Fast food - what kind of food it is and how harmful it is. The most unusual fast food dishes Unusual ideas for fast food

Fast food (eng. fast food - fast food) is a dish prepared for quick eating. The law of format suggests that the time between preparation and sale should not exceed ten minutes. This is just one of the possible definitions of fast food; there is still no single definition. At the same time, almost everyone agrees that this is fast food, produced on a large scale, when dishes are prepared not to order, but from semi-finished products.

Today the industry fast food- one of the most dynamically developing economic segments in the world. Fast food restaurants are found in almost every country in the world: from America to Japan, from Australia to Iceland. McDonald's alone has spread its chains in 119 countries, but the local varieties of fast food are countless. In Russia, in addition to the world's "stars", there are also their own: "Rostik"s, "Russian Bistro", "Kroshka-Kartoshka" , “Teremok - Russian pancakes”, as well as countless stalls with shawarma and grilled chicken.

It is believed that fast food is a child of the 20th century. In fact, it has existed for centuries, because even the ancient Romans loved to have a snack at a quick fix. Often the “descendants of Mars” refused to cook at home; many Roman houses had no kitchens at all. But in every city there were a lot of eateries and markets where they sold all kinds of food. By the way, it was then that the prototype of pizza appeared - a flatbread made from yeast dough, oiled olive oil. The Romans also had their own hamburgers. They fried beef cakes and ate them with bread.

1. Mint tea, Morocco

Glasses filled to the brim with mint and a hefty dose of sugar stand ready to brew the famous Moroccan mint tea. The drink is refreshing on a hot day in Marrakech, but it's more than just a thirst quencher. Making and drinking tea is an integral part of Moroccan culture and a must-have experience that every tourist should go through.

2. Miaokou Night Market in Taiwan

There is an old temple in the center of the Miaokou night market, but the main thing here is the fast. The market's yellow lanterns illuminate tables of mouth-watering traditional Taiwanese delicacies. Here you will find spicy soup with noodles, oyster omelette, snails, sticky rice and tripe. Taiwanese and tourists alike agree that a visit to the market would not be complete without the fruit dessert, ice-cold prune bubbles.

3. Shanghai dumplings, China

A Shanghai street vendor serves freshly prepared Chinese favorite urban snack, dumplings. These treats are widely distributed throughout Shanghai and are available to customers in the most different tastes and combinations.

4. Noodles, Thailand

Sieve with noodles on open fire occupies the chef's full attention in Bangkok's Chinatown. Many passers-by simply cannot resist the skill of these street chefs and the aroma of their creations.

5. Chicken entrails, Philippines

Filipino street vendors created this dish, which features chicken innards on skewers. The giblets are first marinated and then grilled or simply deep-fried. This delicacy is usually served with sweet, sour or hot sauce.

6. Beach Delicacies, India

When beachgoers in Goa need a break, treats like these always come in handy. At Anyuna Beach you can always find an endless stream of samosas, chicken, cold drinks and other Indian favorites.

7. Grasshoppers, China

Chinese street vendors love this bouquet of grasshoppers on skewers, which always raises eyebrows among Western tourists. However, eating insects is not that uncommon these days. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations says people around the world regularly consume about 1,400 species of protein-rich insects.

8. Banh Mi sandwiches, Vietnam

A Vietnamese street vendor serves up this relic of the colonial past with a smile. Banh mi sandwiches are made with a French baguette filled with a delicious variety of meats and vegetables. They are enjoyed with pleasure throughout Vietnam, especially for breakfast.

9. Sausages, Germany

These trays serve only best views sausages. Street food lovers in Germany (especially at various festivals and fairs) enjoy eating bratwurst, bokwurst and other sausage delicacies, washing them down with delicious German beer.

10. Ceviche, Peru

A chef prepares ceviche in the seaside town of Mancora, Peru. Ceviche is a popular dish throughout Latin America, made with citrus juice, in this case lime juice, in which a mixture of raw fish and other seafood.

11. Pork, Cambodia

Tourists don't need to speak Khmer to understand the menu at a street stall like this in Phnom Penh. By the way, pork is one of the most common types of meat eaten in the world. Austria ranks first in the world for pork consumption, followed by Spain and Denmark.

