What does the category of eggs mean? How to protect yourself from salmonellosis? GOST chicken eggs

I think everyone has wondered what the markings on eggs mean.
According to current Russian standards, every egg produced at a poultry farm must be marked. The first character in the labeling indicates the permissible shelf life:
The letter “D” stands for dietary egg; such eggs are sold within 7 days.
The letter "C" stands for table egg, which is implemented within 25 days.
The second sign in the marking indicates the category of the egg depending on its mass:
Third category (3) - from 35 to 44.9 g.
Second category (2) - from 45 to 54.9 g.
First category (1) - from 55 to 64.9 g.
Selected egg (O) - from 65 to 74.9 g.
Highest category (B) - 75 g or more.
Thus, the marking “SV” is indicated on table eggs of the highest category, and “D1” is indicated on dietary eggs of the first category.
Regardless of the category of chicken egg, manufacturers can give it a number of interesting properties. For example, there are eggs on the market with a bright yolk and two yolks, enriched with selenium or iodine. Also, when feeding laying hens with special mixtures of spices, you can get the original taste of eggs.

What to look for when buying chicken eggs? What is the difference between dietary and canteen? How long can eggs be stored and how to avoid salmonellosis? 9 answers to the most popular questions about this product.

1. How to read the stamp on an egg?

The letter “d” or “c” means, respectively, a dietary or table egg. The first sign on the stamp indicates the date - the day and month of the “birth” of the egg, the second - the category (and therefore its size).

2. What is the difference between a dietary egg and a table egg?

A diet egg (with a red stamp) differs from a table egg in its freshness. It must be implemented within 7 days from the moment of birth. Then, after a week, the egg goes into the table category. If the egg is initially doomed to a long life, long-term sales and, possibly, storage at sub-zero temperatures, a stamp is applied to it with blue ink.

3. How long can an egg be stored?

A table egg can be stored at room temperature up to 25 days from the moment of “birth” and up to 90 days in the refrigerator

4. Which category of eggs is better?

  • The third category is the smallest eggs (35-44.9 g).
  • The second category is medium (45-54.9 g).
  • The first category is large (55-64.9 g).
  • Selected ones (indicated by the letter “o”) are the largest (65-74.9 g).

By the way, in culinary recipes One egg is taken to be a specimen weighing 40 g, that is, an egg of the third category.

5. White or dark?

Experts have no disagreement on this matter: the color of the eggs is just a tribute to the breed of the chicken. This is a purely aesthetic point that does not in any way affect the quality of the product.

6. What are “enriched eggs”?

“Smart” eggs with iodine, “fitness” eggs with selenium, and “vitamin” eggs are increasingly appearing in stores. Enrichment of eggs with various microelements occurs through the addition of appropriate preparations to the feed of laying hens. Whether such a product is useful for you or not is an individual question - if you do not know the level of iodine in your body, it is better not to experiment with eggs enriched with this element.

7. What does “organic” mean on egg packaging?

Abroad, the appearance of this word on product packaging is strictly regulated. It means that these are eggs from chickens that have the opportunity to freely range in natural fields under the sun, which are fed exclusively with natural feed, rich in chlorophyll, and in winter - seaweed. In our country, although a resolution on sanitary and hygienic requirements for organic products was adopted (in the summer of 2008), testing for compliance with the declared standards has not yet been carried out.

All that remains is to express gratitude to those manufacturers who themselves send their products for voluntary laboratory research, for example, to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. In general, read the labels on the packaging more carefully.

8. How to protect yourself from salmonellosis?

  • Cracked eggs should not be eaten.
  • Before use, the egg should be washed with soap or soda (dried droppings are not at all a sign of an “organic” egg, but rather a consequence of poor hygiene at the poultry farm).
  • Always wash your hands with soap if you handle eggs.
  • Do not eat raw eggs and do not include them in dishes.
  • It is recommended to boil eggs for at least 10 minutes.

