Fried fish under marinade technological process. Cooking process. Marinated fish - preparing dishes

Fried fish with marinade - simple, quick and tasty. To prepare fried fish under marinade, you can take pike, carp, cod, halibut, pollock, pink salmon, and so on; there are no restrictions here, the only positive thing worth noting is that a vegetable marinade will make dry fish like pink salmon tender and juicy.

Another great feature of this recipe is that to prepare marinated fish you will need something that, as a rule, is always available in any refrigerator.

This amazing dish can be served hot with a side dish of mashed potatoes, French fries or boiled rice. It can successfully serve as a cold snack. In both cases, fried fish under marinade is excellent.

So, let's get started: “Fried fish with marinade” and, as usual, a recipe with a photo.

First, let's prepare the products:

For the marinade:

Peeled carrots – 350 grams

Peeled onion – 130 – 150 grams

Vegetable oil - half a glass

Water - 2 tablespoons

Tomato paste - half a tablespoon

Sugar - one tablespoon

Salt - half a teaspoon

Cloves - two pieces

Bay leaf - one piece

Black peppercorns – five pieces

Vinegar 3% - not a full teaspoon (you don’t have to use it, but it tastes better)


One or more fish of your choice weighing just over a kilogram

Flour - two tablespoons

Salt - one heaped teaspoon

Black pepper - half a teaspoon

Oil for frying fish

First, let's prepare the marinade.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Cut the onion into quarters and chop each of them, in turn, into thin strips.

Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan. In this case, you can take oil based on personal preferences, the main thing is that it is suitable for frying. Set to heat over high heat.

Pour the onion into a hot frying pan with oil and fry until soft, avoiding burning.

Add tomato paste to the onion and fry a little.

Now add carrots and mix.

We will fry the vegetables for about 10 minutes.

Then add sugar, salt, vinegar, spices and add water.

We will simmer for another 15 - 25 minutes under the lid until the vegetables are completely cooked.

While the marinade is ready, let's start with the fish.

Large fish such as pike, carp, cod, pink salmon and so on need to be cut into fillets with skin. If there is a need, then we first clean the scales from it and gut it.

Cut the prepared fillet plates into portions at an angle of 30 degrees. Pollock and similar fish need not be filleted, but immediately cut into portions.

In a plate of suitable size you need to pour two tablespoons of flour, a heaped teaspoon of table salt and ground black pepper to taste, mix everything.

Roll the fish pieces in the flour mixture and place them in a frying pan hot with oil, skin side up.

Fry over medium heat for about five minutes, turn over, cover with a lid and fry for another 10 minutes until done.

Pour the finished fish with vegetable marinade and heat for three to five minutes with the lid closed.

Remove from heat and let sit for five minutes.

If we plan to use marinated fried fish as a cold appetizer, then there is no need to warm it up. Simply pour in the prepared vegetable marinade and, without stirring, let cool to room temperature. Then put it in the cold for three to four hours.

If you, like me, have one prepared in the fall, then in this case you need to pour the fried fish with the contents of the jar and heat it for about five minutes over medium heat. For a cold appetizer, it is not necessary to warm up the fried fish; you can simply leave it to infuse in the cold for several hours.

As you can see, preparing the amazing dish “Fried Fish with Marinade” is not at all difficult. It does not require special skills or rare or expensive ingredients. Try to cook it and see that this dish can rightfully be called not only healthy, but also very tasty.

I wish you a joyful mood and bon appetit!

Many domestic fish processing enterprises have established cooking fried fish in various sauces, with side dishes, in marinades, in batter.

For preparing fried fish in vegetable marinade They use various types of sea and ocean fish. Vegetable marinade is prepared using such auxiliary materials as carrots, parsley or parsnips, onions, tomato paste, sugar, acetic acid, spices, etc.

Pre-processing of vegetables includes washing, cleaning of remnants of tops, small roots, carrot and parsley skins, which are then cut into cubes 0.3-0.5 cm thick. Onions are cleaned of outer leaves, the root lobe and the upper pointed part are removed, washed and chopped. Chopped vegetables are fried in refined sunflower oil until fully cooked.

