Unusual and exotic varieties of ice cream from all over the world! What types of ice cream are there? Ice cream differently

Ice cream has high nutritional and biological value, good taste, delicate consistency (“melts in your mouth”). It has a beneficial effect on the secretory and motor functions of the digestive organs and is often used for gastric bleeding and after operations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ice cream contains many products in quantities determined by the recipe. An increase in the content of dry substances in ice cream to 30-40% is accompanied by the formation of small ice crystals in it during freezing.

Types of ice cream. All types of ice cream produced by industry can be conditionally classified into two groups: basic And amateur.

Main types of ice cream

TO main types include ice cream produced on a dairy basis (milk, cream, ice cream), and ice cream, the basis for the production of which is sugar syrup with fruit and berry, aromatic and other fillers (fruit and berry and aromatic). The average composition of components of the main types of ice cream is given in table.

The main types include ice cream based on milk, fruit and berries, based on sugar syrup with the addition of food and aromatic essences and oils.

Ice cream based on dairy raw materials is the most nutritionally valuable.

Assortment: creamy, ice cream, milk, chocolate, nut, creme brulee, etc.

Amateur types of ice cream

Amateur species Ice cream is produced in small quantities; their range includes about 50 items. They produce original types of ice cream in this group: Citrus - with increased biological value (with chicken egg whites and natural citrus extract); Medok - with natural honey; Penguin - fruit and berry based chocolate glaze. They produce ice cream for special purposes, for example Vigor, into which oxygen is introduced, etc.

Amateur types include ice cream with reduced fat content, using sorbitol (for diabetics), oxygen (Bodrost ice cream), etc.

Ice cream quality requirements

The taste and smell must be pure, characteristic of this type of ice cream.

The consistency is homogeneous, delicate, without noticeable ice crystals or lumps of fat.

The color is uniform, uneven coloring of ice cream with fruits, berries, and nuts is allowed.

Ice cream production and storage

Formation of ice cream quality during production. Ice cream technology consists of two main stages: preparing the mixture and producing ice cream from this mixture. All process consists of the following operations: acceptance of raw materials, quality control of raw materials, preparation of raw materials, preparation of the mixture, pasteurization of the mixture, filtration, homogenization (excluding fruit and berry and aromatic mixtures), cooling and ripening of the mixture, freezing the mixture in freezers, packaging, hardening and storage of ice cream .

The main raw materials for the production of ice cream are: cow's milk (whole, skim, dry or reconstituted), cream, butter, canned milk.

Sugary substances used include beet sugar, honey, molasses, glucose, etc. Sugar gives ice cream not only a sweet taste, but also a delicate consistency and lowers the freezing point.

The ice cream recipe may include egg products (fresh chicken eggs, frozen egg products and egg powder).

Flavoring substances used include nuts, tea, coffee, cocoa powder, cocoa butter, aromatic oils, fruit and berry essences, vanilla, vanillin. Organic acids (tartaric, citric, malic, lactic) are added during the production of fruit and berry and aromatic ice cream.

When producing ice cream, stabilizers (gelling agents) play an important role. Stabilizers used include gelatin, agar and agaroid, sodium alginate, and less commonly, pectin, food starch, sodium caseinate, and wheat flour. Adding a stabilizer to the mixture ensures a delicate ice cream structure; When frozen, small crystals form in the product, and the ice cream becomes highly resistant to melting.

Fruit and berry raw materials (apricots, plums, cranberries, black currants, apples, etc.) significantly improve the taste properties and nutritional value of ice cream.

The structure and consistency of ice cream are largely characterized by its overrun. Overrun of ice cream is determined by weight or volumetric method and expressed as a percentage. The overrun content of high-quality cream and milk ice cream should be 75%, ice cream - 100, fruit and berry and aromatic ice cream - 40%. If it is not sufficiently beaten, the consistency of the ice cream is dense, with a rough structure. When freezing, about 50% of the water turns into ice.

Since only about 50% of the water freezes during freezing, hardening is used, in which 90% of the water or more freezes. Hardening is carried out in special quick-freezers or hardening chambers with an air temperature of -25 to -35 ° C. When quickly hardened, the water in the ice cream turns into small crystals, which improves the structure and consistency of the product.

