Walnut. Calorie content of young walnuts, churchkhela and walnut jam

It is one of the most ancient products on the planet. Its homeland is considered the territory of modern Iran. Since ancient times, this nut has been called "royal", since only noble persons ate it. Until some time, this fruit was not available to the poor.

It is known that the daily use of such nuts contributes to a significant increase in brain activity. It is included in the mandatory diet of people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle and monitor their weight. Despite the high fat content, this product is widely used in the preparation of various diets. You can learn about the calorie content of a walnut (1 piece and 100 g) from our article. Here we will talk about the benefits of this nut, including for weight loss.

Calorie content of walnuts (per 100 g)

Many dieters try to avoid such a high-calorie product as a walnut. It seems to them that it is enough to eat one small nut, and all their efforts will be in vain.

The calorie content of walnuts is certainly high and amounts to 654 kcal (in 100 grams). But do not be afraid of this number. In fact, 100 grams is about 50 nuts. Even an adult can not eat such a quantity of such high-calorie fruits. Also, by simple arithmetic calculations, you can find out that the weight of 1 nut is 5 g. From here you can also understand how many calories are in one walnut. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Walnut: calories per 1 walnut

Doctors and nutritionists believe that the norm of eating nuts per day is 4-6 pieces. Thus, eating 50 pieces or 100 g of this product is not necessary at all. With such uncontrolled use, only walnuts can bring harm.

The calorie content of 1 nut is calculated from the total calorie content per 100 g. It is already known that 100 g contains 654 kcal, that is, 6.54 kcal per 1 g. One walnut weighs about 5 g. Thus, the value of 6.54 is multiplied by 5 g and we get the calorie content of 1 nut, which is equal to 32.7 kcal. From here you can calculate the daily rate.

Without harm to the figure, a person can eat 4-6 pieces of a product such as a walnut. Calorie 1 pc. is 32.7 kcal, which means that the calorie content of 4-6 nuts will be equal to 132-196 kcal. Such a number of calories will not bring significant harm to the figure, but there will be a lot of benefits from eating nuts.

The nutritional value

Since ancient times, walnuts have been used as a medicine, without thinking at all about its calorie content. It contains an almost complete set of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are not produced by the body itself, but are very important for its normal functioning, and many other useful components. The B vitamins, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc are found in high amounts in walnuts, and vitamin E makes this product especially rich in antioxidants. It contains 50 times more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) than citrus fruits.

The special uniqueness of the walnut lies in the fact that it contains This is a completely unique compound that not only protects healthy cells of the body from possible infection with cancer, but also disinfects the sick. That's how useful a walnut is. The calorie content of 1 nut is only 32.7 kcal. Proteins in 100 grams of walnuts contain about 15 g, fat - 65 g, and carbohydrates - only 7 g.

Beneficial features

For the body is as follows:

  1. With regular use of walnuts, brain function improves. Thanks to increased blood flow, more oxygen and nutrients are supplied to it, which contributes to its normal functioning. Including they are recommended for use by schoolchildren.
  2. Walnuts also help athletes withstand heavy physical exertion (1 piece, the calorie content of which is 32.7 kcal, increases energy several times).
  3. Nuts are useful for the prevention of anemia, heart and thyroid diseases. The magnesium contained in them helps to reduce nervous excitability, and dietary fiber helps to improve bowel function.

Despite the high calorie content, walnuts must be present in the diet of every healthy person.

Harm and contraindications

Harm from the use of walnuts can only be associated with an allergy to this product, which leads to rashes on the skin and oral mucosa. Therefore, it is important to monitor the amount of nuts eaten. In addition, excessive consumption of this product can lead to brain spasm. The norm is 4-6 nuts per day.

How important is the calorie content of 1 walnut for weight loss?

Despite the high calorie content, in one of the well-known diets, walnuts are recommended to completely replace all animal fats. As you know, any body, even during weight loss, needs fats. But, in addition to this, nuts also contain a lot of useful substances that fight bad cholesterol. So, such fats will be much more useful than animal origin. But this is not all the benefits that a walnut can bring during a diet.

