Quick pancakes with milk recipe. How to make quick pancakes - simple but delicious recipes. Pancakes without eggs

Delicious pancakes are not difficult to prepare. Anyone can cope with this task, no matter how experienced you are in the kitchen.

Baking pancakes quickly, so that they look fantastic and taste magical is a very real task.

Just think how happy your loved ones will be when they see a stack of rosy and hot pancakes smeared with butter on the table. I advise you to bake it too quick pancakes, serve with sour cream.

It will be great start your day. In fact, this is not a single way of serving a dish. You can bake stuffed pancakes quickly and tasty, serve them in the form of rolls or snack bags.

Experienced chefs can use their skills to prepare a complex pie or an incomparable casserole, a cake based on liver pancakes and many other interesting dishes.

Secrets of the dish's popularity

Pancake recipe at a quick fix is very popular. This is due to the fact that you don’t need a lot of ingredients to prepare the dish.

All combinations are easy to combine, and therefore your table will soon be decorated with a delicious pile of thin tall pancakes or openwork flatbreads.

These can be dietary kefir treats, which are not only healthy and tasty, but also a favorite dish of gourmets.

In this article I will try to give a complete answer to the question: how to cook pancakes quickly and tasty. I supplement each recipe with a photo and give tips that will be useful to you in baking the dish.

Varieties of pancakes

Today there is a large assortment of pancakes. They are divided into types.

But it is often customary to use a couple of classifications, which are divided according to the amount of flour and liquid used, paying attention to the type of cooking and technology, and the method of serving.

Before I tell you how to quickly bake pancakes, I suggest you find out the types of dough.

Types of dough

As many housewives are faced with baking pancakes, there are just as many recipes. Mixing pancake dough is not at all difficult. It can be different in color, consistency, and types.

Depending on the type of flour used, they make semolina, buckwheat, rye, wheat or combined dough. You need to work with each of them carefully, following all the instructions in the recipe.

Taking into account the liquid used, there are such types of pancake dough: kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, whey, gas water, lean, etc.

There is another type, which is determined by the technology of cooking pancakes:

  1. Simple. In this case, the components are mixed and the dough is beaten using a whisk or mixer.
  2. Yeast. The recipe calls for dough. She will have to rise several times. The pancakes are tender, fluffy, porous. They absorb sauces and oils perfectly.
  3. Custard. You need to pour boiling water into the dough, and the recipe may also indicate the use of soda. The delicacy turns out tender. Often, the recipe calls for the use of plain water, milk or kefir.
  4. With heat. In this case, you need to put chopped meat, vegetables, etc. in the filling. The cook places the bake on the surface of the frying pan, and therefore forms a pancake from the dough. They take a little longer to fry than regular flatbreads.

Considering the way you eat pancakes, you can also divide the treat into types. But in reality, you should rely on your imagination here.

The most popular types are:

  1. Addition to pancakes. You need to dip the treat in sour cream, honey, jam, preserves, and sauces.
  2. Stuffed pancakes. It can be either salty or sweet filling.
  3. Pies and cakes based on pancakes. The finished flatbreads should be placed in a stack, coated with filling. Then you can sprinkle the dish with cheese and put it in the oven until it is completely dissolved. When baking cakes, you need to grease the surface of the pancakes with condensed milk or cream. For decoration, use nuts and dried fruits, grated chocolate.
  4. Snack bags. You can tie the surface of the pancake with a thread from suluguni.

In fact, the more delicate and delicate your pancakes are, the more your family will like them. The housewife should be more careful so that the pancakes do not burn.

You need to turn them over carefully so as not to burn your hands. If you don’t succeed in baking pancakes the first time, don’t be upset.

Start cooking only in a good mood, then your pancakes will energize your loved ones and delight the eyes.

And now it’s time to find out how to quickly prepare pancakes using the recipes presented below.

Original crepes - recipe for French pancakes

These pancakes are easy to bake. They turn out very thin. In the dough you need to use buckwheat and wheat flour. It should be noted that original recipe involves the use of chestnut flour.

You won’t find such an ingredient in our country, so I indicated the use of wheat flour. These will be thin, almost transparent pancakes that look very beautiful.

Look at the photo in person, making sure that these are not simple words. It contains a lot of chicken. eggs and cream.

Components: 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 50 gr. sah. powders; 20 gr. sl. oils; salt; 120 gr. psh. flour; ½ l cream (minimum 20%).

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Sl. I melt the butter. I'm whipping chickens. eggs, but not until foam appears.
  2. I pour the chicken into the bowl. eggs, salt, cream. I add flour and sugar. powder, salt. I knead.
  3. I pour in the words. oil. I stir again. It is important that the mass becomes homogeneous, then the pancakes will look great.
  4. I heat the frying pan, grease the surface of the griddle with a brush. oil I pour a little dough onto the bottom and spread it over the entire surface. The pancakes will need to fry for about a minute on each side.

My advice to you: serve French homemade pancakes by placing them on beautiful dishes. Pour syrup over the treat; it is better to warm it up in advance.

All gourmets will be delighted with crepes; your pancakes on the holiday table will certainly not go unnoticed.

Pannekoken - Dutch quick pancakes

Every tourist is obliged to eat a stuffed Dutch pancake when in Amsterdam. You don’t need to go on a long journey just to taste this treat.

To do this, just purchase the necessary components and start preparing pannekoken right in your home kitchen. The result should not disappoint you. They need to be filled with different fillings, it can be either meat or nuts.

Components: 200 gr. buckwheat flour; 4 pcs. chickens eggs; 0.5 l of milk; 70 gr. Sahara; 20 gr. sl. oils; 2 tbsp. peanut. oils; salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I add flour and make a hole in the mound at the very top. I pour the chickens in there. eggs. I stir with a whisk. I add sugar and arach. oil.
  2. I beat with a whisk and pour in the slurry. oil. I stir the dough, it should be liquid.
  3. I grease the pan using a minimal amount of vegetable oil. fat I pour the dough into the pan and spread it over the surface. I fry pancakes as usual.

Now you know how to quickly cook pancakes in accordance with Dutch culinary traditions. I advise you to choose a filling that suits your taste.

Place it on top of the pancake; you don’t even need to roll it up. This is how the pancakes should be served.

Pancakes - American-style pancakes in a hurry

This method of cooking came to us from the cuisine of the United States of America. We must admit that pancakes are very popular in our country.

Pancakes in this case will look a little like pancakes. It’s very easy to even make a tall cake out of them by greasing the pancakes with aroma. oil Maple syrup is excellent for this purpose.

Many Americans cannot imagine their breakfast without such pancakes, and therefore I propose to follow them this time and bake delicious and quick pancakes at home.

Ingredients: 0.5 l cream or full fat milk; 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 0.5 kg flour; 5 tsp Sahara; 3 tsp baking powder.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I'm whipping chickens. eggs and milk.
  2. I add all the dry ingredients to the resulting mixture. I stir. The dough should rest for about 60 minutes.
  3. I stir the dough, it should not be too thick. It should look like a thick sour cream mass.

Pancakes need to be baked in a hot frying pan. Lubricate it. oil only 1 time.

You need to adjust the dough with a spoon, making several pancakes on the surface at once. Each pancake needs to be fried until its side is golden brown.

The method is easy, it is completely uncomplicated, and therefore even beginners in the kitchen can cope with this task.

Serve pancakes to the table, be sure to complement them with something tasty. Even condensed milk will come in handy in this case.

