A simple apple dessert recipe. What can be prepared from apples: dessert recipes with photos. Apples with wine sauce

Yes, there are 9 pages of recipes for all kinds of “Charlottes” on the site. It is for this reason that I haven’t posted my recipe for a long time... But recently I read on one of the forums of our website an opinion that sometimes good recipes they don’t post it precisely because many similar recipes have already been posted, and users simply do not dare to post another clone. Although, often in vain, because it is quite possible that their recipe is very good. In favor of this recipe, I can only say that everyone who tries this option no longer tries to look for any other... This was the case in our family, when we once tried this charlotte at Aunt Sveta’s, for which we thank her very much. There is no baking soda or other fluffing agents in the recipe, just flour, eggs, sugar and butter. The ratio of ingredients is just perfect. It always turns out airy, tall, and incredibly tasty. It can be easily stored for several days and does not lose its taste, so we like to make it on the road. I am sure that this charlotte will become not only my favorite.

Apples are delicious on their own, and desserts made from them are simply wonderful. This fruit goes well with a wide variety of fruits, berries, nuts, and can be used with any type of dough and dairy products. That is why the list of sweets and possible dishes made from apples is simply huge, it can be compiled ad infinitum, but here are the most delicious options desserts.

Apple dessert - general principles of preparation

Flour desserts are made from different types of dough, and apples are often used as a filling. They are chopped, combined with sugar, cinnamon, nuts or mixed with raisins, other fruits, berries, and cottage cheese. Sometimes they add it directly to the dough, for example, this is how they make charlotte, see below classic recipe the most popular apple pie.

What other desserts can you make with apples:

· marshmallow;

· fruit salads and sauces;

· ice cream;

They can be baked, fried, dried, they are often combined with cottage cheese or kefir, and added to pancakes and pancakes. The main thing is to choose and prepare the fruits correctly. If the skin is thick, then it needs to be removed; seeds and cores are removed in most recipes. The tastier and juicier the fruit, the better the dessert will be. And we remember that the apple darkens in the air, becomes gray and unattractive, so it is prepared at the very last moment.

The easiest dessert made from apples with nuts and cinnamon

A very useful option simple dessert from apples. It's easy to make in a few minutes. If you need to reduce calories, then reduce the amount of honey.


· two apples;

· 1 tbsp. l. honey;

· 2 tbsp. l. water;

· 1 tbsp. l. nuts;

· 0.3 tsp. cinnamon.


1. Combine honey and water, place on the stove and heat. Or put it in the microwave and melt it. Add cinnamon, stir, the dressing is ready. If you are allergic to honey, do it sugar syrup.

2. If the skin on the apples is thick, then it is better to peel it off. Cut the pulp into cubes or neat slices and pour into a bowl.

3. Fry the nuts, chop them, add to the fruit. You can use any nuts: hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts. Also delicious with sunflower seeds. If you want to make a healthy dessert, add flax or pumpkin seeds.

4. Pour in the honey melted with water and cinnamon, stir and the dessert is ready!

Baked apple dessert

There are a huge number of ways to prepare desserts from baked apples, and this is only one of the options. It is simple and requires a minimum set of products. But if desired, the fruit can be filled with honey and nuts, curd mass, dried fruits.


· apples;

· cinnamon;


1. Wash the apples; it is better to use small fruits. It is important that they are approximately the same.

2. Cut a small funnel on top along with the core and throw it away.

3. Mix sugar and cinnamon, sprinkle into a damp funnel. If any filling is to be used, the hole is made larger and filled.

4. Transfer the apples into a mold and place in the oven. Or microwave for a few minutes.

5. Bake at 180 degrees until soft. Let it sit for a while before serving.

Charlotte - a traditional dessert made from apples

When considering desserts made from apples, one cannot help but think of charlotte. A delicious pie prepared according to the most different recipes. Here is the classic recipe for apple pie itself.


· 1 tbsp. flour;

· 1 tbsp. sah. sand;

· four apples;

· four eggs;

· 15 g butter;

· semolina or additional flour.


1. Rub the bottom and sides of the pan with a piece of butter. Additionally, sprinkle with semolina or flour. Immediately turn on the oven at 180 degrees to warm up.

2. Break the eggs into a large and always dry bowl. Lower the mixer. Turn it on and start beating at the highest speed.

3. After three minutes, the mass will become light and fluffy. It's time to add granulated sugar. But you don’t need to knock over the whole glass at once. Add in small portions, continuing to beat.

4. Pour the flour into a sieve and immediately sift it into the dough, now stir with a spoon and carefully so as not to precipitate the mass. If suddenly the eggs are not beaten very well, then you can secure the charlotte with slaked soda (0.5 tsp of powder) or baking powder from a bag (1 tsp), just add and stir.

