Ready-made meals Miratorg classic chicken nuggets. How to cook delicious nuggets in the microwave Miratorg nuggets how to cook in a frying pan

Let me clarify right away that I am in no way advocating the consumption of processed foods. This can be done extremely rarely, and it is advisable to have an idea about the semi-finished product being purchased. Perhaps now passing by classic Miratorg nuggets, you decide to purchase them. Sometimes you’re just too lazy to cook, but you need to eat, then nuggets will come to your rescue!

Nuggets "Miratorg"

I love everything about these nuggets, from the bright, glossy packaging to the taste. The packaging bears the inscription “Nuggets No. 1 in Russia”; I can’t say this with firm certainty, but these are the best store-bought nuggets I’ve tried (however, I’ve only tried nuggets from 2 companies)

A 300 g package will cost you from 60 to 100 rubles, the price depends on the store. In Volgograd they are often given discounts at the MAN store.

Inside the colorful packaging is a transparent bag where the nuggets are located.

Nuggets "Miratorg"

Nuggets are cooked within 3-8 minutes, isn’t it a miracle! There are various options for preparing them:

I prefer to fry them in a frying pan until golden brown.

Nuggets "Miratorg"

In general, after 5 minutes, my husband and I can already happily eat these crispy chicken nuggets. They have delicious breading, I once had nuggets whose taste was spoiled by the breading. They look delicious! You can smell the chicken fillet inside. In general, if you do not abuse semi-finished products, then sometimes you can afford them.

Nuggets "Miratorg"

For those who understand compositions, I took a special photo. After reading it, you will be able to draw the right conclusions as to whether they are worth trying!

Crispy chicken nuggets, in my opinion, can be consumed extremely rarely, giving preference to healthy food! But if you don’t have the energy and time to cook, then they can very well help you out: the finished nuggets look appetizing and are really tasty, and you can cook them within 5 minutes.


By changing the packaging design, the quality of Miratorg nuggets has become worse and the price is higher. We rarely buy them now, they smell like something sour or something. In general, they are not the same nuggets, but you can eat them, of course.

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Other semi-finished products:

Nuggets - delicious snack from chicken fillet crispy breaded - were first prepared in America in 1950. The secret of this much-loved dish was a particularly strong breading, thanks to which the meat juice remained inside and did not flow out into the pan during frying. In 1979, nuggets first appeared online. fast food McDonalds. Today, this dish is produced by many manufacturers of semi-finished meat products all over the world. Miratorg nuggets are widely known in Russia, the composition, customer reviews and assortment of which are discussed in our article. Let's look at each question in more detail.

Assortment of nuggets "Miratorg"

The Miratorg company is a leading manufacturer and supplier of meat and semi-finished meat products on the domestic market. The brand's products are known not only in Russia, but also far beyond the country's borders. Miratorg nuggets, the composition of which is rightfully considered ideal, have not without reason become a favorite treat for both adults and children. The brand's line includes two types of crispy breaded nuggets: cheese and chicken. Both are characterized by excellent taste, but differ in the composition of ingredients.

Available in five flavors. These are “Classic”, “Crispy”, and also with ham, cheese and mushrooms. For their production, natural chicken fillet is used, which in a crispy golden breading not only retains its aroma and taste, but also becomes especially juicy and aromatic.

Cheese nuggets are available in two flavors: classic and with ham. This is the original interpretation traditional dish from chicken fillet. Nuggets with spicy cheese filling They are prepared in the same golden breading and are in no way inferior in taste to the classic version of preparation.

Chicken nuggets "Miratorg": product composition

Classic are the most tender pieces of fresh chicken fillet in a crispy breading, thanks to which they retain their juiciness. They go on sale in original cardboard packaging weighing 300 grams and can be stored for up to 12 months at a temperature of 18 degrees below zero.

Athletes and people who watch their weight will also like Miratorg nuggets. The composition of this semi-finished product is as follows: chicken meat, water, flour, vegetable oil, starch, dietary fiber, soy protein, salt, yeast, chicken flavoring, antioxidant, thickener, stabilizers, spices. The nuggets contain 13.4 g of protein, almost the same amount of carbohydrates and 9.5 g of fat (per 100 grams of product).

Hi all!)

I have already written a review about Golden Cockerel Chicken Nuggets “Yummy”. And there I said that our favorites among nuggets are the companies “Golden Cockerel” and “Miratorg”. This time we took Miratorg, it was already a month ago, but I only sat down to write a review now)

Read more about Miratorg Classic Nuggets:

I bought them at the Spar hypermarket on sale for 70 rubles. Volume 300 gr. Regular price is approximately 100-120 rubles. But periodically there are promotions, and you can snatch up such nuggets for 70 rubles, or even cheaper. The nuggets are packaged in a box with a colorful image of the already prepared product, and inside they are in a sealed bag.

