Anthill cake is a quick dessert made from cookies with condensed milk. Anthill cake made from cookies: a step-by-step recipe without baking Anthill recipe from cookies and boiled condensed milk

Who doesn't know the famous Anthill cake? Probably only the laziest have never heard of this beloved dessert.

There are many recipes on the Internet with step by step photos Classic Anthill cake. Typically, such a cake is baked from flour, eggs, butter or margarine. The cooking process takes at least an hour. But what if you want such a cake, but there’s just not enough time? This is where our resourceful housewives came up with quick recipe delicious dessert - Anthill cake made from ready-made cookies without baking, with a minimum of time and effort.

The process of preparing and cooking the cake itself takes 10-20 minutes. The impregnation process itself takes longer - from half an hour to 1.5-2 hours. The longer the cake sits in the refrigerator, the better it will soak in and the tastier it will be.
From kitchen utensils we will need: deep bowls, blender, mixer or whisk for whipping cream, knife for crushing nuts, spoon.

The quantity of products in the recipes is designed for 6-8 servings. Quick cake Anthill is prepared from any cookies that crumble well, plain or boiled condensed milk, and butter. Nuts, raisins, poppy seeds, and chocolate are used for decoration.


  • Cookies – 500 gr.
  • Boiled condensed milk – 1 can (500 g).
  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • Walnuts – 150 gr.
  • Poppy – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. We break the cookies into pieces of different sizes.
  2. Beat with a mixer or whisk butter and condensed milk.
  3. Pour the cream into the cookie crumbs.
  4. Roast the nuts, chop them and add them to the cookies.
  5. Mix everything well until smooth.
  6. Place the mixture on a plate, forming a mound. Let's give the cake the appearance of a real anthill.
  7. Sprinkle the top of the cake with poppy seeds. Place in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. for impregnation.
  8. The cake is ready - you can enjoy a delicious and quick dessert.

Anthill cake made from cookies and regular condensed milk

We need

  • Butter – 200 gr.
  • Pasteurized milk – 1/2 cup.
  • Shortbread cookies – 800 gr.
  • Condensed milk – 1 can.
  • For dusting you can take nuts, poppy seeds, chocolate.


Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and let it warm to room temperature.

  1. Cut the butter into pieces, combine with condensed milk and beat with a whisk or mixer until fluffy.
  2. Dip whole cookies into milk and place on a plate. Place the cookies tightly next to each other, forming a layer.
  3. Lubricate the layer with cream. We form the next layer in the same way, only a little smaller in size. And so on to the very top, alternating layers of cookies with cream.
  4. We casually spread the resulting mound with the remaining cream, giving it the appearance of an anthill.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for an hour. The dessert is ready, you can eat it.

Anthill cake made from cookies and sour cream

Need to take

  • Cookies – 400 gr.
  • Thick sour cream – 500 gr.
  • Powdered sugar – 150 gr.
  • Vanillin – 10 gr.
  • Chocolate – 25 gr.


  1. Beat sour cream, sugar and vanilla in a bowl until fluffy.
  2. Take a deep bowl or salad bowl and cover it with cling film.
  3. Grease the bottom of the bowl with whipped sour cream.
  4. Place cookies on cream. Fill the gaps between the cookies with crushed cookies.
  5. Then grease this layer with cream and lay out the cookies again. Continue until the cookies are completely used.
  6. Ready cake Cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for an hour or two without removing from the bowl. The longer the cake sits in the refrigerator, the better the cookies will soak.
  7. Remove the cooled cake from the refrigerator. Place a cake plate on top of a bowl and invert the bowl.
  8. Remove the film and sprinkle the finished cake with grated chocolate. Enjoy your tea.

But if your sour cream is still liquid, do the following. Pour a little salt into a bowl (a level teaspoon). Place a colander or sieve on the bowl. Cover with gauze folded in several layers. Pour sour cream into cheesecloth. Let it sit for at least half an hour. Excess liquid will drain and the sour cream will beat well. That's what my mom did, and now I do that.

