How to make potato chips. Homemade chips in the oven. How to cook delicious chips in a frying pan

Don't believe it if someone says they don't like chips. Yes, the product is high in calories and is contraindicated for amateurs dietary nutrition, but this does not apply to the bulk of the population. Everyone loves chips! Kids love the crispy delicacy, and adults can’t imagine any other snack to go with beer. Making chips at home is a particular pleasure. First of all, the process itself is interesting, and tasting the results usually brings the whole family together at one table.

Features of making chips

It is not difficult to prepare such a delicacy yourself. Homemade chips, unlike store-bought ones that contain preservatives, flavorings and other harmless additives, are completely harmless to the body. They contain only natural products: potatoes, vegetable oil and salt. Cooking does not require special equipment, an oven or microwave is enough, and in the absence of such, an ordinary frying pan will do. Follow these simple requirements, and the crunch of potato slices will delight everyone without exception.

  1. Not only taste qualities are important, but also aesthetic ones. Therefore, put the “defective” (eyes, bumps) source material aside, and leave the smooth potatoes for processing.
  2. By rinsing the slices with cold water, you can reduce the starch content, after which the chips will not stick together during frying.
  3. Place the cooked potatoes on a plate, having previously covered them with baking paper, or sprinkle the dish with flour.
  4. You can add a slight piquancy to the taste of homemade chips by adding paprika, herbs or other spices at your discretion.

Potato chips in the oven

Necessary products: 5 potatoes, salt, spices, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Cut the peeled, washed potatoes so that you get extremely thin slices. Sprinkle them with vegetable oil, then mix with your hands. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper or parchment and grease with oil. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Arrange the potato slices in one layer and bake until done. Place the finished chips on a dish, add salt and sprinkle with spices. The result is golden in appearance and crispy in taste.

Potato chips in the microwave

We process potato tubers as in the previous method. Place oiled paper on a microwave-safe plate and distribute the potato pieces, keeping an interval between them. Coat the top with vegetable oil and place in the oven for three minutes, setting the power to high. Salt ready-made chips.

For one kilogram of tubers you will need about a liter of oil. Salt and seasonings as usual. At home, it is convenient to cook in a deep frying pan (or in a saucepan). Also have a paper towel, a colander and a flat plate ready. Rinse potatoes with cold water. Throw it in a colander, shake off the remaining drops, dry the slices, and after that put them in oil (it should boil). The cooking process in a frying pan is quick, just have time to remove the slices fried until golden brown. Place the finished chips on a towel to absorb excess oil. Place on a plate and sprinkle with salt and other seasonings. Cook the remaining potatoes, adding oil.

Potato chips in the deep fryer

Owners of deep fryers will have better luck when it comes to cooking time. And the dish itself turns out tastier, but there are negative aspects. Potatoes absorb a lot of oil, and chips prepared this way will be greasy, and doctors and nutritionists do not recommend excessive consumption of such food. The frying process is similar to the frying pan method, and the slices should be thinner than usual.

An alternative to a deep fryer can be a multicooker, if you additionally purchase special grids used for cooking in boiling oil.

Chips – neoclassical

Chip manufacturers have long abandoned the classic version, and crispy potato analogues have appeared on store shelves. The consumer does not always think about what this or that product is made from, the main thing is that it satisfies the taste. The assortment for this is quite diverse: the aroma of bacon, jellied meat, mushrooms, cheese, but the most attractive thing is the crunch. So why not experiment at home.

From lavash
For preparation you will need the following products:

  • thin pita bread;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive);
  • dill;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • salt.

Finely chop the washed dill, mix with salt and crushed garlic. Grease pieces of pita bread (shaped like chips) with the prepared mixture, place on a baking sheet, and place in the oven. Required for drying temperature regime 200 degrees and only five minutes of time. Ready!

For those who like fatty chips, add a little mayonnaise or sour cream to the mixture.

