How to choose real butter. How to identify real butter

A third of what we buy as butter is not actually butter.

This is also oil, but most likely palm oil. There is no harm from it, but it should cost four times less than cream. The fact is that it is difficult to raise a cow, and palm trees in those places where this vegetable fat is brought to us grow in unlimited quantities. Palm oil(and also coconut, peanut and even oil from sea animal fats) are mixed with milk fat to form margarines or spreads. They are often sold in bright packages with the words “butter” or “Vologda” written on them. And this margarine is not much cheaper than real butter.

In addition, margarines or spreads do not contain the same range of beneficial substances that real butter is rich in, say butter manufacturers. Some trace elements found in animal fats cannot be found in any vegetable oil.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta found out how to choose the “correct” cow oil in the store and not grab a palm product instead.

Skim the cream

"The most important rule: in the present butter There should be no vegetable fats at all,” Andrei Danilenko, Chairman of the Board of the National Union of Milk Producers, tells Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing butter is the composition.

Only the cream and whole milk, sometimes salt. If the composition contains palm, peanut, coconut oil or just an ingredient called "dairy fat replacer", you are holding margarine in your hands, no matter what the packaging promises.

Speaking of packaging. It should say not just “butter,” but “butter,” “amateur butter,” or “peasant butter.”

The fat content of butter should be no lower than 82.5 percent, amateur - 78 percent and peasant - 72.5 percent. “All products with a fat content below 70 percent are no longer oil,” says Andrey Danilenko. Quite often, manufacturers write “BUTTER” on packaging in large letters and “sandwich mass” or “sandwich product” in small letters. This, of course, is no longer real oil, but a mixture of vegetable and animal fats.

Another factor is price. To get a kilogram of butter, you need to process 20 liters of milk.

The purchase price of one liter of milk is 10-12 rubles. But from these 20 liters not only butter is prepared, but also other dairy products. Hence the wholesale price of a kilogram of “creamy” is 170 rubles.

In retail, a kilogram will cost at least 250 rubles. Taking into account packaging and packing, a two-hundred-gram pack of butter should not cost less than 70-100 rubles. There are exceptions if a manufacturer or store holds a promotion to attract customers or “promote” a new product.

But large GOST letters are not always evidence that you are dealing with real butter. The GOST numbers for butter are 37-91, and no others. But there are GOST standards for both margarines and spreads. "In addition, very good butter can be produced not according to GOST, but according to technical specifications(TU), this is not prohibited by law, continues consumer educational program Andrei Danilenko. “Therefore, I would advise you to look at the composition first, and then at everything else.”

Into the oil

add water

There are also “home” ways to check whether the oil you bought is real. Butter is a homogeneous mass and melts evenly under the influence of heat. Therefore, if you forget to put the oil in the refrigerator and droplets of water appear on its surface, it is not oil. Another “folk” recipe is to dissolve a piece of butter in warm water. If it is stirred evenly, everything is fine. If it breaks down into “components”, you bought margarine.

As for color, oil that is too yellow should be cause for concern, as should oil that is too white. And one more thing - real butter has almost no smell. If the smell is felt through the packaging, most likely there is no oil in this package.

By the way, if you are going to store butter for a long time, it is best to put it in the freezer. If it's a few days, you can put it in the refrigerator. The oil should be placed in a closed plastic, glass or porcelain oil dish; the closed pack can be wrapped in polyethylene.

What kind of spread?

Butter is a product that should be present in every person's diet.

“This is vitamin E, vitamin D, and in general the entire periodic table in one bottle,” says Andrei Danilenko.

Nutritionists recommend eating at least 5-10 grams of butter per day. Simply put, a piece of butter in your breakfast porridge or one or two sandwiches. The main thing here is not to overdo it. If you eat more than 30 grams of oil per day, the risk of obesity or vascular problems increases.

However, there will be no harm if you replace butter with margarine or spread. It will just be less useful. And nutritionists even advise people who have problems with cholesterol to give up butter in favor of margarine or spread.

A spread is a compromise between margarine and butter. On the one hand, it tastes close to butter and does not have the characteristic margarine taste. On the other hand, spreads have virtually no cholesterol, and the fat content is much lower than in butter.

Spreads appeared in the West when scientists discovered that many problems with the heart and blood vessels arise due to excessive love for cholesterol-rich foods.

