Homemade yoghurt from starter culture. Make yogurt at home without a yogurt maker How to make live yogurt at home

If you have dull hair, skin rashes, digestive problems, or you are just too lazy to prepare the first, second and third - enjoy homemade yogurt, getting maximum benefits and benefits for your body!

And don’t think that you need a yogurt maker to make delicious natural yogurt. Everything is much simpler than you could imagine!

5 important rules:

1. Milk must be boiled in order to kill all pathogenic bacteria that may be contained in it. It is recommended to bring even pasteurized milk to a boil.

2. To make yogurt, do not use too hot milk, otherwise the beneficial bacteria will die. The ideal temperature is +38°С…+40°С, that is, slightly above warm.

3. Cutlery and all dishes in which you will prepare yogurt must be doused with boiling water.

4. The quality and consistency of homemade yogurt is affected by the fat content of milk, so choose the optimal 3.2-3.5%. Those who do not care about their figure and just want delicious natural yogurt can use milk with a fat content of 6%.

5. Do not shake or stir the fermented product so as not to destroy the structure, otherwise the yogurt will not ripen.

Classic yogurt in a thermos

What you need:
1 liter of milk
200 g of natural yogurt (carefully study the composition, the yogurt must be fresh)

How to prepare classic yogurt in a thermos:

1. Boil milk and cool to a temperature of 38-40°C.

2. Rinse the thermos with boiling water, pour out the water and leave for 1-2 minutes until steam comes out. Then cover with a lid.

3. Combine 100 ml of milk with yogurt and stir so that there are no lumps.

4. Add diluted milk with yogurt to the remaining milk and mix.

5. Pour the resulting mixture into a thermos, close the lid and leave for 6-8 hours.

6. Pour the finished yogurt into small jars and refrigerate for another 8 hours.

Photo: natalielissy.ru During this time it will rest, ripen and acquire the desired consistency.

Greek yogurt

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com Greek yogurt differs from classic yogurt not only in consistency, but is more reminiscent of creamy soft cheese, but also the method of preparation. After traditional fermentation, this yogurt is suspended in a clean cloth or paper filter to get rid of excess whey, for which Greek yogurt is also called filtered.

What you need:
1 liter of milk
200 g natural yoghurt

How to make Greek yogurt:

2. Dilute yogurt in a small amount of milk.

3. Combine the diluted yogurt with the remaining milk in a saucepan. Cover with a lid and wrap in a thick terry towel, or better yet, a blanket.

4. Leave in a warm place for 6-7 hours, then put in the refrigerator. Do not stir or shake the contents of the pan!

5. Line a colander with several layers of gauze and carefully pour the resulting yogurt.

6. Cover and leave for several hours until the excess whey is gone. As a result, you should have 350-450 g of real Greek yogurt.

Fruit yogurt in a slow cooker

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com If regular yogurt isn't your thing, make a great low-calorie dessert using fresh summer fruits and berries. Gourmets, your choice!

What you need:
1 liter of milk
200 g natural yoghurt
200 g fruits or berries

How to make fruit yogurt in a slow cooker:

1. To prepare yogurt in a multicooker, thoroughly wash the portioned jars, dry and bake in the oven or microwave.

2. Peel the fruits and grind in a blender. If you use berries, after blending, rub the resulting mixture through a sieve to get rid of small seeds.

3. Boil milk and cool to 40°C. Add natural yogurt and berry-fruit mixture to the milk, stir until smooth.

4. Pour the prepared milk into portioned jars.

5. Place a clean cloth napkin or silicone mat on the bottom of the multicooker. Place the jars in the slow cooker and pour warm water directly into the bowl until the jars are 1/3 covered.

6. Turn on the mode "Yogurt". After 7-8 hours, the jars need to be put in the refrigerator, and after another 6 hours you can eat home-made natural yogurt.

What to do if there is no mode in the multicooker "Yogurt":

1. Do everything up to point 6.

2. Jars in the bowl, now close the multicooker lid and turn on the mode "Heating" for 15 minutes.

3. After 15 minutes, turn off the mode for 1 hour.

4. Reheat for 15 minutes.

5. Turn off the heating and leave the yogurt for 3 hours. The multicooker lid must be closed at all times!

6. After three hours, put the jars of yogurt in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.


When preparing yogurt in a slow cooker, check the water temperature - it should not be less than 40°C.