9. What are the storage conditions for eggs?

Eggs are stored in a cool place away from strong-smelling foods and away from raw meat. The optimal temperature is 0-5°C. To protect them from foreign odors, use an airtight tray. Experts advise storing eggs with the pointy end down - otherwise the yolk, located on the air chamber of the egg, will begin to dry out faster.

It is one of the staple foods of the population of many countries. But despite the popularity of this product, people quite often face the problem of choosing them. It turns out that chicken eggs come in several categories, each of which has its own shelf life and a lot of other information that is incomprehensible to most. Let's look at what types of eggs there are and how to choose them.

Acceptable storage period

The shelf life of a product is the first thing we usually focus on when purchasing. Chicken eggs are no exception. Depending on the time that has passed since the hen laid eggs, they are usually divided into two types: dietary and table.

Dietary "D"

Dietary specimens include: the shelf life of which does not exceed 7 days, not counting the day the hen laid eggs. However, they should not be at sub-zero temperatures. Moreover, this species must have a compacted white, an equally colored yolk, and a height of the space occupied by air of no more than 4 mm. The shell of such eggs must be clean; a small presence of dots or stripes on it is allowed.
You can recognize this product on the counter by a red stamp on the shell with the letter “D” on it. Thus, this species is not a specific variety or species - it is simply the freshest eggs.

Did you know?A laying hen produces on average 250-300 eggs in 12 months. It takes her a little more than a day to lay one egg.

Dining rooms "C"

It is customary to include specimens that are stored at living room temperature as canteens. no more than 25 days from the date of their sorting, not counting the day of their demolition, or stored in refrigerated chambers for no longer than 90 days. Such a product has a mobile yolk, low protein density and a height of space occupied by air of more than 4 mm, which, as a rule, ranges from 5 to 7 mm.
If dots and stripes are present on the shell, their total number should not occupy more than 12.5% ​​of the total surface. A blue stamp is placed on the shell of each table egg indicating the capital letter “C” and its category.

Categories of chicken eggs and their weight

So, you and I know what types of chicken eggs there are and what is their difference. Now let's try to understand their categories. The key criterion by which eggs are classified into one category or another is their eggs, therefore, according to modern GOSTs, there are 5 main categories.

Highest category (B)

Choice Egg (O)

Products in this category are slightly smaller in size and weight - from 65 to 74.9 g. Indicated on the shell or packaging with a large letter “O”.

First category (C1)

Second category (C2)

Category 2 includes those eggs that have weight from 45 to 54.9 g. Such products are usually designated by the number “2”.

Third category (C3)

Did you know?Every year, about 570 billion chicken eggs are consumed worldwide.

Thus, if you see a chicken egg on the counter with a mark on the shell “C2”, this means that it is a table egg of the second category, and the abbreviation “D1” classifies the product as a dietary product of the first category.

In addition, on store shelves you can often find products labeled "premium", "bio" and "organic control". However, we advise you not to fall for this trick of manufacturers and not to overpay extra money.
The thing is that abroad this designation implies that those who demolished them the chickens are free-range and fed exclusively with natural food. However, our GOSTs do not provide any requirements for these inscriptions, so the above text does not guarantee you anything.

It is worth noting that the manufacturer may not label any of the above types and categories at all, if at the same time he packs the products in containers with a label that shows all the information necessary for the buyer.
But the main condition is that the manufacturer must place the testicles in such packages that cannot be opened without leaving visible damage. This condition guarantees the buyer in the future that the contents of the container cannot be re-sorted or replaced.

