Requirements for the quality of beet cutlets. Technological recipe maps for dhows and school institutions. Potato soup with pasta

Technological maps recipes for preschool educational institutions and schools - part 5

TECHNOLOGICAL CARD No. 36(Sat. rec. DOW, 2004)

Product name: Vegetable soup

Recipe number: 36

Vegetable soup

Product Name

Weight, G

Chemical composition






White cabbage

25/ 15

20/ 12


66 / 40

50/ 30


12. 5/7, 5

10/ 6


12/ 7

10/ 6

Green peas cons.

11. 5/ 7

7. 5/ 4, 5


5/ 3

5/ 3


187. 5/ 113

187. 5/ 113


1, 6/ 1, 0

4, 2 / 2, 5

14, 3/ 8, 6

93 / 56


27 / 27

20 / 20

3, 9

1, 4



Sour cream

8 / 8

8 / 8

0, 2

1, 6

0, 3



Output: 250 / 150

Cooking technology: Place shredded cabbage into boiling broth or water.empty, bring to a boil, add potatoes cut into cubes, simmered with butterscrap carrots and onions, cook for 15 minutes, add green peas, salt. 3 minutes before readiness, add sour cream and herbs and bring to a boil.

Serving temperature 65°C.

Quality requirements: The color of the fat glitter on the surface is pale orange, consistencyroots, potatoes, cabbage are soft, the cutting shape is preserved. The taste is moderately salty, with aroma fresh vegetables, greenery.

TECHNOLOGICAL CARD No. 55(Sat. rec. DOW, 2004)

Technological map No. ____

Product name: Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes

Recipe number: 55

Name of the collection of recipes: Collection of technological standards, recipes for dishes and culinary products for school educational institutions, boarding schools, orphanages and children's health institutions

Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes

Product Name

Weight, G

Chemical composition

Energy value, kcal






White cabbage

68. 75/ 41, 3

50/ 30


40/ 24

30/ 18


12. 5/ 7, 5

10/ 6


12. 5/ 7, 5

10/ 6

Parsley (root)

3. 75/ 2, 25

2. 5/ 1, 5


6 / 3, 6

6 / 3, 6

Or vegetable oil

5/ 3

5/ 3


200/ 120

200/ 120


27/ 27

20/ 20


5, 4/ 4, 8

6, 4/ 4, 4

13, 2/ 7, 9

121 / 84

Sour cream

8 / 8

8 / 8


5, 6/ 5, 0

7, 6/ 6, 0

13, 5/8, 2

137, 0/ 100

Output: 250 / 12.5 , 150 / 12.5

Cooking technology: Place prepared cabbage in boiling broth or waterfilled with checkers, bring to a boil, add carrots and parsley, cut into strips and seasonwhelped with butter, then blanched and sautéed onions and cook 10min, add potatoes, salt and cook until all vegetables are ready. At the end of cooking, add mixtureTanu, bay leaf, bring to a boil. Insist 10-12 min. You can put garlic in the cabbage soup (2g net per 100g cabbage soup), mashed with salt

Serving temperature 65°C.

Quality requirements: On the surface there are glitters of fat of pale yellow color. Cabbage, rootsThe potatoes retained their cut shape and their consistency was soft. The taste is slightly sweet, with an aromavolume of vegetables. The smell of steamed cabbage is not allowed.

TECHNOLOGICAL MAP No. 39 (Collected Rec. DOW, 2004)

Technological map No. ____

Product name: Potato soup with pasta

Recipe number: 39

Name of the collection of recipes: Collection of technological standards, recipes for dishes and culinary products for school educational institutions, boarding schools, orphanages and children's health institutions

Potato soup with pasta

Product Name

Weight, G

Chemical composition

Energy value, kcal







10/ 6

10/ 6






10/ 6


3,5/ 2

3,5/ 2


12/ 7

12 / 7


4 / 2,4

4 / 2,4

Broth or water







129/ 77

Output: 250 / 150

Cooking technology: Potatoes poached with butter are placed in boiling water. oiled carrots, parsley, blanched onions and cook for 10-15 minutes, then addpasta and cook for another 15 minutes. Pasta is placed before vegetables, noodles at the same timebut with potatoes, and vermicelli 10-15 minutes before the soup is ready.

