What makes maple syrup good or bad? Maple syrup: benefits, taste and subtleties of use in cooking Maple syrup what the recipe is made from

Maple syrup is a natural sweetener obtained from the sap of the sugar maple tree, as well as several other species of this tree. All of them mainly grow in Canada and the USA. Maple syrup can be used both independently and as an ingredient in the preparation of various dishes, for example, meat (for caramelization), sauces, baked goods, etc. It is often added to pancakes and ice cream.

About the sweetener: past and present

This sweetener has been obtained from maple sap by Native American peoples since ancient times. It was the Indians who showed the first European settlers how to extract it from trees. In general, the technology for collecting maple sap is similar to collecting birch sap. It is collected from January to April, when the days are already warm and there are still frosts at night. At this time, the trees release especially a lot of sap.

The maple sap is then boiled down to a syrup. Since the water content in the juice is high, this is a long process, taking more than one hour. To obtain 1 liter of syrup, you need to extract approximately 40 liters of maple sap.

Canada is the largest producer of maple syrup. Moreover, 80% of this sweetener on the world market comes from the Canadian province of Quebec, and a special state commission monitors the quality of the syrup. No wonder the symbol of Canada is the sugar maple leaf.

The United States ranks second in the amount of maple syrup produced. Conditionally maple syrup divided into Canadian and American. These are almost identical products, differing slightly in transparency and density. Also, high quality maple syrup is produced in Europe and Russia, but in much smaller quantities.

The complex production process causes the high cost of maple syrup. This, in turn, leads to a large number of products that mimic this sweetener. They are made primarily from corn syrup with added coloring and are much cheaper than the original. To avoid analogues, before purchasing, you must carefully read the composition indicated on the label.

Properties of maple syrup

According to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) food database at https://ndb.nal.usda.gov, maple syrup is primarily composed of sugar and water (38% and 32%, respectively). Plus it contains a small percentage of fructose and glucose, as well as trace elements and vitamins in small quantities.

Maple syrup tastes as sweet as sugar. It has a unique aroma, pleasant taste and beautiful color - from light golden to rich amber. Maple syrup is slightly less viscous than honey.

The glycemic index of maple syrup is average (equal to 54). This means that the sweetener, although more slowly, increases blood glucose and is not recommended for people with diabetes. Maple syrup is also not suitable for a diet for those who are struggling with obesity, since this sweetener is quite high in calories.

There are several types of maple syrup, which differ from each other in color and substance content. The darkest ones are harvested later in time and are usually added to baked goods. It has a richer taste and aroma. Light is used as a table sweetener.

Comparison of maple syrup with sugar and honey

Properties Sugar Maple syrup Honey
Sweetness factor 1 1 1.1
Calorie content per 100 g 398 241 400
Glycemic index 100 54 80
Heat treatment possible possible possible, but this destroys beneficial substances that are present in small quantities in honey
Negative effect on teeth Yes Yes Yes

Benefits of maple syrup

Maple syrup does not have medicinal or antiseptic properties and is used in food only as a sweetener. However, maple syrup has a number of beneficial properties:

  • considered a non-allergenic product;
  • glycemic index lower than sugar;
  • Calorie content is half that of sugar;
  • contains a large number of antioxidants in various concentrations;
  • is a source of beneficial minerals and B vitamins.

One tablespoon of maple syrup contains:

  1. manganese - 0.7 mg
  2. zinc - 0.8 mg
  3. calcium - 13.4 mg
  4. potassium - 40.8 mg
  5. iron - 0.2 mg
  6. magnesium - 2.8 mg

Sweetener harm

First of all, you need to remember that maple syrup contains a lot of sucrose, that is, regular sugar. And this covers up the benefits and entails all the same problems with excessive use:

  • risk of developing diabetes
  • metabolic disorders
  • obesity
  • tooth decay
  • cardiovascular and other diseases

Therefore, maple syrup should be counted as part of your daily refined sugar intake. Acceptable daily norm, which is recommended by WHO, is 50 g of sugar per 70 kg of weight. Is 50 grams of sugar too much? No, just 5 heaped teaspoons. In addition, the possibility of reducing this norm by half is being considered. And, in general, this applies to all sugars, including maple syrup.

It is important to remember that added sugars are found in almost all industrially produced foods. Most people don't even realize how much added sugar they unknowingly eat every day - in the most ordinary foods. Of course, it’s no secret that sugar is found in sweet soda and confectionery. But there is also a lot of it in seemingly unsweetened products: bread, semi-finished meat products, sausage, milk, canned corn, sauces and marinades. The list goes on and on.