It is allowed to use dry vegetables and onions, which are first filled with hot water in a ratio of 1:8-10 and left for 40-50 minutes to swell. After swelling, they are placed on nets to drain and then fried.

Vegetable marinade recipe(in kg per 100 kg of finished product or 60 kg of marinade): fried carrots - 7.3; fried parsley or parsnips - 1.0; fried onion - 4.2; tomato paste 30% - 11.4; water - 33.4; sugar - 2.2; table salt - 1.05; acetic acid 80% - 0.14; black pepper - 0.012; bay leaf - 0.012; clove - 0.012.

When preparing a vegetable marinade, add fried vegetables to boiling water and bring it to a boil, and then add the remaining ingredients taken according to the recipe (except for spices). The mixture is brought to a boil again and cooked for 12-20 minutes. Ground spices are added to the marinade 5 minutes before the end of cooking. The cooked marinade is poured into a tank (enameled or stainless steel) and acetic acid is added while stirring.

Products are packaged in glass jars or bags made of synthetic materials approved by the Ministry of Health for food packaging, weighing no more than 0.5 kg.

Pieces of fried chilled fish are placed in jars or bags in one or two layers and poured with vegetable marinade in the ratio: fried fish - 40%, vegetable marinade - 60%.

The filled bags are hermetically sealed (sealed), and the glass jars are closed with lids made of synthetic materials.

When producing fried fish in a regular marinade (without adding vegetables), the preparation of the fried semi-finished fish product is carried out as usual. Then the fried chilled fish is placed in glass jars or trays and filled with marinade.

Recipe for marinade for pouring fried capelin includes components (in kg per 100 kg of finished products): sugar - 1.92; table salt - 0.4; acetic acid 80% - 1.0; water - 38.5 (including 5% for evaporation); allspice - 0.076; bay leaf - 0.051; black pepper - 0.024; cloves - 0.038; cinnamon - 0.038.

The consumption of raw materials and auxiliary materials in the production of “Capelin fried in marinade” (in kg per 100 kg of finished product) is: frozen fatty capelin - 88.7; flour - 5.4; vegetable oil - 8.4; table salt - 6.4 (including for salting fish - 6, for marinade - 0.4; spice consumption - in accordance with the marinade recipe).

When producing fish fried in sauces, the fried and cooled fish is placed in a container and poured with sauce in an amount of 30% of the mass of the finished product. Typically, tomato or white sauces are used to pour fried fish.

Tomato sauce recipe includes (in kg per 100 kg of finished products): wheat flour - 3.0; vegetable oil - 3.0; table salt - 0.5; tomato paste 30% - 5.0; peeled onion - 1.5; black pepper - 0.03; allspice - 0.02; bay leaf - 0.006; acetic acid 80% - 0.15; water or broth - 25.0.

The recipe for white sauce used for pouring fried fish includes (in kg per 100 kg of finished product): wheat flour - 4.0; vegetable oil - 3.0; table salt - 0.5; peeled onion - 1.5; broth or water - 25.0.

A type of fried fish product is fish cooked in batter or leison (batter). Typically, small species of fish are used to produce these products, as well as fish fillets, which are cut into pieces. Gerbil, epigonus, capelin, squama and other fish are produced in batter. Breading is carried out with liquid dough and dough, followed by sprinkling with flour or a cracker mixture (crumbs). For large production volumes, a Titan conveyor breading machine is used to perform this labor-intensive operation.

The composition of the liquid dough for breading fish (leison) includes the following components (in kg per 100 kg of finished product): wheat flour - 3.41; powdered milk - 1.36; egg powder - 0.68; baking soda - 0.09; granulated sugar - 0.41; table salt - 0.5; starch - 0.41; ammonium carbonate - 0.008; water - 10.5.

After frying the fish in the dough, the excess oil is allowed to drain off, then it is cooled and processed in the usual way.

Fried fish in sauces and batter is a product that has little storage stability. At a temperature of 0-45 ° C, these products are allowed to be stored until sale for no more than 72 hours from the end of the technological process.

Marinated fish (No. 146)

Cut the fish into fillets with skin without rib bones, cut into portions at an angle of 30°, salt, sprinkle with pepper, bread in flour, fry in the main way and cook in the oven until cooked.

