Healthy yoghurt manufacturers. – How often should you eat fermented milk products? Benefits for the body

My mother bought “live” yogurt for her daughter, brought it home, put it in the refrigerator, and at night the yogurt came out of the jar, gobbled up borscht and sausage... So does our body need “foreign” bacteria?

Nadezhda Kovalenko, a professor at the Institute of Microbiology and Virology, knows better than anyone else that there is a considerable amount of truth in this joke. For her, bacteria are truly alive. They wage wars, are friends with each other, spend cleanup days in our body, exerting an irreplaceable effect. Professor Kovalenko has been studying these “worlds” for more than forty years. In the 90s, she developed the probiotic drink Gerolact, which reduces blood cholesterol. Ukrainian Gerolact is now drunk in Denmark and South Africa.

– One of the most important questions that concerns many consumers is what is the condition of lactic acid bacteria in yoghurts with a shelf life of up to 14 days? Are they still alive?

– If the enterprise uses modern equipment and follows production technology, then even by the 14th day a large number of active bacteria remain. But when low-quality raw materials are used, in a dairy shop - unsterile containers, then foreign microflora can get into the yogurt. Then the lactic acid bacteria will fight with it, and it can take a lot of energy to suppress pathogenic bacteria. As a result, a tiny amount of beneficial microflora will remain in the yogurt. For example, there are few fermented milk and bifidobacteria declared on the packaging, but there are many spore microorganisms - their content was sometimes several times higher than the norm. Yeast, let’s say, shouldn’t be there at all, but it is present. We found mold fungi and even putrefactive microflora in yoghurts.

– There is an opinion that artificially bred bacteria from starter cultures do not correspond to the human microflora, and therefore do not take root in it. Is this true?

– Indeed, entire laboratories are working on the selection of starter cultures. But the statement that these bacteria do not take root in the human body is not true. Beneficial microflora multiplies and takes root, and most importantly, works for the benefit of the human body. Lactic acid bacteria suppress neutral pH (acid-base balance - Focus), at which pathogenic microflora grows. What is also important: the body does not produce enzymes to digest fermented milk products. When probiotics enter the body, they do not simply transit, but cling to the villi that are present on the epithelium of the intestines, esophagus, and stomach, where they multiply, facilitating the digestion of food. After taking a course of antibiotics, the microflora of the digestive tract is practically “washed out”, so it is necessary to populate it with probiotics, otherwise dysbiosis may develop. Each probiotic has its own purpose. For example, one of the varieties of beneficial bacteria - acidophilus - produces a huge amount of lactic acid, which is an antioxidant; it neutralizes putrefactive processes that can occur in the body.

– Many people are sure that our manufacturers use cheap starter cultures.

– As a rule, Ukrainian producers work with foreign starter cultures. The fact is that domestic starters must first be diluted by ten liters, then by a ton, and at each stage there is a human factor. IN industrial production our starters are less convenient. The only sourdough factory at the Institute of Milk and Meat now specializes in selling sourdoughs to the public. They are, of course, more adapted to our stomachs and to our region, but foreign ones are more adapted to standardized production.

– What is better – making yoghurts yourself or buying them at the supermarket?

– At home, you seem to get a high-quality product, but here, too, a lot depends on the accuracy of the housewife and the quality of the milk. If you are not sure of its quality and cannot guarantee sterility during the process of breeding the starter, then in this case it is better to buy store-bought yogurts. I understand that today some manufacturers want to save money and use powdered or skim milk, flavorings and low-quality fillers. But even in this case, industrial fermented milk products may be better. Abroad, the basic product is very popular - yogurt without additives, only based on a microorganism. You can add homemade fillers to such a product.

– Are yoghurts and other fermented milk products good for everyone?

– No, there are individual characteristics here. Sweet yoghurts are not suitable for diabetics. Acidophilus milk or kefir is not suitable for people who suffer from gastritis; in this case, cottage cheese is better. Yogurt, if real, contains Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococci, this makes the yogurt sour and not very pleasant. But in sweet yoghurts, if pathogenic flora is present, it immediately begins to devour the sweetness and also releases acid. Such yogurt, like ice cream, does not bring any health benefits.

– How often should you eat fermented milk products?

