How to make homemade cheese (homemade cheese). Homemade cheese made from cow's milk recipe

Brynza is sour dairy product, which is prepared by fermenting milk with rennet.

Traditionally, sheep's milk is used to prepare feta cheese, but goat's or cow's milk can also be used. Whenever possible, homemade cheese is prepared using real rennet - part of the stomach of goats, sheep or cows. In large productions and in cases where the raw materials are in in kind not available, use rennet powder or tablets for fermentation.

Brynza is considered the healthiest cheese we know. Bryndza retains its beneficial properties due to the peculiarities of its production. To prepare it, use exclusively fresh milk, preferably with high fat content. The milk is not subjected to heat treatment; after curdling under the action of enzymes, it is kept in brine. It is believed that cheese should be kept in a salty solution for at least 20 days, but feta cheese, which has been salted for 60 days, has the best taste. The longer the cheese is left to steep, the saltier it tastes.

Homemade cheese, or prepared in production conditions, but using technology, in particular, without adding vinegar, contains vitamins B, E, A, as well as calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, and protein. The presence of these microelements is due to healing properties feta cheese: with regular consumption of brine cheese, the structure and color of the skin of the face changes, digestion and stool improves, and the development of bacteria that causes rotting of the intestinal contents stops.

It is believed that calcium preserved in feta cheese after milk processing is absorbed much better than from cottage cheese, so cheese is useful for children during the growth period, because calcium is important for the proper formation of teeth and bone tissue. Just 100g of cheese can provide a person with the daily requirement of this microelement. Homemade cheese is also recommended for elderly people, pregnant and lactating women.

Calorie content of cheese made from cow's milk– 260kcal, it contains approximately 26g of fat per 100g. The calorie content of sheep's milk cheese with 50% fat content is 370 kcal.

Name dietary product This cheese is difficult and those who are watching their weight should limit their consumption of feta cheese, but for those who are actively involved in sports, or for health reasons need a high-calorie diet, the calorie content of feta cheese, its fat content and protein content will come in handy.


Bryndza, given the peculiarity of its preparation, contains a lot of sodium and practically no potassium, so it is not recommended to constantly use it for those who have diseases of the nervous system, pancreas, bile ducts, or pathologies in the functioning of the stomach, kidneys, and liver.

In order to remove excess salt from feta cheese, it is recommended to soak it in cold water after purchasing it as a whole piece, or immediately before using it in small portions of 70 g, soak it in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Proper storage of cheese is also important for health. Cheese from an open package can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three weeks. It’s good if it is stored in its own brine; if this is not possible, the cheese is wrapped in cling film or foil.

You should not buy cheese that has a crust around the edges - it is an overripe product that has been stored incorrectly for a long time.

What is also important is that cheese does not have holes in the cut. Properly prepared brine cheese should be dense and soft, without a strong odor, with creamy delicate taste.


Brynza is a pickled cheese that is made not only from cow's milk, but can also be made from goat, sheep, buffalo milk, and sometimes from a mixture of these types of milk. Bryndza is sold after 20 days of soaking in brine, sometimes even after 60 days. Based on the label, we will not be able to determine, in principle, how many days the cheese was soaked in brine. But if the cheese is spicier and saltier, then, accordingly, it was soaked in brine for 60 days or more.

Unlike most cheeses, the surface of feta cheese does not have a crust. If the cheese is slightly dry around the edges, it means that it has been on the counter for a long time and has managed to lose some of its beneficial substances. Real cheese does not have the characteristic “holey” pattern inherent in most cheeses. In high-quality cheese there are very few voids, and even those are of irregular shape.

The mass fraction of fat in dry matter (indicated on the packaging) is an indicator of healthfulness and taste; it must be at least 40%. And the most delicious and healthy cheese is with a fat content of 50%.

Types of cheese

Not many types are known, since they are made using the same technology, unlike hard cheeses. The most common ones that can be found on the shelves are cow, goat, and sheep cheese.

What are the differences between types of cheese?

You can distinguish between types only by taste and structure. Thus, sheep cheese is white, hard, grainy, has a characteristic odor and is pungent. The color of feta cheese made from cow's milk is slightly yellow, the structure is not crumbly, it may have holes, like hard cheese, and has a delicate taste. Goat cheese has a light cream or boiling white hue. Its structure is dense, granular and has a characteristic odor.


Brine cheeses are the national food of the inhabitants of the Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria and Transcaucasia. This cheese has a very ancient history. According to legend, seven thousand years ago an Arab merchant, before going on a trip, took with him a backpack in which milk was stored. He did not look into his leather bag for several days, but after some time the bag burst and a cloudy liquid poured out of it. Looking at the bottom of the bag, the Arab discovered a small elastic piece of cheese. It was also known from the chronicles that the ancient Greeks did not sit down at the table unless women served homemade cheese.

According to Eastern legends, this cheese was prepared only by adult women. This cheese was stored in tall clay pots or jugs. The cheese was necessarily placed in salt water or grape juice.

In ancient times, nomads drove their herds under the hot sun. Under the scorching sun, their milk instantly turned sour, no matter how much the nomads pitied it, they had to pour it out. But soon they were able to come up with a different way of getting rid of curdled milk. They turned it into cheese. There are a lot of stories, ballads and legends about cheese. But each of them tells us that good cheese is considered a delicacy.

