Spaghetti with meatballs in tomato sauce. Recipe: spaghetti with meatballs Spaghetti with meatballs and tomato paste recipe

*To prepare meatballs, grind any meat you like (I used beef) in a meat grinder, add salt and pepper to the minced meat, stir, beat and form balls from the resulting minced meat. These balls will be the meatballs. Place them on a board and place them in the freezer. Once the meatballs are frozen, transfer them from the board to a plastic bag. Can be stored in the freezer for 3 months.

Cut the leek into rings and place along with the meatballs in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. Meatballs do not need to be defrosted. If you have freshly prepared meatballs, they should be used immediately after cooking.

Add hot water, stir and close the lid. Let the meatballs simmer with vegetables for 15 minutes.

Separately, boil the pasta as directed on the package. Place the finished pasta in a sieve to drain the water.

Add pasta to the pan with meatballs and vegetables. Mix.

Appetizing, satisfying pasta with meatballs is ready. Can be served.

Bon appetit!

In this article we will share with you the recipe for the dish. Italian cuisine- spaghetti with meatballs. Spaghetti is popular not only in its historical homeland, but also in Russia, and all thanks to the fact that there are many very delicious dishes with this type of pasta. One of them is spaghetti with meatballs - it is very diverse in its ingredients: there is meat, vegetables, as well as various spices. This dish is easy to prepare and will definitely please everyone!


  • Minced meat - 500 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Provençal herbs- to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper- to taste
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Spaghetti - 400 g


Second course
Servings - 4
Cooking time - 1 hour

Spaghetti with meatballs: how to cook

We put on the table all the products necessary for our dish: minced meat, eggs, vegetables, pasta, spaghetti and spices. First of all, let's start preparing the vegetable dressing. Take the onion, peel it and cut it into small cubes. Next, let's take care of the carrots: you also need to peel them and then grate them on a coarse grater. Transfer the vegetables to the frying pan, after adding vegetable oil, and fry over low heat.

While the carrots and onions are fried, you can move on to the meatballs. Take minced meat (any kind is suitable for this dish: beef, pork, or a mixture of several types of meat - choose for yourself what you like best), add an egg, finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste. If desired, you can also add finely chopped fresh or dried herbs. After this, mix the minced meat thoroughly, you can even beat it a little on the bottom of the bowl, thanks to this the minced meat will become softer and take a certain shape.

Now we need to make meatballs. Before doing this, it is best to wet your hands so that the minced meat does not stick to them. You will have to wet it very often, so we recommend that you place a bowl of water next to you for convenience. We take our minced meat, separate small pieces from it and roll into balls the size of cherries. Place the resulting meatballs on a plate.

We return to our fried vegetables: add a little water to them and mix.

Place the meatballs on top of the dressing in one layer.

Take the tomatoes and chop them finely, then together with tomato paste add to vegetables and meatballs. Mix very carefully and add salt to taste.

To make lunch tasty and satisfying, I advise you to cook spaghetti with chicken meatballs. To make meatballs, one medium-sized chicken fillet is enough for two people. After the usual frying, the meatballs can be stewed in a sauce that is in harmony with the chosen pasta. But you can simply add the meatballs to the spaghetti, after mixing the pasta with the sauce.

It is generally accepted that meatballs are fried balls of meat or minced fish, which are then boiled in soup or broth. However, köttbullar is Carlson’s favorite food; it is simply fried and served with sauce. The very term meatball already contains the principle of cooking - frittatella, i.e. roast. By the way, these are huge meatballs that have been familiar since childhood, based on the principle of cooking.

If you simmer the meatballs in a sauce, then spaghetti with meatballs can be called spaghetti with. Although, unlike meatballs, only herbs and spices are added to the minced meatballs, while meatballs can contain boiled cereals (rice, millet, bulgur, etc.), various raw and boiled vegetables. It is customary to simmer meatballs in a sauce rather than just boil them in soup. Although, it is often very difficult to discern the line between these dishes.

You can cook spaghetti with meatballs without sauce, but the dish will be “dry” and you’re unlikely to like it. A thin gravy or sauce adds flavor to the pasta, turning the boiled dough into a treat. The sauce provides juiciness to the spaghetti, improves the overall appearance and increases the nutritional value. Therefore, no one bothers you to simmer almost ready-made fried meatballs in your favorite sauce, so that the dish is very tasty and with delicate taste.

The most common hot sauces for spaghetti are made with a tomato or cream base. Tomato sauces harmonize exceptionally well with pasta. For example, the famous one is a tomato base with cream or milk and a large number minced meat.