It is advisable to start the morning with a glass of kefir or yogurt, always of good quality, and drink a glass at night. The fact is that during rest, lactic acid bacteria begin to participate in the process of digesting food, the body is sanitized and health improves.


How to choose natural yogurt

First a few guidelines. This is what the label of industrial yogurt that claims to be natural should look like.

1. Expiration date: ideally five to seven days, maximum 30-35 days.

2. Amount of beneficial microflora: the label must contain two phrases: “The content of lactic acid bacteria is at least 10*7 CFU/g at the end of the shelf life”; “The content of bifidobacteria is not less than 10*6 CFU/g at the end of the shelf life.” If the degree is higher, even better, but this is rare.

3. Composition: ideally only whole or normalized milk and bacteria. The longer the composition, the worse. Stabilizers, flavors, dyes, flavoring additives, skimmed milk powder, sugar - all this reduces the usefulness of yogurt. The optimal carbohydrate content is 4-6 g per 100 g of product.

To practice reading labels, I suggest checking out our ranking of industrial yogurts, from best (No. 1) to worst (No. 5).

No. 1: Natural fermented milk product “Bifidus”

Denis Bykovskikh

Ingredients on the label: whole milk, milk protein, lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria.

not less than 10*7 CFU/g.

Not less than 10*6 CFU/g

Nutritional value per 100 g: proteins 3.8 g, fats 3.5 g, carbohydrates 4.3 g.

64 kcal.

Best before date: 34 days.

Impeccable composition - nothing but milk and the right bacteria. Indicators for microorganisms correspond to the standards of natural yogurt. Plus, they are indicated precisely at the end of the product’s shelf life - this is important, because the more time passes, the less of them remain. I like the light sour taste of this yogurt and its balanced composition - ideal for summer breakfasts, afternoon snacks and diets.

No. 2: “Thermostatic natural low-fat yoghurt”

Denis Bykovskikh

Ingredients on the label: skimmed milk, skimmed milk powder, yogurt starter.

Not less than 10*7 CFU/g.

Nutritional value per 100 g: proteins 3.28 g, fats 0 g, carbohydrates 4.39 g.

Energy value product: 31 kcal.

Best before date: five days.

The word "thermostat" means that the yogurt was prepared using the thermostat method. It is good because it does not allow the use of chemicals and sugar. The shelf life - only five days - guarantees that most of the beneficial microflora will be preserved at the time of consumption. The indicators for bacteria are high, but there are no words “at the end of the shelf life.” This means that the manufacturer is not responsible for this. The taste is neutral, with a slightly pronounced pleasant sourness, suitable as a dressing. The lack of fat in this yogurt is an argument for those who are watching their cholesterol or losing weight.

No. 3: Bioyogurt “Health Formula” from goat milk

Denis Bykovskikh

Ingredients on the label: whole goat milk, stabilizer (pectin), using thermophilic lactic acid streptococci, Bulgarian lactic acid coli and bifidobacteria biomass.

Number of lactic acid microorganisms at the end of the product shelf life: not less than 10*6 CFU/g.

Number of bifidobacteria at the end of the product shelf life: not less than 10*7 CFU/g.

Nutritional value per 100 g: proteins 2.8 g, fats 4-4.5 g, carbohydrates 14.2 g (including sucrose).

Energy value of the product: 97 kcal.

Best before date: 14 days.

If it were not for the stabilizer and the large amount of carbohydrates, this product could have claimed a higher place in the ranking. Short shelf life, whole milk, several varieties of beneficial microflora. Goat milk richer in vitamins and microelements than cow's milk. True, not everyone likes its specific taste.

No. 4: Yogurt enriched with bifidobacteria ActiRegularis, “Activia spoon”

Denis Bykovskikh

Ingredients on the label: normalized milk, skimmed milk powder, yogurt starter, bifidobacteria ActiRegularis.

Number of lactic acid microorganisms at the end of the product shelf life: not less than 10*7 CFU/g.

Number of bifidobacteria ActiRegularis at the end of the product shelf life: not less than 10*6 CFU/g.

Nutritional value per 100 g: proteins 4.5 g, fats 3.5 g, carbohydrates 6.3 g.

Energy value of the product: 75 kcal.

Best before date: 30 days.