The birthplace of cheese is the Arab East. Time of birth: seven thousand years ago. The discoverer was the Arabian merchant Kanan. Setting off on a long journey, Kanan took with him milk poured into a wineskin from a sheep's stomach. Having walked many kilometers, he decided to have a snack, opened the wineskin, and a cloudy liquid flowed out and a white dense clot fell out. The merchant tried it and was pleased. This is how a meeting between a man and cheese took place.

Calorie content of cheese

Bryndza contains about 260 kcal and about 18 g of protein, which is an excellent indicator if you need to gain muscle mass or simply fill your body with energy. Just 100g of product will give you a supply of calcium for the whole day.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • Proteins 22.2 g
  • Fats 19.2 g
  • Carbohydrates 0.4 g
  • Ash 5 g
  • Water 52 g
  • Calorie content 260 kcal

Composition of feta cheese

But what is in this type of cheese? What minerals and trace elements does feta cheese consist of? The benefits and harms of this product directly depend on this. What distinguishes feta cheese from hard varieties is its intensely salty taste. And this is not surprising - after three weeks spent in brine! This is almost the only harm of hard cottage cheese: even a healthy and young person is not recommended to eat a lot of salty foods. People with diseased kidneys, poor circulation and those who have problems with the urinary and cardiovascular systems should also be wary of cheese. Also, this cheese is contraindicated for people with gastritis, high stomach acidity, as well as for those who are lactose intolerant. But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon cheese. If you soak a head of cheese in cold water for about a day before eating, excess salt will disappear from the product, but numerous beneficial properties will remain. And if you don’t have time to soak, just pour boiling water over the cheese.

Useful properties of cheese

Cheese contains 288 calories, up to 15g of protein and up to 26g of fat, as well as calcium, sodium, phosphorus, Vitamin B1, B2, and C.

Cheese cheese is very beneficial for the health of the skin and the body as a whole. Regular consumption of feta cheese will help maintain youthful, smooth, velvety and elastic skin.

Due to the high calcium content, which is in an easily digestible form, feta cheese is useful for preserving teeth and the skeletal system. Cheese cheese will also facilitate digestion and inhibit the development of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines.

Holds the record for the presence of calcium and phosphorus.

Dairy products in any form are among the healthiest on earth. Many peoples eat only dairy products. The benefit of this product is that it contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the entire body. A valuable group of vitamins B, C and A strengthen the body and increase immunity. Trace elements and minerals are easily absorbed into the blood, which also allows the body to be stronger and stronger.

Bryndza is the main “supplier” of valuable protein; the body absorbs it within a few hours. Daily norm Bryndza no more than 70 grams, this is enough to not only enjoy it, but also get a full basket of useful components. Every cheese, including feta cheese, contains a large amount of calcium. It strengthens teeth and bones, fully strengthening the entire skeletal system.

Cheese can be given to a child from 2 years old in small quantities. Calcium also helps the immune system, strengthening occurs instantly. The main thing is to constantly replenish the body with calcium. Many people do not accept dairy products such as milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. And everyone loves cheese. The calcium in feta cheese or any other cheese is completely absorbed and lasts for more than a day. Another unique property is the prevention of putrefactive processes in the body. There is intensive suppression and suspension of the development of bacteria in the intestines.

Nutritionists allow the inclusion of cheese both in the daily diet and for creating an individual diet. This product promotes the digestive process in the body. Acceleration of metabolism is also the merit of cheeses. An amazing fact has been proven: a woman who consumes pickled cheese daily looks fresher, her skin is elastic and velvety. This product can be safely offered to the elderly and children.

How to cook

There are many recipes for making cheese at home. Here are some of them. The recipe is quite simple and easy to prepare.
So, for preparation you need 3 liters of cow's milk, 3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar and a spoon of salt. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Bring it to a boil, then add vinegar and salt. Stir it with a spoon and let it simmer for a couple more minutes. You should have curd mass and whey. Afterwards we pour out the whey, and what remains is the cheese itself. That's it, everything is ready.

How to choose

It is very important that the surface of the cheese remains crustless - this is an unacceptable factor for this type of cheese. Useful properties in crusted cheese there will be much less, it is worth noting the fact that in high-quality cheese there are practically no voids. In order for cheese to retain the bulk of its vitamins and microelements, its mass fraction of fat in dry matter should not be less than 40%. The most healthy cheese is considered to be the one whose fat content is at least 50%.

How to store

It is best to store cheese in its “native” brine. For example, you bought tin can with six hundred grams of feta cheese, and for the salad you need two hundred grams. Carefully transfer the remaining cheese into glass jar or plastic container and pour all the brine onto it. Cover the dish with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. Use within two to three weeks. If there is no brine, wrap the cheese tightly in foil or film.

Harm and contraindications

Cheese cheese is contraindicated for people with diseases of the kidneys, biliary tract, liver, stomach and pancreas. This is due to the large amount of salt contained in the product. The salinity can be reduced by heat treatment; to do this, it is enough to keep the cheese in boiling water for several minutes or soak it in plain water for some time. After processing, this dairy product can be consumed even by those who suffer from the above diseases.

