Napoleon cake made from puff pastry recipe. Ear Napoleon cake is a lazy but delicious dessert option. The best recipes for Napoleon cake made from “ear” cookies with different creams. Lazy Napoleon - a quick recipe from ready-made puff pastry

1. Cooking custard. In a convenient deep bowl, combine the sifted flour, cornstarch, granulated sugar and yolks. If desired, you can add a packet of vanilla sugar.

2. Mix the ingredients together, gradually pouring milk into it.

3. We have prepared the custard base. Check that the liquid is homogeneous, without a single lump. If you still get lumps, stir everything for several minutes with a whisk.

4. All that remains is to brew the cream. Do not do this over fire: there is a high risk that the cream will burn. It is better to cook it in a water bath. To do this, put water in a saucepan, let it boil and place a saucepan with the base for the cream in it. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens. Set the finished custard aside and start assembling the lazy cake.

5. We will assemble the lazy “Napoleon” in a detachable form. The bottom of the mold can be greased with a piece of butter. We lay out the first layer of “Ears”, filling even the slightest gaps with pieces of cookies.

6. Place the cream that has not yet cooled down on a layer of cookies and level it out.

7. Repeat step 6: place the “Ears” layer again. Fill the mold to the very top, alternating between cream and cookies.

8. Place several cookies in a plastic food bag and crush them into sweet crumbs with a rolling pin.

9.Sprinkle the cake with crumbs and let the cream thoroughly soak the layers of cookies. It is better if the cake stands in the cold all night, then the puff pastry is guaranteed to be soft. That's it! Lazy Napoleon is ready.

10. You can serve it to the table.

Credit for invention traditional recipe attributed either to Bonaparte himself or to his cook. But not every housewife sometimes has enough time to prepare a classic version of dessert. In this case, “Lazy Napoleon” comes to the rescue.

Even novice cooks can handle this recipe. Simple, fast and easy. You don't even need to turn on the oven! The main ingredient of the dessert is ordinary cookies, which are popularly called “Ears”. When you eat them just like that, they always crumble. The best option is to make a quick cake out of them. Let's try to cook the amazingly delicious “Lazy Napoleon” with amazingly delicate cream.

What you need

  • Puff pastry cookies “Ears” - eight hundred grams.
  • Flour - six tablespoons.
  • Milk - one liter.
  • Butter- 150 grams.
  • Granulated sugar - half a glass (150 grams).
  • Egg - four to five pieces.
  • One packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar.


The Lazy Napoleon cake made from cookies is prepared very quickly. You don't have to cook puff pastry. And housewives know how much time it sometimes takes to prepare a high-quality base for a cake. You just need to sort through the purchased cookies and choose even ones that are the same size. It is they who will form the foundation for the future dessert.

Preparing the cream

To make the cream soft and airy, do not rush to mix all the ingredients at once. To begin, mix granulated sugar, vanillin and chicken eggs. Do not rush to immediately mix these products with flour. She will tie them together, but you won’t achieve any splendor from beating the eggs.

Add flour after the yolk and white are thoroughly beaten and mixed with sugar. It should be poured in gradually, while working with a whisk or mixer. Now you can pour in a liter of milk and place the container on low heat. Do not remove the mixer too far, it will be needed during the entire process of cooking the cream. You need to stir so that the mass thickens gradually, without lumps, and does not burn.

As soon as the cream thickens, you can remove the pan from the heat. Let it cool for half an hour. Remember, hot cream will spread and will not allow the cookies to adhere well.

Assembling the cake

Add butter to the cooled cream. Mix thoroughly with a whisk and immediately proceed to “Lazy Napoleon” can be made in any shape. As a rule, housewives stop at a square or rectangle.

Dip each cookie in the cream and place on the prepared dish. If you choose a rectangle, then lay out three “ears” in length and four in width. The rows should be even and neat. We don’t skimp on the cream to make the cake rich, fluffy and tasty. Usually from eight hundred grams of “ears” you get about five to six layers.