Anthill cake made from cookies with condensed milk is a dessert without baking, with minimal manipulation on the part of the cook, but it is time-tested and loved by people with a sweet tooth for more than one generation. No dough kneading, quick assembly of the product, short soaking time (only 3-4 hours in the refrigerator), ease of design and a predictably excellent result are the undeniable advantages of this recipe.

The process is the easiest - break ready-made cookies, mix with nuts and the most basic butter cream. We assemble it in the form of a rounded pyramid, repeating the volumetric appearance. All the work in terms of cooking and shaping takes no more than an hour. An excellent option for working, busy or lazy cooks when there is a tea party planned, but there is no time or desire to bother in the kitchen.


  • shortbread cookies (“Jubilee”, “Maria”, etc.) - 400 g;
  • walnuts - 100 g.

For cream:

  • butter - 200 g;
  • condensed milk (boiled) - 1 can.

For registration:

  • poppy seed - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

Anthill cake made from cookies with condensed milk recipe

  1. We break the cookies by hand (or you can put them in a bag, tie them and tap them with a rolling pin). The pieces should be small, but there is no need to crush them into crumbs. Place the sand “shards” in a large work bowl.
  2. Lightly grind the nuts in a blender (not into dust), pour them into the cookie fragments. If desired, you can pre-dry the nut kernels in a frying pan to release the aroma. Not only walnuts are suitable for this recipe - you can use cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, etc.
  3. Preparing the cream. We take the block of butter out of the cold in advance and leave it on the kitchen counter until softened. Beat the melted, creamy butter mass with a mixer until fluffy.
  4. Add boiled condensed milk. We start the mixer again to combine the ingredients into a homogeneous cream with a caramel shade.
  5. Place the butter mixture in a bowl with nuts and cookies. Mix the layers thoroughly from top to bottom, preferably by hand. It is necessary to evenly distribute the cream among the dry mixture and combine all the crumbly parts together.
  6. Place the contents of the bowl on a small flat plate. By tamping, with our palms we sculpt a neat “dome”, characteristic of the “Anthill” cake.
  7. Sprinkle poppy seeds on all sides to imitate ants (poppy seeds can be replaced with chocolate chips).
  8. We remove the Anthill cake from the cookies into the refrigerator for 3-4 hours to stabilize and soak.
  9. The chilled dessert is easily cut into neat, even pieces, holds its shape perfectly and is easily transferred to portioned plates.

Anthill cake made from cookies with condensed milk is ready! Enjoy your tea!

Super recipe! We prepare delicious and unusual cake for children from cookies and condensed milk!

If you want a delicious homemade cake, but don’t have the time to bake it, try “Anthill”. It does not need to be baked in the oven, it is prepared very easily and quickly, and turns out incredibly tasty. This cake is an excellent dessert for both a festive feast and home tea party.

To prepare the Anthill cake (without baking) you will need:

0.5 kg of cookies with baked milk;

200 gr. butter;

250 – 300 ml boiled condensed milk;

2 tbsp. l. sour cream;

100 gr. walnuts;

1 tbsp. l. poppy

Anthill cake made from cookies with condensed milk: no baking, recipe with photo

  1. First you need to prepare the cream for the cake. To do this, pour boiled condensed milk into a deep bowl, add sour cream and softened butter.

  1. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly using a mixer or blender until the mixture is homogeneous in consistency. Set the finished cream aside.

  1. Meanwhile, break the cookies into small pieces.

  1. We peel the walnuts and cut them into thin slices (if desired, the nuts can simply be chopped).

  1. Mix chopped walnuts with broken cookies.

  1. Then pour them into a bowl with the prepared cream. Mix the pieces of cookies with nuts thoroughly with the cream so that they are all well soaked.