You can blanch the pasta or boil it until half cooked separately, then the broth will be clearer.

Serving temperature 65°C.

Quality requirements: Pasta, roots, and onions retained their shape. Taste and aromaroots and broth from which the soup is made, without a sour taste. The broth is transparent, slight cloudiness is allowed. The color of chicken and meat broth is amber, yellow. The consistency of the roots and pasta is soft.

TECHNOLOGICAL CARD No. 62 (Sat. rec. DOW, 2004)

Technological map No. ____

Product name: Potato soup with cereals and canned fish

Recipe number: 62

Name of the collection of recipes: Collection of technological standards, recipes for dishes and culinary products for school educational institutions, boarding schools, orphanages and children's health institutions

Potato soup with cereals and canned fish

Product Name

Weight, G

Chemical composition

Energy value, kcal






Canned fish with added. oils

26/ 16

26 / 16




Pearl barley, oatmeal, rice

10 / 6

10/ 6


5 / 3

5 / 3





12/ 7

12/ 7

Or vegetable

10 / 6

10/ 6




Total without canned food:


10/ 5,8


187 / 111

Exit : 250 /150

Cooking technology: Cans are washed, scalded, wiped, opened vayut. Pearl barley, oatmeal, and rice are sorted out and washed several times, changing the water. Krupa after washing, put it in boiling water (in a ratio of 1: 3), cook until half cooked, drain the broth.

Place prepared cereal into boiling water, bring to a boil, then add potatoes, cut into cubes and canned fish 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the stewed carrots, onions and cook the soup until tender.

Pour semolina in a thin stream into the boiling soup after carrots and onions.

Serving temperature 65°C.

Quality requirements: The cereal is well swollen, but not boiled, roots, onions and potatoes with kept the cut shape, soft. There are glitters of fat on the surface. The broth is translucent. Taste V Meru salty, with the aroma of vegetables and stewed meat.

Technological preschool education cards

Technological maps for preparing dishes in preschool educational institutions according to the new SanPiN

Technological maps for preparing dishes in kindergartens (preschool educational institutions) in Moscow according to the new SanPiN 2013:, chemical composition and nutritional value of dishes, permitted dishes.

In this section you will find new collection of recipes(reference book, recipe book), which contains technological maps (recipes) for preparing 178 dishes for kindergarten (DOW).

In preparing the collection, the official publication was used: Catering in preschool educational institutions: Guidelines for the city of Moscow, 2007. Developed by: Kon I.Ya. (State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences); Mosov A.V. (Department of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, State Institution of the Scientific Center for Health Protection of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences); Tobis V.I., (Moscow Foundation for Promoting the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population); Tsapenko M.M. (Moscow Department of Education) and others.

Standards for laying products, semi-finished products (nested dishes) gross and net per 100 grams of weight have been published ready-made dish. The recommended yield of the dish is indicated for feeding both toddlers (1-3 years old) - nurseries, and children 3-7 years old. The nutritional value and chemical composition of each dish is given, including the content of proteins (proteins, polypeptides), fats (triglycerides, lipids), carbohydrates (saccharides), calorie content (kcal), vitamin content: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), C (ascorbic acid), minerals (microelements, micronutrients): Ca (calcium), Fe (iron). The type of processing is indicated and a complete technological map (technology, recipe) for preparing the dish is provided.

You can view these culinary recipes both on our website and in the program, a demo version of which you can download for free on our website and install on your computer. This program contains all the technological maps published here, as well as a menu plan for 8-10, 12, 24 hours of keeping a child in a preschool educational institution and much more.

The recipes for the dishes here are given per 100 grams net of the finished dish. For your convenience, the program recalculates these masses for a specific dish yield, for example, when a dish yields 200 grams, the weight of the products is multiplied by 2. The program contains reports on the chemical composition of both the prospective (planned) menu and the actual one for any period. There is also a menu-requirement, accumulation sheets and other documentation on organizing meals for preschoolers and accounting for products in the warehouse.

Dishes included in the diet may consist not only of simple products, but also from semi-finished products (previously prepared dishes), for example, baked goods are made from dough, and soup is cooked in broth. In this case, here in the recipes there is a link to the recipe of the enclosed dish. All ours computer programs series calculate the complete tab, including all nested dishes (of any depth of nesting), resulting in the composition and weight of elementary products.