12. Kolkata Kathi rolls (India)

Imagine rolls cut from a long “sausage” of eggs, vigorous fresh onions, fresh green chilies, delicious slices of meat or fish, baked in the Indian version of a tandoori oven and wrapped in delicious Indian flatbread paratha. With this traditional snack being very popular all over India (and now in many other countries of the world), it is becoming more and more difficult for other popular fast food dishes to compete.

13. Cornish meat pie(United Kingdom)

One of the UK's most significant contributions to the global history of 'rapid response nutrition'. This traditional British easy “lunch on the go” is baked from dough that is rolled out into pancakes and wrapped around the filling. Filling: beef, rutabaga, carrots, potatoes, onions. By the way, the dish was born in the 18th century among English miners. They say that these pies were given a specific shape so that miners could take them... with unwashed hands!

It is impossible to imagine a sunny island in the Caribbean without the famous beef pies. Numerous restaurants, cafes and just street vendors offer this dish at every turn, stunning with its juiciness, the unique aroma of tropical spices and a sauce made from pieces of fish and vegetables, complementing the rich taste of selected minced meat.

15. Cevapcici (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

One of the most popular dishes peoples of the Balkan Peninsula. It is fried sausages made from ground meat (beef, pork) with onions and seasonings. Cevapcici served with a large number chopped onion rings and fresh white bread (pita). Sliced ​​into rings is also served as a side dish. capsicum, sliced ​​tomatoes or fried potatoes. In the fast food version, sausages are wrapped in thin hot flatbreads, and sour cream and cheese are used as a sauce.

16. Hotteok pancakes (Korea)

When your mouth is literally on fire from eating spicy Asian dishes, it’s worth remembering that the East is not only spices and fiery spices. Imagine, the East also means unique desserts! And if you want the latter and you are also somewhere in Korea, look around. You'll be sure to see numerous stalls with fryers preparing these popular soft pancakes filled with unrefined sugar, cinnamon, chopped nuts and sesame seeds right in front of drooling customers.

Top dishes of Ukrainian fast food

1. Hot dog

The hot dog, also known as the world-famous hot dog, is a dish known to the general public as American, but its homeland is not considered to be America, but Germany. A certain butcher living in the city of Frankfurt came up with thin and long hot sausages called Dachshund, which means dachshund in German. Later, a German emigrant brought these sausages to America and opened his own small business there, selling sausages wrapped in slices of bread on the streets. The business was very successful, and the dish became very popular among Americans. Later, instead of ordinary slices of bread, they began to use a hot oblong bun. This simple sandwich received the name hot dog a little later, when at the beginning of the 20th century the American artist Dargan created an illustration for such a popular and beloved dish and, not knowing how to correctly translate the name from German, signed the illustration in English. This is how a hot sausage in a bun became known as a hot dog.

2. Shawarma

As soon as they don't call it oriental dish: and shawarma, and shawarma, and even shawarma. Lavash stuffed with minced meat, usually chicken, with the addition of various spices, sauces and salad is very popular among Ukrainians. Turkey is considered the birthplace of shawarma, and there it is called kebab. Previously, finely chopped fried meat with vegetables and salad was wrapped in a thin Arab flatbread (pita), later, when the kebab reached Armenia and began to be called shawarma, the flatbread was replaced thin pita bread. In this form, this dish reached Ukraine. Of course, sanitary standards in the shop where shawarma is prepared leave much to be desired. But despite this, many Ukrainians, at their own peril and risk, have tried this dish of Turkish origin at least once in their lives. By the way, if you don’t trust street vendors, you can cook shawarma at home.

3. Cheburek

Pie from unleavened dough and minced meat, called cheburek, is a dish of Crimean Tatar cuisine by its origin. Surely, when coming to Crimea, you came across more than one cheburek shop where they actually sell delicious pasties. In modern recipes, not only is used as a filling for cheburek minced meat, but also cheese, potatoes, mushrooms. Here, as they say, it depends on the taste and color, the main thing is to remember that the cheburek is fried in hot oil, therefore, this dish is fatty and not at all healthy, as well as high in calories.

4. Baklava

A popular confectionery dish in the east, baklava, has long been loved by Ukrainians. It is especially popular on the Crimean Peninsula - in summer, honey baklava is sold right on the beaches. The first mention of this sweetness dates back to the 15th century; baklava was prepared in 1453 for the Turkish Sultan Fatih by his personal chef and so impressed the Sultan that he ordered the recipe to be immortalized. Since then, this multi-layered dessert has been prepared at every holiday. Turkish baklava is considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs. Honey and nuts that make up baklava contain substances necessary for male strength. Today there are a huge number of types of baklava. At the mere sight of this sweetness, it is difficult to resist trying at least a piece.