  1. We take a cake plate, put the sweet mixture on it, carefully forming the cake in the form of an ant hill.

  1. Sprinkle the top of the finished cake evenly with poppy seeds.

9. Place the finished cake in the refrigerator for 3 – 4 hours so that it is well soaked in the cream, after which it can be served. So sweet and delicious dessert, which does not require baking, tastes practically no different from the classic Anthill cake, but at the same time it is prepared very simply and quickly. Bon appetit!

  • Cookies (“For tea”, “Jubilee”, “Baked milk”) - 500 g;
  • Condensed milk (can be boiled) - 1 can;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Sour cream 20% - 2-3 tbsp;
  • Walnuts - 200 g;
  • Poppy seeds, chocolate - for decoration.

The recipe for Anthill cake made from cookies is simply a godsend for novice cooks and for those who do not like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. This dessert can be prepared not only for a holiday, but also on an ordinary weekday. Tasty, soft and very sweet, anyone who tries it will like it. Little ones with a sweet tooth will be especially delighted.

How did the cake come about?

There are several versions of the origin of the Anthill cake recipe. According to one of them, the idea was borrowed from the oriental delicacy chak-chak. According to another, the basis for the cake was the once popular American “meat grinder cake.”

Some argue that the treat appeared during the era of Soviet shortages, when it was not so easy to find on half-empty store shelves necessary products and housewives had to be “original” in order to please their family and guests with something delicious.

Be that as it may, the recipe for Anthill cake can rightfully be called folk. There are so many versions original recipe, that now it is difficult to say which of them was the first. Each housewife has her own secrets and tricks. They have one thing in common - affordable ingredients, ease of preparation and amazing results.

By classic recipe Anthill cake is made from homemade cookies and soaked in cream based on condensed milk, butter and chocolate. However, the delicacy can easily be made from store-bought cookies, which will greatly simplify the preparation process.

The no-bake Anthill cake recipe made from cookies with condensed milk is perhaps the most popular today. Any cookie will do, as long as it crumbles well. The fat content of butter must be at least 72.5%. Replacing butter with margarine and spread is highly undesirable, otherwise the taste ready-made dish may get hurt.

Making a quick dessert

Having prepared all the ingredients, we proceed directly to preparing the “Anthill” cake with cookies and condensed milk.

  1. First you need to grind the cookies. This can be done in two ways: using a blender or placing it in a plastic bag and rolling it out with a rolling pin.
  2. Transfer the resulting crumbs into a large container.
  3. Add condensed milk, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream to the softened butter and beat the mass well with a mixer or blender. Thanks to sour cream, the cream turns out more delicate and light.
  4. Peel the walnuts from shells and membranes and fry in a frying pan or in the oven. You need to fry without oil, stirring constantly, until a slight nutty smell appears. Then grind them with a rolling pin or in a blender.
  5. Transfer half of the nut crumbs to the chopped liver, add whipped condensed milk there. Mix well.
  6. Place the mixture in a heap on a dish, forming an anthill.
  7. Sprinkle the cake with the remaining nuts and poppy seeds, as in the photo.
  8. Leave the dessert for several hours at room temperature so that it is well soaked.

Now you know how to make an Anthill cake from cookies. We are sure this quick and easy recipe will become one of your favorites. You can experiment with dessert endlessly, changing the taste of the finished dish each time:

  • Focus on your taste. Walnuts can be replaced with hazelnuts, cashews or mixed nuts.
  • Anthill cake can be made from cookies and boiled condensed milk. If you have time, you can cook it at home by leaving a can of condensed milk in a pan of water on the stove for 2.5 hours. The process is quite lengthy, so it is better to prepare the boiled milk in advance or use store-bought boiled condensed milk.
  • If you want to make the cake less cloying, prepare “Anthill” from cookies without condensed milk. This version also has a right to exist, and some housewives prefer to soak cookies with curd or butter cream. It turns out very tasty.
  • Dried fruits will give the cake an unusual taste. Soak well-washed raisins, prunes and dried apricots (100 g each) in cool water for half an hour, then cut into small cubes and add to the cookies. Leave half of the dried fruits to decorate the finished cake.
  • Change the taste of the cream by adding a couple of teaspoons of liqueur or cognac.
  • To sprinkle the “Anthill” you can use grated or melted chocolate in a water bath, coconut flakes, berries.

