How to make beautiful and original dumplings, modeling options and tips. How to make dumplings with potatoes

In order for a dish to please your household, it must not only be tasty, but also beautiful. Effective presentation is half the battle in cooking, especially when we are going to feed little picky and picky eaters. This also applies to dough products. And if we want to surprise our loved ones, let’s figure out how to make dumplings beautifully, but so that they do not fall apart during cooking and are completely cooked.

There are many options for making dumplings - it all depends on your imagination and the amount of free time. Get the whole family involved and you'll have a wonderful evening, topped off with a delicious and beautifully presented meal. So, let's learn how to do beautiful dumplings in several ways at once.

Before considering how to make dumplings correctly, and which methods are the most convenient, you need to take into account several important nuances, without which nothing may work:

  • knead the dough for a long time (at least 10 minutes) until the large air bubbles inside it disappear;
  • for greater elasticity of the dough, you can add a little vegetable oil to it;
  • After kneading, put the dough in a warm place (or refrigerator, depending on the instructions in the recipe) for about half an hour so that the gluten disperses and the dough becomes even more elastic;
  • for better performance of artistic modeling, make identical circles (slightly larger than on dumplings), rolling out the dough into a large layer;
  • If the filling has leaked onto the edges of the dough and it does not want to stick together, generously sprinkle the edges of the dumpling with flour and try to mold it again.

squeeze the edges well

squeeze the edge with two fingers, thumb and forefinger, to make a “lobe”

step back a little from the edge and wrap the lobe, pressing well

this way the following lobe is obtained

Traditional braid

The classic way to make dumplings is with a braid. It’s fast, beautiful, and the products themselves are less susceptible to coming apart during cooking. At first glance, this sculpting option may seem complicated, but in just a few minutes you will become a real professional in sculpting dumplings with a braid.


  1. Roll out the dough into a large layer and make identical circles with a glass or a special mold. The diameter should be at least 8 cm, since you need to take into account the space for the pigtail.
  2. Spread out the filling.
  3. If you are right-handed: take the filled circle in your left hand and bend it in half (if you are left-handed, then vice versa).
  4. Before making the dumplings with a braid, firmly connect the edges of the dough. Go over the edge twice to make the base of the braid thinner and wider so that it is easier to shape and not too thick (a thick braid may not cook through).
  5. Fold one corner with your thumb and forefinger (thumb on top, index finger on bottom), and this will create an “ear.”
  6. Fold the edge of the “ear” again, and you will get a new “ear”. You should press hard enough so that it looks beautiful and the braid does not unravel during cooking.
  7. In this way, continue modeling to the other corner of the dumpling. The end result should be a beautiful braid.
  8. During “weaving”, move not the hand with which you bend the edge, but the one in which you hold the dumpling (if you are right-handed, it will turn clockwise) - this way the weaving hand will work more smoothly, and the modeling links will turn out to be as identical as possible.

If you want a more lacy braid, make more frequent clips and the braid will be smaller. Don't be discouraged if you don't manage to make a perfect braid on your dumplings the first time. Just a few dumplings and you will quickly learn how to do a classic braid.

Original version

The traditional shape of dumplings is half-lunar. But no one forbids us to make it, for example, round, and at the same time decorate them with the same traditional braid.


  1. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut equal circles with a glass.
  2. Take one circle in your hand, put the filling on it and cover with the second circle.
  3. Firmly mold the edges of the product in a circle.
  4. Now you can twist the dumplings in the same way as ordinary half-lunar ones: bend one section, pressing it tightly, then the next corner, and so on in a circle.


The beautiful modeling of dumplings is not limited to the usual braid. There is another way to beautifully pinch dumplings - this is a Christmas tree. By the way, this method can be used to make not only dumplings, but also manti and dumplings.


  1. Make a thin layer of dough. Cut it into equal circles using a suitable sized cup or special mold.
  2. Take one circle of dough in your hand and place the filling in the middle. Do not put too much, especially if you are doing this kind of modeling for the first time. It is better to sculpt by weight - this way the products turn out much neater than on the board.
  3. Make the first pinch in the usual way and push it a little inside the circle.
  4. Grab one edge of the circle, pinch it and pull it towards the center, gluing it to the first pinch.
  5. Do the same with the opposite edge - grab, pinch and glue to the center.
  6. Gradually move forward along the middle seam of the dumpling. That is, you do not need to constantly attach the edges to the first tuck, but only to the previous one on the opposite side.

