How to close grape juice for the winter. Canning grape juice at home - a simple recipe with all the details. grapevine juice

All about the health benefits of grape juice. The recipe for making grape juice at home is very simple. In the culinary box!

Grape juice is not just a tasty drink. This is the cure. Even in ancient times, ampelotherapy - treatment with the fruits and juice of the vine - was successfully used in the fight against various ailments. The juice of healthy berries contains glucose, vitamins, potassium and magnesium that are important for the body.

Recipe for making grape juice for the winter. Try it!

It is necessary to include a drink in the diet of growing children, pregnant women, people who have undergone major operations or infectious diseases. Possessing a high diuretic effect, grape juice helps to rid the body of toxic substances. It perfectly cleanses the intestines, as well as the kidneys, dissolves stones.

A glass of healing liquid, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, will give the body a lot of energy, and will favorably affect the functioning of the brain and heart muscle. It is recommended to take natural juice own production. Prepare a drink for the winter, and be healthy!

grape juice ingredients

For 5 liters you will need:

  • 8 kg of grapes;
  • 0.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 3 glasses of water.

winter grape juice recipe

A step-by-step method for preparing homemade grape juice.

  1. Separate the berries from the branches, discard the blackened and rotten ones.
  2. Wash and pass the fruit through a juicer. You will get about five liters of liquid. Leave it in a saucepan or bowl for 1 hour. During settling, the foam on the surface of the juice will thicken, and it will be easy to collect it with a slotted spoon. Strain the juice itself through cheesecloth folded three times.
  3. Show prudence and put into business also cake. Pour half a liter of water, mix well and put on fire. As soon as it starts to boil, turn off the stove, and let the cake cool to warm, then squeeze it through a cotton cloth or cheesecloth into a pan with the main juice. Before this procedure, be sure to wear gloves. You will squeeze with your hands, they must be protected from the effects of fruit acids, which are abundant in grapes. Otherwise, the skin of the hands will turn red, it will begin to itch strongly, as if from a nettle burn.
  4. At the final stage of juice preparation, add sugar to the dishes and heat to 90 degrees. If there is no thermometer, it does not matter: you can determine the moment for rolling in the old fashioned way. When the liquid begins to make a peculiar noise, preparing to boil, feel free to remove from heat. Pour into sterile jars and seal with sterile lids.
  5. Having twisted the blanks, let them stand in the kitchen until they cool completely, only then move them to the cellar or pantry.

Grape juice home cooking incredibly helpful. It contains folic acid, organic acids, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, sodium, many vitamins - C, PP, A, B. Dark grape juice has a beneficial effect on brain function and vision. And the juice from light grapes is especially rich in iron, it strengthens the immune system well. However, there are some restrictions on the use of this delicious drink. Grape juice is very high in calories, so it is not recommended to use it for overweight people. It is also contraindicated in people suffering from diabetes, hypertension and stomach diseases.

winter grape juice recipe


  • grapes - 10 kg;
  • sugar - to taste.


First, we sort out the grapes, remove spoiled and sluggish berries. Good grapes do not need to be picked from the branches. Thoroughly wash the bunches and place them in the container of the juicer. The number of berries should not exceed the rim. If you plan to add sugar, then you need to do it now, sprinkling it on the berries. Now we proceed to the assembly of the juice cooker: pour water into the lower part, and put a container for juice on top, we install a container with grapes on it. We put on the stove, cover with a lid and turn on the fire. It will take about an hour to make juice. After that, remove the clamp from the hose and pour the juice into the pan. Immediately pour hot juice into jars and roll up. After that, we remove the spent berries, lay new ones and proceed to the preparation of a new portion of juice.

Grape juice for the winter through a juicer


  • grapes - 5 kg.


We separate the grapes from the twigs, discard the unripe and damaged ones. Wash good berries and squeeze the juice out of them with a juicer. After that, we filter it twice through cheesecloth, folded in several layers. We heat the juice to a temperature of 60 degrees, and then let it brew for a couple of hours. After that, the juice is carefully poured into another container so that all the sediment remains in the old pan. We put the juice container on the fire, heat it to a temperature of 90 degrees and pour it into sterile jars and immediately roll it up.

Apple-grape juice for the winter


  • grapes - 10 kg;
  • apples - 5 kg.


