Mexican cuisine. How to cook real Mexican food. Burrito recipe with beef and cheese sauce

Mexico, figuratively speaking, can be called a hot, passionate and very temperamental country. National Mexican cuisine and recipes for its dishes, as part of national culture this state can be characterized by the same epithets. Mexican cuisine is rightfully considered one of the most colorful, and has been popular all over the world for centuries.

Lovers of meat dishes, spicy and bright tastes really appreciate this cuisine. It invigorates, surprises and delights. Mexican food recipes deserve to be known more about them, so that every housewife has several of the most popular and delicious recipes from this emotional and hot in every sense of the state.

Another advantage is that the products necessary for preparing Mexican dishes can be freely found on the shelves of our stores, and they are not expensive. The simplicity and at the same time sophistication of this kitchen is captivating.

I would also like to note the amazing consistency of Mexican cooks, because in almost every dish they have at least one of the ingredients such as corn, beans and the constant hot pepper.

We present to your attention several of the most popular Mexican cuisine recipes with photos.

All the dishes presented below use special flatbreads - tortillas. Therefore, it is quite logical that the approach to Mexico should begin with the preparation of these flatbreads. They are used in so many Mexican dishes. In addition, they can be used instead of bread and are quite easy to prepare at home. But still there are some tricks.


  • wheat flour – 300 g;
  • corn flour – 250 g;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp;
  • purified water – 250 ml;
  • salt – 2 tsp.

Cooking features:

  1. If you don't have olive oil, you can use vegetable oil.
  2. If you use cornmeal alone, your tortillas will crumble a lot. This is due to the fact that corn flour does not contain a sufficient amount of gluten. If you take just wheat, they will be too hard and unleavened. Therefore, the combination of these two varieties is an ideal solution.
  3. When rolling out the cakes, if you wish, you can even out their edges using a plate or other round object. Or you can leave it with uneven edges. This will not affect the taste of the dish.


  1. Dissolve salt in warm water. This will allow it to be distributed evenly throughout the dough.
  2. Gradually pour water into the sifted flour. The dough will turn out quite stiff. If it seems to you that the dough is too hard, you can add a few more tablespoons of water.
  3. Mix everything into the resulting mass with olive oil.
  4. Divide the dough into 15 - 16 pieces of the same size, roll each into a ball. Cover them with gauze and let stand for about 20 minutes.
  5. After the dough has rested, take a rolling pin and two sheets of parchment. Place each cake between parchment leaves and gently roll out with a rolling pin. The diameter of each cake should be about 15 cm.
  6. Fry the flatbreads in a dry frying pan for less than a minute on each side.
  7. After frying is finished, stack the cakes and cover them with a towel so they can rest. Bon appetit!

Step-by-step quesadilla recipe

To prepare a Mexican quesadilla, you will need two main ingredients - tortillas and hard cheese. As already noted, tortillas are flatbreads made from wheat and corn flour. Simply put, it's a type of pita bread, so it's perfectly acceptable to use it in place of traditional Mexican flatbreads.

A quesadilla consists of two tortillas with a spicy filling between them. Cheese in this dish is necessary as a binding ingredient. The ingredients can be varied, it all depends on your imagination.

Let's consider the classic version of the quesadilla recipe - meat.


  • tortilla – 4 pcs.;
  • fresh minced meat– 300 g;
  • boiled or pickled corn – 150 g;
  • sweet bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • red hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 3 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil– 3 tbsp;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Cooking features:

  1. First, we need to clarify some points regarding the ingredients.
  2. You can use absolutely any meat at your discretion. A good option it will be if you take beef and pork in equal parts. This will give additional juiciness to our dish. You can also make quesadillas with chicken and even seafood.
  3. Instead of corn, you can use boiled or pickled beans, or combine these two flavors.
  4. Select spices at your discretion. If you are comfortable with spicy dishes, you can also add freshly ground black pepper. In addition, it is recommended to use cumin, nutmeg, and coriander.


Prepare the minced meat.

  1. Peel the onion and fry in vegetable oil until soft.
  2. Add the chopped meat to the onion and fry for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Remove seeds from hot and sweet peppers and cut into squares. Hot peppers can be cut slightly smaller than sweet peppers.
  4. Add beans or corn and chopped peppers to the minced meat.
  5. Salt and add spices to taste.
  6. Mix everything well and simmer under the lid for another 15 minutes.
  7. Cover the minced meat and set it aside. It is important to ensure that the filling does not cool down.

