How many minutes to fry carp. Fried carp in the oven. Carp fried in a frying pan. Fried carp in sour cream. Carp in batter. How to fry carp in a frying pan: methods, secrets and tips from culinary experts

A person’s dreams are different, big and small, feasible or difficult to realize (today I am an optimist, and therefore I believe that there is no such thing as what is unattainable in life). Our family dream yesterday was realized today: all we wanted was to cook fresh fish. Therefore, in the morning we went to my aunt’s market with a basin filled with live fish: the choice was silver carp and carp. We took the last 3 pieces. We came home with this goodness and at a general meeting we decided that we would have fried carp for lunch.

So, the fried carp, the recipe for which I want to offer, comes out in a crispy, salted crust with tender meat inside. However, cooking carp will require some patience and even composure. Firstly, the fish was alive - it was still floundering and moving when we brought it home. At first I thought that I should just wait a little and the fish would die, but after half an hour I realized that the carp were still alive. The matter, of course, is unpleasant - I had to look on the Internet for an answer on how to kill a live fish: what people don’t offer. We settled on the option where it was proposed to pierce the fish’s brain with a knife... My beloved steadfastly completed the task. Secondly, the carp must be cut: cleaned of scales and removed the entrails. If, after everything you’ve read, you still have the desire to cook fried carp, please start looking at the step-by-step photo recipe.

How to cook carp in a frying pan?

1. It all starts with cleaning the fish. First you need to remove the scales from the carp. The easiest way to do this is to move from the tail to the head: take the fish by the tail and clean the fish with confident movements with a knife. True, fresh carp is very slippery, which makes it quite difficult to hold. But you can manage. In my personal scale, cleaning carp is not very difficult. If the scales do not want to come off at all, try immersing the fish in boiling water for a few seconds.

2. After the fish is scaled, you need to get rid of the entrails. To do this, the abdomen is cut longitudinally. The main thing here is to be careful not to accidentally rip open the gall bladder or liver (because of this, the fish acquires a bitter taste). Therefore, I made an incision about 1-1.5 cm deep, and then carefully separated the insides of the fish with a knife. When everything is taken out, rinse the fish with cold water.

3. Then you need to remove all the fins. The most convenient way to do this is with scissors - I used the most ordinary ones.

4. The tail of the carp is also beautifully decorated.

5. After cutting and cleaning the fish, we proceed to the marinade. Fried carp turns out to be especially tasty and tender if it is pre-soaked in milk. To do this, take 1 glass of milk, add 2 teaspoons of salt and black pepper to it to taste. Stir and pour the resulting marinade over the fish. Leave in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.

6. Grate or pass through a press 4-5 cloves of garlic.

7. When the carp is soaked in milk, sprinkle it inside and outside with salt. Place grated garlic in the belly of the fish. It removes odor well river fish.

8. Then roll the fish in flour.

9. Afterwards, place the fish in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. If you have large carp, then you need to cut the fish into steaks (I wanted to cook the whole fried carp). Fry on both sides until an appetizing crust forms. The inside of the fish meat should turn white - this means the carp is ready. Attention, I want to give a warning. Carp is a fairly oily fish, so there should not be a lot of oil in the pan. In my opinion, it is better to cook fried carp with a minimum amount of oil, and if possible, then on the grill.

Serve as a side dish or salad. I prepared rice and cabbage salad with carrots.

PS: Our kitty also really liked the fried carp

Everyone loves carp. Who to catch, who to eat, and who to cook. We won’t talk about fishing, since today you can “catch” this fish in the store, but we’ll tell you how to cook it. It must be said that carp has one drawback - it has a lot of small bones. However, the larger the specimen, the fewer there are. So, when choosing this fish for lunch, this point needs to be taken into account.

Carp is a fatty fish, and therefore dishes from it turn out juicy and appetizing. It contains a lot of protein, vitamins B12 and PP. Carp meat is not lacking in microelements - it contains more than enough phosphorus, sulfur, cobalt, iodine, and zinc. Perfect for everyday menus and as a holiday dish.