Prepare red marinade (vegetable with tomato). Chop carrots and onions into strips, sauté in vegetable oil, add tomato puree and continue sautéing for another 7-10 minutes. Add fish broth, vinegar, allspice, bay leaf, cloves and continue cooking for 10-15 minutes. Season with salt and sugar. Pour hot marinade over hot fried fish and keep in it until the fish and marinade are completely cooled. Place marinated fish on a serving plate and sprinkle with green onions.

Fish (net weight) 89, wheat flour 5, vegetable oil 5. Sauce (No. 892): carrots 47/37, onions 18/15, tomato puree 15, vegetable oil 7.5, 3% vinegar 22.5 , granulated sugar 2.5, broth or water 7.5, green onions 13/17. Yield 75/75/10.

Quality requirements. The taste of the marinade is sweet and sour, spicy, with the aroma of vegetables, tomatoes and spices. The color is dark red. The fish is soft and juicy.

Jellied fish (No. 144)

Cut the fish into fillets with boneless skin, cut into portions, cut the skin on the pieces to avoid deformation of the pieces during cooking. Prepare broth from fish waste, strain and boil fish in it. Remove the fish with a slotted spoon, cool, and strain the broth.

Prepare lanspig. Soak gelatin in cold water. Prepare a pull from egg whites, vinegar and onions. Add squeezed gelatin into the hot broth and dissolve. Cool the broth with gelatin, combine with the strainer, bring to a boil and cook until the lanspig is completely lightened, let it settle and strain through a thick cloth.

Pour chilled lanspig into a prepared form with a layer of 6-7 mm, place in the refrigerator or tray with cold water. Prepare decorations from boiled carrots and herbs, place them on the frozen lanspig face down and secure them with lanspig.

Then place the pieces of fish skin side down in the molds and pour in the remaining jelly and cool.

Prepare horseradish sauce. Soak horseradish root in cold water, peel, grate, scald with boiling water, cool in a bowl, cover with a lid, season with salt, sugar and vinegar.

Place the fish from the mold onto a snack plate and garnish with herbs. Serve horseradish sauce in a gravy boat.

Fish (net weight) 96, lemon 5.5/5, parsley (greens) 2/1.5, carrots 6/5. Jelly (No. 897): broth 125, gelatin 5, carrots 3, onions 3, eggs 1/2 pcs. parsley 1.5, vinegar 2. Sauce (No. 891): horseradish 12, vinegar 6, salt 0.5, sugar 0.5, water 22.5. Yield 200/25.

Quality requirements. Taste and smell characteristic of fish, aroma of fish jelly and spices. The color of the jelly is light yellow, transparent. The fish is soft, the jelly is elastic.

Fish with mayonnaise (No. 142).

Cut the fish into fillets with skin, without rib bones, cook, cool. Prepare the side dish. Cut the boiled carrots and potatoes into small cubes, combine with green peas and diced pickles. Season one third of the side dish with some mayonnaise. Prepare salad dressing.

Place the side dish seasoned with mayonnaise on a snack plate, place the fish on it, and arrange the rest of the side dish beautifully around it. Pour mayonnaise over the fish and dressing over the side dish.

Sea bass 130/91, mayonnaise 35. Salad dressing 895): vegetable oil 5, 3% vinegar 10, sugar 0.6, salt 0.3, ground black pepper 0.02. Garnish (No. 810): carrots 19/15, pickled cucumbers 16.5/15, green peas 11.5/7.5, potatoes 31/22.5, mayonnaise 15. Yield 200.

Quality requirements.

Taste and smell of fish and mayonnaise. The fish is soft, the vegetable salad is juicy and moderately salted.

Sequence of operations.

Process the fish; soak gelatin; process vegetables; cook fish broth from fish waste; cut portions of fish for boiling and frying; boil vegetables; cook fish; prepare the marinade; make jelly; fry fish; cook fish aspic and marinade; prepare salads and sauces; prepare dishes for serving dishes.