Preparing the quesadilla:

  1. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.
  2. Place a teaspoon on a heated frying pan butter. The secret to a crispy quesadilla is using minimal oil.
  3. When the oil is hot enough, place the flatbread in the pan.
  4. Sprinkle cheese over the entire surface of the tortilla and immediately spread the filling onto half the area of ​​the tortilla. For 1 tortilla you should need about a glass of prepared filling. You shouldn't take more, otherwise it will simply fall apart.
  5. After 1 - 2 minutes, when the cheese begins to melt, carefully cover the minced meat with the second part of the flatbread with a spatula. Press lightly with a spatula and immediately remove from heat.

And here it is - a fragrant, hot, nutritious quesadilla is ready. Most likely, you have already prepared something similar in your kitchen. But you didn’t even know what you were cooking national dish Mexico - quesadilla. Bon appetit!

Mexican taco recipe

The most common dish in Mexico can be called tacos. This dish can be prepared at home without any problems. The taco filling can be either meat or vegetable, or a combination of your choice. We offer a recipe for tacos with meat filling from chicken meat. To prepare this dish, we will again need tortillas - special Mexican flatbreads.


  • taco shells – 3 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – ½ piece;
  • hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • sharp hard cheese – 90 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • taco spices;
  • greens to taste.

Cooking features:

  1. Taco shells are already prepared tortillas, folded in half, but not all the way.
  2. The tortillas for tacos must be warm. If you don’t have such flatbreads, you can safely use pita bread.
  3. The true taste of a taco is very spicy. If you are not a particular fan of spicy foods, adjust the heat to taste.


  1. We chop the chicken meat with a knife, or twist it in a meat grinder. We also chop onions, garlic, sweet and hot peppers, tomatoes and herbs. We cut everything quite finely.
  2. Three cheeses on a coarse grater.
  3. Lightly fry the minced chicken in vegetable oil.
  4. Add the onion and 1/3 of the total garlic. Season with spices and simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. We put our tomatoes - ½ of the total quantity and peppers - sweet and hot into the minced mixture. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  6. Add the remaining tomatoes, garlic and herbs to the almost finished minced meat. And immediately remove the pan from the heat.
  7. We form tacos: put the filling in a taco shell, like in an envelope, and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bon appetit!

How to make real fajitas

I would like to dwell on one more dish of Mexican cuisine, which amazes with both its taste and simplicity. These are very famous in Mexico - fajitas. Given below step by step recipe closest to the original of this dish in its homeland. However, you can always modify it by replacing some ingredients with others.


  • tortilla – 4 pcs.;
  • beef tenderloin – 400 g;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • sweet bell pepper different colors – 2 pcs.;
  • hot pepper chili – 1 pod;
  • purple onion – 1 head;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • juice of half a lemon or lime;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp;
  • spices;
  • green.

To submit:

tequila – 30 ml.

Cooking features:

  1. The meat for this dish requires marinating. It is best to do this overnight or at least for 3 hours by soaking it in grape wine or any marinade you prefer.
  2. Tequila is indicated in the recipe for the purpose of aesthetic presentation of the dish. The original serving is done in a frying pan. In front of the guests, tequila is poured into a frying pan with meat and set on fire. It looks impressive.
  3. It is better to take salty varieties of cheese, such as Parmesan or salted cheddar.
  4. In this case, cilantro or parsley, basil and oregano will go well with the dish.


  1. We clean the meat from film and veins, cut into thin strips. This condition is mandatory.
  2. Let's start preparing the vegetables: chop the onion and bell pepper into fairly large strips. We also cut tomatoes in large pieces free form. Chop the garlic and chili pepper very finely. If you do not want the taste of the dish to be too aggressive, then the chili pepper must first be cleared of seeds.
  3. In two different frying pans over high heat, fry the meat and vegetables separately. Tomatoes should be added to vegetables 2 - 3 minutes before the end of frying.
  4. Remove the pans from the heat. Add chopped garlic and lime or lemon juice to the vegetables.
  5. Mix the contents of the pans, season with spices to taste and put on the fire for another 5 - 7 minutes.

Fajitas are served directly in the container in which they were prepared, with tortillas, hot sauces, such as chili or guacamole, sour cream and grated cheese. The guest must take a tortilla, choose the filling, season the tortilla with their own sauces and sprinkle with cheese. Use with hot tequila. Bon appetit!

Mexican enchiladas recipe

Enchiladas are traditional meat patties baked in the oven. The tenderness and aroma of the tortilla combined with the spicy filling will not leave you indifferent. Enchiladas, like many other Mexican dishes, leave a very pleasant aftertaste. Once you try to make this dish once, you will definitely not stop there.


  • tortilla – 3 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet – 350 g;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • chicken broth – 250 g;
  • olive or vegetable oil for frying;
  • butter – 1 tbsp;
  • hot chili ketchup – 5 tbsp. or ½ pod of hot chili pepper;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • greens for decoration.


