Types of Lambert cheese. About the Lambert brand

Lambert cheese is traditional cheese Wimm-Bill-Dann company, which presented it in the Russian Federation in 2003. It is produced in the Altai region, and milk for its production is also supplied from here. Having analyzed prices in stores to determine how much Lambert cheese costs, we get the following data:

  • 1 kg semi-solid in a barrel: 740-801 ruble;
  • 1 kg butter in a barrel: 750-780 rub.;
  • Packaging 430 g semi-solid: 210-220 rub..

To more accurately define the issue, you will need to consider the following nuances:

  • Species;
  • Price in stores.

The main types of Lambert cheese are:

  • Standard. The resulting cheese is packaged in a barrel in yellow packaging. Sold at a price 760 rubles per kg. It can also be packaged in a small pack of 230 g, for which you will have to pay 212-220 rub.. Also, many stores offer to cut the finished piece and sell it at a price of 0.8 rub/gram;
  • Creamy 55%. It is a variety of Lamber with a distinct taste. It has a similar shape and is packaged in 1 kg barrels. The only difference is the color of the label (here it is red). Market price 750-780 rubles. Can also be sold at 8 rub for 10 grams by weight.

This data will allow you to accurately understand the price of this cheese when choosing the appropriate type.

Price of Lambert cheese in stores

Due to the popularity of Lambert cheese, it can be found in almost any store. Among these are:

  • Pyaterochka. Average price per product 780 rub.. This network is available in almost every district of any city;
  • In a magnet. Implements according to 760 RUR. Like the first one, it has retail outlets throughout the country;
  • In Auchan. This cheese is sold at 750 RUR. These shopping pavilions can only be found in large cities (for example, Moscow or St. Petersburg);
  • OK. Another hypermarket brand offering this product at 801 RUR;
  • Ribbon. Offers by 790 RUR, distributed throughout the country.

Also today, the online sales market is developing, where this product is also sold. Major representatives of this market are:

  • Platypus: 739 RUR;
  • Okay delivery: 801 RUR;
  • Metro: 469 RUR;

These provisions will help you understand how much Lambert cheese costs if you visit a particular store.

RUBTSOVSK /Altai Territory/, May 20. /Corr. TASS Ksenia Shubina/. The largest cheese producer in the Altai Territory (Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant - a branch of Wimm-Bill-Dann, owned by PepsiCo) increased the production of cheese (Lambert brand) by 40%, and whey by 50%. Silviu Popovici, President of PepsiCo in Russia, announced this at the presentation of the new line.

"The modernization of production began in 2012. It was completed in January 2015. Until now, debugging was underway, trial batches of cheese were produced. With an increase in capacity, we were able to increase cheese production from 50 to 70 tons per day, processing of raw whey increases from 600 up to 900 tons,” said the head of the plant’s production department, Angelina Kachesova. She clarified that the Altai plant is the only enterprise in the Russian Federation where Lambert cheese is produced.

According to the director of the Rubtsovsk dairy production, Yulia Kharevich, about 300 million rubles of the enterprise’s own funds were invested in modernization. With an increase in capacity, the plant will be able to produce up to 24 thousand tons of cheese per year. As the company reported, the cheese produced here occupies 7.4 percent of the entire Russian cheese market. For production, only local raw materials are used - milk is purchased from peasant farms in the Altai Territory.

According to the Governor of the Altai Territory, Alexander Karlin, the development of the enterprise is of great social and economic importance for the region. “The Altai Territory is the leading producer of cheese in Russia. Additional capacity of the Rubtsovsk plant will increase our ability to supply high-quality Altai cheese to the country’s market, will contribute to the further implementation of the import substitution policy in the dairy industry and will strengthen Russia’s position as a food exporter,” he said at the opening of the new line head of the region. He also noted that he suggested that the company develop new directions in the region.

“We propose that the company enter the agricultural segment - it makes sense to create part of the raw materials on its own sites. In addition, the company also creates products based on potatoes. About 4.5 thousand tons are produced in the Rubtsovsky district of our region alone. We are ready to supply Altai potatoes to PepsiCo, if the company responds to our proposal, and also provide assistance in creating new production facilities,” said the head of the region.

Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant is one of the largest buyers raw milk in the Altai region. Since 2003, Lambert cheese has been produced here - it accounts for up to 50 percent of the total volume of rennet cheeses produced in the region.

The expansion of production at industry enterprises is ongoing - in 2014, 23 projects for the reconstruction and modernization of existing enterprises were implemented in the amount of 702.95 million rubles. Enterprises investing in production are provided with government support in the form of subsidized interest rates on borrowed loans. The following companies have increased their production capacity: Modest, Prodvizhenie, and Krasnoshchekovsky Dairy Plant.

In total, 37 enterprises are engaged in the production of cheese in the Altai Territory. For this purpose, 51.9 percent of the milk supplied for processing is used. In addition, the region accounts for the entire volume of dry whey production in Siberia. The region ranks first in the country in its production.

Cheese production in Altai

In the Altai Territory, the capacity of raw milk processing enterprises at the beginning of 2015 amounted to 2 million 4.3 thousand tons per year. The overall index of dairy production in 2014 was 111.2%. Cheese production increased by 14.6% compared to the same period in 2013. In terms of the quantity of product produced, the Altai Territory consistently ranks first in Russia. Every 7th kilogram of cheese in the country comes from the Altai Territory. In 2014, a historical maximum was reached: Altai producers produced 72 thousand tons of cheese and cheese products - this is 10 thousand tons more than in 2013. Nowadays, all types of cheeses are produced in the region: hard, semi-hard, soft, pickled and processed. More than 70% of Altai cheeses are exported outside the region, including abroad.

Lambert is wonderful traditional taste cheese. Produced from selected milk from the Altai region, with a fat content of 55%. The cheese has a pleasant light yellow color and contains evenly spaced holes throughout the mass.

The taste of Lambert cheese is very delicate, creamy, moderately salty. The consistency of the cheese is not very dense, but at the same time not soft.

The Lambert cheese recipe was developed by European cheese makers, based on time-tested recipes of Altai cheese makers. Modern Lambert cheese is produced in automated production conditions under the constant supervision of specialists.

There are three varieties in the Lambert cheese line:

    Lambert "Classic" 50% fat

    Lambert "Creamy" 55% fat

    Lambert "Tilsiter" 45% fat.

Lambert cheese is perfect both as an independent dish and as a component of many recipes. Melted Lambert on pizza, and as a crust for baked potatoes, it's just a magical taste sensation.

I have been buying this cheese from Wimm-Bill-Dann for several years now. Lambert is sold by the head weighing 1 kg, or packaged in strips of vacuum packaging. Of the three types of cheese, my family loves Lambert “Classic” the most. Cream cheese seems too fatty, and Tilsiter is not an acquired taste.

Cheese, of course, contains various preservatives, dyes, and many other not entirely healthy chemical additives. Such is our life that everything that is tasty is not entirely safe. I believe that if you use this or that product in moderation, there will be no harm.

When guests arrive, the Lambert cheese slices fly away instantly. The cheese is especially good when slicing, it does not crumble, the pieces are even and neat.

Attention all vegetarians! Lambert cheese contains rennet - absolutely not vegetarian product. Be careful if product ethics is a top priority for you.

I completely trust Wimm-Bill-Dann and gladly buy their products, including Lambert cheese. I have never encountered the product poor quality. The cheese is always tasty, fresh and aromatic. My little son eats classic Lambert cheese with great pleasure. Sometimes, to improve his appetite, I grate cheese on his potatoes, pasta, and even dumplings. My dog ​​regularly gets small pieces of cheese as a reward and she absolutely loves the taste!

Although I sometimes experiment with other cheeses, I always return to my favorite Lambert cheese!

Video review


One of the most popular and sought after products is cheese. It can be eaten separately or as part of other dishes. Naturally, different types of cheese differ from each other. They have different fat content, calorie content, and taste. All these properties of the product, of course, depend on the technology and features of the manufacturing process.

Cheese "Lambert": manufacturer and product characteristics

This product began to be produced in the early 2000s at one of the enterprises in the Altai Territory. In the area where cheese is produced, many succulent herbs grow. They are eaten by cows, whose milk is used to make products.