One of the longest shelf life in the rating. However, the number of microorganisms indicated at the end of the expiration date serves as a guarantee. There are no additives in the composition, the only thing that confuses is skimmed milk powder - it is added as a thickener and stabilizer. Balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, pleasant taste.

No. 5: Bio Max “Bio-yoghurt Effective Natural”

Denis Bykovskikh

Ingredients on the label: whole milk, skimmed milk, skimmed milk powder, stabilizers (E 1422, gelatin, pectin, guar gum), prebiotics (pectin, inulin, starter culture, probiotic cultures).

Number of lactic acid microorganisms: not less than 10*7 CFU/g.

Number of bifidobacteria: not less than 10*6 CFU/g.

Nutritional value per 100 g: proteins 3.4 g, fats 3.2 g, carbohydrates 5.5 g.

Energy value of the product: 64.4 kcal.

Best before date: 30 days.

Very long shelf life and a huge number of additives. The stabilizer guar gum (E412) is not welcomed in the European Union. The number of microorganisms is not indicated at the end of the shelf life - it is unclear whether beneficial bacteria will last that long. The taste is rich milky, the composition is balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Various types of foods made from cow's milk with the help of sourdough, have long become an indispensable part of human nutrition. One of the most popular products made this way is yogurt. Which yogurt is the healthiest? How realistic is it to lose weight with sugar-free yogurt?

Yogurt as a product - what is it?

Yogurt is a fermented milk product made from cow's milk through the work of special living organisms - lactobacili bulgaricus or lactobacili thermophilus. During fermentation, these microorganisms process milk and produce special microelements that are extremely beneficial for the human body. The body's sensitivity to yoghurt is 70% higher than milk.

Useful qualities of yoghurts

In addition to the presence of beneficial biobacteria, yogurt contains vitamins, as well as other microelements necessary for the human body. Thanks to this, yogurt has many other beneficial functions for the body:

  • improving human immunity;
  • reducing the risk of colon cancer;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • improvement blood pressure;
  • supporting the function of the hematopoietic system;
  • beneficial effects on the genitourinary system.

Special benefits of yogurt for diabetics

For people with diabetes, the choice of food is special, since for them the influence of food on the flow of glucose into the blood after the product has been eaten is extremely important.

For diabetics, products with glycemic index(hereinafter GI) no more than 50 units. Products with a GI of 50 IU to 70 IU are acceptable for rare consumption. Like many other fermented milk products, sugar-free yogurt is a low-GI product and is recommended for the patient’s diet. Of course, doctors' recommendations point to sugar-free yogurt.

Doctors' opinions on the properties of yogurt

Dietitians advise patients who want to lose weight not to consume sweet fruit yoghurts. These products, even with a low fat content, contain a lot of sugar, which immediately enters the bloodstream. The healthiest option is natural yogurt without sugar or additives.

For the future, it should be noted that there is one more type of similar dairy products. You can also find it on store shelves drinking yogurt no sugar.

To improve the taste, you can add various fruits that are approved for those losing weight, as well as diabetics, to yogurt before use. This includes:

  1. Plums.
  2. Peaches.
  3. Apricots.
  4. Apples.
  5. All types of citrus fruits.

Berries, such as raspberries or strawberries, are also a good topping for yogurt.

Important! Complete protein from yogurt is absorbed much better than from the usual milk.

Fruit yogurt or yogurt with fruit?

Not everyone knows that store-bought fruit yoghurts sometimes do not contain fruit. In the best case, the manufacturer uses FYANs - special “jams” made from fruits and stuffed with a large number chemicals to improve taste and aroma.

The presence of fruit in this case is necessary only to create the illusion of naturalness due to the pieces. In the worst case scenario, simply the necessary set of dyes and flavors are added to yogurt. The manufacturer replaces the lack of taste with a large amount of sugar in the composition. Therefore, such yoghurts generally cannot be considered useful and healthy food.

It would be much more correct to use sugar-free yogurt and add fruit to it yourself as a filler. If you choose fruits recommended by nutritionists, eating such a dish will improve your body health and help you lose excess weight.

How to choose the right yogurt

One of the criteria for choosing sugar-free yogurt is its safety. Yogurt is a “living” organism, in the preparation of which special lactic acid bacteria are the main ones.