The dish can be prepared with any long pasta, for example, fettuccine or pappardelle, it doesn’t matter. It is important that the paste holds the sauce well. Spaghetti is the most common long pasta. Of the available varieties, you can use capellini, spaghettini, bucatini. Tomato sauce is considered the main sauce for spaghetti. Surely many have tried Spaghetti Napoli, Neapolitan spaghetti with tomato sauce. But tomato is the basis of the sauce, and if you add fried pieces of minced meat to the sauce, you will get excellent spaghetti with meatballs.

Spaghetti with meatballs. Wow!

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Spaghetti (capellini, spaghettini, bucatini) 200 gr
  • Chicken fillet 1 piece
  • Parsley 5-6 sprigs
  • Cream or milk 0.5 cups
  • Tomato juice 0.5 cup
  • Breadcrumbs 1 tbsp. l.
  • Flour 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, dry aromatic herbs, coarsely ground hot pepper, sugar spices
  • Parsley, capers, sun-dried tomatoes for filing
  1. This quick breakfast dish of spaghetti and meatballs can be made with any meat, including pork and beef. But use chicken meat simplifies cooking and does not take much time. Chicken fillet - white poultry meat - is ideal for meatballs, but chicken breast can also be used. If the chicken meat is frozen, you need to transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator in advance, then the chicken will not leak.

    Chicken fillet for meatballs

  2. Thoroughly clean the chicken fillet from films, bones and cartilage. Using a meat grinder, grind the chicken fillet. Place the resulting minced meat in a bowl, add salt and a pinch hot pepper coarsely ground and a dry mixture of aromatic herbs characteristic of Mediterranean cuisines - oregano, savory, parsley, etc. Remove all the leaves from the parsley sprigs and discard the stems. Chop the greens very finely with a knife and add to the chopped chicken fillet.

    Mix minced chicken, herbs and spices

  3. Mix the minced chicken thoroughly so that the spices are distributed evenly. This is convenient to do with a regular fork, kneading and rubbing pieces of chicken with spices. Add 1 tbsp to the minced meat. l. milk or cream and mix thoroughly again until completely homogeneous.

    Add some milk and breadcrumbs

  4. Next, depending on the consistency of the minced meat, you need to add dry bread crumbs or breadcrumbs. It’s best to finely grate a piece of dry French baguette and sift the crumbs through a sieve or mesh colander. You need a little bread crumbs, maximum 1 tbsp. l. It is necessary that the minced meat for the meat balls does not stick to your hands.

    Minced meatballs should not stick to your hands

  5. With wet hands, roll into meatballs, pinching off 1 tsp pieces from the minced meat. Meatball size - small walnut, or large cherry. This is not important. It is important that there are a lot of meatballs in the dish. Place the formed meatballs on a plate moistened with water.

    Roll meat balls with wet hands

  6. Place a frying pan on the fire and heat the olive oil in it. The oil should warm up for 1-2 minutes for the smell to dissipate. Alternatively, if desired, you can fry a peeled and flattened clove of garlic in oil - this will flavor the olive oil. At the same time, place the floured meatballs into the hot oil and reduce the heat to medium.

    Dip meatballs in flour and place in hot oil

  7. Without covering the pan with a lid, fry the meatballs for 3-4 minutes until the first signs of browning appear. When frying, the meatballs can be stirred with a spatula like potatoes when frying. Ready-made fried meatballs can already be served with pasta for breakfast, for example, sprinkling spaghetti with cheese.

    Fry the meatballs until golden brown

  8. But a much better result can be achieved if you additionally simmer the meatballs in the sauce. True, then this dish will be closer to , but I assure you, it will be very tasty. The sauce can be prepared at your own discretion. I recommend making a tomato-based sauce with cream and spices.
  9. Add 0.5 cups of homemade to the fried meatballs tomato juice and cream (or milk). Add 0.5 cups of water, add a little salt to the sauce. Add a pinch of the same spices that were used for the minced meat. And also, to make the sauce soft in taste and tender, add 0.5 tsp. Sahara.

    Add tomato, cream and spices

  10. Gently mix the sauce with the meatballs and bring to a boil. Cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer the meatballs in the sauce over low heat for 10 minutes. Then remove the lid and, increasing the heat slightly, bring tomato cream sauce to the desired thickness. You should not make the sauce too thin - the spaghetti will look like soup. It is enough if the sauce is similar in thickness to store-bought sour cream.

    Simmer sauce with meatballs until desired thickness

This dish is amazing italian pasta. Both adults and children love it, pasta is prepared quickly and always turns out tasty and satisfying, there are a lot of cooking options, it’s an excellent dinner on a weekday, even if guests are just about to arrive - an ideal option for a hot dish, in short, as they say, and to the feast, and to the world, and to good people.