Homemade yoghurt with sourdough

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com Pharmacy sourdough yogurt has a delicate creamy taste and a very pleasant consistency.

What you need:
1 liter of milk
1 bottle of starter (sold at any pharmacy)

How to make homemade yogurt with sourdough:

1. Boil milk and cool to 40°C.

2. Dissolve the dry starter in a few tablespoons of milk and pour into the rest of the milk. Pour into portioned glass jars.

3. Cover with cling film or close with lids, wrap in a terry towel, or better yet, a blanket.

4. Leave to ferment for 12-14 hours.

5. Cool in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours - and the yogurt is ready to eat!

Natural yogurt in the oven

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com If you don’t have a thermos or a slow cooker, and you always miss the temperature of the milk in the pan, then the recipe for making homemade yogurt in the oven is just for you.

What you need:
1 liter of milk
200 g of natural yogurt (you can use fresh sour cream with 20% fat content)

How to prepare natural yogurt in the oven:

1. Boil milk and cool to room temperature.

2. Dilute yogurt/sour cream in 0.5 tbsp. a glass of milk.

3. Combine the resulting starter with the rest of the milk and mix gently.

4. Pour milk into portioned glass jars.

5. Preheat the oven to 50°C and turn off.

6. Place jars of milk on a baking sheet, cover each jar with foil, sealing tightly.

7. Place the baking sheet in the oven and close the door.

8. Every hour, turn on the oven at 50°C for 5-7 minutes. Yogurt preparation time is 6-8 hours.

9. Place the finished yogurt in the refrigerator overnight. Those with a sweet tooth can add 1-2 tbsp to each jar before pouring the milk. homemade jam.

The benefits of yoghurt for digestion and immunity were known already eight thousand years ago, and now this fermented milk product became a familiar dish on the daily menu. The stores sell a huge assortment of different yoghurts - with fruits and berries, with chocolate pieces and nuts, with cereals and honey. But homemade yogurt is considered the most delicious and healthy, because it is prepared with live sourdough, without preservatives or synthetic additives. The benefit of homemade yogurt is that the lactobacilli contained in it cleanse the intestinal walls, thereby saving us from future diseases and rapid aging of the body. Want to learn how to make yogurt at home? It's actually very quick and easy - try it!

How to make homemade yogurt and what you need for it

To make yogurt, you will need milk, yogurt starter and clean dishes in which the fermented milk drink will mature. It is recommended to take boiled or pasteurized milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%, and preferably 3.2-4%. Be sure to boil village milk, but store-bought milk can simply be heated to the desired temperature.

Some housewives have even tried diluting powdered milk for yogurt, and it also turns out well. If you want the yogurt to be thicker, keep the milk on the stove for 3-4 hours so that it barely boils - during this time the excess moisture will evaporate and the product will acquire a creamy consistency.

Add the starter, mix well and pour into prepared fermentation containers. It is best to mix the starter with a small amount of milk and only then pour it into the remaining milk, otherwise lumps may form.

For proper preparation yogurt, you need to maintain the milk temperature at 40 ° C for 6-12 hours. If the milk cools down, the bacteria will stop multiplying, and if it is too hot, they will die altogether. That is why it is better to use a yogurt maker or multicooker, in which you can maintain a constant temperature for a long time. Remember that the dishes should be doused with boiling water or boiled to kill pathogenic microflora, otherwise you may not like the taste of yogurt, and it will not be stored for long. After the yogurt is cooked, be sure to refrigerate it to thicken and richen it.

What is sourdough made from?

You can buy starter for homemade yogurt in a supermarket or pharmacy in liquid or dry form. “Live” starters are not stored for long, unlike dry ones, a maximum of 20 days. Dried bacteria, when properly stored, thrive throughout the year. The starter is a mixture of Bulgarian or acidophilus bacillus, thermophilic streptococcus and other bacteria that begin to multiply rapidly once in milk. The starter contains lactobacilli, which destroy pathogenic microflora in the intestines, and calcium, which is beneficial for bones and teeth. The most popular starter cultures are the probiotics “Simbilakt”, “Vitalakt” and “Acidolakt”, starter cultures from Vivo “Streptosan” or “Bifivit”, as well as acidophilus.

Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Narine, store-bought natural yogurt such as Activia, or leftover homemade yogurt are quite suitable as a starter. But you can ferment milk with a fermented milk product prepared by yourself no more than 2-3 times, otherwise the yogurt will turn out watery and not very tasty. Some housewives ferment milk with sour cream or kefir. You can make your own live starter by adding dry bacteria to milk that has been boiled and cooled to 38°C. Read the annotations and follow the indicated proportions. Keep the milk in a warm place for 8 hours and the starter is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days; to make yogurt you need to take 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of milk. In the freezer, live sourdough can “live” for several months.

Proportions and subtleties

It’s easier with dry bacteria - just mix it as it’s written in the instructions, but what about live starters? If you use store-bought yogurt, add 100 g of it per 1 liter of milk, and if you prepare using your own yogurt, then 2-3 tbsp is enough. l. By the way, the fermentation time is usually indicated on the packaging with pharmaceutical bacteria, since the activity of microorganisms can be very different.

To determine the temperature of the milk, get a kitchen thermometer. It is very important to cool the milk exactly to 40 °C; alas, it will not be possible to determine the degree of readiness of the milk by eye. How to make yogurt from homemade milk? In the same way, only it will have to be boiled to destroy the bacteria. And one more tip - it is not at all necessary to sterilize the dishes, just load them into the dishwasher and turn on the high-temperature mode.

The readiness time for yogurt is determined experimentally. If 7 hours have passed and it is still liquid, let it ferment further. It all depends on the quality of the milk and the starter. The longer the yogurt is fermented, the thicker it will be, but if you overcook it, it will take on a sour note.

Do not shake the container with yogurt and try not to move it, so as not to disrupt the fermentation process.

Yogurt maker or slow cooker?

The easiest way to prepare homemade yogurt is to scald the jars with boiling water, pour in the milk mixed with the starter, close the lids with scalded boiling water, turn on the desired temperature and forget about the yogurt for the night. In the morning you can already enjoy delicious and healthy breakfast, mixing yogurt with nuts and fruits, seasoning cottage cheese or oatmeal with it.

You can make homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker - in a slow cooker. Modern devices have a “Yogurt” function, thanks to which a constant temperature is maintained. Of course, the multicooker bowl must also be scalded with boiling water first.

If you don’t have a multicooker or yogurt maker, you can take a regular, clean stainless steel pan, fill it with milk and sourdough and turn on the oven on low heat. The pan, wrapped in a warm towel or blanket, should be placed on the open lid oven or next to a heating radiator for at least 7-8 hours.

The most popular additives for yogurt

Yogurt with sweet fruits and berries is very tasty - with raspberries, cherries, bananas, apricots, mangoes, peaches and everything you like. The taste of yogurt is enriched with nuts, bran, germ flakes, rolled oats, chocolate pieces, coffee, honey, condensed milk, coconut flakes, fruit or chocolate syrup, jam, jam, juices, fruit puree, vanilla and spices.

Do not add berries, fruits and sugar at the initial stage, otherwise bacteria will begin to ferment the fruit rather than the milk. Such additives are introduced only into the finished product! But nuts and grains can be placed at the bottom of the jars before fermentation begins; they will not affect the quality of the yogurt in any way. Instead of sugar, it is better to use syrup or powdered sugar so that the grains do not crunch on your teeth.

There are few calories in homemade yogurt, unless, of course, you make this light one heavier. dietary product fatty and sweet additives. How long to store homemade yogurt depends on the presence of additives. Without them, the finished product can stand in the refrigerator for 3 days, but if you have added fruits and berries, it is advisable to eat the yogurt 12 hours before. It turns out that it is better not to prepare fruit yoghurts for future use.

Store-bought yogurt

It is quite possible to make homemade yogurt without starter, for example using store-bought yogurt without additives. To do this, you will need 1 liter of milk with a fat content of 3.5-6%, heated to 40 °C. Homemade milk should be boiled first.

