Cake “Korzinochka” with custard protein cream. Shortbread baskets with custard and raspberries Simple cream for baskets

For many, such cakes are a memory from the past. In Soviet times, such “Baskets” were invariably sold in confectionery shops. They are quite simple to prepare, look appetizing, and the taste depends on what you use for decoration. There are a lot of options! I think that both children and adults will enjoy drinking tea with these delicious cakes.


  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Margarine (drained butter) - 100 g
  • Flour - ok. 1.3 stack. (glass 250 ml)
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp. no slide
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Vanillin - to taste


  • Proteins - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Vanillin - optional


  • Jam, fruit - optional

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

We put the whites aside - we will need them for preparing the cream, and first we prepare the dough and bake the baskets.

Mix butter with flour and baking powder into crumbs.

Best done with your hands.

Mix the yolks with sugar and salt.

Pour the yolks into the butter crumbs.

We start kneading with a spoon, then continue with our hands.

The dough should be easy to work with and flexible; if it is too soft, add a little flour.

For “Basket” cakes, I use metal or silicone molds.

The number of cakes will depend on the layer of dough that you put in the pan. Some people like the dough thicker, others thinner, choose what you like best. In silicone molds the dough can be made very thin. For metal ones, it’s better to be a little thicker so that it doesn’t break when removed from the mold. Below I will show you one secret if the dough is slightly stuck.

So, put the ball of dough in the mold and spread it with your fingers over the entire surface.

Metal molds need to be greased butter.

This is what it looks like in metal.

And this is in silicone.

Place in the oven for baking.

Determine the time according to your oven.

In mine they bake for about 15 minutes at a temperature of about 180 degrees.

We get the preparations.

This dough for baskets is universal; it can be filled with both protein and butter cream.

If you use oil, the workpieces must cool completely.

If the dough does not want to “jump” out of the metal mold, help it with a toothpick.

This doesn’t happen with silicone ones, but I confess that I prefer baskets made from metal molds.

When all the blanks are removed from the molds, we begin preparing the cream.

The website has a detailed description of the preparation. Swiss meringue. In my opinion, it is ideal for filling “Korzinochka” cakes.

You can tint it any color. Here I have a pink one, I used a few drops of gel dye.

Now I’ll show you the variations of this cake. I have cooked it many, many times. Choose what you like or come up with your own.

You can put something sour at the bottom thick jam, you will get the same “Baskets” as before, in Soviet times.

You can simply lay out the cream beautifully - it’s also very tasty.

You can arrange the cream in “nests” and put fruit inside.

It turns out very tasty with sour ones - orange, kiwi, strawberry.

Fruits or berries should be placed immediately before serving, but baskets filled with cream can withstand well for several hours at room temperature.

If the meringue is prepared correctly, the cakes will not flow. It happened that those cooked in the evening looked great in the morning if they remained uneaten. Naturally, this is without fruit.

I hope you enjoy “Baskets”.

Bon appetit!

For many, such cakes are a memory from the past. In Soviet times, such “Baskets” were invariably sold in confectionery shops. They are quite simple to prepare, look appetizing, and the taste depends on what you use for decoration. There are a lot of options! I think that both children and adults will enjoy drinking tea with these delicious cakes.



  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Margarine (drained butter) - 100 g
  • Flour - ok. 1.3 stack. (glass 250 ml)
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp. no slide
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Vanillin - to taste


  • Squirrels - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Vanillin - optional


  • Jam, fruit - optional


Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

We set the whites aside - we will need them for, and first we prepare the dough and bake the baskets.

Mix butter with flour and baking powder into crumbs.

Best done with your hands.

Mix the yolks with sugar and salt.

Pour the yolks into the butter crumbs.

We start kneading with a spoon, then continue with our hands.

The dough should be easy to work with and flexible; if it is too soft, add a little flour.

For “Basket” cakes, I use metal or silicone molds.

The number of cakes will depend on the layer of dough that you put in the pan. Some people like the dough thicker, some like it thinner, choose what you like best. In silicone molds the dough can be made very thin. For metal ones, it’s better to be a little thicker so that it doesn’t break when removed from the mold. Below I will show you one secret if the dough is slightly stuck.

So, put the ball of dough in the mold and spread it with your fingers over the entire surface.

Metal molds should be greased with butter.

This is what it looks like in metal.

And this is in silicone.

Place in the oven for baking.

Determine the time according to your oven.