However, if sanitary production conditions are not observed, yogurt may contain dangerous pathogenic microorganisms and harmful bacteria. For example, a yeasty taste in a product indicates non-compliance with sanitary requirements by the manufacturer. Such yogurt does not benefit, but harms the consumer, including serious intestinal infections and poisoning.

What sugar-free yoghurts should be added to your daily diet so as not to harm your health?

The magazine "Roskontrol" conducted a study in which five strawberry drinking yoghurts took part. brands:

  • "Bio Balance";
  • "B. Yu. Alexandrov";
  • "Vkusnoteevo"
  • "Ostankinskoye";
  • "Frugurt."

All of the listed yoghurts were considered safe from the point of view of the presence of pathogenic microflora and excess yeast fungi, except for the yoghurt produced by B. Yu. Aleksandrov”, in which the indicators for the presence of yeast fungi were significantly exceeded.

Calorie content of yogurt

To lose weight with yogurt without sugar or additives, you should focus on the low-calorie product, namely the energy content of yogurt.

Calorie content is influenced by many factors that are known only to manufacturers. Obviously, natural yoghurts without fillers are the most dietary, since the energy value of sweet yoghurts is twice as high as the calorie content of natural yoghurts.

  • "Activia natural" - 75 kilocalories;
  • Yogurt "Greek" - 66 kilocalories;
  • “White yogurt “Prostokvashino”” - 66 kilocalories;
  • "Danone thermostatic" - 49 kilocalories;
  • Yogurt "Miracle" - 99 kilocalories;
  • "Activia" - 90 kilocalories;
  • "Neo Imunele Natural" - 63 kilocalories.

Benefits of homemade yogurt

To get at your disposal a truly useful and fresh product, it’s worth learning how to make yogurt yourself. This is the most valuable and high-quality option for fermented milk product. The temperature for preparing yogurt should not exceed 37 degrees and be maintained for a long time.

To prepare you will need one of these devices:

  • multicooker with “Yogurt” mode;
  • thermos;
  • special household yogurt maker.

Ingredients for making homemade yogurt:

  • milk with a fat content of up to 2.5%;
  • sourdough (can be purchased at the pharmacy or use any natural yogurt).


  1. Boil the milk and cool to a temperature of 37 degrees.
  2. Prepare sourdough starter (if using pharmaceutical grade). To do this, dissolve the contents of the package in 1 glass of milk.
  3. If industrial yogurt is used as a starter, stir it thoroughly in cooled milk.
  4. Pour the mixture into a thermos/slow cooker/yogurt maker. Set the mode in the device according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  5. At the end of the cooking time, place the yogurt in the refrigerator for 4 hours for final ripening.

Important! If you want to make sugar-free yogurt with fruit, then the necessary additive should be mixed with yogurt only before eating. If you add fruit to the mixture in a yogurt maker, the milk may curdle during cooking and instead of yogurt you will end up with regular yogurt.

How to eat unsweetened yogurt deliciously?

Yogurts can be used both as a snack in the form of a main dish, and as an addition to a familiar product. This substitution makes any dish healthier and introduces you to new tastes. Here are several options for dishes using natural unsweetened yogurt:

  • Greek (vegetable) salad;
  • oatmeal with yogurt;
  • fruit salad;
  • Greek sauce with cucumbers (for meat dishes);
  • homemade sorbet ice cream;
  • cake cream;
  • smoothie with fruits.

Yogurt without sugar. Reviews

At first, it can be difficult to navigate the store variety of products. You should carefully study the ingredients on the yogurt. It is worth abandoning products with stabilizers, flavors and emulsifiers.

You should not ignore the expiration date - after all, the fresher the yogurt, the more beneficial microorganisms it contains. Reviews from real consumers will be a big help when choosing the best product.

"Activia". This yogurt is widely used for salad dressing. In fact, many yoghurts that do not contain sugar or additives are used for similar purposes, so Activia does not have any special advantages over its competitors.

Yogurt "Greek". Used as a dietary replacement for sour cream. Yogurt combines fermented milk sourness, delicate taste and low calorie content.

"Bio-kefir yogurt BioBalance". Acts as a snack during a hard day at work. Convenient bottle packaging and light consistency allow you to cope with the feeling of hunger at an inconvenient moment for lunch.

"White yogurt "Prostokvashino" This is the ideal starter for making delicious homemade yogurt. The products of this particular brand are used by many housewives in cooking. delicious yogurt for the whole family.