Thus, consuming maple syrup in moderation will not harm your body as long as you keep sugar in your diet to a minimum.

Lemonade diet with maple syrup

This diet is called The Master Cleanser. It is called “Lemonade” because to lose weight you need to drink a special drink made from citrus fruits, pepper and maple syrup, that is, lemonade. The diet was developed in 1940 in the USA by healer Stanley Burroughs to cleanse the body and treat diseases of the digestive system. But it turned out that drinking lemonade also contributed to rapid weight loss.

This effect brought great fame to the technique - it is still popular today. Even show business stars use the diet in cases where it is necessary to lose weight before an important event. In addition, the lemonade diet rids the body of toxins, saturates it with antioxidants, improves the color and condition of the skin, and normalizes overall well-being.

Preparing for the diet takes several days, during which you need to gradually remove complex and thermally processed foods from your diet. Allowed to be eaten raw vegetables and fruits. The day before starting the diet, you need to switch to freshly squeezed orange juice.

Then you need to drink lemonade for 3-10 days, preparing it according to this recipe:

  1. freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. natural maple syrup - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. crushed cayenne pepper - a pinch
  4. water - 250 ml

You can drink from 6 to 12 glasses of the drink per day, alternating them with green tea and mineral water. Every morning you need to drink a glass of slightly salted water, and in the evening before going to bed, take tea with a laxative effect.

Maple syrup must be of good quality, because it is what will saturate the body with the necessary microelements and energy. Cayenne pepper is responsible for accelerating metabolism.

It is important to gradually introduce complex and processed foods into your diet over three days. After the diet, it is recommended to take probiotics to restore the microflora washed out of the intestines during the cleansing process.

As a result of the lemonade diet, up to 10 kg of weight is lost. True, after a diet you should reconsider your eating habits, because without changes in diet, excess weight will return to its previous level. And first of all, you need to give up sugar.

Increase literacy - choose products without added sugars. Instead of sugar, use effective analogues that will allow you to enjoy the sweet taste without harm to your health and figure. You can find information about various sweeteners on our website.

In Western films, you can often see characters having pancakes for breakfast, happily dipping them into maple syrup. For us, this product is unusual and even mysterious.

Of course! The fact is that the maple species from which this product is made grow mainly in North America - in the USA and Canada. You can, of course, grow such a maple in Russia - but in order to be able to extract syrup, the tree must grow for many years. And for production on an industrial scale, entire maple forests are needed!

Meanwhile, maple syrup is a healthy and tasty alternative to sugar or honey. Unlike the first one, it contains many useful substances. And unlike the second one, it does not cause allergies.

What is he like?

So, first of all, let's figure out what maple syrup is and what it is made from.

This is a sweetener of completely natural origin. Externally, the syrup looks like thick caramel or uncandied honey. Color can vary from dark yellow to brown.

The taste of the syrup is sweet, with a slight woody aftertaste and a hint of caramel.

How is maple syrup prepared and what is it made from?

Only certain types of maple are used for production - sugar, red and black.

The extraction technology is very similar to the well-known extraction of birch sap. In the spring, an incision is made in the trunk of an adult tree, into which a tube is inserted, connected to a collection container. The result is a liquid juice that looks like water. This juice is subsequently evaporated to obtain syrup. The time of collection (early or late spring) determines how thick, dark and sweet the syrup will be. On average, 40 liters of fresh juice yields approximately one liter of syrup.

By the way, collecting sap does not harm the tree. For this, maples that are at least 40-50 years old are used, and one tree can be a source of raw materials for many years.

Why and who needs it

Please note: a product can be called dietary, but not because it promotes weight loss. Like honey, it has a fairly high glycemic index and contains fast carbohydrates. For comparison: the glycemic index of refined sugar is 70 units, cane sugar is 55, honey is from 30 to 85 (depending on the variety), maple syrup is about 54.

The calorie content of syrup is 260 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Accordingly, trying to use maple syrup for weight loss is a rather pointless undertaking. As well as honey, fructose, etc. It’s just that, unlike sugar, it is healthy and safe. For example, it can be used as a sugar substitute by patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, children with diathesis, and people with high blood sugar levels. If you are obese, you can eat it in small quantities - it is still better than using sugar.

Unlike honey, maple syrup rarely causes allergic reactions, making it an ideal natural sweetener for allergy sufferers. And also, unlike honey, during heat treatment the syrup does not acquire carcinogenic properties. Therefore, adding it to baked goods is much safer.

