Confectioner's conclusion. Diploma in confectionery. Requirements for the quality of table salt


- preparation of raw materials for production
- dough preparation
- molding (cutting)
- baking, cooling
- test quality indicators
- preparation of finishing semi-finished products
- equipment, artistic decoration
- product characteristics (quality requirements)

1. Introduction

Confectionery products are food products with high nutritional value, good taste, aroma, attractive appearance, good digestibility. They are distinguished by a high content of sugar or other sweet substances: honey, xylitol, sorbitol, etc. The raw materials for confectionery products include, in addition to sugar, molasses, honey, various fruit preparations (purees, preserves, supplies), flour (wheat, soy, oatmeal, corn) , starch, milk, dairy products, cocoa products, eggs, fats, nuts, food acids, flavorings, etc. Confectionery are divided into two main groups: sugar and flour. Each of these groups includes several types of products. Sugar products include caramel, candies, chocolate, cocoa powder, toffee, dragees, halva, marmalade; flour cookies include crackers, waffles, gingerbread cookies, muffins, rolls, cakes, and pastries.
Confectionery products are produced in a very wide range. More than 2000 known various types and varieties of confectionery products. Along with the production of confectionery products for general consumer use, confectionery products for special purposes are produced: medicinal products to combat diabetes mellitus using sugar substitutes - sorbitol and xylitol, with the addition of sea kale.
The development of the confectionery industry is inextricably linked with the industrial production of the main type of raw material - sugar from sugar beets - at the beginning of the 19th century. Already in the forties of the 19th century, the first confectionery factories appeared in our country. Before the revolution, the production of confectionery products was concentrated only in large cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkov, Odessa. Most of the enterprises belonged to foreign firms.
After the revolution and civil war, production was reconstructed. Many processes have been mechanized. In the first and second five-year plans, a number of new universal and specialized factories were built. These factories were mainly located in the eastern and southern regions of the country, which previously had no confectionery production.
During the Great Patriotic War, some enterprises occurred in parallel with their reconstruction on the basis of new technology. At the same time, the entire confectionery industry was equipped with new machines. Many new ones were built, equipped with advanced technology confectionery factories in Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tallinn, etc. Large specialized factories for the production of chocolate were built and put into operation in Kuibyshev.
All this, along with a significant increase in confectionery production, has improved the geographical location of the industry in the country. The transportation of confectionery products was significantly reduced, since their production was brought closer to the place of consumption.
The construction of new factories took place in parallel with major reconstruction. The enterprises installed production lines for the production of caramel, sweets, chocolate masses, pastille cookies, gingerbread cookies, and cakes.
The production technology of many types of confectionery products based on the latest achievements of science and technology has also changed significantly. A number of continuous and in-line processes were developed and introduced into production: the preparation of caramel syrups, continuous kneading of sugar dough, the continuous process of hardening pastille masses under excess pressure, and the in-line production of chocolate masses. Thus, the basic processes of confectionery production have been changed based on the most advanced technology. This made it possible to significantly increase labor productivity in the confectionery industry, improve quality and expand the range of products that are in high demand.
New, faster and more accurate analytical methods have been developed to monitor production. Instead of classical chemical methods, methods based on measuring various chemical characteristics began to be widely used: refractometry, rotoelectrocolometry, etc.
In the seventies, the production of confectionery products rose to a new level. The production of confectionery products, which are in high consumer demand, is developing especially rapidly.
The growth of the volume of confectionery production and the improvement of the assortment occur without a significant increase in the number of workers employed in the industry. This is a consequence of increased labor productivity based on the development of the most advanced equipment and technology.

2. Main part
a) Characteristics of the topic
The sand semi-finished product is characterized by good friability. This quality is achieved by the fact that the dough is sand semi-finished product has plastic properties. The recipe, which includes a significant amount of sugar, eggs and fat, and short kneading of the dough after adding flour provides the necessary plasticity, which is a consequence of the fact that the gluten of the flour does not develop elastic qualities. A large amount of fat, eggs and sugar in the dough recipe makes it difficult for the flour gluten to swell. The plasticity of the dough is also facilitated by the fact that it is used only with weak quality gluten with a gluten content of 28-34%
Various machines are used for kneading dough, most often with two es-shaped blades. When kneading, all the raw materials specified in the recipe are loaded into the kneading machine, excluding flour. Stir for 20-30 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained, add flour and mix again for no more than 1-2 minutes. In this case, the dough temperature should be no more than 22 degrees. An increase in temperature during kneading and an increase in its duration leads to tightening of the dough and a decrease in its plasticity. A semi-finished product baked from such dough turns out to have a flat structure and deformed. The dough for shortbread semi-finished product is rolled out immediately after kneading into layers 3-4 mm thick. The dough for some cakes is specially formed into molds in which it is then baked. Baking is done at a temperature of 200-225 degrees. The duration of baking, depending on the thickness of the layer and the type of dough, ranges from 8-15 minutes. The thickness of the finished semi-finished product is 8 mm.............................