Homework assignment

1. Make technological maps for chicken stuffed with liver pate, meatballs in tomato, jellied meat.

Self-test questions

1. Name the range of cold dishes and fish appetizers.

2. Name semi-finished products and methods of thermal cooking of fish for cooking: fish under marinade; fish with mayonnaise, fish salad, fish aspic.

3. Explain the rules for preparing jelly and mayonnaise with jelly; Explain the processes that occur when the jelly is clarified.

4. Name emulsifiers when making mayonnaise sauce.

5. Tell us about the physical and chemical changes that occur during the production of mayonnaise sauce. Explain the reasons for sauce separation and measures to prevent separation.

Lesson 16. Preparing banquet cold dishes and hot appetizers

Prepare: galantine (stuffed chicken), pate, jellied meat and meatballs in tomato.

Determine: yield of finished products.

Tools, equipment and utensils

Pots with a capacity of 1, 2 and 3 liters; frying pans; sieve; chef's knives; skimmer; sewing needle and thread; cutting boards “OS”, “MS”, “OV” and “MB”; wooden and metal blades; gauze; snack plates: multi-portion dishes, paper napkins.

Galantine (No. 163)

Process the chicken. Carefully remove the skin by cutting it from the side of the back or keel bone. Separate the fillet and pulp from the bones. Process the fillet and lightly beat it. Prepare a mixture for stuffing poultry.

Pass the chicken pulp and lean pork pulp 2-3 times through a meat grinder, rub, add raw egg whites and carefully beat the mass with a wooden spatula, gradually adding cold milk. During the beating process, the mass should increase in volume and turn white. Salt the mixture, add pepper and nutmeg. Cut the bacon into cubes or cubes, scald the pistachios and remove the skin.

Place the beaten fillet and half the minced meat on the prepared skin. Loosely fill the holes formed after removing bones from the limbs with minced meat; Place pistachios and lard in some pattern on the layer of mass, and then the remaining mass. Chicken fillet can be layered with galantine in the same way as with bacon and pistachios. Raise the edges of the skin, connect and sew up. Wrap the products loosely in a napkin or gauze to maintain the shape of the carcass and the design, tie the ends of the fabric. Pour the molded galantine with cooled broth, bring to a boil and cook without boiling for 1.5 hours. When the finished galantine is pierced, clear juice should appear. Remove the gauze from the finished galantine, clean the surface from protein clots, wrap again and cool under light pressure to give a better shape and compact the minced meat.

Cut the galantine into portions so that a pattern is visible in each piece. Prepare vegetables for garnish.

Prepare mayonnaise sauce with gherkins.

Place galantine cut into portions, beautifully chopped vegetables and green salad on an oval or round dish. Serve the sauce in a gravy boat.

Chicken 940, pork 270, pork lard 90, eggs 2"/2 pcs., pistachios 160 or green peas 120/80, milk 350, nutmeg 1, ground pepper 0.1. Garnish (No. 810): carrots 125/100 , pickled cucumbers 110/100, green peas 75/50, potatoes 205/150, mayonnaise 100. Sauce (No. 887): mayonnaise 183, pickled cucumbers 114/62, Yuzhny sauce 10. Yield 1500 (1 serving 150 g).

Quality requirements. The taste and smell of boiled chicken with the aroma of nutmeg. The color on the cut is light gray with a pattern. The minced meat is loose, the skin is soft.

Liver pate (No. 165)

Place finely chopped bacon in a hot frying pan and, when the lard is rendered, add finely chopped carrots and onions; let it brown, add chopped liver, sprinkled with salt and pepper, lightly fry, covering the pan with a lid so that the liver is more tender.

Pass the cooled liver, along with vegetables and bacon, through a meat grinder 2-3 times and combine with softened butter. Season the finished pate to taste and place on a snack plate. Top with butter and boiled egg.

Beef liver 124/103, butter 8, bacon 10, onions 12/10, carrots 9/7, eggs 1/20 pcs.; milk or broth 5. Yield 100.

Quality requirements. The taste and smell of liver pate, the consistency is homogeneous, without lumps. The color of the pate when cut is grayish-brown, on the surface there is a pattern of eggs and butter.

Jellied meat (No. 161)

Fry the beef and simmer with the addition of baked carrots, onions and parsley root.

