Recipe: Homemade Chips - Nori Chips in the Oven. Nori seaweed chips: benefits and harms

Do you know why hypermarkets are tricky? Starting from huge carts, in which you are expected to load half a salary’s worth of goods, and ending with the arrangement of shelves with intermediate landings in a simple melody sliding through the loudspeakers of the trading floor.

BUY STUFF!- the shelves shout


But... but I came for bread and milk... Why are they located in completely different parts of the hypermarket?..

Yes, so that along the way we, silly ones, had time to relax, forget about the purpose of the visit and buy all sorts of “extremely necessary” products.

All I’m saying is that the other day we brought a whole package of God knows what from the store. Naturally, we are talking about food, but it would be worth spending the money more wisely, and not on all sorts of strange goodies ヾ( ̄O ̄)ツ

● From the manufacturer

Nori chips are a popular Korean seaweed snack. A product for those who are sensitive to their health and care about a slim figure. Crispy nori plates fried in sesame oil perfectly satisfy your hunger and retain all the exceptional properties of seaweed. Tasty and healthy, they contain vegetable protein, iodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, B and C.

In a word - a vitamin cocktail in a box! But are the manufacturer's promises true? More on this below.

● About the product

There are not many photos, I barely managed to take a photo of anything. Then the crowd came and all I had left of the chips was a packet...

Unprepossessing, even simple at first glance, the packaging contains a lot of letters and information.

On the other hand, this is exactly what I like: no flashy yellow or light green inscriptions, modest but pleasant design.

Size packaging (LxWxH), cm

On a walk, in front of the TV, at the cinema and on the road, Nori Chips are with you Sen Soy Premium– crunch with pleasure and benefit!

Stop eating in front of the TV!) For those who don’t know, it’s harmful because you can eat an elephant while you’re watching an interesting movie. The eyes are watching, the jaw is working, the stomach is dissatisfied.

And these chips, by the way, are enough for one commercial (not even an advertising block!).

You never get enough, what is the manufacturer even trying to say? If we are talking about stifling hunger, then yes, but these chips are in no way meant to be lunch or dinner, even if you are a follower of healthy eating. It won't be enough! ( men generally have a good laugh).

● Composition

Seaweed, salt, sesame oil, corn oil.

Therefore, all the vitamins mentioned above are contained... contained... In algae! Buy a jar of seaweed for the same price and eat it for days! And why pay more? ┐("~`;)┌

● Value

Sounds nice, let's take a look.

Nutritional value per 100 g. product:
Proteins - 40.9 g; Fats - 2 g; Carbohydrates - 43.5 g.

We have 4.5 g, so we have proteins 1.84 g, fat 0.09 g, carbohydrates 1.96 g. I look and my eyes are happy! Only the calorie content of water is less

Energy value per 100g:

We have 4.5 g, so we have 16 kcal, I love math ♡(◡‿◡)

Bottom line

It's delicious! Crispy, with a subtle sea aroma that does not leave a nasty aftertaste. A healthy snack with a minimum of calories.

Nori chips for 50 rubles are better than a Snickers bar for 30. But if you calculate the cost of Nori chips alone as a daily snack, it turns out to be about... a lot, and I don’t like this choice of two evils, I’ll go eat oatmeal.

Thanks for your time! Enjoy reading =)

My other reviews(*^‿^*)

In Asia, nori chips are a popular snack, and today they are popular in other countries. They are made from seaweed Asakusa - nori, belonging to the genus Porphyra, is pressed and dried.

Nori chips are dark brown in color, very thin, and can be compared to a piece of paper. The quality of the product can be judged by the color of the chips. For example, red nori is much inferior to shiny dark chips (calorizator). Dried nori seaweed will be a deep black color, but it will turn green when fried.

To make nori chips, the seaweed is first dried in the sun and placed on wooden or bamboo frames. Natural nori chips have a smoky taste and aroma with an “oceanic” tint.

Calorie content of nori chips

The calorie content of nori chips is 476 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of nori chips

Nori chips contain minerals, vitamins, and protein. Nori chips are rich in active biological compounds: polyunsaturated fatty acids, chlorophyll derivatives, fucoidans, polysaccharides and others.

Useful properties of nori chips

Spicy nori chips remove toxins from the body, improve digestion, increase appetite, and normalize blood pressure.

Nori chips in cooking

On the shelves of our stores you can find nori chips packed in sealed bags and placed in containers with a lid. The main advantage of nori chips is their long shelf life.

Nori chips may contain various spices, sugar, soy sauce, and aromatic additives. To taste, chips can be mushroom, tomato, spicy, original, sesame, green tea, wasabi.

Previously, only dried nori sheets were produced in Japan, and they had to be pre-fried (calorizer) before consumption. Nowadays, nori chips are produced and sold completely ready-to-eat. They can be either a stand-alone snack or added to various dishes.

Nori chips

Nori is dehydrated and dried seaweed that is used to wrap pieces of sushi, as a side dish, appetizer, to flavor noodle dishes and soups, or as a dietary supplement. There is another use for this algae. It is used to prepare tasty and diet chips. This is an excellent addition to a vegetarian diet, because noria chips, compared to carbohydrate-rich potato chips, have virtually no calories.


Nori is produced in the following way: seaweed is crushed and dried on a mesh. After these procedures, they resemble thin green paper.

