Pumpkin soup for children 1.5. Milk pumpkin soup for children. Soup with egg yolks

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Frankly, I myself adore pumpkin soup, the recipe for which I will now present. After all, pumpkin is a bright sunny vegetable, with excellent taste, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber necessary for a child’s body at the stage of growth and development! The pulp of this vegetable is rich in natural sugars, polyunsaturated fatty acids and, of course, provitamin A - beta-carotene. Some varieties of the pumpkin family contain even more carotene than carrots. By the way, its concentration increases during storage. This vitamin is fat soluble. To absorb it with food, fat-containing foods are added to dishes. When you need to cook pumpkin and older, light ones are suitable. liquid cream or high-quality milk with a fat content of at least 3.2%.

Tasty and tender, rich in vitamins and fiber, pumpkin soup should definitely become a favorite and desired dish for a child. The variety guide will tell you how to determine which pumpkin to buy.

There are specially bred sweet varieties - they are called nutmeg. Their pulp contains so many sugars that no sweetener is needed.

When purchasing, remember: once cut, you won’t be able to keep it for long. Therefore, either take small (portioned) pumpkins, or plan meals at the same time as preparing a dish for your baby from it for your own table.

At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, there is a pumpkin kingdom on vegetable shelves. Modest price and ability to be stored for a long time in normal room conditions - good properties, which distinguish the melon beauty from its competitors: watermelons and melons.

Baby pumpkin soup puree - recipe

Now let's figure it out, from pumpkin.

To do this, you need to take a piece of pumpkin, weighing about two hundred and fifty grams, one medium potato and one carrot, weighing one hundred grams, half a glass of water and half a glass of milk or light cream, dill and table salt.

All ingredients for this recipe must be fresh and of the highest quality.

Wash the pumpkin and peel it, remove the seeds.

Wash and peel the carrots and potatoes.

Cut all vegetables into cubes.

It is advisable to take smaller carrots. The pumpkin is larger.

Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Place the carrots in it first, then the potatoes, and finally the aromatic relative of the zucchini.

Add some salt. Cook for about half an hour until softened.

Place the cooled mixture in a blender bowl and puree it.

Add clean greens when chopping.

Reheat with milk or cream, stirring for five minutes.

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A child is a spontaneous being; children love everything new and unknown. They boldly move forward. If it’s a rainy day outside, chilly and damp, prepare this vitamin soup according to our recipe. A plate with sunshine on the children's table will delight your baby.

By the way, the classic pumpkin puree soup according to this recipe is also good on an adult table. Here's how to make pumpkin soup that will delight the older generation.

The adult version has its own nuances. There is no limit on greens. Use any herb you like.

In addition to the soup children's recipe add croutons from a fresh white loaf, on butter, pine nuts, heavy country cream and a little more salt.

website 2017-06-18

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 0.5 liters of water or broth (vegetable or meat);
  • 150 g pumpkin;
  • 1 large potato;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • half an onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pumpkin seeds;
  • 50 ml low-fat cream;
  • salt to taste.

“Mom,” the daughter, waking up, traditionally clarifies the menu. - Today I want... I want... I want soup for Cinderella!
“Hmm,” I couldn’t find what to answer.
- “Hmm” is not an answer, mom! Will you make me soup for Cinderella or not, I’m asking you!
- Let's go together? I can't handle it on my own.
- No, mom, adults should cook soup for children. But so be it, I’ll teach you! Take a pumpkin that can turn into a carriage...

In general, I taught you! It turns out that Cinderella's soup is what I call "orange sun in a bowl" soup or simply creamy pumpkin soup. Bright, creamy, healthy. A holiday for children and an ideal tool for the mother’s desire to cram the entire periodic table of Mendeleev into one children’s plate.

