Clan MacGregor is an elite Scotch whiskey. Whiskey cocktail with milk and sugar syrup

Clan MacGregor whiskey is one of the most popular brands in the rich collection of William Grant and Sons, which occupies an honorable third place in the list of the largest producers of Scottish alcohol. At the moment, the Clan McGregor whiskey brand is represented in the markets of 30 countries around the world, and it has earned special respect from customers thanks to the decent quality of the drinks and a more than reasonable price.

When creating the Clan MacGregor whiskey brand, the descendants of the great William Grant pursued an important goal - to conquer a large share of the world whiskey market. The company's masters coped with this task brilliantly - today Clan McGregor whiskey has earned the respect of not only ordinary connoisseurs, but also connoisseurs and experts who find it one of the best in its price category. Along with its affordable price, this whiskey demonstrates outstanding quality characteristics. The brand's drinks are represented by excellent blended varieties aged from three to five years. Each blend includes numerous types of grain distillates from different regions of Scotland, as well as about 15 variations of high-quality single malt spirits obtained from the best distilleries in the country.

The blended whiskey Clan McGregor entered the top twenty best Scottish blends thanks to its unsurpassed flavor. The drink is pale golden in color, which indicates the absence of artificial colors in the composition, has a soft herbaceous aroma with a subtle admixture of floral tones and a harmonious taste with notes of grain crops, malt and ripe fruit. The worthy status of Clan MacGregor whiskey is expressed in its sonorous name - the brand received its name in honor of one of the oldest and most respected clans in Scotland, whose coat of arms (with the permission of the head of the clan, Sir Malcolm MacGregor) appears on the label of each bottle of personalized whiskey. It is advisable to use this whiskey as a component of cocktails, as well as with the addition of soda, water or ice.

Many connoisseurs claim that Clan McGregor whiskey is perhaps the only blended variety in the world that is excellent to drink even in its pure form. The manufacturer pays attention not only to the quality of its drinks, but also to their external design. Clan MacGregor whiskey is bottled in green glass with shaped necks. Some bottlings are supplied with souvenir boxes with brand symbols. Thanks to a wide selection of formats (from 350 to 1000 ml), you can purchase Clan McGregor whiskey for any occasion.

If the cinema made me write the first essay from the history of the clans about the clan, then literature, namely the novels of Walter Scott, about the MacGregor clan.

Clan MacGregor is a fairly important clan in the Scottish Highlands. The ancestral lands of the clan are the Dalmally region in the very center of Orgailo. The clan traces its ancestry back to the legendary clan, and a representative of this clan first conquered the Picts in 843 and created Scotland, becoming its king! The reign lasted almost 200 years until the representative of the MacAlpin clan, King Malcolm II, died without leaving behind three daughters! But, despite the loss of the crown, the blood of the McAlpines one way or another flows in all the monarchs of Britain, including Elizabeth II. Not only the MacGregors, but also the Macaulays, Mackinons, MacPhees, MacNabs and Macquaries descend from the MacAlpin clan. However, the first and closest, eldest descendants are still the McGregors. This explains their arrogant motto “We are of royalty” and defiant behavior! No clan has earned such a reputation or been so persecuted for cruelty, looting and barbarism.

In the 13th century, this clan was very strong and reigned supreme in the very center of the highlands, but in the 15th century its power began to weaken. It is clear that the clan was not particularly to blame for this, it is clear that they tried to deprive the most noble clan of influence at court and it is clear that for this they tried in every possible way to strengthen the clan living next door - the clan. That is why the Campbells developed faster and turned out to be stronger. Conflict was inevitable. The irreconcilable enmity of the two clans went down in history. The situation is given a special romanticism by the fact that the head of the McGregor clan fell in love with the girl Marion from the Campbell clan and went on the run with her. But soon the warriors of the Campbell clan overtook them and, in front of the pregnant Marion’s eyes, killed her lover! This story is very similar to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The feud lasted for almost a century, and its apotheosis was the battle of the McGregor clan with the clan provoked by the Campbell clan. The Colcahouns prevented the treacherous Campbells from reigning supreme over Orgailo. The MacGregors defeated the Colcahouns, although there were almost three times more of them. However, the battle escalated into a bloody massacre, which outraged King James VI of Scotland, who banned the very name MacGregor! The clan leader and 30 of the best warriors were immediately executed, and their wives were doomed to shame and hunger. This is written about in the work “The Legend of Montrose.” From the moment of the royal decree, death awaited everyone who dared to call themselves McGregor. The Campbells in their ancestral castle of Philarik, the ruins of which can still be seen, became an arena for bloodshed - the MacGregors were executed next to the castle and their heads were placed in a special pit. The Campbells managed to become the largest landowners in Scotland, and the MacGregors stood behind the line for 170 years. “Children of the Mist” was the name given to members of a clan with proud royal blood due to the fact that they were doomed to banditry!

