Petrovna sweets. Delicious dangerous candies. Composition for sweets with such an original name

The Ozersky Souvenir confectionery plant produces many varieties of individually wrapped dried fruits and nuts in chocolate glaze. Besides him, other factories (pathetic epigones) are also doing this. In stores, shoppers do not look for differences between candies with the same names in similar wrappers. To ensure that Ozersk sweets are always recognizable by sight, faces and names for them were literally invented.

Where there are faces, there are proper names. This makes it easier to remember your favorite variety and ask the seller

The ladies weren't offended either. The invented names influenced the appearance and character. Kuraga Petrovna is a simple woman, and Klubnik Nikolaevna and Cherry Vladimirovna are fashionistas and coquettes.

A presentable foreigner, Kumquat Karlovich, joined the women's team

There are also citizens of nut origin in the company.

Die Hard Three

Wrappers have been created for all types of sweets: milky yellow ones for sweets with white glaze, brown ones for those with dark glaze. The varieties, which are sold not only by weight, will be packaged in beautiful bags and boxes, the design of which was also created by the designers of the Lebedev Studio.

In the process of working on the project, a new font “Kendisweet” was created, which is used for all the names of the candies and headings.

I have a sweet tooth, I love candy like crazy, and it’s very difficult for me to cope with my passion, since I need to take care of my figure. So I walk sadly past the candy counters, allowing myself a little. Plus, my passion for writing reviews justifies me a little - I taste all sorts of new products, and now there are a lot of them, and they are all so tasty, and all so strange... For example, “Kuraga Petrovna” candies with almonds in chocolate glaze from JSC “Ozersky Souvenir” (produced in the Moscow region, Ozyory).

I'll start with the name. Me, in principle, after Kochegar Petya, Guardian Angel and Crazy Melon is already hard to surprise. Moreover, “Kuraga Petrovna” is included in the “Fruktovichi” series of candies from “Ozersky Souvenir”, and about her “friend” “ Prune Mikhailovich“I already wrote.

Based on the name, it becomes clear that the candy is made with dried apricots. After opening the candy wrapper, we are greeted by a large brown piece of chocolate glaze, quite tasty, by the way, and it’s good that the manufacturer didn’t lie about the chocolate containing dried apricots.

The layer of glaze is not very thick, and there are already two dried apricots in the candy, one inside the other. And inside this fur coat are peeled almonds.

candy inside

The dried apricots are not the kind that Uzbeks sell at the market, but like imported ones in the supermarket, red. On the one hand, this is good, because it is cleaner, but on the other hand, such dried apricots undergo special processing, therefore, compared to the Uzbek one, they are not the best.
Almonds are tasty, not bitter or rotten.

And so, when you blissfully consume this deliciousness, ATTENTION, DANGER may await you! A piece of dried apricot bone. Of course, I read on the candy wrapper that this could happen, but I didn’t expect that this “fruit fragment of natural dried apricots” would be so large. Okay, I didn’t give this dangerous candy to the child, otherwise he likes to stuff more into his mouth when I’m not looking. The most annoying thing is that such a nuisance lurks in such expensive candies - I bought “Apricot Petrovna” at a price of 450 rubles per kilogram, although I only took a few pieces.
I made a conclusion for myself - I will not buy any more “Karaga Petrovna” candies with almonds in chocolate glaze from JSC “Ozersky Souvenir”. It’s a pity, of course, the candies are delicious, but so dangerous. That's why I don't recommend it!

Greetings to everyone who came to see me!

I want to write a review about Ozersky souvenir Kuraga Petrovna candies with almonds in chocolate glaze.

Let's read the ingredients!

Ingredients: dried apricots, chocolate glaze (sugar, cocoa butter equivalent, cocoa
liquor, cocoa powder, cocoa butter, emulsifier: lecithin, flavoring
identical to natural "Vanilla"), whole roasted almond kernel,
starch molasses, flavoring identical to natural "Apricot".

I think the composition is quite good. Of course, homemade sweets are better than store-bought ones, but who has the time and desire to cook at home???

What is written about sweets on the official website.