Therefore, Lambert cheese, according to customer reviews, has an exquisite creamy taste and soft consistency. The product is produced in the shape of a circle, in plastic packaging.

As a rule, it is not cut into pieces, since in this case the cheese can quickly lose its characteristic taste and even spoil. The exception is slices packed in a box and covered with film. This method of releasing a product makes it good option For festive table. The cheese is also attractive because it has a delicate and pleasant creamy aroma. If you cut it, you can see many small holes on the surface. The product has a light yellow tint. Lambert cheese is produced by Wimm-Bill-Dann. It also produces other products: juices, mineral waters, yoghurts and so on.

Composition and price

The product, which is sold in stores, is pre-divided into portions of 1 kg 150 g each. Lambert cheese has a calorie content of three hundred seventy-seven kilocalories per hundred grams.

Many buyers are interested in the question of what components are used in the manufacture of this product. After all, it is important for consumers to make sure that natural ingredients are used in the production of goods. This largely determines whether the product is beneficial to the body or, conversely, harmful. If it contains a large number of aromatic additives, preservatives and dyes, it is undesirable to consume it. Such products most likely will not be in demand.

So, Lambert cheese has the following composition:

  1. Pasteurized milk.
  2. Bacterial concentrate.
  3. Enzyme of animal origin.
  4. Salt.
  5. Dye.
  6. Potassium nitrate.

The product does not contain carbohydrates. Cheese contains many proteins and lipids.


Lambert cheese has a fat content of fifty percent. This applies to the classic variety. The manufacturing company also produces other types of cheese - “Creamy Lambert” and “Lambert Tilsiter”. The first variety contains 55 percent fat, the second - 45. Most consumers prefer classic product. However, the creamy version of Lambert cheese, according to customer reviews, although it has a high fat content, has delicate taste and soft pleasant structure.

The variety called "Tilsiter" is preferred by few. It has a specific taste.

Useful properties

Cheese is a product that contains large amounts of elements such as calcium and phosphorus.

These substances have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and teeth. The product also contains vitamins A, D, E, B and C. Pantothenic acid, which is part of it, strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism and helps maintain good muscle condition. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, helps increase the body's resistance to infections, and accelerates the treatment of skin damage. Cheese is useful for both adults and children also because this product helps improve health during physical and intellectual overload.

Thanks to the vitamins A and D it contains, you can improve the condition of your nails, skin and hair.

Possible harm to the product

As you know, if you abuse any food, even healthy ones, the excesses will certainly affect the functioning of the body. Therefore, moderation must be observed in everything. Including eating cheese. Of course, it contains a lot of proteins, proteins and other useful substances. However, Lambert cheese contains a lot of lipids. This makes the product unsuitable for the diet of overweight people or those watching their figure. Cheese also contains a lot of salt. In this regard, it does not need to be used frequently by those who suffer from headaches, exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal pathologies, hypertension, kidney and joint diseases. Due to the substances it contains, the product may cause sleep disorders. Therefore, it is better to consume it in the first half of the day. Customer reviews about Lambert cheese indicate that, since it contains a preservative and dye, some do not dare give the product to their children. After all, these substances can provoke allergies in a child.

The product contains an enzyme of animal origin. This makes it unsuitable for the diet of people who are keen vegetarians or eat according to the Ayurvedic system.

The use of Lambert cheese in cooking

This product has a mild taste. Thanks to this property, it can be eaten as an independent food, as well as in addition to various dishes. Cheese goes well with black bread. It's healthy and healthy snack, which is much better than sweets or hamburgers. Many claim that they use cheese to prepare not only sandwiches, but also salads, casseroles, pies, and first courses. In grated form, this product is added to pasta, various sauces, omelettes.

There are many recipes, following which you can prepare wonderful dishes with cheese.

Customer opinions about the product

Several years ago, one of the most popular products among Russian consumers was Lambert cheese. Reviews from many customers to date indicate that the quality of the product has deteriorated greatly. However, there are consumers who continue to purchase this cheese and are satisfied with its taste and properties. They like the creamy aroma and soft consistency of the product, as well as the variety of its varieties.

In addition, cheese can be used to prepare various dishes. And this is another advantage of the product.