But a man appeared who changed everything - his name was Rob Roy McGregor. A legend already during his lifetime, a people's hero! He was originally engaged in the cattle trade under the name of Campbell and made a considerable fortune. It is clear that he was engaged in cattle stealing, which before the adoption of a special union was not a crime in Scotland. The cattle could not be taken anywhere (the Union specifically allowed the sale of cattle to England), there were no costs for maintaining them and they were simply driven from place to place. It is interesting that the very word Blackmail (extortion) originally meant payment for the protection of livestock. Actually, this is the same “roof” that we know from the activities of Putin and his cronies. Perhaps this is why the judge listened so calmly to these terms in the proceedings of Berezovsky and Abramovich. In essence, modern Russia is very similar to Scotland in the 16th century. However, Rob Roy McGregor soon went bankrupt and, taking his clients’ money, fled to the mountains. It was this period of his life that became the basis for Walter Scott’s novel of the same name! Who didn’t read Walter Scott’s novel “Rob Roy” as a child? Rob Roy's life was ideal for the romantic narrative of Walter Scot, who wished to preserve the history of Scotland. It is clear that Walter Scott romanticized Rob Roy McGregor, he was a considerable swindler, but this does not make the novel any less beautiful! True, there is evidence that Rob Roy MacGregor passed information to the British Government about the plans of the Jacobites. This allowed him to earn forgiveness for himself and the clan. At the beginning of the 18th century, the decree on the liquidation of the clan was canceled, but this no longer had any significance for its preservation because the clan system was liquidated in 1748, i.e. about 50 years earlier. Rob Roy McGregor died in battle and in tartan, on his grave it is written “McGregor no matter what.” Countless MacGregors have died as a result of persecution, and the clan's story is perhaps the most tragic story of the Scottish Highlands.

Clan MacGregor is another brand from the company's portfolio. In the production of this whiskey, the emphasis is on high quality combined with an extremely affordable price. Many buyers believe that the taste of this whiskey is superior to that of more expensive brands. However, it cannot be otherwise when the descendants of the great William Grant get down to business. Clan MacGregor is a blended whiskey made up of 15 single malt whiskeys and several grain whiskeys.

Brand history

The family after which the whiskey is named originates from Gregor, the third son of King Alpin, who ruled Scotland at the end of the 8th century. The McGregor clan chose the expression “Royal is my Race” as their motto. Members of the family went through centuries of persecution and unrest, their possessions were confiscated, and the name itself was at one point outlawed. However, through their courage and flexibility, they eventually regained their rights and privileges.

To prepare the Clan MacGregor blend, more than a dozen single malt varieties are taken, as well as several purest grain varieties. Each of the components is kept in oak barrels at least 3 years.

Clan MacGregor today

Clan MacGregor - whiskey, which is one of the top 20 most popular Scotch whiskeys, today it is sold in 30 countries, but is particularly successful in the USA and the Middle East. The drink owes its royal name to the venerable MacGregor family, whose ancestors ruled Scotland back in the 8th century. With the permission of a member of the clan, each bottle of Clan MacGregor whiskey bears the clan's family crest.

Clan MacGregor whiskey sells very well in the US, some Middle Eastern countries and other parts of the world - 30 countries in total. Each bottle bears the family crest of one of Scotland's oldest clans. In this section of our store you will also find gift versions of whiskey in beautiful boxes.

Clan MacGregor whiskey bears the Scottish clan crest on the label and bears that name with the permission of Malcolm MacGregor. This whiskey is also called scotch, it has a mild taste and is popular in many countries around the world. Clan MacGregor whiskey is produced according to a unique recipe by blending first-class grain alcohol and fifteen varieties of selected malt drink from the Speyside region of Scotland.

The history of the company "William Grant and Sons"

The founding date of the famous whiskey brand is considered to be 1887. The first bottle was opened at Christmas for William Grant, the founder of the family distillery. William Grant built a distillery near the Space River in 1886 and named it Deer Valley.

Everyone in his family worked. The sons, and there were seven of them, helped build the distillery, and then worked in it. His two daughters and their mother looked after the house and cooked food for everyone. The son-in-law of the head of the family was the first seller, his name was Charles Gordon. He walked around the surrounding residential buildings and drinking establishments and offered to buy a new alcoholic drink- Clan McGregor whiskey.

