Baked milk cookies name. Baked milk cookies - Good things

You don’t want to bake a cake for a long time, are you afraid of the quality of the cakes baked in your oven, or do you just want something light and tasty? Today we'll show you how to make a cookie cake using minimal ingredients that your whole family will love. Its advantage is that even children can prepare this recipe.

What you need to make a cookie cake

First, let's prepare all the ingredients for the future dessert. Let’s make a reservation in advance that there is no one exact recipe; this cake is the result of a flight of your imagination. You can add whatever you want there. Let's look at what basic products you might need.

First, the cookies. You can use any to your taste: cookies “Baked milk”, “Jubilee”, strawberry, sugar, lemon, coconut, with chocolate pieces, with cocoa, savoiardi, etc.

Secondly, cream. It is needed to coat the layers of cookies. You can make any: creamy, curd, cream cheese (cream cheese), cream with condensed milk or sour cream with sugar.

Cake decoration

We use our imagination and use everything that can decorate our dessert, make its taste brighter and more multifaceted. You don't have to have special pastry skills to create a masterpiece. Here is a list of what can be used to decorate the dessert:

  • Whipped cream.
  • Cocoa.
  • Chocolate, melted in a water bath (for glaze).
  • or baby.
  • coconut flakes.
  • Multi-colored confectionery sprinkles.
  • Fruits and berries.
  • Chopped nuts.
  • Raisins, dried apricots, prunes and other dried fruits.
  • Candied fruit.
  • Waffles, creamy or chocolate wafer rolls.
  • Dragees, sweets, lollipops.
  • Zephyr, marshmallow.
  • Marmalade, jelly.
  • Ready-made chocolate figures.
  • Mint.

Moreover, you can add all this to any of the layers of the cake. It is not necessary to use these ingredients only as decoration. So, you can give the dessert unusual flavor notes. This easy-to-prepare no-bake cake can turn out no less beautiful than traditional cakes from biscuit.

Making a cookie cake

So, there are three options for cake layers: you can grind the cookies in a blender, grate them, break them into small pieces to make it easier to cut the cake, or lay them in whole plates (to do this, the cookies need to be dipped in milk, yogurt or juice in advance). Place cookies tightly in the mold, and then coat each layer with pre-prepared cream. For example, mix 1 can of condensed milk and 100 grams of butter and beat with a mixer until smooth. The final stage is decorating the cake to your taste.

Is it possible to eat such a cake if you are losing weight?

Of course, we remember that all the ingredients of the cake are quite high in calories, and desserts themselves contain a lot of carbohydrates. Undoubtedly, this recipe not suitable for girls who follow diets and spend a lot of time in the gym.

But what to do if you really want to cook something sweet? There is a solution: in order not to reproach yourself for eating a piece, simply reduce the calorie content of the dessert, add fruit as a decoration, make the cream based on low-fat cottage cheese or sour cream, instead of sugar you can add a sweetener. Eat the cake itself in the morning instead of breakfast, move more during the day, and in the evening go for a run or do exercises at home.

Approximate calorie content of a cake made from Baked Milk cookies for those losing weight

Let's calculate the approximate calorie content of the dietary version of the dish.

  • For example, cake crust - 500 g of Baked Milk cookies. The calorie content of the product per 100 g is 519 kcal.
  • If the cream is made on the basis of sour cream 10% and low-fat cottage cheese(beat 2 packs of cottage cheese in a blender with three tablespoons of sour cream, add 3 tablespoons of sweetener), then its calorie content will be 353 kcal.
  • By using fruit as a decoration (for example, 2 small bananas cut into slices), we will add another 190 kcal to the dessert.

Total in this cake made from Baked Milk cookies is 3138 kcal. One hundred grams contains only 270 kcal. They will do absolutely no harm to your figure. As can be seen from the calculations above, the only thing that girls who are losing weight can be wary of in this dessert is the calories in Baked Milk cookies. But don’t forget that you still need to allow yourself delicious favorite foods. It is necessary to please yourself from time to time so that the weight loss process is as comfortable as possible and without disruption.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about making a cookie cake. And even tonight you can please your loved ones with such an unusual and delicious dessert.

Once upon a time there was a package of baked milk.
He lived without bothering himself and even managed to travel: from a factory to a warehouse, from a warehouse to a store, from a store to a house, from a house to an apartment, and then he ended up in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf and that’s where his adventures ended.
Time passed, but nothing changed. It seemed as if time had stopped. And the package still stood and was sad and thought about its purpose.
And then I took pity on him and decided to bake cookies, and then I made some toffee sweets, but more about them later.
And for milk cookies we need:


  • 200 g baked milk
  • 100 g butter
  • 150 g Sahara
  • 450 g flour
  • Baking powder packet
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. cinnamon


  • Any cookie cutters
  • rolling pin
  • Parchment


  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil and dissolve the sugar, cool.
  2. Beat the softened butter with salt and vanilla sugar, add the milk-sugar mixture to it, and then sift the flour and baking powder into it and knead the dough. Knead not for very long so that the dough does not become rough. Roll it into a ball and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200°C. On a surface sprinkled with flour, roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5-1 cm. Using cookie cutters, cut out the cookies and place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Lightly sprinkle the cookies with ground cinnamon on top. Bake for 7-12 minutes (depending on the thickness of the cookies) until golden brown.
  4. Because This amount of dough makes quite a lot of cookies, so a pleasant bonus is that it can be stored for a long time in an airtight package.