You can find out the nutritional value of the product and its chemical composition by clicking on the name of the product in the recipe, which will take you to the Catalog of products and their nutritional value. Indicators are given per 100 grams.

1. Scope of application

These technological instructions apply to frozen semi-finished vegetable cutlets (hereinafter referred to as “vegetable cutlets”), intended for consumption after being brought to full culinary readiness.

Vegetable cutlets are produced in the following assortment:

1. "Beetroot"

2. “Beetroot with prunes”

3. "Carrot"

4. “Carrots with raisins”

5. "Potato"

6. “Potato with mushrooms”

7. "Cabbage"

8. “Cabbage with carrots”

2. Characteristics of raw materials and materials

2.1 For the production of vegetable cutlets, the following raw materials are used:

1. Fresh beets according to GOST 1722;

2. Fresh dill, approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

3. Granulated sugar according to GOST 21;

4. Prunes according to GOST 28501;

5. Table margarine according to GOST 240;

6. Semolina according to GOST 7022;

7. Chicken eggs for food according to GOST 27583;

8. Breadcrumbs according to GOST 28402;

9. Fresh white cabbage according to GOST 1724;

10. Fresh food potatoes according to GOST 7176;

11. Fresh champignons according to PCT 608;

12. Fresh oyster mushrooms, approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

13. Cow's milk according to GOST 13277;

14. Vegetable oil according to GOST 1129.

2.2 The raw materials used for the production of vegetable cutlets must comply with hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products and veterinary requirements.

2.3 It is allowed to use raw materials and materials in accordance with other regulatory documentation of domestic or imported production in the presence of a certificate of conformity and authorized by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities for use in the food industry, ensuring the production of vegetable cutlets in accordance with the requirements of these technical specifications.

2.4 Upon receipt, raw materials are weighed on scales in accordance with GOST 29329.

3. Recipe

3.1 Vegetable cutlets are produced according to the recipes indicated in tables 1-2.

3.2 Control of the mass of raw materials and semi-finished products when preparing a recipe mixture is carried out on scales in accordance with GOST 29329.

Table 1

Name of raw materials


Beetroot with prunes


Carrots with raisins

Boiled beets




Boiled carrots

Milk or water

Table 2

Name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials for vegetable cutlets, g, per 1000g. ready-made dish


Potato with mushrooms


Cabbage with carrots

Boiled potatoes

White cabbage

Margarine or vegetable oil


Dill or parsley

Chicken eggs


Boiled carrots

Fresh champignons

Mass of fried mushrooms

Milk or water

4. Characteristics of manufactured products

Characteristics and quality indicators of vegetable cutlets are indicated in tables 3-4.

4.1 In terms of organoleptic indicators, vegetable cutlets must meet the requirements specified in Table 3.

4.2 In terms of physical and chemical indicators, vegetable cutlets must meet the requirements specified in Table 4.

Table 3. Organoleptic characteristics of vegetable cutlets



Color on the section


Third-party inclusion


The surface is evenly breaded, without torn or broken edges or cracks.


Soft, same-kind

Ready-made vegetable cutlets should have good taste and aroma characteristic of this type of product without any foreign taste or odor

They're not allowed to repent

Beetroot with prunes

The shape is rounded and flattened.

Beetroot and corresponding color interspersed with pieces of prunes


Shape oblong-flattened with a pointed end


Carrots with raisins

The shape is rounded-flattened.

Orange and corresponding color interspersed with raisins


Shape oblong-flattened with a pointed end

Light cream with splashes of greenery

Potato with mushrooms

Shape oblong-flattened with a pointed end

Light cream and correspondingly colored with splashes of mushrooms


The shape is rounded-flattened.

Pale green

Cabbage with carrots

The shape is rounded-flattened.

Pale green and matching carrot coloring

Table 4. Physico-chemical parameters of vegetable cutlets

Name of vegetable cutlets

Mass fraction of dry substances, %, not less

Mass fraction of fat, %, not less

Acidity,%, calculated as malic acid

Mass for table salt, %


Beetroot with prunes


Carrots with raisins


Potato with mushrooms


Cabbage with carrots

5. Process

5.1 Vegetable cutlets are produced in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications, these technological instructions,

in compliance with sanitary rules approved in accordance with the established procedure.