For production, three varieties of food species of red algae from the genus Porphyra are used: A (Gold), B (Silver) and C (Red or Green). Grade A is considered the most delicious and popular, it has a piquant aroma, is elastic and durable, so it does not break during the twisting process.


Nori is not a significant source of carbohydrates, protein or fat. One leaf contains 0 grams of fat and carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber and 1 gram of protein. But it is rich in fiber, taurine, vitamins (A, C, B12) and minerals (calcium, calcium, phosphorus and iron). Calories can be added by the oil and spices used in the cooking process of the chips.


One sheet of nori contains 70% of the daily value of iodine, an essential metabolic component that helps convert food into energy.

Fact! To obtain the required dose of iodine, people use iodized salt in cooking. Nori chips will help meet your daily iodine needs without excess sodium.

Nori is a rich source of vitamin C. One leaf contains 10% of your daily value. Vitamin C helps in tissue growth and repair. As an antioxidant, it protects the body from aging and cells from free radicals.

In addition to iodine and vitamin C, nori can also help meet your daily needs of potassium, vitamin A and magnesium. Potassium is a mineral that helps lower blood pressure. Vitamin A affects skin health and is important for vision. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating blood pressure and maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

Fact! Nori ensures uniform absorption of nutrients into the body, which ensures a stable supply of energy, as well as satiety for a long period of time.

Noria chips contain vitamin B12, calcium, iron and potassium, which play an active role in regulating metabolism, keeping skin, eyes, teeth and bones healthy.


Noria chips can cause harm to the body only if you are allergic to this product or if you have an individual intolerance to certain substances contained in algae.

How to cook and serve

Making your own nori chips is much cheaper than buying pre-packaged ones. The recipe here is amazingly easy and is sure to become your new favorite snack!

Required ingredients:

  • Elevator sheets;
  • Olive oil;
  • Sea salt;
  • Your favorite spices (cayenne pepper and garlic powder are especially good with chips).

Cooking steps:

Preheat the oven to +150 °C;

Cut the nori sheets into small pieces of the desired size with a knife or kitchen scissors (once horizontally, once vertically);

Place nori in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet;

Drizzle lightly with oil;

Bake for 10 to 15 minutes until the chips are dry, green and crisp;

Sprinkle the finished chips sea ​​salt fine spices.

Important! Sprinkle the chips with salt and spices after you remove them from the oven. Otherwise, the spices may burn, ruining the taste.


Homemade nori chips can be stored for up to a week in an airtight container. The most important storage rule is to maintain conditions under which moisture does not get on the chips.

Seaweed is harmful

Home » Harmful » Seaweed is harmful

Sea kale. Benefits and harms

The legend about the absence of sex in the Soviet Union is groundless, if only on the grounds that every decent Soviet person consumed seaweed every day, a well-known aphrodisiac. Not only citizens of the USSR experienced an irresistible attraction to this algae; love for kelp has a long history, which began in ancient times in coastal countries. Today, seaweed, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of numerous debates, is present on the menu less and less often, giving way to the “main plate” of sushi and sashimi.

Why do the Japanese almost never suffer from atherosclerosis? Is it true that Emperor Zhu Zi distributed seaweed for free to the people of the Celestial Empire and almost personally supervised the daily consumption of this product? How much seaweed should you consume per day to say goodbye to obesity, weakened immunity, iodine deficiency and other diseases?

About the benefits and harms of seaweed

To maintain health, the industry offers a number of pharmacological drugs and dietary supplements. But the body is more accustomed to extracting and assimilating useful components from food. Kelp is one of the many types of brown algae that grow in the form of “algal forests” most often at a depth of 5-30 meters depending on the soil. The “kelp belt” is a dense thicket located close to the shores. The Japanese, Okhotsk, White, and Kara Seas are favorite places for kelp to grow in the wild. But it is believed that “northern” varieties are healthier than “southern” ones. However, the most useful seaweed is “freshly caught”, regardless of where it was caught.

Sea kale, the beneficial properties of which are quite difficult to dispute, was used by ancient peoples as a source of vitamins, medicine and even food for animals. Laminaria is especially revered in China, where even in ancient times a decree was issued obliging the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire to consume algae daily. By the way, Emperor Zhu Zi organized regular deliveries to all remote corners of China with free distribution of this unique food product.

In Japan, kelp was treated more reservedly and silently, which did not interfere with the daily consumption of seaweed. And today the Japanese suffer from atherosclerosis less than others, and their compatriots who emigrated to the United States are sharply inferior in this indicator. Seaweed beats fast food in all respects. It is possible that the cause of atherosclerosis among Japanese emigrants is an elementary homesickness, but since we are talking about kelp, there are honors for it, and they are not at all groundless.

So, what are the benefits of seaweed?

Kelp is an ideal natural source of iodine. Besides the fact that iodine from seaweed is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not cause iodism, there is no other source in nature so rich in this element. Doctors insist that other inhabitants of the deep sea are no match for kelp. For the latter has the amazing effect of drawing iodine from sea ​​water and accumulate it, leaving only pitiful remains for other organisms. By the way, if you have an irresistible desire to “eat” kelp in any form, most likely there is an iodine deficiency in the body. It’s not enough to go to the nearest supermarket and buy the coveted product; you need to visit an endocrinologist and get tested for hormones.

Betasitosterol is the number two beneficial element. It is thanks to it that cholesterol deposits on our blood vessels literally dissolve, and all newly arrived cholesterol is eliminated. This means that the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced significantly.