Packed ice cream in disposable consumer containers and in transport containers. Large containers (for mass meals) - metal sleeves (cans) weighing 10 kg. Small containers - paper and wafer cups, in the form of wafer cones, tubes, horns, rectangular briquettes without coating, briquettes in wafers, coated with chocolate, popsicles, cakes, pastries. Packaging materials must have low moisture, gas and aroma permeability, their properties must not change at temperatures down to -40 "C.

Expertise the quality of ice cream is carried out in accordance with OST and TU according to the following organoleptic indicators: taste and smell - pure, characteristic of this type, with the aftertaste of the introduced fillers; consistency - delicate, homogeneous throughout the entire mass, without noticeable ice crystals, lumps of fat and stabilizers; color - uniform, characteristic of this type of ice cream.

The following is not allowed for sale: ice cream that has a taste that is not typical for this type; with the presence of foreign tastes and odors; with a heterogeneous or sandy consistency; with large ice crystals, lumps of milk fat and stabilizer; as well as ice cream in rusty, wrinkled, unsealed cartridges, in deformed, dirty and torn packaging with unclear markings and paint transferring into the product.

Store ice cream before being sent to retail chains and enterprises catering in low-temperature chambers at temperatures from -18 to -20 ° C and relative air humidity of 85-90%. Depending on the packaging and type, ice cream is stored for 1 to 3 months. Fruit and berry ice cream is stored for 1 month, cream and ice cream - 2-3 months, cakes and ice cream cakes - 20 days.

Ice cream is a whipped (air-saturated) frozen pasteurized mixture of milk, cream or fruit and berry products with sugar, stabilizers, flavoring and aromatic substances.

City dairies began producing ice cream in the late 1920s. First major industrial production ice cream was organized at the Moscow Dairy Plant named after. M. Gorky in 1932. Currently, ice cream is produced in almost all city dairies, in a number of refrigerators and in specialized ice cream factories. On average, for each five-year period, the volume of ice cream production increases by 200 thousand tons, and in 1990, 798 thousand tons were produced. Currently, ice cream production is about 350 thousand tons. However, ice cream consumption in Russia is still low - about 2.1 kg per year (in Denmark - 7.7 kg, and in Sweden - 13.4 kg).

Ice cream has a high nutritional value. The calorie content of ice cream is from 100 to 240 kcal. Ice cream is a refreshing dessert product made by churning and freezing specially prepared mixtures.

Ice cream contains milk proteins, mineral salts, vitamins and other components. Ice cream digestibility is 98%.

For the production of ice cream, natural milk and cream, condensed and dry, cow's butter, skim milk, buttermilk, whey, berries, fruits, canned vegetables, sugar, molasses, honey, eggs and egg melange, flavoring and aromatic substances, stabilizers - gelatin, are used. agar, starch, wheat flour and other components.

The prepared raw materials are mixed, pasteurized at a temperature of 85°C, homogenized, cooled and kept for maturation. The mixture is whipped in freezers, saturated with air and partially frozen at the same time.

Ice cream should not have a bitter, sour, salty, or moldy taste; rough, snowy, heterogeneous sandy consistency.

Ice cream in retail stores is stored at temperatures above -12°C, and fruit and berry and aromatic ice cream is stored at a temperature of -14°C. Store in refrigerators for no more than 5 days, in retail stores - no more than 48 hours.

The history of ice cream began about five thousand years ago; an analogue of this dessert existed in Ancient China. In those days, snow or ice mixed with pieces of oranges, lemons or pomegranate seeds were served at the table. Since then, the industry has come a long way, and ice cream has come in many different flavors. Now it is served as a separate dish or added to coffee, milkshakes, and combined with pastries, marmalade, jam and fruit. To better understand this product, we will talk about what types of ice cream there are.

Types of ice cream by composition:

Dairy is a product obtained by whipping and freezing milk, sugar and stabilizers. In the production of this ice cream, nuts, chocolate, cocoa, fruit and berry syrups, etc. are used as fillers. This type of ice cream is characterized by reduced fat content (2.5-3.2 percent), relatively low calorie content (137 kcal/100 g) and high water content (70.4 percent).