Fast way

You can quickly make dumplings by hand in a simple way, but at the same time the products themselves will look very nice.


  1. Roll out the dough into an oblong layer (elongated oval shape).
  2. In the center of this layer, use a teaspoon to place the filling into balls at a distance of about 3 cm from each other.
  3. Fold the layer in half lengthwise. You should end up with a sausage with balls of filling inside.
  4. Seal the free edges around the balls.
  5. Using a glass, carefully cut into equal portions without touching the filling. You can also cut it with a knife - then you will get original square dumplings.

Another option for how to beautifully pinch dumplings without spending a lot of time - just mold a circle with the filling into a crescent-shaped dumpling and go through it with a curly knife for pasties. It's very fast and no less beautiful.

But remember that to know and be able to beautifully make dumplings with sweet or unsweetened filling, not enough. The main thing is that the dish is still tasty, and artistic modeling will advantageously decorate your masterpiece and will certainly make your household ask for more.

Every culinary guru knows that a properly prepared dish is only half the battle; it also needs to be presented correctly. Modern cooking requires inspired work on the presentation, especially when it comes to junior experts - children, who constantly find dozens of reasons for refusing the prescribed meal. This approach to preparing and serving dishes did not bypass flour products. Let's learn together how to make dumplings beautifully and creatively, so that during the cooking process the crafts do not become overcooked and cook evenly.

The variations in sculpting dumplings are strikingly diverse. With time and patience, it becomes possible to dream up diverse forms. By involving other family members in the production, the process will be much more fun. Therefore, you need to learn how to make beautiful dumplings in a previously unknown way.

Before mastering the master class on how to make dumplings correctly, and definitions the best ways to do this, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances in preparation:

  • Spend more than 10 minutes kneading the dough until you can get rid of dense lumps and air bubbles;
  • A small amount of vegetable oil will make the flour preparation pleasant to the hands and elastic;
  • After kneading the dough, let it stand for 30 minutes. in the refrigerator or when room temperature(depending on the recommendations for the recipe), which will allow the gluten to swell and the dough to gain elasticity;
  • for artistic modeling, prepare equal round dough pieces (with a larger diameter than for dumplings);
  • The leaked filling can be sealed if you generously sprinkle the edges of the dough with flour and pinch it again.

How to make a braid

A simple way to make dumplings is with a braid. It is distinguished by its speed of execution, beauty, and during cooking the semi-finished products do not become soggy. Not everyone will succeed in creating the perfect dumpling right away, but after some attempts, the result of learning how to make dumplings with a braid becomes noticeable.

  1. Prepare the blanks. To do this, roll out a piece of dough into a pancake 5 mm thick, make even, regular circles using a prepared glass or mold with a diameter of +/- 8 cm.
  2. Spread out the filling.
  3. Right-handers, take the dough piece in your left hand, left-handers - in your right. Fold the dough in half.
  4. Before making the dumplings with a braid, you need to connect the edges of the dough. Form the dough well by going over it with your fingers twice. The round base should be thin and wide enough, then it will be more convenient to shape, the edge will not turn out to be too rough, which means it will cook well.
  5. Now place your thumb on top of one corner and gently fold the dough, supporting it at the bottom with your index finger. You will be able to make an “ear”.
  6. Without departing from the edge of the “ear”, wrap the dough in the same way to create another “ear”. You need to combine the dough with sharp movements and pressure. Then the braid will look clear and will not curl up during cooking.
  7. In this way, continue modeling from edge to edge of the dumpling. The result is obvious: you will have a beautiful braid.
  8. During the “weaving” process, the movement should be made with the hand that holds the dough, and not the one that molds it (for right-handed people, the workpiece in the hand moves clockwise) - the weaving hand will work smoothly, and the “ears” of the stucco molding will turn out to be as similar as possible.

Curly and gracefulstuccoThis will work if you do the “ears” (dough clamps) often. It is not always possible to make a perfect braid on dumplings the first time. With practice, you will overcome your inability to do a classic braid. It's very simple!

The original way

Everyone knows that the classic shape of dumplings is compared to a half moon. But no one will forbid you to experiment and prepare round-shaped dumplings, decorating the edges with a curly braid.

  1. Roll out a piece of dough with a rolling pin thin pancake and use a glass to make blank circles.
  2. Take one dough piece, place it inside the filling, and cover with the second dough piece on top.
  3. Seal the edges of the future dumpling in a circle.
  4. Start rolling the dumplings according to the already known algorithm: step by step, fold the edge of the dough with your thumb and press it to the base.