From cheese
Any cheese is grated on a fine grater and placed on the deck in small portions for baking. There must be a distance between the pieces, otherwise you can end up with one large cake, since the product tends to spread when melted. Set the oven to 160 degrees and after about four to five minutes remove the finished chips. Cool and taste.

You can use this recipe if you have a piece of cheese lying around. Don't throw it away, it's quite suitable for making this hearty snack. And one more piece of advice for housewives. Add ham, garlic, any herbs, and get an unsurpassed taste.

Warning! Don’t be distracted for too long, as the cheese melts quickly, and if you miss the moment, it will burn.

From mashed potatoes
The unusual taste of chips according to this recipe will only be appreciated by those who have a waffle iron.


  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 5 tbsp. l. flour;
  • a third of a glass of milk;
  • salt, spices;
  • vegetable oil, with the exception of olive oil.

Prepare regular puree, cool slightly, pour in milk, add flour and egg. Mix thoroughly, the ideal mass is obtained using a blender. The consistency should be rare, but not spread. Add salt, spices (herbs and mushrooms if desired).

Grease a hot waffle iron with oil, add 1 tbsp. l. potato dough, smooth it over the surface and bake for no more than 30 seconds, otherwise it will burn. Carefully remove the finished chips using a knife.

From a bow
Homemade chips made from regular onions have a unique taste. The process is labor-intensive, but the end result is excellent. Initially prepare the batter by beating two eggs with flour. Add salt, pepper or other spices to taste. The dough should be liquid, and you can increase its volume by adding a little mineral water.

The onion is cut into circles, with an average thickness of four millimeters, and disassembled into individual rings. Dip each part in batter and place in a frying pan with well-heated oil. Fry on both sides, then place on a towel, as in the case of the potato version. The finished chips should have a beautiful golden color. If you have a little more free time, add a quick sauce to the onion crisps. To do this, chop the dill, green onions, pepper and mix with sour cream.

From meat
At first glance, this recipe will seem complicated, but only in terms of time. Be patient and you will enjoy the process itself. Cut the meat into slices two millimeters thick and in sizes of your choice. Beat each piece as thinly as possible. Next make the marinade. Crush a few cloves of garlic, add 3 tbsp. l. sugar, a little soy sauce, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, parsley and any spices. Pour the resulting marinade over the meat and place in the refrigerator for five hours. Heat the oven to one hundred degrees (low setting). Place the pieces of meat on a baking sheet lined with food foil and bake. This will take thirty to forty minutes until all the moisture has evaporated.

The suggested recipes are the most popular, but inventive housewives went further. Especially those who like to crunch diet food. Chips are prepared at home from any vegetables: zucchini, carrots, blueberries, and without the use of oil. The technology is similar to cooking in the microwave, and the holding time is approximately ten minutes. Ready-made multi-colored chips are sprinkled with dill, garlic, parsley, mixed with fine salt. This homemade seasoning is completely harmless.

But human capabilities are not limited to this. Chips can be one of the dessert options.

Sweet fruit slices
Divide pears and apples into thin slices. Make a syrup from 0.5 kg of sugar and 0.5 liters of water and boil the fruit in it for five minutes. Then remove and dry in the oven for about five hours. Fruit chips are sweet and crunchy.

The process can be simplified by eliminating the syrup. Then dry the fruit slices as usual - and no additional material or time costs. This method will allow you to preserve semi-finished products for making compotes during the winter season.

So, there are quite a lot of recipes and a varied choice of products, but making chips at home can’t be rushed, so do it when you have free time.

Video: delicious homemade chips

One of the most beloved, but, unfortunately, not always permissible delicacies, chips, are dearly loved by both children and most adults. Let’s be honest, even when we’re on a diet and passionately wanting to lose weight, we no, no, we’ll even crunch on a tasty morsel. However, chips have only recently gained a reputation as unhealthy food, and only thanks to their factory-prepared counterparts. It is factory chips, richly flavored with oil, flavorings and preservatives, that, if consumed irrepressibly, can add to our health and weight problems. Homemade chips, prepared with your own hands, are a completely different matter, observing all the rules for preparing not only tasty, but also healthy food. Such chips will serve as an excellent snack, an excellent side dish and an excellent addition to many other dishes, and they will cause no more harm than any other dish made from potatoes. Today we invite you to learn and remember how to make homemade chips; chips are not only tasty, but also healthy.