After all, natural maple syrup is simply delicious. Lovers of honey, liquid caramel and similar products will definitely appreciate it. And, of course, everyone who watches their diet and tries to eat right.

Maple syrup: composition, benefits and applications

Maple syrup has numerous beneficial properties. It contains B vitamins, antioxidants and minerals - magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium. However, the list of benefits of maple syrup is not limited to this. The polyphenols it contains help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Phytohormones help normalize the functioning of the pancreas. It also has antibacterial and antitumor effects. Useful for metabolic disorders, as well as for people working in hazardous industries or living in unfavorable environmental conditions. That is, essentially. To all residents of modern megacities.

At the same time, nutritionists do not recommend abusing sweets, including maple syrup, simply because of glucose and simple carbohydrates. The normal dose for an adult is about 50 grams per day.

You can use maple syrup instead of sugar - adding it to tea, coffee, and when making cakes and creams. You can also use it in its pure form - like honey. For example, to dip pancakes and pancakes in it.

What is the difference between grades A and B?

As already mentioned, the smell, consistency and taste of the syrup depend not only on the duration of processing, but also on the time of collecting the juice. Harvested in late spring, it is darker and sweeter than in early spring. Syrup varieties are classified according to this parameter. The most common class c is A dark amber. Class C is used only in the food industry.

What is dry syrup

The so-called is a powder that is obtained from ordinary syrup by evaporating the liquid. It can be used instead of regular sugar for baking, adding to tea and coffee, etc. You can also make ordinary maple syrup from it if you dilute it with water.

You can take dry syrup to reduce the shipping weight of the parcel. But, to be honest, the savings are not particularly significant. I see the point in dry syrup only if you use it for cooking - for example, in dough liquid syrup You can’t pour it without violating the proportions. But dry powder works great instead of sugar in the same quantities and does not interfere with the recipe at all.

Where can you buy maple syrup and how much does it cost?

The product that can be found in Russian stores, most often, unfortunately, has very little to do with real maple syrup. It's just burnt out for color sugar syrup, sometimes with flavorings. Such products, unfortunately, only discredit maple syrup - customer reviews that compare it with burnt sugar are most often associated with the low quality of the product they purchased. To be sure of authenticity, you need to choose American or Canadian maple syrup.

The easiest way is on iherb, where options from manufacturers only from North America are presented. In terms of price, it starts from $11 for 350 milliliters.

By the way, if you want to try the taste of maple syrup, but the price seems too high, you can order a budget option - with maple flavor. Agave is no less useful, but costs less.

They engage in physical exercise, give up bad habits, and prefer a balanced diet. A significant role in this process is played by the right choice of products that are truly beneficial, but at the same time are a delicacy. After all, life without “sweets” can turn into a nightmare for some. One of these delicacies can be called maple syrup, what it is made from, how to use it correctly and why it is useful, we will look into it today.

Essentially, this product is the juice of deciduous trees, processed using a special method. It is collected from almost all plants belonging to the Sapindov family. Among the most commonly used are red, black and sugar maples, which are most often found in North America, particularly in Canada, where maple syrup has long been a true local specialty and tradition. The trees from which the sap is collected grow more than thirty meters high and can be more than one and a half meters in diameter.

Maple syrup is a rather viscous and viscous liquid, which fully justifies its name. It is produced by evaporating all the moisture from it at low temperatures. This is a very long and painstaking process, which has many features and nuances, each stage of which has its own rules, conditions and names. For example, the spring collection of raw materials is called the “crying” of maples.

From what and how: a gift from sugar maple

The world's main maple syrup production is concentrated in Canada and the northern United States, where dense maple forests grow. They begin to collect the juice of these plants in early spring, just like we collect birch sap. A hole is drilled in each tree through which the thick sap flows into pre-prepared containers for later processing.

In order to end up with just one liter of ready-to-use syrup, you have to process at least forty liters of raw juice. In special vats, the liquid is simply evaporated from it, thickening the product as much as possible. The main feature of the process is that no foreign impurities, either natural or chemical, are added to the main syrup. Therefore, high-quality original syrup is extremely useful, because it retains all the useful components given by nature itself.

It is produced in the same way as the Indians made it before the arrival of immigrants from Europe to America. Neither sugar nor other impurities or preservatives should be present in the syrup. Due to such strict restrictions, it has such a high price that can be seen in the market.