IN creamy Ice cream, unlike dairy ice cream, uses cream with a fat content of at least 8-10 percent. The calorie content of such ice cream is 190-226 kcal/100 g, and the fat content is from 10 to 20 percent. There are two types of ice cream - regular and ice cream.

Ice cream(French plombieres, from the name of the French town of Plombieres) unlike ordinary creamy ice cream, it has a higher fat content and calorie content. To increase the fat content, butter is added to it. In practice, these two varieties are usually distinguished as independent, therefore the term “creamy ice cream” often refers to ordinary ice cream, and ice cream is considered an independent type.

These three types of ice cream are the most common and are made from animal fats.

Yogurt ice cream - a special starter and beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria are used to make it. Thanks to freezing, ice cream retains all the beneficial properties of yogurt. It contains 3-6% fat and, if you do not add a lot of sugar to it, has a reduced calorie content.

There are also several varieties of popsicles. The most common among them are: popsicles(frozen juice or fruit drink), sorbet- homogeneous fruit and berry puree and sherbet- a mixture of fruit and berry puree and milk-based ice cream.

In addition, there is ice cream that contains vegetable fats: coconut and palm oil, as well as soy milk.

These are the main types of ice cream in terms of composition, but in addition to them, mixed types, such as multi-layer ice cream, are widespread; ice cream that contains confectionery fat or ice cream made using chicken eggs.

Based on consistency, nowadays we can distinguish 2 types of ice cream:

Tempered- dense, hard ice cream. Manufactured mainly in production conditions;

Soft- less dense in consistency, usually sold by weight. This is made more often at catering establishments;

In terms of taste, the most common types of ice cream are:

- Chocolate,
- Coffee,
- With the taste of certain berries, fruits and even vegetables,
- Nut,
- Creme brulee.

Unusual recipe - fried ice cream

Today, fried ice cream, an exotic Chinese dish, is popular all over the world. It can be found in restaurants oriental cuisine or cook at home. To do this, the ice cream is divided into portions, dipped in a mixture of eggs and breadcrumbs, then cooled well and quickly deep-fried until crispy. The dish must be served immediately, and the dessert, warm on the outside and cold on the inside, practically melts in your mouth.

Those interested will be able to get acquainted with the variety of ice cream made in Moldova at

People liked cold sweets and enjoyed crushed ice mixed with fruits and other sweets.

Ice cream dates back to ancient times. ABOUT but known to mankindfor at least five thousand years.

The first to discover ice cream were the Chinese, who loved festive table serving frozen fruit juices, which eventually turned into what we call "fruit ice".

Even Alexander the Great loved to restore his strength with the help of a cold dessert, and Hippocrates even used this delicacy as a cure for the heat.

1. The most popular ice cream is vanilla. Vanilla ice cream was invented by the French culinary specialist Gerard Tiersen back in 1649. In second place comes creamy, then chocolate and strawberry.

2. Ice cream cones were invented in 1904 during the World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. It is worth noting that until 1896, ice cream was eaten in saucers or rosettes.

During the exhibition, the demand for ice cream was so great that there simply weren't enough paper cups for it. The ice cream seller had to look for options where else to put the ice cream. He asked for help from waffle seller Ernest Humvee, whose kiosk was nearby. They started rolling up the cones and putting ice cream inside. Together they made history.

3. Yet the idea of ​​an ice cream cone was patented during the year of the World's Fair, in 1903, and its author was an Italian living in New York. The exhibition only made this idea very popular.

© Yana Gayvoronskaya

4. Italians Mirco Della Vecchia and Andrea Andrighetti have created the largest ice cream cone in the world. The height of the cone was 2.81 meters.

5. Over the course of its lifetime, a cow can produce enough milk to make 34,000 liters of ice cream.

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6. Continental Europe was first introduced to ice cream in the 13th century, when Marco Polo returned to Italy and recounted his travels to China.

7. Most ice cream is produced in the USA.

8. Historians say that Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) loved to eat snow with nectar and honey.

9. According to market analysts, ice cream sales increase significantly during economic crises and wars.

© rimmabondarenko

10. The most popular topping is chocolate syrup.

What flavor does ice cream come in?