Choosing an egg: how to protect yourself from infections

After receiving the above information, choosing eggs of the desired type and category will not be difficult.
However, when purchasing, we still advise you to pay attention to the following:

  1. First of all, check the production date, which must be present on each copy or packaging.
  2. Pay attention to the manufacturer, which is recommended to be chosen based on the distance from the factory to the counter: the shorter the product was in transit, the better.
  3. The next step is to check whether the egg is rotten. To do this, simply bring it to your ear and shake it a little. If at the same time the yolk knocks against the wall of the shell, it is better to put it aside.
  4. The storage location of the goods in the store is also important, since the products in question are susceptible to strong absorption of unpleasant odors. It is also worth paying attention to this when purchasing goods in packaging: carefully check that there are no stains or mold on it.
  5. Well, the last important argument when choosing is appearance. Make sure that there are no cracks or chips in the shell, as bacteria can penetrate through them.

I would also like to note the false opinion that has developed among the people that what bigger egg, the more useful substances it contains. In fact, large specimens are laid by older hens, so they contain much less nutrients than those laid by a young hen. Scientists call eggs of the first category the most optimal option for the human body.
However, even with such careful selection, it is not always possible to avoid infection.

Sometimes, in the hope of losing weight, we buy everything that is sold as dietary product. This is how the diet turns out to be not the most healthy, but delicious yoghurts, mayonnaise and sauces. What about a dietary egg? Can it be used in a diet for weight loss? According to GOST, an egg can be called dietary only if it goes on sale no later than 7 days from the moment the chicken laid it. In fact, the country's main standard does not impose requirements on the composition of eggs, energy value, or the ratio of proteins and fats in the product. So in this case, the prefix “dietary” simply means “fresh, suitable for eating for one week.” In stores today, another type of egg is more often found - the so-called table egg. These are chicken eggs that can be eaten within 30 days from the date of sale if stored outside the refrigerator, and up to 90 days at sub-zero temperatures.

How to distinguish a dietary egg and why it is better

A dietary egg is a rather expensive product. It is traditionally marked with a special red stamp. However, you must ensure that the egg is truly fresh. It's no secret that some modern stores may stock expired goods. If you doubt the freshness of your eggs, you can do a simple test at home. Pour in three liter jar water, add a little salt (about a tablespoon), dissolve the salt. Break an egg into a jar; if it sinks to the bottom, the product is fresh and edible. You can also eat eggs floating in the water. But if the product floats to the surface, it is best not to eat such eggs.

In fact, after a week, the egg does not spoil and simply becomes a table egg. However, sometimes you can find recommendations not to cook such eggs into scrambled eggs and not to eat them soft-boiled. Do eggs have a place in the diet?

Diet egg for weight loss

Today, a great many diets are based on eggs. There is even a study that shows that eating eggs for breakfast can reduce your appetite at lunch and dinner. Everyone knows the egg-based diet plan. But is it worth it to abuse eggs, because many nutritionists do not recommend exceeding the norm - 2 eggs per week. Typically, such advice is given to elderly people, as well as to patients with colitis, cholecystitis, and those with high cholesterol levels. Yes, the yolk of an egg contains cholesterol, but it practically does not form the same plaques that clog blood vessels. Egg white neutralizes its effect, so there is no need to worry about cholesterol from scrambled eggs.

Another question is that two ordinary eggs of average weight can cover almost half daily norm fat if you are on a low-fat diet. This is why it is advised to limit egg yolks, not proteins. Typically, people who follow a diet for weight loss are limited to one or two yolks per day. Well, well egg white can be used with almost no restrictions, especially if you are involved in fitness. After all, it contains essential amino acids, which means your muscles will fully recover after training and your metabolism will speed up. It is also important that 100 grams of protein contains a little more than 35 kcal; other sources of essential amino acids contain more calories.

Remember that fried eggs and omelette with full fat milk“potentially dangerous” precisely because of the high fat content. Therefore, “fitness omelettes” are often prepared in microwave oven or a double boiler, and spices and vegetables are added for taste. Fortunately, almost any type of seasoning can be combined with egg white. So eggs are a completely dietary product if you cook them correctly.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Evgeny Shmarov

Reading time: 13 minutes


Chicken egg is the most common food product. Eggs are consumed fresh, boiled, fried, or added to various dishes. Chicken eggs are famous for their beneficial properties, but in some cases they can harm our body.