Lambert cheese has a high price - from three hundred to five hundred rubles per half ball. However, many consumers abandoned it not only because of the cost, but also because of significant shortcomings. For example, many are alarmed by a significant deterioration in the quality of the product: too soft consistency, bitter taste, presence palm oil in the composition. Consumers believe that this cheese is not worth the money and is unhealthy.

Apparently, due to the fact that the product has become difficult to buy, stores sometimes sell it at a discount. At the same time, Lambert cheese has a much lower price - about two hundred and fifty rubles for half a ball.

On November 24, Rosselkhoznadzor for the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic published the results of inspections carried out at the Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant. It turned out that Lambert cheese, which is produced at this enterprise, does not meet quality requirements. Moreover, as the department notes, the violation was discovered again. As a result, the regulatory authority introduced restrictive measures regarding these products. How this could happen, whether this is the dairy plant’s fault and whether it will be able to sell its cheese in Russia, read in our analysis.

Oleg Bogdanov

1 What violations were found at the Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant?

Inspectors found antibiotics of the tetracycline group in Lambert cheese. The department reports: this is not the first case of exceeding the permissible level of this substance in the company’s products. After the first time, the Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant was put under enhanced laboratory control, which, in turn, confirmed a violation of veterinary and sanitary requirements. Based on test reports in the Register of Enterprises of the Customs Union, RZM received the status “temporarily limited.”

2 What does this status mean?

This status prohibits the Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant from supplying cheese to the market of the EAEU member countries. We are talking about Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. The Rosselkhoznadzor for the Altai Territory explained to the website that the duration of the ban will depend on the actions of the enterprise itself. The department has already held a meeting with the management of the plant. The company has begun work to prevent a similar situation from reoccurring. Once the problem is resolved, the "temporarily limited" status will be removed.

Oleg Bogdanov

3 Will Lambert cheese be banned in Russia?

Rosselkhoznadzor informed the Veterinary Department of the Altai Territory that an antibiotic was found in Lambert cheese. It has the right to restrict the movement of products from enterprises with the “temporarily restricted” status throughout Russia. The department also notified the veterinary department of the need to conduct regional monitoring of the safety of products produced at the Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant. It is not yet known whether the veterinary service will restrict the transportation of Lambert cheese. It was not possible to immediately obtain a comment on this matter.

4 How could antibiotics get into cheese?

As Alexander Mayorov, director of the Siberian Research Institute of Cheese Making, explained to the site, such situations at dairy enterprises are possible due to an error at the stage of acceptance of raw materials. According to the rules, incoming milk is checked for antibiotics once every 10 days. In this case, the supplier is obliged to notify the processor if animals were vaccinated using antibiotics at the livestock complex. According to Alexander Mayorov, the plant is definitely not interested in receiving such milk. Raw materials that contain an antibiotic may not curdle to the desired consistency during the cheese making process.

5 What do the owners of the enterprise think about this?

As Sergei Glushkov, vice president for corporate relations at PepsiCo Russia, Ukraine, CIS and Central Europe, told Interfax, the company received a letter from Rosselkhoznadzor about the discovery of tetracycline antibiotics in a sample of Lambert cheese. Measures were immediately taken: the plant blocked this batch of products in the warehouse and conducted research in three independent accredited laboratories, including a laboratory subordinate to Rospotrebnadzor.

According to Glushkov, studies have confirmed the absence of antibiotics. PepsiCo Russia does not consider the agency’s actions to be legal and justified “neither in terms of the decisions taken, nor in terms of the published information.” The company does not exclude the possibility of appealing to law enforcement agencies and the court.

Oleg Bogdanov

6 Have there been any complaints about the quality of Lambert cheese before?

In March 2016, claims were already made against the Rubtsovsky Dairy Plant regarding the quality of its products. Then the territorial committees for the protection of consumer rights of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan checked 337 samples of dairy products. Some of them were in violation of technical regulations and safety requirements. Thus, in the city of Astana, according to the results of a study of samples taken in the Magnum supermarket, coliform bacteria were found in Lambert cheese. The products were confiscated both from stores and from suppliers' warehouses. Then the PepsiCo Russia website reported that this was not the first time that the Kazakh side “has made unsubstantiated defamatory statements.”