© SimpleFoto

There is: ice cream with tuna, trout, beer or shrimp flavor, carrot and tomato flavor, meat flavor and even chili pepper flavor.

12. The popsicle stick was invented back in 1905 by 11-year-old Frank Epperson.

One frosty day he forgot his glass of lemonade on the porch of his house. The cup also contained a stirring stick. Waking up the next morning, he found a frozen glass with a stick.

20 years later he adopted this idea. This is how frozen juices on a stick were born.

© svetlanafoote

13. In Tanzania, a tree called Inga edible is cultivated. Its fruits taste like vanilla ice cream.

14. If you want to try the most expensive scoop of ice cream in the world, then be prepared to visit the Serendipity restaurant in New York and shell out $1,000 for a cold dessert.

© Greshka Padro/Getty Images

It will be served with chocolate, rare berries, Madagascar vanilla, Parisian fruits, marzipan cherries, and a gold-plated dragee decorated with an edible gold leaf.

In addition, you will be offered a golden spoon with diamonds, which you can safely take for yourself at the end of the meal.

15. Ice cream tasters use gold spoons to determine 100% of the taste of ice cream, as regular spoons leave a slight aftertaste.

16. There are many types of ice cream.

© Mykola Lunov

All types of ice cream can be divided into 4 categories: according to composition, consistency, taste and packaging. Based on its composition, ice cream can be:

16.1. Made from animal fats:

Ice cream (it is based on a whole cow's milk- the fattest ice cream)

Dairy (also based on whole cow's milk, but ice cream is less fatty)

Creamy (based on cream).

16.2. Made from vegetable fats (coconut and palm oil)

16.3. Fruit ice.

16.4. Sorbet (does not contain cream or animal fats and is very low in sugar).

17. The very first appearance of ice cream in Rus'.

To make the first Russian ice cream, they mixed winter milk with honey, poured everything into molds and froze. If someone wanted to make the frozen mixture softer, they grated it or chopped it into pieces.

18. In Canada, more ice cream is sold in the winter than in the summer.

19. When television first began to gain popularity, television cooking shows used puree instead of real ice cream because real ice cream melted quickly under the lights.

© Robert Kneschke

20. Did you know that 125 ml (1/2 cup) of regular vanilla ice creamin useful dosescontain nutrients such as calcium and vitamin A?

21. How many calories are in ice cream?

Everyone knows that ice cream contains fats and carbohydrates, which means it is a high-calorie product. Here's how many calories 100 grams contain:

* creamy ice cream – about 200 kcal

* fruit ice - about 150 kcal;

* low-fat ice cream - about 100 kcal.

22. The main ingredient in ice cream is air. It gives the ice cream softness and taste. If there was no air in the ice cream, it would be hard as a rock.

23. First popsicle.

© alexandramalyck

Christian Nelson was the same confectioner who decided to experiment and cover the ice cream with chocolate. He simultaneously sold his ice cream and showed a film about the life of the Eskimos. He called his invention Eskimo-pie, which translates as “Eskimo pie.”

24. If you would like to cook this unusual dessert like fried ice cream, then you will need to do the following:

24.1. Freeze the ice cream ball.

24.2. Dip the frozen ice cream ball in flour.

24.3. Beat the egg and roll the ball in it.

24.4. Prepare breadcrumbs and roll a scoop of ice cream in them as well.

24.5. Quickly deep fry before serving.

How ice cream is made (video)

25. An ice cream cake created by a Canadian company weighed more than 10 kg and was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

To prepare it, it took 9 tons of ice cream, 90 kilograms of biscuit and 136 kilograms of chocolate chips. The cake was set in Toronto.

26. The second largest ice cream.

The record for the longest ice cream cake belongs to Chinese confectioners. With a height of 1 meter and a width of 3 meters, the length of this cake was 4.8 meters and the total weight was 8 tons.

It was created in 2006 in Beijing specifically for a play called “Ice Cream Mountain.” The cake was decorated with bright images of bear cubs.

27. The Roman Emperor Nero (54-68) stored ice brought from the mountains in special rooms under his palace. He loved to decorate it with fruit and eat it.

