All about the calorie content of pork. Calorie content of pork and its parts in finished form How much protein is in boiled pork

One of the highest calorie types of meat is pork (after rabbit). Despite the fact that the calorie content of pork is high, this meat is included in the diet of many people; it is actively used for preparing broths, soups, minced meats, appetizers, and main courses. When cooked, the number of calories in pork remains almost unchanged, so the calorie content of boiled pork is not much different from the calorie content of fried pork. However, we will dwell on these issues in more detail in our article; we will talk about how many calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in pork per 100 grams, depending on the method of cooking the meat.

Pork is a healthy meat. If we compare it with beef, then it contains less fat, and therefore less harm to blood vessels and the heart. In addition, it is easily absorbed in the human body.

Pork contains B vitamins, iron, zinc, choline, phosphorus, fluorine, nicotinic acid, niacin, thiamine, selenium, arachidonic acid, and a large amount of protein. Therefore, it helps speed up metabolism, has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, normalizes brain activity, fights depression, slows down aging, and regulates insulin levels in the blood.

Women during breastfeeding It is recommended to include pork feet in the diet to produce breast milk. Men are also recommended to include pork in their diet, as it improves potency. In such cases, the calorie content of pork only benefits the human body.

However, in order beneficial properties pork has fully developed, it is important to choose the right meat. Give preference to young pork with a dense consistency, matte surface, and a light pink color. If you see films on the surface and the meat has a dark red tint, it is old pork.

Harm of pork meat

200 grams is the maximum daily dose of pork meat. It is recommended to remove fat and then stew, boil, bake or grill it. In this case, the calorie content of pork will be beneficial. This meat should be excluded from the diet by people who are losing weight, as well as those suffering from cardiovascular diseases.


Pork calories

You can understand exactly how many calories are in pork only by knowing exactly what part of the product it is. For example, calories pork tenderloin per 100 grams is 142 kilocalories, note that the same calorie content of raw pork. After heat treatment it increases several times.

On average, the calorie content of pork per 100 grams is 250 kcal. The protein content is about 16 grams, fat - about 21 grams, and there are practically no carbohydrates in pork. If you choose fatty varieties, then this figure will be approximately 460 kcal.

It is important for people on a diet to know how many calories are in lean pork. It contains about 160 kcal per 100 grams.

For convenience, we present a table indicating the calorie content of pork per 100 grams (different parts of the product):

How many calories are in boiled pork?

Boiled pork is considered a source of protein and amino acids. It should be included in the diet of nursing mothers for intensive milk production.

Pork is often boiled to obtain a tasty broth, which then becomes the basis for first courses. The calorie content of boiled pork is 375 kcal per 100 grams. However, if you choose lean boiled pork, the calorie content of the dish will be less.

Calories in stewed pork

Another method of cooking meat that is safe for health is stewing, during which no harmful carcinogens are formed. In addition, stewed pork is even better absorbed by the body. By adding vegetables to your dish, you will get maximum benefits without harm to your health.

The calorie content of stewed pork ranges from 235 kcal per 100 grams to 350 kcal, depending on the fat content of the meat. For example, ribs will be lower in calories. Meat is often baked in the oven, which is also an example of tasty and healthy dish. How many calories are in oven-baked pork depends on the additional ingredients; on average, it is 335 kcal per 100 grams, excluding additional products.

How many calories are in fried pork?

There is (and it is considered the most harmful) due to cholesterol, added fat and frying oil. Therefore, the calorie content of fried pork is on average 489 kcal per 100 grams.

To reduce this indicator, use a non-stick frying pan and add less oil and fat during the frying process.

People suffering from diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular system, as well as atherosclerosis and diabetes should limit the consumption of this dish.

Pork is a popular meat in cooking, as can be seen by studying sales statistics. It is pork meat that accounts for the bulk of purchases by housewives and buyers from restaurants. Of course, for people professing Judaism or Islam, there are prohibitions on consumption, but in many other nations, dishes from it regularly decorate dinner tables.

Calorie content, dietary supplements, benefits and harms

On average, the calorie content of pork meat is 295 kcal per 100 g of product. BJU ratio:

  1. proteins – 17.96 g;
  2. fats – 25.14 g;
  3. carbohydrates – 0.24 g.