Indian dosa - traditional pancakes

A unique dish in our country. Traditional in Singapore, India and Malaysia. Such pancakes became a substitute for bread for the local population. The pancakes turn out thin.

They use rice and lentil flour. The filling should be spices.

You can bake Indian pancakes at home without any problems, just be prepared that it will take time. The dough will need to be left overnight.

Components: 300 gr. white rice and chopped white lentils; 0.5 tsp Sahara; 2 tsp salt; 2 pods of hot pepper.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I pour water over the rice and lentils. I leave it for 8 hours. I grind the grains in a blender. I add a little water. Season the liquid pulp with sugar, salt and pepper.
  2. I let the dough sit in a warm place for about 12 hours. The process itself is very easy, only the technology forces you to wait a long time for the dough to arrive.
  3. I grease the hot frying pan. oil I place the dough in the center of the dish and spread it around.

Pancakes require skill, but you will learn how to bake them in a short time. Each pancake takes 2 minutes. You only need to fry on one side, but if you want, you can bake on the other.

The filling must be done in accordance with Indian traditions. This is a puree of potatoes, grated ginger and coconut flakes. You need to add cumin seeds and mustard to the mixture.

Of course, pancakes can be filled with other fillings. Rely only on your taste and then you will definitely be satisfied.

This dish will be a real discovery for your guests. Feel free to serve the pancakes warm. And don’t forget to give recipes to everyone who asks for them.

These pancakes will be an excellent addition to breakfast, a special event or a buffet. And all connoisseurs of exotic dishes will be delighted.

It is for this reason that I advise everyone to prepare them at home, without being afraid of the long kneading of the dough.

You can also prepare traditional pancakes; you will also find recipes for them on the blog. It is best to prepare pancakes with the children so that they also participate in this process. Just make sure that the finished treat doesn’t fly away too quickly.

Quick pancakes

Components: 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 500 ml milk; 200 gr. flour; 1 tbsp. Sahara; 0.5 tsp each salt and soda; vinegar; 2 tbsp. rast. oils

Cooking algorithm:

  1. First of all, I whip up the chickens. eggs. For these purposes I use a simple whisk. I add salt and sugar to the mixture. I mix well.
  2. I introduce the milk, having pre-heated it. I knead. I add flour and soda. There should be no lumps. This is a very important point that should not be neglected if you want to get a good result.
  3. I pour in the plant. oil. I stir again.
  4. I only use a hot frying pan. It must be lubricated. oil If you want, you can use sl. oil.
  5. I fry the dough on both sides. I make sure that the mass does not stick. I turn it over with a spatula, carefully so as not to burn my fingers. I fry the second side for a couple of minutes.
  6. I smear the finished pancake with a small amount of slurry. oils I do the same with each pancake. I put them in one big pile. I bring it to the table.

You can brew strong coffee or aromatic tea for your treat. Here you should rely on your own taste. It will be very tasty to eat the treat with a warm glass of milk.

This concludes my article. I hope you have learned new information from it and are ready to conquer new culinary heights. Don’t forget to visit my site often so you don’t miss anything interesting.

My video recipe

Good afternoon everyone! Today, together with you, we will prepare pancakes with milk - thin, with holes, with a crispy edge. It's simple, quick and very, very tasty.

Preparing pancakes for Maslenitsa. Each housewife has her own pancake recipe. If we want thin pancakes, then they are prepared without yeast. Yeast dough is perfect for filled pancakes and we will definitely consider it in our recipes.

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for making pancakes, and we will focus on the most delicious and simple recipes. Maybe you have a preference, then I advise you to look into this section or pancakes on


How to cook thin pancakes with holes in milk

These thin pancakes with holes are a pleasure to cook. The most important thing is that they turn over well and do not stick to the pan.


  • milk 3 cups
  • flour - 1.5 cups
  • egg -3 pcs
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 3 tbsp. l


1. Break 3 eggs into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar and salt. Beat the mixture with a whisk.

2. Add half of the total milk according to the recipe to the egg mixture and stir well.

3. Add flour to the egg and milk mixture. Sift the flour first.

4. Stir the mixture well with a whisk so that there are no lumps.

5. Add the second half of the remaining milk and vegetable oil. Mix the mixture well with a whisk again.

The mixture for baking pancakes should be liquid, not thick in consistency like 20% cream.

6. We begin to fry pancakes. Heat the pan well. Lubricate the surface vegetable oil using a silicone brush.

Pour the dough into the center of the pan.

7. To distribute the dough over the entire surface of the pan, rotate the pan in a circle by turning the handle.

8. Fry the pancakes on both sides until browned

9. You can serve pancakes either hot or cold according to your taste.

Bon appetit!

Classic recipe for pancakes with milk


  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Milk - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml


  1. In a deep bowl, whisk the egg yolks with sugar and salt.
  2. Pour milk and water into the egg mixture in a thin stream.
  3. Add vegetable oil and stir.
  4. Add flour to the milk-egg mixture in small portions, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.
  5. Beat the egg whites, add to the dough and mix.
  6. Our dough is ready for baking pancakes. The dough should not be thick, but appearance should be like cream.
  7. Heat the frying pan well and grease its surface with vegetable oil.
  8. Pour the dough into the center of the pan, twist it so that the dough spreads in an even, thin layer over the entire surface of the pan.
  9. Fry the pancakes for 1 minute on both sides.
  10. Our pancake is ready. Fast and tasty.
  11. You can serve these pancakes with aromatic hot tea, with various types fillings: with condensed milk, honey, jam or sour cream to your taste.

Bon appetit!

A simple recipe for delicious pancakes with milk

If you want to learn how to cook delicious pancakes, be patient and start cooking with us with a simple recipe.


  • Premium flour - 2 cups
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Milk (can be slightly sour) - 0.5 liters
  • Sugar -1 tbsp
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l


1. Break 3 eggs into a deep bowl, add salt and sugar and mix everything well until smooth.

2. Gradually add flour to the eggs, 1 tablespoon at a time, and stir immediately. You should get a thick, homogeneous mass.

It is advisable to sift the flour for pancakes with milk, then they will be tender and without lumps.

3. Milk should be slightly warmed and poured in a small stream into a homogeneous mass, remembering to stir constantly and well so that lumps do not form.

4. Be sure to add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the resulting mixture. Our pancake mixture is ready.

5. We begin to fry pancakes. Heat the frying pan, then grease its surface with oil and pour the dough into the frying pan with a ladle. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

6. Serve with hot tea and jam.

Video recipe for making openwork pancakes

The video shows a recipe for beautiful openwork designer pancakes.

Thin pancakes for 1 liter of milk with soda

  • milk - 1 liter
  • flour - 270 gr
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • flour - 270 gr
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l
  • salt - on the tip of a teaspoon
  • baking soda - half a teaspoon
  • butter (optional) - grease pancakes


1.Pour 1 liter of milk into a saucepan and heat until warm. In cold milk, with this recipe, pancakes will stick to the pan, and in hot condition, eggs can boil.

2. Break 2 eggs into a deep bowl.

3. Add sugar, salt and soda to the eggs according to the finished recipe.

Adding soda will give the pancakes beautiful holes.

4. Mix eggs with spices.

5. Add 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix everything well.

6. Pour 300 ml of warm milk into the bowl in a thin stream and stir.

7. Then add flour in small portions and mix thoroughly until smooth and without lumps.

8. Pour the remaining warm milk into the resulting homogeneous mass and mix.

Ready dough for pancakes it should not be thick like cream.

9. To ensure that the dough is homogeneous, and also spreads well in the pan and does not tear, for this reason we leave it to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.

