Lavash pie with cheese in the oven. Lavash envelopes with cheese Lavash dishes with Adyghe cheese

Lavash envelopes with cheese and herbs are a convenient and healthy snack. How delicious it is: unleavened thin flatbread, delicate Adyghe cheese and aromatic fresh herbs! Ideal for a picnic.

Ingredients (for 24 pcs):

  • 6 sheets of thin Armenian lavash;
  • 350 g of Adyghe cheese (for example, Giaginsky);
  • 1 large bunch of assorted fresh herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro, basil - to your taste);
  • 100 g of natural unsweetened yoghurt (or mayonnaise);
  • salt.


Lavash dishes are traditional in Caucasian cuisine. Thin Armenian lavash has been used for several thousand years, as bread or a base for various snacks. The composition is very dietary: flour, water and a little salt, and some prefer without it at all. In combination with Adyghe cheese and fresh herbs, we get not just a tasty, but also a super healthy product. The daily requirement of amino acids, half the norm of sodium, calcium and B vitamins is contained in only 80 g of Adyghe brine cheese. This is a natural antidepressant; the presence of a large amount of tryptophan normalizes mood, improves sleep and reduces anxiety.

Preparing the envelopes couldn't be easier. Grate the cheese onto a fine grater.

Add chopped greens.

Season with natural yogurt or mayonnaise, salt to taste.

Divide the lavash sheet into 4 parts and place the filling on the edge of each.

Roll the pita bread into a tube.

We form an envelope by turning the edges inside.

This appetizer can be an excellent snack option and even a dish for a holiday table. It is unusual and very easy to prepare, and the base includes Adyghe cheese, herbs and vegetables. Try it!

If desired, you can add any sauce to your taste to this lavash with Adyghe cheese and herbs, but just do not overdo it (so that the lavash does not lose its shape). The peculiarity of this snack is that, if possible, pita bread should be baked on the grill. If this is not possible, then this can be done in a frying pan (a grill pan is also suitable) or left in the refrigerator so that the pita bread soaks. In all cases, such a snack will be very tasty. Watch how to make lavash with Adyghe cheese and herbs.

Number of servings: 4-5

A very simple recipe for lavash with Adyghe cheese and Russian herbs, step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 40 minutes. Contains only 46 kilocalories. Author's recipe for Russian cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 13 minutes
  • Cooking time: 40 min
  • Calorie Amount: 46 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 10 servings
  • Occasion: For breakfast
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Russian cuisine
  • Type of dish: Snacks, Dough dishes

Ingredients for five servings

  • Lavash - 1 piece
  • Adyghe cheese - 250 grams
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces
  • Greens - To taste

Step-by-step preparation

  1. I borrowed this recipe from a friend of mine who prepared this lavash with Adyghe cheese and herbs for her anniversary. This appetizer was immediately appreciated by the guests. It is prepared as simply as possible.
  2. We prepare the filling in advance: chop the greens and cut the tomatoes into small pieces, and also grate the cheese on a medium grater.
  3. Mix cheese with herbs until smooth.
  4. We straighten the pita bread, put our filling in the middle: immediately coat it with cheese and herbs, and put chopped tomatoes on top.
  5. We wrap the pita bread with the filling in an “envelope”.
  6. The peculiarity of this recipe is that the pita bread with Adyghe cheese and herbs is fried on the grill (you can use a frying pan and a regular stove, but the effect will be slightly different). A crust forms on the pita bread, and it also acquires a special aroma. There is another way to prepare such a snack - let the pita bread soak for an hour in the refrigerator, but the first method is better.
  7. It is better to serve lavash with Adyghe cheese and herbs hot if you brought it to readiness on the grill. You can also cut it into small pieces.

Today we will prepare a Georgian dish, but with one Armenian ingredient. Not everyone knows what achma is, and even more so achma from lavash. Achma is a cheese pie made from thin dough; the dish belongs to Georgian cuisine.

The real national achma is made with the finest boiled unleavened dough as layers. But we won’t split hairs, we’ll save time and effort - we’ll just buy ready-made sheets in the store and whip up a pie like this - achma from pita bread with cheese. Any favorite cheeses you like are suitable for the filling, but it is better to give preference to Georgian soft ones. For impregnation, you can use sour cream, and for those watching their figure - kefir. So, let's have an evening of Georgian cuisine at home?