Spreads come in “creamy-vegetable” varieties. This means that the composition of the product is dominated by milk fat, and less than half of it contains vegetable fats. Or “vegetable-creamy”, which, accordingly, contains more vegetable fats.

“Many spreads are enriched with additional beneficial substances,” Svetlana Derbeneva, a nutritionist-cardiologist and senior researcher at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, tells an RG correspondent. “For example, phytosterols, the main sources of which are vegetable oils.”

In a word, the buyer can decide for himself what to choose: a cow or a palm tree. The main thing is not to pay the price of real butter for a mixture of vegetable and animal fats.


Svetlana Derbeneva, nutritionist-cardiologist:

Do not overuse sandwiches with butter and sausage. The combination of butter and sausage contains so much cholesterol that problems can arise even for a person with a healthy heart and blood vessels.

You cannot fry in butter. When heated strongly, “creamy” releases carcinogenic free radicals. There will definitely be no benefit from such a dish. It is best to fry in refined vegetable oil. But add unrefined vegetables to salads. The sediment, which is removed during refining, contains many vitamins and nutrients.


What to look for when choosing oil:

  • composition (only cream and whole milk);
  • the name of the product itself (“butter”, “amateur butter”, “peasant butter”);
  • fat content (at least 70-72 percent);
  • price (at least 70-100 rubles per 200-gram pack);
  • if GOST, then 37-91.

Every person's diet should include butter, as it is a healthy and tasty product. Our grandparents also treated him with great respect: “Porridge is not tasty without butter,” “The cat is old, but he loves butter.” And so that the porridge is always satisfying and healthy, we will tell you how to choose oil that does not contain preservatives.

The packaging of butter must contain the following inscription: “made according to GOST standards.” The following numbers must be present: R 52969-2008 – foreign butter. GOST 32261-2013, STR - in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation.

For example, the following inscriptions can be used: R 52178-2003. The use of such GOST is intended only for the production of margarine and spread. It happens that manufacturers write on the packaging: “butter”, and GOST numbers are indicated for the production of margarine, so it is not recommended to purchase such a product, it is not natural.

Many types of high-quality oil are produced according to specifications. This means that all quality requirements have been met.

The composition of butter in accordance with state standards should be as follows:

  1. Whole cow's milk.
  2. Lactic acid microorganisms.
  3. Salt (in rare cases).

There should be no other ingredients in the composition.

Also on the package there must be one of the following inscriptions:

- Creamy;

— Peasant (some manufacturers write: “Peasant”);

- Amateur.

Butter composition 82.5%

Oil fat content 82.5% is the most suitable fat content for premium butter. This ratio of fat content in butter is considered traditional.

If the packaging indicates a fat content of 61.5% or 50%, then the product is not natural and contains vegetable fats.

It is also important that the oil packaging contains the abbreviation: PAGE. If there is such an inscription, it means that all requirements according to GOST are strictly observed.

Butter with a fat content of 82.5% should contain only natural pasteurized cream.

Butter composition 72.5%

Basically, this oil is called “Peasant”. This product is considered healthy, but is not considered any dietary, despite the fact that its fat content is lower than that of traditional butter.

There is a lot of controversy that 72.5% butter is not natural. A product with such fat content is the same tasty butter, only with a low content of fatty acids.

In this situation, it is best to pay attention to the shelf life of the product and the composition. If the shelf life is less than a month, then it is a quality product. If it is more than a month, this oil definitely contains vegetable fats.

The composition of the butter is 72.5% - natural pasteurized cream.

Which butter is healthier: 72.5% or 82.5%?

A quality product should have a fat content of 72.5%, but not lower. The most delicious and healthy butter with a fat content of 82.5%.

Butter with a fat content of 82.5% contains the following vitamins:

  • A (necessary for improving vision);
  • D (absorbs calcium twice as well);
  • E (beauty and youth of the skin);
  • K (strong and healthy bones).

For an adult, the norm is 20 grams per day. During periods of viral infections, doctors recommend increasing the portion of butter. But the daily portion should not exceed 45 grams. Don't forget butter is quite high in calories. On average, one package (200 grams) contains 1500 calories.

Butter contains 72.5% less vitamins and microelements, but it also contains all of the above vitamins, only in smaller quantities.