In general, the fish is healthy and tasty. They prepare it differently, but still the same delicious dish- fried carp. And there are a great many recipes for its preparation. Which, in fact, is what we’ll talk about now. Let's look at the most popular ways to prepare this chic dish, share the secrets of culinary mastery and tell you about some little tricks that will allow you to make a delicious lunch or dinner without spending a lot of time in the kitchen.

And we will learn to fry our fish both in a frying pan and in the oven. Let's start with the simplest thing. So, today we have carp fried in a frying pan on our menu.

Unpretentious, but very tasty

You can fry the whole carp in a frying pan, or you can also fry it in pieces. The first option requires smaller fish, and since we agreed at the beginning of the article to purchase a larger specimen for our culinary experiments, we will cook it in portions.

As any housewife knows, the fish must be scaled, the entrails removed and the fins cut off. Everyone knows how to do this, so we won’t stop at this stage, but will move directly to the description of the recipe.

How to cook?

Very simple. By the way, almost all fans of this fish like this fried without any frills. Cut the prepared carcass into small portions, put them in a bowl, add salt and pepper if desired. If we are not in a hurry, then we leave the fish in this state for about thirty minutes so that the salt penetrates into the deepest layers. Then sprinkle all the pieces with flour directly in the bowl, beat two eggs in a separate bowl, and place a plate next to it with breadcrumbs poured into it. Heat the vegetable (or better yet, olive) oil in a frying pan, dip each piece first in eggs, then in breadcrumbs and fry over fairly high heat. Five minutes on each side will be enough. Yes, by the way, carp caviar fried according to the same recipe is no less tasty. So if you find it in the belly of a fish, do not rush to throw it away. Salt in the same way, dip in egg and breadcrumbs, and then place between pieces of fish in a frying pan. Try it, we are sure you will like it.

From simple to complex

Now let's try to modify our recipe. Let's add some ingredients to the fish. As a result, we should get fried carp with onions and mushrooms. For this dish we stock up:

Cooking technology

The dish is prepared simply. The mushrooms need to be washed and cut into thin slices (by the way, you can buy already sliced ​​frozen ones). Remove the skins from the onion and cut into thin rings.

We prepare the fish in the same way as in the previous case. Then we put it on a plate, and add the mushrooms to the same oil. When all the liquid has boiled away, add salt and onion. Fry until done. And then we cover the fish with this delicious mixture. This fried carp is a dish that is not ashamed to serve festive table. In addition, it is very tasty not only hot, but also cold.

Fried carp in sour cream is a dish that many fans of this fish like. And you can cook it in a frying pan or in the oven. We suggest considering both recipes.

Cooking in a frying pan

To cook carp in sour cream, we stock up on:

  • carp - 1 pc.;
  • ground breadcrumbs - 4 spoons;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • sour cream - half a glass;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • greens - optional.

Considering how busy our housewives are, we try not to offer complex cooking methods. In addition, quite often many recipes are based on one option. So it is in our case. Since we have learned how to fry carp well, why these unnecessary experiments?

Therefore, we prepare it in exactly the same way as was proposed in our first recipe. Then just fill it with sour cream and let it boil. Then sprinkle with herbs. Simple, right? How delicious...

And now in the oven

Fried carp, whole, and even in the oven, in sour cream - an amazingly beautiful dish. This is exactly how we will cook it in this case. Take it out of the refrigerator:

  • carp (already cleaned, gutted, but with the head);
  • one onion;
  • a bag of mayonnaise;
  • sour cream (300 g);
  • lemon and green.

We also need flour (a few tablespoons), vegetable oil and, of course, salt and spices.

Cooking process

We rub our carp with salt and seasonings, then sprinkle, sparingly, with lemon juice. Rub with mayonnaise. By the way, don’t forget - we carry out all the procedures both outside and inside the fish. After this there is a time-out. We rest from righteous labors for an hour until the carp is marinated. We return to the kitchen after sixty minutes to peel the onion, cut it into rings and fry it in vegetable oil. When it turns golden, add flour and sour cream to the pan. Let's stew.

During this time, preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees, place our handsome man on a greased baking sheet and bake. Cooking time? It depends on the size of your fish. Naturally, the larger the specimen, the longer it will take to bake. Readiness criterion - appearance golden crust on the surface of the fish. As soon as you notice this, feel free to pour in the sauce and bring the dish to full readiness for another twenty minutes. During this time, the sauce will be baked and acquire a pleasant, again golden color. All. You can take our carp out of the oven and rejoice at how deftly and quickly everything works out for us.

