Whipped cream is not a product for weight loss - beneficial properties and calorie content. How to make whipped cream correctly

Delicious cream can appear on the surface of only fresh milk within a few hours after milking. Knowledge about this property of milk came to us from our ancestors; already in those distant times they knew how to prepare various dishes from cream. Today it is difficult to imagine our diet without such a healthy product.

All cream that goes on sale must undergo heat treatment, which neutralizes milk bacteria. The only exception is a product sold on the market. By the way, raw village cream is the most “lively” and capricious. They need to be stored only in the cold and no more than a day. For the dairy industry, they are only raw materials from which they make a product for sale. They are subjected to heat treatment, and depending on this, a distinction is made between sterilized, ultra-pasteurized and pasteurized cream.


Cream is rich in protein (milk protein), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium) and vitamins (PP, C, A, choline, biotin, group B). Cream has the main thing for which doctors approve of it - it is the optimal ratio of calcium and vitamin D (without vitamin D, calcium does not work normally in the body). But, unfortunately, cream contains a lot of cholesterol, so it is better to avoid it if you have a diseased heart or blood vessels.


Of all the cream sold in stores, this is the most “live” and closest to a natural rustic product. They are heated moderately and briefly, and stabilizers are usually not added to them. But, since after such a mild treatment some bacteria remain alive, but inhibited, this product can not be stored for long - 4 days.


This cream is heated long enough and high enough to kill all microorganisms. Therefore, to avoid milk coagulation, stabilizers are often added to it. But sterilized cream can be stored for a long time - from 1 to 6 months.


The cream is heated to a very high temperature in a short time. At the same time, they flow in a thin layer and have time to be thoroughly sterilized. In fact, this is also sterilized cream, and it may contain phosphate stabilizers.

How to choose cream based on composition


Perhaps the best you can find in the store. They are obtained using a separator, separating the fat and diluting it with milk, thereby bringing it to the desired consistency. In their production, only whole or low-fat milk is used and no stabilizers. In stores, such a product is “hidden” under the name “drinking cream”, and its fat content ranges from 10 to 42%.


They are made from various components of milk, that is, they are a mix of buttermilk, butter, protein, milk of different fat content and so on. Most often they are recombined to create a product of a certain fat content.


Recombined + dry cream.


Made from dry cream. The fact that the verb was used in the past tense is not at all a mistake, because according to the newly established standards, the production of cream of this type was prohibited. True, now it is absolutely legal and with a clear conscience that manufacturers can add stabilizers to the product (which they successfully do).


It sounds a little crazy, but it’s true – they are made from palm milk. They are lower in calories and do not contain bad cholesterol, typical of fatty animal products, but their taste is far from ideal and does not even remotely resemble cream from cow's milk. Of course, logically, such a product cannot be called cream, but there is so much you won’t find in domestic supermarkets!


The product is undoubtedly practical, because in such packaging it is possible to maintain its original consistency for a long period of time. At first glance, it may seem that such a long “life” is determined by the specific features of the container, however, this is a misconception.

Whipped cream can be classified as “vegetable”; it contains a huge amount of synthetic additives, thanks to which the product is constantly in a foamy state.


When choosing cream in the store, be sure to pay attention to its fat content. This figure can range from 9 to 58%, and it radically affects the culinary properties of the product. For example, to add to coffee or tea, it is best to choose 10%. Of course, you can add more to hot drinks. heavy cream, but they will most likely dissolve poorly and leave lumps behind. But for whipping, on the contrary, a product with at least 30%, and even better 35-38% and higher, is more suitable.

For cooking (adding to cream soup, creating purees, sauces), it is optimal to use cream of medium fat content from 15 to 30%. By the way, packages now often contain recommendations for the use of a specific product or directly indicate: for coffee, for whipping. Pay attention to this information - according to the law, it is optional, but very useful.


Cream is convenient because it can tell you almost everything about its quality. appearance. So, fresh cream is a slightly creamy, homogeneous mass. Such cream tastes pleasant, it can be a little sweet, but even a slight bitterness is a sign of spoilage.

If, after pouring the cream into a glass, you see that it separates - a film accumulates on top or simply yellower particles of fat, then this does not mean that it has gone bad. You can do a very simple test for the freshness of the product - you need to stir it, and if it becomes homogeneous, everything is fine, the cream is ready to use.

