What flour is white bread made from? Black bread - composition, beneficial properties, harm and calorie content. Is it possible to add black bread to cutlets?

Every day, more and more new representatives of the chemically and genetically modified food front, in beautiful packaging and with a “unique taste peculiar only to them,” are waging a merciless war with the usual and healthy products nutrition. And they win it by a large margin, while pushing traditional food products to the second, third, fourth and so on plans!

Producers of “food splendor” absolutely do not care about the numerous diseases of ordinary people who eat their unhealthy products every day! If only profits kept growing! And the state, which in theory should protect the health of its citizens, pretends that this problem does not concern it at all...

In order to force the buyer to purchase the latest “advances in food chemistry,” they even invented a special medical psychiatric term - orthorexia, or healthy eating syndrome.

The absurdity of current society is that if a person strives to eat properly and healthy, he immediately, according to the logic of “food psychiatrists,” falls into the category of mentally ill people! The healthiest people then, obviously, should be considered those who, like pigs, eat everything that is not offered, indiscriminately!

Chapter 1 The whole truth about bread and flour products

Bread is the No. 1 product on our table. For many of us, bread has become something like a drug - if there is no bread in the house, it’s a disaster, there’s nothing to eat!
Bread is made from flour, sourdough or yeast and water. In addition, other components are often added to recipes to improve the appearance and taste of the product.
It is a well-known truth that demand generates supply, which is why there is a real abundance of grain on store shelves today. In Russia alone, hundreds and hundreds of tons of bread are baked every day, and the number of its varieties (which, by the way, no one knows for sure!) goes beyond several hundred, and almost every day more and more new bakery products appear, varied in appearance and taste .
. Is bread good for our health, and if so, what kind?
. How much of this product is beneficial for the body, and how much will lead to negative consequences?
. What is better to eat - fresh, steaming bread straight from the oven or yesterday's bread?
. In what cases can bread turn from a friend into our enemy?

“If only I had flour and a sieve, I would be full”

General information about flour
The main component of any bread product is flour. It is produced from various grains, but mainly from wheat and rye, although there is also rice and buckwheat flour. There is coarse and fine flour, and often bran or incompletely ground grains are added to bread. These features determine the main types of bakery products, which can be divided into several categories:
. white bread from premium or first grade flour and, accordingly, the finest grinding;
. black bread from rye flour;
. gray bread made from second-grade flour, often with the addition of rye flour in varying quantities;
. bread with bran, diabetic, with sunflower grains and other cereals;
. buns, bagels, bagels and other sweet or savory baked goods.
Nutrients in flour
Bread is a very important source of vegetable protein for our body, which is more valuable than animal protein and contains many healthy amino acids, and is also the main supplier of plant fiber.
In its original form, each grain contains a whole complex of useful vitamins and minerals - vitamins A, B vitamins, vitamins E and F, selenium, cobalt, copper, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, silicon, manganese, iodine... Most of these substances are contained precisely in the shell of the grain, as well as in its germ.
How does flour lose its value?
Whole grain flour spoils quickly, so in the old days it was ground from grain as needed. Today, in order to increase the shelf life of flour, manufacturers refine it, thereby killing the vitality of the plant.
In the process of modern processing of grain into flour, most of all useful qualities are destroyed, and the most valuable is practically thrown away or used as livestock feed. What remains? Starch, empty calories and only 25-30% of nutrients, and even those lose their activity after some 15-20 days after grinding flour.

Back in the nineteenth century, the founder of agrochemistry, the German scientist Justus Liebig, said: “Separating bran from flour is an unacceptable luxury. This is more harmful than beneficial for human nutrition.”

It is precisely this useless composition that the most expensive premium white wheat flour has, from which white bread, buns, and pasta are baked. Bread baked from second-grade flour, with bran or from non-peeled grains, preserves to a much greater extent beneficial properties.
The paradox and the most important misconception of many people is that white bread is considered the most delicious and beloved. Here everything is exactly the opposite - the more expensive the bread, the more harm it causes. We pay much more for white bread than for other types of bread, while at best we buy a dummy for the body, and at worst we also harm our health. Such bread leads to the formation of mucus in the stomach, becomes a lump in it and slagging the already contaminated human body.