This may seem surprising to you, but chips were invented quite recently, a little over a hundred years ago. Even the exact year of its appearance is reliably known. delicious dish- 1853. It was this year that the legendary American millionaire Cornelius Vanderbilt first received a portion of chips at his table. Yes, yes, the history of chips begins as the history of a millionaire's dish! However, this was more the revenge of an offended cook than a special culinary foresight. After all, just a few minutes earlier, Vanderbilt had returned potatoes to the restaurant kitchen, which, in his opinion, were cut too thick and poorly fried. The offended cook George Crum mockingly cut the potatoes into the thinnest slices and deep-fried them until crisp. But the revenge failed. The millionaire really liked the resulting dish, instantly became popular among the American elite, and then quickly conquered the whole world.

Unfortunately, for many housewives, making homemade chips seems to be an extremely difficult task, if not completely impossible. And completely in vain. Making delicious crispy chips is no more difficult than making French fries. All you need is some potatoes, butter and salt, a sharp knife or food processor and a great desire to please your loved ones tasty treat homemade. On the other hand, the apparent simplicity of preparation can be just as deceptive. After all, in order for your chips to turn out truly tasty, crispy and not soggy half an hour after cooking, you need to know some subtleties and culinary tricks.

Today, the Culinary Eden website has carefully collected and recorded for you a selection of the most important tips, secrets and recipes that will definitely help even the most inexperienced housewives, and will easily tell you how to make homemade chips.

1. To make the chips, you will need a very sharp knife to help you cut the potatoes into as thin slices as possible. Instead of a knife, you can use slicers or a special attachment for a food processor, which allows you to cut food into thin, even slices. The thickness of the cut potato slices should not exceed two millimeters. In addition to tools for cutting potatoes, you will need a utensil for deep frying chips. A special electric fryer is ideal, which allows you to control the frying process and temperature conditions. If you have not yet acquired such a device, you can fry the chips in a cast-iron cauldron or even a simple deep frying pan with a thick bottom.

2. When choosing potatoes for your chips, pay attention to medium-sized tubers with the correct shape. Chips from such potatoes will turn out smooth, beautiful and convenient. Be sure to ask the seller whether the potatoes offered to you are suitable for frying. After all, to make chips you will need potatoes with dense, not loose flesh and a minimum starch content. Pay attention to the number and depth of the eyes. Cutting them out can turn peeling potatoes into real torture, and ready-made potato chips with a large number cut out eyes will turn out uneven and ugly. It seems unnecessary to us to remind you that potatoes must be fresh and unspoiled.

3. Having brought the potatoes home, carefully inspect, sort and wash them again, selecting only the smoothest and most successful tubers. If your potatoes have thin skin and there are few eyes on them, then you can cut them whole without peeling them, but only by thoroughly washing them with a brush. If the potato skin is too thick and rough, then such potatoes will need to be peeled. Rinse thoroughly washed or peeled potatoes with cold water, dry slightly, cut into thin slices and rinse again in cool running water, which will allow you to wash off excess starch. Place the washed slices in a colander and then dry thoroughly, blotting with paper towels.

4. Heat the oil for frying chips in advance. The recommended oil temperature for frying chips varies from 170 to 200 degrees, but not higher than 220⁰, when the oil begins to smoke. The choice of type of oil depends on your personal taste preferences. Just do not forget that only refined, deodorized varieties of vegetable oils are suitable for frying. Unrefined oils will produce a lot of fumes and spoil the taste of the finished product; in addition, when unrefined oils are overheated, carcinogens can form. If you want to make the taste of your chips brighter and richer, simply add a small amount of beef or pork fat or lard to the vegetable oil.