If the fat has not dissolved or whitish protein flakes are present, the quality clearly leaves much to be desired. You can whiten coffee with this cream, but whipping it or using it in cooking is not recommended. In production, a similar product is sent for “remelting” and a dry analogue is made from them.

How to make whipped cream at home?

It would seem that there is nothing complicated about it, all you need to do is take the cream of the desired fat content and whip it to the desired result. But no, during processing the cream can separate or become butter; naturally, we don’t need either of those. Therefore, we will figure out what rules there are for whipping cream and how to make it whipped at home.

1. Do not whip frozen or warm cream, otherwise separation will certainly occur. Properly beat only very cold product. Dishes must be clean, dry and cold. For a better effect, you can place the whipping container on ice; I usually limit myself to chilled containers.

2. How long should you whip cream? The specific cooking time for cream depends on the volume of cream, so you need to carefully monitor the degree of readiness. You need to whip the cream until it reaches soft peaks, when a trace of the whisk remains on the cream, and the cream itself holds its shape well, which means the cream is ready. After the cream is ready, it is better not to whip it further, so as not to beat the cream into butter.

3. How to whip cream: with a mixer, a blender or by hand, without a mixer, with a regular whisk? Let's start with the fact that you can't whip cream with a blender - it won't work anyway, you'll just spoil the product. But you can beat it either with a mixer or by hand, as you like. Just when beating with a mixer, you shouldn’t start at high speeds. It is better to start beating at low speed and gradually increase it.

4. When to add powdered sugar? This should be done as soon as you manage to whip the cream into foam. If you whip cream with sugar, it is better to add powdered sugar. 33-35% cream whips quickly and the sugar does not have time to melt. For 250 ml of 33% cream you need 30 g of powdered sugar. If you add powder before whipping, the cream may not whip.

5. To make the cream retain its volume better, there are special thickeners and gelatin. You need to add them by slightly whipping the cream.

6. You can store the whipped cream in the refrigerator for up to 36 hours. But it is worth remembering that this product perfectly absorbs odors, so you should choose the place to store the cream carefully. It’s better to immediately use it for filling eclairs, decorating cakes, or in the recipe for any other dish with this most delicate delicacy.

7. If cream is needed to introduce it into a dish, do it carefully, introducing light foods into heavier ones.

Useful and correct purchases for you!

Many housewives cook incredibly delicious cakes or other gourmet desserts using whipped cream. Some people prepare a similar product on their own, others prefer to purchase it already at finished form in a cylinder. Whipping cream is quite easy if you know how to do it correctly. Let's look at what to look for when choosing a cream product, as well as how you can whip the cream yourself.


Whipped cream has a number of features.

  • Delicate, airy consistency.
  • They are sold both pasteurized and sterilized. Their shelf life depends on this.
  • Whipped cream contains a large amount of calcium and vitamin D, which are beneficial for bone tissue.
  • Since such products have a high percentage of fat content, it should not be consumed by people suffering from obesity.

Cooking at home

Before you start making the whipped cream, You need to familiarize yourself with the basic tips of experienced housewives that will help you create a delicious treat.

  • Before making the whipped cream, place it in the refrigerator for a few hours until it is cold. Under no circumstances should you try to freeze them or use them warm, as this will cause the creamy product to separate, turning into butter and whey.
  • To prepare such a dish, it is better to use metal utensils, which are placed in the freezer for a few minutes to cool. The cream will also whip better with a cold whisk or mixer attachment, so it's best to put it in the freezer for a couple of minutes. After these devices are removed from the refrigerator, they must be wiped off any condensation that has formed.
  • To prevent the container with the creamy product from heating up during whipping, it is better to place it in ice water.
  • Do not try to beat all the required amount of product at once; it is better to divide it into small parts, approximately 200-300 milliliters. This will make the whipping process much easier and faster.

Please note that the finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

Let's look at a few popular recipes.

Whipped cream 33%

Cream with fat content indicated equal to 33%, are the optimal product for whipping and preparing a variety of delicacies and desserts.

Before you start working, Mash the packaging containing the creamy product with your hands or shake it. This is done to ensure that the liquid becomes homogeneous. From remaining in one position, the cream can acquire a thicker consistency on the surface, becoming more liquid at the bottom of the package. A homogeneous product will be much easier to whip.

Whipping the cream is done using a hand whisk. You need to start slowly, making circular movements from the center of the bowl to the edges. Try to gradually increase the intensity and amplitude of the actions performed. Hold the container in which you prepare the dessert at a slight angle, so the liquid will circulate additionally.