5. Pie

The classic pie is considered an original Russian dish. One of the most famous dishes has come to us from ancient times. Just remember Soviet cartoons, for example, the same Little Red Riding Hood who carried pies for her grandmother. Apparently, even the wolf knew a lot about Russian cuisine, since he kidnapped a girl with pies. Today, pies are still baked for the holidays, especially since there is a huge variety of fillings and shapes. However, if in a restaurant you can still taste a pie according to the most exquisite recipe, then on the shelves of “grandmothers” this dish has long turned into street fast food.

6. McDonald's cheeseburger

In my opinion, in modern society, unfortunately, there are practically no people left who would not at least try a cheeseburger from McDonalds at least once. I myself have many friends who like to often go to “Mac” - as they call it. The favorite sandwich of millions , consisting of buns, meat, cheese, ketchup, onions and pickled cucumber.


People all over the world love to have a snack on the run, regardless of country or continent. Today, in different countries, there are both purely national fast food dishes and those that have managed to gain popularity around the world. There was a place for both in our rating. The most difficult thing is to choose only ten appetizers from the existing variety, because each country boasts a whole range of similar dishes. However, we took the risk of ranking the Top 10 most popular fast food dishes in the world.

10. Chinese fast food

Boxes with noodles and various additives are quite popular all over the world, and are traditionally considered one of the types of Chinese fast food. Things are completely different in China itself. Perhaps Chinese fast food is a topic for a separate article. A European tourist gets the feeling that the Chinese are able to eat absolutely everything. Thus, along with delicious snacks such as steamed pies, pancakes, and caramelized fruits, on Chinese food displays you can find deep-fried grasshoppers, scorpions, chicken entrails and silkworm larvae. Residents of Cambodia, Vietnam and other Asian countries can also be considered insect lovers.

9. Falafel

In Israel, falafel is considered national dish, and you can buy it on almost every corner. This fast food is also popular in other countries of the Middle East. Rumor has it that falafel comes from Ancient Egypt, where even the pharaohs loved to feast on it. Traditional falafel is made from chickpeas. To do this, the beans are pre-soaked, boiled and pureed. Then a variety of spices, which are so popular in the East, are generously added to the mass. After that, you form small balls with your hands to quickly deep-fry them. Most often, golden crispy balls are served with spicy sesame sauce and vegetable salad. This whole mixture is placed inside unleavened flatbread- pitas.

8. Donburi

IN Japanese cuisine In addition to the taste of the dish, great importance is given to it appearance. But in fast food dishes we are not talking about special aesthetics. And for many years, eating hastily prepared food was considered indecent in Japan. But this does not mean that even today the Japanese are deprived of the opportunity to pamper themselves street food. Donburi is a fast food with an oriental flavor that is very popular among the Japanese today. This dish owes its name to the round bowl in which it is served. Donburi is a generous portion of rice with various additions of meat and vegetables. In total, there are more than fifty options for preparing this dish. Would you say this is too difficult for fast food? But for conservative Japan, the popularity of this dish became a real culinary revolution.

7. Burrito

The Mexican dish called burrito has long been popular not only in its homeland. This roll is made of thin wheat tortilla, inside which is minced meat, avocado pieces, beans, cheese, tomatoes and spicy creamy or tomato sauce, enjoys great success among residents of neighboring America. Shawarma lovers will note that the Mexican burrito recipe is not something completely new to them. However, unlike shawarma, there are several options for preparing burritos. So, this deep-fried dish is usually called chimichanga. And this same roll, but with corn tortilla and hot sauce, is known to gourmets as an enchilada.

6. Pies

Many people consider America to be the birthplace of fast food, however, food of this kind existed in Russia long before the great geographical discovery of Christopher Columbus. Let's take pies, for example. This dish could be bought from street vendors back in the time of Ivan the Terrible. Today there are a great many recipes for preparing this dish: yeast and unleavened; baked and fried; with salty and sweet fillings of completely different sizes and shapes. This dish is popular not only among the Slavs. So, the British are proud of their Cornish pies, calling them Cornish pasty. These pies are most often made from puff pastry, using meat and vegetables as filling. What distinguishes cornish pasties from ordinary pasties is original form: one side of the pie is framed by a kind of dough braid. They say that these pies have been incredibly popular in the south-west of Great Britain since the Middle Ages. And if now it's easy favorite treat, then in those days Cornish pastures served as a complete meal for miners from the county of Cornwall, who extracted tin in the mines. It was the peculiar shape of the pie that allowed the miners to eat it even with dirty hands. It was enough to hold the Cornish's mouth by its dough braid, which it was not a pity to sacrifice.