But these are not all the options for preparing such a dish as fried carp. There is another very interesting way. That's what we'll talk about now.

Carp in batter

A very tasty and beautiful dish. And its taste is simply amazing. True, here you will have to tinker a little with the carcass itself, but what you get at the end is definitely worth the effort. However, those efforts are not so great. What can I say, let's better start cooking. So, let's stock up:

  • large carp;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • ground white pepper;
  • flour for dredging;
  • vegetable oil;
  • chicken eggs (4 pieces);
  • hard cheese (300 g, no less).
  • salt to taste.

The first step is to prepare the fish. Remember when we scared you that we would have to tinker? So, we need to cut the carp so that we can get fillets out of it. To do this, you need to make a very deep cut along the ridge and, carefully moving the knife inside the carcass, try to cut off the meat as much as possible. And then rid it of small bones if possible. It is better to carry out this operation using tweezers. After this, the fillet should be placed on a paper towel to get rid of excess liquid. And then put it in a bowl, squeeze the juice from half a lemon into it, add white pepper to your taste and, of course, salt. Be sure to keep it in this peculiar marinade for at least twenty minutes. But if time allows, then more.

How to make batter

Made from cheese, it adds a delicious taste to the dish. As you know, cheese goes well with almost any product, and even more so with fish. So, while the carp is marinating, we make the batter. To do this, grate the cheese on a fine grater, which is then combined with beaten eggs. If someone wants, you can add a little mayonnaise. We do not recommend adding salt to the batter, because there is enough “white death” in both cheese and marinated fish.

Let's fry

Each marinated piece of fish will need to be first dipped in flour and then dipped in cheese batter. If you wish, you can additionally coat each piece and by this time there should already be a frying pan with heated oil on the stove, where we place our carp.

As for the cooking time, such fish should be fried for about three minutes on each side. The criterion for readiness is the appearance of a nice golden crust. Important! After preparing each portion, be sure to remove carbon deposits from the pan and add fresh oil.

Carp in batter is usually served with pasta and potatoes. This dish goes well with vegetable salads. A mandatory serving attribute is a slice of lemon.


Fried carp - in the oven or in a frying pan, in sour cream or batter - is a dish worthy of the attention of the most capricious gourmet. Cook it more often - and you will certainly see how joyfully the eyes of your household shine in anticipation of a tasty and satisfying feast. And the “fish” day will become your favorite on your menu.

Carp is an affordable fish and is often sold in stores and markets. It is important to buy fresh fish so that you can prepare a delicious dish from it the same day. My family really likes carp fried in a frying pan, I offer a recipe with a photo for you too, step by step it will be easier to fry the fish.
Carp is easy and simple to prepare once it is cleaned and cut up. My husband helps me with this. He selects fresh carp at the market and cuts it at home: washes, cleans and cuts it into pieces. To cut a large carp you need a lot of strength, and women's hands do not have such strength, so men's help is very necessary. If it so happens that your husband is not at home, then simply buy smaller carp and fry it whole. This option is also acceptable. Most often my husband buys carp weighing about 2.5 kg, so he can easily handle it. I would buy a maximum of a kilogram fish. After processing the fish, my task is to fry the fish so that it is juicy, soft, but at the same time with a fried crust. Which is what I do. I fry carp with a brown crust and feed my family deliciously. And for the holiday I recommend preparing.

Required Products:
- pieces of carp – 1 kg,
- 1 tea. l. coarse salt,
- ½ teaspoon l. ground black pepper,
- 3-4 tables. l. flour,
- vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook with photos step by step

Season the pieces of chopped carp with salt and pepper on all sides to make the fish tasty and aromatic.

Dust the fish with flour and roll the pieces on all sides in flour. This breading will be the key juicy fish Then. The flour will seal in all the juices and allow them to escape during the frying process.

Pour oil into a frying pan (I used olive oil, but you can use any vegetable oil) and heat for a couple of minutes. Immediately turn the heat to medium. Lay out the pieces of carp and distribute them at a free distance so that it is convenient to turn over later.