5. Rinse the apples. Cut the fruit into pieces. Now you can pour them into the dough and mix. Or then we spread it over the dough when it is already in shape. You can arrange the apples and pour the mixed mixture on top.

6. Send the apple pie to bake. This will take about half an hour. We pierce it with a toothpick. We check readiness. But we do it carefully and carefully. If the stick hits the apple, it will be wet even with finished test.

Drinkable apple dessert

Option healthy dessert, which is now called the buzzword smoothie. To ensure that the delicacy is well absorbed and satiating, we will prepare it with natural yogurt. You can replace it with yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk.


· three apples;

· 120 g yogurt;

· 1 tsp. lemon juice;

· 2 mint leaves;

· cinnamon, vanilla, sugar to taste.


1. Peel the apples, cut into small pieces, place in a blender or a convenient bowl. We take the one in which it will be easy to grind. Immediately pour lemon juice over it. Add one mint leaf.

2. Grind the blocks to a smooth puree.

3. Add sugar or honey to taste, you can add cinnamon and vanilla.

4. Place yogurt or any other fermented milk product.

5. Beat the dessert for another 20 seconds.

6. Pour the drinking dessert into a large glass, add a second mint leaf. You can sprinkle cinnamon powder on top. Use immediately before the apple turns dark.

Pastila - apple dessert without preservatives

This is one of the most profitable apple desserts. Since it can be perfectly stored for several years without adding preservatives. We are talking about real dry marshmallow, that is, thin.


· apples;

· film or silicone mats.


1. Traditional marshmallow is prepared with skins. Therefore, we wash the apples, cut them into pieces, and throw away the cores as we go.

2. Throw the pieces of fruit into the pan, add 0.5 cups of water, cover and place on the stove. Simmer until soft.

3. Drain the apples into a colander. The juice that has been released can be left for other purposes. Transfer the pieces to a convenient bowl or return to the pan.

4. Grind the apples with a blender. If they are sour, add sugar. But don’t add too much, otherwise the marshmallow will take a long time to dry.

5. Spread the prepared puree onto mats or simply onto sheets of film. The layer thickness is no more than 0.5 cm. Place it in the sun to dry. Or place in the oven, dry at 60-70 degrees until ready.

6. Carefully remove the pastille from the sheets. Cool completely, check if it is dry well. Then we roll them into tubes and wrap them in parchment paper, in which we store the dessert.

Fried apple dessert

The option is very unusual dessert. For fried apples, choose only dense fruits, otherwise nothing will work.


· 3-4 apples;

· 40 g butter;

· 2 tbsp. l. flour;

· cinnamon, powder to taste.


1. Place the oil in a frying pan. We put it on the stove. You can fry apples on vegetable oil No smell, but with cream it turns out much tastier.

2. Cut the apples into slices, trying to make the slices the same thickness. Lay out on the board in one layer. Pour flour into a strainer. Sprinkle the slices on one side.

3. Quickly turn the apples over and sprinkle the other side with flour.

4. Place the slices in heated oil. Fry on both sides over high heat.

5. Remove with a spatula onto a paper towel. To remove excess oil. Fry the remaining slices.

6. Transfer the finished apples to a flat plate, sprinkle with powder and cinnamon on top.

Ice cream - a cool dessert made from apples

A recipe for a natural and delicious apple dessert. To make ice cream, you will additionally need heavy cream.


· 2 apples;

· 10 g vanilla sugar;

· 150 g of milk;

· three yolks;

· 250 g heavy cream;

· 220 g sugar. sand;

· 30 g cognac.


1. We start cooking with fruits. Peel, cut into pieces, pour in cognac and put on the stove. Add a spoonful of water and simmer until soft.

2. Place fresh yolks in another saucepan, add sugar and milk. Grind until smooth, add vanillin and place on the stove. Prepare the custard, but do not bring to a boil. After the first bubbles appear, immediately remove from heat. Let cool.

3. Grind the apples with a blender or grind through a sieve. We put it in the refrigerator.

4. Pour the cream into a large bowl, beat until well foamed. Add the cooled fruits, and then the prepared cream. Beat the ice cream mixture until smooth.

5. Place the bowl in the freezer for 30 minutes.

6. Take out, immerse the mixer and beat for a few seconds. Cool again and stir again after an hour.

7. Divide the apple ice cream into cups, molds, or simply place it in a container with a good lid. We do all this very quickly. Remove until completely frozen.

· The apple will not darken if you immediately sprinkle it with lemon juice. Fruit vinegar is sometimes used for the same purpose. If there is nothing like that, you can dilute a little dry citric acid, but it shouldn’t affect the taste of the dessert.

· Even a modest apple salad will turn into a chic dessert if the fruit is beautifully cut. You can use curly knives, graters and other devices.