In mine at a temperature of about 180 degrees baked for about 15 minutes.

We get the blanks.

This dough for baskets is universal; it can be filled with both protein and butter cream.

If you use oil, the workpieces must cool completely.

If the dough does not want to “jump” out of the metal mold, help it with a toothpick.

This doesn’t happen with silicone ones, but I confess that I prefer baskets made from metal molds.

When all the blanks are removed from the molds, we begin preparing the cream.

The website has a detailed description of preparation. In my opinion, it is ideal for filling “Korzinochka” cakes.

You can tint it any color. Here I have a pink one, I used a few drops of gel dye.

Now I’ll show you the variations of this cake. I have cooked it many, many times. Choose what you like or come up with your own.

You can put sour thick jam on the bottom, you will get the same “Baskets” as before, in Soviet times.

You can simply lay out the cream beautifully - it’s also very tasty.

You can arrange the cream in “nests” and put fruit inside.

It turns out very tasty with sour ones - orange, kiwi, strawberry.

Fruits or berries should be placed immediately before serving, but baskets filled with cream can withstand well for several hours at room temperature.

If the meringue is prepared correctly, the cakes will not flow. It happened that those cooked in the evening looked great in the morning if they remained uneaten. Naturally, this is without fruit.

I hope you enjoy “Baskets”.

Bon appetit!

First you need to make the dough for the baskets. Take the butter out of the refrigerator for an hour and a half before preparing the remaining ingredients.

Sift flour into a bowl, add sugar, eggs, vanilla sugar and softened butter cut into pieces.

The butter must be soft and not melted, otherwise the dough will seem watery, and there is a great temptation to add flour, but this cannot be done! If shortbread dough“beat” with flour, in finished form it will not be tender and crumbly, but dense and hard.

Knead into a soft, homogeneous plastic mass. Cover with film and let sit for 5-10 minutes just on the table. If it sits longer, then the baskets from shortcrust pastry with protein cream they won’t turn out so tender.

Grease the molds for baskets or muffins with butter. This step is optional, just to be on the safe side. And if you have silicone molds, then you don’t have to lubricate it at all.

Roll out the dough into a layer 5 mm thick and cut out circles slightly larger than the mold. Place a circle of dough on the mold, press it in and trim the edges. Place the molds with the dough on a baking sheet.

Place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180°C and bake for 12–15 minutes.

Before you bake sand baskets, you can cover them with a circle of foil, pour some beans or peas inside and only then put them in the oven. In this case, the bottom of the baskets will definitely not rise, that is, more filling will fit inside the cake.

Place the finished baskets in the molds on a wet, cold towel for 5 minutes (to make it easier to remove the cakes), and then shake them out of the molds, overturning them, and cool.

While the baskets themselves are baking, let’s make the cream, preparing everything first necessary ingredients for the filling.

Since our goal is to make cakes like in childhood, we will prepare baskets with protein cream according to GOST, that is, with custard protein. Making this cream is not a simple process. The main difficulty is cooking the syrup. It is important to catch the moment when a drop of boiling syrup in cold water takes the shape of a plastic ball, and does not turn into caramel or spread.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan and add water. Cook the syrup while stirring over medium heat. On average, this takes about 8-10 minutes after boiling.

Beat the cooled egg whites until foamy, and then, continuing to beat, add the hot syrup in a thin stream.

At this stage, it is very important to make sure that the syrup is as hot as possible (ideally, straight from the heat), and the whites do not have time to “beat”. I advise beginners to put the finished syrup in boiling water so that it does not have time to cool while the whites turn into foam. With experience, you will learn to guess the timing and combine both processes.

By the way, this cream is very similar to.

To give a beautiful color you can protein cream add a little food coloring. Just take it dry so that it doesn’t accidentally affect the consistency.

Now we form the pies. Place a spoonful of jam or marmalade in each basket.

“Korzinochka” cake is my favorite. Believe it or not, if they catch my eye, I simply cannot pass them by! Sandy base, jam “with the taste of childhood”, and wonderful airy cream. By the way, there are two types: shortbread baskets with butter cream and with protein cream, the choice is yours.

When buying these desserts, to be honest, I never thought about making them at home myself. But with the arrival of a child in the family, I began to be more careful when purchasing products, fearing unnecessary harmful additives. That’s when I started thinking about looking for a recipe for “Korzinochki” cakes with protein cream. I like it better: light, airy, very tasty and at the same time...