  1. Boil chicken fillet in lightly salted water. Cool and cut into small cubes.
  2. If you use chili peppers, remove the seeds.
  3. Chop the onion into quarters of rings, and chop the garlic as finely as possible.
  4. In a heated mixture of vegetable and butter, fry the onion until soft.
  5. Add the chopped meat, season with spices and continue frying for about 5 - 7 minutes.
  6. Mix ketchup and broth until smooth and pour this mixture over the minced meat.
  7. Add garlic and simmer the whole mass for about 10 minutes.
  8. Strain the finished filling and place it in a colander to remove excess moisture. We use the resulting sauce in further preparation.
  9. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  10. Place the filling on one edge of the flatbread, sprinkle cheese on top and wrap it in a roll.
  11. On a baking sheet lined with foil, pour a small amount of tomato sauce, which we have left after straining the minced meat. Place enchiladas rolls on top in even rows. Pour the remaining sauce over it and sprinkle the remaining grated cheese on top. Cover the baking sheet with another piece of foil on top, as if sealing the baking sheet.
  12. Place the dish in the preheated oven for 25 minutes. The temperature should be within 180 °C. After 15 minutes, remove the top layer of foil and continue baking until the cheese is browned.
  13. Place the dish on serving plates and decorate with herbs. Bon appetit!

Mexican medley is a mix of vegetables, usually frozen. You can easily find assorted assorted items packaged and in bulk in a more or less large supermarket. But this is not just a collection of any chopped vegetables. The basic composition of the Mexican mixture is always the same, and if it includes non-regulated additives (for example, rice), this nuance is always indicated on the packaging.

For people with celiac disease, buying frozen mixed vegetables is not always safe. But you can always prepare a Mexican mixture yourself in the summer-autumn period! Several packages of the mix will help you out more than once in the cold, especially if you are in a hurry. Such a semi-finished product amazingly quickly and amazingly easily turns into a very delicious dish. Let's see how you can make frozen Mexican blend at home.

Mexican mixture: how to prepare a semi-finished product for freezing at home

To prepare this Mexican mixture, you will need about 30 minutes. Mix yield is about 2 kg.

Composition of the Mexican mixture:

corn - 500 grams,

bell pepper - 500 grams,

green peas - 500 grams,

carrots - 500 grams,

green beans - 500 grams.

How to cook frozen Mexican mixture (working order)

All vegetables should be washed well and left in the air until dry.

Cut the corn kernels off the cob with a sharp knife.

Cut off the ends on both sides of the green beans. Cut each pod into three parts; cuts should be oblique.

Peel the bell pepper and cut into cubes. For the Mexican mixture, you need to choose a bright pepper, preferably red. Then the result will be bright and beautiful.

Peas ripen much earlier than other vegetables, we advise you to take care of them in advance, peel and freeze them in June, and add already frozen peas to the mixture.

Peel the carrots and cut into small cubes.

Place the prepared products in a deep bowl.


Place the prepared Mexican mixture into freezer bags (never in regular food bags, otherwise the contents of the freezer will acquire an unpleasant odor) and place in the freezer.

If possible, you should select the “coldest” mode for freezing. The production uses “shock freezing”, which allows you to preserve the beneficial substances contained in fresh vegetables to the maximum.

Mexican mixture: recipes

The easiest way to make a Mexican stew is. To do this, heat a little oil in a frying pan (butter or vegetable - at your discretion), pour out the contents of the package (the mixture does not need to be defrosted beforehand) and, stirring with a spatula, fry for several minutes. Then add a little water, salt and add other spices to your taste, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer until done.

But if you have a little time left and want a more interesting option, we offer you other recipes for preparing the Mexican mixture.

None fundamental differences cooking the mixture in a slow cooker versus cooking over a fire - no. But we will tell you delicious recipe side dish

For it you will need 400 g of frozen Mexican mixture, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 150 ml of low-fat sour cream - you can replace it with unsweetened yogurt. Salt and spices - to taste.

Add spices to sour cream or yogurt and mix. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Fry the onion and garlic in the multicooker in the “baking” mode for 4-5 minutes, then add vegetables and sour cream to the multicooker bowl; stir and leave on “simmer” mode for one hour.

Mexican chicken mixture

To prepare the Mexican mixture with chicken, you will need 400 g of vegetable mixture, a chilled, gutted medium-sized chicken, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. chopped parsley, 1 tbsp. chopped dill, a quarter cup of any broth; salt and spices.

Melt butter in a frying pan, add chopped onion, lightly fry. Add the chicken cut into pieces and fry them on all sides. Pour in the broth, add salt, cover and simmer over medium heat until the chicken is cooked. Add frozen vegetables and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving.