This process may take 10-15 minutes, keep an eye on the condition of the cream. If you notice a small whisk mark on the cream, this means that the product called “soft peaks” has reached readiness. Some recipes call for using exactly this consistency. If you actively beat such products for another 1-2 minutes, you will notice that the cream has stopped spreading, and the whisk raises strong pointed peaks. So everything is ready.

You can check the readiness of the dessert by turning the bowl over. If the mass remains in place and does not flow out, then you have successfully completed the task.

Cream made from 20% cream

If you use light cream with an indicator of 20% as a base for the cream at home, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the process of whipping such a product will take you more time and effort. To make the cream light and airy, you need to reduce the temperature of the creamy ingredient and the kitchen appliances used to a minimum level.

Try to reduce the temperature inside the refrigerator to 1 degree. Make sure the cream, bowl and whisk have cooled to this temperature. Prepare the ice in advance and put it in a wide bowl, you can add very cold water there. Place the container containing the cream in ice and begin the whipping process very slowly. After two minutes, you need to speed up. When the cream becomes slightly thick, it should be put in the refrigerator and left for 10-15 minutes. After this time, you need to remove the mixture from the refrigerator and continue whisking until the dessert is ready.

Using a mixer

Probably every housewife has a household appliance such as a mixer or blender. With their help, the process of whipping cream can be much easier and faster than manually. Choosing a device to cook creamy dessert, opt for household appliances with a power of 350-400 watts. If you are going to use a blender, then install the whisk attachment. An attachment equipped with an iron knife will not help you cope with the task.

Before preparing the cream for the cream, They, dishes and attachments for a blender or mixer need to be cooled. Start the beating process at low speed. If you immediately start whipping at high speeds, then you can provoke the separation of this product into oil and whey. When the mixture begins to thicken, you can gradually increase the speed. Please note that the entire process will not take you much time. On average, you will spend from 3 to 7 minutes to achieve the desired result.

If you suddenly overdo it with the speed or duration of whipping, and the creamy product begins to separate, then you need to add a little liquid cream from milk, and beat everything carefully again.

With powdered sugar

In the majority confectionery Not just whipped cream is used, but its sweet version. Since the process of preparing such a dessert goes very quickly, and the sugar grains do not have time to dissolve, the cream is not whipped with sugar. Powdered sugar is used as a sweetener.

For a 500 gram package of cream, you will need an average of 100-150 grams of powdered sugar, depending on how sweet you want the dessert to be. To give the cream a pleasant aroma, add 5 grams of vanillin or 10 grams of vanilla sugar. If you use vanilla sugar, grind it in a coffee grinder until vanilla powdered sugar forms. If you are going to prepare a dessert for adults and want to diversify the taste, you can add 40 milliliters of rum or liqueur.

The cooking process will look like this:

  • you need to whip the cream until its consistency reaches “soft peaks”;
  • Sift about a third of the powdered sugar through a sieve into butter cream and stir it carefully with a whisk;
  • repeat this procedure three more times until the powdered sugar is gone;
  • if you plan to add rum, liqueur or vanillin, now is the time to add them to the mixture;
  • Continue the beating process until the cream is completely whipped.

With gelatin

Many housewives use gelatin for cream; this component protects the dessert from spreading, even if it is in a warm room. A similar ingredient will also allow you to prepare a creamy dessert from a low-fat product. If you have a spicy taste and feel the unpleasant aftertaste of gelatin, then you can pour a little liqueur, rum, berry syrup, add vanilla or cocoa to significantly improve the taste ready-made dish. It's quite easy to whip cream with gelatin. For 150 milliliters of creamy product you will need 6 grams of gelatin, 40 grams of powdered sugar and 40 milliliters of water.

Let's consider the process of preparing the cream.

  • Gelatin should be soaked for 30 minutes, following the instructions on the packaging of this ingredient. Drain off excess water. If you are using gelatin, which dissolves quickly, then there is no need to discard anything.
  • The pan with the soaked gelatin is placed on low heat, and a third of the cream is poured here.
  • The mixture is heated until the gelatin is completely dissolved. It should be stirred constantly, so the jelly component will dissolve faster. Make sure that the liquid does not start to boil.