Let's figure it out...

Types of chicken eggs, categories

In Russia, we can find two types of chicken eggs on store shelves:

  • Dietary
    Such eggs do not differ in their composition. They should be eaten within a week and are so named because they have a short shelf life. Another difference is that they can be consumed raw. Please note that they do not clean well when cooked. They must be marked “D”.
  • Dining rooms
    Their shelf life is 25 days. These eggs are best consumed boiled or fried. They are marked “C”.

Based on weight and size, chicken eggs are divided into:

  • Premium eggs
    According to Russian standards, they are designated “B”. They are large in size and weight - from 75 g and above.
  • Selected eggs
    Their marked designation is “O”. They are slightly smaller in size and weight - from 65 to 74.9 g.
  • 1 category
    As a rule, eggs that are categorized as table eggs. They are designated “C1”. They weigh between 55 and 64.9 g.
  • 2 categories – “C2”
    They weigh 45-54.9 g.
  • 3 categories – “C3”
    They weigh from 35 to 44.9 g.

Regardless of these classifications, manufacturers today offer a wide variety of types of eggs. For example, enriched iodine, selenium and even double yolks.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of a chicken egg - yolk and white

Let's consider the energy value of various eggs:

  • 100 g of raw chicken egg contains 157 kcal.
  • The same amount of boiled egg contains 158.7 kcal.
  • A 100 g serving of fried eggs without oil contains 174.6 kcal.

Note that 1 chicken egg weighs approximately 47 g. Its calorie content is 73.8 kcal.

Let's consider nutritional value raw chicken egg

100 g includes:

  • 12.7 g protein.
  • 11.5 g fat.
  • 0.7 g carbohydrates.
  • 74.1 g water.
  • 3 g unsaturated fatty acids.
  • 570 mg cholesterol.
  • 0.7 g mono and disaccharides.
  • 1 g of ash.

It also contains vitamins:

  • Choline – 251 mg.
  • E – 2 mg.
  • A – 0.25 mg.
  • RR – 0.19 mg.
  • Beta-carotene – 0.06 mg.
  • D – 2.2 mcg.
  • Biotin (H) – 20.2 mcg.
  • K – 0.3 mcg.
  • A (RE) – 260 mcg.
  • B vitamins: thiamine (B1) – 0.07 mg, riboflavin (B2) – 0.44 mg, pantothenic acid (B5) – 1.3 mg, pyridoxine (B6) – 0.14 mg, folic acid (B9) – 7 mcg, B12 – 0.52 mcg.

Also in the same there are vital elements:

  • Macronutrients: 192 mg phosphorus, 176 mg sulfur, 156 mg chlorine, 140 mg potassium, 134 mg sodium, 55 mg calcium and 12 mg magnesium.
  • Microelements: 2.5 mg iron, 1.11 mg zinc, 20 mcg iodine, 83 mcg copper, 0.029 mg manganese, 31.7 mcg selenium, 55 mcg fluoride, 10 mcg cobalt, 6 mcg molybdenum and 4 mcg chromium.

Composition of boiled and fried eggs slightly different from the composition of raw or fresh ones.

Food and energy value squirrel:

  • Calorie content 100 g – 44.4 kcal.
  • The white of 1 egg weighs 32 g - 14.2 kcal.
  • Water – 87.3 g.
  • Proteins – 11.1 g.
  • Ash – 0.7 g.
  • B vitamins: B2, B5, B6, B9, B12.
  • Choline and vitamin H.
  • Macro and microelements are the same as in the composition of the whole egg.

Nutritional and energy value of yolk:

  • Calorie content - 100 g contains 358 kcal.
  • The yolk of 1 egg weighs 15 g - 53.7 kcal.
  • Water – 50 g.
  • Fats – 30.87 g.
  • Proteins – 16.2 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 1.78 g.
  • Ash – 1g.
  • Vitamins, macro and microelements are the same as in the whole egg.