Mexican Blend Soup

This simple, nutritious Mexican Blend Soup is not only delicious and healthy, it's also super easy to make. To prepare the soup according to our recipe you will need 200 g of Mexican mixture, 300 g of chicken soup set, 4-5 medium-sized potato tubers, a piece of butter, fresh herbs and salt to taste.

Fill the chicken set with water (2-2.5 liters) and cook over medium heat for about half an hour, remembering to skim off the foam. After this time, cut the potatoes into small cubes and add to the broth. Add salt. Time for another quarter of an hour and slowly chop the onion finely. Then add the Mexican mixture to the soup, add the onion and cook for another 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add butter.

Pour the soup into bowls and generously add chopped fresh herbs into each bowl.

Rice with Mexican mixture: recipe

The Mexican mixture is ideal for preparing elegant rice with vegetables. You will need 0.5 tbsp. rice for 400 g of vegetable mixture (standard volume of bagged frozen vegetables), as well as 1-2 cloves of garlic, salt and your favorite spices.

Rinse the rice; then soak for one and a half to two hours. Drain the water; Place the pan on the fire and pour boiling water over the wet rice, stirring constantly. Add salt and cook over low heat until cooked, then rinse under cold water and leave to drain in a colander.

Heat oil in a frying pan (butter or vegetable - to your taste), add finely chopped garlic. Add frozen vegetables and fry over high heat, stirring constantly for one or two minutes. Then reduce the heat, cover the vegetables with a lid and simmer for a few minutes. When the vegetables are half-cooked, add rice, add spices, stir and cook under the lid over low heat for a couple more minutes.

Valenti and Eva Cascio specially for the gluten-free recipes site

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    Cool. That is very delicious?


Dish Pico de Gayo Mexican cuisine

Ingredients needed to prepare this characteristic Mexican cuisine sauce ( more like a salad) , a few, but they are all important. Spiced tomatoes and onions form the base of a popular Mexican sauce that can be served with wheat or corn tortillas with a variety of fillings. Fresh tomatoes, aromatic garlic and cilantro make the seasoning healthy and surprisingly tasty. In its own way it is a variety Mexican salsa sauce.

Pico de Gayo can be served with different dishes, but it goes especially harmoniously with grilled meat, which includes kebabs and steaks. The seasoning is also suitable as a light snack on its own.

This one is being prepared sauce So:
Tomatoes and onions need to be cut into small cubes of about 0.5 cm, add finely chopped garlic and hot pepper without seeds to them, chop the cilantro and combine with the rest of the ingredients, squeeze out the juice of one lemon, pepper and salt the dish, and then mix everything thoroughly . Pico de Gayo ready to eat. Bon appetit!

Lovers healthy eating will be able to evaluate beneficial properties salad sauce, since it is prepared without heat treatment with complete preservation of all vitamins in the products.

2. Guacamole recipe

Guacamole sauce in Mexico it is used as often as mayonnaise in European countries, being the main component for many dishes. IN classic guacamole includes avocado, lime or lemon, which explains its rare use in Russia, since avocados are quite expensive here. Mexican guacamole has a calorie content significantly lower than our respected mayonnaise, which affects its unconditional health benefits. Guacamole ingredients plant origin allows it to be consumed by people observing fasting.

Making guacamole consists of the following steps:
Cut the avocado and separate the seeds from the pulp, and use a spoon to release the pulp from the skin. To prevent the pulp from becoming dark, you should immediately sprinkle it with lime juice and then grind it in a blender to a puree consistency. Squeeze lemon or lime juice into the resulting mass, add ground black pepper, salt, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and three tablespoons of olive oil to taste and mix again in a blender until smooth. Your guacamole ready!
It harmonizes perfectly with tomatoes, all types of meat, toppings for shawarma, lavash and many other dishes.

3. Burrito recipe with beef and cheese sauce

Burrito. Mexican cuisine

Burrito- This is a meat dish, very tasty and nutritious. Can cook chicken burrito, and we will tell you how it is done with beef meat. To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

200 g beef, 100 g each rice and beans, mexican tortilla, two tomatoes and chili peppers, a head of red onion, 100 g of cheddar cheese, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, ground black pepper, parsley, 100 ml of cream and white wine and onions.
You need to boil the rice until tender and drain in a colander. For cooking sauce You should randomly chop the cheese and beat it in a blender with the addition of cream, white wine and a small amount of starch. The meat, previously cleaned, is cut into strips. Tomatoes with the stems cut out are first immersed in boiling water and then in low temperature water so that the peel can be removed. Tomatoes are cut into four slices, seeds and pulp are removed, after which they need to be cut into cubes, which are laid out in a deep plate. Chopped tomatoes are added chili pepper, onion and parsley, the resulting mass is salted and seasoned olive oil, lemon juice and stir.