Calorie content and composition of maple syrup

The original product is completely unique in its chemical composition. Moreover, sometimes it is very different from the same syrup produced in a different time period or collected in a different area. Its color can also vary significantly from transparent yellowish to amber-brown. There are absolutely no sweeteners or dyes in it, and the gradations of shades depend on the composition and saturation. In early spring it can be very light, but over time it becomes darker, almost black.

The calorie content of a product can also vary significantly. On average, it ranges from 202 to 265 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. Moreover, it contains about 53 grams of carbohydrates, with a complete absence of fat.

  • 159-162 milligrams of potassium.
  • About 50-52 milligrams of calcium.
  • Sodium - 1 milligram.
  • Magnesium - 16 milligrams.
  • Zinc - 1.6 milligrams.
  • Manganese - 2 milligrams.

In addition to minerals, macro- and microelements, syrup usually has a record content of vitamins. For example, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) can be up to 0.6 milligrams. It contains other vitamins of the same group: pyridoxine, niacin, thiamine, pantothenic, folic and nicotinic acids, pyridoxine.

It contains an unusual abscisic acid (ABA), which is a stimulator for the pancreas to produce insulin. At the same time, the content of purines and oxalates is extremely low, which causes allergic reactions to occur in only 2-5% of people.

Maple syrup: benefits and harms for health and a slim figure

Chemical composition of this Canadian healthy sweetener determines all its benefits, as well as possible contraindications.

Often, people suffering from diabetes must deny themselves treats such as candy, pastries, cakes and other sweets. However, they can, and even need to, consume delicious, sweet maple syrup. They can replace the lack of “snacks” so that the quality of life does not deteriorate due to illness.

Useful properties

Due to its high calcium content, this wonderful product is really very useful for those who are concerned about the condition of their nails, hair, skin and even bones.

  • Potassium is good for the heart muscle, and in general, for the entire cardiovascular system.
  • Maple syrup is considered one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. Therefore it can be found in many folk remedies for potency, stimulation, increasing libido. This is due to the high content of zinc, which has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system.
  • The product is a significant immunomodulator; it significantly increases the body's resistance to a wide variety of bacteria and viruses penetrating from the outside. People who regularly use it are much less likely to catch FLU, ARVI, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and other diseases during the cold season.
  • With constant consumption, blood vessels become stronger, excess cholesterol does not accumulate on their vessels, and toxins are eliminated faster and better. Therefore, we can say that maple syrup is a natural medicine against the development of hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, and other similar pathologies.
  • It is deservedly considered a good stimulant of the central nervous system and brain activity. It is recommended to eat it for those who are prone to nervous disorders, prone to stress and frequent depression.

In general, doctors say that the syrup normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, calms the nerves, protects against insomnia, and stimulates the thyroid gland. It is able to give a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day, for which it is especially valued by workers in mental and physical labor.

Contraindications and harm

However, despite all the benefits of the product, it has a number of prohibitions that you should never turn a blind eye to. The daily consumption rate is no more than 25-32 grams.

  • Elevated blood glucose may be a contraindication to excessive consumption of maple syrup.
  • Individual intolerance is another factor that will not allow you to eat the product.
  • While carrying a baby and breastfeeding, you should use the syrup with extreme caution, or it is better to completely abandon this delicacy.
  • Its calorie content is quite high, so it is contraindicated. As a last resort, the amount of product eaten during the day should be reduced by half from the standard norm.

Pay attention to the composition when purchasing. In some cases, unscrupulous manufacturers who want to make money in any way may contain sugar, chemical thickeners, flavor enhancers, and flavorings. You cannot buy such a product; other than harm, it will hardly do anything.

How and with what to use maple syrup

The product itself, as well as its derivatives, are popular in many countries around the world, even despite the rather high cost. It is widely used in the medical field; extracts or extracts from it are used to sweeten some types of medicines for people whose consumption of sugar is contraindicated. Cosmetology is another area where the product can often be used. It is added to creams, oils for the body, hair, nails, skin, and even hygiene products.

Maple syrup in cooking

But no matter what fun things can be done with it, the first use of this thick, sweet mass of maple sap is in the food industry. The most renowned chefs add it to their unrivaled creations as a flavor enhancer. How to use maple syrup? It is served raw with waffles, pancakes, and pancakes. It goes well with vegetables and meat, highlighting its flavor.

The syrup is used to make jams, preserves, mousses, creams, even flower honey. They produce candies, pies, and cakes with it, which can be consumed by most people, since there are very few contraindications. Athletes who adhere to diets and diets highly appreciate coffee with maple syrup instead of sugar. Indeed, this is a very good solution.