Alginic acid closes the top three. It removes heavy metal ions, radionuclides and other toxic elements from the body, reduces the risk of cancer, and improves immunity. For people affected by the Chernobyl accident, this property in seaweed is one of the priorities. Alginates are generally often used in the food industry. Some of the “E” additives are absolutely harmless and even useful, namely E 400-E 404, E 406, E 421 (natural alginates that add thickness to the product).

The benefits of kelp are not limited to the three useful leaders. Other structural elements may well compete for the right to be the best:

  • easily digestible dietary fiber - swells in the stomach and stimulates peristalsis,
  • a huge amount of vitamins and microelements - D, B, PP (more than 40 vitamins), antioxidant group, sodium and potassium, magnesium, chlorine and others (almost the entire periodic table!),
  • folic acid – for the nervous system, indispensable in preparing for pregnancy,
  • proteins and amino acids.

By the way, vitamin B12 is not found in plants, but seaweed generates it in huge quantities! If you are an allergy sufferer or a strict vegetarian and do not consume eggs or milk, a cure for B12 deficiency has been found.

What we treat with seaweed

  • iodine deficiency - only 40-60 g of kelp is enough to saturate the body with 150 mg of iodine (and this is the daily requirement),
  • vitamin deficiency of any etiology,
  • fragile blood vessels,
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • disruption of the digestive tract,
  • obesity.

When considering the benefits and harms of kelp, it is worth considering the place where the algae grows. The ecological state of the area is the most important indicator of the quality and usefulness of seaweed. After all, it, like a sponge, absorbs not only useful microelements, but also toxic waste. Unfortunately, the manufacturer rarely informs the buyer on the packaging about the cleanliness or contamination of the reservoir from which the kelp was extracted. Try to find out from the manufacturer where he obtained the seaweed.

When to beware of eating seaweed

  • for iodine intolerance,
  • for kidney diseases,
  • for hemorrhoids,
  • for tuberculosis,
  • in acute forms of diseases of the digestive system,
  • for acne and furunculosis,
  • for urticaria, chronic rhinitis.

So, if you fall into the category of lucky people and you can eat kelp, don’t put off going to the nearest supermarket, don’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to improve your budget and improve your life.

Which one to choose and how to use it?

Yes, pickled kelp with herbs, spices, salt, MSG and other additives is delicious. But raw or dried is tasteless, bland and inedible. Unfortunately, this is the kind of kelp that is most useful. It contains the least amount of calories - only 4-5 kcal per 100 g of raw product! Pickled seaweed, the calorie content of which can exceed 300 kcal, is a relatively healthy product.

Dried seaweed is an ideal choice for those who do not have the opportunity to purchase frozen kelp or buy fresh from a fishing boat, but have a strong desire to be healthy and live long. Dry kelp can be used to make a powder that can be added to any dish - this method of consuming kelp will be especially pleasant for those who cannot stand seaweed.

Seaweed - recipes

You can chew dried cabbage, or you can (and should) soak and boil it. Pour dry kelp leaves with water at the rate of one part of the product to five parts of water for 12 hours. After soaking, rinse well, boil for a couple of hours (or drain the water three times every half hour). The frozen product is defrosted, washed and cooked for about half an hour; you can drain the water and repeat the cooking process several more times until the smell is eliminated.

Dry cabbage salad

For it you will need:

  • 100 g dry cabbage,
  • 200 g red cabbage,
  • 200 g carrots,
  • 200 g champignons,
  • a tablespoon of grated ginger and sesame oil,
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce,
  • sesame seeds for decoration.

Preparation: soak the seaweed for 20 minutes and chop finely. Chop and add red cabbage, carrots, and mushrooms. Season the mixture with grated ginger, sesame oil and soy sauce. An hour to marinate. Before serving, cool the salad and sprinkle it with sesame seeds.

Sea kale for weight loss

Seaweed for weight loss is an indispensable product. Only on it can you arrange mono-diets without the risk of harming your health. 5-15 kcal per 100 g and an incredible amount of vitamins and microelements - ideal food for eating and losing weight! But in addition to its low calorie content, seaweed also has the ability to dull the feeling of hunger - dietary fiber, swelling, fills the stomach and provides a feeling of fullness.

Fasting days on kelp are recommended even by nutritionists. But it is advisable to use only dried or fresh seaweed for weight loss, and not everyone can endure such pleasure. Give up hope for delicious weight loss - in the absence of glutamate, oil, salt, spices, mayonnaise and crab sticks, kelp is nothing more than an ultra-healthy product. Is this not enough?

For those who have not come to terms with the lack of taste and the presence of a specific taste in kelp - diversify your weight loss menu with boiled chicken breast and boiled eggs, but do not exceed the total weight of additives of 200 g. It is quite possible to stay on such a diet for up to 10 days.

And don’t forget that in addition to losing weight and getting healthier, the reward for diligence will be an increase in libido - for this you can endure any hardship, rewarding yourself with a portion of love for dessert.

Dried seaweed: benefits and harms, application, reviews

Seaweed, or, if we call it scientifically, kelp, is widely known for its amazing properties. Stores usually offer raw and canned products, but increasingly dried seaweed has begun to appear on shelves. The benefits and harms of this version of the gift of the seas will be the subject of our conversation.

What's hidden in seaweed?