Turn the carp pieces over when they are well cooked and continue cooking on the second side. A characteristic brown crust will appear, which will look very appetizing.

Serve pieces of fried carp to the table and invite everyone to dinner. This dish would also be suitable for dinner. Give each person a large piece of fried carp and serve it with boiled rice or

It is not for nothing that fishermen are proud when they manage to catch carp. This fish is called king fish, because no matter how it is cooked, it turns out very tasty. The main thing is to do this correctly and properly prepare the raw materials for further heat treatment. Most often, this fish is cooked in the oven or in a frying pan. Gourmets rightly believe that fried carp is the most delicious. In many countries it is considered festive dish. For example, in the Czech Republic it is served at Christmas.

Cooking features

Small tricks will help even an inexperienced housewife prepare delicious fried carp.

  • Carp, like other river fish, tastes best fresh, or, frankly speaking, freshly caught. This is why live crab is often sold. The conclusion is simple: you shouldn’t freeze it, unless the catch is so large that not a single family can eat it in a day. Then the carp can still be gutted, cleaned and put in the freezer for a while.
  • Another feature of carp is the presence of a significant number of thin bones. There are so many of them that it is puzzling why this fish was nicknamed king. But really experienced chefs have known for a long time the simplest way get rid of this problem. The cleaned carp is cut in the area of ​​the ridge with oblique stripes, first in one direction, then in the other. The more often the cuts are made, the more the bones inside will be crushed. As a result of this simple manipulation, the bones become so small that they are not capable of causing any harm to those who feast on the meat of fried carp.
  • The smell of mud emanating from carp is also something that few people will like. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it. The smell of mud is best counteracted by lemon. Herbs, such as rosemary and thyme, also do a good job of this. So it’s enough to marinate the fish for a while, grating herbs and sprinkle with lemon juice so that the unpleasant smell is not characteristic of the finished dish.
  • Carp must be cleaned and gutted before cooking. When gutting, be careful not to rupture the gallbladder. If this happens, sprinkle the belly with coarse salt, and after a short time, rinse thoroughly with running water. It is imperative to remove carp scales, as they are coarse and large. This is not so difficult to do, the main thing is to act in the right direction, that is, from tail to head, and not vice versa. Do not remove the skin from the fish, as it is in fried fish the most delicious.
  • The technology for frying carp in a frying pan is quite simple: it needs to be breaded in flour. Place on a hot frying pan with a large number heated oil, after an appetizing crust has formed, turn it over on the other side and cook until done. However, in this case, all the little things matter. That is, the pan must be hot, and the oil too. There should be a lot of oil - almost up to the middle of the fish. Fry until crusty over medium or even high heat, and bring to readiness on a lower-intensity flame, with the lid on. If you follow all the rules listed above, your carp in a frying pan will be tasty and appetizing.
  • Carp in the oven is fried in foil or covered with foil, otherwise it will burn before it is baked. For education golden brown crust The foil is lifted or unfolded a quarter of an hour before the fish is ready - this time is enough for the carp to roast appetizingly.

Carp can be fried not only whole, but also in steaks. There are recipes that allow you to cook fillets of this fish in a frying pan or in the oven. The choice of cooking option depends on the size of the carp. If they are small, it makes sense to fry them whole; if they are large, it makes sense to fry them cut into steaks or fillets.

A simple recipe for fried carp

  • carp – 0.4–0.6 kg;
  • lemon – 1/4 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil, flour - how much will be needed.

Cooking method:

  • Carefully clean and gut the carp, remove the head. Make frequent diagonal cuts along the spine. Dry the carcass with paper towels.
  • Mix salt and pepper and grate the fish.
  • Sprinkle the carp with lemon juice squeezed from a quarter of the fruit.
  • Leave for 20 minutes to marinate the fish.
  • Shake off excess salt.
  • Dip the carp in flour and place in a frying pan with boiling oil.
  • Over medium heat, brown the fish on one side and turn over. When the other side is browned, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Fry for another 5-7 minutes, turning the fish once or twice during frying.