  • The container is removed from the heat and left to cool until it reaches room temperature.
  • The remaining chilled cream needs to be whipped until “soft peaks” appear.
  • Flavorings or natural colors are added (if necessary).
  • Next, you need to beat until the cream is completely ready, until “strong peaks” appear.
  • Gradually pour in the gelatin mixture in a thin stream, constantly whisking the cream.

Please note that the cream to which gelatin has been added will harden quickly, so it must be immediately poured into molds or spread onto the cake. If you are going to use this cream to decorate a cake using a piping bag, then place it in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

Based on dry cream

If you dilute dry cream correctly, then based on it you can get a cream that is in no way inferior in taste to its liquid counterpart. To prepare such a dessert you will need 250 milliliters of milk and 100 grams of dry cream. You can also use a variety of flavors and sweeteners, similar to natural cream products.

Please note that the special cream powder used for whipping already has some sugar added. It should be diluted with milk, following the proportions and recommendations indicated on the package.

Powdered sugar is poured into the usual dry cream only when the dessert becomes thicker. To prepare this cream, use chilled milk, the temperature of which does not exceed 3-5 degrees. Cream and milk should be mixed with a mixer or blender, adhering to a low speed setting. Then you need to carry out the beating process for 3 minutes, increasing the speed to maximum or selecting turbo mode.

The finished product must either be used immediately for its intended purpose or refrigerated.

How to choose a store product?

When going to the store for whipped cream, pay attention to several parameters.

  • Compound. The label must indicate one ingredient - cream. There should be no milk powder or vegetable fats.
  • Fat content. Consider this parameter based on the purpose for which you are purchasing cream. If you plan to add them to coffee, then the best option is 10 percent cream. If you are going to use them for confectionery purposes to prepare desserts, then the fat content should be in the range from 20 to 33%. Because the higher this indicator, the better the creamy product will be whipped.
  • Taste qualities. A quality product should have a subtle taste of pasteurized milk. It should taste a little sweet. There should be no foreign or unpleasant tastes or odors. If you feel a rancid or bitter taste, it is better not to eat such products, as they have either spoiled or were manufactured in violation of production technology.
  • Appearance– the creamy product should be homogeneous and have a pleasant creamy shade.

Please note that if the package says “confectionery cream”, such products are ideal for whipping and preparing creams.

  • Cream that has undergone the sterilization process can be stored for 1 month, and the ambient temperature should not exceed 1-2 degrees.
  • If preservatives have been added to such products, then the shelf life can be extended to six months.

    When you open the package, breaking its seal, then be prepared for the fact that the shelf life of creamy products is halved. Therefore, opened sterilized cream can be stored for no more than 14 days, and the pasteurized version is better to be consumed immediately.

    To extend the shelf life of cream, sugar is added to it.

    During storage, cream separation can be observed. If after you mix them they become smooth again, then they are ready to eat. Otherwise, it is better to dispose of them.

    In order for the product to be stored better after opening the package, it is recommended to transfer it to glass jar, which should first be doused with boiling water or sterilized.

    Some housewives freeze these products to extend their shelf life. In this case, the best option is to use the express freezing function. This will prevent the cream from separating and forming lumps.

    Placed in the freezer, whipped cream can be stored 2 times longer than in the refrigerator:

    • a pasteurized product will be good for 6 days;
    • The sterilized version can be eaten for up to 2 months.

    In order for such a creamy product to defrost well, it is placed in the refrigerator overnight. If it is used to prepare a hot dish, then you don’t have to wait for it to defrost, but use it frozen.

    If you are preparing a small number of servings of dessert, then it is better to purchase a small package of cream. In this case, you will not have any difficulties with storing them.

    Now you know how to choose and prepare whipped cream correctly. You can pamper your household with an incredibly delicious dessert.

    To learn how to whip cream correctly, watch the following video.

    This treat is one of the most favorite delicacies of many people with a sweet tooth. Whipped cream is a delicacy that can decorate a tea party on weekdays or on holidays, comfort an adult in moments of sadness, or distract and calm a naughty child. This product is used in the preparation of a wide variety of desserts.

    Whipped cream, this is perhaps the most desired delicacy for both adults and children, today can be easily purchased in the supermarket - it is sold in special metal cans. According to reviews, this product in the modern food industry, it is characterized by an excessively sugary taste and a strong chemical aroma. For this reason, many housewives try to make whipped cream at home. The desire to pamper your family with a product that is not only tasty, but also safe for their health, is quite understandable. But how to make whipped cream correctly so that it turns out airy, holds its shape well and becomes a real table decoration? Not every housewife knows about this today. The materials offered in the article will help you understand how to make whipped cream at home.

