Apple and pear jam. Apple and pear jam How to make apple pear jam

Step 1: Prepare the fruit.

It’s great that fruits that are not commercially available are suitable for making jam. appearance. That is, dented, beaten, with cracks and other defects. First, rinse the apples and pears (it is better to use a brush) and cut off all dark spots and bruised areas with a knife. Then remove all the branches and cut the fruit into large pieces. There is no need to peel the peels and seeds yet; we will get rid of them later and more easily.

Step 2: Cook the fruit.

Place the fruit pieces in a saucepan, add water and place over medium heat. Bring to a boil, and then cook the apples and pears until they become much softer. Usually this is enough 15-20 minutes.

Step 3: Prepare apple and pear jam.

Catch pieces of apples and pears from the water; we will no longer need the liquid itself. One by one, place the boiled fruits in small portions on a sieve and press them through it. First, a wooden spoon will help you, then you can do it directly with your hands. As a result, only seeds and skins should remain on the strainer.
Ultimately, from two kilograms of fruit you will get a little more than a kilogram of pure apple and pear jam.

Place the pan with fruit puree on low heat and add granulated sugar and mix everything well. Add sugar to taste, but not less than 500 grams for the specified number of apples and pears. The more sugar, the darker and thicker the finished jam will be.
Cook the apple and pear jam until it becomes thick enough, usually about 1 hour. Don't forget to stir all the time fruit puree with sugar so that it doesn't burn.
Attention: pure pear jam is cooked for only 20 minutes, and it will take about 1.5 hours. And don’t forget that the amount of added sugar also affects the cooking process.
The finished apple and pear puree should be placed in small sterilized glass jars, tightly closed and cooled until room temperature. Or you can serve it immediately, only allowing it to cool a little.

Step 4: Serve apple and pear jam.

Apple and pear jam, cooked according to grandma's recipe, - a 100% natural delicacy, without dyes and preservatives, and without everything else that caring manufacturers add to it, just to extend the shelf life of the product. Everyone eats fruit jam with pleasure, especially if you spread it on crispy toast and offer it hot tea or cocoa.
Bon appetit!

It is best to use a roasting pan with thick walls to prepare jam so that the fruit puree heats evenly and burns less.

To keep the jam longer, prepare it thoroughly. glass jars, into which you will pour it. They must not only be washed, but also sterilized over steam or in the oven.

A large number of various preparations for the winter are made from apples. Among other things, jam is widely popular and is served with tea as an independent dessert. But more often they are used for filling pies and pies. Cooking technology has long moved away from classic recipe– in the annals of cooking you can find many interesting variations on this theme.

To cook delicious jam for the winter, use both parts of apples and puree from them in recipes. You will need ripe fruits with a slight sourness. They must be washed, for some recipes they are peeled and damage removed.

After cutting into halves or quarters, the testes are removed. Then blanch over steam (under the lid) until completely softened.

To make the jam more uniform, apples are better puree by passing through a meat grinder or blender.

To prevent the pulp from darkening during the preparation process, the already processed fruit slices are stored in salted water and then washed.

The best jam recipes at home

Some people cook exclusively apple jam, others like to combine fruits or add other ingredients. It is recommended to try all the recipes below to significantly diversify your winter feast.

In the classic version, the jam should be thick. Therefore, the raw materials will have to be boiled in several stages. Granulated sugar will help thicken it, use 2-3 kg per 5 kg of apples. The peculiarity of preparing jam is the complete absence of water. The algorithm that housewives use is quite simple:

  • steamed apples are rubbed through a sieve and placed in a basin;
  • boil to half the volume;
  • Add all the sugar and continue cooking, stirring constantly.

The readiness of the jam is determined by the “drop” method. Apply a small amount onto a dry, cold plate and allow to cool. If the drop does not spread when tilted, it means the jam has thickened. You can remove it from the heat, pack it into jars and roll it up immediately.

Thick, delicious apple jam “Yantarnoe”: video

The recipe is named so because the jam will not last long on the stove, but the preparatory aspects will take time. Apples are prepared as described above. Both small slices and puree (as you like) are suitable for jam. Taking 1 kg of sugar per 2 kg of fruit, proceed as follows:

  • the ingredients are combined in a basin and placed in a cool place overnight so that the apples release their juice;
  • After mixing well, put on the fire and bring to a boil;
  • adding 1 tsp. cinnamon, boil for 5 minutes and package in jars.