Add 5 tbsp to it. l. natural yogurt, mix well and pour boiling water over the yogurt maker jars. Place 1 tbsp on the bottom of the containers. l. aromatic berry jam and several nuts - walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts. It is better to first crush the nuts into large pieces. Place the containers in the tray of the yogurt maker and set the timer for 6-8 hours. Place the finished yogurt in the refrigerator for 4 hours, then serve with cheesecakes and pancakes.

Greek yogurt for salads

Natural yogurt can be used to dress salads instead of mayonnaise. Or make cream for a cake out of it. It's tasty, healthy and low in calories.

Buy Evitalia sourdough, which is a complex of living probiotic microorganisms. Heat 2 liters of milk to 40 °C, pour in 2 tbsp. l. milk into a bottle with bacteria, shake well until smooth, pour the starter into the milk and mix thoroughly with a whisk.

Now pour the yogurt base into jars or into a pan, which you need to wrap with a blanket and leave in a warm room overnight. In the morning, put the yogurt in gauze, folded in several layers, and keep it for 1-4 hours - to get a thick but very tender mass.

Season the salad with fresh vegetables or serve it as a dessert, first mixed with mashed bananas and chocolate chips.

Acidophilus yogurt with coconut

Acidophilus is very beneficial for digestion and is an excellent treatment for inflammatory bowel syndrome. It can be used as a starter for homemade yogurt.

Ideally, for this dish you need to use a special starter, one packet per liter of milk. But if you don’t have it, you can take regular store-bought acidophilus - 100 ml per 1 liter of milk. The milk, as expected, must be heated to 40 °C and the starter must be poured into it.

Pour the yogurt base into the jars of a yogurt maker, a multicooker bowl, or into a clean saucepan with an equally clean lid, wrap it in a blanket and leave for 12-15 hours at room temperature. Don't touch the yogurt, be patient! When the product is ready, refrigerate it with fresh grated coconut or coconut flakes. Pour into jars and treat your household for breakfast. Surprise guaranteed!

Natural yogurt removes toxins from the body, lowers cholesterol and strengthens the heart. Be sure to eat it every day and treat your loved ones to it. Bon appetit and good health!

Homemade yogurt is very good for the immune system. Save the recipe using sourdough. How to make homemade yogurt from starter?

Cooking time- 8-10 hours
Calorie content per 100 g- 80 kcal

Yogurt is a product that should always be in the refrigerator. And the point is not only that it is considered one of the most healthy drinks. You can make a lot of other delicious dishes from it.

For example, it can serve as a salad dressing, instead of harmful and high-calorie mayonnaise, you can make ice cream from yogurt or bake delicious pastries. There are a lot of recipes where you can use this product. And, of course, you can and should drink it.

Such a healthy and low-calorie drink is perfect for many diets, for example, or fasting days.

To make this drink as healthy and safe as possible for your health, it is best to prepare it at home yourself. Moreover, this does not require a lot of time and special knowledge. Even special devices, such as a yogurt maker, contrary to existing opinion, are not necessary.

You will only need a special starter, which is not a problem to buy now. These starters are sold in most supermarkets and can also be ordered online. If you cannot get them at the moment, pay attention to.

The principle of preparing such yogurt is not much different, the only difference is that you will have to use a store-bought fermented milk product as a base.

To make yoghurt from starter you need to take:

  • Liter of milk (quality matters)
  • 1 liter yoghurt starter

You can cook in a yogurt maker, thermos, multicooker, you can even just pour the milk into a jar or pan and place it near the radiator (if you are preparing the drink in winter and your radiators are hot, of course).

First of all, pay attention to the choice of milk. It must be of excellent quality, preferably homemade. This is the main rule. As for starters. As a rule, they differ little.

The only thing worth paying attention to is their storage conditions. Sourdough starters should only be stored in the refrigerator. If the starter has been kept warm for a long time, the lactic acid bacteria in it may die, and therefore the drink will not work. In most cases, you can freeze sourdough starter, this helps extend its shelf life.

Approximately three hours before cooking, remove the starter from the refrigerator. This will allow the lactic acid bacteria to activate and the ripening process will go faster. Pour the milk into a saucepan or any other container.