    About product selection

    Experienced chefs recommend using a product with a fat content of at least 30% to prepare whipped cream. Attempts to whip 10-20% cream usually do not lead to a positive result, since it is too liquid. Home confectioners recommend adding gelatin to low-fat cream (less than 30%) - it will help keep the shape of the dessert, but the appearance and taste of the resulting whipped cream will be different. Sometimes an egg is added to a product with insufficient fat content, but, according to reviews, housewives are often dissatisfied with the result.

    The cost is cheaper than animals, but many people prefer animals that are obtained from milk. According to many housewives, it is good to use homemade cream for whipping. Initially, they are quite thick, similar to high-fat sour cream. This product is diluted with milk or cold water using the following proportions: 300 ml per 120 ml water (cold) or 100 ml milk (cold).

    What kind of cream can you whip? About the thickness of the product

    The thickness of whipping cream varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Sometimes the product is thick, holds its shape well and has a consistency similar to sour cream. In some cases, the cream is liquid, similar to milk, flows easily and does not hold its shape at all. Both options are normal; with proper skill, they beat well.

    About temperature

    The temperature of the product is an important factor that should be taken into account when you want to create a delicious and beautiful dessert. The whipped cream recipe calls for refrigerating it before starting the process. Otherwise, the product will separate into oil and whey. On the other hand, you should not overdo it either. Frozen (ice) cream or with pieces of ice whipping is much more difficult. Experts do not recommend cooling the product in the refrigerator against the far wall.

    About dishes and equipment for whipping

    All utensils and utensils used to prepare any whipped cream recipe at home should also be cooled - before starting the process, put the mixer beaters in the refrigerator, as well as the container in which the product is placed.

    Experienced housewives do not recommend whipping cream with a blender, unless it is equipped with an appropriate attachment - a whisk. According to experts, it is better to whip cream either with a regular mixer, or (in the old fashioned way) by hand - using a whisk. Ideally it should be absolutely cold.

    How is sugar added to cream?

    Some craftswomen note that instead of sugar to make whipped cream (the photo below shows the general appearance of the delicacy), it is better to use powdered sugar. This is explained by the fact that modern manufacturers add a stabilizer to 30-33%. Thanks to this, the product is whipped much faster, so the sugar simply does not have time to dissolve in them. There is no such problem with powdered sugar; it melts quickly enough and is easily mixed into the whipped mass. It is recommended to add vanillin to the powdered sugar. If you don’t have store-bought powdered sugar, you can make it yourself: grind the sugar and vanilla in a blender bowl.

    The amount of added sugar (powder) depends on the preferences of the confectioner and the specifics of the recipe. To whip a standard package of cream (500 ml) with a fat content of 33% powdered sugar, 50-60 grams is usually enough.

    You need to learn how to add powder correctly or granulated sugar into cream. You should not pour it all at once, since a large volume is more difficult to dissolve. In addition, sugar or powder is never added before the process begins, as this will make the product heavier and will not fluff up. According to many craftswomen, sugar should be added to the cream after it has been slightly whipped. Continuing to beat, add powdered sugar in a thin stream. After this, the speed is increased slightly. In no case is it recommended to make sudden, impetuous movements. Beat the sweet product with love and slowly.

    How long will it take to whip?

    Cooking time depends on many factors. These include the volume of cream whipped at one time, the speed at which it is whipped, and the brand of the product itself.

    About the volume

    If you use a mixer to whip cream, beat up to 250-300 ml of product at a time (about half a pack). When using a whisk and manual operations, the volume of whipped cream should not exceed 500 ml.

    About speed

    A big mistake is to use high mixer speeds or (if done manually) intense movements at the very beginning of the process of whipping cream. Work should begin with the lowest speed possible in the mixer. Gradually the speed can be increased. Then, while continuing to beat, add sugar; after it has dissolved, the beating speed can be continued to be increased. At the end of the process, experienced confectioners do not recommend abruptly turning off the mixer or stopping work. You should proceed in the reverse order: gradually reduce the beating speed to a minimum. After this, turn off the mixer (finish beating manually).

    About the brand

    The whipping time largely depends on what brand of cream is used. One of the most common is the Petmol brand. According to experts, on average, cream from this brand is whipped in five to seven minutes.