5.2 Technological scheme for preparation of components:

– Preparation, cooking beets, potatoes, carrots

– Egg processing

– Preparation of sugar and breadcrumbs

– Preparation of prunes, raisins

– Preparation, frying cabbage, mushrooms

– Preparing greens

5.2.1 Preparation, cooking beets, potatoes, carrots Beets, potatoes, carrots are washed, boiled in their skins, cooled, then peeled. Peeled vegetables are chopped on a grater 2-3 mm wide.

5.2.2 Egg preparation

Chicken eggs are ovoscoped, washed in a three-cavity bath: first with warm water with 1-2% soda ash, then with a 0.5% solution of chloramine, and then rinsed with clean running water.

5.2.3 Preparation of sugar and breadcrumbs

Sugar and breadcrumbs are sifted through a sieve with a diameter of 2-3 mm.

5.2.4 Preparation of prunes and raisins

Prunes with pits removed are sorted and cut into strips 2-3 mm wide. The raisins are sorted.

5.2.5 Preparation, frying cabbage, mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms with a diameter of no more than 5 cm (champignons, oyster mushrooms) are freshly sorted, the roots are removed, washed thoroughly twice, rinsed under water, inspected, selecting unsuitable, wrinkled and crumbled ones, and rinsed again under cold water.

Peeled mushrooms can be stored for no more than two hours. Prepared mushrooms are cut into slices and fried on vegetable oil.

White cabbage is cleaned of the top green, contaminated and rotten leaves, washed in running water, cut into 2-4 parts. The prepared cabbage is chopped and fried in vegetable oil.

5.2.6 Preparing greens

Fresh dill or parsley are washed under running water, allowed to drain, then cut into lengths of no more than 5 mm.

5.3.Preparing vegetable cutlets

Name of vegetable cutlets

Cooking method


Boiled and chopped beets are heated with fat, then semolina is added in a thin stream while stirring and cooked until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt and eggs are added, mixed and cutlets are formed, breaded in breadcrumbs

Beetroot with prunes

Boiled and chopped beets are heated with fat, then semolina is added in a thin stream while stirring and cooked until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt, eggs, chopped prunes are added, mixed and cutlets are formed, breaded in breadcrumbs


Boiled and chopped carrots are simmered with fat in milk or water, then semolina is added in a thin stream while stirring and cooked until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt and eggs are added, mixed and cutlets are formed, breaded in breadcrumbs

Carrots with raisins

Boiled and chopped carrots are simmered with fat in milk or water, then semolina is added in a thin stream while stirring and cooked until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt, eggs, raisins are added, mixed and formed into cutlets, breaded in breadcrumbs


In rubbed boiled potatoes add eggs, herbs, mix the mass, form it into cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs

Potato with mushrooms

Add eggs and fried mushrooms to mashed boiled potatoes, mix the mixture, form cutlets from it, bread them in breadcrumbs


Fried cabbage is simmered with fat in milk or water, then semolina is added in a thin stream while stirring and cooked until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt and eggs are added, mixed and cutlets are formed, breaded in breadcrumbs

Cabbage with carrots

Fried cabbage is simmered with fat in milk or water, then semolina is added in a thin stream while stirring and cooked until tender. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50 degrees, salt, eggs, boiled chopped carrots are added, mixed and cutlets are formed, breaded in breadcrumbs

5.4 Forming vegetable cutlets

The prepared mass is given a shape: oblong-flattened with a pointed end or rounded-flattened with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm. To avoid sticking, semi-finished products are placed on breadcrumb-coated sheets or trays and sent for freezing.

5.4 Freezing vegetable cutlets

Vegetable cutlets are frozen to a temperature within the product thickness of minus 10 C or lower.

To preserve taste and reduce natural weight loss during freezing, semi-finished products should be frozen quickly.

6. Marking

6.1 Each unit of consumer and transport packaging is subject to marking.

Each unit of consumer packaging is affixed with a label in which the following is printed and stamped:

– product name;

– net weight;

– product composition;

– storage conditions;

– date of manufacture;

- best before date;

– information about certification.