The calorie content of 1 nut, as you know, is 32.7 kcal, and the amount of fat in 5 g (1 nut) is 3.26 g. Calculating this is elementary, given that 100 grams of nuts contain 65.2 g of fat. 4-6 pieces, which doctors recommend eating daily, contain 13-19 g of fat, while the norm for a healthy person is 40 g.

All these calculations allow us to conclude that walnuts are good for the body and can be eaten even during a diet.

Nut calories: 560 kcal*
*average value per 100 grams, depends on the type of nuts

Nuts are tasty and healthy fruits of some shrubs and trees. By the amount of protein, they adequately replace meat products. A rich complex of vitamins (groups B, E, PP) and minerals (calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, selenium and phosphorus) makes them indispensable components of a healthy diet, despite their rather high calorie content.

Which is more nutritious - walnuts or almonds

Calories in almonds and walnuts are significantly different - 576 and 654 kcal, respectively. Almonds are considered very useful, especially for the health of the female body. Since ancient times, this fruit has been a symbol of abundance and divine approval. Not without reason, in many countries, almonds are put in a festive Christmas cake, wishing well-being to those who have eaten a piece of unusual delicacy.

In cooking, sweet almonds are popular with a calorie content of 645 kcal per 100 g.

Walnuts are leaders in the amount of protein, vegetarians prefer to use them instead of meat. In Russia, these fruits are known as Voloshsky or royal nuts, they are harvested in the fall, dried and eaten. all year round. Doctors recommend: 5 walnuts every day - the guarantor of health, wisdom and longevity.

How many calories in cashews and hazelnuts

The cashew homeland is Brazil, the ancient tribes ate not only the fruits of the Indian tree, but also the bark with leaves. For Russians, cashew nuts have long ceased to be exotic, sweet fruits are an indispensable component of many desserts and just a pleasant meal.

The energy value of cashews is 643 kcal. But hazelnut calories break all records - 704 kcal per 100 grams.

The fruits of the hazel plant are also called hazelnuts. They have a unique rich taste, they can be eaten fried, salted and candied, in addition, hazelnuts are raw materials for pasta and flour in the confectionery industry.

Peanuts and pistachios are a favorite treat

Green pistachios are extremely attractive to women. Creams, pastes, ice cream flavored with these fruits are the best source of energy and good mood. Coming to us from Greece, Spain, Italy or Turkey, these fruits saturate the Russian market with a wealth of flavors and aromas. Pistachio oil is also used in cosmetics.

100 g of pistachios contain 556 kcal, and raw peanuts, popular among Russians, contain 567 kcal.

Peanuts are the most affordable and widespread product in our regions. It is put in cakes, pastries, eaten salty, sweet and fried. Children adore peanut butter, the benefits of which are especially important for a growing body. Significantly lower than the Russian national product, get acquainted with the calorie content in our table.

Choose a low-calorie exotic

Roasted chestnuts, as a dish, were brought to us from Europe; in Russia, mainly decorative representatives of this species grow. The fruits are considered very satisfying, they are often compared to potatoes, although they have a low calorie content compared to other nuts, only 182 kcal. The most delicious - cooked on open fire by the winter fire.

You won’t surprise anyone with coconuts anymore, the fruits lie quietly on the shelves of supermarkets, you don’t need to fly to distant countries to get them. The value of 380 kcal allows you to enjoy this southern exotic without thinking about extra pounds.

Nut calorie table per 100 g

If you want to know how many calories are in pine nuts, peanuts or almonds, refer to the special product value table per 100 g.

The benefits of nuts for our body are invaluable and almost irreplaceable by something else. One of the most useful, but also the most high-calorie is a walnut.

It grows in the southern regions of Russia and is a large tree, the height of which reaches 35 meters. The plant has a rather thick trunk of an unusually gray color and massive pointed leaves.