5. Waffles

Belgians, unlike residents of other countries, prefer sweet waffles as a snack. Their famous traditional corrugations are sold on every corner. And if the recipes of the waffles themselves differ little from one seller or another, the types of gravies are amazing. As an addition, you can choose berry or chocolate sauce, whipped cream or powdered sugar, or you can opt for thick waffles with filling. There are two types of waffles that are most popular in Belgium: Brussels and Liege. The former traditionally have a rectangular shape and a soft porous texture. They are especially tasty when warm. But Liege waffles have a round shape and have a wonderful crunch.

4. Roasted chestnuts

They say that every Frenchman can create a culinary masterpiece out of nothing. It’s no wonder that the most exquisite and intricate restaurant dishes come from France. At the same time, the French buy some fast food dishes with great pleasure. Needless to say, not a single Parisian morning is complete without a crispy croissant. This airy bagel, along with the Eiffel Tower and wine, has long become a symbol of France. But, perhaps, the main French fast food can be called roasted chestnuts. Street vendors deftly fill paper cones with chestnuts that are still warm. This dish is so popular in the country that every October people gather for the Chestnut Festival. Before the appearance of potatoes in France, it was chestnuts that replaced them in many dishes. They were not only fried, but also added to soups, and also ground into flour, which was then used for baking.

3. Hot dog

Of course, no such rating can do without a hot dog. And if the simple recipe of this bun with sausage seasoned with ketchup and mustard is known to everyone, the strange name still remains a mystery to many. Even modest knowledge of English will be enough to translate the name of this snack. But “hot dog meat” is far from the most appetizing name. So what's the matter? The history of the name is quite confusing, but let’s try to figure it out. Long thin sausages were first made in Frankfurt, Germany; they were jokingly called Dachshundwurst, which literally translates from German as dachshund sausage. One German immigrant to the United States began producing these sausages wrapped in slices. white bread. This is how this famous sandwich came to the USA, and already in 1871 it began to gain popularity. But how did he turn from a “sausage-dachshund” into a “hot dog”? This happened in 1901 thanks to the American cartoonist Dargan, who was not sure that he could correctly write the complex foreign word Dachshundwurst, so he signed his picture simply - hot dog. As you can see, the name stuck, and today, according to statistics, every American eats at least 60 hot dogs every year. Such popular love for this product allowed Americans to consider the hot dog their national dish. Gastronomers in Germany and Austria categorically disagree with this fact and dispute the right to be called the birthplace of the hot dog. But while Europeans are arguing, the United States has been celebrating Hot Dog Day on July 23 for almost sixty years.

2. Hamburger

Culinary experts have not yet come to a consensus on the history of the creation of the hamburger. Some believe that this famous fast food dish is named after Hamburg, Germany, where it was created. Others insist that the name of this sandwich comes from the English words ham and burger. Be that as it may, the public initially reacted very coolly to the multi-story sandwich, consisting of a bun, a beef patty and lettuce. In 1921, White Castle owner Billy Ingram came up with a rather original marketing ploy to attract customers to his branded product. For a modest fee, he hired several people whose duties included appearing in his establishments under the guise of doctors. Standing in line for hamburgers in white coats, their appearance unwittingly dispelled other buyers' concerns about the quality and benefits of the new product. The trick worked, and the popularity of hamburgers began to gain momentum. Which is not at all surprising, especially considering that this fast food cost only 5 cents. It is curious that this price did not change until 1946. Over time, other fast food chains began to prepare this simple dish, popularizing it around the world.