A frying pan with vegetable oil is heated, into which beef, pepper and garlic are laid out. Don't forget to add salt, pepper and mix the ingredients. When the meat is almost ready, you need to add boiled rice, pre-mashed canned beans, cheese sauce and mix the resulting mass. The burrito filling is ready. Place it in the center tortillas and wrap it in a flatbread. Above Burrito greased with vegetable oil and fried on all sides. The dish is served on a warm plate, topped with cheese sauce and concasse tomatoes. Garnished with jalapeno pepper, onion and parsley. Eat for your health!

4. Fajitas

Mexican fajitas were considered food for cowboys, who had the right to take the leftover meat for their work after slaughtering cattle. From the word “faja”, meaning “strip”, the name of this meat dish, which all fans really like Mexican cuisine For cooking fajitas also needed tortillas. In establishments Mexican cuisine in St. Petersburg or Moscow you can try chicken fajitas or beef. It turns out no less tasty pork fajitas.

To prepare the dish you will need:
half a kilo of meat, eight tortillas, three tomatoes, a large onion, 50 g of hard cheese, 1 avocado, lettuce and seasonings in the form of salt, ground pepper, cumin and paprika.

Cut the onion into small pieces and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until transparent. Then add the meat, cut into small strips, to the onion and fry over high heat. Tomatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes, are added to the meat and onions. Salt and pepper the dish and add the planned seasonings. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, then continue to simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.

While cooking the meat, heat the tortillas in the oven with temperature conditions 180 degrees (about 10 minutes). Grate the cheese and chop the avocado with a knife. Alternatively, you can cook Avocado guacamole.
Fajitas are served as follows:
tortillas, meat filling with sauce, guacamole, grated cheese, lettuce leaves - all separately. At the table, everyone wraps their own ingredients in tortillas.

5. Quesadia recipe

Word " quesadia" or " quesadilla" literally means " cheese tortilla" The dish consists of two Mexican tortillas with different fillings, an essential ingredient of which is cheese. Tortillas are fried in boiling oil, due to which the cheese located inside melts and securely connects the two tortillas to each other. Alternatively, fold one corn tortilla in half. Most popular among tourists and lovers of Mexican dishes chicken quesadilla, mushroom quesadilla, minced meat quesadilla. Instead of classic tortillas, lavash or pita bread is often used in Russia.

For the filling you can use any type of meat, vegetables, mushrooms and cheese. To the table quesadia served cut into four pieces with spicy sauces such as salsa or sour cream. Pairs well with this dish light salad from vegetables.

Classic quesadia recipe looks like this:
The tortilla is fried in a hot frying pan for half a minute, then the filling is laid out on it. grated cheese, mixed with finely chopped onions, pre-fried meat of any kind, sour cream and chili pepper, and covered with a second flatbread. The tortilla is fried on both sides for two minutes (one minute on each side). During this time, the cheese inside should melt; the more cheese, the stronger the tortillas will be connected. The dish can be cut into pieces of any size. Bon appetit!

6. Ceviche recipe

There are many options for preparing this wonderful Mexican dish, the obligatory ingredients of which are seafood. The main feature of ceviche is raw fish and shrimp marinated in lemon juice. Can cook salmon ceviche and shrimp ceviche. Many varieties of red and white fish mixed with other seafood are suitable for this dish. We'll tell you how cook ceviche from white fish and shrimp.

We will need the following components:
approximately 800 g fillet of any white fish without bones;
300-350 g shrimp;
half each green and red sweet pepper, as well as half a hot pepper;
a large onion, preferably red;
salt, coriander, a little sugar, ground pepper.

We thoroughly wash the fish and cut it into small pieces. We defrost frozen fish in the refrigerator; it is not recommended to do this using a microwave. To the fish add shrimp, boiled until half cooked, and onion, cut into half rings and soaked a little in salted water. Finely chop the pepper and coriander, removing all the grains, and add to the dish. Season the resulting mass with salt, ground pepper, lemon juice and sugar, which will help make the taste of the dish less sour and spicy. Leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour, then seafood ceviche Can be served with white wine. Bon appetit!

7. Zopa Azteca

Mexican cuisine widely uses all kinds of peppers, known to the local population since ancient times. Sopa Azteca fully meets the ideas of foreigners about spicy, juicy and unusual dishes from distant exotic countries. But you can cook it in our usual conditions to feel the tart national flavor in your kitchen new food. Recipe for this healthy Mexican vegetarian soup uncomplicated. To prepare it you need to take a quarter of an avocado, two onions, three fresh tomatoes, one sweet bell pepper, three canned tomatoes, two pickled jalapeno peppers, vegetable oil, salt and ground pepper.

