Pomegranate wine Armenia Pyaterochka. Pomegranate wine - the best manufacturers and brands, the beneficial properties of the drink. Traditional Azerbaijani pomegranate wine comes in

The main raw materials for the production of fruit wines during the harvest season are fresh fruits and berries from Moscow and other nearby regions, as well as concentrated fruit juices from well-known manufacturers, which are supplied to the enterprise year-round. Each batch of fresh berries and fruits is unique in its own way, each with its own shades of tastes and aromas.


The GRAND WINE COLLECTION winery (JVC LLC) was created in September 2012. Today GRAND WINE COLLECTION is a powerful modern enterprise equipped with the latest European equipment. The capabilities of the plant and the organization of the process make it possible to carry out a full technological cycle, which begins with the purchase of fresh fruits, berries and fruit juices and ends with the sale of finished products, which allows the company to achieve and maintain a high level of quality for the entire product line. Today the plant produces various series of dry, semi-sweet and sweet fruit wines of various types: apricot, plum, cherry, pomegranate, chokeberry, blackcurrant, etc. Since 2014, the GRAND WINE COLLECTION company, along with fruit wines, began producing wine drinks based on fruit and fruit wines. This offer allows us to satisfy consumer demand for guaranteed quality products with bright cocktail, as well as classic tastes exquisite grape wine. The bottling of fruit wines and wine drinks is carried out on fully automated Italian production lines. Control of production processes at all technological stages is carried out by a certified laboratory of the enterprise.

Electronic sommelier

There are many recipes for making Sangria using a wide variety of ingredients, but classic composition Sangria remains unchanged: red wine, sugar and fruit, which must include citrus fruits. The list of fruits for fruit Sangria is determined only by the taste of its creator and is limited only by his imagination and capabilities. These can be apples, cherries, strawberries, oranges, lemons, limes and other favorite fruits and berries that generously impart their natural flavors and aromas to the wine.

Instead of a preface

I'm in a rush at work and here's another surprise - the site has a new design, time will tell whether it's good or not, although I'm already going blind from the whiteness of the background and the mouse-colored text.

It's time to relax with a glass of sweet wine, so let's drink so that we can still be heard, well, honestly, this design is inconvenient.

Place of purchase, price, manufacturer

I came across a bottle of pomegranate wine in the Pyaterochka store, and also saw it in the Everyday and Master of Wine chain stores. I also saw it in Lenta, but there it will be 150-200 rubles more expensive.

I had not had much luck with such wines before, everything seemed not very tasty and not pomegranate, but this drink pleasantly surprised me.

  • Price - within 400 rubles.
  • Country of origin - Armenia.

Someone will say that since Armenian wine is an indicator of quality, but I want to reassure you, not all Armenian wines are tasty, I remember I didn’t like the pomegranate wine of the Yerevan producer “Champaign Giniveri Gortsaran” at all, I didn’t even want to write a review about it.

My preferences and why I chose pomegranate wine

I prefer sweet and semi-sweet wines, but I don’t like sour ones.

Fruit wine Pamegranate Arame is a semi-sweet wine. If grape wines are very popular, then finding a delicious pomegranate wine has not been very easy.

Wine Arame is the fourth in a row, to date, this is the most delicious pomegranate wine, I have never seen a better one, I will definitely write about it, I promise.

I got hooked on such wines thanks to the wine carbonated drink Ruby Seed, after which I wanted to find real pomegranate wine and, it seems, I have already found it.


The bottle, like a bottle, is made of green or brown glass, the stopper is made of the bark of a cork tree, it is easily uncorked with a corkscrew with levers on the sides, even a fragile woman like me can do it.


  • Description:

​​​​​​ Pomegranate wine, with a pleasantly tart and fragrant aroma of fresh pomegranate. The taste is fruity, sharp, sweetish. The aftertaste is nutty, dense, very long. It has a rich red-brown color with hints of dark gold and ripe pomegranate peel. The consistency is distinguished by its thickness and density. Perfect for fried meat dishes, meat snacks, cheeses and desserts. It is recommended to serve chilled to a temperature of 17-18 C.

