How Adyghe cheese is made. Adyghe cheese at home: delicious under any name! Recipes for making homemade Adyghe cheese

Adyghe cheese belongs to the dishes of Caucasian cuisine. As a rule, Caucasians tend to make their own National dishes as spicy and spicy as possible, but Adyghe cheese has a delicate and soft texture. Due to its unique taste and pleasant aroma, this type of cheese has become popular among different nations. The benefits and harms of Adyghe cheese have already been fully studied, it has been proven that the product has nutritional and medicinal qualities that have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Cooking Adyghe cheese

The recipe for the preparation of Adyghe cheese has a hundred years. Even in ancient times, not a single Caucasian family started a meal until dishes with Adyghe cheese were put on the table. Nothing has changed in modern times - the highlanders also enjoy popular and favorite dishes based on Adyghe cheese.

How is Adyghe cheese made?

The production of the product is based on fresh excellent quality and a high percentage of fat content. For the production of cheese, cow, bark, and sheep whole milk can be used. Milk product heated to 95 degrees in special vats, and then mixed with special beneficial lactic bacteria or whey.

After the reaction of heated milk and whey, curd-like flakes are formed on the surface of the liquid, which are carefully collected with the help of special gratings into a gauze fabric. After that, the rag bag is suspended, this allows the cheese to get rid of excess liquid. In this state, the product should be within a few hours. As soon as the cheese is freed from excess liquid, it is manually pressed, sprinkled with salt and formed into a semi-oval.

Such a production technology allows the product to retain all the most valuable qualities. A special advantage of the production of Adyghe cheese is that only natural high-quality ingredients are used in its preparation. The result is delicious and useful product, which has a number of healing and healing qualities.

Useful qualities

Despite the fact that only three main natural ingredients are used in the manufacture of Adyghe cheese - milk, sourdough and salt - the product has a unique fortified and mineral composition. Among the vitamins, the clear leaders in content are vitamins such as C, PP, A, E, D. The mineral composition of the Adyghe cheese is also rich: calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, sodium.

When Adyghe cheese is prepared, its fat content depends on the percentage of fat content of the milk used. But in any case, both proteins and milk fats of this product are easily absorbed by the body. Due to this quality, Adyghe cheese belongs to dietary products. Calorie content of Adyghe cheese per 100 gr. equals 250 calories.

What is the benefit of the product?


When Adyghe cheese is used in the human diet, the benefits and harms of this product depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

The product is not able to have a negative impact on the human body, if the latter does not suffer from individual intolerance to milk protein. In all other cases, Adyghe cheese is absolutely harmless and has no obvious contraindications.

It must be clarified that if stored improperly, the product can turn into a dangerous dish. If the product is stored incorrectly, then after a couple of days a substance, Tryptophan, begins to form in the cheese. This substance belongs to amino acids, which, when ingested, increase the pain threshold. For a person, the appearance of Tryptophan in the body is characterized by an increase in headache or a manifestation of aching migraine.

The use of expired or spoiled Adyghe cheese causes severe poisoning and acute indigestion.

Proper storage of Adyghe cheese

Since the product consists only of natural ingredients, the longer it is stored, the less useful it remains. According to the rules, it is necessary to store the Adyghe cheese for less than a month, subsequently the product not only loses its useful qualities, but also becomes very harmful to the human body.

How to store Adyghe cheese?

  • The ideal place for storing the product is a refrigerator in which the temperature of the medium does not exceed 6 degrees. Under these conditions, the product retains its unique benefits for one week.
  • After opening the package (if the cheese was purchased in a store), the product must be transferred to a glass container that has a tight-fitting lid.
  • It is not recommended to freeze Adyghe cheese, because after defrosting the product will lose some of its useful qualities, and when consumed, it will begin to break and crumble.
  • Smoked Adyghe cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for several months, but the product must be freed from the effects of foreign odors.
  • Since Adyghe cheese is excellent at absorbing foreign odors, it must be stored separately from products with specific or pungent aromas.