Nutritional value per 100g of product: fats - 9.5g, proteins - 13.4g, carbohydrates - 13.2g.

Energy value (calorie content): 803.3 kJ/192.0 kcal.

Store: at a temperature not higher than -18" C.

Shelf life: 365 days.

Cooking method:

1. In a frying pan: Heat a little in a frying pan vegetable oil and add frozen nuggets. Heat them for about 3 minutes on each side, turning them occasionally. To ensure crispy nuggets, do not cover the pan with a lid during cooking.

2. In the deep fryer: Heat the oil, place the frozen nuggets in the deep fryer and cook for 3-4 minutes until golden brown.

After removing the nuggets, blot off any excess oil with a paper towel.

Serve hot.

3. In the oven: Preheat the oven to 200"C.

Place frozen nuggets on a greased baking sheet.

Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes.

Serve hot.

I cooked nuggets the fastest and in a simple way- fried in a frying pan. It takes a minimum of time. This allows you to have a quick and satisfying breakfast!) Most often I fried eggs to go with the nuggets. But this combination is quite difficult.

Nuggets are such a product that there is no way to cook them without oil. The trick is that they must be toasted! So there was no harm done! The photo shows a frying pan from my favorite Tefal Pan Set 04131810.

Everyone knows that oil releases dangerous carcinogens when frying. You can read more about this in the article Why is frying in oil harmful? There is a table with types of oils, and they explain which ones are more harmful. It turns out that there are oils that, unlike sunflower oil, can withstand high temperatures! Ideal oil for frying! But they still cannot be called harmless! So if you're a supporter healthy eating, then it’s better to do without oil at all! You can learn more about this in the article Facts about the benefits and harms of fats. Why don't I eat vegetable oil?

Taste. The nuggets are very tasty! They remain juicy inside! And in general, it’s immediately clear from the taste that this is chicken meat and not something else! They are also nutritious! It feels like it’s just breaded chicken fillet!) Let’s see what’s really there) Ingredients:

chicken meat, drinking water, flour (wheat, corn), sunflower oil, starch (potato, corn), dietary fiber (soy, wheat fiber), soy protein, salt, yeast, paprika, turmeric, flavoring (contains eggs, milk, celery ), antioxidant ascorbic acid, white pepper extract, wheat gluten, thickener guar gum.

The product may contain traces of sulfite.

Let's try to understand the composition of this delicious product)

Chicken meat. This product seems to be a plus) But recently, I learned about the dangers of meat! Something that no one talks about. I used to think that all vegetarians simply do not eat meat for ethical reasons, but from a health point of view, I was sure that they were doing it to their own detriment. But it turns out that meat is not a healthy product for us at all!

People who give up meat stop getting sick, become more energetic, slimmer, their skin, nails, and hair improve!!! There is a lot of information about this on the Internet, but on television they show exclusively meat-eating life! For those interested, I am posting an article that will not leave you indifferent - 15 reasons not to eat meat or “Treatise on Meat”.

The fact is that meat is poorly digestible, or rather only up to 70%, the rest pollutes our body.

Yeast. Avoid yeast and yeast. bread is recommended not only by advocates of a healthy lifestyle, but also by many nutritionists, as well as gastroenterologists. The theoretical harm of yeast outweighs all the charm and possible benefits of bread based on it. The difference in the consumption of yeast foods and their absence in the diet is noticed by people who refuse their usual bread for one reason or another. Heartburn disappears, bloating and gas formation decrease.

Turmeric is turmeric.

Thickener guar gum. E412 is approved for the production of food and cosmetics in most countries of the world.

I found a short description of Elena Malysheva’s program, in which they looked at the benefits and harms of chicken nuggets - Chicken nuggets - benefits and harms. If you're interested, read it, there's not much there, but I'll tell you the result right away - they're not recommended to eat!

Conclusion: Of course, the product, whatever one may say, cannot be called useful, but it also does not contain any terrible chemical additives. If you are not a fan of giving up meat, then you will definitely like these nuggets!) But you shouldn’t abuse them! If only because they are fried in oil! And choose more gentle oils for these purposes!)