Butter contains 82.5% and 72.5% of the following minerals:

  • magnesium (improves the nervous system);
  • phosphorus (necessary for the functioning of the body);
  • manganese (allows B vitamins to be better absorbed);
  • copper (necessary for human mental and physical activity);
  • zinc (to maintain vitality and beauty of the human body).

Butter with a fat content of 82.5% contains more beneficial substances, so it is considered healthier than butter 72.5%.

Which oil is healthier, butter or vegetable oil?

Vegetable oil and butter are two products of completely different origins.

Butter is a product made from cow's milk.

Vegetable oil is oil that is produced from the seeds of plants.

Among vegetable oils, the most common are sunflower and olive.

If we talk about the usefulness of oil, then each oil is useful in its own way. For example, vegetable oil contains less vitamin K, while butter has more. There is also more vitamin E in vegetable oil than in butter.

Which oil to use depends on consumer preferences, but it will be better if two types of oils (vegetable and butter) are always included in the diet.

Which butter is healthier, butter or ghee?

Ghee is made using heat treatment. Thanks to this processing, the fat level increases, but the vitamins are preserved.

Ghee is very popular in folk medicine and is used for the following diseases:

  1. Frequent migraines. You need to take 5-10 grams of the product and rub it into your temples with slow movements.
  2. Joint pain. Rub 5-10 grams of ghee in places where pain is localized.
  3. Respiratory diseases. For prevention, you need to rub your palms and feet.
  4. With severe weakness. You should consume 10-15 grams of the product before going to bed.

The only big advantage of ghee is that it can be stored for a long time.

It is believed that butter is healthier because it contains less harmful fats, including bad cholesterol.

You can always buy fresh butter, since the shelf life is much shorter compared to ghee.

How to choose butter?

Selection of butter in packaging:

  1. Buy butter in foil, as such packaging prevents the destruction of vitamins.
  2. Shelf life up to 35 days. If the shelf life is longer, it means that the oil contains preservatives. If butter is frozen, its shelf life increases to 7 months.
  3. The packaging must bear the inscription: GOST R 52969-2008, 32261-2013, TU.
  4. The fat content of butter exceeds 72.5%.
  5. Butter should contain whole cream from cow's milk.
  6. good and delicious oil should be hard. If the oil is soft in the package, this indicates the presence of herbal additives.

How to choose butter on the market?

  1. Taste it. Natural butter melts in your mouth.
  2. The color of the oil should not be yellow.
  3. Frozen butter should crumble when cut.
  4. Natural oil has no distinct odor.

How to use butter to benefit rather than harm?

Butter causes harm when there is too much of it in a person’s diet. And too much butter means excess weight and high cholesterol.

How to benefit from butter:

  1. Use butter in moderation. The norm per day is 15-20 grams.
  2. The fat content of the oil must be at least 72.5%.
  3. Butter should contain natural whole cream.

The benefits of butter for children's bodies

For children and adolescents, butter must be present in the diet. Firstly, it is a natural source of energy. Secondly, the bones become strong, Thirdly, the vitamin D contained in it contributes to the full growth and healthy development of the child. Fourthly, thanks to manganese, the child’s cartilage and bone tissue develops correctly.

The oil is also good for the brain. Thanks to its use, the child remembers better and absorbs information faster.

Children do not develop rickets and osteoporosis if they constantly consume butter.

Natural product from whole cow's cream You can already give it to children from 7 months, making the first complementary feeding (add to porridge).

But everywhere a measure is necessary. Butter is harmful when there is too much of it in the diet. For children over 7 years old, it is recommended to consume 15 grams per day, for children under seven years old – 5-10 grams.

The benefits of butter for women.

Butter provides a woman’s body with the following substances:

  1. Folic acid. During pregnancy, it promotes the full development of the fetus.
  2. Vitamin A. This vitamin promotes skin rejuvenation.
  3. Calcium. It is essential for strong and healthy bones.
  4. Cholesterol. Normalizes the balance of female hormones.
  5. Vitamin E. Protects the woman’s reproductive system from negative influences.

The benefits of butter for women are very great. Don't be afraid to eat butter because you might gain extra weight. Yes, you can get better from it, but if you use it excessively.

The benefits of butter for men.

Butter should be present in the diet of men who engage in heavy physical activity. It has high calorie content and therefore compensates for all wasted energy. For athletes, oil is an indispensable product.