3. Conclusion

Confectionery products produced by the bakery are divided into two groups: pastries and cakes. The production of pastries and cakes is based on the process of producing baked semi-finished products. Baked semi-finished products are produced in the following types: cake-free, shortbread, custard and puffed protein. The process of making cakes is, in principle, not much different from the process of making pastries. The main difference is the mass of products. So the weight of one cake ranges from 45 to 110 grams, and the weight of a cake ranges from 0.5 to 2 or more kilograms.
1. Biscuits with protein cream (“Kalach”).
2. Biscuit with butter cream("Hope".
3. Biscuit with chocolate cream(“Truffle”).
4. Puff with butter cream (“Napoleon”).
5. Sand cakes(“Honey cake”).
6. Air-protein (“Flight”).
1. biscuits with butter cream
2. biscuits with protein cream
1. shortbread without cream
2.shortbread with cream
3. sand type “Basket”
1.tubes with cream
2. puff type "Napoleon"
1.custard without cream
2. custard with “Eclair” type cream
Air protein
1.meringue with fruit layer
2.meringue with a layer of butter.
4. Literature

1.Gerasimova I.V. Raw materials and materials for confectionery production. M.: “Food Industry”, 1977.
2. Lurie I.S. Technology and technological and chemical control of confectionery production. M.: "Light and food industry", 1981.
3.Merhel P.S. etc. Production of pastries and cakes. M.: “Food Industry”, 1973.
4.Panfilov V.A. Optimization of technological systems for confectionery production: stabilization of product quality. M.; “Light and food industry”, 1980.

“Confectioner” - Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist. General characteristics of the profession: Bakery plants; Checks weight finished products. Professional skills: Medical contraindications. Compared to other chef specializations, this profession is the most interesting, prestigious and in demand.

“Industrial training for chefs” - Qualification characteristics. Collection of standard educational and planning documentation for the qualification “Cook 3rd category”. Controls. Masters of industrial training: Zhvania Elena Vladimirovna (second category). 4.Means of control. Criteria for assessing the results of educational activities of students with the qualification “Cook 3rd category”.

“Profession of a pastry chef” - Culinary masterpieces have always been preserved for posterity. French proverb. I chose the life of an eagle. Cooking as a science arose in Russia only at the end of the 18th century. What requirements must a future chef meet? Profession: cook. A cook is a person who loves his job. First of all, a pastry chef must be careful.

“Profession cook” - After all, not a single person goes a day without food. A experienced chefs They say: “Our job is to bring joy to people. Otherwise, why become a cook?” Profession: cook, pastry chef. Indeed, a cook, like a doctor, cannot be indifferent. An old Russian proverb says: “A good cook is worth a doctor.”

“The Pastry Chef” - The history of culinary art. The professions of a cook and pastry chef can be compared to real art, which requires great creativity, the precision of a jeweler and artistic taste. Characterized by observation, visual acuity, sense of form, emotional stability, mobility, balance, and developed sensations.

“Baker” - Personal qualities. The machine kneads the dough. People who broke bread. Forming and proofing. History of the baker profession. The dough “fits.” General characteristics of the profession. Cooling. Baker's craft. Bread was invented by the Egyptians. If you don't work, you won't get bread. The word "baker". Programming. Sorting.


Cakes and pastries are used for early, young and mature ages. The inclusion of cake products in the diet increases its nutritional value, therefore significantly changes the diet and promotes better absorption of other nutritional components.

Having analyzed the work of the store, it was concluded that it is necessary to increase the assortment of cakes at the expense of other manufacturers and smaller packaging, to fill the lack of sufficient refrigerated commercial equipment for display and storage of cake products because... Short sales times do not allow uninterrupted sales and the impossibility of a large inventory.

During the implementation of the theoretical part of the diploma project, I conducted a literature review: I studied the assortment, cake production technology, organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of sponge cakes, and also familiarized myself with the regulatory and technical documentation:. GOST R 51074-2003 “Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements", GOST 5904-82 "Acceptance rules, methods of sampling and preparation of samples", GOST 5900-73 "Methods for determining moisture and dry substances", GOST 5899-85 "Methods for determining the mass fraction of fat".