Cake decoration

We crush those cookies that did not pass the selection and sprinkle the resulting crumbs on the top of the cake. Pre-lubricate it with cream. In general, you can decorate the “Lazy Napoleon” cake, the recipe for which we have just presented, with anything. Some people use special confectionery toppings, while others like to add a fruity or nutty note to this dessert. If desired, you can add cocoa to the cream, then the cake will turn out chocolate. Not a classic, of course, but you will certainly surprise your guests. To better soak the cake in the cream, leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

“Lazy Napoleon” is a dessert that even children can prepare. It is also a lifeline for busy housewives who have unexpected guests over. You can prepare the cake in half an hour. This is the time it takes for the chicken to fry or bake in the oven. pork ham. The ability to simultaneously prepare several dishes is an ideal option for any housewife.

Be sure to watch our VIDEO RECIPE for Lenten Draniki without Flour and Eggs, which we carefully filmed for you to make the cooking process simpler and more understandable!

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Today we will prepare the simplest, tastiest and fastest homemade No-bake Napoleon cake with just 2 or 3 ingredients! As they say: “Everything ingenious is simple!” I can say for sure that these words can be attributed to this simple recipe! I have never made tea cakes so simply and quickly, and the ingredients for the cake can be found in any nearby store!

Then I was faced with the problem with the cream. Since I wanted to make a quick cake, without baking and without cooking the cream, one of best ideas It turned out to be an option with cream and ice cream! Well, of course, the ice cream already contains vanilla and sweetness, and all you need is to just mix the vanilla ice cream with cream and soak the puff crumbs with this cream! So it’s almost like an ice cream cake Napoleon with ice cream! :)))

And a few more words about assembling the cake, there are also options. Firstly, another idea: you can take only melted ice cream as a cream and mix it with crumbs, I think it will work out well, but you just need to somehow regulate the sweetness. If you try it, tell me how you like this option.
After assembling the cake, you can leave it for 1-2 hours at room temperature so that it is well soaked, then put it in the refrigerator and cool well. Or you can additionally sprinkle a layer of crushed cookies with clean water or milk from a spray bottle - thanks to this, the cake will soak even faster, and then grease the cookies with a layer of cream.
After assembly, you can immediately put the cake in the refrigerator. but then it will take longer to soak.
Or you can immediately put it in the refrigerator even without soaking, it’s just that such a cake will be more difficult to cut so that it doesn’t crumble, it’s better to put it in the freezer for 10 minutes - this will solve the whole cutting problem in a matter of seconds.

The end result was simply divine! You can even not soak anything, but assemble the dessert directly, on a quick fix for tea!

Well, let's try!? ;)

I’m waiting for your comments, I’m very interested in how your cake will turn out and how your loved ones will appreciate its taste :)

Let's first define, just in case, what Napoleon cake is in the traditional sense. These are thin crispy cakes, a lot of cakes and custard. In preparing such a cake, the main difficulty and most of the time is the cake layers. Therefore, when you just want to quickly do something “a la” Napoleon, housewives resort to some tricks to simplify the process. I have already shown some options in. And today we will look at another recipe, or rather a modification of the Napoleon cake without baking from ear cookies.

Napoleon cake made from Ushki cookies with custard - recipe with photo

To begin with, what are “ears”. These are cookies, which in shape should resemble (to some people it may resemble) a given part of the body. It is baked from puff pastry, which means it is light, crumbly, layered and, as a result, should be well soaked. And by the way, we will make the cream traditional – custard. After assembling the cake, it will need to be kept in the refrigerator for several hours, ideally overnight, so that the ears are soaked, become softer and the whole structure is well cut with a knife into portioned pieces and resembles its famous older brother.

Ingredients for Napoleon Cake

  • cookies “Ears” - 500g;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • wheat flour – 3 tbsp;
  • butter – 100g.

How to make Napoleon cake from Ushki cookies without baking

  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. Melted is not suitable in this case.
  2. Let's start by preparing the cream. This is also not a quick process. Break the eggs into a bowl, add half the sugar and flour. Mix with a fork, no need to beat.
  3. Heat the milk on the stove. We heat it, not boil it. We need it to heat up until it boils a little more.
  4. Pour a little milk in a thin stream egg mixture and mix quickly. The mixture will become thinner, and we can now pour it into the milk without fear that the eggs will curl into flakes or lumps.

  5. Pour the egg mixture into the saucepan with the milk and return to the stove. Turn on moderate heat and, stirring continuously with a whisk, cook until thickening begins. Start means that the whisk will begin to leave marks on the surface of the mixture. Remove from heat and continue stirring for a couple more minutes. We get a workpiece with the same consistency as in the photo.