After 30 minutes, mix the dough well again and you can start frying the pancakes.

10. Heat the frying pan over high heat, grease with vegetable oil.

11. Pour the dough into the central part of the frying pan and, with a rotational motion, distribute the dough over the entire surface of the frying pan.

12. We see that the edge of the pancake has browned and holes have appeared.

13. Turn the pancake over to the other side by prying it slightly with a knife or spatula. We are waiting for the other side to brown.

14. Remove the finished pancake from the pan and place it on a plate. If desired, you can brush it with butter while it is hot.

Be sure to taste the first pancake.

15. Periodically grease the pan.

16. We got such beautiful pancakes with holes thanks to soda.

17. Our milk pancakes are delicious and thin, ready.

Bon appetit!

Yeast pancake recipe

Let's get acquainted and bake real Russian yeast pancakes. The pancakes turn out tall, plump, and have a hole in them. Real sunshine - rosy, round and very tasty.

For these pancakes, we will need time to set the dough and stir several times. What is Maslenitsa without real yeast pancakes? We will definitely bake them.


  • flour -400 gr
  • milk - 650 ml
  • eggs -2 pcs
  • butter - 50-100 g
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • fresh yeast - 20 g


1. Prepare the dough. For the dough, take half of all the required milk. The dough can be brewed with water or a mixture of milk and water.

The milk should be warm, but not hot.

2. Put the yeast in the milk, but do not stir it immediately, leave it for 5-7 minutes so that the yeast is saturated with moisture, and then stir it gently. The yeast should be completely dissolved.

3. Add a pinch of sugar to activate the fermentation process.

4. Then gradually stir in the flour until the consistency of a thin dough. Approximately to the consistency of sour cream or thin porridge. Stir well, if in flour mixture There will be lumps left, no problem, since this is quite acceptable at the sponge stage.

5. Stir well; if there are lumps left in the flour mixture, it’s okay, since this is quite acceptable at the dough stage.

6. Sprinkle the dough with a little flour.

7. Cover the dough with film and leave it warm for 1 - 1.5 hours. During this time, the dough should rise and double in volume. The dough must be fermented until it begins to fall off.

8. Stir the suitable dough. The dough turns out airy and porous.

9. Dissolve salt and sugar in the remaining milk according to the recipe.

10. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. We put the yolks into the dough, and put the whites aside for now; we will introduce them into the dough as the very last thing before baking the pancakes.

11. Pour in the melted butter and stir everything well.

Greetings, our dear readers. Very soon, a wonderful holiday is coming - Maslenitsa. This means that winter is ending and you need to eat pancakes. Everyone probably bakes them on this holiday. But we definitely do them, and not necessarily on holidays, but even just because. So we’ll look at recipes for quick pancakes.

You never know what can happen to us and here, but it happens that you want pancakes, but there is little time. Or maybe you want to please the kids for breakfast, and again you don’t have much time. You can get out of it - go buy semi-finished products, and just fry them in the morning.

Ha, but this is not about us. To be honest, I don’t like store-bought pancakes. Yes, sometimes we buy them, but this is a very rare case. Homemade pancakes are the best. Today we will tell you very simple and quick recipes pancakes

Get ready - at the very end you will find a mega simple and very quick recipe for quick pancakes. And also a couple of tips, stay with us and we’ll get started.

It takes minimal time, nothing complicated. We just mix and cook everything, and when the kids wake up, they will be delighted with the delicious pancakes.

We will need:

  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Butter for frying.

Step 1.

Beat the eggs into a deep bowl, immediately add sugar, salt and milk. Beat everything with a whisk or mixer.

Step 2.

Add vegetable oil and mix.

Step 3.

Now add flour with heaped spoons. Do not add everything at once, but in portions and stir constantly so that lumps do not form.

Step 4.

We leave it on the table, and in the meantime, heat up the stove and set the frying pan to heat up. We will fry in butter, this will make the pancakes tastier and acquire a delicate creamy taste. Melt a small piece in a frying pan.

Step 5.

Now fry the pancakes as usual, pour a ladle into the center of the pan and distribute the dough in a circular motion over the surface.

Fry on both sides. Then you can serve it for breakfast with sour cream or condensed milk.

Quick pancakes with kefir.

Sometimes it happens that there is no milk in the refrigerator, or it has turned sour. But pancakes need to be made quickly, and the store is closed or far away. It doesn't matter if you have kefir or sour milk. You can bake very tasty pancakes.


  • Kefir – 400 ml;
  • Flour – 300 g;
  • Egg – 2 pcs;
  • Boiling water – 200 ml;
  • Vegetable oil (olive) – 30 ml;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Soda – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1.

Beat eggs into a bowl, add kefir, sugar and flour. We also add salt to taste and whisk everything together.

Step 2.

Now dissolve soda in a glass of boiling water, mix and pour into the dough. Mix all this well. If the dough is too thick, you can add a little more water.

Step 3.

Now leave the dough aside for 3-5 minutes. Meanwhile, turn on the stove and let the frying pan heat up. Lubricate it a little with vegetable oil. Then you won't need to lubricate.

Step 4.

When the pan is hot, add vegetable or olive oil and mix well.

Step 5.

Now fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown, in general, everything is as usual. If it still burns a little, you can add more oil to the dough or grease the pan.

When the dough is finished, serve with jam or condensed milk and have a pleasant breakfast.

Quick pancakes (no sugar).

Here are another quick pancakes, we will make them without sugar, since we eat them with condensed milk or jam. This is for those who can't eat too much sweets.

We will need:

  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Vegetable quantity - 50 ml;
  • Flour;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1.

Mix all ingredients immediately in a deep bowl and stir. We usually do this with a mixer, or you can just whisk everything.

Step 2.

Now heat up the pan and grease it with a little oil for the first time. Then you don't have to lubricate it. If it burns a little, add more oil to the dough.

Step 3.

Fry the pancakes on both sides over medium heat until golden brown.

When ready, roll the pancakes into a triangle, pour condensed milk over them and have breakfast.

Quick pancakes on the water.

There is also a simple recipe for quick pancakes but with water. By themselves, they are not very tasty, to be honest. But they are perfect for pancake cakes or filled pancakes. You can use anything as a filling, such as baked apples. Very tasty, I recommend it to everyone.

We will need:

  • Flour - 500 g;
  • Water - 450 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • Soda - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1.

Pour vegetable oil and water into a deep container. There must be water room temperature. Mix.

Step 2.

Now add sugar, salt and baking soda. Mix everything again.

Step 3.

Now add a spoonful of flour, mix and add the remaining flour in large portions, stirring constantly. The dough should turn out runny.

Step 4.

Now, as usual, heat the pan and grease it a little with oil. Once the pan is hot, you can bake the pancake. Pour into the pan, spread over the surface and fry on both sides until golden brown.

When we remove the pancakes onto a plate, grease them a little with butter or vegetable oil so that the next pancakes do not stick. So every pancake.

Step 5.

After the pancakes are fried, put any filling on top, wrap the pancakes in an envelope and that’s it. Can be served.

Mega quick pancake recipe.

And now I present to you a mega quick recipe for pancakes made with milk and yeast dough. It couldn't be simpler or faster. If you are interested, you can use it for emergency situations.

We will need:

  • Yeast dough;
  • Milk;
  • Vegetable oil.

Step 1.

We buy in the store yeast dough, not frozen, usually dough in a bag.

Now take a blender and put our dough into it.

Step 2.

Pour in a little milk, about a glass. Turn on the blender.

Step 3.