"Kuraga Petrovna"

Dried apricots are perhaps the sweetest of all dried fruits, which are dried ripe apricots. The sweetness of dried apricots, like other dried fruits, comes not from sugar, but from natural fruit carbohydrates - fructose and glucose. Dried apricots are a storehouse of minerals; they have no equal in terms of iron, magnesium and potassium content! Pectins, which this product is also rich in, are capable of removing heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.

I agree with the information that is written on the site, but the sugar added to the chocolate glaze spoils everything...

Nutritional value per 100 g of product: proteins 5.0 g, fats 15 g, carbohydrates 57.0 g.
Energy value: 380 kcal.

The shelf life of these sweets is 180 days.

I recommend Ozersky souvenir Kuraga Petrovna candies with almonds in chocolate glaze because they are still healthier than others chocolates and bars.

Greetings to all sweet lovers!

"KDV" is a group of well-known Russian manufacturers of various confectionery, which has a huge number of brands, one of them is “Yashkino”, “Babkiye Seeds” and others.

Manufacturer "Ozersky Souvenir", part of the confectionery association "KDV" produces original candies with various fillings, to which an entire brand has been dedicated, called "Fruktovichi" which presents loose candies not only with original fillings, but also with original names:

  • "Cherry Vladimirovna" in chocolate glaze
  • "Strawberry Nikolaevna" in white chocolate glaze
  • "Pineapple Denisovich" in chocolate glaze
  • "Apricot Petrovna" with almonds in chocolate glaze

Today the hero of my sweet review is "Apricots Petrovna" with almonds in chocolate glaze.

Where to buy?

  • You can buy "Kuraga Petrovna" candies with almonds in chocolate glaze by weight in various supermarkets, hypermarkets, as well as in online stores.

What is the price?

  • A packaged package of candies weighing 200 grams from the manufacturer itself can be purchased for 149 rubles.
  • You can also find packaged candies by the kilo in online stores. I purchased these candies from the Komus online store. weighing 1 kilogram for 621 rubles, while “Prunes Mikhailovich” in Komus costs 706 rubles.

Ingredients for sweets with this original name:

Dried dried apricots, chocolate glaze (sugar, cocoa butter equivalent, cocoa mass, cocoa powder, cocoa butter, emulsifier lecithin, vanilla flavoring), sugar, whole roasted almond kernel, starch syrup, Apricot flavoring

  • It is worth noting that the candies are not covered with chocolate, but with glaze.
  • Cocoa butter equivalent contains: palm oil! - this is a minus.

The shelf life of this type of candy is 6 months.

As in the case of the already tested “Prunes Mikhailovich”, “Kuraga Petrovna” has approximately the same huge dimensions.

But there are smaller candies in the package.

Having opened a candy wrapper with candy, which definitely wouldn’t fit into my mouth at once, I felt a pleasant fruity smell, characteristic of dried apricots.

The candy is neatly covered with a layer of glaze.

Inside the glaze layer are whole dried apricots and whole almonds.

The glaze doesn't taste bad, without the disgusting aftertaste that is often inherent in icing in candies. The glaze is quite sweet. And it is absolutely identical to the glaze in the “Prunes Mikhailovich” candies with walnuts in chocolate glaze.

The dried apricots are real and very pleasant to the taste.

And the whole almonds inside serve as a pleasant addition; the nut goes harmoniously with dried apricots.

My impressions:

  • Manufacturer created original series sweets with unusual names.
  • The composition of the sweets leaves much to be desired. And for that price they could have used a glaze made from natural cocoa butter, but apparently they considered it unnecessary. Despite the substitutes used in the glaze, the glaze does not have an unpleasant taste.
  • The candies are huge in size, their weight varies, but on average it is 40-45 grams.

Before testing “Apricots Petrovna”, I tried “Prunes Mikhailovich” with walnuts in chocolate glaze, and I want to say that I liked “Apricots Petrovna” much more, but it’s probably just a matter of taste.

In addition to the original name, the manufacturer invented a very cute design for the candy wrappers, and if I were a child, I would definitely add such candy wrappers to my collection.

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