Our ancestors baked bread, muffins, pies, Easter cakes and pancakes from white flour only on major church holidays. On all ordinary days, and especially during Lent, bread was baked only from wholemeal flour!
The finer the flour, the more unhealthy the bread!

And one more disappointing fact about flour: most of the fields where grain crops are grown are surrounded on all sides by highways, and quite often they are adjacent to large industrial enterprises, and all the slags and toxins from the air and exhaust gases of cars are absorbed into the grain. Add to this the pollution of water, soil and chemical fertilizers introduced into it, agents to combat bacteria, and as a result we will grow something completely different from that magic grain, the usefulness of which we can absolutely talk about!

Sourdough and yeast. To make the bread rise

Another component of any bread is yeast. Although in the old days they baked bread only with natural leaven, which is why it was very healthy.
The benefits of natural sourdough
Naturally sourdough bread was very healthy. In addition, bread baked on its basis did not become stale or moldy for a long time, and even 10 or more days after baking it was quite edible. In addition, natural starters not only loosened the bread, but also enriched it with natural biostimulants: special enzymes, vitamins and minerals, due to which such bread was better absorbed by the body.
The simplest bread sourdough is made from raisins (10 medium-sized pieces), water (1 glass) and flour (100-150 g). First, the washed raisins are filled with water and infused for 3 days at room temperature, then pour the infused water into liter jar, add flour, stir, cover the jar with a napkin and place in a warm place for a couple of days. When all the leaven starts to bubble, it is ready. To make bread, you need to take 150 g of this starter for every 0.5 kg of flour.

At long-term storage even on homemade bread a mold film forms, which is nothing more than the penicillin we all know. It is to homemade bread that humanity owes the discovery of this antibiotic by Alexander Fleming in the mid-twentieth century!
People have long been treated with such slightly moldy crusts homemade bread various kinds of infections, boils and boils, instead of a pacifier, after wrapping it in a clean rag, it was given to small children to suck when teething, as well as when there was insufficient amount of mother’s milk.

Harm of thermophilic yeast
Today, bakeries use either alcoholic yeast or so-called thermophilic yeast for baking. This yeast does not have preservative qualities, so bread made with it quickly spoils, becomes stale, and becomes moldy. In order to increase its shelf life, various types of chemical preservatives are added to it, including even antibiotics, but still such bread can be stored for no more than 2-3 days.
In the production of modern yeast, chemical elements are used - ammonium sulfate, phosphates, ammonia, and also genetically modified products. The yeast is treated with bleach, and as an oxidizing agent they use... sulfuric acid! Such yeast quickly and effectively loosens the dough, allowing you to significantly speed up the production time of bread and increase its production, and, accordingly, the profit of manufacturers. However, we can no longer talk about the usefulness of such bread for our health...

Thermophilic yeast was invented and began to be actively used in the USSR for mass baking of bread back in the thirties of the last century.
The famous Russian scientist Mechnikov mistakenly considered them a remedy for old age.
And at the end of the Great Patriotic War, the ideologist of the fascist Third Reich, Dr. Goebbels, said: “Even if Russia does not die in this war, yeast will kill it!” »
This document from the German archives was classified for a long time and only recently became public...

Thermophilic yeasts, or, as they are also called, Saccharomycetes, are created artificially and are not found in living nature. Why are they harmful to the human body?
The thing is that they are much more persistent than the cells of our own body, and when they enter our body, they begin to actively destroy weaker human cells. In addition, they also begin to multiply very actively inside us, grossly disrupting the normal functioning of all human organs and systems. Initially entering the stomach, these killer cells corrode its walls, causing heartburn, and as a result, gastritis and ulcers. They promote the formation of sand and stones in the liver, kidneys, pancreas and gall bladder, and cause dysbiosis in the intestines.

It is a scientifically proven fact that thermophilic yeast leads to an increase in the number of cancer diseases.

Accumulating in the gastrointestinal tract, they significantly reduce the body’s ability to absorb beneficial elements from food and lead to a lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Hence vitamin deficiency, anemia, acid-base imbalance, fragility and fragility of bones, teeth, nails and hair, increased fatigue, headaches.
Absorbed into the blood cells, thermophilic yeast leads to varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, disturbances in the functioning of the heart and lungs, and reduces immunity, mental and nervous activity.