Pour everything into a deep bowl and add 50 ml of vegetable oil, mix and that’s it, you can fry the pancakes as usual.

That's all for us. Leave your comments below and join us on Odnoklassniki and read us on our channel in Yandex.Zene. Bon appetit everyone and bye bye.

How to make quick pancakes - simple, but delicious recipes. updated: February 7, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

How to cook pancakes quickly and tasty recipe - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

How to quickly cook pancakes every housewife needs to know, because there are times when guests are on the doorstep, and there is absolutely nothing to treat them with, or you need to quickly and deliciously feed all family members. This pancake recipe is quite simple and will only take half an hour to prepare, especially since you will need the simplest ingredients that everyone has in their kitchen. So, quickly prepare pancakes, what do you need for this and how should you do it?

The ingredients for quick pancakes are ordinary, namely:

  • milk - half a liter;
  • eggs - three pcs.;
  • flour – 300 g;
  • salt - half a tsp;
  • vegetable or olive oil - two tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - two tbsp. l.

We bake quick pancakes in the following sequence:

Mix sugar, eggs and salt in a separate container with a fork or whisk. Don't beat it too hard. If you want to make unsweetened dough, then just one spoon of sugar is enough. Then pour the milk into egg mixture, which will make the pancakes rich and very tasty. If you don't have it, add boiled water (in this case the pancakes will be less rich). Mix everything well. Then add flour to the liquid ingredients and mix the dough, which will be liquid and quite easy to pour. Lastly, add vegetable oil (olive oil).

Heat the frying pan. Grease with a little vegetable oil. Use a ladle to scoop the dough and pour it into the pan, forming a pancake along its entire diameter. Bake until the edges of the pancake are crispy and slightly dry. Flip the pancake over with a spatula. Remove the cooked pancake large dish. Grease the finished pancakes with butter. Cover them with a towel to keep them warm so you can serve them hot.

These pancakes are especially good with condensed milk, sour cream or jam, such as strawberry, cherry or apricot. You can also prepare it for pancakes green tea or herbal tea.

How to cook pancakes quickly and tasty: step-by-step recipe with photos

Cooking quickly and tasty - the best site with quick recipes

Homemade food is much more enjoyable than restaurant delicacies. And this is due not only to a comfortable environment and familiar dishes, but also with a careful selection of the best products and attention to the benefits of what is prepared. As they say, everything is prepared with soul, that’s why it’s so delicious. But many modern housewives, in addition to culinary duties, also have a lot of worries and troubles - work, children, cleaning, shopping at the store. They would like to cook something and please their loved ones, but if it were possible to do it quickly and tasty, as well as desirable and healthy, and not just some semi-finished products. It turns out there is quick recipes. allowing you to become a queen in the kitchen and stand at the stove for a long time. All of them are collected on the Bistrovkusno website for modern housewives who combine work and home responsibilities.

You won’t believe that you can cook almost anything tasty and quickly – from main courses to canning. On bistrovkusno.com collected quick recipes for desserts, side dishes, salads, meat, soups - everything that can be whipped up for first, second, dinner and appetizers. All stages of preparation are described in detail and there are photos for each. Among other things, the recipes contain tips, useful information and indicate the amount of food per serving. Everything is quite simple even for a novice housewife.

These recipes are shared not by chefs of elite restaurants, but by ordinary women from their own experience, so they do not contain obscure and rare ingredients, but only affordable products, but in an interesting presentation with their own cooking secrets, which give the dishes originality and unusual good taste. Therefore, if you don’t know what to cook delicious and quick, then go to Bistrovkusno, new recipes are constantly appearing here and you yourself can participate in this process if you know quick and simple dishes and can capture the stages of preparation on camera.

You can become more than just a visitor to this culinary resource, with the help of which you can... cook quickly and delicious dinner using a new recipe, and also inventing your own dishes, sharing your achievements on bistrovkusno.com with other readers of the site. If you have ideas for developing the resource, or you want to tell the administration something, there is a “Book of Complaints and Suggestions” form for this purpose, through which you can conduct a dialogue with us.

Let us remind you once again that the Bistrovkusno website is not just a culinary portal. He focuses on recipes instant cooking with detailed instructions - this is a culinary knowledge base for the modern housewife who wants to have more time for herself and at the same time eat normally. Fast and delicious dishes home cooking provide many benefits:

Nutritious and healthy diet;

Gratitude from well-fed households;

Possibility to spend less time at the stove.

Who said what to cook quickly You can only have dumplings and Mivina. On this culinary site you will find a lot of simple and healthy dishes which can be done in 20 minutes. Now you can eat healthy and spend the whole day in the kitchen. With the Bistrovkusno website this will become possible.

Homemade express cuisine - quick pancakes

This most sunny, warm, tasty and satisfying treat has been prepared in Rus' for a long time in a huge range of recipes. Today, the rhythm of life dictates its conditions even to traditional dishes, and the recipe for how to make the fastest and most delicious pancakes in this light is a salvation for any housewife.

In this article, we tried to collect not only the quickest versions of Slavic flatbreads, but also all possible recipes for pancakes and their fillings for all occasions.

Russian pancakes - fast food

For experienced housewives, any pancakes are an express dish, especially if you have various kitchen gadgets at hand. However, sometimes even recipes that have been tested over the years can play a cruel joke on us at the most inopportune moment.

The pancake may come out lumpy or fail to bake; sometimes the pancakes stick to the pan or turn out excessively dry.

How to avoid such problems? Our technical articles on cooking pancakes will tell you about this.

Quick pancake dough

In the old days, any dairy and cereal ingredients were used to knead pancake dough. So among noble people, traditional pancakes made from semolina, millet and buckwheat were considered the most popular. Such flatbreads were usually served with the main course.

But ordinary people increasingly started pancakes with water and the porridge left over from dinner. And it is worth noting that the craftsmen of the housewife, even from the simplest ingredients with their own hands, could cook such delicious cakes that you will lick your fingers.

We offer you a detailed selection different recipes pancake test, where you will surely choose the most optimal option for yourself.

Pancake energy intensity

Pancakes can hardly be called a dietary dish, and there are doubts about energy value of these flatbreads appear among adherents low calorie diet quite often.

However, it is not possible to answer these questions unanimously, because, as you know, the “heaviness” of a dish can be affected by any products in its composition. We have already talked about this in more detail in these publications.

The diet of the French ideologist of protein nutrition prescribes abstaining from all flour, sweet and carbohydrate-containing foods for a long time, and pancakes fall under the strictest prohibition.

However, not every flatbread is equally harmful on the Dukan diet.

Among our articles you will find a lot of useful information about creating a diet, as well as recipes for how to fry pancakes allowed on the Dukan diet, starting from the “Attack” stage.

Quick filling for pancakes

For a long time, peasants, not spoiled for pickles, tried to diversify their diet. So it became customary to serve classic pancakes with various fillings and sauces. IN Maslenitsa week Pancakes were eaten from early morning until late at night. In taverns, pancakes were usually served with honey and sour cream, fruit and berry jam, as well as herring, mushroom filling and red and black caviar.

Today, the range of fillers for flatbreads has expanded significantly.

Quick delicious openwork pancakes

To prepare a complete pancake breakfast, you don’t have to get up early, because in the arsenal of culinary secrets there is not a single recipe for how to easily and simply make quick pancakes. The dough is kneaded in a matter of minutes, and you don’t even have to wait for it to rise.

Our selection of recipes will teach you how to quickly and deliciously bake a fragrant stack of beautiful openwork pancakes to the delight of the whole family.

