Mushroom umbrella recipes. Umbrella mushroom - beneficial properties, contraindications and recipes. How to store fried mushroom umbrellas for the winter

The umbrella is a wonderful mushroom that is often found in our forests. Unfortunately this delicious mushroom is not popular, as many mushroom pickers are afraid to confuse it with toadstools.

Why is the mushroom called an “umbrella”?

The umbrella mushroom really resembles an umbrella. In the forest you can find huge umbrellas, which are sometimes arranged in “witch circles”, up to 40 cm high with a hat up to 30 cm in diameter. This mushroom opens like a real umbrella: at first the plates (“spokes”) are closely pressed to the stem (“umbrella handle”), then they move away from it and take a horizontal position. This similarity is striking, so few doubt the accuracy of the name. Many edible mushrooms have poisonous counterparts. Umbrellas are no exception. Moreover, not all umbrella mushrooms are edible. Therefore, you should never forget the main rule of a mushroom picker - take only those mushrooms that you know well.

This is not a fly agaric!

Many types of umbrella mushrooms are tasty edible mushrooms, but often mushroom pickers do not collect them and knock them over, thinking that they have found them (porphyry or panther). Let's try to list the main differences between these completely different mushrooms. Let's start with the scales. The scales on the fly agaric cap are the remains of the cover of young mushrooms. As the fungus grows, they hold on less and less. The caps of old fly agarics are often smooth, with sparse scales. The umbrella mushroom does not immediately develop scales on its cap. The central part of the cap remains without scales. It is darker and smoother. The stem of an adult umbrella mushroom has a three-layer ring that can be moved up and down along the stem. There is no blanket or its remains at the base of the leg.

The umbel slender can be confused with some inedible mushrooms, such as the purple umbel, which smells unpleasant and has a bitter taste. There are other umbrella mushrooms, the consumption of which leads to poisoning or stomach upset. For example, an inedible comb umbrella with a cap 2–5 cm in diameter. You should not collect a masteoid umbrella (cap 8–12 cm). Its cap is covered with granular scales, the plates are white. There is also a deadly poisonous umbrella, fleshy-reddish, the cap of which is only 2 - 6 cm in diameter.

Edible umbrellas, variegated, thin and blushing, are so different in appearance from any “doubles” that identifying them is not difficult at all. However, if in doubt, it is better to pass by, leaving these umbrellas to more experienced mushroom pickers.

The umbrella mushroom is variegated, thin and blushing

In our forests, the most common umbrella is variegated, thin and red. It is worth noting that in the popular literature there is confusion in identifying the types of umbrella mushroom. The reddened umbrella especially suffers from this, which in some reference books is accompanied by the stigma of “poisonous”, while in others it is recommended as a very tasty mushroom. Most likely, it means a fleshy-reddish umbrella. In addition, the same umbrella mushroom is often presented under different species names (“variegated” - “great” - “large”, etc.). The variegated umbrella is more often found in birch and mixed forests; it chooses places that are lighter: clearings, forest edges and even pastures. Its miniature copy is a thin umbrella with a cap up to 10 cm in diameter and a stem up to 15 cm high. Another thing is the umbrella mushroom that is reddened (shaggy). He prefers coniferous forests. The blushing umbrella is slightly smaller than the motley one. The edges of its scaly cap are slightly wavy. This species is easily distinguished by its flesh, which quickly turns red (or slightly red) on all cuts. Adult mushrooms may have a pinkish tint to the plates.

Young umbrellas are the most delicious

How to cook umbrella mushroom?

The umbrella mushroom, or rather its cap, is very tasty. The stem of this mushroom is discarded, as it consists of long, hard fibers. Try frying the cap in vegetable oil. I am sure that you will like it so much that the umbrella will become one of your favorite mushrooms. I enjoy eating a cap that is well fried on both sides (like a pancake). First from the records side. It can first be rolled in flour, breadcrumbs or beaten egg. This mushroom (fresh and dry) is also good for soup. Young umbrellas are salted and pickled. The umbrella cooks quickly, almost like champignons. Some people eat this mushroom raw, using it in salads or making sandwiches with it. The scales on the cap do not need to be removed. Gourmets cook the umbrella mushroom not only in a frying pan, but also on the oven rack (with a tray) or barbecue. Definitely with herbs, pepper and garlic. It turns out very tasty.