You can replace the cinnamon with vanilla sugar and add lemon zest if desired. Despite quick cooking sweet dish, you can do without subsequent sterilization.

When one dessert is complemented with another, the result is a real “feast of flavors.” Anyone who hasn’t tried making jam with condensed milk yet can try this recipe:

  • Having cut the apples (5 kg) into small pieces, place them in a saucepan with a thick bottom;
  • add 1 glass of water (you can’t do without liquid in this recipe);
  • cover with a lid and simmer for half an hour, stirring every 5 minutes;
  • After removing from the heat, the apples are pureed in any usual way;
  • add ½ cup of sugar and add 400 g of condensed milk;
  • After mixing well, cook for 5 minutes and immediately pack.

The jam looks like condensed milk, but has an unusual taste that will appeal to all family members.

Jams cooked separately from each type of fruit are pleasant to the taste. If you combine plums and apples in one bowl, you get unusual combination taste and aroma. True, in the preparatory phase one more stage will be added:

  • ripe plums (5 kg) without wormholes are cut into halves and the pits are thrown away;
  • placing in a basin, add a glass of water and boil to ½ volume;
  • sugar (5 kg) is introduced into the plums in small portions and continues to boil with constant stirring;
  • Apples were reduced in volume separately (5 kg) and mixed with sweetened plums.

When a drop of jam stops spreading over the saucer, you can pack it into jars.

Delicious and thick homemade jam from apples and plums for the winter: video

This recipe is similar to the previous one. Fruits (1 kg each) are prepared separately. In this case, apples are treated as in the above options, and the following technology is used for pears:

  • the fruits are freed from the seed nests and cut into slices (the skin can be left);
  • placed in a blanching net (colander) and placed in a water bath;
  • stand until the pears are completely softened;
  • then rub through a sieve, adding 0.5 liters of water, over which the fruit was blanched;
  • put in a bowl and mix with applesauce;
  • boil to half the volume;
  • adding 0.8 kg of sugar, keep on the stove until the desired thickness.

The jam is packaged hot, as always. Cool upside down and only then take it out into a cool room.

Apple and pear jam for the winter: video

Some people prefer to chop fruits for winter preparations in a blender or food processor, but most still do it the old fashioned way - grind the apples (and other ingredients) in a meat grinder. Moreover, this tool can be used at different stages of the technical process.

Option 1

  • Pass 2 kg of apples without seeds and skin through a meat grinder;
  • mix with sugar (1.5 kg) and let brew for 2 hours;
  • bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat;
  • after 12 hours, add lemon, twisted in a meat grinder, to the mixture;
  • boil again and leave for 12 hours;
  • in the third pass, boil for 5-7 minutes and pack into jars.

Option 2

  • apples cut into slices (2 kg) are poured with a glass of water;
  • add 0.4-0.5 kg of sugar and mix well;
  • bring to a boil and cook for 7-10 minutes;
  • set aside until the jam cools completely;
  • pass through a meat grinder and add another 1 kg of sugar;
  • cook for 15 minutes;
  • add cinnamon to taste and after 5 minutes remove from heat.

In the second recipe, you can vary the amount of sugar at your discretion. But you need to take into account that the lack of sweet sand will make the jam too sour and it will quickly disappear.

By adding citrus to jam, you get not just a fragrant dessert - it’s a great way to cheer yourself up. The dish acquires a beautiful color, and the beneficial substances contained in the orange make the jam a cure for many diseases. The preparation will take the hostess a short amount of time, but will bring a lot of pleasure:

  • Apples (1 kg) and orange (1 pc.) are cut into small slices, having first removed the seeds;
  • add sugar (0.6 kg) and leave for 4 hours;
  • add crushed almonds or walnuts(150 g);
  • cook over low heat for 1.5-2 hours, stirring constantly.

If the last stage is tiring for the housewife, you can divide the cooking into several batches of 20 minutes every 12 hours. This will take only 2 days, but there will be free time for other activities. And the jam will not burn, which is an important point in preparation.