As a result of laboratory tests, it was experimentally proven that only one sample, No. 2, deviates from the required standard in moisture content. The likely reason for the increase in moisture content is a large soaking in syrup, this increases the weight of the cake, i.e. deception of the buyer, and samples No. 1 and 3 in the total proportion of sugar and acidity meet the required standard, which indicates that the manufacturer adheres to the recipe, production technology and storage conditions of the product in the warehouse.

Before concluding contracts for the supply of new types of cakes, the trading enterprise Teremok LLC is recommended to conduct an expert quality assessment in order to avoid low-quality goods.

Expand the range by introducing new types of cakes from different manufacturers. Conduct tasting of new products.


1. Industry standard. Cakes and pastries. Specifications. OST 10-060-95 (approved by the Department of Food and Processing Industry of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 1995)

2. GOST R 51074-2003. Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements. - M.: Standards Publishing House, 2004. - 25 p.

3. GOST 5904-82. Acceptance rules, methods of sampling and sample preparation. - M: Standards Publishing House, 1982. - 10 p.

4. Kengis R.P., Markhel P.S. Home cooking cakes, pastries, cookies, gingerbreads, pies. - M.: Logos, 1994

5. Mikulovich L.S. “Commodity research of food products with the basis of microbiology, sanitation and hygiene” Minsk 2002-223p.

6. Oleynikov A.Ya., Magomedov G.O., Miroshnikov T.I. “Workshop on confectionery technology” St. Petersburg 2005

7. Rodina T.G. “Handbook of commodity research for food products” Moscow 2005

8. Smirnova, N. A. Commodity study of grain flour and confectionery products: Textbook / N. A. Smirnova, L. A. Nadezhnova, E. A. Vorobyova. - M.: Economics, 1989.

9. Solovyova, O.I. Theoretical foundations of merchandising and examination of consumer goods: Textbook / O.I. Solovyova. - Omsk, 2003.

10. Khlebnikov V.I. Technology of goods (food). M.: 2000.

11. Chepurnoy I.P. Commodity research and examination of confectionery products. M.: 2004.

12. Chechetkina, N. M., Putilina, T. I., Gorbuneva, V. V. Commodity examination: Textbook / N. M. Chechetkina, T. I. Putilina, V. V. Gorbuneva. -Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2000

13. Shepelev A.F., Pechenezhskaya I.A., Mikhtaryan K.R. “Commodity research and examination of flavoring and confectionery products” Rostov-on-Don 2001-478-480p.

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Appendix 1

Reduced score for quality indicators of baked and finishing semi-finished products, flour confectionery and bakery products

Name of organoleptic characteristics

Disadvantages and defects

Reduction in points


Surface condition

Slightly misshapen baked goods

The shape of the products is irregular, with minor breaks, uneven edges

Baked and finishing semi-finished products with significant breaks

Baked semi-finished products, products with large cracks, depressions, swellings

The drawing of products, finishing semi-finished creams, soufflés, lipsticks) is very vague, not expressed, blurred

Baked semi-finished products, products (muffins, rolls, bakery products) with uneven and insufficient rise

Top crust of baked semi-finished products: rough, matte, moist

with dirt

Finishing semi-finished products in cakes and pastries are unevenly distributed

Finishing semi-finished products (lipstick, glaze) lag behind the surface of the product

The chocolate glaze has turned grey; fondant icing sticky, candied

The glaze has partially chipped off the product.

Fondant icing with spots

Opaque jelly

The height of the baked semi-finished product or product is insufficient

Section view

The top or bottom crust of the product is too thick

A slight lag in the top crust from the baked semi-finished product, product

The thickness of the top or bottom crust is uneven

Presence of lumps, voids, traces of unmixing

Weakly expressed layering, thick, non-separating layers of layer cakes and pastries

Finishing semi-finished products (filling, minced meat) are distributed unevenly between layers of baked semi-finished products, products or protrude significantly beyond the edges

Cakes and sponge pastries, rolls, baba are heavily soaked in syrup (wet)

Crumb condition

Porosity of the crumb is uneven, insufficient

Significant compaction of the crumb

Presence of voids, hardening, lumps, traces of unmixing

The crumb is dry, hard, crumbly

The color of the top crust, surface of products, crumb is uneven

The color of products, baked semi-finished products, top crust and crumb is pale, dark, burnt

Products, crumbs of atypical color with foreign shades

Very bright color

Baked semi-finished products, bakery products with an extraneous taste of soda (ammonium); lipstick - essences; syrup - burnt sugar

