth - “soft” beer, alcohol percentage 5.5.

Guinness Foreign Extra Stout

Guinness Special Export Stout

The main country of sales is Belgium. Contains 8% alcohol.

Guinness draft

A very popular Guinness variety, common in Europe, North America and Australia. Divided into several types:

  1. Guinness Draft Stout - distributed in kegs. Alcohol content 4.1 - 4.3%. An excellent stout that has gathered an army of fans around the world.
  2. Guinness Draft (in cans) - 4.2% alcohol content, the can contains a proprietary Guinness shaking ball, which helps to form a thick foam, like draft beer.
  3. Guinness Draugt (bottled) - also contains a patented "rocket widget", which gives the beer a draft-like taste. Percentage of alcohol - 4.1 - 4.3.
  4. Guinness Surger is a special edition draft.
  5. Extra Cold Stout is beer in kegs, which is subjected to strong cooling during bottling.
  6. Guinness Red - draft, has a special degree of roasting of barley grains. Strength - 4.1%


Over the long years of the brand's existence, a whole ritual of pouring Guinness beer has arisen. . To pour the “perfect” pint, you will need a special glass and about two minutes of time.

Special beer glasses

The harp, applied to branded Guinness glasses, plays not just the role of a logo, but serves as a guide when pouring beer. The “ideal” pint should be poured in 2 pours. The beer glass should be placed under the stream of beer at an angle of 45°. During the first approach, approximately ¾ of the glass is collected, up to the lower border of the harp. After which you should wait a while until all the foam rises to the top. After this, the rest of the glass is taken, the beer is served under high pressure to create a thick foam, on which, according to the stories of connoisseurs, you can put a coin. The entire process takes approximately 119.5 seconds. Guinness draft is served at a temperature of 6 degrees.


There are many cocktails that use drinks of this brand. If you are a beer connoisseur and would like to try something new and unusual, then this is the perfect chance to diversify your taste sensations.

The name of the cocktail translates as “bomb in the car.” Cocktails based on Irish alcohol are characterized by some rebellious names. This is due to the fact that the struggle between Northern Ireland and Great Britain has been going on for many centuries, which now, although it has gone underground, still makes itself felt from time to time.

Cocktail Car bomb

In order to prepare a “bomb in the car”, you need to pour whiskey into a Baileys glass in a 1:1 ratio. This mixture is thrown into a glass of beer. You can drink it either quickly or slowly to fully experience the taste. This cocktail somewhat reminiscent of the simple Russian "ruff".

Highlander Spirit

To try this cocktail, just pour 20-30 grams of cognac into a beer glass, dilute with cola and Guinness, taken in a 1:1 ratio.

A simple cocktail for which you will need Guinness stout and your favorite light beer. First, the beer of your choice is poured into the glass, then you need to carefully “plant” the stout on it. This can be done with a simple kitchen knife and a little patience. The result will be a layered cocktail, like Hiroshima, but not from strong alcohol, but from your favorite beer.

Black Irishman

Take vodka and Kahlua, 30 grams each. Add just a little cola to this mixture: no more than 20 grams. We complement this wonderful mixture with Guinness beer until the end of the glass.

Bomb from Belfast

Baileys, whiskey and Kahlua should be placed in layers in a glass. We throw it into a glass of Guinness and try to drink it without hitting the glass in our teeth. The cocktail and the name were invented in Ireland, which is very clearly hinted at by the theme of “bombs”.

Whether you prefer a cocktail with Guinness or beer of this brand in its pure form does not matter.

In any case, you will enjoy a drink of excellent quality, which has conquered the whole world over its more than 250-year history.

It’s not for nothing that beer of this brand has become a kind of alcoholic business card, representing Ireland in all bars of the world.

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Guinness Brewery (Ireland) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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When we are asked to name the most famous brand of beer, we will say without hesitation... “Zhigulevskoe”. But all over the world the answer to this question will certainly be: “Guinness.”