It is the use of thermophilic yeast in the production of modern bread abundance that makes this product, so beneficial for our body, one of the most harmful to health!
By the way, most thermophilic yeast comes to our country from Turkey, where yeast bread is not eaten at all!

Therefore, think twice about whether you should eat bread made with thermophilic yeast.

Water and food additives in bread

The quality of bread depends on water
To a large extent, the usefulness, quality and taste of bread depend on the water used when kneading the dough.
Our great-grandmothers used only clean spring or well water when kneading dough. Today, many bakeries do not bother themselves with finding good water, but use ordinary tap water everywhere, without even bothering to pre-purify it. And we think there is no need to tell anyone about the quality of the water that flows from our taps! Chlorine, salts of heavy metals, various chemical elements that are absorbed into water from the soil and completely rotten pipes cannot benefit our body...

Back at the beginning of the twentieth century, the famous Russian baker Filippov transported bread from Moscow to St. Petersburg, because he believed that the water in St. Petersburg was worse and bread cooked with such water would not have the proper taste!

Additives that spoil bread
What else, besides flour, yeast and water, can be found in a recipe for baking modern baked goods?
In addition to salt, soda, milk and eggs, the quality of which can only be guessed at, various chemical food additives are often added to the recipe.

The chemical leavening agent commonly used in bread production helps make bread fluffy and beautiful, and thereby allows manufacturers to reduce the amount of flour at the same volume. Profits are growing!
However, few people know that such bread, as if inflated from the inside, when entering the body, makes our tissues and organs loose, increases the risk of hypertension and makes people’s faces puffy.

To give the buns a beautiful appearance, dyes are added to them, and the taste is “improved” by adding flavorings and taste improvers of artificial origin.
In addition, homogenized soy is added to baked goods, acetic acid, a special chemical additive that kills potato sticks and much, much more, what does the average buyer of such tasty and fragrant bread doesn't even know!
To sum up the disappointing conclusion, alas, we can say with complete confidence that modern mass production of bakery products in the pursuit of super-profits has turned this most important product on our table into a terrible chemical monster, extremely aggressive and dangerous to the health of every person!

White bread: there is nothing healthy about it!

White bread is useless!
White bread, apart from quickly satisfying hunger and satisfying taste preferences, does not provide any health benefits!
White bread clogs your stomach!
The uselessness of white bread for our body is not its biggest drawback. Very often, eating such bread can cause significant harm to health.
White bread is contraindicated for many diseases:
. getting into the stomach, it starts fermentation processes with the release of a large amount of gases, thereby causing not only discomfort and constipation, but also leading to ulcers and dysbacteriosis;
. more The gluten it contains clogs the stomach and intestines. For this reason, white bread should not be eaten if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially when it is still warm and fresh. Eating it slightly dried or two days after baking, although it reduces the harm from its use, still does not completely eliminate it. By the way, although such not very fresh bread is much easier to digest, in order to avoid food poisoning it should not be stored for more than 3-4 days, and when eating it must be chewed thoroughly.

Many housewives believe that if mold has appeared on the bread, then such a spoiled piece can be cut off and the rest of the bread can be eaten. This is a big misconception!
If mold has appeared, then it has already infected the entire loaf of bread, we just may not notice it. Such bread should be thrown away immediately without regret!
Eating spoiled bread can lead to serious illness. food poisoning, cause diseases of the blood and respiratory organs, and when long-term use lead to cancer.

White bread destroys the body!
. Regular consumption of white bread leads to rapid weight gain extra pounds and causes obesity.
. It increases blood sugar levels, so people suffering from diabetes and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders should exclude it from their diet.
. Very often, the cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus, gastritis and cholecystitis, rheumatism and polyarthritis is the white bread that we eat every day.

Scientific medical studies show that people whose daily diet includes white bread and other foods made from premium flour are three (!) times more likely to develop diabetes than people who do not eat such bread at all!

A large amount of protein in white flour leads to blood thickening and contributes to varicose veins, blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.
. This product can quickly lead you to atherosclerosis and hypertension, cause other cardiovascular diseases or cause their exacerbation.