Cooking Adyghe cheese at home

The recipe for making real Adyghe cheese is known not only in the Caucasus. The recipe for Adyghe cheese at home is simple, it has several varieties:

  • Adyghe cheese in a slow cooker. Pour 2 liters of sour milk into the multicooker bowl (can be replaced). Shake in separate bowl 3 chicken eggs with salt - you should get a strong foam. Add the resulting mixture to milk and mix thoroughly. On the multicooker, set the “Baking” mode and cook the dish until the alarm bell rings. After cooking, we filter the liquid, put the resulting mass with the resulting white flakes under pressure for a couple of hours. AT this recipe there is an important secret: the longer the cheese is under oppression, the tastier and more aromatic it becomes.
  • Adyghe homemade cheese. Take half a liter of kefir, add 2 well-beaten chicken eggs to it, mix. Pour 2 liters of fresh milk into a separate saucepan, put the container on a small fire and, with slow heating, gradually pour in the kefir-egg mixture. The mass is prepared for 10 minutes, during which time the mixture should separate into liquid whey and curd-like flakes. After cooking, we throw the whole mass into a colander, in which a gauze layer of fabric is laid at the bottom, the liquid should drain, and "" salt and put under pressure to get rid of excess moisture. Under pressure, the mass should be about 8 hours at room temperature. After that, it forms a semi-oval and puts the Adyghe cheese in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Delicious recipes with Adyghe cheese

  • Fried Adyghe cheese. How to fry Adyghe cheese? Dip the finished cheese in batter and fry on both sides over low heat in a pan. Recipe for making batter: beat 2 chicken eggs with a little milk and 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, salt.
  • Baked Adyghe cheese. Baked Adyghe cheese goes well with vegetables. Cut the cheese into circles, put chopped or grated vegetables (zucchini, etc.) on it, salt, spread with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Place the dish in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • Salad with Adyghe cheese. The main basis of the salad is diced Adyghe cheese, boiled cheese is added to it. chicken breast, 2 boiled chicken eggs, . As a dressing, a mixture of mayonnaise is ideal.
  • Salad with Adyghe cheese and tomatoes. This salad is ideal for lovers of healthy food. To diced pieces of Adyghe cheese add slices, and sweet cubes. Refueling would be better.
  • Vareniki with Adyghe cheese. Knead the dough based on water, eggs, vegetable oil, salt and flour. Filling: grated Adyghe cheese, greens. From the prepared dough, form small cakes, start them with the prepared filling, pinch the edges and boil in boiling water. The readiness of the dish is determined by the emergence of dumplings. Before serving, grease the dumplings and serve a dish with sour cream.

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Traditional cheeses of the Caucasus inlakesh_trip wrote on May 29th, 2013

Cheese cooked in a pasture in the mountains is one of the brightest memories of almost every trip I have made to the Caucasus. Summer is coming, the time when herds of cows, goats and sheep graze in the highland meadows and give a lot delicious milk. Shepherds at this time make the main stocks of cheese for the winter. On the eve of summer, I decided to do a study of traditional Caucasian cheeses. Of course, only the most famous and surviving species got into it.

Adyghe cheese ("matekuae")
The factory version can be found in almost any store in Moscow. One of the reasons for the popularity of cheese is the simplicity of technology and high profitability. Cheese is extremely popular among the Circassians. Traditionally, in the villages, "matekuai" was done like this:strained milk is put on fire. When it starts to boil, fermented milk whey is added to it for 15-30 minutes. The resulting clot is kept for 5 minutes, then half of the serum is removed. Warm cheese mass is placed in special baskets "bzhal'e", woven from thin willow twigs. They leave a beautiful lace pattern on the cheese sides. The pressed circle is salted with dry salt on the surface.