Coarsely chop the onion and bell pepper, divide the tomatoes into four parts. Mash the canned tomatoes, finely chop the jalapeno peppers, removing the seeds. Simmer all the resulting ingredients for 20 minutes in vegetable oil, adding salt and ground pepper at the end. Grind the resulting mass in a blender to a puree.
Place avocado slices in each serving and pour ready dish on plates. The soup is good served with fried tortillas. Eat for your health!

8. Sopa de Lima

All types of legumes are widely used in Mexican cuisine, allowing you to diversify the menu with products high in plant proteins. This is what a tasty and healthy recipe looks like vegetable soup with beans, which can be cooked not only with meat, but also in a vegetarian version.

In order to get a real one Sopa de Lima in Mexican style you need to take 400 g of pumpkin, 1 cup of fresh frozen peas, 1 cup of white beans, two onions, 1 cup of red lentils, several garlic cloves, salt, curry seasoning, vegetable oil (preferably olive), ground black pepper and any herbs .

Boil the beans soaked in water until half cooked, cut the pumpkin into cubes, and finely chop the onion and garlic. Fry the onion in oil, then add pumpkin, garlic and curry to it and continue to fry over high heat until yellow. Place the washed lentils in the bowl where the beans are cooked, boil for five minutes, then add the pumpkin with onions and garlic and green peas. We continue to cook over medium heat until all components of the soup are completely soft for 5 to 10 minutes, and then leave the dish covered. Sopa de Lima is ready!

Those who love a hearty and tasty meal should like the recipe for traditional Mexican soup with pork; restaurants and cafes of Mexican cuisine often offer it to their visitors. The soup recipe combines meat and vegetables in a balanced manner, so its health benefits are undeniable.

To cook, you need to prepare a jar canned corn, two kilograms of pork meat, chopped into cubes, an onion, several garlic cloves, salt and 150 g of dried pepper.

The soup is prepared like this:
Chop the pepper, removing the seeds and stems, and cook until soft. In a thick-walled pan, fry the meat in oil for several minutes, then add the onion and garlic to the pork, water to cover the food, and cook over low heat.
Pour the pepper decoction into the soup, and grind the pepper itself to a puree in a blender. Add corn and pepper to the soup. If the consistency of the dish is too thick, add more water. Cook until all ingredients are ready.
Serve Sopa de Pozole with lime, chopped cabbage and tortilla chips. Eat for your health!

10. Fried nopal

- This is the symbolic plant of Mexico, depicted on its coat of arms, the most common type of cactus in this country. Fried nopal– exotic food that all fans of Mexican cuisine will be interested in trying. Cactus is useful because it helps get rid of excess fat. Preparing this dish is not too difficult.

To enjoy fried nopal you need to take a glass of water, a few garlic cloves, a teaspoon of cumin, bouillon cube, an onion, three nopal leaves, a glass of flour, four tomatoes, a glass of vegetable oil, a little salt to taste, half a kilo of hard cheese, one piece jalapeno pepper, ground pepper and four chicken eggs.

You need to remove the hard peel from the nopal leaves with a knife, simmer the vegetables with the addition of seasonings for about 20 minutes and mix in a blender until pureed. Boil the cactus in salted water until tender (about 40 minutes), and then dip it in batter - beaten eggs with flour. Fry the nopal leaves in oil on both sides (8 minutes each). Serve this exotic dish with vegetable gravy and grated cheese. Bon appetit!

11. Chili con carne

A thick soup with meat and chili peppers, con carne, is loved by residents on the borders of Mexico. To taste it, you need to prepare the following products:

800 g beef fillet;
vegetable oil;
two heads of red onion;
allspice and black peppercorns;
two chili peppers;
several garlic cloves;
four fresh tomatoes (they can be replaced with tomato paste or canned tomatoes);
400 g red or green green beans;
spices: cumin, cloves, oregano;
lemon or lime;
dark chocolate;
two spoons of cocoa;
sour cream for dressing.

Cut the meat into small cubes (optionally using a food processor). Grind the spices thoroughly in a mortar. Sweet pepper We cut it into small strips, and remove the seeds from the chili pepper and chop it with a knife. Pour the vegetable oil into a frying pan and put it on the fire. Fry the meat in oil until a crust appears and the water evaporates. Then put it in a deep pan with thick walls or a cauldron and simmer over low heat until soft (it’s good to add a little red wine). Fry the onion thoroughly in oil, then add vegetables and simmer everything together with seasonings.