The legendary beer begins its history back in 1752. Then the unknown Arthur Guinness inherited 200 pounds. To celebrate, he, of course, spent this money on booze. But he did it as wisely as possible - he rented a brewery.

A little over 40 years later, Arthur died a wealthy man, leaving his life's work to his sons. Over the course of 200 years, the descendants of Arthur Guinness have transformed the family business into a global brand. Today, everyone who finds themselves in Dublin is simply obliged to visit the Guinness Brewery Museum. It is located in a former production facility and inside is shaped like the company's signature glass.

On the 7 floors of the museum you can see a lot of interesting things from the history of the founding of the brewing company, as well as become a direct participant in the creation of this delicious drink: The museum has a button to start a new batch of beer that anyone can press at a certain time. Visitors can taste beer at different stages of its preparation, and also pour themselves different varieties of Guinness for tasting.

On the top floor there is the Gravity pub, where you can exchange your entrance ticket for a pint of freshly brewed beer and enjoy the panorama of the city. This is perhaps one of the best panoramic views in all of Dublin (and not just because of the freshly brewed dark drink of the Gods).


The museum is located at: St. James's Gate Brewery, Dublin 8, Ireland

Opening hours: from 9.30 to 17.00, every day. In July and August the museum is open until 19.00.

Ticket price is 18.50 EUR (includes a pint of beer in the Gravity bar and a couple of sips in the tasting room), discounts are provided.

Prices on the page are as of September 2018.

Guinness beer is loved in many countries around the world. The history of this foamy drink goes back more than 2.5 centuries, during which the product’s recipe has undergone changes, but it itself has retained its characteristic aroma of roasted barley and pleasant taste.

Brewery and producer

The creator of the refreshing drink is Arthur Guinness, who began brewing ale in his youth. He lived in Ireland, which is why it is the birthplace of beer, famous throughout the world. In 1756, Arthur rented a brewery in the city of Leixlip, and in 1759, leaving it to his brother, he moved to Dublin, where he entered into a 9,000-year agreement for the right to use the abandoned premises of the old brewery.

There he began producing ale and porter - dark beer that tends to foam a lot. This drink brought him fame, and it is now known under the Guinness original brand. At the beginning of the 19th century, Arthur died, leaving the business to his heirs. His 3 sons continued the brewing process in the country, and by 1830 their brewery became the largest in Ireland. And 100 years later it was already called the largest in the world. All this time, the descendants of Arthur were at the head of the Guinness company.

Since 1974, the factories stopped brewing porter and switched to producing its variety - stout. Since 1986, the company was no longer managed by representatives of the Guinness dynasty.

In 1989, Guinness patented a widget device, which it began placing in beer bottles and cans. A widget is a small ball (capsule) made of plastic, inside of which there is liquid nitrogen. The gas enters the beer through a small hole in the device, causing small bubbles to appear in the drink. When the consumer opens the container, the pressure in it drops and a mixture of bubbles quickly begins to form, turning into thick foam.

In the 21st century, Guinness barley drink is brewed in 50 countries. Moreover, 40% of all goods are produced in Africa, where they began to consume them in the mid-19th century. The process of making the popular liquid takes 2 days.

Types and varieties of beer

More than 15 types of foamy drink are produced in the world. The most famous are:

  1. Draft. This beer is often associated with St. Patrick's Day and is considered an emblem of the Irish holiday. The alcohol content of the drink ranges from 4.1 to 4.3%. The dark ruby ​​colored liquid is poured into kegs, cans or bottles. The container must contain a widget that gives the drink dense foam. It is recommended to drink this beer very cool, so that the bitterness is less felt.
  2. Red. Is on tap. Its strength is not higher than 4.1%. The peculiarity of the drink is the light degree of roasting of barley during production. The result is a milder and sweeter taste.
  3. Original. This stout is most similar in taste to the drink created by the company’s founder, Arthur, in the 18th century. It has a dark brown color and chocolate foam with large bubbles. The taste is bitter, with notes of roasted coffee. The aroma is grainy, hop-floral. Made from dark and light malt with the addition of hops and proprietary yeast. Alcohol content - 4-4.3%. Beer exported has a higher strength. A drink with 5% alcohol content is produced for China. And the amount of the latter in the product for Africa is 7.5%.
  4. A variation of Stout is Foreign Extra Stout Nigeria. This variety differs from others in its main ingredient. Instead of barley, the recipe includes sorghum grain.
  5. Dublin Porter with 3.8% ABV. This dark Guinness beer appeared on the market only in 2014, but managed to win the love of many admirers of the intoxicating liquid. It was created according to a 1796 recipe found in the diary of the company founder. The barley taste of the drink is complemented by notes of coffee, prunes and caramel. Thanks to the presence of American hops, the liquid is slightly bitter, leaving behind a fruity aftertaste.
  6. Bitter. It is the bitterest of all Irish beers. Its strength is 4.4%.
  7. Malta Guinness. A drink that is sweet and does not contain alcohol. It can be tasted in Malaysia, the Caribbean and Africa, but is not exported to Russia.
  8. Kaliber. The main thing in the description of the drink is the absence of alcohol. The variety is brewed using bottom fermentation, like a lager, then the alcohol is removed. This drink has a honey aroma with a hint of toasted bread and caramel.

In the 21st century, manufacturers began to introduce new ingredients into original recipes, which further enriched the taste and aroma of the barley drink.

How to drink correctly?

It is better to try Irish beer in the country of origin, in an old pub located on a narrow street in Dublin. But if a person decides to do this in a Russian bar, he should know that Guinness must be poured into his glass in a special way.

For Guinness original or another variety of this Irish drink, a special tulip-shaped glass is used. It must display the company logo. The glass is tilted at an angle of 45° and ¾ of the volume of beer is poured. Then wait until all the foam rises. After this, the rest of the drink is added under strong pressure. There is more foam, and it rises in a dense head above the edges of the glass.

The entire procedure should take 119.53 seconds. After this, the client takes a glass and drinks its contents so that the foam remains on the upper lip. This improves the taste of the drink.

Cocktails with Guinness beer

Guinness beer is not only drunk in its pure form. Beer is included in various cocktails. He is kept company by Coca-Cola, syrups and juices. The most popular mixtures with Irish drink are:

  1. Tango. Consists of 500 ml Guinness and 50 ml pomegranate syrup.
  2. For this, champagne and Guinness are used in equal proportions, 0.25 liters each.
  3. Black Russian consists of 500 ml beer and 50 ml vodka.
  4. Wake up! Sing up! 0.5 l of foamy drink is mixed with 1 tsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. ginger, heated to +50°C, added and drunk hot.
  5. The combination of 500 ml of Guinness and 50 ml of milk looks unusual. It's called Dog Wool.
  6. The Red Witch cocktail is prepared by adding 50 ml of blackcurrant juice, Pernod and apple liqueur to the barley drink.
  7. Black Maria consists of 50 ml of Tia Maria liqueur and 0.5 liters of beer.

The Russians came up with the Trojan Horse cocktail. To prepare it, 330 ml of foamy drink is combined with 60 ml of Coca-Cola. The composition is drunk chilled. And most light cocktail is Black and Tan. It requires 2 Guinness varieties in equal proportions: Bitter and Original. They are poured into a glass without mixing with each other.

The legendary Irish-made beer has become a symbol of this country. For two centuries, practically nothing has changed in the taste of porter. Drinking Guinness beer on church holidays has become a tradition in Ireland. St. Brigid brewed ale for several churches, and St. Patrick himself had his own brewer. Today, only a few factories brew it. The oldest of them is the St. James's Gate plant, which is located in Dublin.

This foamy drink has a number of characteristics known throughout the world. And the key one is dark color with ruby ​​red tint. Roasted barley gives the beer a burnt aroma. The taste is slightly bitter with a long aftertaste. Like any other alcoholic drink, it contains a small percentage of alcohol. The strength ranges from 4.1 – 8%. An unusual highlight of the beer is the presence of a ball filled with nitrogen. Why it is needed will be described below.