Volume: 0.75 l.

Alcohol: 11.5% vol.

Sugar: 80g/dm3

  • Compound:

Pomegranate wine, food additives (preservatives) sulfur dioxide and potassium sorbate.

I absolutely don’t want to drink drinks with preservatives, but I haven’t yet come across wine without preservatives (they are used to prevent the wine from fermenting and deteriorating its taste and other qualities).

Aroma and color

The wine is pomegranate and therefore has a corresponding smell, there is no deception here.

The color is red-brown.

Depending on the lighting, the color takes on an amber hue, or shades of ripe pomegranate peel. The color is a little unusual and unusual and even ugly in some ways, but I remember it from Soviet times pomegranate juice It was exactly that brown color.


The wine is easy to drink, almost like a compote, and at first it seems overly sweet, but the aftertaste is sharp, “burning” the throat, and don’t forget about the degrees, they are there, all 11.5. I liked the wine and yes, the pomegranate taste is clearly felt. The wine goes well with meat dishes and desserts.

The wine is tasty, unusual, but not for everyone, I advise you to try it on occasion.

Wine Pomegranate Red semi-sweet 0.75l 12% “Armenia Wine”

Manufacturer: LLC "Armenia Wine" plant
Country: Armenia
Importer: Project-2015 LLC

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Proteins – 0.0 g.
Carbohydrates – 4.5 g.
Fats – 0.0 g.
Energy value 85.2 kcal.

Semi-sweet fruit wine. Pomegranate is rightfully considered a brand of Armenia. Armenians consider pomegranate a symbol of life, fertility, abundance, prosperity, strong marital ties and large families. This tasty and healthy fruit was immortalized in cinema in 1968, the famous film director Sergei Parajanov (1924-1990) shot the film “The Color of Pomegranates” - a poetic film parable about Sayat-Nova, the great Armenian poet of the Middle Ages.

The color is dark red with a ruby ​​sheen. Very expressive with notes of pomegranate and red fruits. The taste is rich, fresh and sour. Velvety and very well dissolved tannins, flavors of pomegranate and cherry. Fresh aftertaste of remarkable duration.

Alcohol: 12%
Volume: 0.75 l.
Guaranteed shelf life is 12 months from the date of bottling.
The bottling date is indicated on the bottle.
Quantity per box: 6 pcs

The shelf life is unlimited if storage conditions are met. Store in ventilated, odor-free rooms, excluding exposure to direct sunlight, at a temperature from +5 C to + 20 and a relative humidity of no more than 85%

The products presented on the website are intended to familiarize you with the assortment. Purchase and sale transactions are carried out on the territory Retail store (from 10.00 to 19.00 Moscow time).

The products offered on the website were imported by an official supplier, certified and have excise taxes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. The sale of alcohol to minors is prohibited by law. We draw your attention to the fact that in accordance with Decree No. 612 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2007, the sale alcoholic products Remote methods that exclude the possibility of direct familiarization of the buyer with the goods are not allowed.

Alcohol is contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, persons with diseases of the central nervous system, kidneys, liver and other digestive organs. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to human health.

Complies with uniform sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control). There are no components obtained using genetically modified organisms. Complies with GOSTR safety requirements

The Armenia Wine company is the largest winemaking company, which is engaged in winemaking, production of cognac and vodka products, and has its own vineyards. “Armenia Wine” is a leader in Armenia in terms of a high level of technological modernization, production and bottling of wine is carried out in accordance with modern storage technologies.

Winery "Armenia Wine"

The Armenia Wine winery is located in the village of Sasunik, Aragatsotn region, Republic of Armenia, and covers an area of ​​50,000 square meters. This is where the entire production process takes place, from receiving grapes, making wine to bottling it. This is a beautiful winery, equipped with all the necessary facilities to produce quality wines in accordance with international standards. The construction of the entire complex was carried out in the classical style of Armenian architecture. This winemaking center, built according to an interesting and unique idea, resembles an ancient fortress.