Unlike honey, it does not lose its beneficial properties at elevated temperatures, so it can be placed even in hot drink. You can add it to instead of sugar to reduce your total daily calorie intake for weight loss. The slightly cooled mass becomes thicker, and its taste becomes softer and less rich. If you want to get bright, rich notes of a characteristic aroma and taste, warm it up slightly or just let it sit for an hour or two at room temperature.

Many people are interested in how to replace maple syrup if it is needed in a recipe but is not available? The only thing that comes to mind is natural honey. However, we must admit that it does not have those unique woody notes like the original product. As for purchasing counterfeits or “substitutes,” it is better to abandon this idea. Most likely, they are full of various chemical compounds, and the main one is pure, natural sugar.

Rules for selection and storage

We have already found out what maple syrup is eaten with, all that remains is to figure out how to choose the right natural product so as not to buy a fake. After all, most likely, it will not bring any benefit, but can only cause harm. Professionals know many different secrets that help you make the right purchase. But in the realities of life in Russia, just a few are enough to get what you want.

  • Buy only bottles that are made in Canada. Only in this country there is an entire state commission that deals with the quality of this product.
  • Light varieties are always less saturated, but more delicate. Dark ones, on the contrary, are distinguished by the tart aroma of tree bark, as well as a bright, characteristic taste.
  • The label must have a naturalness mark. Otherwise, you risk purchasing regular maple-flavored sugar syrup.

It is important that the chosen syrup is really expensive. Produced in small quantities, it simply cannot be cheap and cost a penny. Therefore, if you are offered it at a price below sixty to seventy conventional units per liter, most likely it is a fake.

You can store treasured containers in the cellar if they have not yet been opened. They retain their properties well for a long time (up to 3-5 years). More exact dates can be found on the packaging. Once opened, just put it in the refrigerator and you can safely use it for food throughout the year.

How to make maple syrup at home

It is quite possible to prepare a homemade delicacy, although you will have to get a little confused. In addition, you need to understand that you will need to collect maple sap for a long time, and then cook it, evaporating the moisture. The proportions of output of a home-made finished product are approximately equal to industrial ones, that is, out of forty liters of pure raw materials, only one will come out. In addition, sugar maples do not grow on their own here, they can only be cultivated, but you will have to wait fifty years, which of course is not suitable for us. You can use red, black, or holly juice. The latter will be the least bitter, so you should give it preference.

  • First of all, you need to correctly calculate when the maple will begin to sap. It begins much earlier than in other trees, sometimes even in February or early March.
  • Using a thick, long drill, drill through the trunk of the selected trees, and drive pre-made metal grooves under the hole.
  • Place a suitable container and wait until it is filled.

It doesn’t hurt to take into account that unprocessed juice can be stored at quite low temperatures no more than a week. Therefore, keep in mind that the required amount of raw material must be collected during this time.

It is best to start evaporation outside, in a summer kitchen or indoors where there is a very powerful hood. At the same time, large volumes of water will evaporate, so in an ordinary kitchen the wallpaper may peel off and even unreliable plaster will fall on your head. For the process, it is better to take enamel dishes so that they do not react with the liquid in any way.

In terms of time, evaporating one liter takes about half an hour, so be prepared for a long process. Do not forget that it should not boil, but only actively evaporate the liquid. For storage, homemade juice can be poured into glass jars and sealed with metal lids.

Not only is it different pleasant taste and an unusual aroma, but also benefits for the human body. It contains more than 50 components not found in other food products. Among them is abscisic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, as well as a unique compound called quebecol, the properties of which are in many ways similar to carbohydrates.

Nutritional composition: 67 g carbohydrates and 0.2 g fat, no proteins. High calorie content sugar maple syrup - about 260 kcal - due to the content of simple carbohydrates. Contains the following microelements (in mg):

  • calcium (67) – ensures strengthening of nails, hair, bones;
  • zinc (4) – improves protein absorption in the body;
  • manganese (3.3) – affects the speed of transmission of nerve impulses;
  • potassium (204) – strengthens cardiac and vascular muscle fibers.

The benefit of the product lies in the high content of antioxidants, which help remove all excess from the body. In addition, the syrup very rarely causes an allergic reaction and has a low glycemic index (from 55 to 65).

What and how are they made from?

The main production of the product is concentrated in Canada (90%) and the United States. This is due to the fact that sugar maple grows precisely on the territory of these countries. The collection begins in the spring season, when the largest amount of juice is produced. This period is called the “crying of the trees.” To obtain 1,000 ml of sweet syrup, it is necessary to process about 40 liters of collected liquid. That is why the product has a rather high cost.