5. Fry the chips in small batches so that the potato slices float freely in the oil without overlapping each other or sticking together. To lower the potato slices into the boiling oil and to catch the finished chips, you will need a wide slotted spoon, or better yet, a special basket designed for deep frying. Equipped with a convenient handle, this basket will allow you to easily lower and simultaneously remove all the slices of one portion, which will prevent overcooking of the potatoes. Be very careful to dry the potato slices before placing them in the oil, this will prevent the oil from boiling over and splashing. The time for frying chips depends on the thickness of the slices and the temperature of the oil; on average, the chips are ready within a minute after being lowered into the oil.

6. Remove the finished golden chips from the oil and place in a colander lined with paper napkins. Allow excess oil to drain. These chips can already be served; they turn out tasty, crispy and appetizing. And only one thing can overshadow your pleasure - such chips retain their crispness for a very short time, literally for half an hour, and then soften, turning into thin slices of plain fried potatoes. The second stage of preparing chips - drying - will help you avoid this. The easiest way to quickly dry a small amount of chips is to place them in the microwave for 30 to 60 seconds on high power. If you are preparing a large portion of chips at once, then it will be more convenient for you to use the oven. Preheat the oven to 200⁰, place a baking sheet with chips laid out on it and dry for 10 - 15 minutes. Be careful not to let your chips burn! Remove the finished chips from the oven, place on paper towels and let them cool completely. Salt and sprinkle with spices only on fully prepared chips!

7. Summarizing all of the above, let's try to cook our first batch of homemade chips together. Thoroughly wash and peel 500 g of potatoes. Using a sharp knife, a food processor, or a simple paring knife, cut the potatoes into thin, even slices no more than 1 - 2 mm thick. Rinse the finished potato slices in cool water, removing excess starch, and then dry thoroughly with a paper towel or napkins. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron or deep fryer and fry the potatoes in small portions until golden brown. Place the finished potato slices in a colander lined with paper napkins and allow excess fat to drain. Then place your chips on a plate in a single layer and place in the microwave to dry. Dry the chips for 30 - 60 seconds on full power. Place the finished chips on a paper towel and let them cool completely. Season the cooled chips with salt and your favorite spice mixture. Store your chips in paper bag in a dry, cool place. However, who would store such delicious homemade chips for a long time?

8. Delicious homemade chips can be made without deep frying. Simply bake the potato slices in the oven until crispy. Wash, peel and cut into thin slices 800 g of potatoes. Rinse the potato slices to remove excess starch and dry on a paper towel. Place the slices in a deep bowl, add 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, salt, black and red pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly and leave in a cool place for 10 minutes. Line a baking tray with greased baking paper, arrange the potato slices in one layer, and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for 15 minutes. Then rotate the baking sheet 180⁰ and bake your chips for another 15 minutes until golden brown and crispy.

9. If you don’t have any extra time at all, but really want homemade chips, you can use quick recipe cooking chips in microwave oven. Wash, peel and cut 500 g of potatoes into as thin slices as possible. Place the potato slices in a bowl, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, a pinch of your favorite spices and salt to taste. Mix everything and let stand for 10 minutes. Place the slices on a wide platter in a single layer so that they do not touch each other. Microwave on high for 4 to 6 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Keep a close eye on your chips while cooking to make sure they don't dry out! It is better to eat such chips as soon as possible - they can quickly become soggy.

10. But what would homemade chips be without delicious homemade sauce? Try to cook it tender and at the same time spicy sauce with sour cream and garlic. Mix 100 ml. good sour cream and 100 ml. low-fat yogurt. Add to them one crushed clove of garlic, one tablespoon of chopped dill, a pinch of cayenne pepper and salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and let it brew in a cool place for 15 - 30 minutes. This sauce is perfect for homemade chips, as well as croutons, croutons and French fries.

And on the pages you can always find even more interesting ideas, proven recipes and important tips that will always tell you how to make homemade chips.

Zhalnin Dmitry

The easiest way to make delicious and crispy chips at home is on our website! If you like to eat chips and have some free time, see the recipe for making chips.