Recipe for creamy pumpkin soup “Orange Sun” or Soup for Cinderella:

We clean the pumpkin and cut it into cubes. We don’t strive for beauty; anyway, it won’t be noticeable later.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes approximately the same size as the pumpkin. In the same way, we don’t pay attention to the shape, we save time so that we have time to mold a plasticine brontosaurus for the child.
U bell pepper remove the stalk and clear the seeds. It's easier to do this by dividing the pepper in half. It’s not worth it to make it smaller; then it will be inconvenient to pick it out of the soup.
We clean the onion. We don't cry.
Place chopped pumpkin and potatoes, onions and whole peppers into the pan.
Fill with water. Or broth. Do not forget that the benefits of meat broths for small children are very doubtful; we give preference to vegetables.
We put the future soup for Cinderella on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook until the pumpkin and potatoes are ready - about 15-20 minutes, depending on the type of vegetables and the size of the cubes.

At this time, lightly dry the seeds in a dry frying pan.

We remove the pan from the stove, remove the onions and peppers, they have given up their juice and usefulness and we no longer need them.

Puree the pumpkin and potatoes in a blender.

At the end add cream. Or you don’t have to add it (if for some reason your child can’t have cream yet) – it will be no less tasty, just different.
Serve with pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements; this vegetable is rich in pectin and carotene, as well as the rare vitamin T. That is why pumpkin is an indispensable product in baby food, promoting the healthy growth and development of the child’s body. Unfortunately, getting children to eat something by convincing them that the product is healthy is an impossible task. However, every mother can cook from useful product, in our case, pumpkins, a delicious dish, preserving all the nutritional value of this sunny vegetable.

When choosing a pumpkin, you first need to decide on its size. If your plans include preparing only one pumpkin dish, there is no point in buying a large vegetable, since after cutting the pumpkin can be stored in the refrigerator for a limited time. The sweetest variety of pumpkin is nutmeg; it is best to make desserts or jam. For soup, it is better to take a small, large-fruited pumpkin. This pumpkin can be stored until spring, while retaining all its nutritional properties. And one more piece of advice - never buy peeled and cut into pieces pumpkin. Yes, she looks beautiful, she attracts with her bright color, it does not need to be processed for cooking - however, the likelihood of pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the cut pumpkin negates all visible advantages.

So, the pumpkin has been chosen. Let's start preparing pumpkin puree soup, which will certainly delight your child.

We will need the following products:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • chicken meat - 200 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 2-3 medium-sized tubers;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • cream cheese - about 150 g;
  • children's pasta- 50 g;
  • bay leaf- 1 piece;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time for pumpkin puree soup for children is 1 hour 15 minutes. The recipe is for 5 servings.

  1. Cooking chicken broth. Considering the fact that the soup will be prepared for children, it is better to use soft and tender chicken breast. We wash the chicken, cut it into medium-sized pieces, add one liter of water and put it on the fire. After boiling, salt the broth, throw in the bay leaf and the whole peeled onion. The broth should be cooked until done chicken meat. After this, you need to remove the meat from the broth, discard the onion and bay leaf, and strain the broth itself.
  2. Peel and cut vegetables - pumpkin and potatoes into large cubes, carrots into slices. Dip all the vegetables into the broth. You need to cook the broth over low heat with the lid closed so that the vegetables simmer and give all their benefits to the broth.
  3. When the pumpkin, potatoes and carrots become soft (if they are a little soft, it’s okay), they need to be blended directly in the pan with an immersion blender. Using the usual masher in this case will not replace a blender - the pumpkin soup should be without lumps, which may be unpleasant for the child.
  4. Once again, bring the pureed vegetables to a boil, add baby curly pasta and cream cheese. The same quantity can be used processed cheese, previously grated.
  5. The puree soup should be simmered over low heat and stirred constantly to avoid burning.
  6. Cut the chicken into small pieces and add to the soup. After boiling, boil for 1-2 minutes and turn off. Let the soup simmer, covered, for about 10 minutes.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Pumpkin soup with meat broth is suitable for young children, starting from ten months, from the moment when the child is allowed to give meat as complementary food.
Pumpkin soup for children is so tasty that adults will not refuse it. I cook one and a half liters of pumpkin soup for the child and feed it to the whole family for lunch. Tasty, healthy and nutritious. Everyone is full and happy.
If you decide to lose a little weight, then pumpkin soup is perfect for this purpose. The broth is cooked with absolutely lean veal, without a single drop of fat. Pumpkin only promotes weight loss, but potatoes alone do not make a difference.
From the set of products that is given in this recipe, you will get 4 servings of pumpkin soup. It will take you approximately 1 hour to prepare the soup. We recommend meeting one more easy recipe dietary, this is also useful and delicious dish for adults and children.