The founder of the brewery was Arthur Guinness.. His father brewed ale for Archbishop Arthur Price. The son helped his father and gained experience. He subsequently rented a brewery in Dublin. Nobody believed in his idea and therefore they leased it for several thousand years for a small amount of annual payments. But things went well for Arthur. Since 1769, his drink began to be bought in England. Dark porter with dense foam already became the calling card of the future brand. In 1799, the brewery began brewing ale.

Cooking technology

Unlike many other beers, Guinness takes only two days to brew. The starting products for cooking are:

In fact, brewers also like to talk about the secret ingredient from Guinness, but, of course, this is all part of marketing. During the cooking process, barley grains are ground. Then warm water is added to them and processed with a steel press in the shape of a cylinder. After this, the barley is filtered with a sieve and hops and malt are added to it. This entire mixture is heated to a temperature of 90 ° C. Then the mixture is cooled and special Guinness yeast is added to it. They wander around for some time room temperature.

At the last stage, after the beer has fermented to the desired degree, it is treated with carbon dioxide or nitrogen. Previously, beer was added for this purpose, which had already had time to settle. Then it is packaged. The can and bottle form is the most common in the world.

Nitrogen capsules

Having bought a can of Guinness beer, you can find it in the can strange ball with a hole. This capsule with a diameter of 20 mm is not a defect or a gift. It is added specifically to ensure that the drink retains its original taste. After all, he is transported long distances. Beer with a nitrogen capsule is a great scientific invention in Britain in the second half of the 20th century. The capsule is called “Floating widget”.

Regular beer always contains small amounts of carbon dioxide. Typically, it accumulates on the top of the can while it is closed. After opening the package, all the gas quickly comes out. Thanks to this, the foam cap lasts for some time. But gradually it subsides. A simple question arises: how to keep your cap in beer as long as possible?

Guinness experts decided to use nitrogen. Thanks to this, it became possible to reduce the volume of carbon dioxide. But nitrogen has one problem: it does not dissolve in the beer itself, but all comes out to the surface. No foam forms after opening the can. To avoid this in nitrogen beers, special capsules are used.

The ball has a small hole at the top. Before closing the container with beer, it is added at the stage of completely filling the can. Then he immediately closes the jar. The ball creates excess pressure in the jar and some of the beer is poured inside it. During the opening process, a significant pressure drop occurs. The gas forces the beer into the can. Mixing nitrogen promotes the release of carbon dioxide and a beautiful and persistent foam is formed. It is stored for a long time.

This technology was used in 1989. At the end of the 20th century, a royal award was awarded for it. To summarize, it should be said that the nitrogen ball is designed to displace carbon dioxide at the moment the beer is opened, thereby forming a stable foam head that lasts for some time. In addition to its main function, the ball can make sound. If you hear a knock when buying a can of beer, don’t be alarmed. This means that you are lucky and the jar contains real Guinness and not a fake.

Types of beer

The Irish beer brand Guinness owned by Diageo, whose head office is located in London. It is produced in many countries around the world and has almost a couple of dozen different varieties. It is most often sold in the following containers:

  • aluminum cans;
  • glass bottles;
  • kegs with a volume of 30 l.

The most common variety is canned beer. Guinness beer varieties, draft and original, are sold in domestic stores in exactly this form.

"Guinness Original" is the company's most famous beer brand. It was she who brought worldwide fame to the brand. Its strength is 4.8% with a density of 12%. It uses roasted barley malt. Top-fermenting yeast gives it a rich taste. The drink is dark brown in color. There is even a plant in Russia that produces this species.

Guinness Draft is a dark ale. Its strength is 4.1 - 4.3%. Distinctive feature is a large head of foam. It should only be drunk very chilled. Very similar to draft intoxicating drinks. Guinness Bitter is a very bitter original beer. Made in accordance with the traditions of English brewers. Its strength is 4.4%. Guinness Extra Smooth, a stronger ale, has a mild flavor. Its strength is 5.5%. Cold Draft Stout is usually served chilled to a temperature of 3.5 °C. It is believed that it is cooled this way on purpose to hide the strong bitterness of the drink. The percentage of alcohol in it does not exceed 4.3%.