Baked semi-finished products, bakery products with an extraneous intense taste of soda (ammonium); lipstick - essences; syrup - burnt sugar

Presence of foreign odors that are not typical for products

Presence of foreign smell and taste of stale food

Lack of smell and taste of individual components

Presence of crunch from mineral impurities in baked goods

Atypical, insufficiently expressed smell and taste

Sourish taste in baked goods

Texture (consistency)

Baked semi-finished products:

biscuit - dense

sandy - dense, not crumbly

puff - hard, slightly stretchy

airy - viscous, without crumbling

almond-nut - dry, hard, dense

Baked semi-finished products and stale products; the crumb is dry, hard, crumbly

Baked semi-finished products and unbaked products; crumb is moist, sticky

Unstable texture (consistency) of jelly, soufflé

Protein cream - dense, very viscous or weak with lumps; butter cream - dense or very weak with separated moisture, curd with grains; lipstick - sticky

Soaking syrup, fruit filling - liquid

Hardened products

Appendix 2

Comparative characteristics of organoleptic quality indicators of sponge cakes “Alenka”, “Drunk Cherry”, “Prazhsky” OST 10-060-95.

Indicator name

Characteristics according to OST 10-060-95

Characteristic sponge cake"Alenka"

Characteristics of “Drunk Cherry”

Characteristics of "Prague"


Surface condition

It has the correct shape, without kinks or dents.

The side surfaces must be evenly covered and finished with cream or other finishing materials.

The cream pattern should be in clear relief.

The surface must be evenly covered and finished with cream or other finishing materials.

Round, smooth.

Corresponds to this type.

The drawing of this type of product is blurry.

This type of product is slightly deformed.

The cream pattern is very blurry.

The surface is evenly coated and finished with cream.

This product is slightly deformed

Cream pattern with clear relief.

The surface is evenly coated and finished with cream

Section view

One or several layers of baked semi-finished product without traces of unmixing, layered or not layered with finishing semi-finished products. The thickness of the layer is uniform.

The thickness of the layer is not uniform.

Corresponds to this type of product.

Corresponds to this type of product.

Crumb condition

Finely porous, with a soft, elastic crumb.

No lumps or traces of unmixing.

Corresponds to this type of product.

The porosity of the crumb is uneven.

Too porous.

golden yellow with a brown tint.

The color in the cream is uneven

Corresponds to this type of product.

Characteristic of this type of product without the taste of low-quality fats, eggs and burnt sugar.

Corresponds to this type of product

Unacceptable crunch of sugar in glaze.

Characteristic of this type of product, made from fresh raw materials, without the smell of low-quality fats, eggs and burnt sugar.

Corresponds to this type of product

Characteristic of this type of product, made from fresh raw materials, without the smell of low-quality fats, eggs and burnt sugar

Corresponds to this type of product.

Texture (consistency)

Not dense

Corresponds to this type of product

Corresponds to this type of product.

Corresponds to this type of product.

Appendix 3


Appendix 4

We hope that you have already tried to plunge into the magical world of sweets, accompanied by the book “Your Confectionery” and that your first (or not the first) culinary experiences were appreciated by your friends, relatives and, of course, you yourself liked them.

You probably already realized during the cooking process that the endless diversity of the world of confectionery products is far from limited to the recipes contained in this book. Although, of course, we tried to choose the best recipes, using which you can, even with a small selection of products, create a real miracle according to all the rules of a home confectionery, in no way inferior to the creations of professionals. There is always room for experimentation in the kitchen - try, invent! A useful tips, a variety of information and recipes from the book “Your Confectionery” will become your most reliable companion in the land of sweets.

But it should be remembered that the main component of a well-cooked dish is no less important than, for example, good recipe or even the quality of the products, is the good mood of the pastry chef himself. If you are angry with others or just something irritates you, it is better not to try to prepare any delicious dessert.

Perhaps the process of cooking itself will help you calm down, but your negative emotions will be transferred to the food you prepare. First, try to calm down, do some favorite activity that will relax you and calm your upset nerves. And only then head to the stove.

Sweets prepared with joy, especially for a loved one, according to authoritative scientists, contain large quantities hormones of happiness. Watch the expression on your friends' faces when they try your confectionery creations. And the pleasure that will certainly be reflected on their faces will be your reward for your efforts. If they slowly start throwing cookies under the coffee table, don’t despair! Perhaps the experiment with pepper filling was too daring, but next time you will succeed.