Place on the stove and heat slightly. If you are not sure about the quality of milk, it is better to boil it and then cool it. The temperature of the milk into which it is advisable to add the starter should be no more than 36 degrees (body temperature).

Lactic acid bacteria develop best at this temperature; when it rises above 50 degrees, they die.

Add the starter and simply stir it with a spoon.

Now pour into cups from a yogurt maker, multicooker, or simply into a thermos, as in this recipe. Close the lid. Fermentation time is approximately 8 hours, it may take up to 10 hours.

Pour the finished yogurt into a jar and store in the refrigerator for up to three days.

In principle, the drink is very simple to prepare. But sometimes, especially if you have never prepared such products before, difficulties may arise.

Why didn’t the starter yogurt work out:

  1. You used spoiled starter. It has passed its expiration date or was stored incorrectly.
  2. You put the starter in too hot milk and the bacteria simply died.
  3. You used low-quality milk reconstituted from powder (this rarely happens).

Another common problem is that the drink turns out liquid. The reasons why yogurt turns out liquid are the same. Plus, you could use skim milk, for example, you bought it at the market, previously diluted with water, or you bought milk of not the best quality in the store.

The answer to the question why yogurt turns out sour lies in the fermentation time. To make the drink less sour, ferment it for a shorter amount of time. The longer the drink sits in a warm place, the more lactic acid it will produce.

However, this also depends on temperature. For example, in a yogurt maker or multicooker, the drink ferments faster, since the temperature at which it is prepared is higher. Try not to keep the drink warm for more than 10 hours.

Baking with yogurt: recipes

  • Chocolate manna with yogurt
  • Yogurt cupcake
  • Currant pie

Hello everyone) In this article I will tell you my recipe for making yogurt at home.
The quality and taste of homemade yogurt directly depend on the starting products, i.e. milk and sourdough.
I tried cooking with different starters and milk of different brands and fat content and finally found the best option for myself.

Milk selection

I always take only ultra-pasteurized milk, with a fat content of 3.2%. Brands such as “House in the Village” or “Prostokvashino” are ideal. Now we buy Severnaya Dolina milk from the base and we are also satisfied with it.
Why UHT?
Firstly, the time for preparing yogurt is significantly saved,
because UHT milk does not need to be boiled, unlike regular sterilized milk. UHT milk only needs to be heated to a certain temperature.
Another very significant advantage of UHT milk is that it can be stored for a long time (up to 6 months).
Therefore, there is an opportunity to buy more milk for future use (as we always do - we buy milk at the base) and not be afraid that it is about to spoil.
After all, we make yoghurt all the time, and running to the nearest store every time for a couple of boxes of milk turns out to be irrational and expensive.

Milk fat content of 3.2% is the most optimal for making yogurt. 2.5% milk produces lighter yogurt. From milk with more than 3.2% fat content, very fatty yogurt is obtained, approximately like sour cream.

Sourdough starters

From 6 months (from the beginning of the introduction of complementary feeding) until one year old, we made our children Bifivit with sourdough « Bifivit" Vivo.
My review of this starter:

After a year we switched to sourdough "Yogurt" Vivo.
We tried other sourdoughs, but in the end we still returned to Vivo.
Having been making yoghurts for almost 4 years now, I can say for sure that Vivo starters have never let us down. By the way, I found the lowest prices for Vivo starters
All starters must be stored in the refrigerator (mine are in the upper side door).

My homemade yogurt recipe

1. First, I warm the jars.
Yogurt containers should be clean, dry and warm. I hold each jar for 15 seconds. over a boiling kettle, this is enough to warm up the jars.
Now, for my two daughters, I make 7 jars of yogurt, they eat 6 jars within 3 days and I leave one jar for restarting.

2. Pour milk into a saucepan.
From experience, I can say that one box of milk (950 g) is enough for exactly 5 jars. And I need 7 jars.
Therefore, I take 2 more jars of milk from the next box. I measure either with a jar or with a cup equal to the volume of the jar.

3. Heat the milk to about 38-40 degrees.
I’ve already gotten the hang of it, I check the temperature with a clean finger so that it’s not hot, but very warm, i.e. so that the finger endures.