It contains virtually no potassium, but the level of sodium is quite high, which is why feta cheese is contraindicated for people who have problems with the circulatory system and nervous system.

How to distinguish good cheese from bad cheese?

Cheese purchased in a store must be in airtight packaging. When you open it, there should be some liquid in the cheese - the remains of the brine solution. The cheese should resemble compressed cottage cheese, white or beige in color. On the cut you will see several irregularly shaped voids. The structure of the cottage cheese itself will be slightly porous. If the edges of such a store-bought product have become weathered (have become dry and hard), and yellow, orange and greenish inclusions have become visible inside, this is stale cheese. The benefits and harms of cheese largely depend on its age and salt concentration. It also matters what kind of milk the cheese is made from - sheep milk is more valuable. But the healthiest curd cheese is vurda. It is made in the Carpathians from sheep colostrum, the first milk.

How to make cheese at home

Homemade cheese can be made from milk or cottage cheese:

cottage cheese is taken in an amount of about a kilogram, about 200 ml of water, a spoonful of soda, and 3-4 egg yolks, and cheese melting enzyme (1 package) or rennet from the pharmacy. The whole thing is boiled together in a water bath until it begins to stretch, then it is placed in a linen bag to “release” all the water. After this, the cheese is removed and stored in salted water with a spoon of olive oil;
Cottage cheese is first prepared from milk - 5-6 liters of milk are heated, lemon juice is squeezed into it, protein fragments are collected with a slotted spoon and placed in a linen bag. When the cottage cheese has drained, cheese is made from it according to the previous recipe.

There are other recipes, for example, how to prepare 250-300 g of feta cheese from 3 liters of milk. Normal full fat milk you need to boil it in a saucepan, boil for 5-6 minutes, and pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar into it for preservation. The milk will begin to curdle. Remove the mass with a slotted spoon, salt the whey well and leave to cool.

Place the curd mass in a colander lined with gauze and press it with a spoon to drain. Then wrap a piece of cheese in linen and place it on a metal plate, and load it with pressure on top. Leave in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. Then the finished cheese can be immersed in salted whey so that it can be stored longer.

Brynza in the oven

Almost everyone loves dishes with melted cheeses. But how does feta cheese behave in the oven? Homemade cheeses made from milk without the addition of melting salts and rennet do not melt in the oven. In appearance they will resemble ricotta or baked cottage cheese if you stuff them with the same tomatoes or eggplants. Those varieties of cheese that contain rennet are melted. True, according to connoisseurs, this is a different type of pickled cheese, suluguni. Or even mozzarella. Therefore, when buying cheese for pizza, it is better to read what is there with salts and enzymes in the list of ingredients.

Interesting facts about cheese

Every year in the Transcarpathian city of Rakhiv the festival “Brynzy” is held, which attracts thousands of tourists from different parts of the world. The tradition of the “cheese festival” has been going on for several centuries.

To prepare 1 kg. Brynza requires about 5 liters of sheep's milk, or about 15 of cow's milk.

Cheese cheese was first produced more than four thousand years ago by an Arabian shepherd who carried milk in his wineskin all day in the heat, and by the evening it turned out to be something like a piece of feta cheese.

Homemade cheese made from cow's milk own production- This is an excellent snack, filling for baked goods, salads, and simply a tasty and nutritious addition to your morning breakfast.

Moreover, feta cheese is not only an appetizing delicacy, but also a healthy food rich in vitamins, proteins and microelements.

Brynza is soft cheese, made from goat, cow or sheep milk.

This delicious product is loved by many, but not everyone knows how to prepare it at home.

So, please yourself and eat homemade cheese on weekdays and holidays very simple and easy. The main thing is to have a recipe on hand, follow the sequence and proportions of preparing this dish.

Bryndza at home from cow's milk and general principles of its preparation

To prepare a tasty and high-quality product such as feta cheese, you need to select homemade ingredients that will give this dish special taste, nutritional value, and will bring incredible benefits to its consumer.

For making cheese, you need to use only fresh milk.

Of course, to make feta cheese, you can use a pasteurized product (meaning milk), but in this case the nutritional value of the future feta cheese will decrease and it can safely be classified as a dietary low-fat food.

The starter for cheese can be vinegar or pepsin (which can be purchased at any pharmacy).

The composition of feta cheese should include the main components, such as milk, salt and sourdough.

The color of the cheese should be white, and the consistency should be soft and slightly brittle.

The fewer holes and voids in the cheese, the better and healthier this tender and appetizing dish, prepared according to all the rules, will be considered.

Recipes and features of making cheese at home from cow's milk

Recipe 1. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (Classic version)


Milk (fresh cow) – 3 liters.

Vinegar (9%) – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Salt – 30 mg.

Cooking method:

You need to pour the milk into the pan and put it on the fire until the product boils. While the milk is boiling, pour vinegar (or lemon juice) into the glass.

When the milk boils, you need to pour vinegar into it, add salt and stir for a few more minutes for the best curdling result.

As a result, the milk will turn out to be a kind of curdled ingredient consisting of whey and curd mass.

Now you need to put gauze on top of the prepared colander and strain the contents of the pan.

The future cheese will remain in a colander on gauze, and the strained whey will remain in a saucepan. Then the gauze with its contents must be collected and twisted into a kind of bundle and left in a colander.

