What happens if you cut your neck. How to properly stab a pig in the neck. Preparation of equipment and slaughter area

There is an opinion about what to do good kebab Only men are capable. But this is not entirely true. Gender has absolutely nothing to do with it. In order for such a dish to turn out truly tasty, it is necessary to correctly perform each stage of the cooking process. Particular attention should be paid to how to cut meat for kebab. There are many points in this matter that you should know about before getting started.

The process of preparing shish kebab includes several mandatory steps:

  • selection of main components;
  • grinding products (slicing);
  • preparing them for work (marinating);
  • placing the workpieces on skewers;
  • direct frying.

Each of them is important in its own way and requires appropriate attention. However, some people believe, for example, that it is absolutely not important how you cut the meat for kebab. However, this process has its own subtleties.

Not every cut piece is suitable for barbecue. True professionals pay special attention to the shape of the workpiece. Ideally, the pieces will be cut into cones. This will make it easier to place them on the skewer and will further promote good frying. But before deciding how to cut meat for kebab, you need to prepare all the necessary tools for this. Typically in such cases it is required:

  1. Sharp knife. It is desirable if it has a wide, even blade without any serrations. Tools with a grooved blade are not suitable for this.
  2. A wooden cutting board with a special groove for collecting liquid. After all, when cutting meat, juice will definitely come out of it. It is undesirable for it to accumulate on the surface. If you don’t have one, then you can take an ordinary wooden board. In any case, you must first rinse it with cold running water. This way it will absorb less meat juice.

Having everything you need, you can safely get to work.

Main Ingredient

Before deciding how to cut meat for shish kebab, you must take into account exactly what product will be used for this. For example, it is best to choose tenderloin from beef or pork. The situation is different. Here it is better to use neck meat for barbecue. This is meat located along the ridge. You need to take exactly the part that is located in the neck area. Anything that goes lower along the back will, of course, also work. But in this case, you will have to spend extra time to cut off a large amount of fat that is located nearby. It’s better not to take the back part at all. From which it is located, the kebab will turn out dry and not juicy. You need to understand this and not make mistakes. Lamb is a completely different story. Here, of the entire carcass, only the tenderloin, loin or hind leg is suitable for making barbecue. But it’s better to save the popular spatula for another dish. When the issue with meat is finally resolved, it will be possible to proceed to the next stage.

The secret of marinating

It is known that the use fresh meat does not guarantee that the kebab will turn out soft and juicy. Even inexperienced housewives know that the main product must first be subjected to additional processing. This refers to the marinating process. First you need to understand why it is needed. Here it is worth remembering your chemistry lessons. After all, it is known that meat mainly consists of proteins (elastin, collagen and reticulin). During heat treatment it partially softens. But this process works best under the influence of acid. In such an environment, the protein gradually becomes loose, which means it will be able to retain juice and turn out soft after frying. In practice, marinades prepared on the basis of:

  • kefir;
  • guilt;
  • mayonnaise;
  • vinegar;
  • mineral water.

Everyone chooses an option to their own taste. But most often they use a method for which it is necessary: ​​for 1.2 kilograms of meat (for example, pork) 8 grams of sugar, 3 onions, salt, 60 grams of vinegar and any spices.

Everything is done very simply:

  1. First, wash the pork and lightly dry it with a napkin to remove excess moisture.
  2. Then we cut the meat into kebab, taking into account the advice of professionals regarding the shape and size of individual pieces.
  3. The preparations must be sprinkled with spices and left for 10 minutes so that the meat can be thoroughly saturated with them.
  4. Add chopped onion, sugar and vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

The meat should lie in this marinade for at least 9 hours. Only after this can you start frying.

Important details

Experienced housewives know how to properly cut meat for kebab. Beginning cooks who want to master the art of preparing this dish need to pay attention to several important points:

  1. You should only use sharp tools. You can correctly divide the meat into pieces with a well-sharpened knife in your hands. With its help, you can easily cut off excess fat, films and tough tendons.
  2. The workpieces must have the optimal size. Any deviations in one direction or another negatively affect the quality of the finished product.
  3. Use the same cutting method for all types of meat. The exception is beef. Due to its long, rigid fibers, it requires an individual approach.
  4. Remember that a kebab made from six pieces of meat is considered ideal. Practice shows that this amount is considered optimal for this dish.