    If there is not enough cream and the whisk peeks above the surface, you need to tilt the container with the product so that the tool is completely covered with it.

    Circular or any other movements of the mixer (whisk) across the container with the product are not recommended. The cream should circulate on its own.

    Gradually increasing the speed, you should wait until the circulation of the product stops. It seems to freeze, and only the mixer blades or whisk continue to move in the container. From this moment you should start reducing the whipping speed (otherwise the cream will turn into butter). After stopping beating, check the quality of the product. Cream that is whipped correctly should hold its shape well and not spread over the surface.

    About supplements

    Sometimes additives are used to enhance the effect when working with cream. Mainly, in order for the product to whip better, lemon or gelatin is added.

    How is gelatin added?

    It needs to swell before adding to the cream. Next, the gelatin is heated until the granules dissolve. It is then cooled and added to lightly whipped cream.

    Why is there lemon in cream?

    If the cream does not whip and does not thicken in any way, you can try to “save” it. To do this, add a little lemon juice to the container with the product. In 200 ml of cream you will need juice made from about a quarter of a lemon. It is gradually poured into the cream, continuing to whip. Thanks to the acid of the citrus fruit, you should get a thick, creamy mass.

    Whipped cream for cake: three recipes without preservatives

    We suggest using three ideal, in the opinion of many housewives, recipes. It only takes 5-10 minutes to prepare whipped cream without using preservatives. 1 cup of fresh cream will yield 2 cups of whipped sweet product.

    Classic whipped cream

    The recipe offers a traditional list of ingredients. Use:

    • 1 stack cream (fat);
    • one third cup (or one tablespoon) of powdered sugar;
    • a pinch of salt.


    The colder the cream, the easier it is to whip. You should beat them as soon as they are taken out of the refrigerator. Don't leave them on the table. The bowl in which they will be placed must also be cooled. Next, sweeten the cream, add a pinch of salt, and mix the mixture well with a spoon or whisk. Then begin to beat the mixture with a large whisk or mixer. The air changes the consistency of the product and turns it into a fluffy, light substance.

    You need to watch how the peaks form. Evidence that the texture of the product has become more rigid are whisk marks that appear on it. You need to continue until you reach the desired texture (soft, hard, semi-hard peaks).

    Stop whipping before the cream turns into butter. If this does happen, you can save the resulting butter and start whipping a new portion of cream.

    Flavored cream: ingredients

    The production of flavored whipped cream has become quite popular today. They complement the taste of the dishes in which they are used. Cocoa, various extracts, liqueurs, etc. are added to the cream. The combination can be selected based on your preferences. Use:

    • heavy cream - one glass;
    • powdered sugar - a third of a glass (one tablespoon);
    • salt - a pinch;
    • as flavoring additives - lime or lemon zest, almonds, vanilla, anise extract, brandy or bourbon.

    Cake ideas

    To prepare chocolate cream, you need to add cocoa (a tablespoon). This product is perfect for surface decoration chocolate cake. For nutty, you can whip cream with bourbon and vanilla (one teaspoon each). If you add one table to them. a spoonful of lemon zest, you get a product with a pronounced taste. Almond or anise extract adds a subtle depth of flavor to the whipped cream, pairing perfectly with a variety of berry cakes.

    How to beat?

    Flavorings should be added before the beating process begins. Remove the cream from the refrigerator, pour it into a clean bowl, add sugar and salt, and flavorings. Mix everything with a whisk or spoon. Next, whip the cream until the desired texture reaches the peak and cover the cake or pie with it.


    • one package (225 grams) of cream cheese;
    • cream - two glasses;
    • sugar - half a glass;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • vanilla - one tablespoon.


    The cheese (cream) is placed in a chilled container and whipped until it becomes light and fluffy. Pour chilled cream (whipped) into a separate bowl, add sugar, vanilla and salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a spoon or whisk. Then, using a hand mixer or a whisk, beat the cream until soft peaks form (not hard!), mix the cheese with the cream, then beat the mixture until stiff peaks form.

    Where to use?

    Cream cheese can be used as a frosting as it is a little stiffer and thicker than regular cream. The product is perfect for apple pie or bread baked with zucchini.

    Whipped cream is made by churning pasteurized dairy cream with the addition of powdered sugar and possibly various toppings.


    Whipping cream can be made at home by whipping cooled heavy cream, fresh or pasteurized, using a mixer. You can also buy commercially produced whipped cream. As a rule, they are packaged in cylinders.