To produce high-quality wines, the plant is equipped with the best modern equipment, in particular, there are 3 bunkers, 2 mobile presses for red grapes, and 1 inert press for white grapes, which works with nitrogen gas. The use of such membrane presses ensures the production of high-quality wine materials. Thermal control of the entire winemaking process, starting with the fermentation process, is carried out through 3 refrigeration units - chillers from the Italian company Della Toffola, which allow monitoring temperature changes throughout the entire production process. The presence of such a powerful refrigeration system makes it possible to ferment grape must at low temperatures, as well as stabilization of wine at a temperature of -7℃. Another 3 modern filters from the same company are designed for routine wine processing. Wine storage tanks are made of stainless steel and equipped with the necessary mixers and other important components. The bottling workshop is equipped with all the necessary modern equipment, including membrane filters that ensure sterile bottling. The bottling line of the Italian company “Fimer” has a bottling speed of 3000 bottles per hour and is designed for bottling wine, cognac and vodka.


The goal of the Armenia Wine company is to restore the former glory of winemaking. Over the years, cognac production has developed in Armenia, which has offset winemaking. Understanding that to create a competitive wine of international level it is necessary modern technologies and equipment, the company's founders made an unprecedented contribution to Armenian winemaking.

For wine production we use classic French technology. That is why 3 automated presses of the latest model from the French company “Bucher Vaslin” were introduced, 2 of which are mobile, and the 3rd stationary - for working with inert gas. The plant is equipped with 3 receiving bunkers, as well as crushers and destemmers with the ability to process up to 300 tons of grapes per day. There are 3 cooling systems with a power of 1000 kW, heat exchangers, with the help of which the temperature of the must and then the wine is regulated. This equipment, produced by the Italian company Della Toffola, allows, through computer tracking, to regulate the fermentation process, and then the storage and stabilization of wine at temperature conditions from +30℃ to -10℃. This is one of the most important components for obtaining high-quality wine. It should also be noted that the entire production process is organized in such a way that the grapes, the must and then the wine are in contact exclusively with stainless steel. These stainless steel two-story tanks (8m and 12m high) are equipped with stirrers and allow you to regulate the temperature of the contents.

In the production process, modern Italian and German filters are used, including membrane filters, which clean the wine from yeast and microbes, which allows you to get a clean and healthy wine. This is where sterile filling takes place.

The Armenia Wine company employs highly qualified professionals, in particular, experienced winemakers, cognac masters, technologists, as well as young, qualified personnel. Modern management, production, marketing and sales systems have been introduced.


Best Muscat in the World

In July 2012 The 12th annual international competition “Best Muscat in the World” (Muscats du Monde®) took place in France. For 12 years, this competition revealed the best Muscats in the world and awarded well-deserved representative medals. Companies that win such medals may use the medal as a distinctive mark on their wine. Over the course of two days, international experts tasted 232 wines from the Muscat grape variety from around the world. The strongest Muscats from 24 countries entered the competition. This is the most significant and legal competition for the quality of the best Muscat in the world. As part of this important competition, white semi-sweet wine “Armenia” Muscat received a silver medal.

Prodexpo 2012

Two gold medals and one silver - this is the result with which the Armenia Wine company returned from the international exhibition Prodexpo 2012 in Moscow. From February 13th to 17th, the international economic exhibition “Prodexpo 2012” took place in Moscow, at which the Armenia Wine company, the largest in the field of winemaking in Armenia, participated for the first time.

About two thousand companies from Europe, Asia and America were represented at the exhibition. The Armenia Wine company was awarded two gold and one silver medals and certificates. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation recognized red semi-sweet wine “Armenia” as the best product of 2012 as part of an international competition. Another gold medal was won for the best quality of Medvedevka vodka. The silver medal was awarded to dry white wine “Armenia”.