1. Pizza

Who else, if not the Italians, knows best about noisy and lavish feasts. But they are not at all averse to having a snack on the run in between. There are several very popular snacks in Italy. instant cooking. These include deep-fried rice cutlets with cheese filling- suppli, and the famous hot sandwiches with various fillings - panini. But the undoubted leader of Italian fast food is pizza, and its fame has long gone beyond the borders of its native Italy. Thus, in the United States, about 350 slices of pizza are sold every second. And American economists use such a term as the “pizza principle.” The thing is that for half a century the price of travel on the New York subway was equal to the cost of pizza in the same city. This means that pizza served as a kind of indicator of the well-being of citizens. Historians claim that the first pizza was made in Naples back in the 16th century. It's simple but hearty dish fell in love with both ordinary peasants and royalty. Thus, the famous Margherita pizza is named after the lover of this dish - Queen Margherita of Savoy, wife of Umberto I, who ruled Italy in the 19th century. Well, it’s very patriotic, because the mozzarella, basil and tomato sauce included in the recipe are the same color as the country’s national flag.

Even knowing that fast food is not always healthy food, sometimes it’s hard to resist buying another pie or a bag of fries. This is why many of us can already be considered experts in this field. But which of the 10 fast food dishes is the most popular, let everyone decide for themselves.

Do you like cheeseburgers and hot dogs? Cook them at home - ten of the most famous fast food restaurant dishes from

We have already become accustomed to such a phenomenon as fast food. And we are firmly convinced that all such food is certainly harmful, high in calories and inedible. These beliefs, however, are not without foundation: rancid oil, cutlets of unknown origin, various stabilizers and preservatives do not make fast food healthy food. But how sometimes one is drawn to something harmful! Having accidentally smelled the smell of hamburgers, hot dogs or French fries on the street, we, like children, cannot resist the temptation. invites you to try to cook fast food yourself - “quick food”, but from high-quality ingredients and in your own clean kitchen.


4 hamburger buns

700 g good quality beef

1 onion

4 slices cheddar cheese

1 large tomato

Bunch of lettuce

Olive oil

Salt, pepper

Pickled cucumbers

How to cook

    Mince the beef once, season the minced meat with salt and pepper.

    Roll into small balls, place on cling film, cover with a second layer of film and flatten to form a patty 1-1.5 cm thick. Fry in olive oil.

    Cut the onion into rings, the tomato into circles, the cucumber into slices.

    Warm the buns, brush with dressing, layer lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber, cutlet and cheese. Cover with the other half of the bun.

Bon appetit!

Mexican burritos

2 tortillas

1 chicken breast

100 g canned corn

1 red bell pepper

A piece of hot chili pepper

2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped green onions

1 tomato

50 g Edam cheese

How to cook

    Fry the chicken breast and chop into small cubes.

    Chop sweet pepper, chili pepper and tomato, mix with corn and green onions.

    Warm the tortillas and add meat filling, then vegetable, sprinkle with cheese.

    Fold the edges of the cake, wrap it in foil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Baked Potato

4 potatoes without damage to the skin

4 tbsp. spoons of butter

Bunch of dill

200 g grated cheese

How to cook

    Bake the potatoes in their skins in the oven until golden brown, about 1 hour at 200 degrees.

    Cut the top of the potatoes, scoop out some of the pulp with a spoon, and add salt.

    Mix grated cheese, butter and chopped dill, stuff potatoes.

Bon appetit!

Taco chips with meat filling

Tacos chips

400 g minced meat

100 g sweet corn

2 red sweet peppers

1 hot pepper Chile

1 large tomato

Several lettuce leaves

A few sprigs of parsley

Salt, pepper

1 small onion

How to cook

    Cut the onion into cubes, remove seeds and membranes from the peppers, and chop. Peel the tomato, remove seeds and juice, chop the pulp.

    Fry the vegetables in a frying pan, adding corn and chopped parsley.

    Add the minced meat to the vegetables, add salt and pepper and cook until done.

    Place a lettuce leaf, meat filling on the chips and garnish with parsley.

Bon appetit!


150 g matsoni

200 g grated suluguni cheese

1 packet of dry yeast

2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil

Pinch of salt

A little ghee for greasing

How to cook

    Knead the dough from flour, yeast, matsoni, eggs, vegetable oil and salt, leave it to rise for 30 minutes.

    Roll out the dough and place it in the middle O cover most of the suluguni with the edges of the dough. Roll lightly again with a rolling pin and brush with lightly beaten egg.

    Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and place in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Spicy Buffalo Chicken Wings

1 kg chicken wings

1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce

4 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce

1 teaspoon sugar

4 tbsp. spoons of mild ketchup

Vegetable oil for frying

For the sauce:

1 jar of creamy Dor Blue

A few sprigs of parsley

How to cook

    Rinse the wings and dry with a paper towel.

    For the marinade, mix all ingredients. Marinate the wings for 2 hours.

    Fry in a pan or on the grill.

    For the sauce: mix cheese and chopped parsley.

    Serve wings with sauce and carrot and celery sticks.

Bon appetit!

Hot dog

4 hot dog buns

4 smoked sausages

1 small onion

Pickled cucumber

How to cook

    Finely chop the onion and fry until it turns into cracklings in a small amount of butter.

    Cut the cucumber into very thin slices.

    Place the heated sausage into the bun, distribute the cucumbers, spread with mustard and ketchup, and sprinkle with onions on top.

Bon appetit!

Shawarma (shawarma) with chicken and mango

2 chicken breasts

A few sprigs of mint

Pinch of cayenne pepper

Sea salt

2 tbsp. spoons of sherry vinegar

Olive oil

How to cook

    Peel the mango and cut the flesh into slices from the pit.

    Sprinkle chicken breasts with vinegar, salt and pepper, and marinate for 10 minutes. Fry in olive oil. Cut into pieces.

    Heat a little olive oil in a saucepan, fry the mango, add mint. Save the separated syrup and butter.

    Heat pita in microwave oven, fill with chicken and mango, pour over mango sauce.

Bon appetit!

Shrimp in spicy batter

500 g large tiger prawns

5 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce

1 teaspoon sherry vinegar

A little lemon juice

Pinch of red pepper

Sea salt


5 tbsp. tablespoons sesame seeds

Olive oil

How to cook

    Peel the shrimp, leaving part of the shell on the tail.

    For the marinade: mix soy sauce, vinegar, lemon juice, pepper, add salt.

    Soak the shrimp in the marinade for 10 minutes, roll each one in breadcrumbs, then in sesame seeds.

    Fry in olive oil, place on a paper towel.

Bon appetit!

Chicken nuggets

2 chicken breasts

Olive oil

Salt, pepper

Crushed crackers (not sweet)

4 tbsp. spoons of milk

How to cook

    Wash the chicken, dry it, cut into small equal pieces. Add salt, pepper, pour milk and leave for 30 minutes.

    Pour crushed crackers into one plate, lightly beat the egg in another.

    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.

    First dip the chicken pieces in the egg and roll in breadcrumbs.

    Fry on both sides.

Bon appetit!

Fast food is not the healthiest food, but many people love it so much that they are ready to eat even incompatible foods. Food weirdos have come up with the idea of ​​combining ice cream and bacon, as well as a glazed donut and eggs, in their dishes.

Pizza with cheeseburger crust from Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut's most famous creation in 2012 was their cheeseburger crust pizza. Heart Attack Pie debuted in April. You can also order a version of this pizza with fried chicken instead of cheeseburgers.

Burger King Bacon Ice Cream

Would you buy ice cream with bacon bits? Burger King believes that such people will exist. The fast-food chain, best known for its flagship product, the Whopper, introduced a limited-time promotion of the dessert in June 2012 on its new summer menu. The ice cream has 510 calories and consists of vanilla soft serve ice cream with caramel, chocolate, bacon crumbles and bacon bits. It contains 18 grams of fat and 61 grams of sugar.

Kit Kat Pops from Pizza Hut

Apparently, the Middle Eastern division of Pizza Hut isn't going to stop with pizzas with weird crusts. Here is their new product – “Kit-Kat Paps”. In a nutshell, it's Kit Kat chocolates wrapped in pizza dough.

Darth Vader Burger from Quick

In 2012, French fast food chain Kwik introduced a promotional snack that reflected the darker side of burgers: a Star Wars-inspired burger with all-black buns. They specially prepared black buns to associate them with the release of the Star Wars movie. Episode I: The Phantom Menace" in 3D. Although the buns look like they were deliberately burned, they are actually just colored and between them there is cheese, tomato, lettuce and two beef cutlets.

Bacon and eggs on a glazed donut from Dunkin Donuts

Sandwich served with fried eggs and bacon between the halves of a cut glazed donut, became part of the main menu beginning on June 7, 2013, which the fast food chain declared "Doughnut Day." Dunkin Donuts trialled the sandwich at select eastern Massachusetts eateries in April, and the news sparked widespread response online.
It's worth noting that Dunkin Donuts claims that the "glazed donut breakfast sandwich" contains only 360 calories, which is less than the 390 calories for the turkey sausage sandwich that Dunkin Donuts recently began serving for those looking to eat healthier.