My grapes, separate the berries from the leaves and twigs and pass them through a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan. In the same way, we squeeze the juice from apples and pour it into a saucepan with grape juice. Bring the mixture almost to a boil, pour into jars and sterilize for 20 minutes, then roll up.

How to prepare grape juice for the winter?


  • muscat grapes - 5 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


Wash the grapes thoroughly, remove the berries from the brushes, place them in an enamel pan and fill with water (2 l). We put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 30 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the heat, and filter the contents. Pour sugar into the resulting juice and put it on fire again, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes. Now pour the juice into prepared sterile jars and roll it up.

How to prepare grape juice for the winter?

By this recipe you can make juice when there are no special devices at hand - no juicer, no juicer.


Grapes and, accordingly, the juice from it, is valuable primarily for the presence of easily digestible fruit sugars - glucose and fructose, which provide nutrition for the brain. In addition, grapes, thanks to the enzymes they contain, have a good effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Grapes contain a lot of organic acids, vitamins B, B1, C and E, as well as a large amount of potassium necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle, iron, calcium and magnesium.

Juice from light grape varieties contains more iron and well increases hemoglobin. Grape juice compared to others is much more nutritious, as it contains a large amount of carbohydrates. Grapes and juice from it is indicated for many diseases: hypertension, vascular insufficiency, diseases of the kidneys, liver, respiratory tract, in violation of metabolic processes in the body.

The use of grape juice helps to cleanse the body in a complex way: the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and lungs improves. Juice from dark grape varieties helps prevent the development of cancer (for example, breast cancer in women). It is useful to give natural grape juice to children and postoperative patients to restore and improve their general condition.

Undoubtedly, freshly squeezed juice is the most useful. It retains all vitamins and minerals. The recipe for homemade grape juice is very simple: we wash ripe grapes under running water, separate the berries and squeeze them under pressure. Then the juice must be filtered, and the remaining cake can be used in the preparation of compotes or mousses.

Naturally, the juice begins to ferment quickly, so it makes sense to master conservation at home. The only difficulty in preparing a large amount of grape juice at home is that you need a press, a juicer is not suitable in this case, as it will either crush the seeds and the taste of the juice will be spoiled, or it will simply clog. How to prepare canned grape juice at home will be discussed in today's article.

homemade grape juice


  • grape.


We wash the bunches of grapes whole in cold running water, remove the spoiled berries. Extract the juice from the grapes with a press. We leave the squeezed juice in an enameled or stainless steel bowl overnight in a cool place so that the sediment sinks to the bottom. In the morning, we pour the settled juice into another bowl through a piece of clean garden hose, since if you drain it over the edge, the sediment will rise again. Bring the juice to a boil and boil for another 15 minutes, removing the foam.

We sterilize the jars in the usual way, pour the juice and roll up with sterile lids. We turn the jars upside down, wrap them up and let them cool completely. Then we transfer the jars for storage to a dark, cool place. After 2 months, the juice should become a little lighter.

No sugar is added as the grapes are quite sweet on their own, but if the juice seems sour to you, sugar can be added to taste when you open the jar. If the juice turned out to be highly concentrated, it can be diluted with water.

It is useful to drink grape juice on an empty stomach, before drinking, do not forget to rinse your mouth with water after drinking the juice, as the fruit acids contained in grapes can contribute to the development of caries.

And if after making the juice you still have grapes, then you can make from it - delicious treat for kids.

Harvesting grape juice for the winter is a simple process that allows you to keep all the benefits of fresh berries in a jar for a long time. Even a novice hostess will cope with this task. home product differs from store-bought naturalness and large quantity pulp.

The best juice, as well as, is obtained from grapes grown in their own garden, as it is safe. But you can make a healing drink from berries bought in a store. This will require additional processing.

Harvesting grape juice for the winter is carried out in 4 stages:

  • grape selection,
  • pressing berries,
  • pasteurization,
  • conservation.

How to choose a grape variety

Almost all varieties are suitable for making juice. Most pleasant taste possesses muscat grapes. These varieties are the sweetest, and they are used to make elite wines: Moscow Muscat, Super Early Red Muscat, Hungarian Muscat, Amber Muscat and others.