Previously, sea kale was considered by many of our compatriots to be truly exotic, but today it is increasingly used in salads, side dishes, and as a product for weight loss. Some people may not like the specific smell of this plant, but no one doubts that its leaves contain a huge range of vitamins and other useful substances.

Laminaria consists of 80% water, and it is the drying of the leaves of the plant that allows you to preserve all the useful components in the product as completely as possible.

Laminaria is especially valuable for the presence of iodine in it, a trace element without which the thyroid gland cannot function normally. It is no coincidence that seaweed should definitely be included in the diet of those who have thyroid problems, as well as a tendency to such diseases.

In addition to iodine, the plant contains a whole range of other microelements:

  • potassium;
  • bromine;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

It is necessary to note the presence of pantothenic, folic, as well as polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, aspartic and glutamic amino acids.

Dried kelp: beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of seaweed have been known since ancient times. In Japan, China, and Korea, many dishes were prepared from it, trying to consume the product with minimal heat treatment to preserve vitamins. So, how can such a gift from the oceans and seas help people’s well-being and health?

  • As mentioned above, this “sea ginseng” is useful for people suffering from thyroid diseases and those who have a lack of iodine in the body. Many Russian residents living in the center of the country have such problems, since due to climatic and geographical conditions there are practically no products containing iodine in these regions. An excellent option is to purchase regular or dried kelp and cook various dishes using it.
  • Regular consumption of kelp as food will increase immunity, performance, improve mood, well-being, give strength and vigor. Changes in the body occur unnoticed, overall health improves, and there is no need to take expensive vitamin complexes.
  • It is recommended to consume seaweed for those who have high cholesterol, problems with blood clotting, high blood pressure, and a high prothrombin index. Thanks to its unique composition, kelp helps normalize blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • For residents of modern megacities, the issue of cleansing from waste, heavy metal salts, and toxins that accumulate in the body due to close contact with the “benefits of civilization” is relevant. Eating algae allows you to cleanse the body, remove “bad” components, and promotes the normal functioning of all organs and systems.
  • Laminaria is useful to use to improve vision. This is especially important for those who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to spend a long time at the computer.
  • Dried seaweed helps improve memory, “removes” depression and apathy.
  • It has algae and bactericidal properties. Therefore, kelp powder can be used for inhalation for acute respiratory infections, runny nose, and bronchitis.
  • This product is also useful for preparing medicinal baths for arthritis and other joint diseases.

There are few contraindications to the use of dried kelp. It is not recommended to eat it:

  • those who have an excess of iodine;
  • with individual intolerance to algae;
  • for kidney diseases.

For everyone else, the most important thing is to comply with the intake rate (if every day, then two spoons will be enough), since everything is good and healthy in moderation.

Not only for health

Today, dried kelp is widely used in the field of weight correction. Experts advise it to everyone who wants to lose weight and bring their weight back to normal without any special physical and financial costs. After all, the calorie content of dried kelp is only about 5 kcal per 100 g - no wonder it is considered one of the best dietary products.

This delicacy has one important culinary advantage: it lacks the pungent odor that puts many people off other varieties of cabbage. So everyone can safely buy it.

Before preparing various dishes with dried seaweed, you must first soak it for several hours. The longer it stays in water, the easier it will be absorbed. The liquid remaining after soaking the seaweed should be saved for making soups, cereals, animal feed and watering plants.

Then the kelp slices are boiled in ceramic, glass or enamel saucepans for about 15 minutes. Some people advise skipping this step and eating it raw – it’s a matter of taste. The leaves are cooled and chopped, used as an additive to various dishes: soups, salads, sauces, rice and other cereals. This type of seaweed makes, for example, excellent borscht, green soup, and is delicious stewed with various vegetables. Dry seaweed powder can be added to any salads and side dishes.

Dried kelp: reviews

According to many people, this plant helps well with problems with the thyroid gland; as a result of its use, the condition of the skin, hair, and general well-being improves. Housewives willingly include the product on the menu, noting with pleasure that dry seaweed does not require much hassle and a lot of time to prepare. It is also positively assessed by those who, in order to lose weight, go on various diets that include kelp.

Laminaria can be safely called a truly unique algae, a very valuable product. Dried seaweed can also bring great benefits and, in rare cases, cause minimal harm, despite the fact that it was deprived of moisture during processing. This practical product will help all year round support good shape.

Dried seaweed - benefits and harms

ABOUT beneficial properties Almost all people who care about their health know seaweed in fresh or pickled form. But much less is said about the benefits and harms of dried seaweed. The thing is that dried seaweed should be prepared a little before use. Therefore, many people prefer canned cabbage, which is a product completely ready for use. However, as far as beneficial properties are concerned, dried cabbage retains much more of them.

Unlike canned seaweed, seasoned with various spices, dried kelp seaweed does not have such good taste. However, a canned product may contain an increased amount of calories, while nutritional value dried seaweed after cooking is only about 5-6 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Dried kelp contains about a gram of protein and 0.2 g of fat.

What are the benefits of seaweed?