Sweet donut with pork and seaweed from Dunkin Donuts in China

When we hear the word “doughnut,” pastries come to mind, which can hardly be called anything other than a dessert. However, Dunkin Donuts continues to expand its offerings in China, recently releasing a delicious donut filled with minced pork and seaweed. The pork donut is currently only served in Asia and spearheads Dunkin Donuts' aggressive expansion campaign in Asian countries.

Pizza-sized burger from Burger King

In Japan you can buy the widest burger the size of a pizza, with a diameter of 22 centimeters. It's worth noting that only the buns themselves are very wide, and between them are four regular Whopper-sized beef patties arranged in the shape of a four-leaf clover. The rest of the fillers are the same regular size, but at least there's a lot of them.
The burger pizza can be ordered in two different versions, although in both versions the division is half-and-half, one of the halves contains the usual Whopper toppings - tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, ketchup and so on. The "Fresh Avocado" version adds, believe it or not, fresh avocado chunks, and the "Nacho Cheese" version adds corn chips, cheese sauce and jalapeno peppers. Cut the burger like you would cut a pie (or pizza, duh) and enjoy!

Double Down from KFC (KFC's Double Down)

Double Down contains "bacon, two different kinds processed cheese, the Colonel's secret sauce... and all this between two bites chicken fillet By original recipe." KFC announced the Double Down in a press release on April Fool's Day, and began serving it in the United States on April 12, 2010.

Pasta in a pot of bread from Domino's

Domino's has released new pasta dishes served in bread bowls called Bread Bowl Pastas. This non-pizza dish costs $5.99 per serving and comes in six flavors: Chicken Carbonara, Italian Sausage Marinara, Snot Rocket, Chicken Alfredo, Pasta Primavera, Triple Cheese Mac and Do-It-Yourself. option that allows you to choose from three pizza toppings.

Two pizzas in one from Pizza Hut

The pizza, with the loud name “Double Sensation”, is actually two pizzas in one. The outer crust is stuffed with melted mozzarella, parmesan and cheddar that ooze out from holes in the crust, and the outer portion of the pizza contains turkey, ham, bell pepper, mushrooms and salsa sauce.
The inner crust contains chicken sausage and cheese, while the inner crust contains smoked chicken breast, zucchini and pepper alfredo sauce.
Unfortunately, this incredible pizza was only available in Singapore until the end of 2012. It was sold at a fairly low price of $21.75. for a regular-sized pizza and 27.49 for a large, and it was also part of a two-for-one Christmas promotion.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 16 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.

Fast food is fast and easy food, but most often it is not considered healthy. However, constantly depriving yourself of this delicious joy makes life boring, so there is a way out - make your own fast food at home. Cooking will not be as fast, but the dish will be many times healthier!


    Make a list of delicious examples of fast food that you usually buy to snack on. The most popular examples are:

    Include fast food in your family diet. You have a lot of energy to invent and perfect healthy fast foods at home. Choose the varieties that bring you the most pleasure, and then cook some of the sample dishes described in the following steps to improve the fast food menu in your home.

    Take the fat out of your pizza and turn it into a healthy meal. Pizza can lead to obesity if you don't pay attention to the amount you eat. Here's how you can improve it:

    • Choose a thin flour base. Try kneading it from wholemeal flour using spelled or other whole grain flour instead of white flour.
    • Use non-stick pans or parchment paper on top of the pizza pan instead of adding more anti-stick fat.
    • Choose lean meats. Instead of pepperoni, salami, sausage and bacon, choose lean lamb slices, shredded chicken breast, ham or shrimp.
    • Reduce the amount of cheese by at least half or choose low-fat cheeses. Alternatively, you can omit the cheese altogether.
    • Use vegetable fillings instead of meat ones.
    • Skip the garlic bread and add plenty of fresh salad.
    • Don't forget about other Italians quick dishes such as pasta or lasagna with lots of vegetables in the sauce and homemade garlic bread with natural butter(not synthetic) or olive oil and garlic.
  1. Make homemade fish fingers and chips. Make homemade fish fingers and baked shorts potato chips. Don't add too much salt and be sure to serve on the same plate with a salad and a dollop of homemade ketchup (tomato sauce).