Now, if, God forbid, you are overcome by boredom, an effective remedy against it will be those confectionery delights that you can prepare with your own hands, having acquired all the necessary equipment for this. Let the soufflés, lozenges and sweets coming out of your hands be an island of joy and happiness for you and your friends among the monotonous sea of ​​everyday life, and let them color gray days with all the colors of the rainbow.

Ask for help

The ability to prepare food and serve beautifully presented dishes has been valued at all times. Some will say that talent is important in cooking, others that it is enough to love to cook. Whatever motive drives a person who decides to make the production of culinary masterpieces his specialty, one thing is clear: you can become a real professional chef only by completing a full-fledged course in a serious educational institution.

The choice is great - you can go to college after 9th or 11th grade. In the first case, the training period is usually 3 years, in the second - only a couple of years. For those who want to become real experts in a tasty profession, there are universities with specialized faculties.

Chef's thesis

Traditionally, most chefs "bake" in college for three years. During this time, students learn not only how to properly cut carrots. They learn the technologies of preparing various dishes, learn how to determine the quality of products. A chef who learns to cook only from collections of recipes is unlikely to be of much use, so students are sure to spend a lot of time at catering establishments. Directly on the job, they study all stages of production.

The culmination of a busy course should be the defense of a diploma by a graduate chef. The topic of the final qualifying work (FQP) can be the process of preparing a certain dish. The titles of the diplomas alone - “Azu in Tatar”, “Goulash with a side dish”, “Capital Salad” - whet the appetite! Another topic could be research and development of the technological process for preparing culinary products. Example: diploma “Organization of cold shop work.”

Pastry chef's thesis

Everyone loves sweets, but not everyone admits it. For some, the greater pleasure is not to eat, but to prepare delicious and beautiful pastries, pastries or cakes. Such people join the confectionery workshop. These are chefs who understand proper preparation desserts and pastries. The titles of their graduations sound like invitations to a holiday: “Cooking confectionery products: cakes and eclairs”, “Honey cake”, “Flour confectionery products”.

A good VKR for a pastry chef, like any chef, contains a number of required elements. These include:

  • requirements for product quality, heat treatment of ingredients;
  • all technological stages that make up the process of culinary creativity;
  • rules for organizing the workplace;
  • conclusions with recommendations.
Important: Professional chefs should be experts in occupational health, sanitation and hygiene. They should know, for example, what the difference is between special clothing and sanitary clothing.

Pastry chef's thesis

Ask for help

No one is asking you to limit your culinary energy to a narrow specialty. If you want to learn how to create different dishes– from meat soups and dough products to fluffy desserts – and if you’re not afraid of heavy physical activity, you can become a versatile specialist. A project on the theme “Complex lunch” can prove your skills.

Sample thesis for a pastry chef

Let's figure out how a good VKR of a pastry chef should be structured. Try to find a recipe for a dish that will amaze the certification commission with its originality. Before writing a thesis, you must truly understand all the nuances of its creation. Imagine how great it is to present a sample thesis on the profession of a pastry chef, where an interesting story about an elegant culinary masterpiece is combined with a meticulous description of all the technical details.

Let's take the cold Italian dessert Semifreddo as our theme. Any WRC begins with an introduction. Tell us why you were so attracted to this confectionery product. Maybe you are going to improve the recipe? Then make this bold endeavor the main goal of your project.

Guided by the general rules for writing dissertations, you next need to plunge into theory. For a third-year student’s thesis, this part can be reflected in the introduction. You can highlight the history of the origin of Semifredo and describe the features of its manufacture.

The main volume of the thesis on the topic chosen by the pastry chef falls on the practical part. It needs:

  • present a recipe with detailed calculations - how many ingredients and in what volume are required;
  • describe all process– sequence of actions, applied methods of processing products;
  • tell how dessert should be decorated and served. The appearance of a sweet dish is no less important than its internal content;
  • take into account all requirements for labor safety and equipment.

Important: To impress the professionals from the commission with the diversity of your talents, you can describe the preparation of several recipes in your thesis. Example: graduation project on a long topic “Technology for preparing the dish “Pork roll with mushrooms and ham.” Technology for preparing the confectionery product “Honey” cake.”

Ask for help

After describing the practical chapters, all that remains is to formulate a conclusion and compile a list of references. Be sure to format it in accordance with your school's policies.

An example of a thesis report for a pastry chef

The final part should briefly summarize the main stages of the WRC. In a few sentences, recall why you chose the Semifreddo dessert and how you prepared it. Also, a good diploma always contains an analysis of the results of practical training. Therefore, formulate conclusions about the resulting dish and try to give your recommendations to those who want to make Semifreddo themselves.