My other reviews:

Green buckwheat for sprouting For everyone's benefit Pasta BARILLA Lasagne (lasagne sheets) Chicken nuggets Golden Cockerel "Yummy" Knorr seasoning Spaghetti Bolognese Maggi seasoning Dry mixture For the main course for juicy meatballs in creamy tomato sauce Heinz French mustard

Anyone who does not like to spend time preparing food tries to get it in finished form. To do this, such people use semi-finished products, of which a huge number have recently appeared on sale. Among meat-containing products, Miratorg nuggets occupy not the last place. Customer reviews about them, however, are not always clear.

Successful purchase

Faced with a feeling of hunger, a person is forced to look for a way out of this situation. For those who have some experience in cooking, solving this problem will not be difficult. But not everyone has these skills to the same extent. Many begin to master this difficult art by using semi-finished products. Miratorg nuggets can be attributed to this category. Reviews from those who have tried this product contain a variety of opinions. A fairly large number of buyers note several important positive characteristics in it:

  1. Many people find nugget packaging very convenient. This food is suitable for when a hungry person is limited in time. All he has to do is open the package and heat its contents.
  2. Some supporters of fast food note that this is the most quick way cooking. This option eliminates the need to spend a long time in the kitchen.
  3. Some consumers emphasize the good taste of this semi-finished product.

This opinion is shared by people who are happy to purchase Miratorg nuggets in stores. Feedback from this part of buyers emphasizes the fact that these days such products are quite in demand on the market. This is evidenced by the constantly growing volumes of their production and increased demand.

Cooking methods

There are several ways in which you can prepare the famous Miratorg nuggets at home. Customer reviews indicate that each of them does it in their own way:

  • The simplest option is that frozen foods can simply be heated in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. Fry for 5 minutes on each side. To make the product crispier, do not cover it with a lid during processing.
  • If desired, the pieces can be placed on a greased baking sheet and kept in the oven over medium heat for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Some people prefer to use the microwave. To do this, place sufficiently cooled food on a plate and set the “defrost” mode.
  • If you have a multicooker in your house, you can use that too. You just need to pour a large amount of oil into the bowl, lower the basket with nuggets inside and fry for 10-15 minutes in the “baking” mode.

Everyone chooses the most acceptable and convenient option for themselves.

Negative opinions

It is impossible to make all people think the same way. Each of them will always have their own opinion. This is why not everyone approves of Miratorg chicken nuggets. Reviews from some customers can be classified as negative, as they emphasize the negative characteristics of this product:

  1. Some consumers believe that the taste of the nuggets does not quite meet expectations. In their opinion, they are a little dry and bland. The product is very paper-like.
  2. In advertising, the nuggets are often described as juicy, although the inside is quite dry and not at all flavorful.
  3. Some are inclined to believe that the price of 70 to 100 rubles per 300 gram package is very expensive for such a product.
  4. Many people are confused by the rather complex composition. Nowadays, people have become accustomed to having a negative attitude towards a large number of E-supplements. Although many of them do not talk about it at all poor quality product.

Such negative opinions force some buyers to refrain from purchasing crispy nuggets.

Cheese delicacy

The Miratorg company produces popular semi-finished chicken products in a large assortment. Being the largest meat producer in Russia, it takes into account the interests of customers as much as possible. Among the goods instant cooking Miratorg nuggets with cheese are in great demand. Reviews in this case are also both positive and negative.

Basically, of course, people are satisfied with the pleasant combination of crispy crust, soft cheese and soft chicken fillet. Neat pieces of meat are evenly coated with breading and do not stick to the pan at all during frying. There is a piece inside processed cheese which gives finished product pleasant creamy aroma. True, many buyers believe that this additive is so tiny that it is practically not felt in the product. I would like the amount of cheese to be more noticeable not only visually, but also in taste. Then the product will be able to fully justify its name.

Product composition

Many people carefully read what is written on the package before making a purchase. It always helps to do this right choice and avoid unwanted disappointments. That is why those who buy Miratorg nuggets have great doubts about the composition. Consumer reviews of popular products question the quality of the product based on the information provided on the packaging.

Firstly, it is not entirely clear why chickens raised in the Bryansk region are released in St. Petersburg. Does the Northern capital really not have its own poultry farms? Secondly, in addition to starch, yeast extract, water, breadcrumbs, as well as wheat and corn flour, the product, along with meat, contains soy protein. It is clear that this component is beneficial for the body. But sometimes it tastes like there is much more soy than chicken.

It is also unclear why vegetable protein supplements in the form of gluten or E412 thickener are needed if the mixture already contains starch? While white pepper extract is quite understandable, the simultaneous presence of antioxidant E316 and apple cider vinegar also causes some confusion. In general, the composition is so complex that some buyers are still afraid to purchase the product, trying to find something more natural on store shelves.