Rules for pouring and drinking

A whole ritual is made from the pouring procedure. At Guinness, beer should be poured into tulip-shaped glasses, the volume of which is one pint (approximately 0.56 liters). It is poured in two stages. At the first, tilting the glass at an angle of 45°, slowly fill the glass three-quarters along the wall. After this, you need to wait until the foam rises. Then the remaining part is poured with strong pressure through a special mesh to create an abundant foam cap. The drink should be poured chilled.

The process itself should take almost 2 minutes: 119.53 seconds. It is difficult to understand how hundredths of seconds are counted when pouring by hand, but one thing is clear - this action is part of a more ancient tradition. Now it is promoted as an element of the ritual of drinking Guinness beer. Recently, a new FastPour technology was even created, according to which a pint is poured in 25 seconds. The foam is created using ultrasound. The Japanese liked it, but the UK didn't like it.

Where did this tradition come from?

It used to be common in pubs Do not pour beer into glasses completely and let it settle. They poured it, of course, three-quarters full. The drink fizzled out. Then, when they were about to start drinking it, a fresh portion was added to the glass. As a result, a foam cap formed. The 45° angle is explained by the fact that Arthur Guinness suffered from lumbago and therefore held the glass at such an angle. Be that as it may, beer, in addition to taste, has its own cult and history.

Guinness beer can confidently be called the calling card of Ireland. This brand is one of the most famous Irish brands. It is known and consumed not only by gourmets, but also by ordinary beer lovers all over the world.

It is significant that for the Irish themselves, Guinness does not refer to beer. For them there is beer, and there is Guinness. Most likely, this is due to the fact that this brand has already become an integral part Irish culture, therefore, it is associated as something taken for granted, long-known and loved.

It’s not surprising, since the production of Guinness began back in 1756. Today it can be ordered in any serious bar or pub in the world. No self-respecting owner of such an establishment would refuse to sell this famous beer. How does it differ from other famous world beer brands? What allowed it to take such a high place in the ranking of beer products and maintain it to this day? Let's try to figure this out.


For a long time, the hallmark of this brand of beer was its burnt aroma. It was achieved using roasted barley in production.

Another characteristic feature of Guinness beer is its strong milky taste. In the past, this effect was achieved by mixing settled beer with freshly brewed beer. Currently, enriched nitrogen or “FES” concentrate is used for these purposes.

The manufacturer positions its brand as an accessible and high-quality product.

The production of this beer is established in fifty countries of the world. It is significant that about forty percent of its consumption occurs in Africa. A number of the company's production units are also located there. At the moment their number has reached twenty-four. They cover the entire continent with a kind of network. Malaysia and Jamaica also boast significant levels of consumption of this beer.

Production Features

The entire production cycle lasts only two days. Its main components include malt, roasted barley, water and hops, used as a preservative. The production process begins with the special grinding of barley, which is then mixed with boiled water, which used to be called “liqueur.” The resulting suspension is passed through the blades of a special press, turning into a kind of puree. It is thoroughly mixed to separate out the malt sugar and filtered, as a result of which the wort is separated from the existing mass and large grains are removed.

Hops and barley crushed in a special way are added to the separated wort. This is followed by boiling the resulting mass, which is necessary to stabilize the level of sugar content in it and get rid of the bitter taste, and cooling.

Special yeast is used to start the fermentation process. For these purposes, their special strain was selectively bred. Thanks to this, Guinness beer has its own unique taste. To speed up this process, it takes place at a temperature of at least twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Immediately before sealing containers with beer, nitrogen or carbon dioxide is added. After which the beer is sent for tasting. To avoid deliberately adding any extraneous ingredients to the original composition or diluting it, draft beer is sold in kegs with increased internal pressure.


Since the founding of production in 1756, the sole owner of the brand was Arthur Guinness Son & Co, which was inherited in the family of its founder Arthur Guinness. The company was managed by the eldest man in the family. However, in the mid-twentieth century, the Guinness family was gradually removed from management.