If all these points are taken into account, then about quality ready-made dish you don't have to worry. All that remains is to follow all the rules for frying meat for open fire.

Cutting rules

The preparation of each dish has its own subtleties. For kebab, they mainly concern the method of cutting the main product. The same question always arises here. Very often, novice cooks are interested in how to cut meat for shish kebab: lengthwise or crosswise. The answer to this question is ambiguous. It would seem that everything is clear here. Dividing into pieces must be done taking into account the bite line. Therefore, almost all types of meat intended for barbecue are cut crosswise. Then it is placed on a skewer along the fibers. This is the only way the finished product can turn out quite juicy and truly soft.

If you do the opposite, then it will be difficult to bite off a whole piece, since the meat itself will gradually shrink during the frying process. The kebab will turn out tough and tasteless. Although, using pre-marinating, the meat can be chopped in any direction. The exception to this rule is beef. It only needs to be cut across.

Piece size

In order to ultimately achieve the desired result, you also need to know what pieces to cut the meat for shish kebab. As practice shows, size plays an important role in this matter.

Experienced chefs are sure that a piece measuring 3 to 5 centimeters is considered optimal. It weighs approximately 30 grams. If you make the workpiece smaller, then when cooked over an open fire it will quickly fry and become dry. It is also undesirable to take large pieces. In the allotted time, they will not have time to properly fry from the inside and will remain raw. If you keep them on the fire a little longer, the surface layers may become heavily charred. This type of barbecue will not please anyone. In addition, you should try to keep the pieces as even as possible. Thin overhanging edges will immediately burn and ruin not only appearance, but also taste finished product. Also, when chopping a whole piece, be sure to cut off the fat. Under the influence of high temperature, it will gradually shrink, releasing fat out. As a result, additional dense tissue will appear on the piece of meat, which will be difficult to chew.

You can learn how to slaughter pigs in the neck with your own hands only with some effort and choosing a competent mentor. We hope that you do not have problems with self-motivation, since this method of killing a piglet is the most convenient. We will become your guide in this area and tell you everything that is required for this difficult process. Read on to learn how to kill a pig with a blow to the throat, how to prepare for the procedure, and practical tips for beginning farmers.

Slaughter weight from an economic point of view

In this article, we will not only tell you how to slaughter a pig correctly, but also share some secrets. One of them is a scheme for determining slaughter weight. This is important to maintain profitability and product quality. The leanest and most popular pork is obtained when piglets weighing 90-100 kg are slaughtered.

When engaging in pig farming, it is important to find a balance between supply and demand, avoiding economic losses. The slaughter weight of a pig varies depending on the initial weight. By slaughtering one hundred kilogram pigs, you can get 73% pork. This is a good indicator, but it can be improved.

The large weight of pigs before slaughter means a high fat content of the product with a low level of demand. By fattening a piglet to 120-130 kg, you will slightly reduce the quality, but increase the slaughter yield by 17%. Using this scheme, you can make a big profit while maintaining the “marketable appearance” of the meat.

But please note that the scheme only works with meat breeds and does not apply to meat-fat and greasy pigs.

Preparation of equipment and slaughter area

Before explaining how to properly slaughter a pig, we want to outline the scope of preliminary work. You need to prepare:

  • pig slaughter area;
  • stunning tool (sledgehammer, stun gun);
  • stabbing tools (knife, special sharpener);
  • containers for collecting blood.

Determine the location for slaughter: a room or area as far as possible from the pigsty. Prepare the area by covering it to remove pig blood and debris from the job. Use sawdust, hay or other material.

Start preparing cutting tools: knives for different types of work. The article talks in detail about different knives, but to slaughter a pig in the neck, you need a blade about 15 cm long. If you choose a short dagger, then you will not reach the carotid artery and jugular cavity (where the blow is delivered), but will only damage the skin and meat layer , angering the piglet.

