Homemade oil seals: recipe. Liver seals Delicious beef liver seals

Oil seals are Russian national cuisine. For their preparation, minced meat and lamb or pork diaphragm are used. After reading today's publication, you will learn more than one interesting recipe seals in the fat mesh.

Option with rice

In order for your family to be able to try this hearty and tasty dish, you need to go to the market in advance and purchase fresh beef offal. Before you start working with ingredients, make sure you have everything you need on hand. To make delicious oil seals, the recipe for which can be seen below, you will need:

  • Half a kilo of liver.
  • Four hundred grams of lungs.
  • One and a half kilograms of heart.
  • Three preparations of onions.
  • Half a kilo of rice cereal.

Additionally, you need to prepare salt, vegetable oil and ground pepper.

Process description

To prepare real oil seals, the recipe for which is discussed in today’s article, you need to start by preparing the liver. It is washed and dried with paper towels. Then the offal is ground in a meat grinder and combined with chopped and fried onions. After this, rice, salt and pepper, boiled until half cooked, are sent into the same bowl. Mix everything well and put it aside.

Since the oil seals, the recipe for which is presented in this article, will be wrapped in a fat mesh, you need to start preparing it. It is washed, laid out on the table and cut into fifteen-centimeter squares. Each of them is stuffed with minced meat and rolled into cabbage rolls. The resulting semi-finished products are placed on a baking sheet and sent to the oven.

Option with buckwheat

By this recipe you can prepare a flavorful dish that can be served not only for a family lunch, but also for a dinner party. To surprise your guests with hearty casseroles, try to stock up everything in advance necessary products. This time your refrigerator should contain:

  • Six hundred grams beef liver.
  • A couple of glasses of buckwheat.
  • Four onions.
  • Two fresh chicken eggs.
  • One hundred and fifty grams of lard.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.

To prepare liver oil seals, the recipe for which will definitely appear in your home cookbook, you need to additionally stock up on a kilogram of natural fat mesh, salt and pepper.

Algorithm of actions

First you should start preparing the main ingredient. Beef liver is washed with cold water, dried with paper towels and ground in a meat grinder. Twisted lard, garlic passed through a press and chopped onion are sent into a bowl with the resulting minced meat. It is advisable to add the last two components raw. This way the stuffing boxes you prepare, the recipe for which is presented in today’s article, will be more juicy and aromatic.

The resulting liver mass is combined with pre-boiled buckwheat. Salt, pepper and mix everything thoroughly. In order for the finished oil seals to better retain their desired shape, raw chicken eggs are added to the minced liver.

The well-washed mesh is carefully unfolded on the table, trying not to damage it, and cut into small squares. A little minced liver is placed in the center of each of them and wrapped, giving the product an oblong shape.

The resulting semi-finished products are placed in a frying pan, lightly greased with heated pork fat, and fried until half cooked over low heat. Then the future seals are placed in a suitable saucepan and filled with boiled water. The fat in which the products were fried is also added there. All this is simmered under the lid for thirty minutes, removed from the stove and served.

Surely, all lovers of so-called offal will like these dishes. For example, the recipe for liver stuffing with rice is simple to make, but the dish turns out tasty and tender. It can be a good decoration for any table: both festive and everyday. In addition, the recipe for liver rolls with rice does not require serious qualifications from the housewife or long trips to supermarkets and markets: all the ingredients are available and are relatively inexpensive. So why not cook?

What is it?

Actually, according to explanatory dictionaries, the omentum is a fat-rich area of ​​the peritoneum (practically from the stomach to the bottom of the abdominal cavity). In addition, this is the name of a dish (or even a type of dish) from a given part of the animal’s body. And in the old days, the recipe for liver stuffing with rice was a fairly frequent guest in the kitchens of average housewives. So, we can proceed directly to the process itself.

Liver stuffings with rice. Basic recipe

To prepare the dish, we will need: a glass of rice (you can take almost any rice, the main thing is high-quality - we made do with round ones), 1 kilogram of onion, half a kilo of fat mesh (actually the omentum), half a glass of sour cream, a little vegetable oil, spices and salt, a little ketchup.

Let's cook simply!

Preparing the dish will not take much time:

  1. Boil the rice until half cooked. We wash the liver thoroughly and remove the film from it. The offal can be minced in a meat grinder, but some housewives will prefer to chop it finely.
  2. Peel the onion, chop, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Mix everything together, adding spices and salt. Now we have the minced meat ready. Let's proceed to the next steps.
  4. (actually, the oil seal) lay out on a board and cut into small rectangles.
  5. We put a couple of spoons of previously prepared minced meat into each piece of net and wrap it like pancakes. You should get a little meatball covered with mesh.
  6. In a large, good frying pan (preferably with a non-stick coating), heat the vegetable oil thoroughly. We fry our “cutlets” - first we place them in the frying pan, seam side down, on both sides, until they are browned.
  7. In principle, they are already ready, and for those who like them golden brown and fried, this is it.
  8. And for those who like to stew: put the already fried glands into a saucepan and add sour cream and ketchup. Bring to a boil (the liquid should cover the product) and simmer over low heat for another 10-15 minutes. This ensures additional softness and juiciness of the dish. Serve the dish as a separate dish (you can also have a side dish) - hot, garnished with herbs.