The cheese must be left under pressure for several hours. The longer the cheese is under pressure, the saltier, spicier it is, and the better it cuts in the future.

Recipe 2. Homemade cheese made from cow's milk (sharp and salty taste)


Milk – 2 l.

Pepsin (small amount).

Cooking method:

To prepare feta cheese, you need to take pepsin (at the tip of a knife) and dissolve it in water.

Important! Do not overdo it with pepsin to avoid the appearance of a certain taste in the cheese in the future.

This cheese can be served with herbs and tomatoes.

Recipe 3. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (Homemade version)


Milk – 2 l.

Eggs – 6 pcs.

Salt – 70 gr.

Sour cream – 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

The milk must be brought to a boil. Beat eggs and sour cream with a mixer. The resulting mixture of eggs and sour cream must be mixed with boiled milk and salt.

After folding, the resulting curdled mass must be separated from the whey and left to drain for several hours.

After the curdled mass has been freed from excess liquid, the gauze in which it was wrapped must be tightly wrapped and, with a pressure placed on top, left overnight.

Important. In order for the cheese to cut better and not crumble, the cutting knife must be heated over fire.

Recipe 4. Homemade cheese from cow's milk with herbs


Milk – 3 l.

Sour cream – 0.5 l.

Kefir – 400 ml.

Eggs – 9 pcs.

Salt – 80 gr.

Dill (fresh) – a bunch.

Cooking method:

Pour fresh cow's milk into the pan, add salt and put on fire. Then, when it boils, you need to pour the eggs beaten with a mixer or blender into the milk, add kefir and sour cream.

Then all components must be thoroughly mixed.

After a few hours, the most delicious and nutritious product ready.

Recipe 5. Homemade cheese from cow’s milk “Dietary”


Milk – 1 liter.

Kefir – 1 liter.

Eggs – 6 pcs.

Salt is not for everyone.

Spices (black and red pepper, cumin, garlic).

Greens (dill, parsley).

Cooking method:

To prepare dietary cheese, you need to combine milk and kefir, pour them into a saucepan and put on low heat to boil.

Afterwards, all ingredients must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly.

Then, when whey appears, remove the pan from the heat, cool the mass and add finely chopped herbs, salt and spices to it.

The cheese should be sharp, piquant and aromatic.

Recipe 6. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (Bulgarian version)


Milk – 5 l.

Sourdough (Pepsin).


Cooking method:

Milk must be poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and put out the fire. Next, you need to add pepsin to the milk and close the pan with a lid.

Important. The pan must not be touched, turned or shaken. In addition, the saucepan must be wrapped in a blanket to gradually cool the contents.

As soon as the mixture has cooled and thickened, it should be placed on a gauze base folded in several layers, twisted and hung overnight to drain the whey.

The cheese remaining in the gauze base must be placed under pressure and left there for another seven hours.

Afterwards, the cheese must be removed from the cheesecloth and placed in a saline solution prepared from water (whey) and salt.

It is in this brine that feta cheese can be stored for quite a long time.

Recipe 7. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (pasteurized)


Milk (pasteurized) - 2.5 l.

Sour cream (20% fat) – 0.5 kg.

Eggs 7 pcs.

Salt – 75 gr.

Cooking method:

In one third of the milk, poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil, you need to dissolve salt.

As soon as the milk boils, you need to pour the remaining product into it and bring it to a boil again.

Separately, using a mixer or blender, you need to beat the eggs with sour cream until smooth and pour it into the milk.

Whipped sour cream and eggs should be poured into the milk in portions with thorough mixing.

Afterwards, put all the ingredients collected in a saucepan on low heat and bring the mixture to a boil again.

As soon as the whey is separated from the curd, gauze is placed in a colander and the contents of the saucepan are poured onto it.

When the whey drains through cheesecloth and a colander into a special vessel, the fabric needs to be thoroughly twisted, and the cheese should be squeezed out and put in a cold place, for example, in the refrigerator for half a day.

In order for the cheese to come out smooth and elastic, you need to put a plate on top of it, press it to the prepared cheese and put pressure on top.

After 12 hours, the delicious food will be ready to eat.

Recipe 8. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (using sourdough)


Milk – 2 l.

Sourdough – 10 drops.

Yogurt – 60 gr.

Salt, water.

Cooking method:

Place yogurt in milk heated to 30 degrees and mix both components thoroughly. Then add the starter to the milk and yogurt and mix all the products again.

The mixture needs to be stirred a couple of times.

Then the product in gauze needs to be twisted, tied and left overnight. After this time, the cheese will need to be transferred to a brine solution prepared from water, whey and salt.

In a day the cheese will be ready.

Homemade cheese from cow's milk - cooking tricks and useful tips

In order for the cheese not to turn out sour when under pressure, in the summer and when it’s hot, it must be put in the refrigerator.

To make cheese, it is better to choose glassware or enamel containers.

Most best way storing cheese is its own brine.

To prepare the brine, add a glass of salt to a liter of water and whey. It is recommended to keep the cheese in this brine for at least 10 days. But in such a brine, the cheese will turn out to be salty and spicy, and this is not an acquired taste.

To prevent the cheese from spoiling and becoming too salty, you can put it in the refrigerator without soaking and brining and sprinkle it with salt.