Thanks to fatty acids, vitamins and microelements, the human body (women's, men's or children's) is enriched with the necessary substances for health and well-being.

How much butter should you eat so as not to harm your body?

The optimal option for consuming oil per day is 15-20 grams. Thanks to this proportion, extra pounds will not be gained and obesity will not occur. “Everything useful in moderation.”

Butter can harm the body if consumed in excess.

How to identify fake or low-quality butter when purchasing?

How to identify a low-quality product:

  1. Butter must contain whole cow's milk.
  2. The color should be soft milky “creamy”.
  3. Pricing policy. Good butter costs from 100 rubles per 200 grams.
  4. Shelf life. The longer its shelf life, the more preservatives it contains.
  5. Hardness. Natural butter is hard. It does not stick to the knife, and its surface is smooth and hard.
  6. Fat content. The oil must have a fat content of at least 72.5%.

Of course, identifying natural butter is difficult, since this is the very product under which various kinds of preservatives and dyes can be well disguised. Using such not tricky and available methods, there is an opportunity to purchase a high-quality and tasty product.

Butter in folk medicine recipes.

This one is delicious and useful product has also found its use in folk medicine. It is mainly added to various ointments and mixtures.

Examples of recipes if there are no suitable medications at hand.

  1. For bronchitis. Heat 200 ml of milk so that it is not too hot, add a teaspoon of honey and 10-15 grams of butter. This cocktail will soften inflammation in the bronchi.
  2. For burns, lichen and urticaria. Apply a small amount to the affected area.
  3. Dry and chapped facial skin. Apply a night mask to your face.
  4. Boosting immunity.

To do this you will need:

  • aloe juice (50 ml);
  • honey (50-70 g);
  • butter (75 g);
  • walnuts (100 g).

Leave the ointment for two days. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

To summarize, it can be noted that choosing natural butter is difficult, since this is the very product under which preservatives can be well disguised. But, with a little care and using such simple methods, it becomes possible to purchase a high-quality, tasty and healthy product for the whole family.

Modern people are accustomed to a dynamic pace of life and an abundance of information from many types of media. Unfortunately, this information does not always correspond to reality and forms certain negative stereotypes about things and products. Such stereotypes, for example, exist about such a necessary and healthy product as butter. In pursuit of ratings, the media often publish frightening articles about how butter is bad, cholesterol is a killer, and the low fat content of butter automatically turns it into a substance harmful to the body.

Let's see if this is actually true.

1. Butter is a source of cholesterol, which causes a number of cardiovascular diseases

Butter is a product without which people have been unable to imagine their daily diet for hundreds of years. Moreover, many of its components play a key role in the proper functioning of the organs and systems of the body. For example, butter contains cholesterol, which is part of cell membranes, is involved in the synthesis of vitamin D, and is necessary in the production of bile acids and most hormones. Without cholesterol, the production of serotonin in the brain decreases. These facts indicate that cholesterol deficiency increases the risk of disorders in the body. Therefore, categorical statements that cholesterol causes irreparable or fatal harm to health are often misconceptions. Nutritionists recommend maintaining normal levels of cholesterol in the blood. If they exceed the norm, then to prevent cardiovascular diseases you can reduce the amount of butter consumed, but you should not completely exclude it from the diet.

2. Butter with a fat content below 82.5% is not butter

To understand this issue, you need to understand the technology of butter production. At the first stage, cream is separated from cow's milk, the fat content of which is 35%. Next, this cream is sent to a separator, in which, by separating moisture (buttermilk - the skim part of the cream obtained as a result of milk separation), high-fat cream is obtained - 82.5, 73%, 72.5% fat content, etc. Accordingly, butter with a fat content below 82.5% is real butter, made from natural cow's milk cream, and its main difference from butter with a higher fat percentage is its moisture content. Therefore, frequent statements that oil with a fat content below 82.5% is diluted with trans fat or hydrogen have absolutely no basis.

It is worth noting that back in the USSR, the GOST classification of butter according to the percentage of fat was developed: traditional - 82.5%, amateur - 80%, peasant - 72.5%, sandwich - 61.5%, tea - 50%. Of course, the less fat in butter, the fewer calories it contains, so this variety of types makes butter a product that fits well into the diet of even those trying to limit their calorie intake.

In a word, regardless of its fat content, butter is a tasty and healthy product that can be safely consumed even by those on a diet.