    Calorie content

    This product is characterized by high fat content and calorie content, since it is made from cream with a fat content of 35-40 percent. As a rule, 100 grams of whipped cream contains 257 kcal.


    The composition of natural whipped cream includes saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, vitamins A, beta-carotene, D, E, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, as well as minerals: zinc, selenium, iron, copper , fluorine, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium. In addition to sugar, flavorings, stabilizers and preservatives are added to whipped cream sold in stores.


    Whipped cream is used to make various desserts, as well as to decorate dishes. They can have a dense, stable or soft consistency.

    Useful properties

    Natural whipped cream has all the beneficial qualities inherent in regular cream. In particular, they have high nutritional value for the body, help improve mood, improve brain function, strengthen the immune system and nervous system, normalize sleep, and improve performance.

    Restrictions on use

    This is very nutritious product high fat content, which should be avoided by people suffering from obesity, atherosclerosis, and liver diseases.


    Whipped cream was invented in the 17th century by Francois Vatel. He was the court cook of Louis XIV's relative Louis II de Bourbon-Condé. On the eve of the arrival of the Sun King, he prepared a luxurious reception. François Vatel understood that Louis XIV’s relationship with his host depended on the sophistication of the treats, so he tried to make the table unforgettable and impressive.

    It was for this technique that Francois Vatel invented whipped cream. The French monarch was so impressed by the cook's culinary talent that he asked his related prince for permission to invite Vatel to the royal palace. The feast lasted 3 days. On the last day of the king's visit, Vatel, who was waiting for a convoy with fresh fish, learned that he was delayed. He took this news as a shame for himself and therefore committed suicide. Later it turned out that the convoy did arrive on time.

    Cream is a fraction of whole natural milk, fatty in composition. The cream contains an optimal ratio of vitamin C and calcium, which is very beneficial for the body and is especially noted by doctors. You need to know that cream contains a lot of cholesterol, so people with diseased blood vessels and hearts should avoid this product. When we buy cream in a store, it is better to buy the product packaged in glass containers or in foil bags. Cream is made from whole milk and should not be present in finished cream. powdered milk, dyes, starch and stabilizers. Cream with a high fat content is used to produce whipped cream, which is used in the confectionery industry for soufflés, ice cream, creams, cocktails, pastries and pies. In order to prepare whipped cream, you need to take a product with a fat content of at least 30%, cool it and add powdered sugar. Currently, when producing whipped cream in finished form, industrial enterprises are forced to add additives and preservatives to preserve the product.

    Whipped cream contains a complex of vitamins:

    • Kholin, RR, B9, B6, B5, B2, B1.
    • K, E, D, A, Beta-carotene.

    Whipped cream contains minerals:

    • Fluorine, zinc, selenium, copper.
    • Phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium.

    100g of whipped cream contains:

    • Water – 61.33.
    • Proteins – 3.2.
    • Fats – 22.2.
    • Carbohydrates – 12.5.
    • Kcal – 257.

    Stores sell ready-made whipped cream in cans. This product has a longer shelf life than homemade ones, is sold in convenient packaging and requires no effort to prepare it. But there is a big drawback to store-bought whipped cream - these are dyes, thickeners, emulsifiers and other “things”. If you want to get healthy and useful product Make your own whipped cream.

    Whipped and Homemade Cream Recipe

    • Considering that cream contains a complex of vitamins, microelements and fatty acids, this product is very healthy and nutritious. If you prepare whipped cream at home, the whole range of benefits will remain in the whipped cream and make it as healthy as natural ones.
    • To make the whipped cream fluffy and voluminous, you need to take this product with a fat content of at least 30%. Cream should be fresh, natural without preservatives.
    • First of all, the cream must be cooled, and the devices in which it will be whipped must be dry and chilled.
    • A blender is not suitable for whipping cream. Take a regular whisk or mixer. Keep the container with cream tilted and turn it over periodically. Usually the beating process takes 5 minutes. The finished cream should hold its shape and not spread.
    • While whipping, you can add powdered sugar and lemon juice to the cream. A glass of cream requires 30g of powdered sugar, and it must be added at the end of whipping, and lemon juice at the beginning.
    • Whipped cream is not stored for a long time, but is used immediately.

    Ready whipped cream served with fruit salad and ice cream. They are used as a decoration for baked goods or in coffee drinks.