Achma from lavash with Adyghe cheese, recipe:

  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Kefir - 400 ml.
  • Soft cheese (Adyghe, Suluguni, unsalted cheese) - 300 g.
  • Thin pita bread - 2 sheets
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Herbs and spices as desired and to taste

How to prepare achma from Armenian lavash

Break two eggs into a bowl and stir until smooth.

Pour in kefir (we need 400 ml). Kefir and eggs are an approximate composition of the filling, in which kefir can be replaced with another dairy product, for example, sour cream, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt.

Grate soft cheese (I have Adyghe) on a grater with medium-sized cells. For achma, it is recommended to use soft varieties of cheese; it is better to take unsalted ones. If you decide to use cheese, soak it in milk for 30 minutes, it will give up excess salt to the milk and become suitable for preparing achma.

You can adjust the amount of filling to your taste. I usually use 300-450 grams of grated cheese. I like to combine soft cheeses (Suluguni, Adyghe, feta cheese) with a small amount of hard cheese (Russian, Poshekhonsky, etc.) This makes it especially tasty!

To diversify the taste, I also added 150 grams of hard cheese. That is, today I have 200 grams of Adyghe cheese and about 150 grams of hard Russian cheese.
If it happens that there is not enough cheese filling, you can get out of the situation simply: add pieces of finely chopped tomatoes or potatoes grated on a medium grater to the cheese. There are a lot of achma recipes!

Spread thin pita bread onto the pan. We distribute a sheet of pita bread over the bottom so that the edges fall off the mold (at the end of cooking we will cover the top of the pie with them).

Using a pastry brush, brush the bottom of the cake with the egg-kefir mixture.

Spread the cheese filling.

Authentic Georgian achma rarely uses cheese alone. Garlic, herbs, cottage cheese are often added to his company, and there are even recipes with meat and potatoes.

The second sheet of pita bread needs to be cut into 4 equal parts, each part must match the size of the mold. Place egg-kefir filling on top of the lavash, then lay out a mixture of cheeses, then again thin lavash - and so on until the lavash and cheese are gone. Cooking achma reminded me of lasagna =) Only instead of boiled layers of dough we use sheets of thin pita bread.

By the way, the achma can be covered not with a whole sheet, but with pieces of pita bread (which must be torn in advance) measuring 10-15 cm. Do it as is most convenient for you!

I got 4 layers of pita bread and cheese. The number of layers directly depends on the size of your form. The smaller the shape, the more layers you will get! When the lazy lavash achma is assembled, cover the pie with the edges of the lavash so that the top is completely covered.

Helpful advice: it happens that the pita bread is dried out and crumbles when you try to cut it. There's nothing wrong with it: sprinkle the pita bread with water and cover with a towel. After 10-15 minutes it will return to its normal state and can be used.

In this way, as in the photo, we wrap the filling with pita bread:

Pour the lavash cheese pie on top with the remainder of the egg-kefir filling and distribute 50 grams of butter over the surface of the lavash in pieces. While the oven is heating up (up to 180C), leave the mixture to soak for 10-15 minutes.

Place the cheese pie in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 C. The cooking time of the pie depends on the thickness of the pie (the more layers, the longer it will bake), as well as on the individual characteristics of the oven.

You will see the readiness of the achma by the ruddy, appetizing crust.

Achma is served hot - that’s how it tastes best! Although in practice we have verified that this pie is no less good when cold and can be an excellent hearty food for a picnic.

This is the kind of achma we made from lavash today. Achma can drive anyone crazy with its aroma =) Bon appetit!

By the way, achma can be baked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker. In this case, it is more convenient to use thin Armenian lavash, which is sold in the form of flatbreads (rather than sheets), or you will need to cut round flatbreads yourself from sheet lavash to fit the multicooker bowl. And don’t make the cheese pie too high - in this case it will bake perfectly and be just as tasty as in the oven!

If you have any questions about the recipe, please don’t hesitate to ask! I'm glad to receive any feedback on the recipe. If you have a tasty and beautiful achma, please take a photo of at least one piece =) and share it by attaching the photo to the comment. I'll be happy to see how it turns out and read your feedback! Thank you!