It turned out there was absolutely nothing beyond natural and complex in the recipe. I suggest you check this out too.


For the base:

  • Egg yolk – 3 pieces
  • Margarine or butter – 200 grams
  • Granulated sugar – 80 grams
  • Soda – 3 grams
  • Flour – 200 grams

For custard protein cream:

  • Water – 100 ml
  • Sugar – 300 grams
  • Egg white – 3 pieces
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 grams
  • Lemon juice or citric acid – 7 grams
  • Jam – berry or fruit (to your taste)

Cooking process

First, let's prepare the base - the dough for the "Korzinochka" cakes. Prepare the necessary ingredients in accordance with the recipe so that everything is on hand in the right quantity. You need to mix sugar and butter (margarine) and beat until voluminous.

Pour soda and yolk into this mixture and beat very well.

Add flour to the resulting bulk mass in small portions and quickly knead the dough for the “Basket” cake without stopping.

Do not knead for a long time so that our dough does not become tight. This will cause the shortcrust pastry baskets to turn out to be stone-like. Ready dough you need to let it stand so that it can rest and only after a break you can continue to work with it.

Let's prepare the molds in which the cake baskets will be baked. You can use the most ordinary metal molds. There is no need to grease the molds with oil, because it is part of the dough itself.

It is necessary to divide the dough into equal parts. From the resulting pieces we roll into a ball and make a thin cake, which we then place in the prepared molds. Press the dough firmly into the bottom and sides to avoid bubbles.

If you have uneven edges, smooth them out with your fingers and remove excess if necessary. All edges must be smooth so that our cakes turn out neat and beautiful.

Bake in the oven at 200 - 220 degrees Celsius until browned.

Very carefully, slowly, take out the baskets and place them on a tray to cool.

Keep in mind that the shortbread baskets need to cool and harden, so you need to bake them a few hours in advance, up to a day in advance.

Let's make the cream. First of all, we begin to cook the syrup from sugar and water. Combine the ingredients in a saucepan and place on the stove.

Cook the syrup so that it gurgles, this means that the correct caramelization processes are taking place, stir and skim off the foam. Cook until the consistency of liquid caramel is achieved. We check simply - place a container with cold water next to it and periodically drip the resulting syrup into it with a spoon. Until we see that a soft ball forms in the water, we continue to cook. This process takes approximately 10 minutes.

At the same time, beat the prepared chilled egg whites.

Slowly pour the finished hot syrup in a stream into the whites whipped at maximum speed. The cream will sag slightly at first, continue to beat and in the process the mass will increase again, become thick and keep its shape.

Following the syrup, add lemon juice and vanilla, continuing to beat the mixture until it becomes stable and retains its shape.

Add jam to the bottom of each basket.

Place the airy protein cream in a pastry bag with an appropriate nozzle and form beautiful snow-white peaks.

What a miracle I did! “Korzinochki” cakes according to this recipe turn out simply impeccable: beautiful, fragrant and tender. They can become both a wonderful everyday dessert and an excellent addition to the holiday table.

For example, if you are planning a birthday, make desserts in the same theme as birthday cake. Keep the design of the cake and pastries similar. For festive decor, feel free to use various kinds of sprinkles, chocolate topping, candied fruits, pieces of marmalade, marshmallows, fresh fruits and berries (according to the season).

This dessert is truly universal. Bring the “Korzinochka” cake recipe to life in your kitchen, and you will never be able to part with it!

The leader in popularity is the basket cake with protein cream. Let's start with it. Let’s continue with a recipe for making a basket with custard cream, as well as protein-butter cream. Everything is on one page.


For the test

  • flour - 220 grams
  • egg - 1
  • salt - a small pinch
  • butter - 100 grams

For protein cream:

  • egg white - 2
  • powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon juice - a few drops

For the filling:

  • pieces of fresh or frozen fruit
  • fruits ground with sugar
  • preserves and jams

Recipe for basket cake dough

The most important thing in preparing shortcrust pastry is cold (very cold) butter and kneading speed so that the butter does not get warm from your hands (or cool your hands under cold water). Quick kneading is facilitated by using kitchen equipment, for example, a blender: add sifted flour and add pieces of butter. Turn on for just a few seconds to get a roughly homogeneous mass.

But if you don’t have such (or another) assistant, arm yourself with a knife.

Place a mound of flour on the countertop, add butter and chop it, mixing it with the flour, and then rub them together with your palms. Just remember that you need to do this quickly.