White bread is the #1 cause of premature tooth decay! It has long been noted that those people who do not eat white bread have healthier teeth and oral cavity than people who eat white bread every day!

Such bread also contributes to the occurrence of various oncological diseases, in particular, prostate adenoma in men and uterine fibroids in women.
. Excessive passion for bakery and pasta made from premium white flour leads to swelling of the birth canal and too early hardening of the fetal head - hence frequent complications during childbirth and the need for a caesarean section.

The bread is gray and black. And there are more benefits, and it lasts longer!

These types of bread are made by mixing wheat and rye flour. In gray bread, the amount of these types of flour is approximately the same, and in black bread their proportion is 1:3 in favor of rye flour. Wallpaper or peeled flour, as well as sifted flour, is used.
The benefits of gray and black bread
Rye bread, unlike white bread, is made not with yeast, but with sourdough, so the dough is loosened naturally, due to alcohols and an acidic environment.
Such bread is much more beneficial for the human body, since it contains a fairly large amount of vitamins, amino acids, macro- and microelements and is considered dietary product nutrition. The increased acidity of gray and black bread protects it from various bacteria, so it can be stored much longer - from 7 to 12 days.
These types of bread promote normal metabolism.
Gray and black bread is useful for:
. various disorders of the endocrine system;
. diabetes mellitus
The harm of gray and black bread
However, despite all its biological value, black and gray bread is slowly absorbed by the body, is quite heavy for the stomach, and also increases the acidity of gastric juice. And the greater the proportion of rye flour, the more these features increase. These facts impose certain restrictions on its consumption in certain diseases.
Gray and black bread is not recommended for:
. various infections and disorders of the stomach and intestines;
. high acidity of gastric juice;
. heartburn;
. gastritis and ulcers;
. diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
In all these cases, you should replace gray and black bread with dried or yesterday's stale white bread, preferably on a yeast-free basis.

Whole grain bread. Not useful for everyone

This bread is made from whole flour, which contains the shells and germs of the grain. This bread is much more valuable for health, as it retains all the unique beneficial qualities of the grain, all vitamins and minerals.
The benefits of whole grain bread
Whole grain bread is good for:
. stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract (it contains a lot of B vitamins);
. cleansing the intestines of mucus;
. prevention of diseases of the digestive system;
. increasing immunity (since it retains all the vitamins and minerals found in the grain).
Its structure is coarser than white bread, it has inclusions of brown or yellow grains, a rough and uneven crust.

But still, for all its health benefits, whole grain bread also has a number of contraindications for use in certain diseases, since it increases the acidity of gastric juice.
Whole grain bread is contraindicated for:
. increased acidity of gastric juice;
. acute gastritis;
. stomach ulcer;
. enteritis;
. pancreatitis;
. cholecystitis;
. adhesions in the intestines.

Bread with bran. The undisputed leader in health

Bran is the outer shell of the grain, its husk.

The benefits of bran bread
Most healthy bread- this is one in which the bran content reaches 30 percent or more. Bran bread quickly fills the stomach and makes us feel full.
Paradox! Although such bread is extremely valuable for the body, it, alas, is not in mass demand for one simple reason - it is not as tasty as, for example, white bread. We, as always, step on the same rake - in pursuit of taste sensations we forget about our health!
Bran has a cleansing effect on the body, lowers blood sugar levels, and in addition, contains nicotinic acid, which has a preventive and therapeutic effect on blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract, so this bread is useful for a number of diseases.
Bran bread is useful for:
. prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis (contains B vitamins);
. cleansing the body of mucus, waste and toxins;
. increased blood sugar levels (due to the nicotinic acid it contains);
. obesity (it is low-calorie);
. coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases (B vitamins);
. bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases;
. hepatitis (contains vitamin B1);
. cholelithiasis;
. urolithiasis;
. chronic constipation (has a mild laxative effect);
. diabetes mellitus (it is low in carbohydrates, but high in B vitamins and vitamin PP);
. metabolic diseases.
By the way, bran can be added not only to bread, but also to cereals, soups, fish and meat dishes - from this nutritional value these dishes will only increase in number! You can also prepare a decoction from bran - by frying it in the oven and pouring boiling water over it, this decoction is a natural healing vitamin cocktail.
The dangers of whole grain bread
The sharp edges of bran can damage the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, so in some diseases such bread can be harmful.
Bread with bran is contraindicated for:
. hemorrhoids;
. colitis;
. stomach ulcers;
. exacerbations of gastric diseases.