Man of the Year

For the first time in Armenia, a charity competition “Person of the Year” was organized. The organizer was the magazine “Lakshari”, the purpose of which was to assess the importance of cultural figures, and not only. 500 nominations and 50 nominations, of which 40 awards were received by artists and cultural figures. The “Person of the Year” competition highlighted those nominees from the field of art and culture whom society managed to fall in love with in 2010. The “Armenia Wine” company won the “Best Winemaker of the Year” nomination. And if, as part of the first competition, the quality of “Armenia” wines was assessed by an international jury consisting of professional winemakers, in this case the colossal work was appreciated by the public. The Armenia Wine company has made a huge contribution to the development of Armenian winemaking.

Pomegranates are amazing fruits with numerous healing properties. They contain vitamin C, tannins, fiber, minerals, as well as a number of amino acids essential for the human body.

Despite the fact that a sharply continental climate prevails on the territory of Armenia, there are several large areas that can boast of excellent pomegranate yields. First of all, the following regions are highlighted:

  • surroundings of the city of Meghri in the very south of the country,
  • northeastern part of Tavush region
  • and, of course, Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

These areas are home to a variety of pomegranate varieties, which have long been used by local residents to create wine.

Wine production technology in Armenia

It is believed that real red semi-sweet wine can only be produced from grapes. Many wine connoisseurs don't even take wines made from other types of fruit seriously. But it is pomegranate that can be called an exception to this rule. Not all fruits have the percentage of sugar content necessary for cooking: this depends on the variety, soil and climatic conditions of a particular region.

The production of pomegranate wine began to be developed on an industrial scale in Armenia, but now Armenia has become one of the leaders in this industry. Many large wineries are now working with this drink. Sweet and semi-sweet dessert wines are mainly produced from this fruit.

The technology for producing pomegranate wines has much in common with grape wines. Pomegranates are placed in fermentation containers with peel or peel. When the alcohol content reaches 7%, the process is stopped. The wine is then placed in barrels for further aging. For this, Armenia uses Caucasian oak, which is supplied from Artsakh, and French oak barrels. Each manufacturer determines the aging period themselves.

The strength of pomegranate wines ranges from 12 to 16 degrees. Some enterprises add grape wine to the drink during the fermentation stage to compensate for the lack of sugar in pomegranate fruits: this is not a violation of state standards and only enriches the bouquet of the drink. The characteristic taste of this magical drink is difficult to confuse with anything: despite the sweetness, the tart quality of pomegranate is clearly felt in it.

Popular varieties of pomegranate wine

Rarely is a feast complete in Armenia without pomegranate wine: it is always served during wedding celebrations. It is used not only with sweet dishes: its rich, rich taste with a velvety fruity aftertaste goes well with light meals from chicken and lean beef. Hard and semi-hard cheeses go very well with pomegranate wine.

This wine is served chilled to 12 °C. The most popular brands are:

  • Armenia,
  • Ijevan,
  • 365 Wines
  • Maran Winery,
  • Voskevaz,
  • Berdashen,
  • Vayots Dzor.

Unfortunately, outside of Armenia you can often purchase a fake disguised as a well-known brand. That's why buying pomegranate wine is another reason to visit Armenia. Here you can try it in any restaurant in combination with delicious, incomparable Armenian dried fruits and without fear purchase it in any of the large supermarkets or directly at the manufacturer’s factory.

16.12.2018 20:08

Pyaterochka is busy with the typical pre-New Year maneuvering for our chains. As if not to set low prices, but also to sell something.

Sparkling white semi-dry - 399 99 rub. 499 99 rub.

This is the Moscow price, in St. Petersburg it’s a whole ten rubles cheaper for some reason.

Produced by "Garcia Carrion", bottled at their "Jaume Serra" plant. "Eretat el Padruel" is the number one hit, perhaps, among the budget sparkling drinks at Pyaterochka. Classic production method, quality, price, stability - traditional success factors. The price has increased somewhat, but where can you go, there’s nothing better to be seen anyway.

From Italy Chianti -

Bonacchi Chianti Riserva, red dry - 529 99 rub. 649 99 rub.

Manufacturer: "Cantine Bonacchi". Wine this way and that. The autumn promotional price of 499 rubles looked a little better.

Region Tuscany -

I Balzi Rosso Toscano, red semi-dry - 499 99 rub. 599 99 rub.