Early ripening delicious pancakes

Every pancake has its own lover. Some people like thin, almost transparent cakes, while others prefer jeweled lace beauties. But among pancake lovers there are also many who consider thick, fluffy pancakes a true manifestation of culinary art. The dough for such “dumplings” is made quite thick, and they should be baked over low heat.

The most popular test for fluffy pancakes is yeast, which, alas, cannot be prepared in a hurry, since activation of the yeast requires a certain time.

Today we want to offer you step by step recipes with photos from which you can make quick pancakes without any problems or delays.

Among the variety of recipes for pancakes, you can easily find the fastest, easiest and easy recipe delicious pancakes. In common parlance, such pancakes are usually called skorodumki, since kneading the dough and baking takes only a few minutes.

And if original adjustments can be made to the composition of the dough, then such a dessert will certainly not have a price.

Foreign instant pancakes

And if you are a fan of foreign cuisine, then this selection is just for you national recipes quick pancakes will be very useful.

Pancakes are, by and large, an everyday food. However, with proper presentation of this dish as an appetizer or dessert, guests will festive table they will be happy.

From our articles you can choose interesting ideas for impressive serving of pancakes.

Making quick pancakes is easy and simple if you have proven recipes for both dough and filling at your disposal. We hope that our tips will make your daily work as a cook much easier.

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I bring to your attention quick pancakes, for those who don’t know how to deal with lumps. My beloved mother makes these pancakes.

We will need:
1. 500ml. milk
2. 2 eggs
3. 1 cup flour
4. 3 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil
5. pinch of salt
6. sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
I do everything by eye, the dough should be the usual consistency for pancakes.

Mix eggs, salt, sugar. Stir.

Add half the milk and flour. Stir. The dough is like pancakes, so there are no lumps.

Add the rest of the milk and stir.

Add sunflower oil, stir.

Bon appetit.
I hope the recipe is useful.
You can add soda and then there will be a lot of holes in the pancakes.
If there is such a recipe, sorry, I couldn’t find it.

Irishka, this has become my favorite pancake recipe))))
it was like this, there were 2 eggs in the refrigerator and my husband wanted pancakes for tea
The search was quick and I kneaded it)))) I tried it with my husband. eye-to-eye look: the taste of childhood - real pancakes))))))

then some time passed, I realized that I had not saved the recipe))) the first search did not give results ((((time passed and oh joy, I found it today))) and I already remembered it more firmly so as not to forget

words of gratitude from us))) without a photo yet: too tasty

I'm very glad that you actually like the recipe!! This is the most easy, quick recipe pancakes And if you melt the butter and grease each pancake a little. generally yum-yum
Thanks for your feedback

30 years old
Ukraine, Egypt, Lebanon,

Thank you very much for the recipe!
The dough is made quickly and homogeneous
The pancakes turned out thin and in a hole!
Thank you!

30 years old
Nizhny Novgorod

Irishka, it's me again. We were on vacation in Austria and wanted our favorite pancakes for breakfast.
We bought 4 eggs. In the morning I had a shock - the EGGS turned out to be BOILED, with a bag of salt carefully placed in the package.

This is how it happens. We made yeast without eggs))))))))))))))))))))

How to make quick pancakes

Pancakes in Old Russian cuisine were prepared exclusively for Maslenitsa. They were considered a symbol of the famine that went away with winter; the working spring began, which was a step towards obtaining a new harvest. Classic pancakes were dense and thick - they were offered as a main course, not for dessert.

Nowadays it is not customary to boast about the thickness of pancakes. “Quick” pancakes, light, almost lacy, are more common.

What you need to make pancakes

Pancakes are not only delicious on their own - they also like to add sweet jam, condensed milk, sour cream, and honey. Pancakes can be stuffed with any fillings. The result is that in combination with fatty dough, the stomach is provided with heavy food in large quantities. To maintain a normal figure, it is better to choose low-calorie ingredients.

Pancakes made with milk are the most popular. Depending on your preferences, you can choose both store-bought and homemade milk– more fatty. The following products will be required:
– milk – 0.5 l;
– flour – 200 g;
– egg – 2 pcs.;
– sugar – 1 tablespoon;
– salt – 1 pinch.

How to cook pancakes

Eggs and milk must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance - before kneading the dough, their temperature should be close to room temperature.

The eggs must be beaten well in a bowl - for this you can use a mixer, a whisk or just a fork. Add salt and sugar. Sugar must definitely be added - even if you plan to cook pancakes filled with savory filling such as meat or salad. The dough will turn out much tastier this way.

Milk is added to the mixture and everything is mixed thoroughly. Place a sieve on a bowl and pour flour through it. It’s also easy to get rid of lumps, and the structure will be airy and delicate. Flour is added to the dough for quick pancakes in several stages, in small portions, while the dough must be constantly stirred. The finished pancake mixture should have a consistency similar to thin sour cream. It will be much easier to bake pancakes with milk this way - the dough is easier to distribute in the pan, and when turned over it will not wrinkle.

To cook pancakes, place a frying pan on the fire and heat it well. Spread the bottom with vegetable oil. Scoop the dough into a ladle and pour it into a hot frying pan, spreading it over the surface. Bake the first side for two to three minutes, then turn the pancake over to the other side with a spatula.

Place the finished pancake on a dish and grease with butter or fill with filling.

How to make pancakes: a recipe for delicious pancakes

Pancakes are satisfying tasty treat, known to everyone. They are prepared for any occasion, eaten for breakfast or dinner with various sweet fillings, sour cream or sweet cottage cheese, meat, and berries. Some people like thick pancakes with a crispy side, others like thin, delicate, almost transparent ones. There are many secrets to preparing this treat, as well as recipes. The most delicious are those with many holes. If you decide to bake pancakes, then in this article we have collected recipes for you on how to make pancakes quickly and tasty!

  • For cooking delicious pancakes Any flour is suitable: wheat, rye, buckwheat, corn;
  • You can knead the dough using kefir, water, fresh or sour milk, even on mineral water;
  • What thickness to make pancakes depends only on desires. They can be lush, thin, openwork, lace, small or huge;
  • Pancakes can be served as a separate dish, dessert or snack. By adding meat, fish or cottage cheese to them, you can get a complete snack, satisfying and incredibly tasty;
  • Pancakes can be made with yeast or with the addition of soda;
  • It is advisable to fry them only in vegetable oil;
  • The best frying pan for pancakes is cast iron, with low sides and a thick bottom.

The most important thing in making pancakes is kneading the dough to the desired consistency and frying them correctly. The following requirements apply to the products:

  • Milk, water, kefir and eggs should only be at room temperature, removed from the refrigerator in advance
  • The flour must be sifted so that there are no small lumps in the dough;
  • You can stir with a fork, whisk, or mixer. First make a thick dough, then add liquid;
  • Vegetable oil should be odorless, eggs should be fresh;
  • If the recipe contains yeast, it is added to warm milk; soda is usually mixed with kefir;
  • The filling is already wrapped in ready-made pancakes, it also needs to be prepared in advance.

The recipe for making pancakes with milk is considered the most popular and traditional. This is a treat everyone likes. A recipe for how to make pancakes fluffy, very tasty, with beautiful, even holes and rosy sides.