Some useful tips on how to choose and eat bread correctly.
. When purchasing this or that type of bread, pay attention to the fact that it is smooth, has no cracks and has a natural color.
. There should be no black soot on the bread, which contains a huge amount of carcinogens.
. Take the time to find out the deadline for sale, composition and manufacturer of the bread.
. If you bought bread poor quality, try not to purchase bread from this manufacturer in the future.
. Do not eat bread that is moldy, has an unpleasant odor, or is poorly baked.
. Don't buy bread for future use.
. The crust of bread is much healthier than its crumb.
. Do not eat white bread with fatty foods (lard, fish, seafood, broths), giving preference to black bread in such cases.
. It is better to eat potatoes and meat without bread at all.
. Vegetables and vegetable dishes go well with any bread.
. Yesterday's stale bread is healthier than today's warm and fresh bread.

Black bread– a popular and sought-after type of baked goods, which today is often found on the daily menu. This product, as a rule, has a ruddy shiny surface, an elastic crumb and a rich dark brown color (see photo). The taste and aroma of such baked goods may vary depending on the ingredients added to it, but usually it has a sour taste and a spicy aroma.

Rye flour made from unrefined rye grains is used as the basis for the production of delicious black bread. This product also contains water and salt. Many manufacturers supplement this list of ingredients with various spices, thanks to which the taste characteristics of baked goods are incomparable.

Black bread is otherwise called rye bread. Depending on the base used, it is divided into four main varieties:

  • from sifted flour - to prepare this baked product, the most delicate grayish-white flour is used, cleared of particles of the grain shell and other pieces of grain;
  • from wallpaper flour - in this case, bread is made practically from whole grain rye flour, that is, from coarse flour, which has a darker shade;
  • from peeled flour - this type of bread product is made from grayish-white flour, which contains almost no grain shells;
  • from special flour - baked goods are prepared on the basis of unsown ground rye grains.

In addition, there is also rye and custard black bread (improved variety). The most famous rye product is Borodino bread product. Its classic recipe has not changed since the nineteenth century and is passed down from generation to generation.

Selection and storage

Today there are many companies producing rye bread, and each provides a huge selection of bread products for every taste. In addition to the fact that such a product is baked from different types of rye flour, various additives can be added to it, for example, raisins, bran, garlic or various dried fruits. This bread is also baked in different forms. It happens:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • in the form of a loaf (wide, long).

In addition, not only whole bread products, but also sliced ​​ones are often found on sale. Moreover, it can be sold both in sealed packaging and without it.

To choose a high-quality loaf of black bread, you should evaluate it visually before purchasing. The product must be uniformly baked; burnt and uncooked areas are not allowed. When choosing this product, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • real rye bread has a very pleasant rich aroma; if there is no smell at all, it means that the baking technology has been violated;
  • fresh bread has a texture that is both soft and dense;
  • if there is still warm bread on the counters, you can be almost completely sure of its freshness;
  • the crumb of a high-quality rye product always has a loose and soft texture, and when you press it, the dent quickly evens out;
  • The best bread is considered to be made from wallpaper flour; such a product, as a rule, has a dark brown tint;
  • If you carefully monitor your health, then choose those baked goods that contain such healthy natural ingredients as sunflower seeds, oats, pumpkin and carrots.
  • in the event that bakery product sold in hermetically sealed packaging, read the product label; the manufacturer must indicate the composition and date of sale of rye products.

In the table below we will describe everything technical requirements, which, according to the current GOST, bread made from rye flour must comply with.

Rye bread should be stored separately from wheat baked goods. The storage location can be either a bread bin or a refrigerator. In both cases, the shelf life of the product is three days. Some housewives prefer to store bread frozen. This option is also allowed, but provided that you use a freezer with dry freezing.

How is it different from wheat bread?