Laminaria is valued due to the following beneficial properties:

  1. It is rich in minerals. The presence of iodine is of particular value. In addition, in chemical composition dried seaweed contains: potassium, iron, bromine, magnesium, pantothenic and folic acids.
  2. Polysaccharides and fructose, which are part of kelp, give the body energy and strength.
  3. Laminaria contains various amino acids, without which normal functioning of the body is impossible.
  4. Betasitosterol, a cholesterol antagonist substance, helps remove harmful deposits from the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, kelp is included in the list of products that help fight atherosclerosis.
  5. Alginic acid helps remove radionuclides and harmful metals from the body, which reduces the risk of developing cancer.
  6. Easily digestible fiber improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  7. Eating seaweed helps make the blood more fluid, which prevents blood clots.
Harm of seaweed

Dried kelp is very useful product. However, she may also have harmful influence, if used for the following diseases:

  • kidney diseases in the acute stage;
  • diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage;
  • tuberculosis;
  • individual iodine intolerance;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

In addition to the contraindications mentioned above, kelp can also be dangerous if it was collected in an environmentally polluted area. In this case, it will absorb toxic substances that can negatively affect human health.

Seaweed: benefits and harms

We are all familiar with seaweed, especially if someone close to you has problems with iodine deficiency in the body. In other cases, we practically do not remember about it, and this is absolutely wrong. Seaweed, also known as kelp, contains a huge amount of useful substances and microelements, especially iodine. But, despite all its benefits, there is an opinion that it should not be added to the diet. Before you make a decision, it’s worth knowing all the pros and cons of seaweed.

Composition of seaweed

Sea kale contains many useful elements. These are vitamins, aliginates, and microelements. Of the vitamins, sea kale contains vitamins A, C, PP, D, E and group B. Laminaria contains almost all types of macro- and microelements that are necessary for humans. At the same time, it is quite easy for the body to obtain them, thanks to the form in which they are contained.

But most of all, kelp is famous for its iodine content, which is essential for humans. Eating 100 g of seaweed will provide your body with daily norm Yoda. Iodine, which is part of kelp, is very well absorbed by our body.

The benefits of seaweed

  • Aliginates are natural substances that are capable of removing cholesterol, radionuclides, and heavy metal ions from the body.
  • Sea kale contains plant fibers that are easy to digest. They ensure the proper functioning of digestion.
  • Laminaria helps normalize metabolism, regulate water-salt balance, cholesterol levels and can prevent the formation of blood clots. Sea kale also helps absorb calcium, iron and phosphorus.
  • Laminaria is useful for intestinal function and helps combat constipation. To treat chronic constipation, add 2 g of dry seaweed powder to water. After 1 hour, drink the infusion instead of a laxative before bed.
  • Sea kale helps overcome stress due to the bromine content in its composition. To combat hypertension, replace ordinary salt with seaweed.

Harm of seaweed

For all its benefits and healing powers, sea kale is not suitable for everyone. People with iodine intolerance should not add seaweed to their diet. If you have hemorrhoids, acute forms of digestive and kidney diseases, it is not recommended to eat kelp.

For chronic rhinitis, furunculosis, acne, and urticaria, kelp is contraindicated. Another feature of seaweed is its ability to absorb all substances found in water, whether they are beneficial or harmful. Therefore, it is advisable to look at where seaweed comes from.

In what form is it best to eat seaweed?

Not all seaweed retains its beneficial properties. Seaweed is best eaten dried or raw. It is in this form that cabbage retains all its microelements and vitamins. Cabbage, when pickled and used as an additive to salads, loses most of its nutrients. By adding dried kelp to a variety of dishes, you saturate your food with useful substances. This will not make the taste of your dishes worse, but the dishes themselves will become much healthier.

The benefits of seaweed for weight loss

Sea kale is useful for weight loss because it has the ability to fill the stomach and intestines. At the same time, it has low calorie content and a rich mineral and vitamin composition. To reduce appetite, pour cold water over dried seaweed and leave for a whole day. After this, strain the infusion and drink a few sips when you feel hungry. Read more in the article Sea kale diet. Reviews.

Application of seaweed

Before eating seaweed, soak it in cold water for a couple of hours. After that, rinse it and you can eat it. Place frozen cabbage in cold water, then start cooking until softened. Boiled seaweed can be added to dishes as an independent product. Dried cabbage added to almost all dishes instead of salt, 1 teaspoon of cabbage will be enough. You can prepare various salads from seaweed, such as fish and seaweed salad.

Take hard-boiled eggs 3 pcs., 1 pc. onions, 250 g of canned seaweed. Cut the onion and eggs into cubes. After that, mix them with seaweed. After this, boil 400 g of fish, separating it from the bones and skin. Then cut into cubes. Mix all ingredients and season the salad with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with sprigs of herbs and egg slices.

Read about other culinary delights in the article Recipes with seaweed.

How to choose canned seaweed?

The best canned food from seaweed are made in factories of the White and North Seas. They should include seaweed, spices, vegetable oil and no preservatives. Canned cabbage, cooked correctly, should be crunchy and easy to chew. However, it should not be soft or too rough.

Sea kale is very beneficial for our health. Despite its specific taste and smell, it can replace many food additives that the pharmaceutical industry offers us. At the same time, seaweed is quite affordable.

You can find ready-made nori seaweed chips on sale; they are very tasty, but quite expensive. At the same time, it is absolutely not difficult to make such chips yourself. This is a matter of just a few minutes, the cost is several times less, and you can experiment with tastes.