  • 2 heaped glasses of flour;
  • 3 whole glasses of milk;
  • 2 large eggs or 3 small ones;
  • 3 tablespoons unrefined vegetable oil;
  • 2 spoons of sand;
  • A quarter teaspoon each of salt and soda.
  1. Whisk the eggs with salt, soda and granulated sugar in a deep bowl;
  2. Pour in milk at room temperature, mix well;
  3. Sift the flour and add it to the mixture in a thin stream. If you pour it all out quickly, lumps may form;
  4. Mix the dough with a mixer or whisk, at the end add three tablespoons of vegetable oil so that it does not stick to the pan;
  5. Heat the frying pan, pour in oil, pour a thin layer of dough from the ladle, bake and turn over to the other side;
  6. Oil can be added one at a time. It is best to use a wooden spatula to turn the pancakes over to the other side.

Baking lovers don't stop at making pancakes. We collect especially for you best recipes so that you can please yourself and your loved ones. Recipe for the cake “Negro in foam.” will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent!

If you don’t have enough time, then pay attention to the pancakes. In this article we will tell you how to make pancakes with milk and kefir. Make your household happy!

Kefir pancakes are fluffy, filling, delicate taste and unusually golden brown crust. A photo of the recipe for how to cook pancakes will help you understand better. When kneading the dough, soda is added to kefir; it gives the treat porosity, softness and airiness. To make kefir pancakes thin, the finished dough is diluted with water or mineral water. For fluffy pancakes you need thick kefir.

  • A pack of kefir 500 ml, it is better to take three percent;
  • 2 eggs;
  • A whole glass of flour;
  • A third of a small glass of vegetable oil;
  • A teaspoon of sugar;
  • A third of a teaspoon of salt, maybe a pinch;
  • A quarter teaspoon of soda dissolved in water.

The eggs must be beaten until a thick foam is obtained, then kefir must be added to them and mixed. The resulting mixture should be slightly heated on the stove until it becomes slightly warm. This is necessary so that the sugar and salt mix well.

Add sugar and salt, soda, vegetable oil, and add sifted flour. Knead a not very thick dough without lumps. It should stand for at least half an hour, only after that you can start baking fluffy pancakes in a hot frying pan.

The bottom of the cast-iron frying pan should be greased with oil, and before doing this, it must be thoroughly heated. The pancakes turn out fluffy, pleasant to the taste, and completely non-sour due to kefir.

Cooking pancakes with water

If you mix the dough with water, the pancakes will turn out thin, crispy, with numerous even holes. It’s good to wrap any filling in them, twisting them into a tube or folding them like an envelope.

  • Half a liter jar of water;
  • About two glasses of flour, maybe a little less;
  • 2 eggs;
  • A small pinch of salt;
  • 2 level spoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of oil.
  1. The eggs must be thoroughly beaten with a mixer along with sugar and salt mixed in;
  2. Then add water and stir;
  3. Add flour in a stream and mix slowly with a mixer;
  4. Bake thin pancakes in a hot oil pan.

To make it clearer, you can watch a detailed training video with step by step preparation pancakes on the water.

Not everyone knows how to cook thin, almost transparent pancakes. The recipe is very simple, the whole secret is in mixing the dough correctly.

  • 1 liter of fat milk;
  • 4 cups sifted flour;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 4 spoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of oil;
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • All ingredients must be mixed very thoroughly with a mixer so that there are no lumps;
  • The finished dough should stand on the table for about an hour for the flour to swell;
  • The pan should be hot, there is no need to spare oil;
  • The dough must be quickly poured into the pan, tilting it in different directions so that it spreads into a thin layer.

All these simple recipes allow you to quickly bake very tasty, thin, soft and tender pancakes. Recipe how to cook thin pancakes described above. Which ones to fry, thick, thin or fluffy, is up to you to decide. In any case, they will be eaten much faster than they were made at the stove.

Video recipe for making pancakes

The video provides a recipe for how to cook pancakes with milk.

How to cook pancakes quickly and tasty! Need a recipe

Galina Potapova Thinker (9551), closed 10 years ago

Nikita Kaminsky Pro (674) 10 years ago

The dough itself needs to be prepared for a maximum of 10 minutes, the rest of the time is baking - it depends on your frying pan and tile. Recipe: liter of milk, 2 eggs, 1.5 cups of flour (I always get more, because the flour is different, but it should be like liquid sour cream and even a little thinner). salt, sugar (to taste). mix everything until smooth. Now the main thing! There is no need to pour oil into the frying pan. Take an onion, cut a little, string it on a fork and drop it into vegetable oil. Wipe the frying pan with it (don’t be afraid of onions; your pancakes won’t stink). after that, take about half a ladle of dough and pour it into the frying pan, twist it thoroughly so that the dough spreads evenly over the surface and after 30 seconds turn it over. The first pancake is ready! Repeat the process.

This recipe is from my grandmother, the pancakes turn out like the sun, thin and thin with a pattern like rays of the sun. Everyone to whom I made them had reviews about these pancakes. Well, do it again. please

Olya Dorn Sage (10453) 10 years ago

3 cups flour,
3 glasses of milk,
3 eggs
1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
salt to taste.
Mix eggs with salt and sugar, dilute with 1 glass of milk, add flour, stir until smooth, then dilute the dough with the remaining milk, stir and bake pancakes in a medium-sized frying pan.

Аnuttochka Thinker (9729) 10 years ago

2 eggs
1 tbsp. lie sour cream
2 glasses of beer
300 g flour
salt, sugar

Grind two yolks with 1 tbsp. lie sour cream + salt and sugar to taste.

2. Pour in a glass of beer and whisk everything together.

3. Add 300 grams of flour and stir so that there are no lumps.

4. Pour another glass of beer.

5. At the end, add two whipped whites.

6. Fry in vegetable oil on one side only.

7. Grease the browned side with any filling (for example, minced meat fried with onions and mushrooms).

8. Fold into an envelope.

9. Dip into the egg-milk mixture (beat one egg with a few tablespoons of milk).

10. Roll in breadcrumbs and fry again.

Nataly Guru (4245) 10 years ago

I cook it like this: 1-2 eggs, vanillin, milk, sugar, flour (until the consistency of sour cream), but the main thing is now to take boiling water and pour a little into it! (so that they are porous) now add sunflower oil (1 tablespoon), stir and bake in a hot frying pan! Bon appetit!

Maria Goriatchev Thinker (8936) 10 years ago

glass of water
glass of flour
1 egg
a little salt. to taste
2 spoons of sugar
spoon of sunflower oil
stir. so that there are no lumps. and bake!
Good luck!

Angel Thinker (7983) 10 years ago

Baking pancakes for the first time can be a nightmare if no one has told you how to do it. And when the process is clear and explained, it turns out that preparing them is very simple. What should a pancake be like? Thin, almost transparent, lacy around the edges, meltingly light. The following amount of ingredients will yield 12-14 pancakes in a frying pan with a diameter of 18 cm or 10 pancakes in a frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm.
http://kuking.net/10_66.htm Bon APPETITE.
1. Firstly, you need to measure 200ml milk and 75ml water in a measuring jug. Sift 110g plain flour with a pinch of salt into a bowl, holding the sieve over the bowl to aerate the flour. Then make a well in the middle and break 2 eggs inside. Then start beating the eggs - any whisk or even a fork will do - collecting all the flour from the bottom and sides.

2. Then start gradually adding liquid little by little, whisking (don’t be afraid of lumps, they will gradually disappear). When all the liquid has been added, use a soft spatula to scrape any lumps of flour from the sides into the middle, and beat again to form a smooth dough the consistency of cream.

3. Pancakes should always be cooked with butter. Melt 50 g in a frying pan butter and add 2 tablespoons of oil to the dough, beat.