- veal pulp – 200 g,
- water – 1.5 l,
- carrots – 1 pc.,
- onion (only for older children) – 1 pc.,
- allspice (only for older children) – 3 peas,
- bay leaf (only for older children) – 1 pc.,
- salt – 1/3 tbsp. l.,
- pumpkin – 150 g,
- potatoes – 1 pc. (medium size).

Recipe with photos step by step:

Pour cold drinking water into the pan (1.5 liters, preferably after a filter or purchased). Rinse veal meat (200 g) under running water, put it in water, add whole peeled carrots. If you are making soup for yourself or for older children, also add peeled onion (1 pc.), bay leaf (1 pc.) and allspice (3 peas) to the pan. If the soup is intended for children under one year of age, do not add onions, peppers and bay leaves.
Place the pan on the stove, bring to a boil, skim off any foam that forms, then reduce the heat and simmer the broth at low simmer for 40 minutes. At the very end, add salt to the broth.

Peel the pumpkin and potatoes and cut into cubes with a side of 3 centimeters.

Strain the broth through a sieve. Cut the meat into pieces, approximately 3.5 - 4 centimeters on a side.

Discard the onion, bay leaf and pepper. Return the meat and carrots to the strained broth, add the chopped pumpkin and potatoes.

Cook everything for 15 minutes. When the pumpkin and potatoes are completely cooked, remove them along with the meat and carrots with a slotted spoon and place them in another pan.

Gradually add broth from another pan to the resulting puree until you reach the desired consistency of the soup. I used up all the broth, and the soup turned out a little thick, but we like it that way. If you want a thinner soup, simply separate out some of the excess puree and dilute the rest with broth. In general, see for yourself.

You can add a little milk, cream or sour cream to the finished pumpkin soup, but without these ingredients it turns out very tasty! For lovers of light soups, we offer a recipe

Does your child love pumpkin? I would like to offer to cook very tender and tasty milk pumpkin soup. The dish is intended for children from 1.5 years old, if they are not allergic to pumpkin.

Last week I once again tried to cook something new. We have a small supply of pumpkins, so using them generates the most interest. I liked it milk pumpkin soup from the site “Mom Cooks with Tema”.

When I first prepared it, at first glance it seemed too milky to me, because there is nothing substantial in it, like potatoes or meat. But I served it for lunch for both my son and myself. And only then I I realized how tasty and tender it is.

An excellent addition to it was white bread, cut into small cubes and placed in the middle of the plate.

We ate our portions with great pleasure and decided to periodically treat ourselves to this soup. Certainly, as the only type of food for lunch - there is too little of it. There must be more second course.

I'll be leaving again original recipe in proportions. In the original, the portion of soup is very large, rather designed for a large family. And since I cook food for my child only for one meal, and mostly only he eats such “children’s” food, we needed much less.

Necessary products (for 2 bowls of soup)

  • pumpkin– 170 g.
  • butter– 10 g.
  • semolina– 13 years
  • sugar– 5 g.
  • milk– 500 ml.

How to prepare milk pumpkin soup for a child

1. Pumpkin (170 g.) cut into cubes.

Cut the pumpkin into cubes

Place it in a saucepan and fill it with water so that it completely covers the pumpkin.

Cook for 15 minutes and check with a fork for softness. If it pierces well, it’s ready.

2. Softened butter (10 g) and puree the finished pumpkin using a blender until the mixture is homogeneous.

Puree butter and pumpkin together

3. Let's cook 500 ml milk until it boils.

4. Pour into a saucepan with milk and pumpkin in a thin stream 13 g semolina and stir constantly.