Add egg and salt to the mixture and knead the dough.

Wrap the resulting shiny, homogeneous lump in film and refrigerate for an hour.
It’s even better if it sits in the cold for twice as long.

After pinching off a piece, roll it into a small circle no more than 0.5 cm thick, make punctures with a fork and place in the mold, carefully pressing and leveling.

Cut off the edges with a rolling pin - run along the very edge.

If you do it to the full height, you will get deep baskets; for “short” ones you need to fill the molds halfway.

Pour in beans (peas, or special balls) and place in an oven preheated to 200 C. Bake for 7 minutes. Then remove the weight and bake for another 5-7 minutes until a beautiful, slightly golden color.

Let the tarts cool completely on a wire rack.

Protein cream for the basket

The dishes must be perfectly clean; to be on the safe side, you can wipe them with a slice of lemon; then you do not need to add lemon juice while beating the whites. Be sure to sift the powdered sugar so that there are no lumps left.
Separate the whites from the yolks. Start beating the egg whites at medium speed.

When the foam becomes thick, increase the speed to maximum. Beat until soft peaks form - a state where the peaks are not yet holding.

Add powdered sugar a teaspoon at a time, continuing to beat until the peaks become stiff and begin to hold their shape. The cream should be shiny and elastic.

Filling the cake basket

Spread jam into cooled tartlets.

or pieces of fresh fruit, such as banana, strawberries, raspberries.

And use a cooking bag to place a cap of cream on top.


About shelf life. The cream is made from raw whites, so use only the freshest eggs that you are completely confident in. And remember that it is not recommended to store such cakes; they should be eaten immediately.

Read more about the tricks of making protein cream, about hard and soft peaks.

Protein custard for cake

You can avoid troubles with raw proteins and increase the shelf life to 2-3 days by placing custard protein cream in the cake basket. But to do this, you first need to prepare it.

What you will need: egg whites - 2, lemon juice - a few drops, water - 1/2 cup, sugar - 1 cup.

How to cook. Pour sugar and water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat until it reaches a medium ball consistency. It is checked as follows: pour cold (ice) water into a container and drop in the syrup. Roll the ball - if it is very soft, then early, medium is exactly what you need.

While the syrup is boiling, you need to beat the whites into a strong foam. Then pour in the boiling syrup in a thin stream while constantly whisking. Beat for about 5 minutes, adding lemon juice. The finished cream is smooth, shiny, and holds its shape well.

Basket recipe with caramel cream

The “Korzinochka” cake can be filled not only with protein cream, but also with other creams. For example, custard. And so that it doesn’t seem boring, let’s make a festive caramel custard.

For caramel cream:

  • milk - 50 ml
  • cream 20% - 200 ml
  • powdered sugar - 35 grams
  • sugar - 30 grams
  • flour - 10 grams
  • yolks - 2
  • vanilla

How to make caramel custard for the tartlet

Heat the cream.
Pour sugar into a saucepan and place on heat until it melts.

Pour in the cream a little at a time (it will bubble), stirring the melted sugar thoroughly. Heat until all the caramel has dissolved into the cream.

Add milk to the cream so that there is 250 grams of liquid. Return to the pan and bring to a boil. Leave it alone.

Rub well egg yolks with powdered sugar and flour.

Gradually pour in the cream, stirring thoroughly.

Return to the pan. Place it on low heat and cook until thickened, stirring all the time. Add vanilla at the end. Cool, covered with cling film to prevent a crust from forming (or add a tablespoon of milk).

Beat before placing in baskets. Or first put the cream in baskets and decorate with fresh berries on top.

But that's not all. You can also prepare a protein-butter cream.

Protein-oil cream for the basket

What you will need

protein - 2
powdered sugar - 150 grams
butter - 150 grams
lemon juice - a few drops.

How to cook

Cut the malo into pieces into a bowl and leave to warm at room temperature.
Carefully separate the whites into a clean container. Beat with a mixer, starting at low speed, until soft peaks form. Then, gradually adding powdered sugar, bring to a well-beaten state, and pour in lemon juice.

Reduce speed and slowly add pieces of butter, whisking thoroughly. The cream should become a homogeneous fluffy and elastic mass.

Choose which filling you like best, which cream seems the creamiest, and cook tasty treat, - “Korzinochki” cake, is one of the most seductive, to our taste, the most “cakes” and glamorous in the world.