The beautiful modeling of dumplings has dozens of original variations. One of these is a fairly simple, but very beautiful variation of modeling - the herringbone. It is used not only when preparing dumplings, but also manti or dumplings.

Cooking method

  1. Using any available tool, cut out circles for dumplings from the rolled out dough.
  2. Fill one circle with the filling so that it does not fall out and does not interfere with working with the edges of the dough. This is important when doing this type of modeling for the first time. Create your creation by weight to make it more accurate.
  3. Make the first clamp of the dough using the usual method, pushing the dough a little inside the circle.
  4. Then pick up the edge of the circle, make a tuck again and pull the dough towards the center of the dumpling, connecting it to the first tuck.
  5. The opposite edge should also be pinch and the dough should be pulled towards the center.
  6. Gradually pinch the dough along the entire seam of the dumpling and attach it to the last pinch on the other side.

Fast way

You can quickly make dumplings without any skills in a simple way, giving beautiful shapes to your products.


  1. Roll out the dough, stretching out its shape.
  2. At intervals of 3 cm, place the filling in small portions in the center of the prepared dough.
  3. Fold the layer in half and lengthwise to get a sausage with the filling inside.
  4. Seal the dough around the free edges of the balls.
  5. Using a glass, cut the dumplings into equal pieces, but the main thing is not to get the filling caught. If you use a knife instead of a glass and cut everything lengthwise and crosswise in straight lines, you will make original square dumplings.


Simple, fast, original - these are the main characteristics of this method of making dumplings. Relatives and guests will be delighted with what they see, and you won’t have to work hard to create a masterpiece

Method of preparation

  1. Roll out the dough and cut into small even rectangles with a knife.
  2. Place the filling in the center of the entire rectangle lengthwise, not reaching the edges.
  3. Fold the rectangle in half and crimp all edges.
  4. Roll the dough with the filling into a roll, pressing it against the surface so that the shape holds and does not fall apart.
  5. Unfold the edges of the dough as if it were a fresh bud just opening.
  6. Carefully lower the roses into boiling water. Make sure that the products do not stick to the pan.

Eighth of March

No less entertaining way of sculpting. Ready-made dumplings look like eights of dough, which made it possible to choose a symbolic name for them.

Cooking method

  1. Prepare the dough in the form of small squares.
  2. Spread out the filling.
  3. Press the dough into the center so that it resembles the shape of an envelope, but with the edges raised.
  4. Connect two edges on one side and two edges on the other.


The method is reminiscent of the classic one, but the dumplings will still look ordinary. The sculpting method is very simple, even a child can master it.

  1. The dough pieces need to be round in shape.
  2. Place the filling on the workpiece.
  3. Fold the layer in half.
  4. Start pinching the half moon so that one side remains completely flat and the other with folds. To do this, pinch the dough on one side with an overlap.


The sculpting method is similar to the previous one, but the result is completely different.

  1. The dough will need a round shape.
  2. Spread out the filling.
  3. Pinch the dough into a half-moon shape, leaving smooth edges on one side and a crease on the other.
  4. Bring the free edges of the dumpling together as you would for a regular dumpling.
  5. Smooth out the edges of the resulting crown.

Let's show you another simple way to beautifully pinch dumplings: make a regular half-moon-shaped dumpling, and trim the edges with a curly pasty knife.

The main thing in the process of creating a masterpiece is not to get hung up on how beautifully to make dumplings with a sweet or simple filling. The food should be tasty and appealing to everyone, and artistic modeling is a filigree decoration of the main dish, which will make it a real holiday delicacy.

Stories from our readers

How to make dumplings quickly, beautifully and efficiently? This question is especially of concern to those who often like to make such delicious homemade products. It is worth noting that today there are several ways to make a huge number of semi-finished products with with different fillings. You will learn about exactly what options for forming dumplings we are talking about from the materials in this article.

Preparing the dough

Correct and quick sculpting of dumplings depends not only on the skills of the cook, but also on the dough from which these products are made. As a rule, this dish is prepared using eggs, a small amount of water and wheat flour. This base is used for making dumplings and dumplings. However, some housewives believe that egg dough is too tough, especially for sweet filling. That is why many of them make such a dish based on kefir. Although experts say that the presented method of preparing dumplings is not entirely correct, since during the heat treatment they quite often fall apart and become not very beautiful.