After several sales and mergers, the company became part of Diaggio. The brand still belongs to this company to this day. Diagio is one of the world's largest and most famous beer producers and alcoholic drinks. The company's general office is located in London.

On the territory of our country, its interests are represented by the Anglo-Russian joint venture D Distribution. Thanks to this, Diaggio has free access to the Russian alcohol market.

Product line

As already mentioned, the Guinness brand is over two hundred and fifty years old. Let's look at the most popular brands of beer from this manufacturer.

Guinness Foreign Extra Stout (3.65; 4.06)

The beer has a strong, pronounced aroma with a slightly roasted character. Has bright taste fried fruits. While drinking, there is a pleasant tingling sensation in the mouth. The aftertaste is bitter-sweet, with a feeling of slight dryness.

Appearance: Rich dark colored liquid with a foamy head.

It has fruity and caramel aromas, smoky notes and bright bitterness. A higher concentration of alcohol was used during production to preserve it during long-term storage and transportation. The beer has excellent taste and unique aroma.

Guinness Foreign Extra Stout is a beer born from a thirst for adventure! It is produced according to an ancient recipe first used by Arthur Guinness II in 1801.


The beer has a subtle, balanced aroma that combines the sensation of roasting and the smell of fruit. It has a pleasant sweetish taste with bitterness. While drinking, there is a sensation of light biting on the tongue and mouth.

Appearance: A superb black liquid with a rich, creamy head.

This brand of beer is also produced according to one of the first recipes used since the mid-eighteenth century. It was first brewed in 1821. This brand of beer became the starting point for the further development of the Porter line. Today, GUINNESS® ORIGINAL is produced at the St. James's Gate in Dublin from high quality malt, hops and Irish barley.


Aroma: Subtle caramel/taffy notes and even more subtle hop aromas.

Palate: Sweet, not too roasty, more of a malty caramel flavor. It has a smooth, light finish with a medium, sweet aftertaste.

Appearance: The liquid is ruby ​​red, but slightly less intense, in color with a thick foamy head.

The beer is brewed based on a 1796 recipe, which has been modified to take into account the latest advances in the field of brewing. Today, its production uses less hops and the fermentation time is reduced, resulting in a subtle caramel flavor.


Aroma: Toffee, caramel, slight chocolate notes

Taste: sweet, with a predominance of chocolate flavor over coffee flavor. It has a light aftertaste with a medium sweet sensation.

Appearance: Ruby red liquid with a foamy head.

The beer is brewed on the basis original recipe 1801. It combines classic bitterness with caramel and toffee flavors. Ancient recipe has been improved to reflect the latest trends in brewing. The production uses US Goldings hops and Guinness patented yeast. The maturation process of the beer was also reduced, giving it a distinct toffee or caramel aroma.

It is noteworthy that this particular brand of beer became the first product exported by Guinness to the foreign market.


Aroma: pleasant hop aroma with hints of malt.

Taste: malty, biscuit, delicate hops, light sweetness.

Appearance: Rich yellow gold color.

Made from the finest Celia hops, Irish barley and specially selected amber malt. The result is a perfectly balanced ale with a rich golden hue. Subtle tastes biscuits and malted barley perfectly complement the pleasant bitterness and subtle aroma of fruity hops, giving way to a refreshing aftertaste.


Aroma: roasted barley, caviar, toffee and black currant.

Palate: Full-bodied roasted coffee aromas, with dark chocolate, salty licorice, molasses and dark fruit accents. It has a smooth effervescence and a mouth-warming finish.

Appearance: Rich dark liquid with a foamy head.

Prepared by Guinness Special Export stout by brewer John Martin in 1944. His initial goal was to attack the interests of his former Belgian brewery. The originality of Martin's idea is to reduce the amount of hops and achieve a softer aftertaste. All this is a noticeable departure from the established traditions of Irish brewing. Despite this, this brand of beer was very well received by beer lovers throughout Europe and remains popular to this day.