3. Butter contains only fat and nothing else.

Butter contains a large amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, fats and amino acids. Butter is primarily necessary for a growing child's body, which requires fats for healthy and active growth. The fact is that a deficiency of dietary fats can lead to a decrease in intellectual abilities and delayed brain development.

Thanks to its unique chemical composition, butter is one of the beneficial elements recommended by pediatricians for children's dietary nutrition. Butter is a high-calorie product, so the daily requirement for it is 20 g.

Natural butter is very beneficial for healthy skin and hair, visual acuity, growth and normal functioning of bone and muscle tissue. It contains vitamins A, D, E, C, B, calcium, phospholipids (building material for cells, especially nerve cells) and amino acids, as well as 150 fatty acids, 20 of which are essential!

4. Oil contains impurities harmful to the body

Butter produced under the brands of the company “TERRA FOOD” - TM “Ferma” does not contain harmful impurities, as it is produced strictly according to DSTU (state standards of Ukraine) in compliance with all technological standards. Therefore, it does not contain vegetable fats, impurities, additives, but contains only high-quality fresh natural cream from cow's milk.

“Peasant” butter has less fat and more moisture. Its taste is not as rich as that of oil with a fat content of 82.5%. It will appeal to those who prefer less fatty foods. There is a misconception that anything less than 82% fat is not oil. In fact, butter can be made with a fat content of at least 60%. If it is made from cream, it will be real butter. Butter "Izbenka" is made from natural cream of the highest quality. According to physiological standards, each person should consume 15-25 g of butter per day, not counting other fats. Butter is recommended for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and is also necessary for the normal growth and development of children. Butter has a digestibility of about 98%. Izbenka butter is tasty and healthy to spread on sandwiches, add to cereals, salads, mashed potatoes... All the famous chefs in the world do not start cooking until there is real butter in the kitchen. Only with it you can prepare amazingly tasty, healthy and beautiful dishes. Why oil is useful: - has a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems; - vitamins (A, E, D) protect the body from infectious diseases, make the skin inaccessible to the penetration of microbes, and have a beneficial effect on vision; - rich in calcium and phospholipids, necessary for the structure of cells, especially nerve cells.

I want to tell you about my favorite peasant butter. In our family, butter is used often and a lot. Add to porridge, sandwiches, and baked goods. Omelettes, pancakes - I cook all this only with butter. I prefer the peasant one, as it contains less fat, and the taste and quality are high. Opening a pack of fresh, fragrant, cold oil is a pleasure. My children have been using butter since early childhood and already know how to distinguish between quality and fresh product. “Maslitse” is how my children affectionately call it. I give oil from VkusVill to children without fear. Among the latest discoveries are mini cakes made from Styopka cookies and peasant butter with fresh berries. This is now our favorite afternoon snack and breakfast. Even I can’t resist this delicacy with a cup of coffee.

Olga, map


I constantly buy peasant oil. I take care of my health and try to buy products with less fat content. The taste of this oil is extraordinary. It feels like the butter is made from real cream. It spreads easily on bread and melts in your mouth. My favorite breakfast: grain bread with peasant butter! I recommend this oil to everyone!

Anastasia Andreevna, map


Our family loves butter. We always buy “Peasant” from “VkusVill”. It contains 72.5% fat, which, in my opinion, perfectly balances the benefits and calorie content of butter. This is the oil from our childhood. No foreign tastes or odors. The butter is moderately soft with a sweetish, milky taste. I really like that there is no sourness in this oil, like in other types of oils.

Excellent composition: pasteurized cream, without milk powder. The shelf life is 25 days, which means that the product is without preservatives. Well suited for sandwiches and baking, this oil can be safely added small child in porridge, in mashed potatoes. I really like to make such a sandwich: noble bread, “peasant” butter, “light” cheese and garnish with a parsley leaf. Ideal with a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

Olga Alexandrovna, map

xxx 3123

This is not the first time we take oil. The whole family really likes it. We use it in cooking, baking is especially good with it. Real oil without odor or foreign tastes.

Matvey, map


Very tasty oil. We only buy here. It is very similar to the oil from my childhood. It tastes very natural and creamy. No other oil from other stores compares. Without fear, I give this oil even to my youngest son, who is 1.5 years old. I sympathize with everyone. Thanks to the store.