Decide on the method of processing the skins of piglets: roasting or scalding. You will find details in the article, we only note that for firing the carcass you need special tools, and for scalding - a large vat. But scalding is a more labor-intensive processing option that takes more time and manpower.

The blade and its features

Pigs are slaughtered at home only with a specialized knife, and there are certain reasons for this. Remember that good piercing blades are not sold in stores; they are ordered from craftsmen who make just such a tool. A competent specialist will make it from durable metal so that the dagger does not break during operation.

The importance of choosing the correct length of the knife is determined by the fact that the pig has thick skin and a rather large layer of bacon. The level of fat in the neck area, depending on the meat category, ranges from 1-3 cm (first category) to 4 cm or more (third category). The thickness of the pig’s skin is about 3 cm, which in total already gives a minimum of 6 cm.

Taking into account the muscle layer and the need to cut the artery, choose knives 12-18 cm long and 2 cm wide, always double-edged. Some slaughterers advise choosing blades with a fuller (blood filler). In practice, the groove does not facilitate the outflow of blood, and its presence is determined by the balancing and rigidity of the blade.

Bleeding and its meaning

When stabbing in the neck, you will need buckets to collect the pig's blood. After an accurate blow, having pierced an artery with the blade, you must quickly pull the knife out of the wound so that the blood flows out and does not clot inside. The article said that this technique leaves blood clots inside the body and has to be cleaned out with tissues.

When slaughtering a pig with a blow to the neck, this problem does not arise. The blood flows out and the pig farmers collect it for later use.

Pig blood is used in medicine and the food industry, so when piglets are slaughtered, they try to preserve it. To prevent it from curdling, it is stirred regularly while draining and then sent to a cold place for preservation.

As soon as you remove the knife from the wound, blood will flow from the cut. But on some pig farms, pig meat is not prepared for sale, but sent for processing. In this case, you don’t have to wait for bleeding. On the contrary, you should close the hole with a wooden stopper to preserve the bloodiness of the product.

Process methodology

When figuring out how to slaughter a pig, we note two fundamental differences between the technique of stabbing a knife in the heart and stabbing it in the neck. Considering the second option, we note that the “neck technology” allows you to bleed the carcass as much as possible. Second, the blow is delivered after the pig is stunned.

But the risk of the technique is that if you hit it incorrectly, the pig will break loose and try to escape. Before slaughtering a pig, it must be tied up.

Bring the pig to the crossbar - with this technique, a U-shaped horizontal bar is required. Place a bowl of food to distract the pig while helpers tie the ropes to its hind legs. Throw the ends of the ropes over the horizontal bar and pull sharply.

Hit the pig in the forehead with a blunt wooden hammer to stun the pig and quickly drive the knife into the left side of the neck. Mark the place for the blow, 2-3 cm below the auricle - the area where the piglet’s artery passes.

Hit her in such a way as to immediately kill her, but not to hurt her heart. Pull out the blade and place a bucket so that the blood flows out of the carcass.

The nuances of working with wild boars

In the methodology section on how to slaughter a pig, we described the technology of neck slaughter and said that the method is applicable to pigs weighing 110-120 kg. But the weight of an adult wild boar exceeds 120 kg, which should not be forgotten. Due to the large weight of the animal, there are some nuances that distinguish working with it from the slaughter of small piglets.

Firstly, the number of assistants. In addition to the slaughterer who kills the boar, 3 assistants will be needed to immobilize the animal. But even 3 workers are not enough to drag the wriggling pig carcass onto the horizontal bar, so the boar is tied up and immobilized on the ground.

To tie up a boar, tie the rope around one hind leg and pull to topple the animal. Secure the free end of the rope to a post and hold the pig motionless. Immobilize him using any of the existing methods, and then deliver a precise and strong blow to the cervical artery. Further actions with the carcass are no different from the procedure for slaughtering a pig.