In terms of the percentage of BZHU in the daily norm (2 thousand kcal per day), the ratio is 26%, 34% and 0%, respectively. Pork is a product with dietary qualities; it has a positive effect on reducing the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

The meat contains vitamin components of group B, various minerals required for normal development - potassium with calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc. By consuming pork, a person saturates the body with natural protein, which stimulates the immune system and normalizes the condition of bone and muscle mass. The presence of arachidonic acid and selenium is important for overcoming depression and dealing with stress. Regular presence of dishes made from it helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

At the same time, the presence of histamines in meat is fraught with allergic reactions. Excessive exercise can create increased stress on the gastrointestinal tract. Recommended daily dose – 200 g.

Calorie content of individual parts

The energy value of pork is not uniform, it depends on the specific part of the meat taken:

  • Brisket – 510 kcal;
  • Tenderloin – 142 kcal;
  • Neck – 343 kcal;
  • Ham – 261 kcal;
  • Shoulder blade – 257 kcal;
  • Dewlap – 630 kcal;
  • Salo – 787 kcal;
  • Steak – 462 kcal.

Calorie content of dishes per 100 grams and BJU

Those who want to lose weight should not refuse to cook pork dishes. It will also be useful for healthy people who keep fit and control their diet. You can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes from this meat.

Diet pork

In this part, fat is present in a minimal amount. This includes a shoulder with carbonation and tenderloin. You should remember about the maximum leanness of the sirloin. The meat is light pink. There should not be many layers of fat in it. And if fat is present, it is white and quite hard.

  • The number of calories in 100 g of lean pork is 160 kcal and BJU - 19.4/7.1/0 g.

To preserve beneficial properties, meat is cooked at temperature conditions 68°C. It becomes pink, and at the bone - a little darker. The released bone juice is clear. Lean meat dries out quickly, so it is recommended to quickly bake or stew it.


  • The calorie content of stewed pork is 235 kcal per 100 grams of dish. Indicators nutritional value according to the ratio, BZHU is 9.8/20, 3/3.2 g in grams.

This meat differs not only in taste. It has many beneficial properties and is more easily accepted by the gastrointestinal tract compared to, for example, fried foods. There are no carcinogenic components or toxins in stewed pork. Dishes made from it are recommended for children and older people, as well as women during lactation. This is explained by its saturation with mineral components.

The meat cooks faster than beef. To do this you will need carrots, onions, and a variety of spices. The piece should be cut into small pieces, the onion should be chopped into rings, and the carrots into small cubes. Meat and vegetables are fried in vegetable oil, the mixture is seasoned with salt and pepper. Cook until the crust turns golden brown. Then everything is removed and transferred to a saucepan, water is poured, bay leaf and peppercorns are added. You need to simmer over low heat for about an hour.

Boiled pork

  • Calorie content 375 kcal per 100 grams, BJU ratio 22.6/31.6/0 g.

This cooking method is considered quite simple and does not require much effort. The meat should be placed in a container of boiling liquid. Cook for 1-2 hours covered. The resulting foam should be removed regularly. A quarter of an hour before the pork is ready, salt it. If necessary, the taste of such a dish can be enhanced with sauce and seasoning.

Fried meat

For cooking, you should choose only fresh, pink-colored meat. If it was frozen, then it must be thawed gradually at room temperature. You should not choose pieces with thickened and dense fibrous formations, as the dish will be excessively tough.

  • Calorie content fried foods from pork 489 kcal, BJU ratio 11.4/49.3/0 g.

When cooking, the meat should be thoroughly washed and then cut into even pieces of small thickness. After this, they are beaten to ensure juiciness and softness. Place one in a separate container raw egg, add salt and pepper, a small amount of water. Prepared meat slices are moistened in egg liquid, covered with breadcrumbs and fried over medium heat.

Pork entrecote

If you do not strictly follow the traditions of preparing the dish, you can take a slice of meat 1.5 cm thick and the size of a human palm. There may be a bone present. In some cases, the meat is beaten for taste and then fried in preheated vegetable oil. The dish will turn out delicious if you bake a piece in the oven.