6.2 A label with a handling sign-image indicating the methods of handling cargo in accordance with GOST 14192, made by printing and stamping, is affixed to each unit of transport packaging, in which the following is indicated:

– product name;

– name and location (address) of the manufacturer;

– number of packaging units and gross weight;

– storage conditions;

– date of manufacture;

- best before date;

– designation of these technical conditions;

– information about certification.

7. Packaging

7.1 Vegetable cutlets are produced in pieces, weighing 65g and 85g. The permissible deviation from the established mass of one unit should not exceed + 3%.

7.2 Vegetable cutlets are packaged with a net weight of 130-780 g (for vegetable cutlets weighing 1 piece 65 g), 170-1020 g (for vegetable cutlets weighing 1 piece 85 g). on automatic machines or manually in containers or trays with lids made of polymeric materials in accordance with TU 49631-79 or other materials approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for contact with food products.

The specific net weight is indicated on the label affixed to each unit of packaging.

7.3 Containers and trays with vegetable cutlets are placed in clean, dry, odor-free reusable boxes: wooden in accordance with GOST 11354-82, polymer in accordance with TU 10.10.01-04-89, aluminum in accordance with TU 10-10-541-87 or boxes made of corrugated cardboard according to GOST 13513-86.

The boxes are closed with a lid or covered with plastic wrap.

7.4 For enterprises catering and retail sale, vegetable cutlets may be packaged with a net weight of no more than 10 kg in reusable boxes with lids: polymer according to TU 10.10.01-04-89, aluminum according to TU 10.10-541-87 or similar types of reusable containers approved for use by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation . The inside of reusable boxes is lined with parchment or sub-parchment. Vegetable cutlets are placed in one or two rows in height, lined between the rows with parchment according to GOST 1341-97 or sub-parchment GOST 1760-86 (no more than 35 pieces in one row)

8. Transportation and storage rules

8.1 Vegetable cutlets are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for this type of transport.

8.2 Shelf life of vegetable cutlets from the date of expiration technological process at a temperature not higher than:

minus 10 0 C – no more than one month,

minus 18 0 C – no more than three months.

9.1 Frozen vegetable cutlets at catering establishments or at home are defrosted at a temperature of 18-20 0 C, then fried in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil on both sides until golden crust, after which they put it in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

Ready-made vegetable cutlets are served with sour cream, melted butter, tomato, sour cream or mushroom sauces

10. Production control

10.1 General requirements for organizing and conducting incoming inspection of raw materials and materials used for the preparation of cheesecakes must comply with the requirements of GOST 24297-87.

10.2 At all stages of preparing vegetable cutlets, control is exercised over compliance with technological parameters, production recipes, the quality of raw materials used, and quality control of the finished product.

10.3 Weighing of raw materials and materials is carried out on scales in accordance with GOST 23767-70.

11. Indicators nutritional value

Indicators of nutritional value of vegetable cutlets per 100g. of the product are given in Appendix A. in TU 9165-001-62690663-2003.

12. Metrological support of production

A map of metrological support for controlled parameters of the vegetable cutlet production process is given in the appendix to TI 9165-001-62690663-2003.

Appendix A (reference)

List of regulatory documentation referenced in the technological instructions

GOST R 50474 -93

Food products. Methods for identifying and determining the number of coliform bacteria (coliform bacteria)

GOST R 50480-93

Food products. Method for identifying bacteria of the genus Salmonella.

GOST R 51289-99

Reusable polymer boxes. General technical conditions.

GOST R 51574-2000

Table salt. Technical conditions.

Granulated sugar. Technical conditions.

Margarine. General technical conditions.

GOST 1129-93

Vegetable oil. Technical conditions.

GOST 1341-97

Vegetable parchment. Technical conditions.

GOST 1721-85

Fresh table carrots prepared and supplied. Technical conditions.

GOST 1722-85

Fresh table beets, prepared and supplied. Technical conditions.

GOST 1724-85

White cabbage prepared and supplied. Technical conditions.

GOST 1760-86

Subparchment.Technical conditions.

GOST 6882-88

Dried grapes. Technical conditions.

GOST 7022-97

Semolina. Technical conditions. Dried stone fruits. Technical conditions.

GOST 7176-85

Fresh food potatoes. Technical conditions.