You can prepare the starter yourself - clean and rinse the lamb's stomach, dry it, cut it into thin slices. At correct use With such an ingredient, the sourdough will turn out great.

To make the cheese spicy and piquant, you can add additional components to the main ingredients, such as red and black peppers, mushrooms, herbs, paprika, garlic, etc.

Cheese cheese is a kind of sour-milk product, it has a slightly salty taste, which belongs to pickled cheeses. Brynza can serve as an independent dish. It is well received by children and people of any age. For its production, cow's, goat's or sheep's milk is most often used. Brine cheese is ripened in a special brine, so its consistency is slightly watery, and small grains of cheese can be visible when cut. Cheese cheese is a very healthy, tasty product with its own contraindications and possible harm from abuse of the product.

This cheese does not have a cheese rind, the surface is flat, smooth (if the cheese head was placed in a mesh made of linen or thick cotton, then the surface may have small, even tubercles).
Cheese cheese is of normal white color, the taste and smell are characteristic of this type. The consistency of the bowl is dense, in some places it may be slightly loose. When serving, you need to cut the cheese with a cheese knife, the slices are no thinner than 4 mm, thinner pieces may break.

Currently, you can see a large assortment of this cheese on store shelves. The main suppliers are: Russia, Bulgaria, Moldova. Cheese cheese can be packaged in vacuum polyethylene film, cardboard boxes, and plastic cups of various packaging.

Historical facts

Brine cheeses are the national food of the inhabitants of the Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria and Transcaucasia. This cheese has a very ancient history. According to legend, seven thousand years ago an Arab merchant, before going on a trip, took with him a backpack in which milk was stored. He did not look into his leather bag for several days, but after some time the bag burst and a cloudy liquid poured out of it. Looking at the bottom of the bag, the Arab discovered a small elastic piece of cheese. It was also known from the chronicles that the ancient Greeks did not sit down at the table unless women served homemade cheese.

According to Eastern legends, this cheese was prepared only by adult women. This cheese was stored in tall clay pots or jugs. The cheese was necessarily placed in salt water or grape juice.

In ancient times, nomads drove their herds under the hot sun. Under the scorching sun, their milk instantly turned sour, no matter how much the nomads pitied it, they had to pour it out. But soon they were able to come up with a different way of getting rid of curdled milk. They turned it into cheese. There are a lot of stories, ballads and legends about cheese. But each of them tells us that good cheese is considered a delicacy.

Energy value of cheese

The calorie content of this product depends on what kind of milk it is made from. Energy value cheese with sheep's milk: 280-300 kcal, with cow's milk from 160-230 kcal. Protein content from 7-18%; fat no more than 25%. If you find the cheese to be very salty, divide it into portions (70-80 g cubes), put it in boiling water for 4-6 minutes, and cool.

Useful properties of cheese

Dairy products in any form are among the healthiest on earth. Many peoples eat only dairy products. The benefit of this product is that it contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Valuable group of vitamins B, C and A strengthen the body, increase immunity. Trace elements and minerals are easily absorbed into the blood, which also allows the body to be stronger and stronger.

Bryndza is the main “supplier” of valuable protein, the body absorbs it within a few hours. The daily norm of cheese is no more than 70 g , this is enough to not only enjoy it, but also get a full basket of useful components. Every cheese, including feta cheese contain large amounts of calcium. It strengthens teeth and bones, fully strengthening the entire skeletal system.

Cheese can be given to a child from 2 years of age in small quantities. Calcium also helps the immune system, strengthening occurs instantly. The main thing is to constantly replenish the body with calcium. Many people do not accept dairy products such as milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. And everyone loves cheese. The calcium in feta cheese or any other cheese is completely absorbed and lasts for more than a day. Another unique property is the prevention of putrefactive processes in the body. There is intensive suppression and suspension of the development of bacteria in the intestines.

Nutritionists allow the inclusion of cheese both in the daily diet and for creating an individual diet. This product promotes the digestive process in the body. Acceleration of metabolism is also the merit of cheeses. An amazing fact has been proven: a woman who consumes pickled cheese daily looks fresher, her skin is elastic and velvety. This product can be safely offered to the elderly and children.

The main things to pay attention to when purchasing this product:

  • quality (trusted brand, brand);
  • integrity of the packaging (no dents or damage);
  • best before date.

It is also necessary to pay attention to amount of liquid under the packaging. Its content should be in moderate amount. Under the packaging, you can check the elasticity of the cheese (by light pressure with your fingers), color (from snow-white to slightly yellow) and shape (smooth bar or cylinder).

Harmful properties and contraindications

Who should be wary of this cheese?

Brynza contains large amount of salt . And as you know, it has an adverse effect on the kidneys.

For medical reasons, feta cheese should not be eaten by those who have health problems:

  • liver disease,
  • problems with the pancreas,
  • nervous system.

If you really love cheese, then introduce hard cheeses without salt into your diet. Remove too tart and salty tastes using heat treatment or a steam bath. The longer the cheese is stored open (the integrity of the packaging is damaged), the stronger the salty taste it acquires. Children can be given this product within 24 days after opening the packaging.

Cheese should not be consumed by those who are lactose intolerant.