Lungs plus liver

You can prepare this liver dish with rice (see below) with the participation of other tripe, for example, lung.

We will need: half a kilo of veal liver, three hundred grams of lung, onions, a couple of cloves of garlic, rice - 0.5 kilograms, fatty pork net, oil and spices. For the garnish this time, let's take new potatoes and dill:

  1. We wash the offal in running water.
  2. Cut them into small pieces. We cut onions and garlic. We pass everything through a meat grinder.
  3. Add sour cream and spices to the minced meat, mix thoroughly with boiled rice.
  4. We put a fat net in a bowl, 2 tablespoons of minced meat in the middle of the bag, then we cut the net along the contour of the dish, gather the edges together, twist it and place it with a knot downwards in a frying pan with well-heated butter.
  5. Fry the oil seals over low heat, covered with a lid.
  6. Place the fried seals in a pan and pour in the sauce, which is prepared from the juice formed from the frying.
  7. In the frying pan where the seals were fried, pour cream or sour cream, plus a little water, add salt and pepper and let it boil for 10 minutes over low heat.
  8. Boil or bake young potatoes in the oven and serve as a side dish, sprinkling the dish with fragrant sprigs of dill.

By the way, in the same way you can prepare oil seals from chicken liver with rice. The recipe exactly repeats the previous steps, only chicken liver is used instead of veal liver.

The daily family menu, like everyday clothes, should require a minimum of attention and at the same time be as functional as possible. But you don’t have to eat sausages and mash from Monday to Friday; you can feed your family hearty and delicious dish called chicken liver oil seals.

This by-product is the leader in iron content and can replace tablets in the fight against anemia, and the fat network when fried makes it very juicy and tender.

Salnik is an old Russian dish. Several centuries ago, it quite often appeared on the tables of the nobility as a hearty delicacy. But unlike foie gras or stuffed with mushrooms quails, seals are made from the simplest village products.

Lard, chicken liver and a handful of rice are a set of basic products. The main difficulty is to find the same seal on the market, that is, a film from the diaphragm in the form of a greasy mesh. Minced liver is wrapped in it, and then fried in the form of juicy cutlets.

If you couldn’t find the lard film, you can prepare a lazy treat by replacing it with twisted lard and adding it to chicken liver rolls with rice. This will make them even juicier and more tender.

Chicken liver dumplings: classic recipe with buckwheat


  • — 400 g + -
  • Sebaceous mesh - not less than 0.3 kg + -
  • - 1 head + -
  • Boiled buckwheat - 1/2 tbsp. + -
  • - 2-3 tbsp. l. + -
  • — 1 pc. + -
  • - 2-3 peas + -
  • - 1/3 tsp. + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -

Step-by-step preparation of real tasty chicken liver oil seals

Any man will be delighted with this dish. The dish turns out to be very satisfying and juicy, and also very healthy. If buckwheat is not popular in your family, then it can be replaced in the recipe for these chicken liver rolls with the same amount of rice.

It has a neutral taste, and it will hold the other ingredients together just as well as buckwheat porridge.

  • Since we need boiled buckwheat, moreover, well-steamed, we will deal with it first. After rinsing the buckwheat, pour it in so that the water level in the saucepan is 2 fingers higher than the grain.
  • Place the vessel on the fire, add some salt to the water and cook the porridge until tender over low heat.
  • When the water has boiled away and the cereal has softened, remove the pan from the heat, cover tightly and leave so that the buckwheat steams as much as possible.
  • We wash the liver well, trim off any remaining fat and film.
  • There are two ways to grind the liver: the first is to use a meat grinder or blender, the second is to cut it into small pieces.

In the first case, the cutlets will turn out softer, with a uniform structure; in the second, they will be easier to wrap in a greasy film, and they will also have a richer taste.

  • So, grind the liver using any of the proposed methods, combine it with ready-made buckwheat, add salt and season with pepper.
  • Peel the onion, finely chop and sauté in half the vegetable oil until soft.
  • Add the fried onion to the almost finished minced meat, mix everything.
  • Next comes the fun part! After washing the greasy mesh with warm water, we cut it with scissors into rectangular pieces the size of a man’s hand.
  • In each of these “napkins” we put minced liver and buckwheat and wrap it according to the principle of pancakes or cabbage rolls - as you prefer.
  • Fry the resulting gills in hot oil until golden brown.
  • Then we put all the lard rolls in a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom), pour in salted water to cover them almost completely, add spices and, having covered, simmer over low heat for up to 20 minutes.