Today, many people are concerned with the question of how black bread differs from wheat bread, because both types of baked goods are equally popular and are often found in the everyday menu. Based on the second name of black bread (rye), it is not difficult to guess that these two baked goods primarily differ in composition. The main component of a wheat product is wheat flour, while rye flour is used to produce a rye product. It is for this reason that the two bread varieties have different characteristics. Black bread product has a rich brown color and a sour taste. Wheat bread, also called white, has a straw hue and a slightly sweet taste.

The difference between these two types of baked goods lies in the chemical composition. Brown bread is many times healthier than wheat bread, and it is also lower in calories, which is why it is often found in diet menus. Unlike white baked goods, rye products do not gain weight with regular consumption.

Black and wheat bread are completely different products that differ in appearance, taste, calorie content and nutrients.

Use of black bread

No matter how strange it may sound, you can talk about the use of black bread for a very long time. This product, simple at first glance, can perform many functions, not only in the culinary field, as many believe, but also in medicine and cosmetology. There are many folk recipes with this bakery product, but we will talk about them in the sections relevant to the topic.

In cooking

In cooking, rye bread can be used in different ways. You can simply eat it as a bite with already ready meals, as many do. Also, such pastries can be used as a basis for cooking quick sandwiches and delicious fried toast for breakfast. However, experienced chefs have found a more worthy use for such bread in the culinary field. It is often added to cutlets as an additional ingredient, which gives the products fluffiness and juiciness. Also, these baked goods can be a component original sauces and drinks. In the latter case, bread is an integral part homemade kvass and beer.

Very often from of this product Crackers are prepared, both regular and with the addition of spices. Many people prefer to dry such bread in the oven, since it can easily achieve the desired texture of crackers. Dried bread has many uses. It is added to ready-made first courses, to many salads, and also to some juicy snacks.

It is noteworthy that the preparation of most dishes requires yesterday's rye bread, which is often simply disposed of.

In folk medicine

It is probably news to many that black bread is used very widely in folk medicine. One way or another, in this area it is useful both on its own and in combination with other medicinal ingredients. In the table below we will tell you how and in what cases it is recommended to use valuable baked goods made from rye flour, and also share the simplest healing recipes.


for stomach problems (diarrhea, food poisoning)

In this case, you need to prepare an infusion of black bread. To do this, you first need to put a frying pan on the fire and melt butter(1 tsp). Then you need to fry a small slice of baked goods on it. After this, place the fried ingredient in a deep plate, cool and pour a glass of water. After thirty minutes, strain the liquid and drink in one go. This procedure must be carried out three times a day until healing.

for sore throat

A piece rye bread dip into boiling milk, then cool the soaked bread product and eat. Do this three times a day.

for skin inflammations

Chop a slice of black bread into crumbs and mix with honey and water (1 tsp each). You should get a mass of thick consistency. Apply it to the affected areas twice a day for fifteen minutes.

Some sources say that such bread can even relieve headaches. To do this, you just need to break off two small pieces from it and apply it to your temples.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, such a bakery product also performs many functions. It began to be used as a cosmetic product in Ancient Rus'. This product was used to care for skin and hair. Today there are many times more such products that are easy to prepare with your own hands. We recommend that you start taking care of yourself right now using the recipes given in the table below.


skin whitening mask

Mash one slice of black bread with a fork and pour boiling milk over it. When the mixture increases in volume, add chopped horseradish root (0.5 tsp), as well as honey (1 tsp) and soft curd mass(1 tbsp.) Mix the composition thoroughly, apply to the skin, and after five minutes, rinse with warm milk and green tea.

moisturizing face mask

Fill rye flour bread (100 g) completely with nettle infusion. After fifteen minutes, mash the mixture and add freshly squeezed tomato juice(2 tbsp.) Apply the resulting mass to your face, and after twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

hair growth and hair loss product

Pour boiling water over two hundred and fifty grams of rye baked goods and leave for ninety minutes. After this, strain the liquid and rub into the scalp. After applying the product, cover your hair with a plastic bag and a warm towel. After forty minutes, rinse your curls with water and wash thoroughly with shampoo. This manipulation should be carried out twice a week for two months.

mask for thin and weak hair

Fill the crushed black bread (250 g) completely with whey and leave for three hours at room temperature to infuse. Then pass the infusion through a sieve and combine with castor oil (1 tbsp) and melted honey (1 tsp). Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, and after sixty minutes, rinse with a herbal decoction.