    Fry the chicken in healthy oil in a shallow pan. Instead of using a deep frying pan, sear the meat in a shallow layer of healthy oil such as olive or sunflower oil.

    • Watch how to make Mexican baked "fried" chicken and check out the "How to Cook Fried Chicken Using the Shallow Frying" method.
    • Eat plenty of salad or steamed vegetables.
  2. Go to Mexican cuisine, not Tex-Mex. Going back to the roots of Tex-Mex, you can find much healthier Mexican recipes that are suitable for everyday consumption and packed with nutrients. Some examples are:

    • Mexican rice
    • Homemade flatbreads
    • Mexican pie
    • Check out How to Cook Mexican Food for more ideas.
  3. Enjoy Asian style fast food. Many Asian recipes can be considered healthy if you avoid fatty or fried foods that are high in calories. These dishes are easy for homemade and include the following options:

    • Curry with a limited amount of ghee or other fat, brown rice, salads to complement the curry. Less meat and more vegetable additives, etc.
    • Sushi (try both fish/seafood and vegetarian options; if you are new to making sushi, know that it is not “quick” and speed comes with practice)
    • Bento boxes (although these require a little work and are not exactly “fast” food).
    • Stir-fries (use healthy oils, reduce the amount of meat, use brown rice and don't overdo the sugar in sauces).
    • Soups, such as miso soup.
  4. Prepare snacks for the movie. You can prepare them at home for movie nights:

    Consider small snacks too. you love onion rings? Consider baking rather than frying your onion rings.

    • Do you like donuts? Choose watermelon donuts to reduce the fat content.
    • If you love cheesecake, make a light version at home and try to eat a slice for dessert.
  5. Complete your fast food experience by mixing fruit juices and sparkling water to create a refreshing yet healthy sparkling drink. You can also serve ice cream based on fruit sorbets without dairy additives or small portions of milk ice cream for dessert.

  6. Learn from your own mistakes. Try preparing different fast food options at home. Write down which recipes worked best and which ones your family liked best.

    • Taste it! Not similar taste? Better? Fresh? More economically profitable? More satisfying than fast food? What do others think about this? What could you do better next time?
    • Keep a folder of your favorite homemade fast food recipes, either printed or digital. Create ingredient lists to make quick shopping easier.
    • Draw on your experience. Try making the same dish once a week until you get it perfect, and remember to make changes to your recipe as you improve!
  7. Introduce fast food into your home diet as an incorrect, specific treat. Once or twice a month is enough fun for homemade fast food that is high in fat or high in sugar. However, if you have really improved the healthiness a lot, you can cook these dishes more often, especially if they are related to Asian and traditional South American cuisine.

    • Always opt for “fake” fast foods that are packed with nutrients and easy to prepare.
    • Allow children to participate in the preparation of homemade fast foods, teach them that cooking is easier than buying convenience foods.
    • Experiment with creating your own seasoning; The “special” sauce can be easily prepared by mixing ketchup and mayonnaise.
    • Not enough time? Don't worry! You can cook cutlets (or other preparations) and freeze. But allow enough time to defrost on the day of use and never allow it to freeze. fresh products for more than three months.
    • Get the taste of grilled meat by grilling your burgers on the barbecue. Only use the barbecue in appropriate weather conditions and never use it indoors.
    • Not everything has to be homemade—oven-baked fries are easy to buy and not too expensive. Just be sure to choose baked or cooked in vegetable oil potatoes.
    • You can also buy small paper sauce cups like McDonald's to add flavor.
    • You can never recreate fast food exactly, exactly. Fast food restaurants use many processes that go beyond the small home cooking, but you can make something fresher and tastier, so no need to try to make an exact copy of fast food anyway!
    • You can also get ideas from other establishments catering such as Subway and make a late night burger.


    • Fast food can be bad for you, so if you don't digest it well, don't eat too much. There's nothing wrong with snacking on fast food every now and then, but eating too much can have negative health consequences.
    • You don't have to completely abandon the cooking methods used for fast food. Cooking in the oven, baking, frying or barbecuing can taste better.

    What you will need

    • Notebook with recipes
    • Healthy options for fast food recipes - many of these recipes can be found in cookbooks and on the Internet.
    • High quality, fresh ingredients