The composition of the walnut

The fruits of this tree are rich in vitamin E in the form of gamma-tocopherol, which perfectly protects the heart from various diseases, and also helps to normalize blood pressure.

Nuts also contain fiber, antioxidants, potassium and other vitamins. At the same time, the content of antioxidants in walnuts was proven not so long ago and it was previously believed that only fruits, vegetables, berries and green tea are rich in them.

Beneficial features

  • Reducing the level of metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome occurs in people who have extra fat in the blood, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and simply being overweight. But if you consume about 30 grams of fruits every day for 3 months, then the risk of developing metabolic syndrome is significantly reduced.

  • Reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease.
  • Normalizes high blood pressure.

The nut contains L-arginine, which reduces faith
the rate of formation of blood clots. Due to this property, it can be safely attributed to the products required for use for hypertensive patients.

  • Strengthens bones.
  • Contains protein.

Protein is the main building material for our body, and therefore it must be consumed regularly. Walnut significantly superior to meat in protein content. That is why vegetarians always include it in their diet.

  • Contains fiber.

Fiber is necessary for our body, as it helps the digestive tract, and also allows you not to feel hungry for a long time. It is thanks to this property that the walnut is so popular among those who follow a certain diet.

  • Contains antioxidants.
  • Contains vitamin E.

Vitamin E reduces the level of oxidative processes in the body. Also, the use of this vitamin or walnut is an excellent prevention of arthritis and cataracts.

  • Contains potassium.

Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of muscles and especially the heart, and it also perfectly protects our nervous system. In 100 grams of nuts contains 22% of the daily requirement, which is most important for men.

  • Energy source.

Due to the fact that the fruits are so rich in various vitamins, they provide a lot of energy. This property is especially valuable in the process of losing weight. Despite the fact that the nut is very high in calories, it allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a longer time, which will undoubtedly affect the volume of the waist.

  • Increases brain activity.

Walnut perfectly improves memory, calms nerves, normalizes brain function. All this is due to the rich content of vitamins and lecithin. No wonder the fruits are so similar to the human brain.

  • Helps with thyroid diseases.

Walnut calories per 100 grams

The fruits of this tree are very high in calories. There are about 700 kcal per 100 grams of product. At the same time, they also contain 15.24 mg of protein and 6.7 mg of fiber.

Calories in 1 walnut

Since the weight of 7 nuts is approximately 30 grams, their calorie content will be 210 Kcal. So the energy value of 1 nut will be 30 Kcal. In total, it turns out that eating 4-6 fruits will not affect your figure in any way.

BJU walnut

For 100 grams of fruit, there are 16.2 grams of protein, 60 grams of fat and 11 grams of carbohydrates. They also contain 2 grams of ash and 4 grams of water.

Is it possible to eat walnuts when losing weight?

Despite the high calorie content of the product, it is still recommended to include walnuts in the diet while following a diet and losing weight.

Useful properties of walnut for weight loss:

  1. Due to the fact that the fruits contain vegetable protein in large quantities, it can easily replace animal fats. As a result, the level of unhealthy cholesterol in the blood will decrease significantly. In addition, this fat will not be so actively absorbed and transferred to extra pounds, of course, with moderate use.

    All the fats from the walnut will help build muscle and lose fat, providing the body with extra energy.

  2. Nuts are rich in vitamins and especially protein.. If you eat nuts at certain times of the day, and with the right products you can maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time, and reduce appetite. What will instantly affect the daily calorie intake
  3. Fiber in nuts it will help to quickly remove toxins and excess fat, as well as normalize bowel function, which can be disrupted during a diet.
  4. Since walnut helps to cope with stressful situations, then in the process of losing weight, this useful property is very useful. Indeed, most often it is stress that many try to seize with a large amount of harmful and fatty foods.
  5. If you add to your diet not only fruits, but also walnut oil, you can quickly normalize the stool. The oil has a slight laxative effect, which is also welcome during the diet.