In addition, due to its low calorie content, bread diets for weight loss are often developed based on this product. There are even ones that only include bread and water..

How to bake black bread at home?

You can bake delicious and soft black bread at home either in a special bread maker or in the oven. The method of preparation in this case practically does not matter, the main thing is to make the dough for this baking correctly. Below we will share great recipe yeast-free rye bread with sourdough, which you can either buy in a ready-made form in the store or prepare it yourself.

To prepare a delicious baked product at home, you need to take two types of flour: rye and wheat (300 g each). Sift and mix the ingredients, then add warm water (500 ml) and add rye sourdough (4 tbsp.), as well as salt (1 tbsp.). Then add sunflower seeds (8 g) into the mixture and mix everything thoroughly. The dough should be smooth and at the same time sticky. It is recommended to knead it with a spoon. If necessary, add a little flour or water to the mixture depending on the texture of the dough. Next, place the workpiece in a baking dish, previously lined parchment paper, cover tightly with cling film and leave at room temperature for four to six hours. During this time, the mass will double in volume. When the dough has risen, sprinkle it with vegetable oil, sprinkle with sunflower seeds and place in the oven, which is preheated to two hundred and forty degrees. At this temperature, the bread should be baked for ten minutes, after which the oven heating should be reduced to two hundred degrees and the baked product should be cooked for one hour and thirty minutes.

Secrets of making black bread using sourdough:

  • do not try to make the dough too thick, otherwise during the baking process cracks will form on it, as a result of which the product will begin to crumble;
  • When the dough is placed in a baking dish, press it down lightly so that all the bubbles in the mass burst;
  • the dough infusion time can vary depending on the air temperature; in the summer, the dough rises faster, and in the autumn and winter – more slowly;
  • bake one like this delicious bread it is possible even when there is no parchment, in this case you only need to thoroughly grease the mold with oil;
  • It is recommended to cut the baked bread product only after it has completely cooled, since when hot it has a too moist and sticky texture.

It is noteworthy that the bread dough prepared according to this recipe can be baked not only in the oven. It can also be cooked in a slow cooker, bread maker, or even in the microwave. The main thing is to choose the right mode. For example, in a multicooker it is better to bake black bread on the “Yoghurt” program. It is not recommended to bake the product at high temperatures, as the starter added to it will not perform its functions. We recommend watching the video below, which tells in more detail about baking homemade black bread.

If desired, the cooked bread can be brushed with garlic mixture. This way, the baked goods will look much more attractive, and they will also acquire an incredibly appetizing aroma.

Benefits, harms and contraindications

The benefits of natural black bread are undeniable. It contains many useful substances, among which vitamins (A, B, PP, H, E) and minerals (Zn, Cu, I, Fe, Mn, F and others) predominate. This baked product also contains carbohydrates, proteins and a small amount of fat.

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, rye bread has many beneficial properties:

  • cleanses the body of harmful substances;
  • regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • effectively helps with diarrhea and constipation;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • restores the nervous system;
  • reduces the risk of developing gallstone disease.

Due to the fact that this type of bread is rich in minerals, it is incredibly useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers. This pastry is of particular value for those losing weight, as it helps speed up metabolism. This bakery product is also recommended to be consumed regularly for diabetes and gout.

Despite its rich vitamin and mineral composition, in some cases rye bread can be harmful to human health. For intestinal diseases, as well as stomach ulcers, it is recommended to consume no more than one hundred and fifty grams of this pastry per day.

In addition, such baking has contraindications, which every fan of rye bread should be aware of.

  • This product is very harmful for gastritis with high acidity, so if you have such a disease, this baked product is contraindicated.
  • It is strictly forbidden to consume such baked goods if you are allergic to gluten.

Black bread is a real “royal” product that has a lot of advantages. It is very difficult to resist such a rye product, because it has a really pleasant aroma and taste.

Bread is a food product without which it is difficult to imagine eating. The value of bread is determined, as a rule, not only by its calorie content and content of vitamins and minerals, but also by its aroma, appearance and, of course, taste. Different people prefer different types of bread, each with individual benefits. The article describes what different types of bread are made from and what the compositional features of individual varieties are.