4. When the milk is hot, remove it from the heat.

5. It’s time for the sourdough starter.
I divide the bag of starter into about 2 parts: I cut off the small tip of the bag and I pour about half of the starter into a saucepan with warm milk.
I wrap the rest tightly, secure it with a paper clip, and put it back in the refrigerator.
In this case, the starter lasts for a long time and significant savings are achieved.
In general, of course, it is not recommended to do this (according to the instructions, you need to use the entire bag at once), but, in my experience, the yogurt turns out exactly the same as from a whole bag.
Moreover, then it also re-ferments well.
Let me remind you that we are talking about the Yogurt starter from Vivo.
Taking into account the fact that I divide the bag of powder into two parts and then re-ferment the yogurt, one bag of Vivo starter lasts me 12 days.
By the way, the instructions for the starter itself say that you can make up to 3 liters of yogurt from one bag. But I never make such a volume at a time, for the simple reason that I only have one yogurt maker. That's why I decided to divide the starter into 2 parts.

6. P I stir the starter in milk.
I'm paranoid, I do it with a fork) You no longer see the starter powder itself in the milk, because... it is also white. But you can be sure that the leaven dissolves very well.

7. I pour the milk with the starter into jars, close the lids and put them in the yogurt maker.
By the way, my yogurt maker is the simplest, I wrote about it in this review - « .

8. I turn on the yogurt maker and note the time when it needs to be turned off.
The cooking time for yogurt is indicated in the instructions for the starter.
Usually it is approximately 6 hours.
However, I noticed that yogurt can cook faster, or, conversely, take longer - it also depends on the temperature in the apartment. When the house is very warm, yogurt cooks faster; when it’s cool, it takes a little longer.
Yogurt that is re-fermented cooks faster - usually it is ready in 4 hours.

9. When the yogurt is ready, you need to immediately remove it from the yogurt maker and put it in the refrigerator, because If you leave it in the yogurt maker, it can overheat, separate and produce whey.
Prepared yogurt should be stored in the refrigerator and eaten within 5 days.
This yogurt can be eaten simply as we most often do. It is not sour at all and is delicious on its own.

If desired, you can add the following to the prepared yogurt:

  • Fresh berries. In the summer season, strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries and raspberries go well
  • Fresh fruit, cut into pieces. Banana and pear have proven themselves to be excellent.
  • Children's fruit puree.
  • Any jam or preserves you like.

Needless to say, we don’t buy yoghurts for children in the store)

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


It has long been known that yogurt is not only beneficial for the body, but also a tasty and nutritious fermented milk product. You can easily purchase it at any store or prepare it yourself at home using a variety of technologies. Even a novice cook can make yogurt.

Features of making homemade yogurt

Today is healthy and proper nutrition is becoming more and more popular. In this regard, a wide range of recipes has appeared healthy dishes. Among them is yogurt prepared at home. Someone will ask why make the effort if you can buy this fermented milk product in the store? It's simple: natural live yogurt does not contain dyes, flavor enhancers or other harmful additives. In addition, the homemade version strengthens the immune system, improves intestinal function, blocks the development of pathogenic microorganisms, and promotes the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Before preparing yogurt at home, you should learn about several interesting nuances:

  1. You need to choose the right milk. It is better to use a homemade rustic product or pasteurized one. Homemade milk must be boiled, and pasteurized milk must be heated to 90 degrees. To make yogurt tasty, lactic acid bacteria must actively multiply; for this, fermentation products are placed in milk at a temperature of 40-45°C.
  2. It is advisable to heat or boil in a container with a thick stainless steel bottom; you can also use a ceramic container for these purposes. It is better to ferment milk in glass containers (for example, half-liter jars).
  3. The starter must also be chosen wisely. Dry starter is often used in small bottles. It is always available for free sale. The contents of the bottle are diluted in a small amount of milk, mixed well, and then combined with the rest of the liquid.
  4. It is recommended to place various additives (fruits, berries, sugar) into a ready-made fermented milk product so as not to interrupt the ripening procedure.
  5. To enjoy the present delicious yogurt at home, or for example, prepare kefir using a similar technology, they should be placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Yogurt starter