28. Ice cream for sore throat.

© Mangostar Studio

Many doctors advise parents to give their children ice cream as a way to prevent the development of sore throat. Ice cream can also be used to prevent exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, as it hardens the throat, and thanks to it, the mucous membrane becomes less sensitive to sudden temperature changes.

29. Americans are the biggest ice cream lovers. On average, one US resident consumes 22 liters of ice cream per year.

30. Sugar in ice cream slows down its melting.

The history of ice cream goes back centuries. The first ice desserts began to be prepared by culinary specialists from the time of Alexander the Great. Of course, these “progenitors” of ice cream were far from a modern delicacy, because a recipe vaguely similar to a familiar modern product first appeared only in the 17th century. Much has changed since then, and ice cream has gone from being an exclusive, rare and expensive dessert to becoming a common and affordable delicacy for everyone. Today there are about 1000 types of ice cream available in the world, it is the most popular summer dessert, its cooling effect makes ice cream extremely popular in the summer heat.

Interesting facts from the history of the origin of the product

For the first time, freezing fruits and berries in order to later eat them grated with ice was invented around the 4th century BC. Snow was used for freezing. “Ice cream” of that time resembled sorbet: it was frozen fruit juice or frozen fruits with crushed ice. Some scientists are of the opinion that the dessert recipe came to Europe from China, where one of the emperors loved to treat himself to a treat made from frozen milk and ice.

Recipes changed, humanity invented sorbets, froze fruit juices and syrups. The real “boom” of ice cream in the traditional sense occurred after 1649. It was then that the French chef Gerard Tiersen first prepared frozen butter cream from milk and cream. The dish marked the beginning of the ice cream sundae era. At the beginning of the 18th century, the world's first cafe opened in Paris, where guests were offered about 80 types of ice cream. Gradually, with the advent of more and more new technologies and mechanisms, the product ceased to be an exotic product intended only for the rich. In the 19th century, a mechanism for producing ice cream at home was invented. In 1851, the first batch of dessert was produced on an industrial scale in America.

Over time, more and more new types of dessert appeared, now so familiar: popsicle, cone, “cup”. Each of these types of ice cream became a breakthrough in its own way, the authors of the ideas patented their rights to technological discoveries.

In the 90s of the last century, product production moved away from the focus on quantity and switched to improving quality. Ice cream has changed its consistency and preparation patterns to reach store shelves today in its modern form.

Popular varieties of ice cream

Depending on the raw materials from which the dessert is prepared, the most common types are distinguished:

  • dairy – contains the least amount of calories and milk fat;
  • creamy – fattier and contains more sugar compared to milk;
  • ice cream - the fattest and most calorie type;
  • sorbet - fruit and berry ice cream, which is prepared from milk residue;
  • fruit ice – frozen juice from fruits and berries.

Such a classification, of course, does not reflect the entire diversity existing species“frosty” dessert. In addition to the usual creamy, chocolate, fruit desserts, with and without filling, with chocolate chips, waffles, cookies, pieces of jelly, some companies around the world produce completely unique products.

The strangest ice cream flavors found in the world

In one of the Chinese amusement parks, visitors are offered ice cream with the taste of raw and cow tongue. It is probably better to try these dishes after a ride on the attractions.

IN Irish pub At Murphy's you can order dessert with the flavor of , or green peas.

Australian confectioners, using an old Irish recipe, prepare ice cream with and, and the French use it to prepare it.

One of the New York dessert factories produces durian ice cream - exotic fruit, which has a pungent and very unpleasant odor. It emits such a nasty aroma that it is impossible to store it indoors.

How about fried flavored ice cream? Cooks in Minneapolis decided that combining these incompatible things would be a good solution.

Japan has broken all records for the number of strange foods, including desserts. In this Asian country you can find ice cream flavored with ox tongue, python, charcoal, squid ink, and even containing ammonia. By the way, the latter dessert has a pronounced property of causing nausea and vomiting, but is still popular among the Japanese.