Rye or black bread

Black bread has won consumer recognition not only due to its excellent taste, but also for its health benefits. This variety is usually prepared from seeded, peeled or wallpaper rye flour. Sifted flour is white, with a uniform particle size, peeled flour is grayish in color, and the bran in it is clearly visible, while wallpaper flour is brown in color and has a non-uniform particle size.

Regular rye bread looks like this: dark crust and sticky crumb. Rye bread is not as fluffy and soft as other varieties because it has a less porous structure. The main ingredient in black bread is coarse rye flour, that is, the flour is ground together with the husk. Therefore, it retains many of the nutrients that are lost when making white bread.

The rough structure of black bread helps cleanse the body of toxins, which helps get rid of extra pounds. The low calorie content of this type is due to the lower starch content in it. Often added to rye bread

  • sugar;
  • malt;
  • molasses;
  • spices (for example, coriander and cumin add a specific aroma and taste).

It is believed that black bread can cure up to 60 different diseases. Chemical composition This type of bread looks like this:

  • water - 47%;
  • starch and dextrins - 33%;
  • proteins - 6.6%;
  • fats - 1.2%.

Darnitsky bread

Darnitsa bread is recommended to increase appetite; in addition, like black bread, it has great benefits for the body. The use of this variety is recommended for atherosclerosis. The color of Darnitsa bread usually ranges from light brown to dark.

The composition of Darnitsa bread includes rye (60%) and wheat flour 40%), as well as table salt, water and yeast. The quality of this type of bread can be checked by pressing on the crumb: after pressing, it should return to its original shape.

Wheat bread

Wheat bread contains wheat flour. This may be first, second or highest grade. This type has loose porosity; after baking, the bread turns out fresh and pale. This is due to the fact that fermentation occurs at a relatively low temperature.

The following is also added to the composition of white bread, which is called improved:

  • sugar;
  • fats in the form vegetable oil, cow butter or margarine;
  • various protein fortifiers (for example, dry protein mixture and whey).

Among the most common varieties of white bread are various loaves, rolls, rolls and saiki with the addition of some ingredients that give them a specific taste. The chemical composition of this type of bread contains approximately:

  • water - 37.7%;
  • starch and dextrins - 47%;
  • proteins - 7.9%
  • fat - 1%.

White bread is baked from white wheat flour, and black bread is made from dark gray rye flour.

Wheat and rye can rightfully be considered the main breadwinners for humans. During excavations in Iran and Turkey, grains of wheat that grew in 65-50 were found. B.C. Ancient ears of wheat were found on the territory of Armenia, Crimea, and the Balkan Peninsula. The grains of ancient wheat were tightly wrapped in scales and were knocked out with great difficulty.

Over thousands of years, selection has produced modern wheat varieties. The most productive wheat is soft, or summer. In addition, it threshes easily. There are already more than 400 varieties of it, but scientists are still working to improve its properties. Only durum wheat and obese wheat, which has branched ears, belong to durum wheat. They are called hard because of the glassy endosperm of the grains, rich in proteins. It is from durum wheat that the best varieties of bread and pasta are made. The grains easily fall out of their ears. Scientists have developed varieties of wheat with short and thick stems so that it does not lie down during harvesting.

Rye has been known since the Bronze Age. They began to sow it because in the northern regions wheat died faster, and rye, which was its weed, turned out to be more resistant to cold. Scientists crossed wheat and rye and got their hybrid - tricycle.

Cereals are divided into spring and winter. Winter rye and wheat are sown in late summer or autumn and harvested the following year. Winter grains produce a large harvest, since their roots and leaves are better developed and they use moisture better. But they suffer from severe frosts and ice crust. Where winters are especially harsh, winter crops are not sown. Spring varieties are sown in the spring and receive a grain harvest in the fall. The first winter leaves appear a week after sowing. After 10-20 days, the plant begins to develop its first side shoots and nodal roots - this is tillering. Side shoots form only at the base of the stem. The stem grows and develops for another two weeks. Then an inflorescence-spike appears at the top of the stem. The fruit is called a caryopsis. Its thin pericarp adheres very tightly to the seed coat, so it is difficult to shake the grain out of the ear. Most of the grain is occupied by the endosperm, which contains proteins, carbohydrates, starch and other nutrients.

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