GOST 8756.0-70

Canned food products. Sampling and preparing them for testing.

GOST 8756.21-89

Canned food products. Methods for determining fat.

GOST 10354-82

Polyethylene film. Technical conditions.

GOST 10444.2-94

Food products. Method for identifying and identifying Staphyllococcus aureus.

GOST 10444.12-88

Food products. Methods for identifying yeasts and molds.

GOST 10444.15-94

Food products. Methods for determining the number of mesophilic, aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms.

GOST 11354-93

Reusable boxes made of wood and wood materials for products from the food industry and agriculture. Technical conditions.

GOST 13277-79

Pasteurized cow's milk. Technical conditions.

GOST 13513-86

Corrugated cardboard boxes for the meat and dairy industries. Technical conditions.

GOST 14192-96

Cargo marking.

GOST 24297-87

Incoming product control. Basic provisions

GOST 25555.0-82

Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Methods for determining titratable acidity.

GOST 26186-84

Processed products of fruits and vegetables, canned meat and meat and vegetable products. Method for determination of chlorides.

GOST 26668-85

Food and flavoring products. Sampling methods for microbiological analyses.

GOST 26669-85

Food products. Preparation of samples for microbiological analyses.

GOST 26670-91

Food products. Methods for cultivating microorganisms.

GOST 26927-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury.

GOST 26929-94

Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements.

GOST 26930-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining arsenic.

GOST 26932-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining lead.

GOST 26933-86

Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium.

GOST 27583-87

Chicken eggs for food. Specifications

GOST 28402-89

Breadcrumbs. General technical conditions.

GOST 28501-90

Dried stone fruits. Technical conditions.

GOST 28561-90

Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Methods for determining dry matter or moisture.

GOST 28805-90

Food products. Methods for determining the number of osmotolerant yeasts and molds.

Mushrooms. Fresh cultivated champignons. Technical conditions.

Trays and containers made of polymeric materials. Technical conditions.

MU 1-40/3805 from 11.11.91

Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products.


Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them


Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products.

Appendix B (for reference)

Nutritional value of vegetable cutlets

Name of cheesecakes

Carbohydrates, g

Calorie content, kcal


Beetroot with prunes


Carrots with raisins


Potato with mushrooms


Cabbage with carrots


Sheet for registering changes to these technical specifications

Change number.

Page numbers

Total pages after change

Information about the receipt of the change (number of the covering letter)

Signature of the person who made the change

Last name and date of modification






Metrological support of the technological process for the production of vegetable cutlets

Name of the technological process stage, controlled parameter and unit of measure.

Normalized value of a parameter (indicator) with permissible technological deviation

ND regulating indicators

Measuring instruments

Measurement methods

Measurement error

Frequency of control

Registration form, information storage period

Incoming control

GOST 24297-89, certificate of conformity


Control of raw materials for the content of chemical compounds. and biological objects: toxic elements,

pesticides, radionuclides

New control role

Air temperature control in warehouses

TI for salad production



Control of air temperature in refrigeration chambers for storing raw materials





Preparing the Components

Grinding prunes and herbs


Sifting flour, sugar

Grille size according to TI

Heat treatment of beets, carrots, cabbage, mushrooms

Processing time

Household clocks

1 min


Temperature control in refrigeration chambers for storing components

From +2 to + 6°С

Technical thermometers according to GOST 23544-87 or GOST 2045-71


Cooking vegetable cutlets. Component weight control

According to the recipe

GOST 29329-92 and other similar

GOST 29329-92


Cooking vegetable cutlets.


Technical scales

GOST 29329-92

0,2 %


Weight control of packaged vegetable cutlets

GOST 29329-92 and other similar


Storage and sales. Air temperature control

From +2 to +6°С

Technical thermometers according to GOST 23544-87 or GOST 2045-71


Determine how many servings of “Beet cutlets” No. 242/1-2003. can be prepared in April when processing 15 kg. beets, draw up a technological map, use egg powder. Served with sauce No. 582/1-2003, using whole cow's milk powder.