Cheese cheese should not be consumed together with meat (boiled, fried, smoked), fish, vegetable oils and confectionery products.

Recipe for making pickled cheese at home.

Many housewives can boast that they cook any dish perfectly. Cheese - feta cheese can be prepared independently. The recipe is simple, but takes a lot of free time. Be patient and follow products:

  • Pasteurized milk (goat, cow), at least 2.5 liters, more if desired;
  • The special component is pepsin (at the tip of a teaspoon, no more. If you overdo the dosage, the cheese will have an unpleasant taste and smell). It can be purchased at the market or pharmacy;

Brynza will work more tasty if you use homemade milk.

Preparation: Heat it to a temperature no higher than 45 C, remove from heat, very carefully pour in the pepsin diluted in boiled water. Stir the milk constantly and leave to cool for 10 minutes. As soon as the milk has cooled, we begin to intensively beat it into a homogeneous thick mass; for this you can use a fork or a whisk from a mixer. If it seems to you that the mass is thin, add a little more of the diluted component (pepsin). The process of “transformation” into cheese lasts about 30 minutes. Next, carefully place the resulting product into a metal colander or pre-prepared gauze. Using a spoon or your hands, shape the cheese into the desired shape. Leave the cheese in such a position for 1-2 hours so that the whey completely drains. Three liters of fresh milk yields 500 grams of cheese.

Before eating feta cheese must be salted . After an hour, dip the resulting “lump” of cheese into salt water. The water must be salted to taste, the best option: for 1 liter of water 2 dessert spoons table salt). In order for the cheese to be salted evenly, it must be turned over with a wooden stick or spoon. The product ripening period is 24 hours in a cool and dark place.

Advice for housewives . Do not rush to pour the resulting cheese whey into the sink, it is very useful. Whey is rich in complete proteins and low in calories, containing components such as potassium, calcium and manganese. If you use it for several days in a row, you can remove all waste and toxins from the body. The whey quenches hunger and thirst well. Many people prefer to cook national Russian okroshka with it.

Store homemade cheese It only needs to be in brine, but it is best to eat it within the first day. But the cheese can also be stored in refrigerators, tightly closed with a plastic bag.

Recipes with the addition of cheese.

Most often, cheese is used to prepare light salads. It gives them an unusual and piquant taste.

  1. Unusual salad with feta cheese, chicken and ripe avocado.

You will need the following ingredients :

  • 1 medium sized avocado
  • a bunch of fresh herbs (lettuce and parsley),
  • half a boiled chicken breast,
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice,
  • 200-250 grams of cheese,
  • olive oil, black pepper and salt.

Cooking steps: cut the breast into large slices, fry in a hot frying pan for 5-7 minutes olive oil. Cut the avocado, remove the skin, remove the bone, and chop into even slices. Chop the greens into large pieces; they will add lightness to the salad. Add avocado and herbs to the chilled chicken; use lemon juice for dressing. Lightweight and nutritious salad will decorate your holiday table.

  1. Low-calorie salad with cottage cheese and feta cheese.

Serves two for you will be needed :

  • 200 grams of low-fat crumbly cottage cheese and 150 grams of feta cheese,
  • 100 g of red onions,
  • 4-6 cloves of young garlic,
  • greens and pepper to taste.

The spicy appetizer is prepared within 15 minutes and served chilled.

Cooking steps : Chop the garlic in a mortar and finely chop the onion. Add the resulting mass to cottage cheese and finely chopped cheese, and decorate the appetizer with herbs and pomegranate on top. This salad can be served in tartlets, with brown bread or flatbread.

  1. Sea salad with feta cheese.

Product List:

  • king prawns 300 grams,
  • sweet colored pepper 1 piece,
  • feta cheese 180-220 grams,
  • vegetable (olive or sunflower) oil 50 grams,
  • half a lime or lemon
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking stages. The shrimp need to be defrosted and placed in boiling, slightly salted water for 3 minutes, no more. Cool and cut into small pieces. Cut the cheese into even cubes (1 cm), and the bell pepper into neat slices. Place lettuce, shrimp, peppers and cheese on a large dish, add salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with a little oil and lemon juice.

  1. Greek salad with feta cheese.

One of the most loved and sought after salads all over the world. It is not only very filling, but also light. To prepare it you only need fresh food. Only fresh and sweet vegetables will give the salad an excellent taste. The best time for this salad is late summer and autumn. But housewives and self-respecting restaurants are ready to prepare this salad at any time of the year.

Products for the Greek salad:

  • 500 grams of tomatoes,
  • 350 grams of bell pepper,
  • 400 grams of cucumbers,
  • 150 grams of onion,
  • 200 grams of cheese,
  • 150 grams of olives (pitted).


  • 5 tbsp. l. olive or sunflower oil,
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,

Salad preparation steps: Cut clean tomatoes into even, large slices. Separate the cucumber from the peel and cut into even cubes. Onion mode in half rings. To remove the unpleasant bitterness and pungency from the onion, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it, let it brew for 10 minutes, and rinse with running water. The onions will now have a milder taste. Peel the bell pepper from the seeds and cut into thin strips. Bryndza mode into even and large cubes.