"Danone thermostatic." For many, Danone Thermostatic has become a discovery among fermented milk products. This yogurt is radically different from its competitors in that it has a tasty, not too pronounced sourness and a delicate creamy flavor.

Yogurt "Greek". Used in salads instead of harmful and fatty mayonnaise. And get used to the taste of it useful product not difficult at all. Yogurt isn't sold in all stores, but it's worth looking for because it's hard to find a tastier alternative to mayonnaise.

Yogurt "Miracle Classic". In the absence of an alternative, this yogurt is often purchased in the store. The taste is reminiscent of ordinary natural yogurt, except that the sourness is almost not felt. The consistency is surprising - the yogurt is quite thick and dense. Usually natural yoghurts are runny and run off the spoon. But after reading the ingredients, you can be convinced that the manufacturer was lying - starch, stabilizers and even gelatin were added to the yogurt.

Yogurt, yoghurt, organic yoghurt, drinking yoghurt... It’s just eye-opening, isn’t it?! Essentially, this is the same product - yogurt, to which manufacturers give a variety of names in order to attract as many buyers as possible to the product.

Natural yogurt: what is it?

Natural yogurt is made from the following components:

  • whole milk,
  • starters made from probiotics: Bulgarian bacillus (in Latin Lactobacillusbulgaricus) + thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus (Streptococcusthermophilus).

The benefits of these microorganisms for human health are simply invaluable. They perform a number of important tasks:

  • removes waste and toxins from the body,
  • normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria,
  • increase the body's protective functions,
  • prevent the development of gastrointestinal diseases and oncology,
  • promote the absorption of a number of vitamins and essential amino acids.

Yogurt: read the label!

Choosing , read its composition carefully. It will help determine how many beneficial and harmful substances a given yogurt contains.

  1. Minimum artificial ingredients

Alas, during the production of some yogurts, a number of unnatural components (so-called “E”) are added to them: stabilizers, preservatives, dyes, flavors, etc. The fewer of these compounds in the yogurt, the healthier it is.

Alas, it is very rare to find yogurt in the store that was made without the use of stabilizers. Give preference to products that contain natural stabilizers (gelatin, guar gum). Unlike artificial stabilizers, natural ones are obtained from plant materials - they will not cause much harm to your body.

  1. CFU - indicator of “live” yogurt

Based on the presence of beneficial microorganisms, yoghurts can be divided into “living” and “non-living”. The former contain probiotics (beneficial microorganisms), while the latter do not.

Read carefully what is written on the product packaging: the label of “live” yogurt containing beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli always indicates their number (CFU) in 1 g of product at the end of the shelf life.

  1. Short shelf life

The rule here is quite simple: the shorter the shelf life of the yogurt, the more natural it is. So-called “live” yogurt can be stored at a temperature of 2-6 degrees Celsius for a maximum of 2-3 weeks. If the packaging indicates a long shelf life (over 3-4 weeks), then it is unlikely that this yogurt contains beneficial probiotics. After all, the shelf life of yogurt can only be increased by heat treatment, as a result of which all beneficial microorganisms die.

  1. Let's say no to thermized and sterilized yogurts

If the name or description of the yogurt says that it is thermized or sterilized, then we can say with confidence that this product during its production it was subjected to heat treatment (this is the so-called “non-living” yogurt). In the process of such processing, not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms, so necessary for our body, were killed. As a result, the shelf life of such yogurt can reach 30 days or more.

However, even though all useful biological cultures are killed during heat treatment, “non-living” yogurt can bring certain benefits to your body, because it is rich in proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins and minerals.

  1. Let's say yes to prebiotics

Some yogurts contain prebiotics (fiber and inulin), compounds that feed beneficial bacteria. Therefore, yoghurts with prebiotics have certain advantages over regular yoghurts.

  1. Only natural fillers

There are two main types of fruit yoghurts:

  • with pieces of fruit (apple, strawberry, peach, etc.) processed at high temperature;
  • with jam, which often contains flavorings, thickeners and sugar.

In the case of the first yogurt, you will read the phrase “cherry pieces” (“cherry”) in the product composition; in the second case, “cherry filler:...”.