There are so-called technical grape varieties, designed specifically for the manufacture of juice, compote, marinade, wine, cognac. In such berries, a high percentage of liquid - up to 85% of the total mass. They are grown in southern latitudes due to the late ripening period. Residents of warm regions should pay attention to the following varieties: White Muscat, Isabella, Aligote, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Regardless of the variety, the grapes must be ripe and sweet, otherwise you will get something between vinegar and wine. It is advisable to use large-fruited grapes. The color and taste of the product depends on the grape variety.

Grape processing methods

Before cooking, the grapes must be thoroughly washed, and the branches separated. Store-bought is better to soak for several hours to neutralize nitrates. All spoiled berries must be removed.

High quality homemade juice can be prepared in several ways:

  • With the help of a press

One of the most simple ways- press the grapes with a press. The resulting liquid is transferred to an enamel bowl and left in a cool place for 10-12 hours. During this time, sediment will settle to the bottom of the dish. The settled liquid is poured into a new container using a garden hose. If poured over the edge, the sediment will rise again. Unlike other methods, the press allows you to get much more juice.

  • With a juicer

The presence of a juicer greatly simplifies the process of making a drink. Depending on the functionality of this kitchen utensil, the berries can be pre-chopped. Not all types of juicers support the extraction of grapes. This should be stated in the instructions. Most centrifuge juicers don't produce enough juice, processed leftovers retain a lot of moisture. The most budgetary and reliable option is an auger juicer.

  • Using a blender or meat grinder

You can grind grapes in a blender or in a meat grinder, and then squeeze the juice through several layers of gauze.

  • Knead and squeeze by hand

If no technique is available, you can cut the berries with a knife, mash with a spoon, mortar or hands and squeeze through gauze or a fine sieve.

  • In a pressure cooker

Can be welded delicious juice in a pressure cooker. This is the easiest way: wash and clean the grapes, immerse the berries in a container, cook according to the instructions.

Sometimes it is advised not to separate the berries from the twigs. This is a matter of taste, as the juice from red grapes, thanks to the crests, acquires astringency and wine aroma. And the taste of juice from white varieties can be spoiled by leaving twigs.


Grape juice squeezed in any way requires speedy pasteurization, since fermentation processes can begin in a few hours. Pasteurization is called heating the liquid to 80 degrees and cooking for 10-15 minutes. It is important not to bring the juice to a boil so that it does not lose beneficial features. Pasteurization can be carried out both before the juice is poured into jars, and after. In the latter case, glass vessels are immersed in a wide pot of water and, just in case, a wooden stand is placed on the bottom.

Canning grape juice for the winter

Immediately after pasteurization of the juice, you can start canning. In this case, you get an unclarified drink. If the juice is left for a day, it will become lighter, and a precipitate will form at the bottom of the vessel, which can be filtered. After that, it is recommended to repeat the pasteurization procedure.

Before pouring juice into jars, they must be sterilized. The easiest way to do this is with steam: put the jar on a kettle of boiling water and keep it for 10 minutes. Immediately pour the juice into the processed container and roll up the lid. They also need to be boiled first.

Ready jars are turned upside down and allowed to cool completely. Store the product in a dark, cool place. After two months, the contents of the jars will become a little lighter. The shelf life of the prepared drink is from one to three years.

Many are interested in whether sugar should be added to grape juice. Usually fresh grape juice is very concentrated and sweet, so no sugar is needed. For comfortable use, it is recommended to dilute the drink with water. This can be done both before rolling cans, and after.


Making grape juice for the winter is a fun process that you can involve children in. And the cake left after spinning can not be thrown away, but used

A rich harvest of grapes is an exceptional joy for the grower. But when it is in excess, you will have to take care of processing. Why not make homemade grape juice and prepare it for the winter? In the cold, this healthy fortified drink will help the immune system cope with colds and other "winter" sores. Let us dwell in more detail on how to make grape juice at home.

The best varieties for grape juice

Homemade grape juice can be made from any grape variety that is available. But there are varieties that growers recommend as the best for making this drink. The most delicious will be juice from grapes Isabella, Black Kish-Mish, Cardinal, Uspensky, Highlander, Crimean, Victoria.