Video “How to make chips at home”

Chips recipe

To make chips we need 4 potatoes, vegetable oil, 4 tablespoons of flour, salt and pepper.

  1. We cut the potatoes into thin slices or three on a special grater designed for grating food into thin slices.
  2. Soak the grated potatoes in cold salted water for 30 minutes.
  3. Then place it on a paper towel. Excess liquid will remain on the towel.
  4. Place the potatoes in a plastic bag. Instead of a bag, a container with a tight lid will do. Add 4 tablespoons of flour and salt. We tie the bag and carefully but gently shake its contents.
  5. We take the raw chips out of the bag and pour them into boiling vegetable oil. We determine the readiness of the chips by color. They should turn a beautiful golden color. It is convenient to cook in a small cauldron, so the oil will not splatter on the surface.

Afterwards, you can place the finished chips in a colander for a couple of minutes to drain off excess oil. You can add a little seasoning in the bag while stirring. The result will be chips with a spicy taste.

Homemade chips can be a great alternative to any side dish. Both children and adults will appreciate them. They are tasty and crispy. What is also important is that made from natural products, without chemicals and various modified additives, they can be an excellent snack both at home and on the road. You can take homemade chips with you on a walk or picnic. And most importantly, to obtain a quality product you need to spend very little time. Experiment in the kitchen and make your family and friends happy!

Golden, crispy, aromatic, thin slices of potato chips are favorites among thousands of dishes for all food lovers. Usually, each generation has its own preferences and tastes. But everyone loves chips. Small children who do not want to eat semolina porridge, when they see the treasured packaging, they make their parents blush, shouting to the entire supermarket “I want it!!! buy-and-and!!!” Fickle teenagers may make chips their only food item. Yes, and demanding adults striving for healthy image life, I don’t mind crunching potato slices while sitting comfortably near the TV or snacking on a can of beer. If you yourself are a fan of fragrant potatoes, or are raising children who consume this product in huge quantities, then this article is for you. From it you will learn many interesting details about your favorite food: the history of the invention of the dish, and how to cook chips without leaving home.

Millionaire's Lunch

It's hard to believe, but we owe the appearance of chips to the conflict between a millionaire gourmet and an obstinate cook. On a warm summer day back in 1853, railroad magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt arrived in Saratoga Springs. After making a successful deal, Vanderbilt decided to eat at the Moon Lake House hotel restaurant. The fastidious businessman was dissatisfied with the lunch and sent the dish back to the kitchen three times. Like, they cut the potatoes coarsely. The restaurant's chef, George Croom, was a hot-tempered man. And when the tycoon returned lunch once again, he couldn’t think of anything better than making chips. He finely chopped the potatoes and fried them, pouring plenty of oil over high heat.

The obstinate chef wanted to provoke a conflict between the millionaire, dissatisfied with the kitchen, but he struck him in the very heart, or rather in his taste buds and stomach. Vanderbilt became a regular at Moon Lake House, and the chef decided to make chips the restaurant's signature dish. A few years later it became possible to make chips on an industrial scale. The taste of the potato delicacy has become famous all over the world.

Idols of millions

Today, chips top two top products at once. Firstly, as the most unhealthy food. In terms of harmful effects on the body, they are second only to Coca-Cola, which is so pleasant to wash down with fried potatoes. Secondly, it is the most favorite food in the world. Unfair, but true: everything that is pleasant is either immoral or fattening. Chips are morally neutral, and the spoiled figure does not bother fans of crispy slices. The warnings from nutritionists for potato gourmets are unconvincing; official statistics confirm this. The average Russian eats half a kilogram of chips per year, a Ukrainian eats 2.5 kilograms, and a European eats 5 kg. product, an American swallows 10 kilograms. But the Japanese are ahead of the rest, every resident of the Land of the Rising Sun manages to happily crunch as many as twenty kilograms of chips in a year.

Cooking chips at home

Classic chips recipe.