Subsequently, Charles Gordon managed to come to an agreement and open a representative office of the family company in the UK, which made it possible to expand the sales area. Then he went even further - he began supplying whiskey to North America.

During the Prohibition period, many distilleries went bankrupt, but William Grant and Sons was able to maintain its experience and unique recipe. At the moment, the Grants company has remained a family business; it is already managed by the fifth generation of this family. The assortment has become large and includes 25 types of malt whiskey and 2 blended varieties, one of which is called “Clan McGregor” Scotch whiskey.

History of the name

Prince Gregor McAlpin gave permission to give this drink the name “Clan MacGregor” whiskey. He also allowed his clan's family crest to be placed on the label.

The MacGregor family was famous and quite powerful in the Middle Ages. They managed to hold their own lands for a long time with the help of knights. But another Campbell clan presented King Robert with false documents transferring ownership of the land to the MacGregor clan. The deal passed, and the knights were left without their possessions, but they did not just give up, but continued to defend their rights by force. In 1603, they were forced to liquidate the clan, and they went underground, taking up theft and robbery.

Distinctive features of the drink

Whiskey "Clan McGregor" has a large number of fans in more than thirty countries around the world, including Russia. This was facilitated not only by the unique recipe and high-quality ingredients, but also by loyalty to tradition, hard work and cohesion of the McGregor family. How does this wonderful drink differ from other brands?

  • The color of the original Clan McGregor is very light, with a golden tint, as this is how a good blended whiskey should look.
  • Taste. This drink has a fairly mild taste for strong alcohol. The taste contains fruity notes of plum, pear, apple, orange zest and, of course, notes of malt.
  • Aroma. The harmony of taste and aroma is unique and combines fruity notes and the freshness of the flowering highlands of the Speyside valley.

Reviews and prices

Whiskey "Clan McGregor", reviews of which indicate its great popularity around the world, is a truly worthwhile drink, which is made from high-quality raw materials and has good taste, which explains its popularity in America, Great Britain and in its homeland - Scotland.

In Russia, Clan McGregor whiskey has mixed reviews. Some people consider it high-quality scotch tape and always buy it for a festive mood. Some people like more expensive drinks, but after a hard day at dinner they also don’t mind drinking a glass or two of Clan McGregor whiskey. There are some people who find this drink terrible, but perhaps they came across a fake product and drew the appropriate conclusion.

Whiskey prices vary depending on the country. Consider the cost of Clan McGregor whiskey (0.7). The price for one bottle in Europe starts from 15 euros and reaches 20, in the USA - from 15 to 20 dollars, and in Russia averages 1200 rubles.

Drinking culture

Clan McGregor, like any other whiskey, has proven itself as a party drink and is often used to make cocktails. But still, in the homeland, it is customary to drink whiskey in its pure form and use the “Five S” rule:

  1. Sight. Look. You need to open a bottle of whiskey and pour it into a glass. Now take a closer look at it to determine the color and transparency. Now hold the glass in your hand for a while to feel its viscosity.
  2. Smell. Feel the aroma. After the first point, you should inhale the aroma of scotch tape and recognize all its notes.
  3. Swish. Savor it. Take a small sip of pure whiskey and do not swallow it right away, let its taste fully develop. It should be slightly sweet, slightly astringent and have a warming effect.
  4. Swallow. Swallow. Now take a sip of Clan McGregor Whiskey and judge whether it's sharp or smooth. You should be left with a good aftertaste and aroma.
  5. Splash. Splash. Now you can make a cocktail by adding soda or cola to the whiskey. But this is how they do it in the USA, and the British drink Clan McGregor with ice.

This whiskey bears the name and coat of arms of the oldest clan in Scotland, has a three-year aging, which gives the drink the right to be called scotch, has a mild taste and is popular in more than thirty countries around the world. Clan MacGregor whiskey is created by blending: 15 varieties of malt distillates from the Speyside valley are mixed with several types of grain spirits from the highlands - experts say that it is the selection of varieties that determines the smoothness of taste and richness of aroma.

Historical information. Clan MacGregor whiskey is produced and sold by one of the most famous whiskey companies in the world - William Grant & Sons, business card which is served by the Grants bottle with a triangular base, familiar to all connoisseurs.

This is a family company. Founding father William Grant began building a distillery with the romantic name “Deer Valley” - Glenfiddich, in the Space River valley in early 1886, but the first whiskey tasting was held only at Christmas 1887. It is this Christmas that is considered to be the founding date of the company.