I love beautiful dishes, and when I saw a special dish for serving pasta from the Herbiers collection, I couldn’t resist. It is large, deep and stylish, it is very convenient and beautiful to serve pasta along with sauce for the whole family, this dish can easily fit 4-5 servings of pasta. Place a dish of pasta in the center of the table, put a few large spoons in it and let each family member take as much as they need.

In addition to this large dish, the collection also includes individual plates for pasta, beautiful bottles for oil and vinegar, a mortar, and a set of bowls for snacks. If you suddenly become interested and want to purchase such beauty, my favorite store of pleasant things, Mint, is giving my readers a discount. The discount applies not only to this series of dishes, but also to the entire range of the store.
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The secret to making delicious pasta is quality ingredients. Don’t buy store-bought ready-made minced meat, it’s not tasty at all, and there’s nothing like meat in it, just one name. Buy a piece of inexpensive meat, even if it has veins, grind it at home through a meat grinder, and from meatballs You will have great fun. Instead of breadcrumbs, put cheese crackers in the minced meat, it will be tastier.
As you know, the tomatoes available in our stores, unfortunately, are only plastic, but tasty and juicy - for the price of an airplane. Therefore, for the sauce we buy ready-made jars of pureed tomatoes (fortunately, they are available in all supermarkets within walking distance, and there is a good choice), some brands call them “tomato passata”, others call them “mashed tomatoes”. They are very affordable in price, it turns out no more expensive than our “plastic” tomatoes, or even cheaper, and for tomato sauce this is the most ideal option.

What you need (for 4 servings):
Minced beef - 250 gr.,
Minced pork - 250 gr.,
Cheese crackers (or breadcrumbs) - 100 gr.,
Garlic - 2 teeth,
Dijon mustard - 2 tsp,
Ketchup - 2 tbsp.,
Oregano (dried, can be replaced with thyme, basil or rosemary) - 1 tsp.
Salt, ground black pepper - to taste,
Spaghetti - 350 gr.

For the sauce:
Olive oil - 2 tbsp.,
Onions - 1 pc.,
Garlic - 2 teeth,
Oregano (dried) - 1 tsp,
Tomato passata (mashed tomatoes) - 2 boxes of 500 g each,
Dry red wine - 150 ml.,
Sugar - 1-2 tsp,
Salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook:
1. B minced meat put cheese cracker crumbs (put them in a bag and pound them with a hammer, or punch them in a food processor), grated garlic cloves, mustard, ketchup, salt, pepper, oregano. Knead the minced meat well, roll into walnut-sized meatballs, place them on a board and put them in the refrigerator.
2. While the meatballs are in the refrigerator (they should firm up), let's make the sauce.
Heat olive oil in a saucepan and fry until soft onions, add garlic and fry for another 1 minute. Then, add all the other ingredients for the sauce - pureed tomatoes, wine, oregano, salt, pepper, sugar. Let the sauce boil, taste it, add more spices if necessary, and cook the sauce for 15 minutes, covered, over low heat.
3. Place the meatballs in the sauce, let it boil and cook for another 15 minutes.
4. Boil the spaghetti according to the instructions on the package.
5. Put some of the tomato sauce into the boiled spaghetti, stir, place on big dish, place the meatballs and all the remaining sauce on top of the spaghetti.
When serving, you can sprinkle the pasta with Parmesan cheese and green basil.

Grind the beef pulp and fat in a meat grinder. Blend finely chopped green onions, parsley and garlic with 100 ml cold water to a smooth paste. Mix garlic-herb paste and minced meat. Season with salt and pepper, knead thoroughly with your hands for 5-7 minutes. Cover with film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

For the sauce, peel the onion and garlic and chop finely. Fry the onion and garlic in a large saucepan in olive oil until soft, 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes along with the liquid and 100 ml of water. Cook over medium heat, stirring, 7–8 minutes. Remove from heat, add finely chopped basil leaves, stir, add salt and pepper.

Mix flour with herbs. Wet your hands in hot water and roll the minced meat into walnut-sized meatballs. Roll the meatballs in flour mixture, shake off excess.

Heat oil in a large frying pan. Fry the meatballs in batches until golden brown crust from all sides. Place finished meatballs on paper towels to drain excess fat.

Place the meatballs in a saucepan with the tomato sauce. Warm over low heat, covered, while the spaghetti cooks.

Boil water in a large saucepan, add salt, and cook spaghetti according to package instructions. Drain the spaghetti in a colander, immediately place on warmed plates, and top with meatballs and sauce. Serve immediately.