We recommend serving this hearty poultry liver treat hot with boiled rice or potatoes cooked in your favorite way. The seals will be very tasty accompanied by a salad of fresh vegetables or with sour cream and garlic sauce.

Recipe for lazy chicken liver rolls with boiled rice

This method of frying those same oil seals is ideal even for the morning, when a busy housewife has minimal time to prepare breakfast. Having a blender or a good meat grinder at your disposal, in just 15 minutes you can make delicious and hearty food. Prepare the minced meat the night before and place it in the refrigerator overnight.


  • Raw chicken liver – 500 g;
  • Fresh unsalted lard – up to 200 g;
  • Onions – 100 g;
  • Garlic – 1-2 small cloves;
  • Round rice (cereal) – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Large chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Flour – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil (odorless) – 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • Water – 50-100 ml;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

How to make minced meat for juicy lazy gills with your own hands

Preparing the main ingredients for the dish

  • We start with rice: rinse it in a stream of water, and then add water in a ratio of 1:2 and cook until soft, not forgetting to add salt.
  • Cut the well-washed and cleaned liver into pieces. We do the same with lard. We clean and cut the onions into several large pieces.
  • All these products now need to be chopped in a way that is more accessible to you, for example in a meat grinder.
  • You need to add rice and a little flour to the minced meat (this will make the minced meat thicker), beat in the egg.

Frying oil seals at home

  • While the oil in the frying pan is heating up for frying, season the minced meat with spices to taste.
  • Our liver and lard cutlets with rice need to be fried in the same way as regular pancakes made from this offal. Place a tablespoon of minced meat in a frying pan, level it, giving it an oblong shape, and fry until golden brown on both sides.
  • When all the chicken liver stuffings with rice are over lazy recipe When they are fried, we put them back into the frying pan, fill them with salted water (you only need a little of it - just to cover the bottom) and simmer under the lid for about 15 minutes.

You don’t have to stew the finished cutlets, but this additional treatment with high temperature and steam will make them incredibly soft and tender. So you don’t have to fry them too much.

An ancient and almost forgotten dish, which noble merchants and nobles treated at feasts, will fit quite harmoniously into the menu of any modern family. Juicy chicken liver oil seals according to any of the proposed recipes turn out tender and not too greasy.

The mesh in which they are usually wrapped does not add excessive calories - it only holds the shape of the products. So, while treating yourself to the food of our ancestors, made with your own hands, you don’t have to worry too much about your figure. Eat unhealthy!

I’ll be honest, not every housewife manages to prepare delicious liver casseroles, guess the quantities of all the ingredients, and make sure the dish is juicy and aromatic. In addition, following the same recipe, each housewife will make the oil seals original in her own way. First of all, it depends on the ingredients used, so I advise you to take only fresh liver, only natural mesh, and cook only in a good mood.

To prepare we will need:

  • 600 g liver (preferably beef, but pork can be used)
  • 150 g lard
  • mesh – 1 kg
  • buckwheat – 2 cups
  • 4 onions
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 eggs
  • pepper.

Juicy and aromatic cauliflower recipe:

  1. Rinse the liver and grind in a meat grinder.
  2. Wash the lard, trim the skin, also grind with a meat grinder, add to the liver.
  3. Peel the onion and garlic, grind into a meat grinder, and grind into the finished mass. Other recipes suggest cutting and sauteing the onion, rather than passing it through a meat grinder. The advantage of my option is the unique smell that the seals will have as a result. Yes, when you fry the onion once, you will get an unsurpassed smell, but it will be fried again - together with the seals, and then it will lose all its taste and aroma. So, it is better to add onion and garlic raw.
  4. Boil the buckwheat and add it to the liver mass. Salt and pepper.
  5. To ensure that our oil seals retain their shape, do not fall apart, and are easier to fry, add 2 eggs.
  6. Now we wash the mesh and carefully, so as not to tear it, unfold it on the table. We cut it into small squares, approximately 15 by 15 cm. Place 1 tbsp on each square. spoon of the liver mass and wrap it with a net so that you get an oblong shape.
  7. Place the seals in a frying pan with heated pork fat and fry over low heat until half cooked. You don’t need a lot of fat, 1 tbsp is enough. spoons, because the seals will release their juice. Place the seals in a saucepan, pour the fat from the pan into it, add boiled water, and simmer for 20-30 minutes.

My advice: if you are preparing the stuffing boxes for the holiday and are afraid that you won’t have time to make them before the guests arrive, prepare them the day before - form the stuffing boxes, fry them in a frying pan. Then, before serving, all you have to do is stew them. You will get a tasty, aromatic, warm (which is important) dish. Bon appetit!