Who benefits from eating chicken eggs and dishes made from them?

Don't forget that a chicken is born from a chicken egg. That is why the egg contains substances and elements that are truly necessary for the growth and development of a living organism.

Let's list positive properties chicken egg

  • Well absorbed by the body, approximately 97-98%.
  • Improves mood, helps a person cope with depression and has a beneficial effect on his nervous system.
  • It is useful for women, as it prevents the development of cancer. The likelihood of tumors occurring in females is reduced to 24%.
  • It is recommended to consume 2-3 eggs per day as they may cause breast cancer.
  • Helps the body cope with sclerosis.
  • Improves memory and mental performance, nourishes the brain.
  • Normalizes liver function, removes toxins and waste.
  • Improves vision, prevents the development of cataracts.
  • Restores the process of production of sex hormones. Eggs are especially beneficial for men, as they improve sperm quality. You can eat 2 pieces per day.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the body's circulatory system. Helps blood clot, dissolves plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Useful for pregnant women - all the beneficial substances will be transferred to the unborn baby, which will prevent the development of defects and diseases.
  • Due to the calcium it contains, it strengthens bones, joints and teeth.
  • Stimulates the immune system, helps the body cope with infectious and viral diseases.
  • Promotes weight loss as it contains proteins. They don't make us feel hungry. To lose weight quickly, you should eat boiled eggs in the morning.
  • It is also recommended to use eggshells. It contains more vitamins than the egg itself. It is recommended to eat crushed shells in courses of 15-20 days, no more than twice a year.

Note that All types of eggs have the above properties. But the healthiest thing is boiled.

Harm of chicken eggs and contraindications

Chicken eggs can be harmful to the body for several reasons.

  • They contain large amounts of cholesterol. However, to prevent its level in the blood from rising, you can eat only 2 eggs a day or eat only protein. Doctors advise: to overcome the disease, it is better to eat eggs along with foods that contain antioxidants and reduce the resulting “bad” cholesterol.
  • A raw egg may contain a harmful microbe - salmonella. Once it enters the human body, it quickly begins to develop. Its action leads to blood poisoning, unpleasant intestinal diseases and even typhoid. To prevent an ordinary chicken egg from leading to such diseases, you should wash it with soap and not eat it raw.
  • Diabetic patients should not eat eggs. Doctors have determined that diabetics who consume chicken eggs double their risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • Eating more than 7 eggs per week leads to premature death in middle-aged men. Research by scientists has shown that the risk of death increases by 23% and it directly depends on the formation of fatty plaques in the blood vessels.

Chicken eggs in the diet of children, nursing mothers, pregnant women, allergy sufferers, diabetics - SF answers all questions

At what age can a child be given a chicken egg?

  • From 9 months, yolk may appear in a baby’s diet, and white – from 2 years, as it often causes allergies.

Are chicken eggs good for diabetes?

  • Chicken eggs are not the main product on the menu for diabetics. It is better to avoid it, since its hypoglycemic index is average - 48.
  • In some cases, doctors allow you to eat boiled egg, but not fried or raw, and add vegetables and herbs to the dish that lower blood sugar levels.
  • You can only have 1 egg per day.

Can children or adults be allergic to chicken eggs?

  • Only protein causes allergies, so you need to avoid it.
  • If you suffer from food allergies, then you can eat a maximum of 1 yolk per day.
  • If you have a non-food allergy, then you can take a chance and try protein. Often an adult does not respond.
  • But children should be protected from squirrels.

Are chicken eggs good for you during pregnancy?

  • By consuming chicken eggs, a pregnant woman will replenish the need for her body and the baby’s body in the required amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • Choline, included in this nutritious product, will not allow diseases, deformities and mental disabilities to appear in the fetus.
  • And the expectant mother will not gain weight, since the whites of eggs from chickens are easily digestible and are not stored in fat.
  • Nutritionists advise eating 1-2 eggs a day.