A very simple recipe for nori chips Japanese cuisine step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 10 minutes. Contains only 123 kilocalories. Author's recipe for Japanese cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 8 minutes
  • Cooking time: 10 min
  • Calorie Amount: 123 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 2 servings
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Japanese cuisine
  • Type of dish: Snacks, Fish and seafood

Ingredients for two servings

  • Nori seaweed (large sheets) 6 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil 20 ml
  • Wasabi ½ tsp.
  • Salt ¼ tsp.
  • Sesame 10 g

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Fold several sheets of nori together and cut them into rectangles of a convenient size. Don't make them too small.
  2. Mix the butter with wasabi paste and salt until smooth. Adjust the spiciness yourself, it depends on the spiciness of the wasabi and your preferences.
  3. Place the nori rectangles on a baking sheet lined with foil or baking paper and lightly grease with the oil mixture; you can sprinkle sesame seeds on top. If you have an oil spray, you can simply spray the oil on the nori and sprinkle with salt and dry spices, such as hot paprika.
  4. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for no more than 2 minutes. Do not overcook, otherwise a bitter taste may appear. Let cool and serve as an appetizer.

How much do nori chips cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Nori chips are considered a very popular snack in Asia and have become increasingly popular in other countries around the world in recent years. In general, nori chips are made from asakusa nori seaweed, which belongs to the genus Porphyra, which is pressed and dried.

Paper-thin nori chips are dark brown in color with shades ranging from green to almost black. By the way, the color of nori chips is considered an indicator of quality of this product. Thus, dark shiny nori chips are much tastier than the cheaper reddish nori counterpart. When dried, nori seaweed is mostly blue-black in color, while toasted nori chips are characterized by a greenish tint.

Before making nori chips, the seaweed is traditionally dried in the sun, spread on wooden or bamboo frames. Original (without specific additives) nori chips have a light smoky taste, but the undoubted advantage of this product is the natural “ocean aroma” of the prepared seaweed.

Nori chips are sold in sealed bags, packed in several pieces, and then packaged in convenient containers with a lid. A clear advantage of such nori chips is that the product can be stored for quite a long time, so use it gradually.

Nori chips contain not only the seaweed itself, but also such flavoring additives as sugar, soy sauce (made from water, soybeans, wheat, salt and sugar), as well as a variety of spices. Moreover, the distinctive taste of nori chips directly depends on the aromatic substances used: mushroom, spicy, original, tomato, sesame, wasabi, green tea.

It is noteworthy that previously in Japan only dried nori could be purchased - the plates had to be fried immediately before serving. Today, nori chips are on sale all over the world, already fried and ready to eat as a snack or as an addition to a variety of dishes.

In addition, nori chips are rich in protein, minerals, and some vitamins. This product is a source of biologically active compounds: chlorophyll derivatives, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fucoidans, polysaccharides and many others.

Calorie content of nori chips 476 kcal

Energy value of nori chips (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

Rolls with crab sticks and salmon.

We will need:

crab sticks;
lightly salted salmon or trout;
soy sauce.

So, first cook the rice. We take regular “round” rice, sort it and wash it.
Place in a saucepan and fill with cold water 1:2.
As the water boils, add 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. table vinegar (per glass of rice).
Stir (after this we don’t stir again!), reduce the heat and cook until tender.
Cool the rice to room temperature.
It should be very sticky.
After it has cooled down, we proceed directly to the process. Actually, this is done on a special mat, but since we are making Russian rolls, we will roll them on the table :)
The rolls will be with crab sticks and lightly salted salmon or trout.
If desired, you can add cucumber or avocado. Cut the ingredients into strips.
Now attention! Place the sheet of nori with the smoother side down. Wet your hand in water and brush with nori.

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Ingredients: thin lavash 1 pc. sour cream 100 g ham 50 g salt, spices to taste cheese 100 g dill to taste Preparation: Mix sour cream with egg, add salt, dill, spices, grease lavash with the resulting mixture. Grate the ham and cheese a little on top (or not grate - this is to taste) Cut the pita bread into arbitrary pieces, transfer to a dry baking sheet and place in hot oven Dry for 7-10 minutes at 180*. These are the chips that are just a great snack to go with beer! Bon appetit!

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Lavash chips with cheese and ham


Thin lavash 1 pc.
sour cream 100 g
ham 50 g
salt, spices to taste
cheese 100 g
dill to taste


Lavash chips with cheese and ham


Thin lavash 1 pc.
sour cream 100 g
ham 50 g
salt, spices to taste
cheese 100 g
dill to taste


Mix sour cream with egg, add salt, dill, spices, grease lavash with the resulting mixture. Grate a little ham and cheese on top (or not grate it, depending on your taste)
Cut the pita bread into arbitrary pieces, transfer to a dry baking sheet and place in a hot oven to dry for 7-10 minutes at 180*.
These are the chips that are just a great snack to go with beer!

Apple chips

Apple - 3 pcs
Lemon (juice) - 1/2 pcs
Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Cinnamon - 2 teaspoons
Salt - to taste


Wash and thinly slice the apples. Heat the oven to 60-70 degrees. Place the apples in a bowl, sprinkle them with lemon juice. Place the apples on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Mix sugar with cinnamon. Mix sugar with cinnamon. Dry the chips for about 3.5 -4 hours.

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Lavash chips with cheese and ham


Thin lavash 1 pc.
sour cream 100 g
ham 50 g
salt, spices to taste
cheese 100 g
dill to taste


Mix sour cream with egg, add salt, dill, spices, grease lavash with the resulting mixture. Grate a little ham and cheese on top (or not grate it, depending on your taste)
Cut the pita bread into arbitrary pieces, transfer to a dry baking sheet and place in a hot oven to dry for 7-10 minutes at 180*.
These are the chips that are just a great snack to go with beer!