Manufacturer "Casa Vinicola Natale Verga". Importer "Polini Import". The 2015 harvest, which I had a chance to taste, was completely pale and inexpressive. It is unlikely that anything has changed dramatically for the better now. There is no interest in paying five hundred for such wine.

White wine from the Veneto region -

Solano Soave, white dry - 389 99 rub. 489 99 rub.

Manufacturer: Polini Group. In Italy, few people probably know about the existence of such a manufacturer. The Solano series is bottled specifically for the Russian market and is sold only at Pyaterochka. The Spaniards are somehow more humane when it comes to producing budget wines, and it’s better to pay that money for Cava, for example.

Cinzano vermouth -

Cinzano Vermouth Bianco, white sweet vermouth, 1 liter - 599 99 rub.

Here “Pyaterochka” surpassed “Perekrestok”, where until December 17 white and red Cinzano vermouths are 529 rubles at a discount. Six hundred is not a very pleasant price tag.

France, Loire Valley -

Les Roseraies Rose d'Anjou, pink semi-dry - 479 99 rub. 599 99 rub.

The grape varieties are Grolleau, Gamay and Cabernet Franc. Manufacturer: Drouet Freres. The wine appeared on the shelves sometime in the summer. The “Tasty” promotion in September cost the same 479 rubles. In terms of price, the typical Pyaterochka approach is not magical, but not prohibitive either.

Georgian wine -

Patardzeuli Alazani Valley, white semi-sweet - 299 99 rub. 439 99 rub.

Patardzeuli Alazani Valley, red semi-sweet - 299 99 rub. 439 99 rub.

Pyaterochka suddenly decided to simply offer discounts on this wine. Before this, “1+1” promotions were being churned out for quite a long time, once a month. Either the new batch arrived with higher quality, or such a bold experiment. Doesn't look like a success.

The wine is bottled by Kakheti Traditional Winemaking (KTW) at the plant in Patardzeuli. I haven't heard anything good about this line.

Moldova -

Comrat Saperavi, red dry - 279 99 rub. 349 99 rub.

The wine also went on sale this summer. Produced by "Vinuri de Comrat" (Wines of Comrat). A passable budget wine, judging by the reviews. Discounted price 279 rubles permanently. Tolerable.

Cape Art Pinotage

Cape Art Shiraz, red dry - 299 99 rub. 379 99 rub.

Produced by "Origin Wine".

Pyaterochka set a goal to bring this wine to a price of 299 rubles and is implementing the plan. It will probably work out. And so, this year the level was 249-279 rubles. Last fall, once they organized a “1+1” promotion, 350 rubles for two bottles. The wines, they say, are tolerable and will go well with a barbecue.

Russia, Krasnodar region -

Muscat Sun of the South, white semi-sweet - 149 99 rub. 189 99 rub.

Isabella Sun of the South, red semi-sweet - 149 99 rub. 189 99 rub.

Bottles Kuban-Vino. Bottles 0.7 liters. Unfortunately, we don’t produce anything good in this price range.

Crimean wine -

Inkerman, red semi-dry - 329 99 rub. 469 rub.

These are Moscow prices. The St. Petersburg price with a discount is 324 rubles, and the regular one is 519. A strange difference, this is something new for Pyaterochka.

In general, it is difficult to figure out where certain prices of Russian wines come from. For some reason this has almost nothing to do with quality. Wines for 200, 400, one thousand, two, three thousand rubles can be equally terrible. Or they may turn out to be quite themselves. It is apparently useless to look for logic in all this. Maybe someday the situation will settle down, and at least some guiding principles will appear. For now, it is completely impossible to understand why you have to pay for the semi-dry Inkerman wine, which is not very clear, as for the Spanish wines Montetoro No. 3 or Bajoz from the same Pyaterochka.

Carbonated wine drinks "Bosca" have become somehow obscenely expensive. 279 rubles with a discount for diluted sweetened wine with bubbles is a lot. Aristov or Chateau Taman Young sparkling wine can be bought cheaper.