Smoked Adyghe cheese ("koeplyzh")

Previously, the house of a Circassian warmed the “ondzhek” hearth, from which a chimney rose up. A wicker device made of rods or bars “choy” was hung over the hearth - meat or cheese was smoked on it. Cheese "matekuae" was left for "choy" from 18 hours to a week. The result was "koeplyzh" - "red cheese". Smoked "matekuae" of small size is called "kurt", it served as food for hunters, shepherds, warriors. Circassian men drew water from the spring, crumbled smoked cheese into it and ate it with bread. This food is very nutritious and high in calories. On distant campaigns, the taste of cheese reminded men of their native hearth and the caring hands that prepared it. Dried cheese hasn't gone bad in years.

Azerbaijani traditional cheese. In fact, it is rather salty cottage cheese, but it does not look like cottage cheese, it is easily smeared on pita bread. To prepare a shor, ayran needs to be heated over low heat until curdling, then remove the resulting curd and put it in a wineskin ("winded"). Then tie all the holes of the winding and pour the chilled salty brine into it. Then shake well. Finely chopped dill is also added there. Shor ripens from 1 to 3 months.


The famous Azerbaijani cheese “motal pendir” was prepared in an interesting way. Pickled milk was salted, squeezed out of the whey and put into a winder - a sheepskin, turned inside with sheared wool.

And kept in a wineskin for at least a month, and ideally 3 months. Under the influence of enzymes in the skin of a ram, cheese was obtained with a pronounced specific smell, very delicate, yellowish, not very salty.

Chanakh, Tushino cheese, Ossetian cheese, Kobi cheese…

In the Central Caucasus, there is a tradition of making cheeses like brynza almost everywhere. The cooking technology differs only slightly.
Sheep milk used to be the main starting material. But in our time, sheep are kept much less, and cows are mainly used for milk. Cows give more milk and it is easier for small farms to keep them.
The stages of production of these cheeses are as follows: the milk is heated almost to a boil, cooled to a warm state and then fermented with rennet. Once the protein has separated from the whey, it is harvested. Then knead. When the cheese grains become dry enough and take shape a little, proceed to the second heating. Moreover, unlike cheeses such as Suluguni, the heating temperature is very low: from 33 to 38 degrees. In villages, they often skip the “second heating” stage and simply squeeze the cheese mass with their hands in a special basket. As a result of kneading and the second heating (or simply squeezing with your hands), excess moisture is removed, now the cheese is shaped (a cone or a cylindrical “head” familiar to a city dweller).

And at the end, the cheeses are placed in brine. The best is considered to be a brine made on the basis of natural mineral water with gas (such as Narzan), many gorges of the Central Caucasus have such water in abundance.

A traditional Georgian cheese that has become very popular in Russia. Among the people, the etymology of its name is derived from “suli” (which means “soul”) and “guli” (“heart”). Academician Vaso Abaev, however, finds the roots of the name Suluguni in the Digor dialect of the Ossetian language. "Sulu" denotes whey, and the formant -gun, in particular, indicates the root of the word, as the material from which the object called such a complex word is made. Thus, the literal translation of the word is “containing whey”

Suluguni differs from brynza-type cheeses in the high temperature of the second heating. Perhaps only a mountain hostess can collect a lump of suluguni in an almost boiling cauldron with her bare hands! During my travels, I do not decide to put my hands into such cauldrons.

Smoked suluguni is excellent as mountain camping food. In the process of smoking, the cheese becomes drier than its “white” counterpart, and is also covered with a bactericidal crust, which makes the cheese very stable, it does not deteriorate on the way.

This is the same Suluguni, only gathered in pigtails. This cheese is given both in a smoked version over the hearth, and in a "white" - non-smoked version.

Khorats paneer
Traditional Armenian "buried cheese". The correct "khorats paneer" is obtained from mature sheep cheese. It is ground with a strictly selected bouquet of dried mountain herbs, clay pots are tightly packed with mass and buried in the ground. The cheese ripens for several months and at the end it turns out to be densely smelling, incredibly vigorous and very tasty. Some housewives, in order to bring down the breathtaking aroma of cheese, mixed it in half with homemade cottage cheese or butter, as well as with the usual salted cheese.