Lavash chips with cheese

2 pita breads
- 200g sour cream
- egg
- 100g cheese
- 1 clove of garlic
- khmeli-suneli
- a mixture of peppers
- salt


1. Beat the egg with a whisk, add sour cream, salt, pepper, spices and chopped garlic.
2. Grease the pita bread with the mixture and sprinkle with finely grated cheese.
3. Cut into pieces of any shape, place on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
4. Lavash chips with cheese are ready.

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Making apple cinnamon chips.

Cooking time 180-300 minutes.
Ingredients for 3 servings:
1 kg apples;
Ground cinnamon;
Wash the apples and cut into thin slices, removing the core seeds.
Preheat oven to 90°C. Place the apple slices on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
The apples will need to be turned over during the drying process. Dry on one side for 1.5 - 2 hours, turn over, and dry for the same amount of time.
30 minutes before the end of drying, you need to remove the baking sheet.
Gently brush each apple circle with a brush dipped in water. Sprinkle each circle with cinnamon.
The chips are ready, enjoy your meal.
Note: The cinnamon can be added all at once, but adding it at the end will taste better.

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Spicy tuna roll

In order to prepare this roll we will need the following ingredients:

6 cups sushi rice;
Four sheets of nori;
1 tablespoon white sesame seeds;
½ pound tuna for sushi;
1 tablespoon mayonnaise;
½ teaspoon dried red chili pepper (ichimi-togarashi) *pepper can be added to taste.


1. Chop the tuna and mix it with mayonnaise and ichimi-togarashi.
2. Place the norm sheet on the bamboo mat.
3. Place ¼ of the rice on top of the nori sheet, then sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place tuna on top.
4. Now roll up the bamboo mat.
5. Squeeze the bamboo mat tightly and then unfold it.

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Lavash chips with cheese and ham


Thin lavash 1 pc.
sour cream 100 g
ham 50 g
salt, spices to taste
cheese 100 g
dill to taste


Mix sour cream with egg, add salt, dill, spices, grease lavash with the resulting mixture. Grate a little ham and cheese on top (or not grate it, depending on your taste)
Cut the pita bread into arbitrary pieces, transfer to a dry baking sheet and place in a hot oven to dry for 7-10 minutes at 180*.
These are the chips that are just a great snack to go with beer!

Cheese chips


1. Take the cheese and grate it on a medium grater.
2. Place on baking paper. Use a knife or spatula to give it a neat shape.
3. Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven at 180°C. Bake the cheese until it is browned. And now, the wonderful cheese chips are ready.
4. They are also suitable for decorating various dishes.

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Sushi zakuro (pomegranate) is very original form and can become a decoration for assorted various types sushi. I'll show you how to make zakuro sushi at home, without special equipment.

For cooking four sushi zakuro you will need:
nori - 1 sheet;
egg - 1 piece or yolks - 2 pieces;
water - 1 tbsp. spoon;
rice ready for sushi - 4 tbsp. spoons;
salt - to taste.

Any seafood or caviar is used for filling.
Cut the nori sheet into 4 squares.
Beat eggs or yolks with water and salt and fry thin small portioned pancakes or one egg pancake, from which you can then cut out circles, and use the leftover scraps for other sushi and rolls.
Prepare the rice: pour the rice washed in cold water with water (1 part rice 1.25 parts water), bring to a boil, reduce heat, close the lid and do not open for 14 minutes, then remove from heat. You can add rice vinegar, stir and cool until warm.
Place an egg pancake on a square sheet of nori on its matte side and a portion of rice on it.
Connect the ends of the nori.
Using cling film, tighten and secure the zakuro shape.
The result will be round sushi, completely covered with nori.
Then you need to make cross-shaped cuts on the outside of the sushi and open them. All that remains is to fill the zakuro sushi with the filling: mussels, shrimp or other seafood or caviar.
Zakuro sushi is ready. Serve them with pickled ginger and soy sauce.
Bon appetit!

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Recipe: Black Shogun roll

120 g rice
- 0.5 l nori
- 15 g masago caviar (black)
- 15 g salmon
- 15 g eel
- 10 g cucumber
- 10 g Buko cheese


1). Prepare rice according to the instructions given here:

2). Cut the salmon and eel into strips. Wash the cucumber and cut it into strips.

3). Place a sheet of nori on a bamboo mat, shiny side down. Place the rice on top, then spread the masaga roe evenly over the rice and turn the rice and nori over so that the nori is at the top. Place the filling for the rolls in the middle: eel, salmon, cucumber and Buko cheese. Lifting the mat and gently holding the nori, roll the cylinder.

4). Cut the resulting roll into 8 equal parts.

5). Serve with pickled ginger, wasabi and soy sauce.