4. Add a little oil when needed to keep the pan dry, holding the oil with a paper kitchen towel. Use just a little bit, just so that the pancake does not stick to the pan, because pancakes cannot be cooked in the oil itself. Then you need to heat the pan and reduce the heat to medium. First, make a test pancake to check if you are using the right amount of batter. I need 2 tablespoons of dough for an 18 cm frying pan and 3 tablespoons for a 20 cm frying pan. It is convenient to pour the dough with a ladle.

5. As the batter enters the pan, tilt it from side to side so that the bottom of the pan is evenly covered with batter. The pancake will cook in half a minute or so, you can lift the edge of the pancake with a thin spatula to see if the bottom of the pancake is golden brown.

6. Turn the pancake over with a spatula or a wide, blunt knife - the other side will be ready in just a couple of seconds. I think throwing pancakes into the air is a little more difficult than flipping them with a spatula, but if you have an appreciative audience, why not give it a try!

7. Then simply turn the pan over onto a plate. The finished pancake should be almost transparent, crispy, lacy.

8. Stack the pancakes with sheets of parchment (baking paper) on a plate set over a pan of slowly simmering water to keep the pancakes warm while you make the rest. If you want to make them ahead, cover and store them in the refrigerator.

To reheat, cover a stack of pancakes with foil and place in an oven preheated to 140 degrees C on the top shelf for 10-15 minutes.

bee@ Enlightened (29969) 10 years ago

Guryev early ripening pancakes
wheat flour – 1 kg
eggs – 7 pcs.
butter – 140 g
kefir or yogurt – 6 glasses
sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons
Pour flour into a saucepan, add egg yolks mashed with sugar, softened butter or melted butter and stir. Then dilute with kefir or yogurt until sour cream thickens. Beat separately egg whites, add to the dough, mix the whole mass and bake until golden brown.

Evgeshka Genius (77171) 10 years ago

100 g flour,
1 tbsp. spoon of powdered sugar,
3 large or 4 medium sized eggs,
300 ml milk,
75 g melted butter
oil for lubrication.
Place the flour in a large dish and mix with the powdered sugar. Make a well in the center and crack the eggs into it.
Add a little milk to the eggs and mix them lightly. Gradually mix in the flour from the edges to the center and beat, adding enough milk to make the dough the consistency of lightly whipped cream. Beat well, mix with melted butter and remaining milk.
Leave the whipped dough for 30 minutes. then bake like regular pancakes.

410 g wheat flour
410 g buckwheat flour
3 tablespoons warm water
10 g dry yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
Very early in the morning or in the evening, knead the dough from wheat flour, warm water and dry yeast. Place it in a warm place. When the dough has risen, beat it thoroughly with a wooden spatula, add sugar and buckwheat flour. Let the dough rise. Half an hour before baking pancakes, pour three glasses of boiling water over the dough, let it rise again and bake. Place baked pancakes in a mound, interspersing each pancake with a piece of butter. Keep in a warm place until serving. Serve with sour cream.

Pancakes for Maslenitsa
500 ml milk (warm)
2 tbsp. l. Sahara
3 eggs
6 tbsp. l. with a heap of flour
Beat everything in a mixer. Fry in melted butter.

milk 500 g,
wheat flour 500 g,
yeast 30 g,
sugar 60 g,
lemon zest 10 g,
eggs 2 pcs.
fat 200 g,
marmalade 100 g,
cottage cheese 80 g,
Combine the yeast with some of the sugar, add some of the heated milk and flour, and let stand. Then add salt, grated zest, eggs, remaining sugar, milk and flour. Mix everything well until a dough of homogeneous consistency is formed. Cover with a napkin and let it stand for 30 minutes.
Grease a frying pan with melted fat and fry small pancakes in it until golden brown.
Grease the finished pancakes with marmalade and sprinkle with grated cottage cheese.

EARLY ripening pancakes
wheat flour 160 g,
sour milk 400 g,
eggs 2 pcs.
butter 40 g,
fat 20 g,
salt to taste.
Combine flour with egg yolks, 1/4 melted butter, salt, mix well and dilute with milk. Then beat the whites and carefully fold them into the dough.
Let the dough mature a little and bake the pancakes on both sides in a heated cast-iron frying pan, greased.
Serve the pancakes hot, topped with melted butter.

Pancakes with cottage cheese
500 g milk, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, salt, soda
filling: 300 g cottage cheese, 100 g sour cream or condensed milk, sugar to taste
Prepare dough from these ingredients and bake thin pancakes.
Grind cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar or condensed milk.
Place the filling in the middle of the pancake, roll it into an envelope and fry a little more.

Take 2.5 cups of flour, mix with 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar, 2 tablespoons of yeast in 1.5 cups of milk. Leave in a warm place for 3 hours, when the dough rises, beat in 2 yolks, add 3/4 cup of flour, dilute with milk, pour in 2 whipped egg whites, mix with 1/2 cup of thick whipped cream, let the dough rise, bake on the stove.

Bake pancakes, fry on one side, grease with some thick jam or marmalade, roll into a tube, roll in egg and breadcrumbs, fry, place on a plate. Pour over sweet bechamel, namely: take 1 spoon of the freshest butter, 1/2 tbsp. flour, stir well, dilute 2 tbsp. cream or whole milk, boil thoroughly several times; if there are lumps, rub through a fine sieve, add 1/2 tbsp. fine sugar and for taste a little cinnamon, lemon zest, bitter crushed almonds or chocolate, boil, pour over pancakes.

ianthi Guru (3557) 1 year ago

Kukina Ekaterina Student (161) 1 year ago

Milk – 500 ml
Eggs – 3 pcs.
Flour – 280 g (1.75 cups with a volume of 250 ml)
Sugar – 1-2 tbsp. spoons
Salt – 1 teaspoon (flat) or to taste
Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons + oil for frying pan
Butter (for greasing ready-made pancakes) – to taste
How to cook the most delicious pancakes with milk:
1. Break eggs into a bowl, add salt and sugar. Mix with a whisk or fork until smooth (no whisking required).
2. Pour about 200 ml of milk into the eggs and stir.
3. Add flour and mix until smooth (the consistency of the dough is like thick sour cream).
4. Pour in the remaining milk (about 300 ml), stir. The dough should be liquid and easy to pour.
5. Pour in vegetable oil. Mix the dough and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
6. Heat a pan for pancakes (preferably cast iron) and grease it with a thin layer of vegetable oil.
7. Pour half a scoop or scoop of dough into the center of the frying pan (depending on the diameter of the frying pan) and quickly spread it over the entire surface in a thin layer, turning the pan slightly.
8. When the edges of the dough begin to dry out and slightly brown, lift the pancake with a thin wide spatula and carefully turn it over. Let the pancake brown a little on the other side.
9. Using a spatula, remove the finished pancakes from the pan, transfer to a plate and generously grease with melted butter.
Bon appetit!

Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

There are several dozen pancake recipes in Russian cuisine. Pancakes were usually baked from yeast dough, and the flour used was very different: buckwheat (lean, custard, rich buckwheat pancakes), wheat (spicy pancakes, royal wheat pancakes, red pancakes), oatmeal (oat pancakes), millet, barley, pea. In order for the pancakes to be a success, you need a competent recipe for pancake dough.
I will tell you those recipes that are made simply and quickly. Usually, it takes time for the yeast to dissolve, so in such recipes the yeast is replaced with soda, which also gives the pancakes fluffiness and tenderness, or there is no baking powder at all, then the dough turns out thinner than that of thick and loose yeast pancakes.