· Apple peels and cores do not need to be thrown away; you can use them to prepare a compote or a healthy concentrated decoction, which is very valued in cosmetology, contains a lot of substances useful for hair, skin and nails, and helps fight colds.

Apple desserts are delicious, light and healthy. The most popular apple dessert in Russian cuisine is baked apple and apple marshmallow. Apples were baked whole, in slices or with filling. The filling included honey, nuts, and cottage cheese. To make apple marshmallow, apples are baked, rubbed through a sieve and the resulting puree is beaten together with the egg whites. The apple dessert mass is distributed on a baking sheet and dried in the oven. A common Italian apple dessert is frites (apple slices in batter). The Chinese shared with the others another popular dessert - caramel apples.

There are 124 recipes in the "Apple Desserts" section

Apple dessert with custard “Apples on the Snow”

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Apples in cinnamon batter

No matter how varied and satisfying the feast is, dessert is always awaited with impatience and anticipation. During the season of ripe fruits, there is nothing better than fragrant, juicy fruits for preparing a sweet dish. We offer apple dessert, which is prepared so...

Hello, dear friends and guests of the site “I am a villager”! Today we will prepare apple desserts, three delicious and simple recipes. The recipes are not complicated, you can prepare them between other things.

My family eats it with pleasure!

Sometimes there comes a time at home when family members ask for something tasty, homemade. So you start flipping through your notebooks and looking for proven recipes. Well, now the Internet is at hand, I went to visit my friends on a familiar site and looked for a tasty treat.

I have something for you delicious recipes, easy to prepare, they can't fail. Try it when guests are on the doorstep and there is nothing to treat you, the simplest option is my three recipes!
Since there are a lot of apples, the recipes will be about them. Let's get started.

  • 3 medium apples (I like them with sourness),
  • 1 tbsp flour,
  • 1 tbsp sugar (it’s sweet for me, I take 0.5 tbsp),
  • 3 eggs
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda,
  • 0.5 tsp vinegar (for extinguishing),
  • 1 pinch of vanillin,
  • oil for greasing the mold.

Cook this quick pie You can do it in the oven or microwave, I tried it both here and there, it turns out great.

Beat the eggs and sugar thoroughly, add the sifted flour, vanillin, slaked soda with vinegar and mix everything thoroughly.

Wash the apples, peel and cut into thin slices, add to the dough and mix.
Grease a baking tray or mold with oil and pour out the dough.

If you are cooking in the oven, then preheat it to 160 degrees and leave the pie for 10-15 minutes, I can hear it by the smell.

If you cook in the microwave, set it to the highest power and the pie will be ready in 7-10 minutes.

The first time I baked it in the microwave, it turned out very pale, then I looked it up on the Internet, you need to switch the mode to grill at the end of cooking, and you will have a golden brown pie.
Still, I like cooking pies in the oven more.
Well that's it! Take it out and put it on a beautiful dish, delicious!

I invite you to come along and you will learn simple and delicious recipes for preparing apples for the winter.

In you will learn all about the benefits and harms of apples.

Apples with sour cream

Just take a few fruits, peel them, cut them into slices and place them in a mold or on a baking sheet.
Beat sour cream with sugar, take sugar as you like, if you have a sweet tooth, then more, I add 3 tablespoons of sugar to 200 grams of sour cream. You can add a little cinnamon or vanilla.

You can also add berries to the sour cream or sprinkle them on top. I tried grating chocolate on top when it came out of the oven.

Pour in whipped sour cream and place in a preheated oven or microwave. Cooking time from 3 to 7 minutes. Simple, fast and delicious!

The most delicious dessert is “Apple Crumble”, it turns out very appetizing, this dessert came to us from England, and is popular with our sweet tooth.

Dessert “Apple crumble” in Russian

I slightly violate the technology of its preparation, but it turns out no less tasty.

  • 4 apples,
  • 100 grams of flour,
  • 50 g butter,
  • 50 grams of sugar,
  • 100 grams of any nuts (if you don’t have them on hand, you can do without them),
  • 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon.

We clean the fruits and cut them into large slices. Place in the pan and place in the oven for a few minutes until they become soft.

At this time, prepare the crumbs: mix flour, sugar and softened butter (butter can be melted) and grind to form crumbs. Add cinnamon if desired.

Cover the apples with crumbs and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for 20 minutes.
Take it out and sprinkle with nut crumbs, or without nuts.

You can eat it hot or cold, it’s delicious either way!

If you are planning to make this dessert for a holiday, bake it in separate molds, with a separate portion for each guest. Guests will be pleased!

The site “I am a villager” wishes you bon appetit and a good mood!

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I suggest watching a video recipe for another delicious dessert in 5 minutes; I especially recommend it for those losing weight.