Despite the large number of useful properties of the nut, it also has contraindications:


  • is a source of a large number of vitamins. In addition, the content of proteins and fats in this product allows you to put it on a par with products that are mandatory for consumption.
  • For vegetarians, it will be an excellent substitute for animal fats and proteins.. And for those who are overweight, walnuts will be an alternative to animal fat, the calorie content of which may be the same, but nuts will definitely lead in terms of useful properties.
  • But despite the fact that the walnut has such a large list of useful properties, should be treated with caution. For example, as a medicine or supplement to the main diet.

    If exceed daily allowance, then you can not only gain extra pounds, but also cause an allergic reaction.

  • But the amazing properties of walnuts are not only in the fruits. Walnut can be safely called waste-free. Tree bark, shells, leaves, partitions - all this is used in the treatment of various diseases. It is also very useful, albeit very high in calories, walnut oil.
  • The benefits of this plant are invaluable for our body., but, like any other medicine, it must be taken in the correct dosage. And if used in the treatment of various diseases or weight loss, then it is advisable to check the daily intake rate with a doctor or other competent specialist.

Everyone knows that nuts are tasty and healthy. It is a wonderful addition to various dishes. Yes, and as a main meal, this product is certainly good. By including this product in the diet, we will replenish the missing vitamins and minerals, and the number of calories in nuts will not resist their benefits.

There are a lot of types of this fragrant and healthy fruit. In this article, we will analyze energy value different varieties and find out how possible their use with different diets.

Composition and benefits

The calorie content of nuts is quite high, however, their nutritional properties and composition are quite suitable for replacing some foods in the diet. They include:

  • vitamins E, A, C, K and group B;
  • minerals zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • fatty acid;
  • Omega 3;
  • protein.

In addition to nutritional value, nuts are useful as a preventive measure for many diseases:

  • Strengthen the vascular system, stimulate blood flow, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Stimulate the work of the brain.
  • They have a beneficial effect on the intestines, improve the digestion of food, protect against constipation.
  • They allow you to recover after pregnancy, childbirth, operations, invigorate and improve appetite, mood.
  • Oils obtained from walnut shells have an antiseptic effect.

Nut calorie table


There are many calories in walnuts. However, this product is extremely useful for vegetarians and those who are on a diet. It contains vegetable protein, which is a building material for the body.

In addition, the fatty acids that make up this variety reduce cholesterol plaques. The walnut and its calorie content will bring harm if you use the product in large quantities. It can cause stomach blockage, nausea, and an allergic reaction.

A walnut, whose calorie content is 30 kcal, is able to replenish the supply of saturated fatty acids and mineral salts, and five of its fruits will provide the body with a daily intake of vitamin C.


Hazelnut or hazel is a delicacy familiar to everyone since childhood. Delicious and nutritious hazelnut kernels taste good and definitely have useful properties. The protein that is part of the hazel replaces meat products in the diet.

Frequent consumption of this product has a beneficial effect on immunity. Hazel is often used in the manufacture confectionery.

Pine nuts

Small nucleoli, which are obtained from cedar cones, have a delicate sweetish taste.

The calorie content of pine nuts in 100 g is high, but when the product is consumed in small quantities, rapid saturation occurs. Pine nuts are rich in fatty acids.


If nuts are among your favorite foods, but you want to lose weight, then you should opt for hazelnuts. This is a low-carb product, and the vegetable protein that is present in this product will only benefit the body. Hazelnuts will also help replace one meal.

Their calorie content is high, but with regular inclusion in the diet, you can notice how your health has improved, and the weight has remained the same. This is because hazelnuts have a rich vitamin and mineral composition: potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium and copper.

It is impossible to exceed the daily norm of hazelnuts, since this causes a spasm of the vessels of the head. It is also not indicated for children with liver disease and diabetes.


Peanuts are delicious roasted. They are often eaten thermally processed. However, in raw kernels, the content of useful and nutritious substances is higher, and the calorie content, respectively, is lower. If 100 g of peanuts contains 551 kcal, then the same 100 g of roasted nuts contains 626 kcal.

nuts almonds

You can eat a lot of almond nuts, because their taste is pleasant, and satiety does not come immediately when consumed. However, it is worth remembering that the benefits and harms of eating almonds directly depend on the amount of food eaten.