  6. We take cling film and cover the contents of the pan using the “contact” method, that is, the film is placed directly on the surface. Leave to cool. The film is needed to prevent the surface from drying out during the cooling process. Cool until warm.
  7. When it cools down, pour the remaining half a glass of sugar into a bowl and add soft butter.
  8. Beat with a mixer until fluffy, white and smooth. Transfer the mixture from the pan to a bowl.
  9. Beat again with a mixer for several minutes. We should get a thick, homogeneous cream. But it is still warm and not thick enough, so we cover it again with film “in contact” and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  10. It's time to assemble the cake. It is prepared without baking; everything for this has already been done by the cookie manufacturer. We will need a flat dish. I put the ears in rows, it’s more convenient, and I got an almost square Napoleon with three layers of cookies and cream. We put 4-5 cookies aside - then we will make topping from them. For the first layer, take the ear, dip one surface into the cream and place it on a dish. We do this with all the cookies of the first layer.
  11. I got 3 rows of cookies in each layer, and for greater density I stacked them in a checkerboard pattern. This can be seen in the photo below. Spread cream on top.
  12. Repeat layers.
  13. When we finish assembling the cake, frost the top and sides.
  14. Place the reserved cookies in a bag and use a rolling pin to turn them into crumbs. We cover the top and sides of Napoleon with crumbs.
  15. So Napoleon, in principle, is ready. But now you can’t cut it yet. The cookies are still hard. So we put it in the refrigerator. After the cake has stood there for several hours, it can be plated and served.

Now, nevertheless, I want to say a few words as a personal review. As a quick option, it certainly has a right to exist. But in this case, you should not cook the correct custard. It's better to just beat condensed milk with butter. Simplifying the task of preparing dessert to a minimum. Since this variation is not worth much fuss. The ears were soaked, of course, but around the edges of the cake they were still a little hard in places. Therefore, my verdict: cook only when you don’t have it on sale. ready-made cakes for Napoleon, because in my experience, they still make the easiest, fastest and most delicious (apart from, of course, the taste of a real cake) lazy no-bake Napoleon that I have ever made.

This cake is very easy to make and tastes like the classic Napoleon.
There are several nuances when preparing a cake.
It is very important to take thin cookies. A cake made from thick cookies turns out to be rough. And from the thin ones it is beautiful.
The cream for the cake can be anything - custard, sour cream, cream. But it is important that the cream is quite liquid so that the puff pastries are well soaked. In case of use butter cream The cookies must be moistened with milk, otherwise the cake will be dry and crispy. Depending on the cream, the cake will taste different.


500g puff pastry "Ears"


500g 33~35% cream, 0.5 cups sugar (100g)

Buy ready-made puff pastries in advance.
Set aside a few cookies to decorate the cake.

Whip the cream to soft peaks.
Stir in sugar.
The cream will become thinner after adding sugar.
To flavor the cream, stir in 1~2 teaspoons of cognac or 5 drops of Vanilla flavoring.

Assembling the cake
Cover the mold with polyethylene film so that the ends of the film hang out.
Place a layer of cookies tightly on the bottom of the pan.

Pour cream onto cookies.
Alternate layers of cookies and cream until they are gone. There should be a layer of cream on top.

Cover the top with cling film and place in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours. It is advisable to let the cake soak for 24 hours.
When the cake is soaked, remove the top covering film from the mold.
Place a dish on the mold and turn the structure upside down.

Remove the pan from the cake and remove the film that was on the bottom of the pan.

Crush the reserved cookies into crumbs.
Lightly brush the top of the cake with sour cream or cream and sprinkle thickly with crumbs.

Other cream options.
Sour cream
500g 20~25% sour cream, 150g sugar
Mix sour cream and sugar without beating. The cream turns out liquid. The cake will taste sour.

Prepare custard fudge according to.
Place the butter cut into pieces into the hot fudge and stir until the butter is completely dissolved. Cool the cream until warm. The cream will not be hard.
Cream "Charlotte"
0.5 cups milk (125g), 0.5 cups sugar (100g), 2 eggs, 200g butter
Prepare the cream according to...
The cream will be strong and dense.

Butter cream with condensed milk
250g butter, 1 can of condensed milk
Bring butter to room temperature. Beat the butter with a mixer, gradually adding condensed milk. The cream will be either soft if the milk was liquid, or dense if the milk was thick.
While assembling the cake, dip each cookie in milk.

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