Preparing the filling

Before you understand how to make dumplings correctly, you should decide what filling you want to cook these products with for lunch. After all, one or another formation of semi-finished products depends on this factor. For example, if you are making dumplings with berries, cottage cheese and other sweet products that have a liquid consistency, then the edges of such products should be held together very tightly. Otherwise, you risk getting a not very attractive dish consisting of opened dough.

What methods of making dumplings are there?

This dish can be decorated in different ways. And the choice of one method or another depends only on the desire of the cook. So, some people like dumplings with a “pigtail”, others prefer to wrap semi-finished products in the form of traditional dumplings (“ears”), and for others the shape does not matter at all.

To please everyone, we decided to describe in detail several simple, but at the same time popular ways of making dumplings. Which form is the most attractive and of the highest quality is up to you to decide.

We make “braids” from dough

This method of forming the presented semi-finished products is the most popular. But, despite this, not every housewife knows how to braid hair correctly. To correct this situation, we decided to talk in detail about how to do this quickly and easily.

After the dough is rolled out thinly, it should be cut into circles with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters, and then put any filling you like in the middle. Next, the edges of the base need to be connected together and pinched well with the index finger and thumb. After this, starting from the left side of the dumpling, you should wrap the corner with your right hand, and then, picking up the resulting protrusion, do the same manipulation again. As a result of such actions, you will get a kind of “pigtail” that will not allow the filling to go beyond the dough during the heat treatment of semi-finished products.

A simple and easy way to form products

Only inventive housewives who do not want to burden themselves with long and painful braiding know how to make dumplings quickly. To do this, they roll out the dough into a long layer 12-15 centimeters wide, and then alternately place one dessert spoon of filling in the middle so that the distance between them is exactly 6-7 centimeters. Next, the base needs to be folded in half so that the product placed in it ends up directly in the fold. After this, you need to take a faceted glass, and then use it to cut out even dumplings in the shape of crescents. It is worth especially noting that this unusual method of creating semi-finished products is suitable only for those products that are made from a thick filling (crushed potatoes, mushrooms, meat).

The most beautiful modeling of dumplings

Many housewives are accustomed to creating such a dish, relying only on their efforts and skills. But what should those who decide to cook homemade stuffed products for the first time do? To do this, experienced chefs recommend purchasing a special device for making dumplings. This device is a plastic form that looks very much like a trap for large animals. As a rule, these devices are sold in packages that include 4 devices of different diameters. The principle of their operation is quite simple. Even the most inexperienced housewife who has purchased a special device for making dumplings will be able to use it to make a huge number of beautiful and smooth semi-finished products.

So, to prepare flour products with filling, you should roll out the egg dough thinly, and then cut it into circles of the same diameter as the plastic mold. After this, you need to carefully place the base into the device, and place the filling in the amount of 1 or 2 dessert spoons in the middle part. After this, the device must be closed with a little effort. As a result of these simple steps, you will get very beautiful and smooth dumplings, which will differ from store-bought products only in taste (for the better, of course).

An original way of forming products

How to make dumplings without skills or special equipment? If you decide to make such a dish for the first time, but at the same time you do not have either the device mentioned above or a special desire to learn the basics of braiding, then we suggest using an ordinary table fork. Thus, you need to roll out the egg base, cut it into circles, put the filling in the middle, and then pinch the edges lightly. Next, you need to place the resulting semi-finished products on a cutting board, lightly sprinkled with flour, and press them nicely with a fork as if you were making pasties. It is worth especially noting that this method of forming dumplings in terms of simplicity and speed is practically no different from the one where a plastic mold is used. Moreover, such dumplings will turn out strong and reliable, since the filling in them will never go beyond the dough, even if the semi-finished products are cooked for a long time in very boiling water.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to make dumplings correctly. You can see photos of some methods in this article. It should be noted that no matter which of the presented options you choose, in any case, such a dish will turn out tasty and satisfying only if it is prepared with love and tenderness.

Dumplings - crazy delicious dish, consisting of dough and minced meat, which some people buy, while others prefer to cook it themselves.

But many of those who buy semi-finished products are actually simply scared by the actual making of dumplings, despite the fact that homemade dish it turns out tastier.

Especially for those who are afraid and think that it is difficult, I will show you how you can make beautiful dumplings of different shapes at home.