Jam from apples, oranges and lemons for the winter: video

Combining various fruits in one jar is common, but not everyone has tried apples and vegetables. This recipe suggests combining apples with pumpkin. Just experiment once and the dessert will immediately become a family specialty. And the guests will rack their brains about what the jam is made from. The algorithm here is quite simple:

  • 800 g of peeled pumpkin are placed in a saucepan and simmered until softened;
  • then, while still warm, it is passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve;
  • sour apples without skin and seeds (1.5 kg) are softened by steaming and also pureed;
  • the masses are combined and 0.5 kg of sugar is added;
  • after stirring until smooth, boil by 1/3;
  • add another 0.5 kg of sugar and chopped orange peel (1/4 tsp);
  • simmer on the stove for some more time until the mass decreases to half its original volume.

Having packaged the dessert in jars, they do not roll it up, but first cover the necks with gauze folded in 2 layers. On the second day, wax paper is soaked in vodka and the jars are closed with it, tied with wool or linen twine. This jam is recommended to be used as a filling for pies, and also served with pancakes.

This household appliance eliminates any mistakes in cooking. After all, the program monitors the process. But the main points still fall on the hostess:

  • apples are peeled and seeded;
  • pour a glass of water into the bowl and add apple skins;
  • evaporate for 10 minutes, this is enough for the gelling pectin of the peel to remain in the liquid;
  • the boiled peelings are removed and apple slices are put in their place;
  • add sugar (0.8 kg) and turn on the “stew” mode;
  • after 60 minutes, turn off and stir gently;
  • stand for another hour, but in the “baking” mode with the lid not completely closed.

At the last stage, the jam is mixed a couple of times. If the thickness seems appropriate before the specified time, you can safely turn off the multicooker and pack it in jars.

Not all varieties of apples are suitable for this recipe - you only need to choose very sweet ones. To obtain the required thickness, take 5 parts of cut fruit for each part of water (for example, for 2.5 kg of fruit, 0.5 liters of liquid is enough). The whole process takes a little time:

  • apples are poured with water and cooked for 15-20 minutes;
  • the entire mass is rubbed through a sieve;
  • boil to the desired thickness.

In order for the jam to last longer and not lose its taste, after packaging the jars are sterilized - 0.5 liters for 15 minutes. It is advisable to store the workpiece in a cool, dark place.

The above recipes are variations that make it possible to understand the basic principles of cooking apple jam. You can combine fruits with any ingredients from the garden, in any proportion. Even a pure apple dessert for tea, prepared from assorted varieties with different colors, will turn out to be incredibly tasty and aromatic.

I am not a fan of jam and jam, but as experience shows, I still want it at home. Jam is a wonderful filling for pies and pies, and also childhood memories...

I remember in first grade my friends and I ran to the windows of the dining room, where they were preparing and frying pies with jam. The aunties saw the children and came to the window, and we shoved our kopecks at them and asked them to give us pies with jam, 5 kopecks each. Got fiery fried pies in a paper bag, their scent fragrant all the way to the house. Perhaps they made pies with other fillings, but I don’t remember anything about them, but here is pear jam with unusual sweet grains, similar to caviar river fish, I was simply fascinated. For some reason, my mother didn’t make this kind of jam at home...

Let's fill the childhood gap and prepare apple and pear jam for the winter, with which you can later bake pies or simply spread on sandwiches and buns.

To prepare jam from apples and pears for the winter, we will need the simplest ingredients. If the pears are very sweet, you can add lemon for flavor, but you can do without it. It is better to take apples with sourness.

Peel the apples and pears and cut into pieces along with the lemon.

In two batches, pulse the fruit in the processor until you obtain a coarse mass, not puree.

Transfer the resulting product into a saucepan, add sugar, stir and leave for 10-15 minutes so that the fruit releases juice and soaks in the sugar. Cook the jam over medium heat, after boiling, reduce the heat, skim off the foam and cook for 30 minutes. The mixture should boil down slightly. Don't forget to stir the jam constantly, as it can quickly burn. Keep the lid ready; after boiling, the jam “spits” and “shoots” a lot.

After 30 minutes, the jam takes on this appearance and consistency, becomes golden, small pear grains are visible in it... It is because of them that I really like pear-apple jam. Prepare jars and lids for canning in advance. Rinse the jars with soda and dry them, boil the lids.

Transfer the hot jam into jars, close the lids and turn over. Apple and pear jam is ready for the winter.

This amount makes a liter of jam or 2 half-liter jars. Store the jam in the pantry. When stored, it becomes thicker, almost like marmalade.