We dress the salad only before serving it. We use high quality olive oil, for example Extra Virdgin. Cut one lemon into 4 parts and extract the juice. Add a mixture of peppers and oregano to taste. All ingredients should be free and chaotic. But the main feature of this salad is the cheese on top. According to the recipe, this salad must be decorated with olives or black olives. This delicious salad Most often served as a main appetizer to a main meat or fish dish.

Tiropita or salty cheese pie.

A very tasty and exotic culinary creation. To prepare it at home, you need the following: ingredients:

  • 400-500 grams of dough, if possible you can buy it in the store;
  • 800-900 grams of fresh cheese;
  • 4-5 eggs, salt, sulfur pepper;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • sunflower or olive oil.

For preparations For the filling, you need to grind the cheese, add 3 eggs to it, mix gently, salt and pepper to taste. Roll out a thin sheet of dough, carefully place it on a greased baking sheet, now place the cheese in a thin layer, but without gaps. Using our hands, we turn the layers of dough with filling into an accordion. Before putting the cake in the oven, it must be thoroughly brushed with egg. Cooking time is 20-30 minutes at a temperature no higher than 180C. We serve Tiropita only cold; it will be very pleasant to eat this pie with olives or black olives. As a drink, use dry white wine or sparkling drink.

Another recipe: zucchini with cheese.

Many people prefer to eat only low calorie foods. Zucchini with cheese - calorie content of one serving is 350 kcal. This independent dish can be served at a banquet, holiday, or included in the diet for a dinner party.

For him preparations you will need young zucchini (their advantage is their small size and soft skin). Wash the zucchini under running water and cut lengthwise with a sharp knife. Cut out the pulp, chop it and add a little salt. Now the zucchini resembles small boats.

Add rye bread crumbs to the pulp, finely chopped onions. Separate the cheese from the brine and grate it on a coarse grater. If desired, you can add black pepper and garlic to the cheese. All ingredients for the filling must be placed in a hot frying pan and fried in olive oil for 5-7 minutes. We also fry the “boats” in a frying pan on both sides.

Place the fried zucchini in a deep fireproof bowl, filling each with a teaspoon of filling. Pour sauce over all portions. To do this, you need to mix mayonnaise and sour cream, 100 grams each. The sauce will make the zucchini softer and juicier.

The dish must be baked at a temperature no higher than 200C. As soon as you see an appetizing golden crust, the dish is ready.

We serve the finished boats to large dish together with herbs and fresh tomatoes Cherry.

  • Every year in the Transcarpathian city of Rakhiv the festival “Brynzy” is held, which attracts thousands of tourists from different parts of the world. The tradition of the “cheese festival” has been going on for several centuries.
  • To prepare 1 kg of Brynza you need about 5 liters of sheep's milk, or about 15 of cow's milk.
  • Cheese cheese was first produced more than four thousand years ago by an Arabian shepherd who carried milk in his wineskin all day in the heat, and by the evening it turned out to be something like a piece of feta cheese.

Home-made cheese made from cow's milk from our own production is an excellent snack, filling for baked goods, salads, and simply a tasty and nutritious addition to your morning breakfast.

Moreover, feta cheese is not only an appetizing delicacy, but also a healthy food rich in vitamins, proteins and microelements.

Brynza is a soft cheese made from goat, cow or sheep milk.

This delicious product is loved by many, but not everyone knows how to prepare it at home.

So, it’s very simple and easy to please yourself and eat homemade cheese on weekdays and holidays. The main thing is to have a recipe on hand, follow the sequence and proportions of preparing this dish.

Bryndza at home from cow's milk and general principles of its preparation

To prepare a tasty and high-quality product such as feta cheese, it is necessary to select homemade ingredients that will give this dish a special taste, nutritional value, and bring incredible benefits to its consumer.

For making cheese, you need to use only fresh milk.

Of course, to make feta cheese, you can use a pasteurized product (meaning milk), but in this case the nutritional value of the future feta cheese will decrease and it can safely be classified as a dietary low-fat food.

The starter for cheese can be vinegar or pepsin (which can be purchased at any pharmacy).

The composition of feta cheese should include the main components, such as milk, salt and sourdough.

The color of the cheese should be white, and the consistency should be soft and slightly brittle.

The fewer holes and voids in the cheese, the better and healthier this tender and appetizing dish, prepared according to all the rules, will be considered.

Recipes and features of making cheese at home from cow's milk

Recipe 1. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (Classic version)

Milk (fresh cow) – 3 liters.

Vinegar (9%) – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Salt – 30 mg.

You need to pour the milk into the pan and put it on the fire until the product boils. While the milk is boiling, pour vinegar (or lemon juice) into the glass.

When the milk boils, you need to pour vinegar into it, add salt and stir for a few more minutes for the best curdling result.

As a result, the milk will turn out to be a kind of curd ingredient, consisting of whey and curd mass.

Now you need to put gauze on top of the prepared colander and strain the contents of the pan.

The future cheese will remain in a colander on gauze, and the strained whey will remain in a saucepan. Then the gauze with its contents must be collected and twisted into a kind of bundle and left in a colander.

The cheese must be left under pressure for several hours. The longer the cheese is under pressure, the saltier, spicier it is, and the better it cuts in the future.

Recipe 2. Homemade cheese made from cow's milk (sharp and salty taste)

Milk – 2 l.