Chemical composition of the product, calorie content and benefits

100 g of ice cream can contain from 180 to 250 kcal, taking into account various additives and fillers. The body receives approximately 3-5 g, 10-15 g and 19-30 g when consuming 100 g of milk, cream ice cream or ice cream.

The product contains the entire complex of vitamins: , beta-carotene, and. In addition, ice cream also contains minerals necessary for the human body: , , . All these substances have a positive effect on human health: they normalize the functioning of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, brain cells, stimulate metabolism and improve the condition of skin, teeth and hair.

Of course, store-bought products have a wider variety of flavors, have a longer shelf life, and do not require any effort from the buyer to prepare them. But those gourmets who decide to make homemade ice cream note that its taste is much richer and more delicate, so it’s definitely worth trying.

To prepare the creamy ice cream you will need:

  • 300 ml;
  • 250 ml 35 percent fat;
  • 35 g milk powder;
  • 90 g;
  • 10 g corn starch;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

In the process, you will need a thin-walled pan: pour both types of sugar and dry milk into it, and gradually add 250 ml of liquid milk. need to be dissolved in the remaining milk. Place the pan over low heat and bring to a boil, after which starch is added. The mixture must be stirred constantly until it begins to thicken. After this, the future ice cream is removed from the stove, covered with cling film and left to cool.

Beat the cream with a mixer until soft peaks form, then add it to the milk mixture, stirring constantly. The product is almost ready, all that remains is to freeze it properly. After transferring the ice cream into the ice cream maker, the dessert is placed in the freezer. It needs to be whisked every 20 minutes for the first 2 hours. After about 4-5 hours, the milk mixture will become a full-fledged homemade ice cream.

To prepare a rich chocolate ice cream, take:

  • 1 cup 40 percent fat cream;
  • 240 ml cream 18% fat;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of aromatic vanilla sugar;
  • pinch;
  • 3 tablespoons.

Which one is dissolved in half less heavy cream. The rest is heated, sugar is added and kept over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, after which it is poured into the cocoa mixture. After the dish boils, remove it from the stove and leave to cool. Next, add vanilla sugar to the mixture and stir until dissolved. Cream with a fat content of 40% is whipped with salt and added to the main mixture. The resulting product is sent to the freezer to freeze and become a real chocolate ice cream.

Possible harm and contraindications for use

Except beneficial properties, ice cream has a very high calorie content. If we are not talking about special dietary types of dessert (they are sold in specialized stores), then eating ice cream can lead to excess weight, obesity, and increased cholesterol levels in the blood.

A product made from milk and cream is not suitable for the diet of people with milk fat intolerance, as well as those with a history of heart and vascular diseases, diseases of the pancreas, liver, stomach and intestines, diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders. systems.

Frequent use various types desserts with flavors and dyes can cause allergic reactions.

Legendary summer dessert with refreshing properties, it has a specific texture and taste that cannot be confused with any other dish. Children and adults enjoy eating milk, chocolate, fruit ice cream, sorbets, popsicles, cones and “cups”. The variety of ice cream types guarantees that every gourmet will find their favorite flavor. Those who are not satisfied with the store-bought product will find on the Internet a lot of recipes for making ice cream with a wide variety of additives and ingredients. Fans of exotic foods will certainly be interested in fried ice cream or ice cream with atypical flavors, which are gradually appearing on store shelves next to traditional ice cream.

It is almost impossible to imagine a hot summer without such cool and delicious delicacy like ice cream. Ice cream is a very tasty and sweet mixture consisting of sugar, butter, cream and, of course, milk, and often a large number of various berries, all kinds delicious additives to enhance the aroma. No adult, much less a child, is simply able to pass up such a delicacy. Everyone loves ice cream, but they know very little about this product. For example, why is popsicle called that way? Or how is ice cream different from ice cream? In general, what types of ice cream are there and what are their differences? In this article we will understand everything in detail.