Place in the pan with the meat stewed vegetables, beans, tomatoes or paste made from them. At the end, add lemon juice, heated chocolate and cocoa to the dish, carefully combining all the components into a homogeneous mass. When serving, season the soup with sour cream, crushed garlic and herbs. Chili con carne soup eaten with tortillas, Mexican nacho chips, boiled rice and, of course, tequila.

12. Tortillas with filling

Tortiyas - Mexican tortillas

Mexican tortillas can be cooked with any meat, vegetable and cheese fillings, there are a great many recipes for this traditional dish. We invite housewives to get acquainted with one of the options for delicious tortillas stuffed with chicken and vegetables. This wonderful snack can be made for a picnic or travel. Because it is delicious both cold and warmed up.

Let's prepare 200 g of chicken or turkey fillet, 150 g of sweet bell peppers and tomatoes, 100 g of cucumbers and lettuce, leeks and five Mexican tortillas.
For the sauce you will need 300 g of tomatoes, 150 g of onion, a little garlic, vegetable oil, salt, ground pepper and herbs to taste.

Let's start preparing the dish with the sauce. Finely chop the onion and garlic, tomatoes release remove the skin and cut into small pieces, finely chop the greens. Fry in vegetable oil, onion and garlic, add tomatoes to them and continue frying for about 3 minutes. Add greens to the resulting sauce and remove fire.

Finely we cut chicken fillet And fry in oil for a quarter of an hour, season with salt and pepper.
Tomatoes and cucumbers cut small pieces, leeks in rings and mix vegetables with meat, adding tomato sauce, salt to taste.
We spread the resulting filling onto the tortilla and wrap it on both sides. Fry the tortillas with filling on both sides in a frying dish or on the grill. Your dish is ready!

You don't have to travel far to experience the distinct Mexican culture and taste Mexican cuisine. Food is an integral part of the national flavor; after drinking strong tequila and tasting a well-prepared dish according to a Mexican recipe, you can immerse yourself in the exotic world of this amazing and mysterious country for the European consciousness.
Recipes for Mexican cuisine, despite their unique taste, are not difficult for hardworking and skillful housewives from Russia. In Mexican restaurants, food preparation is carried out by highly qualified experienced chefs who create real miracles from ordinary products. All traditional dishes They offer many options, so don’t despair if one or another ingredient is not at hand. It can easily be replaced with another product. All Mexican recipes are designed for the inexhaustible imagination of housewives who, having fallen in love with the national traditions of a distant country, will do everything possible to please their guests and relatives with wonderful, healthy and tasty dishes.

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Mexican cuisine, which unites the culinary traditions of several nations, will appeal to everyone who loves juicy and bright tastes. Knowing certain tricks, anyone can cook its most popular dishes. All you need is a small list of familiar ingredients and, of course, your desire to experiment.

website I have selected 6 excellent Mexican dishes that will delight guests and are easy to prepare at home.


Perhaps this is the most popular dish Mexican cuisine. It is customary to serve the filling hot, right in the frying pan, and always along with traditional tortillas. This way, each guest can choose what to wrap in the flatbread and what sauces to eat it with.


  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 yellow bell pepper
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 can canned red beans
  • 300 g beef
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 lime
  • 4 wheat or corn tortillas


  1. Cut beef tenderloin, bell pepper and chili pepper into thin strips.
  2. Marinate the meat in lime juice for 1 hour.
  3. Place vegetables on a hot frying pan and fry for 10 minutes.
  4. Add the beef to the vegetables and fry for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Add to the contents of the pan tomato paste and beans, mix and keep on fire for a couple of minutes.
  6. The filling for fajitas is ready! Serve it with flatbread, spicy tomato sauce and sour cream.


Adored by gourmets all over the world, avocado paste can be used as a side dish, for example, with meat or fish. But according to tradition, it is consumed as a snack and eaten with corn chips.


  • 2 tomatoes
  • 3 ripe avocados
  • 1 onion
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 lime
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • bunch of cilantro


  1. Finely chop the onion, garlic and cilantro. Grate the lime zest.
  2. Remove the seeds from the chili peppers, remove the skins from the tomatoes and also chop them.
  3. Mash all ingredients with a fork. Salt and mix again.
  4. Add a couple of tablespoons of water and lime juice.
  5. Peel the avocado, remove the pit and cut into several pieces.
  6. Add the avocado to the tomato and chili paste and mash thoroughly with a fork.
  7. Serve with corn chips. Bon appetit!

Fresh Mexican salsa

Spicy Mexican sauce goes well with potatoes and meat and adds piquancy and richness to dishes.


  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 chili peppers
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • cumin, salt, pepper to taste


  1. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into cubes.
  2. Chop the onion and garlic in the same way.
  3. Remove seeds from chili peppers and cut into strips.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper, add cumin and tomato paste.
  5. Season with lime juice and olive oil.

