How to properly beat egg whites with sugar. How to beat egg whites with sugar: tips and tricks. Little secrets of good egg foam

If the hostess decides to cook delicious cake or meringue, then for this she will need to beat the egg whites. Moreover, this component is often necessary when preparing a wide variety of delicious desserts. Moreover, it is advisable to do this in such a way that the whites keep their shape. To do this, you can use a blender or a regular whisk.

What is the secret of beautiful whites

This seemingly simple procedure has a lot of nuances that the housewife needs to take into account in order to prepare cream, glaze or the most delicate meringue. Despite the fact that blenders have already received permanent registration in many kitchens, it is possible to beat egg whites without them, for example, with a fork.

However, there are several rules that must be followed during the process:

  • the eggs should be well cooled and the surface of the bowl should be dry and clean;
  • The whites should be carefully separated from the yolks;
  • Do not use aluminum cookware (the whites will turn gray).

If there is fat or even a small amount of water in the bowl, then nothing will work. The whites are separated from the yolks so that the yolk remains intact.

Now you can beat the egg whites using a fork or a regular whisk. The speed of hand movement should be low. Movements are performed clockwise.

After about a minute, add a small amount of salt or lemon juice to the protein mass. Gradually increase the beating speed. As soon as foam appears on the surface of the proteins, you need to add sugar or powdered sugar and continue working until you get a thick mass.

Hand whisking allows you to control the speed, but it is tedious work. Can you beat egg whites with a blender? Yes, and it’s easy.

How to use the unit

Of course, this is a useful unit in the kitchen, but it has the main drawback - speed. Therefore, in order to get dense and beautiful whipped whites, it must be controlled. In this case, wouldn’t it be possible to whip them up much faster? If the speed of the immersion blender is not controlled, the whites will be hopelessly spoiled by long beating. They will acquire a liquid structure, as shown in the video, and it will be impossible to correct this.

Housewives often ask: does the blender beat egg whites? Yes. With its help you can beat them into a thick foam. However, you need to know how to do it correctly:

  • The whipping speed should be increased gradually.
  • The whipping should be even: it is important to capture all the egg whites without touching the bottom of the bowl.

The process of preparing eggs is exactly the same as with the manual method of beating. They need to be washed thoroughly and cooled in the refrigerator. Then prepare a bowl (it should be dry and clean). In addition, you will need the immersion blender itself and its attachment – ​​a whisk. Before starting work, the blender whisk should also be thoroughly washed and dried. So, let's look at whether it is possible to beat egg whites with a blender and how to do it. If you need to prepare a dessert with whipped cream urgently, then the eggs are briefly placed in the freezer. The main thing is not to forget about them.

So, how to beat egg whites into foam with a blender? The process consists of simple steps:

  • The whites must be separated from the yolks and then poured into the prepared bowl.
  • Before whipping, add salt (a pinch is enough).

Salt is replaced with a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice. This trick allows you to get more stable and fluffy meringues using a blender.

If the housewife needs to beat them with sugar, then it is necessary to use fine sugar, and it is best to replace it with powdered sugar. It is very important to take into account one nuance here. You need to introduce sugar or powder into the whites gradually and in a thin stream:

  • Start beating the whites with a blender at low speed. After about a couple of minutes, their consistency will begin to change and foam will appear.
  • Now you need to add a little speed to the immersion blender and continue blending for 60 seconds.
  • Finish beating at maximum speed of the blender. This will result in a drier, thicker foam.

Beating time may vary depending on the recipe. If you plan to prepare a soufflé or mousse, or according to the recipe, whipped whites are added to the dough, then you can determine their degree of readiness by the appearance of soft peaks. Soft peaks are the state of whipped whites when they stretch behind the whisk and fall smoothly.

How to beat egg whites into a thick foam with a blender if the recipe requires it? In this case, the process is continued until hard peaks appear. They must keep their shape. If the recipe calls for adding sugar, do so while gently continuing to beat the egg whites.

Is the beating procedure so complicated?

Each housewife uses the method that is most convenient for her. If you get used to the blender and use special attachments or do without them, you can significantly speed up the preparation time delicious desserts with whipped egg whites.

In conclusion, I would like to give a little advice. The finished product must be used immediately, otherwise the efforts made will be in vain. The squirrels will settle and it will no longer be possible to “reanimate” them.

Hello cooks! I often hear the following question: “Why don’t the whites and sugar beat?” Today I will analyze the possible reasons for this incident and give advice on how to properly beat egg whites with sugar and achieve a thick and dense consistency.

When whipped, the sugar interacts with the egg white to help stabilize the egg foam. It draws water from proteins, which are mostly water. This way the foam holds its forum better and does not fall off. Without sugar you won’t get this peak consistency.

The composition of chicken egg white includes: 85% water; 12.7% proteins; 0.3% fat, 0.7% carbohydrates

Egg whites are not whipping, what should I do? Let's first look at the reasons why we cannot achieve the desired result.