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Good day everyone!
While taking photos for this recipe, I kept thinking whether to put it on the website or not. It seemed to me that many would not understand me and would think that I was crazy and fried a toadstool. But after looking at the recipes, I discovered that I am no longer the first and therefore I want to offer my own version of the dish.
But first, about the umbrella mushroom itself and how I got hooked on this dish.
As a child, an umbrella was really a huge toadstool for me and it was only suitable for playing “houses” with it, like a huge table lamp. When I became a forester and got to know this mushroom better, I still didn’t dare try it. But one day my friends simply forced me to eat it. They prepared a fried umbrella, handed me a fork and knife, and made me try it. With caution, of course, but I still put the first piece on my tongue and... felt the taste fried carp. Since then, fried umbrellas have always been welcome on our table; both my husband and son adore them.
And so, in order not to be unfounded, I want to suggest trying to cook this mushroom.
So... it is best to collect umbrellas that have not yet had time to open their hats. I usually take mushrooms whose cap diameter does not exceed 20 cm, or very small ones.

The mushroom should be clean and with white plates under the cap.

Before cooking, first remove the stem and cut the mushroom in half. We inspect it for the presence of worms. I want to warn you right away that if you find even one wormhole, it is better to throw away the mushroom. Even if you don't notice anything else on it, it will taste bitter after frying. I tried it from my own experience, so now I examine each mushroom very carefully.

Wash the umbrella mushroom under running water, wash off all the “shaggyness” from the cap and wash the plates.
Cut into pieces and sprinkle with salt.
Salt only the lower part of the mushroom-plate.

Pour flour into a plate and roll each piece in it.
If desired, flour can be replaced with semolina.

Pour sunflower oil into the frying pan, but only a little, since this mushroom will absorb as much oil as you pour. Therefore, it is better to fry it in a non-stick frying pan and in a small amount of oil.
Place the umbrella pieces in a frying pan, plate side up, and fry until crispy.

Turn the pieces over and fry for about 2-3 minutes.

The fried umbrella is ready.
The pieces can be served on bread like a sandwich.
The taste of fried umbrella is 100% reminiscent of fried carp.
The dish is very appetizing and also filling.

Bon appetit everyone!

Cooking time: PT00H20M 20 min.

Lovers of quiet hunting often ignore umbrellas - they are too similar to their poisonous counterparts and are not very attractive in appearance. Meanwhile, they make tasty, aromatic and original dishes. Moreover, these mushrooms are suitable for consumption raw; they taste like boiled chicken breast. Preparing the umbrella mushroom requires care due to the fragility of the cap.

Description of appearance

The mushroom has a telling name: a thin, hard stem is covered on top with a wide, flat cap, strongly reminiscent of an umbrella. Young mushrooms have an oval cap, similar to a microphone, that fits tightly around the stalk. The objects of hunting are white, maiden, blushing and variegated types of umbrellas.

As a rule, due to their external resemblance to toadstools and other poisonous mushrooms, umbrellas are hunted by experienced mushroom pickers. In fact, distinguishing an edible mushroom from its poisonous counterpart is simple:

  • the main number of scales is located along the edges of the cap, and not evenly, like in toadstools;
  • the leg ring is three-layered, and can be easily moved up or down with your fingers, but in poisonous specimens it is motionless;
  • the cut site does not change color upon contact with air;
  • when the caps are broken, the umbrellas smell pleasant, the smell is reminiscent of wet walnut. Inedible counterparts have an unpleasant odor.

Stuffed young mushrooms

Only young umbrella mushrooms are suitable for this purpose. Cooking recipes stuffed mushrooms popular in Eastern European countries. You will need the following ingredients:

  • egg-shaped caps of young mushrooms - 15 pcs.;
  • mashed potatoes - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • ground cloves - 1 pinch;
  • boiled carrots - 1 pc.;
  • minced fillet chicken breast- 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and black pepper.

Simple recipes for soup from fresh mushrooms boletus

Carrots are grated and mixed with minced meat and mashed potatoes. The resulting mixture is salted, peppered and ground cloves are added to it.