If guests are on the doorstep, there is no need to run to the store for a treat. Now you know how to make an “Anthill” cake from cookies and condensed milk in just 20 minutes. Great dessert By tea time it will quickly disappear from the table. Bon appetit!

To avoid wasting time on preparation shortcrust pastry, you can make an “Anthill” from cookies. Moreover, it is permissible to prepare a sweet dressing based on boiled condensed milk, custard or melted honey.

The first dessert recipe is proposed to be made from sugar cookies with the addition of condensed milk whipped with butter.

Required Products:

  • sugar cookies – 500 g;
  • butter (82.5%) – 100 g;
  • a can of boiled condensed milk;
  • poppy for decoration.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Leave the butter for a while until it becomes very soft. When this happens, open a can of boiled condensed milk.
  2. Combine soft pieces of butter and thick condensed milk in a dry bowl. Beat and obtain a fluffy, homogeneous consistency.
  3. Refrigerate the cream. At this time, crush sugar or any other cookies with your hands to get relatively fine crumbs.
  4. Pour the dry mixture into a deep and wide bowl. And also add condensed milk and butter.
  5. Mix the mixture with a spatula, distributing the cookies and cream as evenly as possible.
  6. Wipe the dish with a towel. Lay out the ingredients in batches, forming and pressing down into a mound with your hands.
  7. At the end, sprinkle the Anthill cake made from cookies and condensed milk with dry poppy seeds. Refrigerate for 10-12 hours until completely set.

Cooking with sour cream

If you add a little fatty sour cream and sweet liqueur to boiled condensed milk, you will get a more delicate and aromatic dessert.

Ingredients you will need:

  • a can of boiled condensed milk;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cookies “For tea” – 3 packs;
  • soft butter – 45-50 g;
  • any liqueur - 1 tbsp. l.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Cut the butter. Place the pieces in a bowl. Start beating with a mixer. Having achieved a plastic consistency, add boiled condensed milk.
  2. At the end add sour cream. Beat the cream for 2-3 minutes. Place in a cool place to harden.
  3. After an hour, open the packets of cookies. Break and crush with your fingers to form uneven crumbs.
  4. Using your hands or a spatula, mix the cream and cookies well. During this process, add a spoonful of any liqueur that suits your taste.
  5. Form a mound-shaped “Anthill” cookie cake from the sticky viscous mixture. Decorate with powder or poppy seeds. Infuse and cool before serving.

Milk, chocolate or berry liqueurs are perfect for this dessert. And this one is sweet alcoholic drink It is permissible to replace it with cognac or rum. Easy to cook with sour cream!

Dessert with walnuts

Walnuts are perfect for today's cake. Here it will be important to sort them out carefully and chop them well.

To prepare “Anthill” you need to take:

  • walnuts – 1/2 cup;
  • tea cookies – 2 packs;
  • condensed milk (boiled) - a jar;
  • soft butter – 1/2 pack;
  • dusting powder.

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. Inspect the shelled nuts, using your fingers or tweezers to remove shell fragments and pieces of partitions. Then chop the kernels.
  2. Now knead all the cookies with your hands. Mix with nuts.
  3. In another container, beat fresh boiled condensed milk with pre-softened butter with a mixer. Combine cream with nuts and cookies.
  4. Place the mixture on a flat dish. Form a nice, even mound with wet hands. Sprinkle with a small amount of nuts. Leave the “anthill” of cookies for several hours until completely hardened.

Walnuts can be replaced with hazelnuts, cashews or peanuts. You can also use several types at once. This will only make dessert with walnuts tastier.

No-bake "Anthill" cookie cake

The next version of the dessert will be prepared with grated chocolate, in which you will need to roll small cakes.