If you are thrown into Krasnodar, I would advise you to stock up on smoked Adyghe cheese in it. Why exactly them? Because practically nowhere to the north of the Kuban you will not find it smoked. Perhaps to the east - in Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria - you can find something similar and closely related - local homemade cheeses molded into small flat circles in the shape of a colander in which they were squeezed. Like these ones:

And this dish, by the way, is with history. Traditionally, the Circassians smoked these cheeses in the hearth, as the best meal for a traveler. That is, fresh cheese - on the table, and smoked - on the road. When smoked, Adyghe cheese is excellently stored, and even when it dries up (and wrapped in a rag it will certainly dry), it only becomes tastier.

Search Adyghe smoked cheese better in the cheese rows of the Sennoy market. There is the richest selection. You can find factory-made heads rolled up in polyethylene, with which they are allowed on airplanes. One friend brought Adyghe cheese in such a package to Germany (although this option did not work with the Czech Republic a little later - customs ordered the hotel to be thrown away). If you search, you will find home-made cheese on Sennoy - in some places covered in soot and with sticky chips on which it lay in the smokehouse. This cheese has a sharper taste, but also more original.

If you are interested in Adyghe smoked cheese, then I advise you to do one more thing. Dry it. Now, neither in factories, nor in the workshops of handicraftsmen - cheese makers, smoked Adyghe cheese is dried to the state of a stone. First, the consumer does not know that it is tasty. Secondly, the drier the cheese, the less it weighs. That is, it is unprofitable for the manufacturer to dry it. But centuries of experience should not be thrown off the scales.

It's worth doing it. Buy several circles of Adyghe smoked. Depending on the appetites of the manufacturer and size (dispersion - from one to two and a half kilos) a circle of such cheese costs from 300 to 600 rubles. The first circle will be eaten on the first evening (it's good if it remains for breakfast), but it will allow you to delay the disappearance of the rest. surviving (freed from polyethylene, if the cheese is factory-made) pile (shifting with chips or sticking several toothpicks into the circle and stringing the next cheese “floor” on them so that there are at least centimeter gaps between the circles) remove to the bottom of the refrigerator. There, where +5+7 degrees. And let the cheese dry there.
This is how I separate the circles of cheese with toothpicks, and then I cover the whole structure with a linen napkin:

The first tangible results will appear in a week. Here you will eat the second cheese head and decide that let the rest dry some more. After a couple of weeks, the turn will reach the next head, and if you manage to endure a month, the cheese will dry out so that it stops cutting and begins to crumble under the knife. This is its most delicious consistency.

Such cheese can be eaten little by little - absorbing the pickled piece. It is good to drink it down - even with cool dry wine (they say it is white with cheese, but I like it with Cabernet too - the smoked cheese argues, intertwines and plays with the astringency of wine), even with hot sweet tea. You can chop it smaller and, like a spice, sprinkle it and fresh herbs on steaming wheat porridge, or millet, or (if we are too lazy to make homemade noodles) pasta. Unlike rennet cheeses, Adyghe cheese will not melt due to temperature, but will somehow soften and acquire a certain roundness of taste. But it's hard to describe - you have to try.

Product description

Photo: Elena Moskalenko, Dmitry Korolko

Adyghe cheese, aka matequae, he is latakai and Circassian cheese- one of the main products of the Adyghe (Circassian) cuisine, a relative of cheese, feta and mozzarella. It is made from whole sheep, goat, and most often cow's milk.

Adyghe cheese is soft young cheese white, often creamy. It has a sour-milk, slightly salty taste and a delicate, soft texture. Outwardly, fresh Adyghe cheese, as a rule, is a low cylinder with slightly convex side surfaces and rounded edges, weighing no more than 1.5 kg. Outside, the head of cheese is quite elastic, inside - relatively soft. Smoked Adyghe cheese is drier, its surface is darker.