Pepsin (small amount).

To prepare feta cheese, you need to take pepsin (at the tip of a knife) and dissolve it in water.

Important! Do not overdo it with pepsin to avoid the appearance of a certain taste in the cheese in the future.

This cheese can be served with herbs and tomatoes.

Recipe 3. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (Homemade version)

Milk – 2 l.

Eggs – 6 pcs.

Salt – 70 gr.

Sour cream – 0.5 kg.

The milk must be brought to a boil. Beat eggs and sour cream with a mixer. The resulting mixture of eggs and sour cream must be mixed with boiled milk and salt.

After folding, the resulting curdled mass must be separated from the whey and left to drain for several hours.

After the curdled mass has been freed from excess liquid, the gauze in which it was wrapped must be tightly wrapped and, with a pressure placed on top, left overnight.

Important. In order for the cheese to cut better and not crumble, the cutting knife must be heated over fire.

Recipe 4. Homemade cheese from cow's milk with herbs

Milk – 3 l.

Sour cream – 0.5 l.

Kefir – 400 ml.

Eggs – 9 pcs.

Salt – 80 gr.

Dill (fresh) – a bunch.

Pour fresh cow's milk into the pan, add salt and put on fire. Then, when it boils, you need to pour the eggs beaten with a mixer or blender into the milk, add kefir and sour cream.

Then all components must be thoroughly mixed.

After a few hours, the most delicious and nutritious product is ready.

Recipe 5. Homemade cheese from cow’s milk “Dietary”

Milk – 1 liter.

Kefir – 1 liter.

Eggs – 6 pcs.

Salt is not for everyone.

Spices (black and red pepper, cumin, garlic).

Greens (dill, parsley).

To prepare dietary cheese, you need to combine milk and kefir, pour them into a saucepan and put on low heat to boil.

Afterwards, all ingredients must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly.

Then, when whey appears, remove the pan from the heat, cool the mass and add finely chopped herbs, salt and spices to it.

The cheese should be sharp, piquant and aromatic.

Recipe 6. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (Bulgarian version)

Milk – 5 l.

Sourdough (Pepsin).

Milk must be poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and put out the fire. Next, you need to add pepsin to the milk and close the pan with a lid.

Important. The pan must not be touched, turned or shaken. In addition, the saucepan must be wrapped in a blanket to gradually cool the contents.

As soon as the mixture has cooled and thickened, it should be placed on a gauze base folded in several layers, twisted and hung overnight to drain the whey.

The cheese remaining in the gauze base must be placed under pressure and left there for another seven hours.

Afterwards, the cheese must be removed from the cheesecloth and placed in a saline solution prepared from water (whey) and salt.

It is in this brine that feta cheese can be stored for quite a long time.

Recipe 7. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (pasteurized)

Milk (pasteurized) - 2.5 l.

Sour cream (20% fat) – 0.5 kg.

Salt – 75 gr.

In one third of the milk, poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil, you need to dissolve salt.

As soon as the milk boils, you need to pour the remaining product into it and bring it to a boil again.

Separately, using a mixer or blender, you need to beat the eggs with sour cream until smooth and pour it into the milk.

Whipped sour cream and eggs should be poured into the milk in portions with thorough mixing.

Afterwards, put all the ingredients collected in a saucepan on low heat and bring the mixture to a boil again.

As soon as the whey is separated from the curd, gauze is placed in a colander and the contents of the saucepan are poured onto it.

When the whey drains through cheesecloth and a colander into a special vessel, the fabric needs to be thoroughly twisted, and the cheese should be squeezed out and put in a cold place, for example, in the refrigerator for half a day.

In order for the cheese to come out smooth and elastic, you need to put a plate on top of it, press it to the prepared cheese and put pressure on top.

After 12 hours, the delicious food will be ready to eat.

Recipe 8. Homemade cheese from cow's milk (using sourdough)

Milk – 2 l.

Sourdough – 10 drops.

Yogurt – 60 gr.

Place yogurt in milk heated to 30 degrees and mix both components thoroughly. Then add the starter to the milk and yogurt and mix all the products again.

The mixture needs to be stirred a couple of times.

Then the product in gauze needs to be twisted, tied and left overnight. After this time, the cheese will need to be transferred to a brine solution prepared from water, whey and salt.

In a day the cheese will be ready.

Homemade cheese from cow's milk - cooking tricks and useful tips

In order for the cheese not to turn out sour when under pressure, in the summer and when it’s hot, it must be put in the refrigerator.

To make cheese, it is better to choose glassware or enamel containers.

The best way to store cheese is in your own brine.

To prepare the brine, add a glass of salt to a liter of water and whey. It is recommended to keep the cheese in this brine for at least 10 days. But in such a brine, the cheese will turn out to be salty and spicy, and this is not an acquired taste.

To prevent the cheese from spoiling and becoming too salty, you can put it in the refrigerator without soaking and brining and sprinkle it with salt.

You can prepare the starter yourself - clean and rinse the lamb's stomach, dry it, cut it into thin slices. If you use this ingredient correctly, the sourdough will turn out great.

To make the cheese spicy and piquant, you can add additional components to the main ingredients, such as red and black peppers, mushrooms, herbs, paprika, garlic, etc.