Not all of us love and consume fermented milk products and natural yogurt either. Scientists have long proven that their presence in the diet helps normalize intestinal microflora, strengthen the immune system, absorb vitamins and remove waste and toxins from the body. Daily consumption of fermented milk drinks improves digestion, helping to get rid of extra pounds. Yogurt prepared at home does not contain preservatives, stabilizers and other harmful additives, as a result of which the usefulness of the drink is greatly increased compared to store-bought ones.

What is natural yogurt

This is a product made from whole milk, probiotics and fermenting bacteria. Thermophilic streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus, equally contained in bio-yogurt, help digest food (especially protein), heal the intestines by cleansing the body of deposits that poison the body, strengthen the immune system, and promote the formation of vitamins B and K. Bio-yogurt is produced under sterile conditions. Any heat treatment will kill living bacteria, rendering the drink useless. 1 ml of healthy natural yogurt should contain 107 CFU.

CFU (colony forming units) is a measure of the number of bacteria in one unit of food. Yoghurts, according to Russian standards, may contain powdered milk, sugar, flavorings, food additives. The shelf life of a regular natural drink is 10 days, while that containing additives is up to 1 month. This product has a sour taste, rich white color, contains animal protein, vitamins A, B, PP, choline, easily digestible fats, calcium, zinc and potassium. Today, natural bio-yogurt is used for marinades and dressings. different salads, as a basis for preparing desserts, etc.

Useful properties

Natural yogurt is much healthier than milk, because when fermented, as a result of the influence of living bacteria, lactase is formed in it - a special enzyme that helps the body better digest dairy products, eliminating the symptoms of lactose intolerance. In addition to this, to beneficial properties natural bio-yogurt include:

  1. Prevention of cancer. Lactobacilli that inhabit natural bio-yogurt enrich the intestines with beneficial microflora, which prevent harmful substances and nitrites from becoming carcinogenic metabolites. As a result, the risk of the formation of malignant tumors and colon cancer is reduced.
  2. Calcium saturation. Regular consumption of the drink enriches the body with this microelement, which strengthens bones, joints, teeth, and reduces the risk of cancer.
  3. Strengthening the immune system. Daily consumption of natural bio-yogurt stimulates the production of interferon, which fights various viruses.
  4. Suppression and prevention of fungal infections.
  5. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Bacterial live cultures reduce the risk of dysbiosis while taking antibiotics.
  6. Compensating for protein deficiency.
  7. Removing toxins and waste.
  8. Preventing vaginal infections.
  9. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  10. Improved brain function.
  11. Helps in calcium absorption.
  12. Contains many useful elements: thiamine, riboflavin, retinol, nicotinic acid, cyanocobalamin, iodine, selenium.

Calorie content

The energy value of foods or, more simply put, their calorie content is the amount of energy released after the breakdown of food. This indicator is indicated on the packaging of all food products. The calorie content of a natural fermented milk drink depends on the fat content of the milk used for its production and the fillers included in its composition. Most nutritionists classify the product as a dietary product, recommending its use to those people who want to get rid of a few extra pounds.

The average calorie content of yogurt is 100-250 kcal per 100 g. A drink made from milk with a fat content of 3.2% without additives has 68 kilocalories (2% - 60 kcal). Fillers increase this figure at least twice. Even the maximum fat content of a product (100 kcal per 100 g) is not a basis for attaching the “high-calorie” label. Phosphorus, calcium, ascorbic acid, potassium, B vitamins strengthen health, improve well-being and condition of the whole body.

Which yogurt is the healthiest?

Modern stores provide a large selection of fermented milk products and natural yoghurts too. With such diversity, it is difficult to understand which natural bio-yogurt is the healthiest. Stabilizers, additives, concentrates, sweeteners are harmful to the body, so a natural fermented milk drink consisting only of milk, starter culture, will be the most beneficial for health. By introducing the product into your daily menu, you will receive only the necessary substances. If you cannot drink “pure” yogurt, give preference to products with added fruit.

Flavorings identical to natural ones will not do much harm, but they are unlikely to bring any benefit either. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date; expired goods not only cease to be considered useful, but can be harmful to health. Natural fermented milk products are stored no longer than 5-7 days; longer periods indicate the presence of additives and concentrates. Classic and drinking bio-yogurt differ only in consistency. The most useful products are those containing live bacteria, as the words Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus tell.