When serving, fried carp can be garnished with lemon slices or fresh herbs. Curly parsley works very well for this.

If you have more big fish than indicated in the recipe, fry it better in pieces. In this case, each steak must be breaded in flour, on all sides. Next, the technology for frying carp in a frying pan will be approximately the same, only the heat treatment time can be reduced.

Carp fried in sour cream

  • carp (or carps) – 1 kg;
  • sour cream – 0.25 l;
  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.;
  • parsley – 100 g;
  • salt, pepper, dried dill - to taste;

Cooking method:

  • Clean the fish, gut it and rinse well. Cut into pieces about 3–4 cm wide. Dry with a napkin.
  • In a bowl, beat the eggs, adding dill, salt and pepper.
  • Sift the flour into a separate plate.
  • Dip each piece in egg mixture, then sprinkle with flour and place in a frying pan with hot oil.
  • Fry on all sides until golden brown.
  • Pour in sour cream and reduce heat. As soon as the sour cream begins to boil, remove the pan with the fish from the heat.
  • When serving, garnish generously with parsley.

If your fish is quite small, you can fry it whole in sour cream, maintaining the proportions specified in the recipe.

Carp fried in batter

  • carp fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise – 50 ml;
  • water – 40 ml;
  • salt, ground black pepper, dried herbs - to taste;
  • flour, vegetable oil - how much will be needed.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the cleaned carp into fillets without removing the skin. Be sure to check that there are no large bones left in the fillet. On each piece, make a series of frequent cuts on the side where the ridge was. Then cut the fillet into 2.5–3.5 cm pieces.
  • Sprinkle the pieces with salt, pepper and dried herbs. After 10 minutes, shake off excess salt.
  • Beat the eggs in a bowl, pour in water, add sour cream or mayonnaise, beat again.
  • Add flour little by little and stir until you get a dough with a consistency similar to medium thick sour cream.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan.
  • Thread the pieces of fish onto a fork, dip them into the batter and place them on a hot frying pan.
  • Fry all of them until the batter is completely cooked (it should become dry and golden brown on all sides).

Place the finished pieces of fish on a napkin so that it absorbs excess oil, then transfer to a dish and serve. This appetizer will be delicious both hot and cold.

Carp fried in the oven

  • carp – 0.6–0.9 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream – 0.2 l;
  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • salt, allspice - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon, cut the second part into thin semicircles.
  • Gut the carp carcass and remove the scales. The head must be left, but the gills must be removed. Rinse the carcass and blot with napkins. Be sure to make frequent diagonal cuts along the ridge, in two directions, to maximally crush the thin bones inside.
  • Grind the pepper into powder and mix with salt. Rub the fish with this mixture inside and out. Sprinkle with lemon juice and leave for half an hour at room temperature so that it marinates.
  • Peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices. If you find large vegetables, you can cut them smaller. That is, in halves or quarters of circles.
  • Remove the husks from the onions, cut them into half rings, not quite thin.
  • Add a little pepper and salt to the sour cream, you can also add a little grated lemon zest. Coat the fish with sour cream. Moreover, this must be done not only outside, but also inside.
  • Grease a large piece of foil folded in half. Place fish on it.
  • Place vegetables and lemon slices in the belly. Sew up the belly or secure it with toothpicks so that the filling cannot fall out. Pack the carp in foil.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  • Place the fish wrapped in foil on a baking sheet and place it in the oven. Roast the carp in the oven for 40–50 minutes depending on its size. 15 minutes before cooking, unwrap the foil so that the fish is well browned.

It is better to serve oven-fried carp whole so that your guests can see all this splendor. Take the time to generously cover the fish with fresh parsley and garnish with lemon or tomato slices.

Using the same principle, you can fry carp in the oven in a honey-wine sauce with tomatoes. To fill, you will need a glass of dry white wine and a couple of tablespoons of honey; you should coat the carp with this mixture instead of sour cream. In this case, you can stuff the fish with parsley and tomatoes; tomato slices are placed on top of the fish. This will require a small bunch of parsley and 2 medium-sized tomatoes.

Fried carp is an easy to prepare but very tasty dish. At the same time, it looks very beautiful and appetizing. It is no coincidence that this fish was previously considered worthy of the royal table.