Bean soup with chili

Mexicans love beans and add them to almost everything. Dishes with it, like this spicy and aromatic soup, turn out to be very nutritious and tasty.


  • 300 g red beans
  • 2 liters vegetable broth
  • 1 bunch of cilantro
  • 8 cloves garlic
  • 2 red chili peppers
  • 1 tbsp. l. cumin seeds
  • 1 tbsp. l. coriander seeds
  • 1 tsp. allspice
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • salt to taste


  1. Soak the beans in cold water and leave for 8–10 hours.
  2. Drain the water from the beans, fill them with vegetable broth and set to cook for 1 hour.
  3. Pour 2 cups of broth into a separate pan and set aside for a while.
  4. Remove a small amount of beans from a saucepan. It will be useful for decoration.
  5. Grind the remaining broth along with the beans in a blender.
  6. Chop the garlic and seeded chili pepper.
  7. In a dry frying pan, fry the cumin, coriander and allspice for 2 minutes.
  8. Place garlic and chili in a frying pan and add vegetable oil. Fry for 1.5 minutes.
  9. Place the reserved broth on the fire, transfer the contents from the frying pan and puree from the blender into it, add salt and pepper. The soup only needs to be heated, not boiled.
  10. Pour the soup into bowls and add the beans that we prepared for decoration.
  11. Serve with greens. The dish turns out very aromatic and rich.

Huevos Rancheros

According to legend, this dish was first invented by cowboys many years ago, and today every Mexican enjoys it for breakfast. It can be eaten straight from the pan or wrapped in a traditional flatbread.


  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 green pepper
  • 100 g smoked sausage
  • 1 red onion
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • 2 tsp. ground cumin
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • bunch of parsley

Chili or Chile con carne is an old and very traditional Mexican-American dish, which does not prevent it from having dozens of variations. The dish is deeply folk, in fact, very close to Hungarian goulash and, in the role of goulash, has moved from the category of gruel cooked over a fire for shepherds and drovers to the category of respected and quite decent dishes for any audience.

There are actually dozens of recipes for chili con carne, so you will have to give explanations at every step about possible deviations. It's up to you to decide whether you will wobble from side to side, or follow the broad and clear path of folk tradition.


Chile is about the hot pepper of the same name as the country and dishes made from it. There are also dozens of varieties of chili, and several are used in this dish. The dish itself is usually beans or beans, in tomato sauce, generously seasoned with pepper.

We prepare for 6-8 servings, less does not make sense, chili is a dish for collective absorption.

Peel 1.5 kg of beef shoulder and cut into one and a half centimeter cubes. Peel 4-5 onions and also chop into cubes. Separate the head of garlic into cloves and roughly chop it. Cut two large green peppers in half, remove the stem, core and stems and cut into squares. Remove seeds from two to six pods of fresh hot pepper (depend on your tolerance for heat) and cut into thin slices.

Soak the beans in cold water in the evening, then cook separately as usual. Or use canned red beans from cans, straight into chili sauce.

Mix half a cup of dry ground paprika with a teaspoon of each - cumin (cumin), coriander, black pepper, fried in a dry frying pan and crushed in a mortar, and half a teaspoon of ground hot red pepper.

Pour a 0.8 liter can of tomatoes into a bowl along with the juice and crush with a fork. Alternatively, use a liter bag of crushed tomatoes or a kilo of fresh tomatoes plus two heaped tablespoons of tomato paste.

Next. In a large frying pan or directly in a thick-bottomed saucepan, heat the oil (or melt the bacon, remove and save the bacon), lightly fry the onion and garlic, add the meat and lightly brown it on all sides. We put sweet and hot peppers there, fry a little more, pour in tomatoes, add our spice mixture, another tablespoon of dry oregano and about a liter of water or broth and simmer over low heat without a lid for one and a half to two hours. Part of the water or broth can be replaced with a glass of table red wine. Salt towards the end - 1-2 tsp. coarse salt.

When the meat is tender and the sauce has thickened, add the strained beans or beans to the pan and heat everything together for another 5-10 minutes.

That's basically it, but if you want, you can decorate the dish. Sprinkle grated cheddar on top. Sprinkle with chopped fresh cilantro. Bacon fries. Thinly sliced ​​leeks. Thinly sliced ​​fresh red chillies. It will be more elegant.

And one last thing. If there is suddenly too much liquid left, you can thicken it with a mixture of wheat and coarse corn flour, this was practiced by cowboys. In a dry frying pan, fry a tablespoon of wheat and corn flour, dilute with liquid from the pan, stirring continuously and intensively with a fork, pour back into the pan and mix everything well. Cook for another 5 minutes.