  • Calorie content 210 kcal per 100 grams, BZHU - 28.7/9.8/0 g.

Beef Stroganoff

The preparation uses loin or tenderloin. Soft meat is taken without processing, tougher meat is beaten. It should be cut into thin pieces in the form of strips. They should go transverse to the fibers. Frying is done over high heat, and then the pieces should be transferred to a separate saucepan. To prepare the sauce, onions and flour are fried in a frying pan and broth is added. After mixing it is necessary to add tomato sauce or adjika, sour cream and mix again. After combining with the meat pieces, continue simmering over low heat for 17-20 minutes.

  • Calorie content of pork – 142 kcal, BZHU 19.4/7.1/0 g.

These options do not limit the possibilities of cooking pork. You can cook goulash (333 kcal), borscht (121 kcal), cutlets (355 kcal). There are many recipes with this meat. They differ in taste, but bring undeniable benefits to the body if you follow the normal diet.

Pork is one of the most high-calorie types of meat, but nevertheless is in great demand. It is included in the diet of a large number of people who use it to prepare various culinary dishes. Despite the many beneficial properties, it is not recommended to eat pork every day, and it is better to limit its consumption.

Chemical composition

Pork is rich in protein, which is necessary for the formation of muscle and bone mass. None meat product can't boast of this a large number protein, and therefore pork is included in the diet of athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor.

The meat contains B vitamins, which can improve the functioning of the immune system and increase stress resistance and performance. With their help, fats are broken down in the body and cell division occurs, which is necessary for the stable functioning of the immune system and nervous system.

In addition to B vitamins, pork contains vitamins D, E and A, which regulate bone density and growth, normalize the reproductive system and improve vision. The product is also useful due to amino acids and minerals, presented in the form of sulfur, calcium, iron, phosphorus and iodine.

The percentage of BJU in meat is 26/34/0, which has a positive effect on human health. But excessive consumption of the product can cause obesity, as it contains lipids and cholesterol.

Pork meat should be eaten with caution by people with liver disease. These include all types of hepatitis, cirrhosis and other diseases.

Glycemic index

Pork is known for its high fat content, and therefore many people consider it incompatible with dietary nutrition. However, this product has a GI of zero, which allows it to be consumed even by diabetics. This is possible because pork meat promotes quick satiety and controls blood glucose levels.

But in order for pork to acquire beneficial qualities for dietary nutrition, it must be cooked correctly. The glycemic index of pork products varies greatly as they have different ways preparations. Thus, the GI of pork cutlets and schnitzel is 47 units, and sausages are 28 units.

Pork lard also has zero glycemic index, which allows it to be used by diabetics. Lard is rich in selenium, arachidonic, palmitic and linoleic acids, and therefore with its help you can cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and stabilize cardiac activity.

Nutritional and energy value

The calorie content of pork depends on the parts of the animal’s body and how they are processed. So, in 100 g fresh product, which has no fatty layers, contains about 250 kcal. Otherwise, the meat becomes twice as caloric.

The lowest calorie parts of the pig's body are the loin and shoulder. The calorie content of the loin is 180 kcal, and the shoulder blade is 250 kcal. When prepared correctly, you can get dietary dishes that can help you lose excess weight.

The most high-calorie parts of the animal's body are ham, neck, shank and brisket. So, the calorie content of a fatty brisket is 290 calories, and a ham has 300 calories per 100 grams. Pressed head meat has 300 kcal per 100 g, pork fillet– 147 kcal, and ribs – 322 kcal.

In addition to the above parts of the pig’s body, offal products such as pig ears, legs and skin. 100 grams of pig ears contain approximately 232 kcal, 21 g of protein and 14 g of fat. Pork feet consist of skin, tendons and bones and have a calorie content of 215 kcal. But the skin has 18 g of protein, 16 g of fat and has a calorie content of 215 kcal per 100 g.

It is healthier to eat boiled or stewed meat, since in this case its calorie content does not exceed 340 kcal. Baked pork has only 248 kcal, and steamed pork has 265 calories. Smoked ones are extremely popular rack of pork ribs, whose calorie content is on average 305 kcal per 100 g. And also in the meat market you can find dried meat, which has a slightly lower calorie content.