Adyghe cheese is made from raw or pasteurized milk, using whey, cooking edible salt. In most cases it is done without rennet, however, there are also rennet variants of Adyghe cheese (abomasum is one of the departments of a lamb or bovine stomach; rennet is used to make many cheeses). To prepare Adyghe cheese, milk is heated to 95 degrees, then sour-milk is gradually introduced. serum which causes the milk to curdle. If use abomasum, it is immersed in whey 2-3 days before cheese production. Milk clots are collected in wicker willow baskets, which, as a result, leave a beautiful lace pattern. Finished cheese heads are sprinkled with salt to disinfect the cheese and keep it for a longer period. For detailed instructions on how to cook Adyghe rennet cheese at home, see.

Mass production of Adyghe cheese started as recently as 1980.

Species and varieties

Industrial Adyghe cheese is produced not only in Adygea, but in fact throughout Russia, as well as in Belarus and Ukraine. We add that a similar cheese can be sold under other names (for example, Circassian cheese).

Traditional homemade Adyghe cheese can be found in the markets Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria and Krasnodar. Most often he nonrennet, although there are rennet options. Of course, one can argue for a long time in which region this cheese is made tastier.

Homemade Adyghe cheese is sold in three versions - fresh,smoked and dried. Fresh is just a homemade analogue of the factory-made Adyghe cheese.

Smoked Adyghe cheese also known by the names koeplyzh(red cheese), Kabardian cheese and Armavir cheese. It is prepared by the highlanders of the western part of the North Caucasus - the Adyghe-Circassians, the Adyghe-Kabardians, Abaza and Armenians from the city of Armavir. The cheese is smoked for several days. In the smoke, it dries, and the cheese rind becomes impervious to air and bacteria. Smoked cheese is stored for 5-6 months.

Dried Adyghe cheese is a local variety kurta. Traditionally, it served as food for hunters, shepherds, warriors - anyone who needed to take cheese on the road. Dried cheese is very hard and salty: if in parmesan up to 40% of moisture is preserved, and even in the Adyghe kurt - 20%; if in Roquefort 1.8% salt, then in dried Adyghe cheese - 2%. Circassians do not dry cheese in the sun - always in the shade. For long-term storage Adyghe dried cheese they fall asleep with grain in boxes, barns, which provides the cheese with stable humidity and eliminates temperature fluctuations. Such cheese can be stored for several years. Traditionally, before use, the dried head of cheese is doused with boiling water or dipped in boiling water, previously wrapped in a simple canvas cloth.

How to cook

Adyghe cheese can be made independently, at home; recipe for homemade Adyghe cheese (rennet), see.

Adyghe cheese - fresh and smoked - is eaten on its own, with bread and herbs. Recipes with Adyghe cheese are varied: appetizers and vegetable salads, soups and casseroles, pasta and sauces, fillings for pies, pies, dumplings, khachapuri. sauce. Adyghe cheese can fry.

In some recipes, fresh Adyghe cheese can replace suluguni, brynza, mozzarella, Ossetian and Imeretian cheeses.

From fresh Adyghe cheese you can cook yourself dried, and then crumble it into pasta, salad or scrambled eggs. This can be done in the refrigerator, freed from packaging, placed on some kind of stand that does not cover most of its surface, and covered with a linen napkin. In a month it will acquire such a consistency that it can only be crumbled - it will no longer be possible to cut it. This is dried cheese.

How to choose and store

Adyghe cheese may have different shades from white to cream, but the taste and quality of the cheese does not change from this. The color depends on the fat content of the milk used in its production.

Industrial Adyghe cheese is sold in vacuum packed. First of all, you need to pay attention to the packaging date: the cheese must be fresh, because it is stored for only about a month.

The surface of the cheese should be moist, elastic, without a crust and without eyes. Inside the head of cheese is relatively soft. The smell of cheese should be pleasant, milky.

Fresh Adyghe cheese can not be long keep Mold may appear after a month. Cheese should be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool, dry place. Smoked Adyghe cheese is stored much longer - about six months. You can’t eat moldy Adyghe cheese: you can easily get poisoned.