Chicken egg in the diet of a nursing mother

  • At breastfeeding Mom must adhere to a strict diet. Since a chicken egg contains protein, to which an allergy may occur, you should avoid eating eggs.
  • Some doctors recommend taking a risk and testing the child's reaction. If the baby does not develop a rash, then the nursing mother can safely use this product.

Chicken eggs in the diet - selection, preparation and storage rules

The most popular and delicious dishes from eggs

  • Boiled egg - hard-boiled, soft-boiled
  • Egg omelette
  • Egg white omelet
  • Eggs stuffed with pate, cream or salad
  • Olivier salad with egg
  • Egg pancakes
  • Gogol-mogol
  • Ice cream made with milk and chicken eggs
  • Pudding
  • Liver soufflé with egg
  • Egg noodles
  • Choux pastry for eclairs
  • Egg custard for cakes
  • Chinese marinated eggs

Of course, eggs can be consumed not only boiled. Cooks often experiment and serve omelette with different fillings. For example, egg, broccoli or mushrooms. This dish is suitable for both adults and children over three years old.

How to choose the right chicken eggs when buying?

Choosing chicken eggs is not difficult.

Please note that:

  • The packaging and eggs were marked designations.
  • Not exceeded best before date.
  • The eggs were clean, free of feathers and droppings. As a rule, dirty eggs arrive at the store without being sanitized.
  • There was no “scramble” in the egg. The yolk will dangle in the egg if it is rotten.

Do white and brown eggs differ in taste and composition?

The composition of eggs does not depend on their color. White hens lay white eggs, while brown hens lay brown or beige eggs.

How to check the freshness of chicken eggs at home?

Let's tell you about a little ingenious trick that many housewives use. Place a fresh egg in a glass of water. If it:

  • Floats on the bottom, then the chicken laid it 3-4 days ago.
  • Located in a vertical position at the bottom, it was demolished a week ago.
  • It pops up, then – more than a week ago.

How to separate the yolk from the white?

There are several ways separating the yolk from the white.

  • For this process to proceed correctly and quickly, you should break the egg in half.
  • Then pour the yolk from one halves to the other, holding them over a bowl.

Is it possible to eat eggs with blood?

  • Notice the blood stained eggs can be consumed. They were formed during the separation of the yolk from a chicken's ovary - a blood vessel burst. This phenomenon often occurs in brown laying hens.
  • Eggs in which a large blood ring is visible around the yolk - the circulatory system of the embryo, not worth using.

How to properly boil a hard-boiled and soft-boiled egg?

Let's list a few tricks that will help housewives:

  • The boiling time for a soft-boiled egg is 3 minutes.
  • To make it “hard boiled”, cook for 7 minutes.

How to boil eggs without them bursting?

Eggs often burst when boiled. Add salt to the water and cook them over low heat.

What can you do to make boiled eggs easy to peel?

To ensure that eggs clean well, immerse them in cold water after boiling.

How to cook poached eggs?

To boil an egg poached:

  1. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water.
  2. Bring to a boil and swirl the water into the funnel with a spoon.
  3. Pour in slowly broken egg from a bowl.
  4. Cook for 2 minutes.

How to determine whether an egg is boiled or raw?

You can tell whether an egg is boiled or raw by rolling it on the table. The boiled spins for a long time and evenly, while the raw one stops quickly.

How to store chicken eggs at home and for how long?

As for storing chicken eggs, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • Store eggs in the refrigerator near the back wall. Before putting them in the mold, be sure to wash and wipe dry.
  • Store separately from other products. For example, if you put an egg with fragrant tangerines, it will be saturated with this smell through the pores.
  • Unpeeled boiled eggs should be eaten within 4 days.
  • Separated protein can stay fresh for 2 days.