Prepare dark jelly (andob) using the broth obtained from stewing beef. Soak gelatin in cold water to swell. Prepare a pull from egg whites and vinegar.

Add the squeezed gelatin into the hot broth and dissolve. Cool the broth with gelatin, combine with the strainer, bring to a boil and cook until the jelly is completely clear; let it sit and strain through a thick cloth.

Pour chilled jelly into a prepared mold in a 6-7 mm layer and let it harden. Prepare decorations from boiled carrots and herbs, cut the meat into 1-2 pieces per serving.

Place decorations on the frozen jelly and secure them with semi-frozen jelly. Then put the prepared meat in the mold and pour in the remaining jelly, cool. Prepare horseradish sauce.

Place the meat on a snack plate, garnish with herbs and pickled cucumber. Serve horseradish sauce in a gravy boat.

Beef 164/121, fat 3, carrots 4/3, parsley (greens) 4/3. Jelly (No. 897): broth 125, gelatin 5, carrots 3/2, onions 3/2, parsley (root) 2, vinegar 2, eggs 1/5 pcs. Sauce (No. 891): horseradish 12, vinegar 6, water 23, salt 0.5, sugar 0.5. Garnish (No. 816): pickled cucumbers (unpeeled) 56/50. Exit 270.

Quality requirements. The taste and smell of stew and jelly. The jelly is transparent, dark golden. Vegetables and meat are undercooked. Finely grated horseradish, without noticeable fibers, well seasoned, liquid.

Meatballs (No. 668)

Add well-chopped sautéed onions to the cutlet mass, mix and form the meatballs into balls, 8-10 pieces each. per serving, breaded in flour, fry.

Prepare tomato sauce.

Place the fried meatballs in a portioned frying pan, pour in the sauce and simmer for 8-10 minutes.

When leaving, place the portioned frying pan on a shallow plate and sprinkle the dish with herbs.

3rd grade beef 103/76, wheat bread 16, milk 24, onions 29/24, fat 4, wheat flour 8, fat 7. Sauce (No. 848): broth 53, margarine 3, flour 3, carrots 5/ 4, onion 3/2, parsley (root) 2, tomato puree 26, margarine 1, sugar 0.1. Exit 190.

Quality requirements. The shape of the meatballs is round, the surface is smooth, without cracks, and crispy. The taste and smell are pungent with the aroma of onions, meat, sauce, without the taste of bread. The color is dark brown, the consistency is thick and juicy.

Sequence of operations. Process the chicken, remove the skin, prepare the dumpling mass, and set the broth to cook; process the meat, put it to simmer; soak gelatin; process vegetables and liver; fry the liver, cool; prepare cutlet mass for meatballs; boil vegetables for side dishes; prepare tomato sauce; form galantine, set to cook; prepare andob jelly; pour over meat, cool; prepare pate; take out the galantine, put it under a press; cook meatballs; prepare mayonnaise sauce with gherkins; prepare dishes for vacation.

Homework assignment

1. Make technological maps for chopped herring, stuffed eggs, snack sandwiches, fish baked in milk sauce (coquille).

2. Write out the demand invoice.

3. Answer self-test questions.

Self-test questions

1. Tell us about the rules for preparing light and dark jelly. Explain the processes that occur during jelly clarification.

2. Tell us about the features of the primary processing of poultry for the “poultry galantine” dish.

3. Tell us how to prepare the mixture for stuffing poultry. What is the purpose of egg and milk proteins introduced into the mass?

4. Tell us about the rules for preparing cutlet mass. The purpose of grinding meat.

5. Name the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the production of pates and their sale.

6. Tell us about the features of preparing and serving hot snacks.

7. Name the most common sauces for preparing hot appetizers.

Step 1: prepare the fish.

As you already understand, to prepare this dish you can use any boneless fish, in our version pollock, which is mainly sold frozen. Therefore, after purchasing, we put it in a bowl of ice water and leave it there until it thaws. As soon as the ice leaves the sea miracle, rinse it, dry it with paper kitchen towels, place it on a cutting board and continue preparing.