To make a cake, you need to buy:

  • sugar cookies – 490-500 g;
  • a standard can of condensed milk;
  • half a stick of butter;
  • grated chocolate for decoration.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Carefully open the jar. Pour the condensed milk into a bowl with softened butter. Beat.
  2. Leave the thick viscous cream in the cold. While it sits, crush a couple of packets of cookies by hand.
  3. Combine and knead the aromatic sweet mass with a spatula. With wet hands, take turns forming cone shapes.
  4. Finely grate the frozen chocolate onto a flat dry plate. Roll each no-bake "Anthill" cookie cake in it.
  5. Place dessert on large dish. Leave for several hours before serving.

For deboning the blanks, it is permissible to use any type of chocolate: white, bitter or milk. You can also melt it with butter or cream, and then pour it in thin lines for a more beautiful presentation of the Anthill cake.

With custard

"Anthill" is not often made with custard. But it’s worth a try, because it will turn out unusual!

Required ingredients:

  • milk – 250 ml;
  • egg in cream – 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • sugar in cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • starch – 1-2 tsp;
  • tea cookies – 3 packs;
  • nuts for sprinkling.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Bring milk and sugar to a boil. During this time, lightly beat fresh eggs in a separate bowl. Sift and stir in starch.
  2. Pour a couple of tablespoons of boiling milk into egg mixture. This is done to prevent the eggs from curdling immediately. Stir until smooth.
  3. Return the mixture (without lumps!) back into the hot milk. Bring the custard to the required thickness in a water bath. At the end add vanillin.
  4. Beat the cream well until fluffy for several minutes. To do this, take a mixer. Place in the refrigerator for a while.
  5. At the same time, crush all the cookies by hand. Place the crumbs into a large bowl. Add cream. Stir until all ingredients used are evenly distributed.
  6. At the end, make a mound of cookies and cream. Compact. Cover the surface of the no-bake cake with chopped nuts.

“Anthill” with custard can be stored for no more than 6-7 hours. Therefore, it is better to make this dessert shortly before serving.

How to quickly prepare a honey treat

Those who love honey will love the following version of the cake, where the cream will be made on its basis with the addition of fresh lemon juice.

Products you will need:

  • buckwheat honey – 150-155 ml;
  • medium lemon;
  • “Baked milk” cookies – 2 packs;
  • powdered sugar.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Grind the cookies into crumbs with your hands. Place in a large bowl. Set aside, wrapped in film.
  2. Pour honey into a saucepan. Place on the lowest heat. As soon as it becomes liquid, add juice from one lemon. Mix well. Do not bring to an active boil!
  3. Pour into bowl with cookies. Knead quickly until the honey begins to thicken. Place everything in a mound. Tamp down with wet hands.
  4. When the dessert of cookies and honey has cooled, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Insist. You can serve after 1-2 hours.

Since honey hardens quite quickly, especially on the refrigerator shelf, this dessert will not need to be refrigerated for a long time. So we figured out how to quickly prepare a honey treat.

Cake “Anthill” made from “Yubileinoe” cookies

IN latest recipe Spicy raisins will be used, which must be washed, kept in boiling water and dried on a towel.

For preparation you will need:

  • “Jubilee” cookies – 40 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - standard jar;
  • softened butter - 100-105 g;
  • small raisins - 55-60 g.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Sort out the small raisins, steam and squeeze out after 15-20 minutes. Spread in one layer so that the fruits can dry.
  2. Now knead the cookies with your hands. Pour the resulting crumbs into a bowl.
  3. Separately, beat the boiled condensed milk with very soft butter.
  4. Mix the fluffy and delicate cream with cookies and dry raisins. Place the mixture in portions on a plate, where you form the “Anthill” cake from the “Yubileinoe” cookies.
  5. Cool and leave. The no-bake cake will be ready to serve in 6-7 hours.

To prevent the raisins from standing out too much compared to the crumbs, it is recommended to choose small fruits or chop them with a knife on a cutting board. It's so easy and quick to make a cake!