Grape juice through a juicer

A juicer for grapes is suitable for the most ordinary. First, prepare the raw materials: remove the berries from the brushes and rinse them well. Now you can pour the grapes into the juicer. If the grapes are seeded, then periodically the operation of the device will need to be suspended and cleaned of accumulated debris. After squeezing, you should get a rich, tart liquid. Astringency is given by grape seeds, which are partially damaged during the extraction. Drain the liquid into a saucepan, filtering through cheesecloth. In order to store grape juice for the winter, it must be diluted with water. Proportions: 2 parts grapes, 1 part water. Add to diluted liquid granulated sugar, it will take 50 grams for each liter of liquid.

We put the prepared raw materials on fire and boil for 20-25 minutes after boiling. Now the juice can be poured into jars, they must be sterilized, as well as the lids. Roll up and put in heat with lids down. A homemade drink prepared in this way most often precipitates, so shake it a little before drinking.

If there is no juicer in the arsenal, then you can squeeze it with your hands or with the help of a press. This process is laborious, but as a result, the juice is tastier than that passed through a juicer. There is no taste of grape seed in it. Making a drink from grapes in this way has some nuances. Washed, removed from the brushes, crush the grapes with your hands. The resulting liquid is filtered through several layers of gauze and set aside. Next, let's deal with the remaining pulp. Fill it with water: a liter of water per kilogram of raw materials, put on fire. You need to boil the mass for 10 minutes. After complete cooling, we decant the liquid, squeeze the pulp well, pour in the juice here. Add sugar to your own taste, the optimal rate is half a glass of 2 liters. Now we pour the finished product into jars and send it for sterilization. Liter cans sterilize 12-15 minutes, three-liter 30-40 minutes. We roll up the jars and wrap them upside down, put them away for storage after they have cooled completely.

Grape juice through a juicer

Grape juice prepared with a juicer has a number of advantages. Additional processing of berries is not required, and the finished drink does not need to be diluted with water and sterilized. In the finished drink, it is enough to add sugar to taste, boil, and you can cork.

Recipes for homemade grape juice and products based on it.

At home, you can prepare not only pure grape juice, you can enrich the taste using a variety of fruits and additives. Let's look at some interesting options.

Recipe #1



We process all fruit and berry components in a juicer, add sugar and you can drink the juice. If a drink prepared according to this recipe is prepared for the winter, then it will be necessary to subject it to heat treatment. Bring the liquid to a boil and boil for 20 minutes, after which you can roll it into jars. If desired, sugar can be replaced with honey, it will take less: 30 grams. You can make a mint decoction that goes well with grape juice. To prepare it, take: a glass of water, 30 grams of honey, mint leaves. Mix all ingredients and cook for 15 minutes. The cooled mint broth is added to the already prepared drink.

Recipe number 2

If the grapes are too sour, it will be difficult to make a good homemade drink from them. But sour grape juice is an excellent base for sauces for meat and poultry. We prepare juice from sour grapes using a juicer or a manual method.

Sauce Ingredients:


Garlic and ginger are peeled and cut as finely as possible. Fry it all up butter, five minutes will be enough. Add the grape juice to the pan and reduce by about 2/3. At the end, salt and pepper the sauce and it can be served at the table. The sauce is sweet and sour with a spicy taste.

Recipe number 3

This variant of homemade grape juice is suitable for those who have a variety of varieties in their vineyard. Ideally combined with each other, tart, sweet and sour varieties.



Squeeze the grape juice with your hands or through a juicer. We dilute it in a ratio of 3: 1 with water, add sugar. The finished drink is sterilized and corked. See above for sterilization times.

Recipe number 4

It may seem a bit strange, but leaves and twigs can be used to make grape juice. Such a drink is used in cooking, cosmetology and clinical nutrition. It speeds up metabolic processes, which contributes to weight loss. Nutritionists recommend this option to everyone who is losing weight.



Grapes right on the tassels along with my leaves and pass through a juicer. Boil the water mixed with sugar and pour the syrup into the liquid. After sterilization can be stored in the refrigerator (up to 3 months) or sealed. For weight loss drink, diluting with water 1:1. The product is effective for acne, they need to wash themselves within a week. In this case, you do not need to add sugar, just dilute the liquid with water.

Terms and conditions of storage of grape juice

If grape juice is harvested for storage, heat treatment is indispensable. Freshly squeezed should be drunk immediately. A sterilized drink in the refrigerator can be stored for about a month under a plastic lid. Grape juice, corked in jars, is stored for a year until the next harvest.