  1. Too fresh or very stale egg. It is better not to use a product that is fresh or two weeks old. In such eggs, the part we need is very thick and difficult to beat.
  2. When separated, the yolks got into the whites. Even the smallest drop of yolk will not allow you to beat the mixture to the required consistency.
  3. Temperature. I heard that it is better to beat a well-chilled product. Some even advise putting them in the freezer for 5-10 minutes. This is incorrect, because the refrigerated product becomes dense and is less saturated with air. Consequently, the whipped mass will not be fluffy. This part of the egg beats well if it room temperature.
  4. Damp or greasy dishes.
  5. Liquid entering the product during beating.
  6. You introduced salt, sugar and other additives too early.
  7. Too much/too little sugar.

Which utensils are best for whipping foam?

Choose the right cookware. She should be tall. After all, the whipped foam increases significantly from the initial volume of proteins and sugar. It is best to use glass, copper or stainless steel utensils. An aluminum bowl will turn the product gray. Also, avoid using plastic bowls.

Make sure all your utensils are immaculately clean, completely free of grease and completely dry. Meringues are very sensitive and they don't like moisture or grease. Wash the bowl thoroughly. If you are not sure that there are no greasy marks left, wipe the dishes with a slice of lemon. Then dry the bowl well or wipe it with a paper towel.

Select eggs and separate whites

Buy quality eggs. They must be clean (no traces of droppings or feathers), without damage. If they are dirty, wash them with soap and wipe with a paper towel. The package should not contain broken eggs and each one should have a grade number. Bring the product to your ear and shake it: if you hear gurgling, then it is not fresh. If the egg is too light, it means it has been sitting on the counter for a long time.

For whipping, it is better to take an egg of medium freshness - two to three days old. Then the mass will have the right consistency.

We begin to separate the yolk. Take two clean and dry glasses. Remember - the part of the egg that we need should not fall into wet and greasy dishes. You will put the yolks in one glass and the whites in the other.

While the egg is cooled, it is easier to separate the white from the yolk. So don't wait for the egg to reach room temperature.

Carefully break the shell. This must be done very carefully so that it does not damage the yolk. Now carefully pour the contents into the bowl. If you find shells, do not remove them with your hands. Oil from the surface of your fingers will prevent foam from forming.

Warm egg whites whip better than chilled ones.

It's best to wait about 30 minutes for the egg whites to come to room temperature to ensure volume while beating. This way you can beat them faster than cold ones. Egg whites don't rise well straight from the refrigerator.

It’s easier and faster to whip into a thick foam with a mixer. The tool you will use to beat also needs to be degreased. Wash everything well, wipe with lemon juice if necessary and dry.

How to beat egg whites and sugar correctly

The whole process is divided into several stages, the first of which are the most important. If you observe the structure changes listed below, then you are on the right track.

  1. Start on low to medium speed until foam forms, about 1 minute. There is no need to add anything there yet. As you beat, you will notice how air bubbles will penetrate into the egg whites and they will begin to lighten. This important step is one of the most underrated. If you beat the egg whites too quickly at the beginning, the foam structure will not be as strong as necessary. And later the proteins will not peak as high as they should. With this approach, they will be approximately 10% less in volume than needed. As a result, the meringue will turn out less fluffy.
  2. When protein mass will begin to increase in volume and turn white, increase the speed to medium. Continue whisking. If the recipe calls for adding lemon juice, add it at this stage. Pour along the edge of the bowl, not into the center.
  3. When the egg whites have approximately quadrupled in volume, begin adding the sugar slowly while beating. The speed can be reduced, but not stopped. Sprinkle sugar around the edge of the bowl. Do it gradually, not all at once. Pour in portions, in 3-4 doses, in a thin stream. Once the sugar has been added, increase the mixer speed to high.
  4. When you notice that the mass has become dense and easily holds its shape - Hurray! The process is complete. The mixture may turn out too whipped. This is also not good. It will turn out uneven, dry and grainy. In this case, add another portion of the protein and beat again.

Whipped egg whites can expand to 6-8 times their original volume.

For the meringue, use the whipped mixture immediately after preparation. If the foam has stood for more than 10 minutes, it will begin to lose stability and deflate. Don't be discouraged, beat again by hand with a whisk.

  • If the eggs are not fresh, they are a week old. It is better to add a quarter teaspoon of lemon juice (a couple of citric acid granules) or salt on the tip of a knife when whipping.
  • It is better to use fine sugar. Better yet, replace it with powder. By the way, powdered sugar can be easily made at home using a blender.
  • Always add sugar as you beat, slowly along the edge of the bowl rather than dumping it into the center.
  • You can whip up any fresh product (except spoiled ones, of course 🙂). Very fresh ones will simply take longer (7-10 minutes) to turn into strong foam.

What to beat

What to do if there is no technology? You can use improvised means.

Beating with a fork. This will be a longer process, but no less effective. Start beating slowly, clockwise. Gradually increase the pace. This will take about 15 minutes. The main thing is not to pause. Advice: take two forks. It's easier to understand the technique from this video.

Whisk . Start whisking slowly. After 5 minutes you will see foam forming, then increase the speed. Work in one direction, clockwise. Also, do not take long pauses. This video explains everything in detail.