It is poured into the bottom of a deep well vegetable oil and lay out the onion, cut into half rings.

Hats are placed in warm water for 2-3 minutes to prevent fragility. After which they are carefully stuffed and placed in a frying pan close to each other so that the minced meat does not spill out. Place tomatoes cut into slices on top, add 200 ml of water, cover with a lid and place on low heat.

The dish takes 25 minutes to prepare. The time is counted after the water boils.

Umbrella mushrooms have their own Latin name. The initial part of the word – macro – is translated as large. The second means a variety or genus of plants. In general - macrolepiota. They called it an umbrella because of the similarity of the shape of the dome, the head of the mushroom.

Umbrellas stand on thin long legs with a large cap, shaped like the dome of a rain device. Groups are divided into edible and poisonous. Separate subgroups are identified in special variety- delicacy. The diameter of the cap can reach up to 35 cm, the stem grows up to 40 cm. The shape of the head is similar to half an egg. Small umbrellas are especially close to the dome of half the egg. Main appearance characteristics:

  • The color of the dome skin is white;
  • Along the dome there are growths of various ornate non-geometric shapes;
  • The tone of the growths is pale brown;
  • The head gradually cracks, dividing into raised scales;
  • the base can be smooth and straight or slightly curved;
  • The cavity of the leg is empty;
  • Under the dome on the leg there is a fringe resembling a skirt;
  • The fringe ring moves easily.
  • The bottom of the head consists of parallel plates.
  • The color of the plates is perfect white.

The mushroom can be found almost all over the globe. Being saprophytes, umbrellas grow on any type of soil and various areas of the forest belt. Mushrooms are well cultivated, so they can be grown near the house, in garden plots or in special greenhouse buildings.

They called it an umbrella because of the similarity of the shape of the dome, the head of a mushroom

Edible mushroom umbrellas

White umbrella mushroom (field)

The field variety is common in certain areas:

  • steppe areas;
  • coniferous and mixed forests;
  • clearings of forest roads;
  • animal pastures and pastures;
  • glades.

You can find field umbrellas from the beginning of summer until the end of October. The field species has a thick, fleshy main part, up to 12 cm in diameter. At first, the cap has elongated circumferences, then it becomes lower and flatter. A dark bump appears in the center of the dome. Along the edge there are white fibers, formations in the form of flakes. When cut, the color of the cap flesh does not change. It rises up to 12 cm, the dome is dense - up to 1.2 cm. The white, smooth and hollow leg stands firmly. If you touch it, the surface begins to turn yellow or acquire a brown tint. The plates change with age: first - white, then - cream, and finally - brown. The pulp of the umbrella has a pleasant aroma and tart taste.

Gallery: mushroom umbrella (25 photos)

Properties of umbrella mushrooms (video)

Due to its taste characteristics, the field species is a component of Chinese gourmet cuisine. In addition, the white species grows in other countries:

  • Europe;
  • Iran;
  • Türkiye;
  • Siberia;
  • Far East;
  • America;
  • Africa.

Experienced foresters warn about a similar description to the toadstool: a stinking fly agaric. The forest guest, which is fatal to humans, has a bag-like covering that goes into the ground. The hat is slimy and strewn with filmy flakes.

White umbrella mushroom (field)

Elegant umbrella mushroom (thin)

The species is included in the edible variety and grows in open clearings of short grass in forests, field and meadow areas. Harvested from August to October. The appearance and name are synonymous - a thin curved leg and an elegant head. The shape of the dome is similar to a field bell, gradually expanding during growth and becoming almost flat. Scaly formations on the dome are yellowish in color. The circumference is up to 15 cm. The fringe skirt is white and fluffy. The scales fill not only the cap, but also the stem. Gradually the yellow tone changes, darkens to brown. The pulp is pleasant when cooked, with a special unique aroma. The color of the mushroom pulp is bright white.

Elegant umbrella mushroom (thin)

Conrad's umbrella mushroom

Prefers to grow in forested areas. The fleshy head at a young age is more rounded and ovoid, then straightens, leaving a protruding tubercle in the center, similar to a baby's pacifier. The skin is white or gray-dirty, in the center it can be pink or black-brown. The skin does not reach the edges of the cap. The pulp does not change color after cutting the mushroom. The leg rises to 15 cm. It is brown in color and has brown scales. The skirt can be moved. It is light on top and brown underneath. The plates are white and cream in color. Umbrellas are found in European and Asian countries.