Cheese "Pigtail" "Giaginsky" smoked

Cheese Kosichka is distinguished by its dense texture, layered structure and characteristic salty taste and aroma. It has the appearance of a braided pigtail. The type of product makes it beneficial in cooking, both in taste and in terms of decorating dishes. The cheese has a delicious flavor and pleasant taste. Smoking adds spice to its qualities. The dairy product is packed in convenient and practical packaging, in which it keeps its wonderful qualities for a long time. You can buy smoked cheese Pigtail from us wholesale and at a price from the manufacturer.

Cheese "Pigtail" "Giaginsky"

Cheese "Pigtail" "Giaginsky"

It contains a large amount of protein, fats with a relatively low calorie content of the product. Differs in density of a consistence, layered structure and characteristic salty taste and aroma. The dairy product is packed in convenient and practical packaging, in which it keeps its wonderful qualities for a long time. Cheese has a delicious aroma and pleasant taste.

Cheese "Hunting" "Giaginsky" smoked

Cheese "Spaghetti" "Giaginsky" smoked

Cheese "Spaghetti" is cheese threads of various shapes with a delicate milky taste. Due to the large smoking surface, it has a rich aroma. In the threads of this cheese, the natural juice and nutritional properties of whole milk are preserved. Spaghetti is simplicity and ease of use. Produced in a modern, convenient, high-tech, hermetic packaging, which allows you to keep the product fresh and tasty for a long time.

Cheese "Spaghetti" "Giaginsky"

Cheese "Spaghetti" "Giaginsky"

Produced from natural domestic raw materials using the latest technologies. The finished product looks like a thin flexible straw. Differs in density of a consistence, layered structure and characteristic salty taste and aroma. The dairy product is packaged in convenient and practical packaging, in which it keeps its useful qualities for a long time. Cheese has a delicious aroma and pleasant taste. We can buy cheese in bulk and at a price from the manufacturer.

Cheese "Balykovy" "Giaginsky" smoked

The creamy taste is perfectly balanced, combined with the taste of smoked cheese and balyk, the texture is elastic, tender, homogeneous. The cheese is smoked on natural wood chips and then it is packed in practical packaging with a high degree of tightness, thanks to which the cheese remains fresh and tasty for a long time. . The dairy product has a wonderful aroma and pleasant taste due to the production of the product from whole milk and using a special technology. We offer to buy smoked Balykovy cheese in bulk, at a low price from the manufacturer

Cheese "Balykovy" "fresh"

Cheese "Balykovy" "fresh"

Balykovy cheese is a cross between cheese sticks and suluguni cheese. Differs in density of a consistence, layered structure and characteristic salty taste and aroma. The dairy product is packaged in convenient and practical packaging, in which it keeps its useful qualities for a long time. Cheese has a delicious aroma and pleasant taste. Balyk is used both raw and smoked, as an appetizer for foamy, second courses. We can buy cheese in bulk and at a price from the manufacturer.

Cheese "Adyghe"

Cheese "Adyghe"

Adyghe cheese is created from high-quality milk coagulated with whey. The cheese has a characteristic sour-milk taste and a soft curdled texture. The composition includes three components - whole milk, salt and sourdough. The product is very important for health with its correct combination of amino acids and a significant amount of protein. Cheese is perfect for salads, pastries and snacks because of its unique sour taste and smell. The dairy product has a pleasant aroma and, in combination with fruit and berry recipe creates a delicious dessert with a creamy taste. Here you can buy homemade Adyghe cheese in bulk at a bargain price.

Cheese "Adyghe" heads

Cheese "Adyghe" heads

Adyghe cheese is brewed from the highest quality milk, which is curdled on whey. Homemade cheese is characterized by its sour-milk taste, round shape of the cheese head and soft curdled texture. The product is made from three components - whole milk, salt and sourdough. Adyghe cheese is very important for health with its correct balance of amino acids and the right amount of protein. Cheese is great in salads, pastries and snacks because of its unique taste and aroma. It has a pleasant smell and, in combination with a fruit and berry recipe, creates a wonderful creamy dessert. We offer wholesale Adyghe cheese heads, which you can buy from the manufacturer at the best price.