The most high-calorie product is fried pork meat, since during frying it absorbs vegetable oil. Thus, depending on the part of the animal's body, fried pork can reach 500 kcal.

Many housewives mix pork and Ground beef. This allows you to get juicier dishes. 100 grams of fresh minced pork and beef contains about 270 kilocalories, which increases significantly during frying.

Low calorie recipes

Since pork is a fairly high-calorie product, it needs to be cooked in such a way as to reduce this figure as much as possible. It is best to use baking or stewing for these purposes.

Pork baked in foil

The calorie content of this dish is about 300 kilocalories per 100 grams. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • 600 g low-fat pulp;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • mustard.

Cuts are made on a piece of pork, into which chopped cloves of garlic are then inserted. The meat is rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and mustard. It is then wrapped in foil and placed in a preheated oven. Bake the dish at 180 degrees for 90-100 minutes.

Pork chop in batter

There are 250-300 kilocalories per 100 g of finished dish. To prepare it you will need:

  • 250 g lean pork;
  • 30 g flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

The meat is cut into small pieces and lightly beaten. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, flour and spices. Dip pieces of meat in the resulting mixture and fry them on both sides for 15 minutes. Ready dish sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Steam cutlets

The calorie content of steamed pork cutlets is only 200 kcal. To prepare them, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 250 g minced pork;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 small potato;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Finely chopped onion and grated potatoes are added to the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly, beat eggs into the mixture and add spices. Small cutlets are made from the resulting minced meat, placed in a double boiler and cooked for 40 minutes. As soon as the cutlets are ready, they are placed on a dish and sprinkled with herbs.

To achieve the lowest possible caloric intake pork dishes, it is necessary to exclude vegetable fats from recipes and minimize the amount of salt. To prepare dietary pork, it is best to purchase loin or back of the carcass.

About how to do steam cutlets from pork, see the next video.

Pork calories: 290 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depends on the part of the carcass and the method of preparation

Meat products are one of the important components of a proper and balanced diet. When properly selected and prepared, pork meat will not only be healthy, but will also help you avoid gaining extra pounds.

Calorie content of pork meat

You need to buy only the freshest pork. It can be recognized by its dense consistency, almost complete absence of films and light pink color. After heat treatment, the meat remains soft and juicy. The calorie content of raw pork, if you choose a low-fat variety, is about 250 kcal. This figure increases almost 2 times if the meat has a lot of fatty layers.

For the diet, it is best to choose parts such as loin and shoulder (180 and 250 kcal, respectively).

If you cook fresh meat correctly, you don’t need to be afraid of the appearance of extra pounds. It is especially beneficial to eat lean parts during cold seasons, when the body needs as many energy reserves as possible. The most fat is found in parts such as ham, neck, shank and brisket. The calorie content of the latter reaches 510 kcal per 100 g. Compare with.

How many calories are in boiled, fried, baked pork?

Recommended method of processing meat during management healthy image life - boiling, steaming, baking and stewing. All nutrients in the product will remain, and everything that creates problems for the figure will be reduced to an acceptable level.

Calories change like this:

  • the calorie content of boiled pork is about 375 kcal;
  • baked in the oven with vegetables - only 250;
  • stewed – approximately 235 kcal;
  • steamed - no more than 270 kcal.

To get a tasty and healthy lunch, you can prepare broths by adding your favorite spices and vegetables, but frying meat is not recommended. The calorie content of fried pork is 489 kcal. This figure can be reduced if you add less oil during the cooking process and use cookware with a high-quality coating.

Table of calorie content of pork meat per 100 g

The nutritional value of different pork dishes and parts of meat can be found in the calorie table per 100 g. Using it, you can monitor your diet, choosing only the safest dishes for your figure.

Beneficial properties of pork and possible harm

Despite the high calorie content, pork meat is quickly and easily absorbed by the body. If you consume low-fat varieties in moderation, the condition of the digestive system will significantly improve.

Pork contains amino acids, proteins, and B vitamins. Dishes made from lean parts are recommended to be eaten regularly by expectant and nursing mothers.

At dietary nutrition preference should be given to lean pork, which contains less fat and is low in calories. It is important to choose the right product and prepare it correctly.