Small doesn't mean easy

Novice slaughterers believe that it is easier to slaughter small piglets than large pigs, and this is their big mistake. The article describes many techniques and nuances of this procedure, which we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Let us remind you that the technology for slaughtering piglets and the number of assistants are chosen in accordance with the weight of the animal. Small children are stabbed alone, but pigs over 20 kg should be slaughtered together: an assistant holds the legs, and the slaughterer strikes.

A blow to the neck is the best option when slaughtering piglets, since the procedure proceeds quickly and the pig does not have time to realize anything. But do not make allowances for the small weight of the animal, as this complicates the task rather than simplifies it. It is more difficult to aim at a small carcass, and an inaccurate blow will hurt the animal, but will not kill it. If you hit the artery, the pig will begin to choke, but you will not be able to collect blood.

A few words about industrial slaughter

In an industrial slaughterhouse, the method of slaughtering a pig by the neck is no less common than in domestic pig farming. But what is similar between these processes is only the place of impact, the rest of the actions will differ. The main difference between the production method is its mass nature - in large slaughterhouses up to 120 animals can be killed in an hour.

The industrial slaughter method is simple: an electrocuted and stunned pig is hung by its hind leg on a hook and raised on a chain to the desired level. The slaughterer quickly and accurately strikes the neck, after which the blood flows into a specially equipped tank, where it is automatically mixed. Once bleeding is complete, the carcass will be sent for further processing.

Another difference between the industrial method of slaughtering pigs and the domestic method is stunning technology. Private farmers calm animals down with a blow to the head, and on large pig farms they use electric current for this purpose. But the use of electricity directly for slaughter is recommended only if the meat is sent for processing and not for sale, since it will not be possible to bleed the carcass.

Remember that slaughtering a pig is not murder, but a business. Of course, the first slaughter of piglets will require not only concentration, but also psychological calm. There are two things that contribute to this.

First, don't treat pigs as pets if you raise them for meat. Think of them as financial or product gains.

Second: do not let children near the pigs, otherwise it will not be you who will get psychological trauma, but the child who has become attached to the pig. It will be better if you protect their communication in advance.

As already mentioned, they have a transverse or oblique direction. During suicide attempts, these wounds (sometimes multiple) are located high, between the hyoid bone and the cartilage of the larynx.

They rarely affect large vessels, the superior thyroid artery is more often damaged on one or both sides. According to G. Tillmans, “a suicide intending to cut his neck with a razor usually does not end up in the right place.”

In addition, when throwing back the head the carotid arteries and internal jugular veins are stretched and extend several centimeters deep and laterally under the cover of the sternocleidomastoid muscles, so that even when crossing the larynx and trachea, the vessels remain intact. We observed several patients who, as a result of suicidal actions, had transverse wounds “from ear to ear” with the intersection of the laryngopharynx and a superficial (in the form of a kind of dotted line) transverse wound of the prevertebral fascia.

Neurovascular bundles of the neck both sides were intact.
Due to this G. Tillmans notes that “suicides who have knowledge of anatomy end their lives by injecting themselves into the common carotid artery.” However, the depth of transverse wounds varies, from superficial to those crossing the laryngopharynx, trachea and esophagus.

Anatomical boundaries and areas of the neck:
a - front view: 1 - chin triangle; 2 - submandibular triangle; 3 - sublingual area; 4 - sleepy triangle; 5 - scapular-tracheal triangle; 6 - sternocleidomastoid region;
b - side view: 1 - chin triangle; 2 - submandibular triangle; 3 - premaxillary fossa; 4 - sleepy triangle; 5 - sternocleidomastoid region; 6 - lateral triangle of the neck; 7 - supraclavicular region

Upon careful study morphology wounds, you can notice that often one of the corners of the wound has a greater depth, and then the wound gradually becomes shallower, which depends on which hand the suicide inflicted the damage with. When striking with the right hand, the greatest depth of the wound is located on the left half of the neck; when striking with the left hand, on the contrary, on the right side of the neck. If the cut wound is inflicted by another person, its depth is usually the same throughout.