Write down the ingredients for 30 servings of “Borscht” No. 132/1-2003, month

1. Determine the number of “beetroot cutlets”:

I recalculate beets for the month of January in accordance with table No. 27, “Calculation of raw material consumption, output of semi-finished products and finished products", page 635 according to the Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for pop-up:

Waste in January: 27%

I make up the proportion:

x = 15.000*73/100 = 10.950 kg.

I determine the amount of beets after heat treatment, in accordance with table No. 27, page 635 “Calculation of raw material consumption, output of semi-finished products and finished products” according to the Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for pop-up production:

losses during heat treatment are 2%

I make up the proportion:

x = 10.950*98/100 = 10.290kg.

I determine the number of servings out of 10.290 kg. beets:

10.290/170 = 60 servings.

I determine the net weight of beets

(2% loss during heat treatment)

I make up the proportion:

x = 170*100/98 = 173g. (net weight)

I determine the gross weight of beets

I make up the proportion:

x = 173*100/75 = 230g. (gross weight)

I enter the result obtained in table No. 1.

2. I am drawing up a technological map: Technological map No. 242/1-2003. Name of dish: “Beetroot cutlets”

Table No. 1

Name of raw materials

For 1 serving

Serves 60

Table margarine

Egg powder



Cooking fat

Weight semi-finished

Mass of fried cutlets

Sauce No. 582

Yield of product with sauce

Brief description of the technological process.

Beets boiled in their skins are peeled, wiped or passed through a vegetable cutter. Heat with fat, then pour in a thin stream with constant stirring semolina and cook until done. Cool to 40 - 50 o and add salt, eggs, mix and form cutlets, bread in breadcrumbs or flour and fry on both sides.

For 1000g. eggs required 280g. egg powder.

I make up the proportion:

1000gr. - 280g. egg powder 10g. - hgr. egg powder

x = 10*280/1000 = 2.8g. egg powder

Technological map No. 582/1-2003 Name of the dish “Milk sauce”

Table No. 2

In accordance with table No. 29 “Norms for interchangeability when preparing dishes,” page 662 in the Collection of Recipes for Dishes and Culinary Products for Popular Population, I recalculate the milk.

For 1000g. Whole cow's milk requires 120g of whole cow's milk powder.

I make up the proportion:

1000gr. - 120g. milk powder 13.3g. - hgr. milk powder

x = 13.3*120/1000 = 1.5 g. powdered milk.

I enter the result obtained in table No. 2.

Problem No. 2

Vegetarian table

Table No. 1 Name of raw materials Per 1000g. For 15000g...

Vegetarian table

I approve V.N. Veryasov. Head of the enterprise, full name Technical and technological map No. 1...

Fillet, beefsteak, entrecote, languette, rump steak are small-sized semi-finished products. They are prepared from large-sized semi-finished products. Use of large-piece semi-finished products: Tenderloin is used for preparing portioned semi-finished products (steak...

Culinary processing of products

Solution: To prepare 1 serving of the dish, the following net weight is required: Potatoes - 258g, onions - 50g, mushrooms - 60g, margarine - 10g. Considering that in April the potato waste rate is 40%, instead of the 20% set as the standard value in the recipe book...

Culinary processing of horse mackerel

Culinary processing of horse mackerel

The object of study in this work is the culinary processing of horse mackerel in catering establishments. The practical significance of the work is...

Ingredients: egg - 2 pcs.; wheat bread - 30 g; milk - 30 g; melted butter or butter - 10 g. Cut off the crusts from stale wheat bread (buns or loaves made from first or highest grade flour...

Technical and technological map for dragena

One serving of home-style roast requires 162 grams. beef. Thus, 100000/162 = 617 servings. Therefore, from 100 kg of beef you can prepare 350 servings of home-style roast...

Technical and technological map Name of the dish (product) Corn omelette_______________ Area of ​​application: Romanian cuisine_(cafe, dining room)___________ List of raw materials: Corn, butter, egg, parsley, salt, butter, milk...

Dish making technology

Technology for preparing snacks, dishes, dough products

To prepare 1 kg. minced meat for cheesecakes with cottage cheese requires 915 g of cottage cheese 1000 - 915 X - 6000 We get 1000 * 6000/915 = 6557 g. you will get 6 kg of minced meat for cheesecakes. cottage cheese. To prepare 1 cheesecake, weighing 75 g, you need 30.3 g of minced meat (by gross weight)...