The nutritional value of almonds is quite high, but like other varieties, almonds are digested slowly and can interfere with the gastrointestinal tract. Almonds are a great addition to desserts and confectionery.


This is a rather rare variety. Macadamia nut contains rare palmitoleic acid, which has a beneficial effect on skin condition. Macadamia is high in calories and nutritional value.

There is no doubt about their usefulness. Rare species, such as, for example, pecan nuts (whose high calorie content makes it dangerous for those who are overweight) can be replaced with more familiar ones - hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds.

Calorie confectionery with nuts

The oriental sweetness Turkish delight, which came to us from faraway Turkey, is very popular among those who lose weight. The calorie content of Turkish Delight with nuts ranges from 67 to 70 kcal. in 1 piece It should be borne in mind that this indicator will depend on the variety of nuts added to the delicacy. 100 g of Turkish Delight contains 390 kcal. Calorie sherbet - 417 kcal. per 100 g. And in one chocolate candy from 400 to 600 kcal.

You should opt for less high-calorie sweets, because in order to maintain normal weight, it is better to refrain from sweets and chocolate. Churchkhela is made from fruit juices and nuts. Its nutritional value depends on the type of nut included in its composition. Most often, this sweet is prepared with walnuts or hazelnuts. The calorie content of churchkhela is 410 kcal per 100 g.

Honey baklava is another oriental sweet that has a high nutritional value. This delicacy is not suitable for everyone, because it is difficult to digest. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such a product is not recommended to eat. Yes, and the calorie content of honey baklava is quite high. There are almost 450 kcal per 100 g of the product.

Often, lovers of sweets who are faced with the problem of excess weight replace them with dried fruits. This is the right decision, since the calorie content of dried fruits is usually inferior to oriental sweets and nuts. Dates are an exception.

Calorie content of sweets with nut additives

The number of calories in a chocolate candy depends on the composition from which the candy is made. Its energy and nutritional value is related to the calorie content of the products that form the basis of the product.

Hazel in chocolate is loved by both adults and children. For 100 g of such sweets, there are 518 kcal. The number of calories in hazelnuts, doused chocolate icing, even higher and is about 600 kcal. in 100 g of the product.

The usefulness of this delicacy is highly questionable. It is best to prefer nuts without shells to sweets - they will bring more benefits, and possibly even pleasure.

Homemade products

Nuts are widely used in home cooking. Enough original delicacy- jam from young walnut fruits. Its calorie content is high, but if you compare this delicacy with other products mentioned above, then this particular dessert is preferable. 100 g of jam contains approximately 250 kcal.

Nut sauce belongs to gourmet dishes. It is very tasty and healthy, and it can be used as a seasoning for many dishes. The calorie content of the product will directly depend on the cooking recipe and on the calorie content of the nuts, of which this product made.

If the problem of excess weight is relevant, then it is better to refrain from such a dish, since nut sauce is high in calories. The same recommendations apply to treats such as nut butter or peanut butter.

How to use

Despite the high calorie content of nuts, there are certainly benefits from eating them. A small handful of one or another variety will improve the general condition of the body, affect mood, provide tone, and strengthen the vascular system.

So that nuts do not harm the body, it is necessary to observe the measure in their use. A small amount (from one to five to six pieces per day) will be quite appropriate. However, an excessive amount of such a product in the diet can lead to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and adversely affect the figure.

The calorie content of walnuts is quite high, so if you are on a diet and overweight, you should remember this. As for other varieties, they are just as good as an addition to various dishes. For example, peanuts, which are high in calories, would be appropriate in salads or sauces. Many weight loss people use nuts to replace animal protein products.

If in doubt as to whether or not nuts should be consumed during the diet, a specialist dietitian should be consulted. A doctor's consultation will help correct menu for each day and will allow you to determine how much of a product you can use daily.