These simple cookies will delight lovers of store-bought cookies called Baked Milk. It is not at all difficult to prepare, but it turns out so tender, tasty and aromatic that it will charm even those who are absolutely indifferent to homemade baking. The dough is kneaded with baked milk and thanks to this it has a very delicate milky taste and an appetizing creamy aroma. It goes great with home tea party and will definitely become your family’s favorite homemade treat.

List of ingredients

  • baked milk - 200 ml
  • sugar - 200 g
  • flour - 500 g
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs
  • baking powder - 12 g
  • white chocolate - for decoration
  • butter - for greasing

Cooking method

Sift the flour into a bowl and mix with sugar and baking powder. Egg yolks beat with a fork or whisk with baked milk. Pour the milk-yolk mixture into the flour and knead into a homogeneous dough. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes.

Roll out the rested dough into a layer approximately 1 cm thick and cut out various shapes. Transfer the dough figures onto a greased baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

Break white chocolate and melt in a water bath. Decorate each cookie with strips of melted chocolate, place on a plate and serve with your favorite dessert drink.

Baked milk cookies are ready!

“Baked Milk” cookies are delicate in taste, have a pleasant aroma, go well with tea, and will be an excellent addition to an afternoon snack, breakfast or lunch. It is also used for making cakes and pastries, greased with cream in piles. How many cookies can you eat without losing your figure? Today we will tell you how many calories are in Baked Milk cookies, but the decision of how many cookies you can eat per day in order not to gain weight is up to you.

Calorie content of baked milk cookies

How many calories are in one baked milk cookie? The calculation should be made based on indicators per 100 grams. This figure can vary and be 520 kcal, but sometimes less - up to 450 kcal. Much depends on the composition and proportions provided by the manufacturer when making cookies. The Baked Milk recipes differ slightly, but the taste remains approximately at the same level.

On average, each cookie weighs 17 grams (depending on the manufacturer, there may be other sizes of molds, which accordingly affects the weight). Therefore, we can assume that the calorie content of baked milk cookies is 90 kilocalories per piece.

Nutritional and energy value of baked milk cookies

100 grams of product contains:

On average 7 g of protein;

26 g fat;

63 g carbohydrates.

Average of other types of cookies in terms of calorie content and nutritional value is at a low level (on average 420 kcal per 100 grams of most other types).

However, compared to others that do not involve the use of butter or margarine, the calorie content of Baked Milk cookies is increased: 100 grams of the product satisfies the body's need for carbohydrates by 22% for the average person. 70% of the cookie composition is carbohydrates, 13% are proteins, 17% are fats.

What is included in Baked Milk cookies?

Baked milk cookies, the composition of which we will consider, includes the following vitamins: PP, H, E, B, iodine, zinc.

The composition of ingredients may differ, but only slightly. The standard recipe for making the product includes:

First grade wheat flour;


Invert syrup (contains several types of components, including stabilizers and flavoring agents);

Leavening agents;


At home, you can prepare Baked Milk without adding stabilizers, emulsifiers and some other ingredients.

How many calories are in milk with homemade cookies? To do this, we count the calorie content of all the products used, then weigh the cookies that were prepared, calculate the total number of calories, divide by weight (to calculate per 100 grams). If the product is consumed with milk, add the calorie content of the milk (calorie content may vary depending on the fat content).

The benefits and harms of baked milk cookies

The calories in baked milk cookies are one of the disadvantages of consuming them. Despite this, it is recommended for any person to consume 1-2 cookies per day, since they contain many proteins that are beneficial for the body. Proteins of plant origin, natural, are perfectly absorbed by the body. Thanks to this, it is possible at the cellular level to prevent the destruction of the cells that make up the skin, organs, and any tissues in the body, including the bone structure.

Eating Baked Milk cookies affects the state of the nervous system, stabilizing it thanks to the microelements it contains. The product is beneficial for the condition of the skin and hair, allows nails to grow faster, maintains a healthy complexion, and prevents the appearance of age spots.

The composition of the product includes calcium, zinc and even phosphorus, as well as many other macro- and microelements. They certainly bring benefits, replenish the body’s reserves, strengthen the immune system, and are recommended for feeding children over 3 years of age as an afternoon snack.

However, there are also disadvantages: excessive consumption of cookies can cause increased appetite, contribute to the accumulation of calories, and lead to weight gain.

A large number of cookies also leads to significant risks of problems with the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract.

Looking for new recipe to please your family? See how to make homemade baked milk flavored cookies. It is much more aromatic, tastier and more tender than store-bought. Definitely worth making!

390g for dough, 130g for homemade

  • Butter 250 grams
  • Sugar 280 grams
  • Soda 1 teaspoon
  • Egg 3 pieces
  • Vanilla To taste
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • 1. Eggs room temperature stir with a whisk, but do not beat. Add vanilla sugar, salt and sugar in small parts. Whisk again. Grind the mixture with a whisk for 5-8 minutes.

    2. Add soda, stir and send to soft butter. Stir until smooth and add sifted flour. Stir the mixture with a spoon and pour the crumbly dough onto the table.

    3. Knead a stiff dough, adding flour to the mix in parts. Assemble the meat grinder with the largest attachment. Divide the dough into 4 parts, roll into a sausage and put into a meat grinder.

    4. Form small cookies using a knife and place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place the cookies in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 12 minutes on the second of five levels. Bon appetit!

    Video recipe "Homemade cookies with baked milk flavor"