Egg whites are often used in preparing various dishes because of their excellent ability to turn into a delicate, dense, cream-like foam when whipped. Well-beaten egg whites add airiness to biscuits and soufflés.

In order for the whites to beat well, you need to follow simple rules. I will write those that I know

First of all, the whites must be separated from the yolks. At the same time, you need to try to prevent the yolks from spreading and getting into the bowl with the whites. The bowl for whipping must be absolutely clean, without traces of fat and high enough, because... The whipped whites increase in volume three to four times.

The next rule is that the whites must be very cold. The colder the better, as they will fluff up better. You can even place them in the freezer for 10 minutes.

After cooling, add a few drops of lemon (or lime) juice, or a few crystals of citric acid, and a little salt on the tip of a knife to the bowl with the whites. Now you can start whipping.

You need to start beating at the slowest speed, gradually increasing it to maximum. The whites gradually turn into white, fluffy foam.

If you need to beat egg whites with sugar (for example, for meringues or protein cream), then the next step is whipping with sugar. The sugar should be fine enough; sometimes it is even recommended to use powdered sugar. Sugar is added to the whites in a thin stream, in small portions, continuing to beat at low speed.

My sugar was brown, but in this case it did not affect anything, except perhaps a slight tint to the finished proteins

After adding sugar, perhaps the longest stage begins. You need to be patient, because... Now you need to beat the whites until the sugar is completely dissolved, this takes at least 5-7 minutes. But the finished cream turns out airy and dense; it can be used to fill eclairs, decorate cakes and desserts. It holds its shape perfectly.

It only remains to remind you that if you are not going to heat-treat the whites, be sure to check that the packaging of the eggs has a veterinary inspection sign.

UPD. Even more details about whipping egg whites in the post from madler

There are several global rules for whipping egg whites and sugar into a thick foam. Moreover, it should not only be thick, but also have a certain stability. Sometimes it happens that when mixing dough with proteins, the foam falls off and spoils appearance finished baked goods.

This can be easily avoided by following a certain algorithm for the cooking process. It is also important to pay attention to the little things that only at first glance seem important.

How to beat egg whites correctly, for example, for a sponge cake?

Required ingredients:
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 1 glass of sugar (or powdered sugar);
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid.
Rules for preparing thick protein foam:

1. The whipping container must be as clean as possible and must be dry. If it is even a little oily, then all efforts to beat the whites will be futile in advance.

2. Eggs should not be very fresh. To obtain protein foam, confectioners recommend using eggs that are “older” than 3 days.

3. Beating is best done with a mixer.

4. Do not use whites that contain yolk. This impairs the foam formation process.

5. Use acid. When using acid, it is possible to increase the stability of the foam due to its effect on the structure of proteins.

6. It is necessary to beat the whites at room temperature or chilled.

7. Sugar should be added at the stage when the foam is almost stable. It should be poured in 2-3 grams, gradually increasing the amount. The whites are whipped like this:

1. The whites are separated from the yolks. Placed in two separate containers.

2. Sugar is prepared.

3. Start beating the whites with a mixer. Add a pinch of salt. Foam will gradually begin to form. When the size of the bubbles is no longer large, you should start adding 3 g of sugar (this is about half a teaspoon).

4. Gets enough sleep citric acid. All this time, whipping continues until foam is obtained with peaks that do not fall.

Confectioners call this foam with stiff peaks. Here is a complete collection of tips and an action plan on how to whip egg whites and sugar into thick foam for a sponge cake or meringue.

A mixer is a very useful child of progress, capable of facilitating manual labor in the kitchen. But sometimes it happens that you urgently need to prepare cream or egg whites, but you don’t have this appliance at hand. In this case, it is useful to know what to beat with if you don’t have a mixer. This science will come to the rescue more than once in many situations.

How to beat if you don't have a mixer?

How to quickly beat eggs without a mixer?

To prepare such a wonderful baking base, you need to make some preparations:

· Remove the eggs from the refrigerator and let them warm up;

· take a copper or glass vessel, wash it thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel;

· Wash the warmed eggs very well with soap and then dry;

Separate the whites from the yolks and pour the first into the bowl;

· beat with a whisk clockwise, gradually increasing the intensity from low to high;

· if you need to add sugar, then this should be done when the whites become thick, but still flow from the whisk;

· The eggs are beaten until they hold their shape and do not run off.

Important: it is impossible for even a drop of water or yolk to get into the mixture. Otherwise everything will go down the drain. Before whipping, you can salt them a little - this will make the process go faster.

How to beat butter without a mixer?

Creamed butter is very often used in baking, especially for flaky or soft, airy and delicious baked goods. It is often used to decorate one’s creations. But for this you still need to whip the butter correctly. You will have to try very hard to get a tasty and beautiful baking cream from butter and sugar.

1. First you need to take good, high-quality oil and let it soften. It should reach a point where it is soft and easy to leave a mark on, but not melting. Solid or melted butter cannot be whipped.

2. After that, you need to cut the softened butter into equal cubes and put them in a ceramic bowl where the cream will be whipped. And then the long and tedious work begins, how to whip cream without a mixer.