Enjoy your tea!

step by step recipe with photo

Pears make wonderful jam - aromatic, with a thin and delicate taste. However, preparing it exclusively from pears is quite difficult - firstly, these fruits lack acid, and citric acid must be added to them, and secondly, it is not easy to boil the pears to the desired consistency of the product. Because of this, it is better to prepare jam not from pears, but from a mixture of pears and apples. Apples will add the necessary acid, which is needed not only for taste, but also for the jam to be well stored and not moldy. Also, thanks to the high content of pectins, apples quickly boil down to a jelly-like state, and jam from the apple-pear “duet” can be prepared much faster than pure pear jam.


  • pears – 1 kg
  • apples – 1 kg
  • sugar – 1.6 kg

How to make jam from apples and pears

1. Choose fruits. You need to take the ripest and sweetest pears, then the jam will turn out soft and sticky, but you can choose apples that are more sour, the main thing is that they are very juicy. I try to take equal amounts of both fruits, but you can place the accents in your own way. Wash the apples thoroughly and cut them into small pieces in large pieces. We'll be using a blender anyway, so there's no need for perfect evenness. But the hard center and bones must be cut out.

2. We prepare pears in the same way: remove the core and stem. Ripe pears wrinkle very easily, so make sure there are no bruised areas and remove them if necessary: ​​they are of no use to us in jam.

3. Place the fruit in a blender and grind very well until smooth. Add a few tablespoons of water to them, this will make it easier to chop everything, and the jam will not be too dense. If there are too many fruits, it is better to load them in several stages: there should be no large pieces left.

4. Take a saucepan or pan of a suitable size, transfer the puree into it and put it on the fire. After the mass boils, reduce the power of the stove to a minimum and cook until the puree decreases in size by 1.5-2 times. This will take about 40 minutes depending on the volume. Stir all the time with a spatula, then it will not burn and will heat up evenly. When the total mass has decreased, add sugar and mix thoroughly again. The sugar should dissolve well. Keep the jam on the stove for another 30 minutes and it will be ready!

Pears and apples are fruits with which the aroma of autumn is associated. And you can preserve it longer if you make jam or thick jam- universal, and most importantly, very delicious dessert. It is well suited for drinking tea with a freshly baked bun on a cold winter evening, and will also be a great addition as a filling to various pastries.

Important: Fruits that you discarded for other purposes will go into jam. And damaged, and overripe, and stale. Almost all the fruits that may be in your garden, with the exception of rotten ones.

You can often find pear trees in dachas. This apple variety has a sweet and sour taste, fleshy flesh and is ideal for canning. Therefore, if such an apple tree grows in your garden, feel free to pick the fruits and go make jam from Moscow pear apples. In general, any variety is suitable for cooking.


Servings: – + 25

  • Apples 2 kg
  • Pears 1 kg
  • Sugar 2 kg
  • Water 250 g

Per serving

Calories: 186 kcal

Proteins: 0.2 g

Fats: 0.2 g

Carbohydrates: 46 g

1 hour 30 min. Video recipe Print

    First, wash the fruits well and cut them into small pieces. It is better to remove the skin from the apples, then the jam will have a beautiful transparent color. You need to cook the mixture in a container with a thick bottom, then it will not burn.

    Pour the specified amount of water into the pan, pour the apples into it and place on low heat. Simmer covered, stirring occasionally, for about an hour. The mass should boil.

    Remove the apples from the heat, cool, and then strain through a fine sieve.

    Place the mashed puree back into the pan. Add granulated sugar, stir with a wooden spoon and continue to simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

    Now it's time for the second component of our winter delicacy - pears. Rinse the fruit thoroughly and be sure to remove the peel. Cut into small pieces and grind in a blender or grate.

    Add pear mixture to applesauce, carefully combine everything and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for another 30 minutes.

    Place the finished apple and pear jam while still hot in prepared jars, roll up with metal lids and wrap in a thick layer of towel to cool gradually. Store in a dark, cool place.

    Advice: when the jam begins to pull away from the walls and becomes translucent, place a spoonful of dessert on a plate. If the mass does not spread and no liquid comes out of it, it’s time to turn off the stove.

    Now that you have apple and pear jam prepared at home for the winter, you will always have a healthy and tasty treat on hand for unexpected guests. In addition, it is also an excellent filling for pies. Or you can simply spread jam on a bun with butter, and you will have a wonderful breakfast for adults or children.