Not everyone likes this type of fish. Kostlyava, they say. Yes, and it smells like mud. Did you know that carp can be cooked wonderfully? The taste is specific, and in a pleasant sense of the word. After all, it will be prepared with the most delicious ingredients. And then your attention will not be distracted by either the bones or the smells.

And in general, it will be just a royal dish, for which the most ordinary vegetables will serve as a side dish. In addition, a steak made from river fish, rich in calcium and phosphorus, with vegetables is also budget-friendly, natural, appetizing and, breakfast or main course for lunch. Plus, the dish will perfectly help out everyone who is fasting.


  • 2 carp steaks
  • Breading

For the marinade

  • A few slices of lemon
  • Spices and ground pepper to taste
  • Olive oil

For garnish

  • 70 g carrots
  • 70 g zucchini
  • 70 g bell pepper
  • Salt, spices to taste and desire, marinade left after fish

Cooking aromatic and delicious river carp with vegetables

Now, I hope many will agree with me - it’s better not to buy whole fish, but steaks. Why? Firstly, you won't have to prick your hands while cleaning. Secondly, the process itself simply won’t be needed and time will be saved. But a lot needs to be done - cut off all the bones, and remove the fins, scales, entrails and head. Thirdly, no effort is needed to cut into steaks, because large carp are usually sold. You can, however, ask the seller to clear it. But such a service for cleaning and cutting into steaks or fillets is not available everywhere. I had steaks that were slightly frozen. And I set them to defrost at room temperature.

Step 1: Prepare the fish for cooking

Now we have a different task - to prepare the marinade. Yes, such that it would rid our character, who smells brightly of a river, of unwanted aromas. Take a lemon (preferably thin-skinned) and cut it into thin slices. Then grind it as much as possible. But we try to leave long crusts - they will look impressive on the fish, and then crunch appetizingly.

Step 2. Slice the lemon

I have my favorite spices. They are called Italian herbs. That is, they are far from fish seasonings. And this is good, because the fish will be flavored differently. Pour some spices (you use your favorites!), ground black pepper into the lemon, and then add a little olive oil.

Step 3. Mix spices, lemon and olive oil

If the fish has already been defrosted, you can safely marinate the pieces. For how long? This depends on many factors - the time factor is important, the degree of marinating, etc. Rub the fish with the resulting marinade. Let it sit while we prepare everything for the side dish. (My fish stood in the marinade for literally a quarter of an hour!)

Step 4. Marinate the carp with the resulting sauce

What to take for carp? Potatoes - you say. But you don’t need what’s traditional! Let's do everything differently. And we'll come up with a different format. I had the freshest carrots. I planed it, or rather, made it into slices. But she didn’t put it on a plate, but seasoned it with what was left of the marinade.

Step 5. Marinate the carrots with the remaining sauce

What should we cut to go with the carrots? Let's prepare the zucchini exactly in this format. And we will also sprinkle it with what we have left from the marinade. You can lightly sprinkle with breading. Let's add slices of bell pepper here. Let them sit, marinate and let out the excess juice.

Step 6. Zucchini and bell pepper add to carrots

Now you can send the fish to fry. But it’s in the marinade, it’s a bit damp. What should I do? Let the moisture drain as much as possible and dip the steaks in the breading.

Step 7. Dip the steak in breading and fry

Is the pan hot? Or do you want to steam it, in a slow cooker, or in the microwave? With any method of cooking, nothing can spoil the fish! All that remains is to cook. I fried in a medium amount of well-heated oil on all sides, turning over as soon as the side was browned. And I put slices of garlic on the side! To do this, I planed them thinly.

Step 8. Slice the garlic

Garlic slices, having imbued the fish with their phytoncides and aroma, can be fried in oil. They will crunch so nicely! While the fish is frying, let's fry the vegetables nearby. You can add one at a time, but add more oil. Don't want to fry? Steam it - no problem. After all, the vegetables are also soaked in marinade, and will be just as aromatic and even healthier. Just remember – the slices are fried or steamed for just two or three minutes. They should crunch a little. And now all this beauty is ready - there is no shame in putting such a dish on the table for guests. Bon appetit!