It is unlikely that William Grant would have achieved success without his seven sons and two daughters. Sons were workers, assistants, messengers, and daughters kept order and prepared food. The first manager and salesman of the company was Charles Gordon, son-in-law of William Grant. At first, Gordon's duty was the usual knock on the door and offer to buy whiskey. To find the first buyer, the man had to knock on 180 institutions.

On the initiative of Charles Gordon, a representative office of the company was opened in the UK and the supply of whiskey to North America was organized - all this happened after the death of William Grant. As well as the conquest of the eastern market, which took place during the First World War.

And even during the Prohibition period, when most whiskey producers closed their factories, William Grant & Sons worked. Today the enterprise is run by the fifth generation of Grants, the business remains family-owned, and the recipes are original. The product range is extensive: 25 types of malt whiskey and 2 blended ones, among which one is named after a warlike Scottish clan.

The name of the whiskey was not accidental: the Grants always valued family ties and admired families that managed to unite and withstand adversity. One of the oldest clans in Scotland was just like that.

According to legend, the ancestor of the McGregor clan was Prince Gregor McAlpin, which explains both the clan’s motto “We are of royal stock!” and the coat of arms placed on the whiskey label with the permission of Malcolm McGregor.

Family coat of arms Clan MacGregor

The MacGregors were strong and warlike. In the dark medieval times, they had to hold their lands by force, and the knights of the clan successfully coped with this. Until another clan, the Campbells, managed to forge documents and get King Robert to transfer the MacGregor lands into their ownership. The McGregors did not give up, fought, defended their rights with arms in hand, but still lost most of their possessions. And in 1603, King James VI, angered by the rebels, issued a decree liquidating the clan and expelling family representatives from the country. But the McGregors did not leave - they assimilated, taking the names of related families, continuing to maintain intra-family ties.

The representatives of the ancient knightly family did all sorts of things in exile - outside the law, without land and any means of subsistence: they stole livestock, poached, robbed settlements and robberies on the roads. One of the most famous Scots robbers in history, Red Robert or Rob Roy, belonged to the MacGregor clan. The clan was rehabilitated only at the end of the 18th century, and its unique history still serves as an example of family mutual assistance and fortitude.

The decision to name one of their best drinks Clan MacGregor was a win-win for William Grant & Sons. The drink quickly gained fame and today is one of the TOP 20 most popular whiskeys in the world.

Features of Clan MacGregor whiskey

Fans of the brand say that the secret recipe, in addition to aromatic malt and crystal clear spring water, includes enterprise, loyalty to tradition, great ambition, hard work, the patience of the entire William Grant family and the amazing charisma of the McGregors.

  • Color. Like most blended whiskeys, Clan MacGregor is very light, slightly golden in color, becoming brighter in the evening light.
  • Taste. Clan MacGregor Scotch has a soft and smooth taste, despite the traditional forty-proof strength. The flavor bouquet intertwines fruit notes (pear, apple, plum), with notes of malt and orange zest. The aftertaste is very delicate, with the freshness of spring primroses.
  • Aroma. Harmonious with taste - the same lightness, the same fruity notes of the Speyside valley and the same floral freshness of the highlands.

How to drink Clan MacGregor whiskey

Clan MacGregor whiskey is good as a digestif (after meals), the drink is used for cocktails - its smooth taste and softness allow it to go well with different ingredients. But it's best to drink Clan MacGregor neat and according to the famous Scottish ritual "Five S":

  • Sight. Pour the scotch into a glass, look at all the shades of colors, enjoying the play of light behind the transparent walls. Warm the glass in your palms for 3-4 minutes - the alcohols evaporate more intensely the higher the temperature of the drink.
  • Smell. Slowly inhale to feel the whole gamut of aroma, which will allow you to get a complete picture of the scotch. Experienced tasters say that it is not at all difficult to identify each of the essential, phenolic plant or oil tones.
  • Swish. Sip without rushing. Don’t swallow right away - let the receptors on your tongue feel the taste - sweet, slightly astringent, warming.
  • Swallow. Take a small sip slowly and feel the softness and delicate taste of Clan MacGregor.
  • Splash. This step of the ritual is translated as “splash” and means adding soda or Coca-Cola to the glass, as Americans like. But this usually applies to stronger scotch tapes, and in the case of Clan MacGregor better drink do not dilute. It's better to just add 2-3 ice cubes.

Whiskey is drunk from two types of glasses: from a tulip-shaped glass and a tumbler - a wide and low glass with a thick bottom. If you are going to taste the color, taste and aroma of Clan MacGregor, choose a glass with a tulip-shaped bowl. And if you just want to sip your favorite whiskey during a friendly conversation or after dinner, adding ice to the drink, opt for the toggle switch.