Ksenia, map


Irina Valerievna | 03/31/2019 18:59:56

Hello! Over the past year, the butter has deteriorated greatly, it is impossible to spread on bread, it crumbles while still in the package, it’s a shame, it was once good. I had to buy from another store. They took it until the last moment, hoping for improvement, but, unfortunately, to no avail.

Account Manager | 04/01/2019 09:14:19

Good afternoon, Irina Valerievna!
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused!
We are very sensitive to the quality of our products, which is why the opinions of our customers are so important to us! We will definitely take your comments into account and pass them on to the Quality Service of the Myasnov Khlevnoye Dairy Factory. We also ask you to provide, if possible, the date of manufacture of the oil so that we can forward this information to specialists.
We would appreciate your feedback!
Sincerely, Your Myasnov.

Evgeniy | 02/23/2019 12:34:39

For some reason, in the store the oil costs 130 rubles, although it is stated 120 rubles

Olga | 01/23/2019 11:53:31

The oil dated January 12, 2019 (date on the package) is simply disgusting! Small grains! taste of sour rotten milk!! Today I’ll bring it back to the store. And if they don’t accept it, I’ll take it for examination.

Irina Sergeevna | 02/10/2018 11:18:38

I bought this product on 02/08/2018, opened it on 02/10/2018, the consistency turned out to be processed cheese. I buy it regularly, this has never happened before. Disappointed. Date of manufacture 02/04/2018

Julia | 02/07/2018 13:11:21

The butter is clearly from milk powder. I know the real taste and consistency, the aroma of butter, melting and creamy - this is not about it at all. It’s unpleasant to read “pasteurized cream” in the composition when the dryness of the milk powder remains on the tongue (((

Irina | 01/11/2018 07:39:42

The oil crumbles and does not smear! It shouldn’t be like this. For the money it’s better to buy another oil!!!

Alena | 01/07/2018 08:58:58

The oil is not tasty. It always crumbles and smudges badly. No taste or smell dairy product. I can't believe it's completely natural. For this price it is better to buy oil in the supermarket. But traditional oil is completely different. The whole family adores him.

Dmitry Vladimirovich | 06/04/2017 20:12:31

The oil is delicious! I just don't understand. Is it good or bad when butter crumbles?

Oleg Borisovich | 05/17/2017 20:04:20

Today I bought Peasant butter 72.5% fat.... It's not butter, it's a spread! I will never buy again!

Account Manager | 05/18/2017 14:55:32

Good afternoon, Oleg!
Butter Peasant GOST 72.5% 200 grams
It is made only from natural pasteurized cream and does not contain vegetable fats, as well as preservatives and improvers.
We ask you to indicate the manufacturing date of the product that caused such an unflattering review, and also describe your comments in more detail.
Sincerely, Your Myasnov.

Oleg Borisovich | 05/25/2017 12:28:54

Some strange people are calling... they don’t introduce themselves. DON'T NEED TO CALL ME!!!

Alla Gennadievna | 01/20/2017 07:29:11

Hello. I always buy butter from your network, but the 72.5% butter from 01/13/17 was disappointing. I don’t know what they added or whether the milk is spoiled, the butter is some kind of flakes, it doesn’t spread on the bread, it breaks up into small grains. I came across oil of this quality in the summer too. I enjoy purchasing many of your products. Please do not disappoint your regular customers

Julia | 09/30/2016 14:51:32

I bought this oil, production date - September 17, in a store at Moscow, Petrovsko-Razumovsky Prospect, 24, building 2. The oil has an unpleasant rancid taste and an unnatural yellow color. Really looks like a spread. I intend to contact the society for the protection of consumer rights and also submit this stick of butter for examination to
Food Institute. I'm really tired of constantly deceiving customers! I ask you to seize this batch and check the quality of the produced peasant and traditional oil.

Account Manager | 07/11/2016 13:16:29

Good afternoon

Peasant butter GOST 72.5% 200 grams is made from natural milk obtained from livestock farms in the Lipetsk and Voronezh regions, in strict accordance with the requirements of GOST 32261-2013, Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 033/2013. Before being released for sale, all products undergo multi-stage quality control - from the moment raw materials enter production until they are sent to stores. Both raw materials and manufactured products are regularly sent for testing to an independent laboratory to confirm quality. It is mandatory to take samples from each batch of the finished product for tasting by specialists from the Quality Service. Thus, a product of the highest quality goes on sale.