The cooking principle is based on evaporation of sweet, freshly collected juice. The finished product thickens and decreases in weight by more than 30 times. No artificial ingredients are used in the manufacturing process and no sugar is added. Therefore, all useful substances and elements are preserved in the syrup.

It is almost impossible to prepare real Canadian syrup at home. The thing is that the juice collected from local trees (mainly Norway, field and pseudo-sycamore maples grow in the country) does not have a sweet taste due to the low sugar content. After boiling, the product will not be as sweet and thick, and the result will not live up to expectations.


The dark varieties, which are prepared from sap collected in late spring, have a rich aroma and can be added to various dishes as a flavor enhancer. Ideal with turkey and vegetables. Lighter varieties are excellent substitutes and... Many people use syrup as a hot drink. During heat treatment, the product does not deteriorate and does not become harmful to health, unlike honey. That is why there are many recipes for sauces and hot dressings with a sweet note, where syrup is the main ingredient.

In addition to cooking, the product is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. Masks with it help slow down the natural aging process due to the antioxidant content in the product. For medical purposes, this syrup is used to increase the body's protective functions and prevent various types of neoplasms. Maple is considered an excellent remedy against depression: it restores energy balance, relieves aggression and nervousness.

Possible harm and contraindications

Harm from natural syrup can occur if it is consumed excessively. The recommended daily intake is up to 30 g. There are no obvious contraindications, however, its use should be treated with caution in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy. The high potassium content in the product can negatively affect the development of the child with increased uterine tone.
  • For overweight and obesity, which is due to the significant calorie content of the thick maple mass.
  • If individual intolerance to the product is noted. Cases of allergies have been reported rarely, however, if the syrup is used for the first time, you should start with one teaspoon and see how the body reacts.
  • For various forms of diabetes. The product is not on the prohibited list, but it is best to consult with your doctor about the frequency of use and the permissible amount.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the composition: artificial maple syrup contains thickeners, additional sugar and flavorings. This product does not provide any benefit.

How to select and store maple syrup?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a product and to enjoy the taste of healthy maple syrup, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Price. Original products cost at least 40 dollars per 1 liter.
  • Manufacturer. A quality certificate is required.
  • Compound. There should be no indication of the addition of artificial sugars, other syrups (most often added to the product) and preservatives.
  • Type of packaging. The thick consistency and pleasant amber color of high-quality natural syrup are visible only in transparent glass bottles.

The recommended shelf life of the product is no more than 12 months. If the container is opened, it should only be kept in a cool place away from direct access. sun rays. If the smell or color changes, it is better not to use the syrup for food. If it has become candied, heat treatment will help restore the texture, but the product will lose its benefits.

Maple syrup - useful product natural origin, capable of energizing the body, increasing immunity, and slowing down the natural aging processes of the skin. With moderate consumption, you do not need to worry about gaining excess weight, allergies and other negative phenomena.

Looks like you're about to make maple syrup at home and want to know the best way to do it? Need a recipe for making maple syrup at home? Then, to draw your own conclusions, read the detailed instructions on how to

Maple syrup: benefits and contraindications

Maple sap and syrup improve immunity; they contain many organic acids and phytohormones. This helps the body fight cancer and activates the pancreas. It is an excellent antioxidant and increases potency. The antioxidants contained in maple syrup are similar to those found in red wine, tomatoes, berries, wheat sprouts, and flax seeds. A quarter glass of syrup contains more calcium than the same amount of milk, and more potassium than bananas. Recent studies have found that regular consumption of maple syrup has a beneficial effect on liver function.

The amount of minerals contained in maple syrup is simply off the charts, so its benefits to the body cannot be overestimated. In terms of usefulness, it is even higher than honey. And, unlike honey, to which many people are allergic, maple syrup is hypoallergenic. The Canadian dessert contains Mg, Fe, F, Mq, Ca, Na, C, Zn, K, Mn, as well as vitamin B complex and polyphenols. Useful for people of all ages, both children and the elderly and pregnant and lactating women. No harm to health was detected.

Contraindications: not identified. In some cases, there may be rare allergic reactions, because... It is, after all, a plant product. Do not overindulge in sweets and beware of counterfeits!

Homemade maple syrup recipe

— The video shows in detail how to make maple syrup at home, so that there is no doubt that maple syrup can be made, but it is hardly necessary.