By composition

  1. Ice cream containing animal fats is divided into:
    • Ice cream is undoubtedly the most popular type of ice cream. Of course, this is the fattest and highest-calorie type of ice cream compared to others, but at the same time it is the most delicious and therefore loved by so many. The composition of the ice cream must include whole milk, dry or condensed cream, granulated sugar, chicken eggs, lots of berries and various cocoa products. The fat content of this product is from 12 to 20% and the dry matter content is significantly higher than in the types of ice cream listed below;
    • butter - on average contains from 8 to 11.5% milk fat and approximately 14% sugar;
    • milk ice cream - differs from other types of ice cream in that it contains milk fat in the smallest amount and is about 0.5 - 7.5%, and the sugar content is in the range of 14.5-15.5%.
  2. Sherbet. It is a frozen mixture containing milk or dairy products. This cool dessert is made from natural juice and fruit puree with the addition of dairy products, sometimes a small amount of light alcoholic drinks is added;
  3. Vegetable-fat ice cream. Ice cream that, in addition to dairy products, even in small quantities contains palm and (or) coconut oils.
  4. Sorbet – frozen berries or fruit puree no added dairy products.
  5. Fruit ice is the hardest ice cream, low-fat, but high in calories due to its high sugar content. It contains a huge amount of fruit juice or berry puree.

By consistency

  • seasoned ice cream. Such ice cream is usually produced at specialized enterprises. After production, the product is immediately cooled to the lowest possible temperature, at which it is stored until the moment of sale;
  • soft ice cream. This type of ice cream is not intended for long-term storage and use it immediately after production. Ice cream is usually made in public places;
  • homemade ice cream. This ice cream is the easiest to produce and can be stored in regular home refrigerators.

What types of ice cream are there by type of packaging?

  • large packaged. Large-packaged products include, for example, cakes, pastries and rolls. All these products can be placed in small trays and containers, as well as in a polymer shell;
  • small-packed. Small packaged ice cream is the most popular. The most common packaging is packaging in waffle, cardboard or plastic cups, as well as on popsicle sticks. Quite often they use wafer rolls and cones, briquettes.

By type of preparation and place of production

  1. Ice cream made for mass consumption - such ice cream is made only in production, specialized conditions (factories, factories).
  2. Homemade ice cream - this ice cream is made at home by hand or using simple, not the most expensive ice cream makers.
  3. Author's - made according to chefs' original recipes.

To taste

The variety of flavors of ice cream leaves room for imagination; it’s not for nothing that there are so many flavors and aromas. The most popular ice cream flavors:

  • fruit (it can contain both pieces of fruit and jams, syrups based on them);
  • berry (it can contain both pieces of berries and jams and syrups based on them);
  • chocolate (either a mixture with the addition of cocoa powder, or the body of the ice cream is in chocolate glaze);
  • creme brulee;
  • vanilla;
  • with chocolate chips.

Ice cream brands are invented by the manufacturer itself. For example, “Gold Standard”, “Milka”, “Russian Cold”, “Snikers”, “Exo”, “Russian Scope” and so on.

The most unusual varieties of ice cream

There are a huge number of unusual varieties of ice cream or the so-called premium class:

    This ice cream is very easy to make. First, small balls are molded from ordinary ice cream, which are then frozen very hard. The frozen balls are then rolled into chicken eggs, in wheat or any other flour, breaded and then hard frozen again. These frozen balls are fried only for vegetable oil and only immediately before serving. This sweet is very popular in America, and especially in Mexico. Detailed recipe in the article "".
    This dessert is based on glazed bacon; the creator of this ice cream was the famous expert Defid Lebovets.
  1. .
    A very small amount of black sesame is only added to this ice cream, which is why the black tint appears, and, consequently, the name from this. This ice cream was first invented in Japan.
  2. — this ice cream is the most unusual premium dessert.
    Several small portions of such a delicacy cost from one thousand dollars and sometimes much more. This ice cream is served only in the most expensive restaurants in the United States. For such sweets, special, very tasty ice cream and food-grade golden foil are used. This foil is quite thin, so it is eaten together with ice cream, since it cannot cause any harm to the body. A variety of rare and exotic fruits are also added to this dessert in a glass.

  3. The ice cream contains fish roe and seaweed. This unusual delicacy also came to us from Japan.
    This ice cream combines the most incompatible products. First, the onion is sautéed to make it sweet. Using a blender, sugar, cream, milk and eggs are mixed with vanilla powder. Despite the presence of onions, the dessert turns out very sweet and tasty.