Belarusian recipe. The pancakes turn out thin and very tasty.
3 tbsp. milk,
2 tbsp. flour,
1-2 tbsp. sugar,
add a little salt
1 tbsp. vegetable oils,
2-3 eggs.
Put everything in a saucepan and beat with a mixer. Fry for rast. oil 18-24 pancakes.
Cheese on a grater. We cut cucumber and ham. Fry mushrooms with onions. And we wrap everything together or separately in a pancake. Terribly delicious with ketchup and/or mayonnaise! ! !

Quick pancakes with seasoning.
flour - 2 cups,
milk - 3 glasses,
eggs - 3 pcs.,
granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.
spoon, salt - 0.5 teaspoon

To prepare pancakes for Maslenitsa according to this holiday recipe, beat eggs with salt and sugar, dilute with one glass of milk, add flour, knead the dough, dilute the dough with the rest of the milk, stir, strain through a sieve. Bake pancakes in a medium sized frying pan.

Baking for pancakes.

Egg. Finely chop the boiled eggs and lightly fry in a frying pan. Add a little baking powder to the batter poured into the frying pan and then finish baking the pancake.

Onion. Finely chop the green onions or onions, lightly simmering it in oil.

Carrot. Boil peeled carrots in salted water, chop finely, and lightly fry in oil.

Mushroom. Soak dry mushrooms in water for 2 - 4 hours, then fry them in oil, sprinkle with flour. Allow the mixture to cool and pass through a meat grinder.

Thin, savory and low-fat pancakes- use a proven recipe. Everything is according to the list and nothing superfluous.
flour 125g
eggs 2 pcs
milk 300ml
l butter (melt) 30g
pinch of salt
2 tbsp whiskey (brandy)

Stir flour and salt, beat eggs, pour into flour. Melt butter in warm milk and pour into flour and eggs. Mix. Pour in whiskey. The consistency of the dough should be no thicker than 10% cream. If yours is thicker, you can add a little milk.
yield - 14-15 pancakes.

But, if you double the recipe - be careful with the eggs - if you take double quantities and also large ones - you will not have pancakes, but omelettes... we even have a saying in our family - the first pancake is an omelet. Fry in a frying pan simply greased with oil.

Pancake recipe without soda and baking powder
Beat 2 eggs with 1 tsp salt, while whisking add
1 cup of boiling water (the foam doubles immediately, take a larger container). Continuing to beat, add
1 glass of cold milk. Then
1 heaped glass of flour and at the end
1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil.
Everything is baked on a heated frying pan. The results are ideal for stuffing, thin and delicate pancakes. Only I add more sugar to taste, because... We all love sweets. I don’t have time to stuff the pancakes, because... they are eaten immediately.
And it turns out very interesting when you pour boiling water over the beaten eggs according to the recipe. Everyone thinks that they will brew. But in fact they just increase in volume.

Super simple recipe (diet pancakes).
Beat 2 eggs (no need to beat too hard) with
1 teaspoon salt and
1 tablespoon sugar, pour in
0.5 liters of warm water (not hot, but not room temperature - warmer). Mix everything, add as much flour as the dough takes, so that the consistency is like thick sour cream. With more flour
a little bit of baking powder. When you stir until there are no lumps, add more
0.5 liters of warm water and
0.25 cups vegetable oil. Mix. Bake immediately, greasing the pan only for the first pancake. No smoke or soot, fast, tasty and not greasy.

"Men's student pancakes on beer"
An acquaintance told me briefly about pancakes from his student days, I’m posting a detailed description so that any guy can do it. The pancakes turn out thin and full of holes. Sweetness/saltness is easy to adjust.
Pour wheat flour into a bowl - 12 heaping tablespoons. Make a hole in the flour. Pour a tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt into the hole, break 2 eggs and rub in a circle with a spoon. Then we slowly begin to add milk and continue to grind - it will be a little heavy, but there will be no lumps. You need 750 ml of milk. Set aside the finished dough, covering it with a towel.
Now we are preparing the front of the work - we take out the frying pans (you need to fry in two at once), wash them, if necessary, heat them first with salt, then with a tablespoon of oil, wipe them with a paper napkin and put them back on the fire. The fire should be hot, but not to the limit, otherwise the pancakes will burn before they have time to dry.
Now pour it into the dough a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil And glass of light beer, stir and start frying.
You need to drop just a little oil onto the frying pan and spread it across the diameter. A ladle of dough is poured onto the top of the pan, located almost vertically and accelerated in a circular motion. You need to turn it over when the top is almost dry. Be sure to try the first pancake - if it turns out to be lumpy, pour another spoon or two of butter into the dough, stir carefully; If the dough breaks- add more flour on top and stir; if the dough is too thick, add more beer or soda; if it doesn't brown well, add another tablespoon of sugar; if the pancake is unleavened, add another half teaspoon of salt. Pancakes don’t often turn out perfect starting from No. 1, and timely adjustments can correct the whole picture.
You need to bake pancakes quickly, otherwise the beer will “deflate” - so two frying pans, a thin layer of dough, high heat. You can regulate the fire as follows - estimate how much time in seconds it takes you to, after removing the previous pancake, placing it on a dish, greasing it with butter and sprinkling sugar (if such a procedure takes place), take an oven mitt, tilt the pan, sprinkle oil on it, disperse it, scoop out the required amount of dough with a ladle, pour or add if necessary, and pour into the frying pan. You may also have to turn the pancake over in a second frying pan at this time. So, during this entire time the oil should not smoke, but it will start to smoke if you are even a second late.
In short, frying pancakes requires a certain balancing act, but the skill comes quickly - the main thing is to control yourself and maintain complete composure. Just remember that the dough must be kneaded with a warm, kind feeling, otherwise nothing will come of it.

A little secret on how to bake pancakes without lumps

If the second and third pancakes turn out lumpy, it means your consistency is not correct. The pancakes are either too thin or too thick. Since thick sour cream is different for everyone (in the city it’s something similar to liquid cream, and in the village it’s generally a thick mass similar in appearance to cottage cheese), you should either add flour (if the pancakes are torn because they are very thin, add eggs and flour, the eggs hold the flour and water together well into a homogeneous mass. If there are a lot of eggs, then your pancakes turn into an omelette, and if there is a lot of flour - into pancakes. If this does not help, then you can try making pancakes with soda, and you need to extinguish the soda (pour about a tablespoon of soda into the tip of a knife and then two tablespoons of boiling water). any recipe will work as long as you replace the slaked soda in the recipe with a baking powder (baker's baking powder, yeast or beer).

There is no need to dump failure on the frying pan.

For pancakes, you can use any, proven by practice. First, you need to wash it, preferably with dishwashing detergent, to degrease the surface. Now put the frying pan on fairly high heat. When it dries, add salt and heat for 5-10 minutes. After this, pour out the salt and wipe the pan with a towel or napkins. For the first pancake, the frying pan should be greased with a layer of fat, a very thin one - a piece of lard, vegetable oil using half a potato, a brush or whatever comes to hand. Do not grease it with an onion - the first few pancakes may smell strange.

Yes, for men who want to bake pancakes for the first time on their own - do not cover the pan with pancakes with a lid :) Bake open. And they told me stories about how they did it the first time;)

Something still depends on the frying pan. In a thick cast-iron frying pan, it is good to fry thick, yeast-raised pancakes. They turn out very satisfying and are well fried inside. In a thin aluminum or copper frying pan, such pancakes do not cook well, even if they burn on the outside. It is good to bake thin pancakes in thin pans, with or without baking powder. They brown nicely and cook quickly.