Cheese "Adyghe" smoked

Cheese "Adyghe" smoked

Adyghe smoked cheese is prepared according to the proven technology of milk coagulation with whey and smoking on natural wood chips. It is characterized by a round shape and golden color. Which gives it just smoking on natural wood chips. The same procedure gives the dairy product a unique, piquant taste. The product is extremely beneficial for health due to its correct combination of the balance of amino acids and the protein component. We offer to buy delicious smoked Adyghe cheese in bulk. You will be pleased with its quality and reasonable price.

Cheese "Adyghe Domashniy"

Cheese "Adyghe Domashniy"

Homemade Adyghe cheese is brewed according to a folk Adyghe recipe, which was handed over to the Giaginsky plant by one of the residents of the venerable age of the Republic of Adygea. Her image is reflected on the label of this cheese. Taste homemade cheese has a milky taste, lightly salted and delicate texture. The product is perfect for daily morning meals and just snacks due to its amazing taste and aroma. We offer to buy homemade Adyghe cheese in bulk at a nice price.

Cheese "Suluguni" 350g

Cheese "Suluguni" 350g

Suluguni cheese is made using a special technology that provides a characteristic milky taste and layered dough. In the technology of the creation process, the cheese is melted, which gives it a special sour-milk taste. The product is rich in vitamins and minerals. The cheese is made from whole milk and has a soft texture. It is perfect as an independent dish and as an addition to other culinary creations. The dairy product is suitable for baking meat, fish and vegetable dishes. It melts beautifully and gives its taste to the final dish. We offer wholesale homemade Suluguni cheese. It is very healthy, tasty and perfectly combined in various recipes.

Cheese "Suluguni" heads

Cheese "Suluguni" heads

Suluguni cheese has a special manufacturing technology, it allows you to achieve an interesting milky taste and layering of the dough. The product acquires a pleasant sour-milk taste due to melting during production. Cheese is rich in important vitamins and minerals. It is produced from high quality milk and has a mild level of density. The dairy product is suitable both for independent use and in combination with other dishes as an additive. It can bake meat, fish and vegetables. The product melts well and saturates any culinary creativity with its taste and aroma. We offer to buy heads of homemade Suluguni cheese in bulk at a nice price.

Cheese Chechil

Cheese Chechil

Chechil cheese has a soft fibrous structure, delicate salty milky taste. Taste qualities make it related to homemade cheeses. It is made from whole milk without impurities and processing, which makes its taste unique. The cheese is even more layered than, which is achieved through a special production technology. The product is of outstanding quality and practical packaging that allows you to properly preserve freshness. The dairy product is great for adding to snacks, soups and salads, we also recommend trying it lightly fried in a pan. You can buy Chechil cheese in bulk from us. You will receive a wonderful product directly from the manufacturer.

Pigtail cheese, based on the name, has a recognizable shape in the form of a braided pigtail. Cheese has an aesthetic appearance, which makes it suitable not only for eating, but also for decorating various dishes. Smoking gives it a unique aroma and a spicy salty taste. The aroma and taste make the cheese an excellent snack. The product has a convenient packaging with proper tightness, which preserves the taste and freshness of the product. You can buy smoked cheese Pigtail from us, in Darfresh packaging, wholesale and at low prices from the manufacturer.

Cheese "Hunter" smoked

Cheese "Hunter" smoked

Cheese Okhotnichiy has a creamy taste and an interesting form of release. The cheese is smoked on natural wood chips and then it is packed in practical packaging with a high degree of tightness, thanks to which the cheese remains fresh and tasty for a long time. The product has a practical stick shape. Shape and packaging make Okhotnichy cheese good choice as a travel snack. The dairy product has a wonderful aroma and pleasant taste due to the production of the product from whole milk and using a special technology. We offer to buy Okhotnichiy smoked cheese in bulk at a low price from the manufacturer.