How to choose a brand

When you look at dairy store shelves, it is very difficult to choose the right yogurt. Bright, beautiful labels depicting fruits and cereals, slogans proclaiming benefits, can hide the presence of dyes and harmful additives. When purchasing natural fermented milk products, focus on the following criteria:

  1. The main component should be milk - whole or skim (suitable for those watching their figure).
  2. There should not be any substances with the prefix “E”; such additives can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). Thickeners that can be used include gelatin and agar-agar.
  3. When choosing sweetened natural bio-yogurt, make sure that there is no more than 5-6 g of sugar per 100 g. Avoid products containing fructose, lactose, syrup, glucose and other artificial sweeteners.
  4. Pay attention to the presence of bifidobacteria; the norm is at least 107 CFU per 1 g of bio-yogurt.
  5. The shelf life of the live drink is 2-3 weeks at a temperature of 4-60. Longer periods indicate heat treatment.
  6. The presence of prebiotics (fiber, inulin) is a plus.
  7. Fruit fillings may be present in the form of pieces of pulp or jam.
  8. The packaging must be intact, without dents, cracks, punctures, or damage to the seams, where pathogenic bacteria can enter.

Harm and contraindications

A number of positive qualities of natural bio-yogurt do not make fermented milk completely safe for humans. People with acute gastritis and individual intolerance to the components of the product should stop using it. The “harmfulness” of yogurt lies in the presence of harmful food additives, dyes, artificial sweeteners, and flavors.

Dentists recommend rinsing your mouth after each consumption of fermented milk food to avoid damaging the integrity of the enamel. You should not overuse bio-yogurts that contain large amounts of sugar, which can lead to diabetes. Avoid regular consumption of natural fermented milk products if you have an intolerance to one of the components, otherwise flatulence and colon spasms will occur.

How to make at home

Prepare homemade yogurt not difficult, you need to follow the technology and some recommendations from experts:

  1. It's important to choose fresh ingredients(milk, starter), ensure the sterility of the dishes and maintain the required temperature to ensure the fermentation process.
  2. Do not use plastic or aluminum containers for making yogurt. Spoons, pots, containers and even a thermometer should be clean.
  3. Any additives should be added to ready-made natural bio-yogurt, and not during the fermentation process. Bifidobacteria need a milk environment, and fruits and sugar will create conditions for the development of bacteria and yeast, which will spoil the fermented milk at the preparation stage.
  4. Do not add starch or dry milk powder to thicken; milk should handle this. For extra thickness, you can add cream.
  5. After cooking, the product must be cooled in the refrigerator so that bacteria stop multiplying and the acidity of the bio-yogurt does not increase.
  6. It is necessary to observe the heating mode; the optimal temperature is 45 degrees. If a natural product does not ferment, the cause may be poor-quality starter or hot milk.
  7. Milk that is too cold can result in a very runny or stringy mixture.

Natural yogurt recipes

It is quite possible to make yogurt at home using boiled or pasteurized milk. It is better to avoid steamed yogurt, since there may be foreign bacteria and other unnecessary impurities that can spoil the future yogurt and help it turn sour. As a fermenting culture, use store-bought “live” yogurt (or with prebiotics) or dry starter culture sold at the pharmacy. Further, this role can be played by the natural product you receive, which will need to be updated each time.

From milk

  • Time: 9 o'clock.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Homemade yogurt from milk is easy to prepare and the taste is delicate. It is not necessary to use kitchen appliances such as a multicooker or yogurt maker in the process; a regular saucepan will do. The main thing is that the container is not aluminum, otherwise the fermented milk product will oxidize, and its taste and properties will deteriorate. Be sure to maintain sterile conditions to avoid pathogenic bacteria getting into the natural yogurt mass. Choose the fat content of milk based on the calorie content you want to receive in the final product. Baked milk will give a delicate caramel taste.


  • milk – 2l;
  • sourdough (dry) – 1 pack.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the milk, let it cool to a temperature of 45 degrees. Determine this with a thermometer; a hot ingredient will kill all beneficial microflora.
  2. Add the starter, stir thoroughly, and wrap. Maintaining a constant temperature is important for good fermentation of homemade bio-yogurt. Place the container with the fermenting mass in a warm place (slightly heated and turned off oven, near the radiator or switched on stove) for 8 hours.