Roll Hong Kong


Nori seaweed (large sheets) 2 pcs.
Cream cheese 20 g
Avocado 1 pc.
Red caviar 50 g
Eel 100 g
Sesame 5 g

The film is wound along the sticks. On average, 7 revolutions are made. After winding, you need to release the air from under the film; for this, cuts are made and the mat is rolled up; it is important to have as much air as possible.
We grease the mat with cheese so that the roll does not stick to the mat, lay a sheet of nori. Lay a thin layer of rice on top of the nori, so that it protrudes by 1-1.5 cm. The rice should be warm, then it will be soft and will not fall apart.
Grease the inside with cheese.
Spread the filling evenly.
We begin to roll the roll with the end free of rice. Mastery comes with experience, but you can learn quite quickly. Give it a square shape; you don’t need to press too hard so that the filling doesn’t come out.
Roll the roll, then reverse side wrap the tail with rice. Once again we form a square shape. We twist the square roll well and curl it on both sides so that the filling does not fall out.
We form a triangular shape and place the fish on the upper corner. It is better to cut the fish from a single piece so that the length is equal to the width of the nori sheet.
Sprinkle the top with sesame seeds.
When cutting rolls, it is best to use Japanese knives, which differ from ordinary ones in having a one-sided sharpening. Before cutting, the knife must be moistened with water.
You can prepare wasabi from dry powder mixed with cold water. Ginger is needed to reduce the taste of the previous dish; it is most important to use it when you eat assorted dishes.

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Secrets of my kitchen
Philadelphia rolls

For 1 serving of rolls you need the following:
- about 120g cooked sushi rice
- 1 sheet of nori (pressed seaweed)
- 1 cucumber
- 1 avacado
- 60g salmon
- 35-40g Philadelphia cheese

Let's start cooking:

1. Spread cling film on a bamboo mat and place half a sheet of nori. We wet our hands in water with dissolved rice vinegar (so as not to stick to the rice) and spread the rice in an even layer on the nori. Leave 1 cm of nori on the edge, not covered with rice.

2. Turn the nori and rice over so that the rice is on the film (you can first lightly moisten the film with water). Apply a thin layer of wasabi to the nori. Then spread Philadelphia cheese in the center of the nori.

3. Cut cucumber and avocado into thin strips. Place, evenly distributed, on the cheese.

4. Having filled the roll, you can start rolling it. To do this, we join the edge of the roll and the edge of the bamboo mat. Gently twist the roll, and then, lightly pressing the mat, form the roll of the desired shape.

5. Unroll the mat and remove the film.

6. Place the salmon, cut into thin slices, across the roll and lightly press it against it.

7. That's all. The roll is ready. All that's left is to cut it. Cut it into 6-8 pieces and the Philadelphia rolls are ready!

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Dried bananas, or banana chips, are extraordinary delicious dish. ()

How to make banana chips.

Dried bananas, or banana chips, are an incredibly tasty dish. True, you don’t need to buy dried bananas in the store, since you can cook them yourself.

There are several types of drying bananas, in which this fruit does not lose its beneficial properties and remains just as tasty and sweet.

Sun-dried bananas: Peel the bananas and cut into 4 pieces. Place the pulp on a clean baking sheet and simmer in the oven at low temperature. When cooked, dried bananas should be dark brown in color.

Natural sun drying: Cut the bananas and place them on a baking sheet. Cover the top with gauze and place in the sun. Ready bananas should have white sugar powder on top.

Banana Chips: Cut bananas into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Dry the bananas for 10 hours in the oven at the lowest possible temperature.

"Cheese" roll

Rice for sushi
Buko cheese

"Cheese" roll

Rice for sushi
Buko cheese
Parmesan cheese

Maki cheese is made with the rice facing out, that is, the technology is the same as regular uramaki:
1. Place rice on half of the nori
2. Turn the nori over
3. First we put processed cheese(in squares)
4. Place Buko on it
5. Wrap the roll
6. Now we need grated hard cheese, we put some of it on the makisa to roll the roll in, and pour the rest on top of the already cut roll on a platter.
7. Cut into 8 pieces, place on a dish, and as I wrote above, sprinkle with the remaining hard cheese.

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Chicken fillet breaded with chips.
You will need: 500 grams of fillet (preferably thigh), 2 eggs, a package of chips (better than mushroom chips), pepper mixture.

How to do:

Beat the fillet, mix the eggs with spices (do not add salt!), crush the chips in a bag. Dip the fillet in egg mixture, roll in chips and fry on vegetable oil until ready.

Get ready too! Bon appetit!

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How to make a Mosaic roll


How to make a Mosaic roll


Sushi rice (Japanese, round grain) 200g
Rice vinegar 20ml
Caviar flying fish(tobiko) 30g
Nori seaweed (large sheets) 1 pc.
Cucumbers 100g
Salmon 60g


1. Place the pan over medium heat, bring the rice to a boil, remove the kombu, reduce the heat and cook the rice for about 20 minutes without removing the lid.
2. Then let the rice stand for about fifteen minutes, transfer it to a bowl and season with rice vinegar mixed with salt and sugar (or a ready-made seasoning based on rice vinegar).
3. Take a couple of tablespoons of tobiko caviar of any color and mix with sushi rice. Divide the nori sheet in half across the perforations on the sheet. After wetting your hands with water, spread the colored rice onto the seaweed in an even layer.
4. Wrap it in nori with rice so that you get exactly one turn of nori around the cucumber. And cut the cucumber in half lengthwise.
5. And again in half.
6. Place the remaining half of the nori sheet on the bamboo mat and transfer two quarters of the roll onto it, cut sides facing out. Use a mat to lift the nori.
7. Place the filling in the middle. You can take any vegetables Japanese omelette etc. In this case, a small amount of sushi salmon was used. Cover the filling with the remaining two roll quarters.
8. You now have an original square roll. All that remains is to cut it into four parts with a sharp knife, cutting off the uneven edges.
9. And serve with pickled ginger and wasabi.

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