Yogurt starter is sold in pharmacies, specialty stores or supermarkets. The following products are often used to make yogurt:

  1. The bacterial Ukrainian ferment Vivo is known among lovers of healthy and tasty food. With its help, they often make their own yoghurts.
  2. Bulgarian products trademark"Genesis" is a very high-quality, time-tested product that is ideal for homemade fermented milk.
  3. Sourdough from Armenia called “Narine” is available in dry and liquid form. Both options make it possible to make delicious, thick and appetizing yogurt for the whole family.
  4. Italian lactic acid bacteria “Good Food” have recently appeared on the market, but are already confidently gaining popularity and have positive reviews among consumers. They help you quickly prepare a healthy meal for your child for breakfast or an afternoon snack.

How to make natural yogurt at home - recipes

For quick, convenient, proper preparation of fermented milk dessert, several options are used. For example, it can be made using special household appliances - a yogurt maker. For these purposes, they also use a slow cooker, a double boiler, a thermos, or a regular oven. Here are a few detailed recipes healthy, wholesome fermented milk food for adults and children.

In the yogurt maker

The yogurt maker is used to prepare delicious dishes. This process takes little time, but the result is very tasty and uniform in consistency. It is recommended to use units from companies such as Tefal or Moulinex. To make yogurt, you need to take the following products:

  • medium fat milk – 1 liter;
  • liquid sourdough “Narine” (or any other).


  1. First we make the ripening mixture. Heat a small amount of milk (100-150 g) to 40°C, mix it with the starter.
  2. We keep the resulting liquid in the yogurt maker for 10-12 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for another couple of hours.
  3. After this you can start making yogurt. Heat the milk, mix thoroughly with 2 tablespoons of starter, pour into special containers that come with the yogurt maker. We start the device for 6 hours.
  4. Then the jars are closed with lids and placed in the refrigerator for several hours.

In a slow cooker

If you can’t buy a yogurt maker, you can easily make yogurt in a slow cooker. Ingredients needed to prepare the treat:

  • homemade milk (or pasteurized) – liter;
  • dry starter – 1 bottle or bag.


  1. First you need to prepare containers for yogurt. Glass ones are perfect liter jars which must be sterilized.
  2. Pour the starter into the milk and mix.
  3. Pour the liquid into jars and place them in a slow cooker.
  4. Fill the containers with water (to the brim), set the “Warming” program for 6 hours.
  5. After turning off the unit, do not remove the yogurt; let it sit for a while.
  6. To stop ripening, close the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator.
  7. Fermented milk home product eaten alone or with cottage cheese, salads, or added to other dishes.

In a thermos

Another simple and interesting option for making yogurt at home is a thermos. This vessel, which is found in almost every home, is perfect for such purposes. Thanks to the following recipe, you can get a healthy and tasty fermented milk dessert for a child or adult. Preparation requires:

  • liter thermos;
  • milk – 1-1.5 liters;
  • sourdough powder.

The yogurt recipe is as follows:

  1. Homemade milk must be boiled and cooled to about 40 degrees. The pasteurized product can simply be heated to the desired temperature.
  2. Take 3 tablespoons of milk, mix with the starter, pour the resulting “cocktail” into the rest of the liquid.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Place the future yogurt in a thermos, screw it tightly, and leave for 7-9 hours.

In the oven

There is a chance to make yogurt at home using a classic oven. Ingredients for fermented milk dish:

  • any dry starter – 1 bottle;
  • milk - one liter.


  1. Boil or heat the milk as in previous recipes.
  2. Mix the fermentation powder with milk and pour the mixture into glass jars.
  3. Heat the oven to 50°C and turn it off. It is advisable that it be equipped with a good thermostat. Place the container with the future treat inside and cover with a piece of cloth.
  4. Periodically you will need to preheat the oven to maintain the temperature, because the yogurt takes 7-8 hours to cook.
  5. Place the finished product in the cold for several hours.

How to Make Greek Yogurt with Fruit

The taste and consistency of Greek fermented milk is similar to yogurt or matsoni. Compared to classic yogurt, this option is thicker and more concentrated. This does not reduce its taste, rather the opposite. To make a Greek dessert you will need the following products.