In the yogurt maker

  • Time: 9 o'clock.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 60 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

For those who own kitchen appliances in the form of a yogurt maker or a multicooker with a special program, making homemade yogurt without additives will not be difficult. The device will set and maintain the required temperature throughout the entire fermentation time. You are freed from the need to monitor this indicator while running around the house in search of a warm place. Your main task is to choose the right one necessary ingredients, pour the mixture into special jars and set the desired mode. After a certain time, all you have to do is get the finished yogurt mass.


  • pasteurized milk – 1 l;
  • dry starter – 1 bottle.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil milk to a temperature of 40-45 degrees.
  2. Pour a little into the bottle with the starter, close the lid, shake until the powder dissolves.
  3. Pour the mixture into milk, stir thoroughly.
  4. Pour the milk into yogurt maker jars and place them in the appliance.
  5. Add water (temperature 30-40 degrees) to the level of the milk in the jars, cover with a lid.
  6. Turn on the yogurt maker for 8 hours.
  7. Place the finished sour milk in the refrigerator.

In a thermos

  • Time: 9.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 60 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you decide to eat healthy and include natural foods in your daily diet, then this recipe homemade yogurt for you. The lack of a yogurt maker, multicooker and other equipment is not a problem; use a regular thermos. Choose these thermally insulating containers with a wide neck, this will make it easier to mix the ingredients, pour out the finished bio-yogurt and wash the container. Take milk with a fat content of at least 3% to make the fermented milk tastier and thicker. The best sourdough starter is dry, sold in a pharmacy, but you can also use store-bought yogurt.


  • milk – 1 l;
  • starter – 1 bottle.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the milk, cool to 45 degrees.
  2. Pour a little milk into the bottle with the starter, shake until the powder dissolves, pour into the milk.
  3. If you use ready-made bio-yogurt, then a 150 g jar is enough. You also need to pour it into a separate bowl, dilute it with milk and stir, and then combine it all together.
  4. Pour the mixture into a 1 liter thermos, screw on the lid, and leave to ferment for 9 hours.

In a saucepan

  • Time: 8.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 59 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you don’t find dry starter in pharmacies, don’t despair, just buy ready-made yogurt with live bacteria in the store. Pay attention to the expiration date of the product; it would be ideal if the production date coincides with the day of purchase. To get delicious natural fermented milk, take farm milk, but be sure to pasteurize it before cooking.


  • milk – 2 l;
  • “live” yogurt – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over all dishes to disinfect.
  2. Boil the milk, cool to 45 degrees.
  3. Place store-bought yogurt in a separate bowl and mix with a small amount of milk.
  4. Pour the mixture into the rest of the milk in the enamel bowl.
  5. Cover with a lid and wrap with a terry towel. Leave in a warm place for 8 hours.
  6. Place the finished product in jars and store in the refrigerator.

How yogurt is served

Fermented milk food homemade several times healthier than store-bought products. This way, you know exactly what ingredients are used and that they do not contain harmful food additives. Having received a healthy natural product, it must be presented correctly. Some people like to drink yogurts in their pure form or wash down buns with them, transforming the snack from a dry one into a healthy one. If you don’t like the sour taste of the drink, add berries to it: strawberries, raspberries, currants, blackberries, sweet gooseberries, etc. An excellent option for delicious healthy snack– yoghurt mousse with raspberries and strawberries.

Dilute the sourness of the natural product by adding pieces or puree of fruits: banana, kiwi, peach, pear, apple, sweet plum, orange, etc. If desired, you can sprinkle the dessert with nuts and season with cinnamon. In addition, yogurt treats are delicious with the addition of jam, your favorite jam, dried fruits, cocoa, vanilla, coconut, chocolate chips, citrus zest and even freshly squeezed fruit juices. All of the above treats are best served in portions in bowls or tall glass glasses.

Yogurt-based marinades and sauces (for meat, fish dishes, sandwiches, etc.). Use them instead harmful mayonnaise and vegetable oil for dressing salads. In addition, there are many baking recipes in which one of the main ingredients is homemade yogurt. Try also diluting your morning portion with a healthy, tasty yoghurt-fruit mixture oatmeal or muesli, such a breakfast will give you not only a boost of energy, strength and vitamins, but also a good mood for the whole day.