Conrad's umbrella mushroom

Blushing umbrella mushroom (shaggy)

The edible species chooses soils rich in humus. The name was given due to the change in color of the dome. The shaggy cap gradually turns reddish. The edges of the cap are turned inward, gradually they straighten out and crack. The skin becomes covered with scales and takes on a shaggy appearance. The taste is pleasant and bright mushroom aroma.

Blushing umbrella mushroom (shaggy)

Girlish umbrella mushroom

A type of blushing umbrella. The species is very rare and protected. The shape of the cap has fringe around the edges. The surface is light and white. The scales are fibrous. The smell is similar to radish. Height up to 12-16 cm. Loose plates white or pink.

How and when to collect umbrella mushrooms (video)

Inedible and poisonous umbrella mushrooms

False mushrooms are similar to edible species appearance. Doubles with poisonous properties are dangerous and cause death and serious complications to humans.

Amanita stinking

Another name is white grebe. The mushroom is highly toxic, if ingested, leads to death or serious poisoning. All components differ in shades: gray, dirty. The cap - the hemispheres becomes convex, the color changes from white to pale pink or gray. The ring on the stem is filmy and quickly disappears, leaving fragments of fibers.

Amanita stinking

Panther fly agaric (gray)

The poison dome hat has a hemispherical shape that becomes flat with age. In addition, it is gradually torn to pieces. The mushroom is poisonous and dangerous to humans. Even a small amount, if ingested, can be fatal. The leg is missing a velvety ring. The head is lamellar and white, sometimes with distinct brown spots. The pulp has an unpleasant aroma and tastes sweet. When cut, the flesh remains white.

Panther fly agaric (gray)

Chlorophyllum dark brown

The dangerous species is similar to umbrella mushrooms. The cap has the same scaly plates. The color of the dome is close to edible - gray-brown. The shape of the head is also similar. The leg is denser and thicker; towards the ground it begins to thicken and form a tuber. Mushrooms have hallucinogenic properties. Its toxicity has not been fully studied, so the effect on humans is very dangerous and poisonous mushrooms should be avoided.

Chlorophyllum dark brown

Chlorophyllum lead-slag

The shape of the cap makes the mushroom look like an umbrella when young. The white heads are ovoid. The legs are thin and smooth, in the upper part under the head there is a skirt. The pulp changes when cut and becomes reddish. The pulp has no taste or smell. False umbrella changes color when pressed, turns yellow or brown.

Chlorophyllum lead-slag

Methods for preparing edible umbrellas

Umbrella mushrooms have excellent taste characteristics. Only young specimens are collected for cooking. Cooking begins with heat treatment. A large number of technologies are chosen for umbrellas:

  • pickled;
  • dried;
  • salty;
  • boiled.

Dishes from umbrella edible mushrooms:

  • broths;
  • sauces;
  • second;
  • salads;
  • fillings for pancakes and pies.

Only young specimens are collected for cooking.

Our dinner guest is a most aromatic mushroom from the champignon family. Variegated umbrellas are delicious edible mushrooms. If you have ever seen, but not tried, these wonderful natural gifts in your forests, then it is in vain. Umbrellas have one characteristic mushroom taste, which cannot be confused. The rich mushroom aroma can conquer anyone. Fried umbrellas with onions olive oil- a dish worthy of a festive table.

Umbrellas in any version are suitable for frying: fresh, dry, frozen. I'll stick with a fresh umbrella weighing about 1 kg.

And I will only use the hat. It is fleshy and wide on the umbrella.

The hat is carefully rinsed with water. The umbrella has a rather brittle structure on the inside of its cap. After water procedures, the mushroom is cut into any shape. For frying, it is better not to crush the umbrellas. Having a loose airy base, they are fried three times.

Umbrellas are first extinguished in own juice until reduced in volume.

Then add the diced onions and vegetable oil is added.

The umbrellas are salted at the very end, fried three times.

Well, take a sample! How? Agree that fried umbrellas are a great alternative chicken meat. Enjoy your mushroom dinner!