Incised wounds of the anterior surface of the third zone of the neck with the intersection of the thyrohyoid membrane, and sometimes the epiglottis, lead to a displacement of its free edge upward along with the hyoid bone due to traction of the muscles of the floor of the mouth. A gaping defect of the larynx is formed, through which its posterior wall is visible, and displacement of the epiglottis creates certain difficulties for the anesthesiologist during orotracheal intubation.

The same gaping defect also occurs when the conical ligament intersects between the lower edge of the thyroid cartilage and the upper edge of the cricoid cartilage (second zone).

Damage to the lingual, external maxillary, external and internal carotid arteries and jugular veins quickly lead to death from external bleeding and aspiration of blood. The tongue may be cut off from the base and, falling backward, also cause asphyxia.

Such wounds have very dramatic appearance, not only due to the large divergence of the edges, but also due to the ejection of bubbling saliva and mucus mixed with blood during frequent coughing. If the posterior wall of the trachea (membranous part) is preserved, the divergence of the wound does not exceed 1.5-2 cm. However, when the trachea is crossed below the level of the thyroid gland (in the first zone of the neck), its distal section goes deep, more than 4 cm, into the mediastinum, and the proximal one, together with the larynx, is pulled up to the body of the hyoid bone.

If at the same time intersects And esophagus, at the bottom of the wound, the prevertebral fascia is visible, covering the anterior surfaces of the cervical vertebral bodies. This situation creates great technical difficulties for applying primary sutures to the esophagus and trachea.

In Nikolaev on Monday, June 4, the Court of Appeal of the Nikolaev region decided to return to arrest recidivist Yuri Bogomyatkov, who is suspected of inflicting multiple wounds on the athlete.

As you know, earlier the judge of the Central District Court of Nikolaev Ivan Dirko, during the extension of the preventive measure for Bogomyatkov, assigned him a bail of 88 thousand hryvnia, which was soon paid and the suspect was released pre-trial detention center to freedom.

The prosecutor's office filed an appeal against this decision with a request to overturn Judge Dirko's decision regarding the possibility of granting bail. At the same time, Bogomyatkov did not appear at the hearing on June 1, and the court ordered the police to bring the suspect under arrest.

Prosecutor Andrei Ivanov noted during the trial that the trial court referred only to Bogomyatkov’s testimony and came to the wrong conclusions. He believes that the suspicion is motivated, and there are also risks that Bogomyatkov could hide from the investigation under a milder measure of restraint, and also influence witnesses and the victim. In addition, the prosecutor emphasized that Yuri Bogomyatkov may commit a new crime and is prone to committing offenses.

Ivanov also does not deny that the victim also had a knife, but the injuries were caused to him by another bladed weapon - according to the findings of the examination, the depth of the wounds on the victim was 7-10 centimeters, and the victim’s found knife with a blade was no more than 7 centimeters.

In turn, lawyers Olga Razumovskaya and Alexey Razumovsky noted that the assigned bail ensures that the suspect fulfills the duties assigned to him. They also noted that the suspect and victim both inflicted bodily harm on each other. In addition, the defense noted that Bogomyatkov has a positive character at his place of residence, got a job and supports his sick grandmother.

Yuri Bogomyatkov himself assured the court that he had no intention of hiding or putting pressure on witnesses and the victim. He also stated that he did not agree with the qualification because he was allegedly defending himself.

As a result, a panel of judges consisting of Elena Farionova, Vladimir Guly and Oksana Kutsenko decided to satisfy the prosecutor’s appeal and canceled Bogomyatkov’s bail.

The suspect then cut his arms and neck. The guards prevented him from inflicting more serious injuries on himself. Bogomyatkov managed to splatter the meeting room with blood. The court was waiting for an ambulance to take the suspect to the pre-trial detention center. The doctors arrived and began to bandage Bogomyatkov.

“I will open every court until you choke on blood here,” Bogomyatkov promised in the court corridor.

He also sprayed blood at the prosecutor. As a result, the suspect was taken to the emergency hospital, accompanied by police, and then he was to be taken to a pre-trial detention center.