Using a sharp knife, cut the fish fillet crosswise into portioned pieces of the desired size, for example, from 3 to 6 centimeters. Sprinkle them on all sides to taste with salt and ground black pepper, move them into a clean bowl and leave in it for 12-15 minutes or until use, so that the fish infuses the spices a little.

Step 2: Prepare the remaining ingredients.

In the meantime, using a new knife, peel the vegetables indicated in the recipe, rinse them under running cold running water, dry them, place them one by one on a clean board and chop them. We cut the onion into cubes, quarters, rings, half rings, strips, and chop the carrots on a medium or coarse grater. After this, we place a deep plate with sifted wheat flour on the countertop, as well as the remaining ingredients that will be needed to prepare the dish, and move on.

Step 3: fry the fish.

Place a frying pan over medium heat and pour a little vegetable oil into it; three to four tablespoons will be enough to start with. Without wasting a minute, while the fat is heating up, roll the first batch of fish in wheat flour, trying to do it thoroughly so that it covers the pieces in an even layer.

Just a few minutes later, lower the pollock slices to the bottom of a hot frying pan and fry them on all sides until golden brown. There is no need to overcook this yummy on the stove; as soon as it is browned, use a kitchen spatula to move the tasty slices onto a plate and cook the rest of the fish in the same way until it is finished.

Step 4: prepare the marinade.

Next, rinse the frying pan, put it back on medium heat, dry it, pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into it and let it heat up again. After two minutes or a little less, add the chopped onions to the heated fat and simmer until soft for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden kitchen spatula. Then add carrots to it and fry them together for 5 minutes. After this, season the vegetables with tomato paste and cook some more 6–7 minutes, periodically loosening.
Now pour 50 milliliters of purified water into the frying pan and simmer everything 5 minutes. Then add sugar, 9% table vinegar, salt to taste, ground black pepper, cloves and bay leaf into the practically prepared marinade. Mix everything again to a homogeneous consistency, keep the next 10 minutes, remove from heat and proceed to the next, almost final step.

Step 5: bring the fried fish under marinade until fully cooked.

Take any deep form, place the fried fish there in an even layer, cover it with hot marinade and cool everything to room temperature. Then we cover the dish with the aromatic food with a lid or cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 3–4 hours, after this you can taste the appetizer!

Step 6: serve fried fish under marinade.

Marinated fried fish is served cold as an appetizer. It is served in the same container in which it was infused in the refrigerator, or in portions on plates, optionally garnished with sprigs of fresh herbs, for example, dill, parsley, cilantro.

This delicacy does not need any additions, except that salad, pickles, marinades and, of course, bread can slightly refresh this miracle. Cook with pleasure and enjoy home-cooked food!
Bon appetit!

You can add a stalk of celery to the onions and carrots;

The set of spices is not important; use any that are used to season fish dishes, for example, anise, basil, oregano, lovage, marjoram, lemon balm, thyme, tarragon or others;

An alternative to 9% table vinegar is 6% or white wine.

Marinated fried fish



This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the dish Fried fish with marinade produced by a public catering facility.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for preparing dishes must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Name of raw materials and semi-finished products \Gross\Net

Sea bass*127 89 85 60
Or muksun165 89 111 60
Or Far Eastern navaga148 90 98 60
Wheat flour5 5 3 3
Vegetable oil 5 5 4 4
Mass of fried fish - 75 - 50
Marinade for fish PF- 75 - 50
Green onion13 10 6 5
Exit- 160 - 105
  • * The stocking rate is given for gutted, headless sea bass.


The fish is cut into fillets with skin without rib bones and portioned. Prepared pieces of fish are rolled in flour and fried.

The fried fish is divided into portions, poured with marinade and sprinkled with chopped green onions. The dish can be served without onions.


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the consumer’s order and used according to the recipe for the main dish. Shelf life and sales according to SanPin, SanPin Note: the technological map was compiled on the basis of a development report.


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance – Characteristic of this dish.

Color – Characteristic of the products included in the product.

Taste and smell – characteristic of the products included in the product, without any foreign tastes or odors.

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical indicators:

In terms of microbiological and physicochemical indicators, this dish meets the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of food products” (TR CU 021/2011)


Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal (kJ)

Technological engineer.