On supermarket shelves, everyone can find potatoes to suit their taste: from chopped root vegetables and from mashed potatoes, with the taste of all types of meat or all sea creatures, with herbs or cheeses. One thing is really bad: it is impossible to make “factory-made” chips without adding preservatives. But anyone can make “environmentally friendly” chips at home. Remember a few simple rules and you can always delight yourself, your children and your friends with a potato dish.
To prepare the chips you will need:

  1. Even and smooth potatoes without eyes (1 kg);
  2. Refined vegetable oil (1 liter);
  3. Salt;
  4. Ground black pepper (to taste).

It will be most convenient to fry the potatoes in a deep fryer. But beyond the name of special utensils, you can also use what every housewife has in her kitchen. You can use a deep frying pan or a saucepan with a thick bottom. Perfect for making cauldron chips. We will also need: a wire rack or colander, a waffle towel.
Having prepared the utensils, proceed as follows:

  1. Wash the potatoes, peel them well, cut into thin slices and fill with warm water;
  2. Heat the dishes on the stove. Add oil (about half a liter). We are waiting for the moment when it warms up well and the fire is quieter;
  3. Throw the chopped potatoes into the oil in small portions;
  4. As it cooks, take it out and place it on a towel to remove excess fat;
  5. Pepper and salt. Place in a plate;
  6. Add a little oil to our saucepan/cauldron/frying pan and fry the next portion of potatoes.

You now know how to cook chips at home - this delicious and beloved food. Good luck with your cooking and grateful eaters.

Potato chips were invented back in the 50s of the 19th century. This happened almost by accident: George Crum worked as a cook in one of the Saratoga restaurants, and one day he encountered a very picky customer. He was returning the dish from fried potatoes as many as three times, declaring that the potato slices were cut too thick.

The cook flew into a rage and, to annoy the picky customer, cut the potatoes so thin that they were translucent. However, this action led to an unexpected result - the client not only liked the dish, but even delighted the client. Chips became one of the restaurant's specialties, and their recipe was kept strictly secret for a long time. Gradually, the recipe became popular, but until the 20s of the 20th century, the dish did not leave the United States. Homemade chips are a snack that will definitely not contain excess fat and preservatives. Over time, the recipe spread to many countries around the world, and with the invention of the machine for peeling potato tubers, it was put on an industrial basis. The popularity of chips has led to the emergence of many flavors - now we know salted and pepper chips, chips with flavors of bacon, sour cream, onion, squid, shrimp, crab, horseradish and mushrooms.

All this variety is achieved with the help of various flavoring additives, and the chips themselves contain less and less potatoes. But this popular snack can be prepared at home! Such a dish will not be harmful at all, since the fat and calorie content will decrease significantly.

With just a couple of potatoes and a little butter at home, you can treat your friends delicious snack for beer or to make a child happy. In addition, you can diversify the recipe with ground paprika, herbs, grated hard cheese, dry basil, garlic and other homemade spices.


Homemade Chips Recipe

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Wash the potatoes, remove the skins. Cut each potato into very thin slices, trying not to exceed a thickness of 2-3 millimeters. You can make slicing easier by using a vegetable slicer or a grater with a knife for slicing vegetables. If desired, you can make a version of fluted chips using a bread knife.

Rinse the slices several times in cold running water, washing off the starch. Place the chips in a single layer on a paper towel and cover with another towel. Leave for a few minutes to absorb excess moisture. If the slices are not dried well, you will not be able to achieve the crunch of the chips. Spray using cooking spray olive oil on a large baking sheet.
A grater with a knife for cutting vegetables will greatly simplify the preparation of chips. Place the slices on the surface in one layer. The chips should not touch. Drizzle the slices with oil again. Add some salt. If desired, add garlic powder, ground chili, paprika, black pepper, sprinkle with dry basil, dill or parsley. Bake for 20 minutes. Ready dish should acquire a uniform golden color.

Remove the finished slices with tongs to prevent them from burning. Place chips on paper towels to remove excess oil. If desired, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and chopped herbs. To keep the chips crispy for a long time, air dry them for 20 minutes, spreading them in a single layer on a wire rack lined with a layer of paper towels.