Making dumplings of different shapes

So you should have:

  • Dumpling dough;
  • Ground meat;
  • A rolling pin to roll out the dough;
  • Form for cutting out circles of dough.

The first method “Vatrushka”

Cut two identical circles from the dough.

Place some minced meat in the middle of one circle.

Cover the first circle with minced meat with the second circle.

Carefully and nicely pinch the edges between the dough circles. It turns out to be such a beautiful round “cheesecake”.

The second method “Bag”

Cut one circle from the dough.

Place some minced meat in the middle.

Form this circle of minced meat into a neat bag. The shape of these dumplings resembles Georgian khinkali.

The third method "Star"

Cut one circle from the dough. Place some minced meat in the middle.

Blind the edges of this circle in the middle in five places. As you can see, the result is a small dumpling - a “star”.

The fourth method “Flower”

Why not try making dumplings in the shape of a flower? To do this, cut out a small circle from the dough.

Fold the edges of the circle in five places to form a pentagon.

Turn the pentagon over to the reverse side.

Place some minced meat in the center of this figure.

Now we need to mold the edges of the pentagon in the center using the “Star” method.

Fold the edges of the dough at the outer corners. By bending the edges, we get such a lush flower.

Fifth method “Fish”

This is perhaps the most difficult way to make dumplings. But it is perfect for a children's menu.

Cut out a circle from the dough and bend the left edge slightly.

Turn the circle over so that the left folded edge is facing reverse side. Place some minced meat in the center.

Connect the opposite edges of the “fish”, but not completely.

Press the left edge of the “fish head” towards the center.

Using kitchen scissors, select the “fins of the fish.”

Now, to draw a pattern on the “tail” and “fins” you need to use a toothpick.

Once again, take kitchen scissors and cut the “tail” of the fish in half.

Carefully pinch the tail. That's all, the “fish” - the dumpling is ready!

Sixth method “Dove”

A dumpling in the shape of a “pigeon” is molded very quickly and easily. But how beautiful he looks.

Place some minced meat on a circle of dough.

Seal the edges of the circle into a semicircle.

Make a beautiful pattern on the edges of the semicircle; if you cannot do this with your hands, use a fork to help.

Fold the semicircle in half to form an angle of approximately 90 degrees between the sides.

This is such a cute “dove” from the dumpling.

The seventh method “Rose”

Well, now, in my opinion, the most beautiful way, called “Rose”.

Cut three identical circles from the dough.

Place the dough circles so that one edge of the circle rests slightly on the other circle. Press down the joints of the circles so that they do not come apart.

Place a thin sausage of minced meat in the center of this structure.

Fold this entire structure in half horizontally.

Starting from the left edge, wind it all into one bud.

As you can see, the end result is a very beautiful “rose”.

So that all these beautiful ways of sculpting dumplings do not lose their shape in finished form, such dumplings need to be steamed.

Every housewife wants to show off her culinary skills and serve only the most delicious, appetizing and beautiful dish to the table. Dumplings are no exception, so in the process of preparing them it is important to compare taste and appearance, because even the most delicious dish will not be appetizing without a neat appearance.

To ensure that the taste matches appearance you need to choose the right ingredients for the dish, from flour to filling: berries, potatoes, cottage cheese and even meat.

  • Device for making plastic dumplings
  • Metal modeling device
  • Dumpling form-lattice made of plastic
  • Dumpling form-lattice metal

Secret delicious dough There is one for dumplings in every family. Some people make a special filling, some use a proven grandmother’s recipe, and some pay all attention to the dough, because it is the basis of real delicious dumplings.

Set of products for cooking

  • 3 cups flour;
  • 1 glass of water or milk;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Cooking recipe

  1. You need to take a deep bowl into which to sift the required amount of flour. You need to sift so that it is saturated with oxygen, then the dough will be more airy.
  2. We make a small depression in the flour, into which we beat the eggs one by one.
  3. Mix milk or water with salt. The crystals should dissolve, then the dough will be evenly salted.
  4. Pour salted water (milk) into the egg and begin kneading the dough for dumplings.
  5. The dough must be kneaded thoroughly so that it is pliable and soft; if necessary, add flour during the process. Ready dough should lie on the table to rest. This will take about 40 minutes, after which you can start making dumplings.

How to make dumplings?

Standardly for making dumplings you will need:

  • Dough for dumplings;
  • Filling;
  • flour for dusting.

Advice: If we are dealing with berries, then the crust needs to be made a little thicker so that the juice from the berries does not soak the dough.